6 Discoveries from Near and Far: Volume XXVIII
Things I found on long walks in foreign cities, or perhaps when someone posted them on Twitter.
Things I found on long walks in foreign cities, or perhaps when someone posted them on Twitter.
"Debt is publicly enforced and highly stigmatized, but is almost always privately experienced."After filing for bankruptcy herself, photographer Brittany M. Powell is traveling across America to interview other people struggling with unexpected debt. I love this multifaceted, non-judgmental project (originally on Kickstarter -- now closed after a successful end). Debt Portrait #28, Detroit, MI 2014
Things I found on long walks in foreign cities, or perhaps when someone posted them on Twitter.
File under: ultimate collage art.
I recently stumbled on these amazing maps by Japanese artist Sohei Nishino. For each of them, he uses up to 4,000 photographs, culling and cutting them into the finished product. I’m a sucker for great maps, and I always love seeing when someone devotes years of their life to producing a specific craft. Put those things together, and you’ve got my attention.
Things I found on long walks in foreign cities, or perhaps when someone posted them on Twitter.
Things I found on long walks in foreign cities or perhaps when someone posted them on Twitter.
Read MoreThings I found on long walks through foreign cities, or perhaps when someone posted them on Twitter
Read MoreThings I found on long walks in foreign cities, or perhaps when someone posted them on Twitter.
Read MoreThings I found on long walks in foreign cities, or perhaps when someone posted them on Twitter.
Read MoreThings I found on long walks in foreign cities or perhaps when someone posted them on Twitter
Read MoreThings I found on long walks in foreign cities and perhaps when someone posted them in Twitter.
Read MoreI. Around the World Things I found on long walks in foreign cities, or perhaps when someone posted them on Twitter. One Man’s Long Ride Across the Americas from Calgary to Brazil — An epic, two-year journey on horseback The Literary Salon in a Brooklyn Bar — When next in NYC, have a drink and…
Read MoreThings I've found on long walks in foreign cities, or perhaps when someone posted them on Twitter.
Read MoreThings I found on long walks in foreign cities, or perhaps when someone posted them on Twitter
Read MoreI spend a lot of time in nice airports—and plenty of not-so-nice ones, too. But seeing these photos from war photographer Michael Christopher Brown made me reflect on my days as an aid worker in West Africa. While flying around the region, I saw plenty of abandoned planes on derelict runways. The airlines changed names…
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