279 Days to Overnight Success

Friends and readers, here is my second manifesto, 279 Days to Overnight Success.
It tells the story of this web site, but more importantly, it offers 11,000 words of free advice on how to create your own success with your own project. I offer this information freely, but please use it wisely.
(Free PDF – be sure to update to the most recent version of Adobe Reader)
Who It’s For
Bloggers, writers, online artists, and anyone otherwise interested in creating a new career or expanding their influence using social media. If you want your online presence to grow far beyond what it is now, read and apply.
What You’ll Learn
- How I Became a Full-Time Writer in 279 Days
- The Complete Revenue Estimate for My Personal Blog in 2009
- The World Domination Strategy for Establishing Your Brand
- Avoiding the Vampires who Want You to Fail
- Why Adsense (and most other Web Advertising) Sucks
- How to Skip Viral Marketing and Still Get All the Traffic You Need
Is It Helpful? Two Simple Requests
1) Let me know. Share your feedback in the comments section or write me directly.
2) Help spread the word. Pass this along to the entire universe. OK, maybe not the whole universe, but you know… all of your friends would be good. Feel free to start with your preferred social network or your blog.
Thanks! I can’t wait to hear about your own overnight success.
*Also see: How to Start a Successful Blog in 15 Minutes or Less.
Thanks, Chris! I’ve been waiting for it to show up on your website since the morning (I’m in Poland now, so it’s already afternoon here) – just made some tea and I’m ready to dive in!
Thank you for your website, by the way, your advice has been very helpful in my own little ventures.
Thanks, Ola! You’re the very first one to comment – glad to hear you’re reading from Poland.
Putting the word out on Twitter. I wish everyone would do this — similar to how post-punk records would print the costs, studios, contact and distribution data on their sleeves, so that everyone knew how to do it. Each a kind of DIY information manual. Such an act of generosity. I’ll add a small review once I’ve read it.
Chris – What you have written here is beyond amazing. This will be a document that will become the standard go-to guide for people that, thanks to your straightforward advice and attitude, want to pursue their dreams. But more importantly, I think this is going to be latched onto as one of the key methods of understanding the world of blogging, creativity, money, making a living, and how the rules have completely changed in (literally) the last 48 months. I’m speechless.
Thanks for your hard work.
I’m having some problems viewing this 🙁
“Cannot extract the embedded font ‘VXFEOL+Bodoni-Poster’. Some characters may not display or print correctly.”
Is it just me?
Thanks for posting this Chris. I’ll looking forward to reading it. Your first manifesto was great and I’m sure this one will be just as good, if not better — especially for bloggers.
@Jason and @Jason,
Thanks guys, I’m honored. So glad you like it!
Sorry for the technical difficulties – no, you’re not the only one. We’ll check on the font issue today, but first, make sure you have the latest version of Adobe Reader (9.1.0). Once you update, it should work better.
Hmm… I never noticed, but do email notifications go out much later or something? I usually read via email (on my ipod) but I haven’t gotten one about this yet. I was excited to read it though, so I came to the site directly instead 🙂
Wow! Thanks again, Chris!
In the Media Coverage you did not mention Seth’s linking to the last manifesto. Some of the comments I read under it people said that they came from Seth’s blog and I believe he is a media of his own.
It was an awesome read! I’ll spread it around!
And Reese, the design and especially the cover are insane!
Good job.
P.S. Another question. You only have StumbleUpon under your posts, why don’t you add TwitThis and E-Mail to a friend? I always wondered.
In this case I delayed the email notice to check on the technical problem. Most of the time the email, RSS, and posting are simultaneous.
Speaking of technical issues, most people who are reporting difficulty have been able to correct the problem by updating to the latest version (9) of Adobe Reader. Preview on Mac also works fine.
Re: Seth – well, in the media section for this one I was mostly writing about traditional media (NYT, etc.). I certainly agree that Seth is a one-man media show of his own, and his link last time definitely helped me.
Re: Additional Icons – I might add an email-a-friend link, but I also like to keep things simple.
Hi Chris,
I’m Vinodh from Bangalore, India.
The first manifesto made a huge impact on me…. was looking forward for this one. I love your writing.. Keep writing and rocking the world…
Thanks Chris, I look forward to reading this!
Chris, thank you for this. I look forward to diving into it! I’ve only scanned threw it – the layout is awesome.
Hi Chris, I noticed you’re being a lot more responsive to comments:) I take it you’re in Portland these days?
My question is, do you think changing the world is an activity that’s inherently marginalized, by which I mean if the number of people who want to do it exceeds a “tipping point”, it will cease to be feasible? I’m thinking of how each of us is entitled to different and possibly clashing beliefs (pro-life vs. pro-choice, vegan vs. meat-lover, pro-war vs. anti-war, etc.) My definition of changing the world is “convincing a sizable population to buy into your beliefs and forcing public policies to change accordingly, presumably for a better world”. Then there’ll be a competition of beliefs and people who advertise them. And we all know the good and the bad things that come with competition – just look back on 20th century American history.
I’m not sure if I’m making sense here, but I’ve been wondering about it for a while so I thought I’d throw it out there and hope it catches on with you:)
Awesome Chris, you’ve got a press set up and you are establish one hell of an authority presence. You are a case study of excellence my friend.
You’ve been stumbled and twittered Chris! Thanks for the download.
I just started reading this and think the design is freakin’ awesome! What a way to use Adobe. What a way to use the SCREEN. You say 79 pages and we think conventional 8.5 x 11 inch pages and having to scroll from top of page to bottom, etc. And what you have instead is 79 screens. All I have to do is roll my scroll wheel 1 click and I’m on a new page. I’m going on and on because this is the first time I’ve seen someone use Adobe this way. It’s a revolution, man!
How very non-conformist. And how sensible.
Thanks Chris for once again great content. It gives me lots of things to think about and hard and fast information as to the steps to take to be successful.
Keep it up!
Brilliant! I read the whole thing this morning. This manifesto answered a lot of questions and got me fired up to start something on my own.
Now I just need to narrow down my list of options…
Yay! Downloaded the newest Adobe, now downloading the manifesto.
It’s staggering how much value you offer us.
Loved It. Brilliant. Well Done. Really Positive. I enjoyed Reading this and it was very helpful. -Bethan
Friends, thanks so much!
Yes, I do try to respond in the comments, but sometimes I get behind while overseas or when there are a lot of things going on. I think I’ll save your question for a future post or video update, OK? It’s a good one.
Also, the layout for 279 Days –
I think most of you know @reese by now, but if not, she is 100% responsible for the nice layout of the report (also the site). Credit where credit is due!
Wanted to add my voice to the growing chorus of praise and approval, Chris. Providing the content you provide and speaking up for nonconformity has really helped me know that there are other folks out there that want to live a life of significance and influence. It’s all about touching other people, and honestly, 279 days touched me. Thanks!
Congrats on getting this finished Chris! And kudos for offering such a large amount of content free of charge – the more of this sort of information trading the better 🙂 Looking forward to having a read once these assignments are finished.
Thanks for putting this and all the rest of the wonderful information you post regularly out there. I’m gearing up for a couple of new projects starting this summer and there’s certainly a lot of good advice for me here.
-Jim E
This is a wonderful piece of work. Very useful, thoughtful, and well-written. I have to agree with you wholeheartedly about Adsense. They’re tacky; they detract from and dilute your value. I like the idea of starting somewhat broad and allowing your readers to help clarify what to focus in. At the same time, I would suggest being careful about the topic you choose to do your work in. About 9 months ago I began a blog and ultimately failed because – although the topic was interesting to me – it wasn’t something I could revolve my work around indefinitely. I ran out of steam and things to say. If I had started with a topic I had much more passion for, and started more broadly, I would have been able to keep developing content with readers who could help me focus on where I could provide them the most value.
Thank you for your new Manifesto. It’s fantastic.
Thanks for another great manifesto Chris! I read it right away since I’m impatient and my boss is out of the office… Maybe I really will start a blog one of these days. As Brandon mentions, I worry about my choice of subject and wonder whether I’ll be able to sustain the topic I’m leaning towards for several years.
Chris, thanks for the honesty in your report (and I agree with other commenters about the great design!). Your points should help a lot of people become both enthusiastic and realistic about such a big life change.
You covered nasty comments from strangers well. If you’ve had any experience dealing with friends, that would also be helpful to see in a future post or other publication.
Basically, my business has gotten more successful, while many of my friends are still struggling, piecing together part-time jobs. My business is now 100% online and I’m starting to travel more, sometimes on my own and sometimes paid for by a client.
When I get excited about a trip, at least one friend tries to get invited along, and they seem more than half serious (they describe how they’ll help me, they point out that they speak the language where I’m going, etc.). My answer is no because I love the flexibility of traveling alone, I’ve often got a busy work schedule while I travel, and my friends wouldn’t be able to pay their way.
Some of them also make hints that I should hire them although they don’t have the business or tech skills I would need and I’m not in a position to hire anyone. Before, it was just a matter of them not understanding what I do (“something on the internet”). Now there’s a bigger gulf because I have a new outlook and opportunities that they feel they don’t have.
As a result, when I’m excited about a new project or trip, I stifle my enthusiasm around my friends because I’m tired of saying “no” to the requests that follow and because I don’t want them to get jealous.
I still buy my clothes at thrift shops. I still drive a crap car. I actually have less money than some of my friends. I’m nowhere near rich or gloating. But it looks like I’m going to be shifting some of my socializing to a different group so I don’t have to wall off my business and travel adventures from the rest of my life.
So basically it could be helpful for people to realize that as they get closer to their goals, they might be leaving a few friends behind.
Thanks Chris —
Thanks @reese —
Just began the ‘read’ but wanted to express my appreciation to you both.
A splendid follow-up to A Brief Guide to World Domination. Bring candid is certainly one of your strong suits. I’ll be forwarding this on!
Just read the full guide (in my cubicle at work—I know, I’m working on it). Loved it. I especially appreciated the honesty about your earnings and time put into it. In the future, I would like it if you explained your writing process in depth, as I’m trying to finetune mine. Great work, Chris, I hope your readership grows because this blog truly serves the people of the world.
Spot on yet again! Thanks for the reminders. Others have stated my appreciation more eloquently, so I will simply say thank you and continue dominating the world.
Wow, beautiful work, well thought out and a great read. Thank you!
Awesome Chris!
Thank you so much 🙂
Can’t wait to dig in. Just rocked it on Twitter. Lovely work!
Like Alex, I read this in my cubicle, too! Ha ha, damn the man. 😀
Really appreciate how you put it all out there. Now I just need to find my muse, and be faithful to her! I have a hard time finding an idea and sticking with it.
Chris, I’m halfway through reading your manifesto but couldn’t wait to comment. It’s a work of tremendous generosity and is one of the few sources of advice on this topic that has made me feel settled, rather than anxious, to read. Which, after all, is why most of us head toward a life of nonconformity in the first place, right? Thank you for sharing it!
Looking forward to your post! It’s kind of a big thing because I think changing the world is necessarily a one-in-a-million thing and certainly isn’t a “jump-on-the-bandwagon” thing. But admitting that would be like admitting that there’s a limit on your nonconformity campaign. Was wondering how that dilemma can be solved (or whether it’s even a dilemma at all:)
Btw, surely you know one other former university student and problogger who doesn’t have facebook – your friend Cal Newport? Unless, of course, you argue that he’s not a problogger – he’s a pro-student (?)
I can’t remember who linked me to this, but I’m terribly grateful they did. Going through your blog has been a bright spot of my day, especially with the frustrations of being your typical twentysomething in a job that doesn’t satisfy me at all. I can’t wait to start reading this! Thank you, really.
I could not wait to get into this.
Read the first 3 pages and immediately
sent the url to 22 close associates.
Great stuff.
Burt Dubin
I really enjoy your ebooks. And I absolutely love the price. You do great things, and I’ll continue to follow your blog. Thanks buddy!
Thanks again Chris. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading this e-book. It has given me new tips and motivation needed to complete my blog.
Chris –
This manifesto was amazing. I have three pages of notes all about how I need to rethink my current strategies … and I feel better poised to do the things I want to after reading this. I’ll be spreading the word, believe me … I really needed this.
I have my note pad out and am ready to dive into the manifesto. I love your posts.
My story will be more like 3 years of failures and $12,000 to become a millionaire.
Thanks, I was sent here by Guy Kawasaki on twitter. Amazing content, great blog. Thanks.
Tracy Shaffer
This is fantastic Chris! Love love LOVE it! Congratulations on an amazing ebook 🙂
Thanx Chris .. obviously a huge amount of work,late nights and caffeine .. graphics look awesome .. gonna grab a coffee myself now and read from start to finish.. have RT for you cheers @paulsaunders
Already finished it, great work! In fact, I need to go through a second time and bust out a note pad cause I have a lot of work to do! Spreading the word as fast as I can!
Thanks for sharing!
Chris, I just downloaded and immediately read all the way through. As with most of your writings it both inspires and challenges and for that I am grateful.
Love that you have a strict anti-marketing policy, that your “work” stems from the value others receive, that it is a “conversation.”
It reminds me of sampling tea here in China. There are teashops where the owner would love to do business with you, but also wants you to UNDERSTAND the tea they craft. Not just buy it; experience it. Grasp your own sense of it. Get the story of it. They ask leading questions to help you understand why this leaf is different from that one, and how different climates on the mountain it was grown will cause it to taste a certain way in the mouth. When you buy tea from these people, you are simply entering more deeply into the conversation.
Contrast this with the tea shops where all they want is some RMB from your pocket. They don’t inquire as to your experience, they tell you what you should experience. It is aggressive and empty.
I’ve had an ad free blog for Chinese medicine practitioners for a couple years now. It has been my delight to contribute to my community. Now with the 279 days manifesto I have some tools to help me make a bigger contribution, extend the conversation, and thereby open a doorway to both give more and receive in turn.
The thousand thanks for your efforts, they are appreciated in this corner of the world!
Damn you, Chris! Damn you!
I was half an hour late for a meeting because I decided to download the thing just before I left and the next thing I know I got sucked into reading the whole thing.
(Fortunately, it was the kind of meeting where one could just sneak in the back and grab some coffee and not be noticed, but STILL.)
Good stuff. I hope to make use if it in my own little realm. Thanks for sharing this with us.
Found you via hackernews.
Very interesting looking, I’m about to download it, but I thought I’d run through the comments first, praise praise, and more praise. I expect I will enjoy it, I’ve recently started my own blog, and from the sounds of it I will be using some of these strategies on it. Thanks in advance!
Loved it!
Read it in the People’s Republic of Eugene…
Chris, I don’t even know where to begin when it comes to thanking you for all of the incredible information and work that you have shared via this website. Your site has become a daily necessity for me and I am super excited to crack open 279 days to overnight success. I can honestly say that your website has changed the way I look at my life and how it relates to the world. Thank you so much.
Chris, thank you so much for this incredible work. I loved it.
Hi Chris,
I’m quite excited for this! Diving in now to read!
Well, there is no such thing as coincidence. Sitting at my desk job this afternoon and realizing I couldn’t take it anymore. Driving home and trying to figure out what strategies I need to start looking into. And then, wah-lah, I find your website via a tweet from @davelakhani.
Adding one more resource to the pile which will hopefully lift me out of my current hole. Thanks for all the hard work and free material! We’re all in this together, right?
Thanks for your insights. I appreciate your candor and the reality factor that you injected in the noise of pro-blogging!
Great article– and I love the way you sized the pages for the screen and not just 8.5 x 11
Thanks – you rock!
Thanks for posting this, it’s come at the perfect time 🙂
Awesome. You need to post this on Changethis.com as well. Many people who go there would want to see this!
Thanks for sharing your intellectual capital Chris!
Wow… just got finished reading 279 days… its two hours past bedtime but I’m really glad I broke my schedule for a night. That was awesome! You’ve really helped me re-affirm my feelings for the last two months… the landscape is changing and you can do anything you set your mind to.
Just over a month ago I quit my cubicle to work from home and grow something on my own… nobody cares about my family like I do. That is true for anyone.
Anyway, I’m really excited to check out some of the other blogs you’ve mentioned… and I’m definitely coming back here often!
Thanks for putting this out!
Thank You Chris, your insight and openness is very refreshing in this competitive world. I am working to develop a resourse blog and info guides to the new music business generation.
Your manifesto has been enlightening and also encouraging to me and I have also been following your blog for a while. I have been forwarding your articles and manifestos to many contacts. Please keep up the good work and I will soon be forging my own endeavor soon.
See you on the web!
Thanks Chris! Great read. I will be thinking about this all night.
I had troubles with the font, downloaded the new version of Adobe, and that fixed my troubles.
No offense, but when I initially opened your article, I thought it would be a struggle to get through because of length. Most manifestos I have read are boring, and packed with too much information in a non-interesting format.
How wrong I was!
This was informative in the very best of ways. Easy to read and understand, I very much enjoyed this and will be passing it on. Kudos.
Wow! Not only is this booklet amazingly inspirational, but you concluded with my favorite quote! I will definitely be sharing this with people I know.
Fantastic! Skimmed it and it looks outstanding. I can’t wait to spend some time with it and a cup of coffee. Thanks for sharing your brilliance with me 🙂
This is the best 40th birthday present you could have ever unwittingly given to me. A most-excellent, serendipitous, and timely little nudge just as my spirits were flagging. Thank you.
Thank you Chris…it’s was great and very informative..
This couldn’t come out at a more opportune time. I’m relatively new to the world of bloging and also getting to release some free downloads and products. Thanks so much for your never-ending support and valuable information. I will be recommending this to all my clients and friends!! Cheers and hope to see you on your next trip thru Asia!
It is almost 3 am and my boyfriend gave up on me going to bed when he learned that I was reading your new manifesto :-).
Have you thought about translating some of your work? Yes, English is widely spoken, but your writing may have a greater influence on people in the developing world who don’t speak (good enough) English. Brian Johnson (someone else’s blog I follow) posted a request to have some of his work translated on Facebook and within hours (or perhaps days) he got many offers to translate it … I assume for free. Just a suggestion … especially since you mentioned your first manifesto was downloaded in 120 countries.
I enjoyed reading about your journey to “overnight success” and I am impressed with your altruism. Honestly, for me, this was your first post which taught me something concrete. I am sure the Universe will reward you with a loyal and grateful audience.
Happy travels,
Hi Chris,
I just wanted to say thanks for the fantastic resource this represents. Your openness of spirit, generosity and insight has given me the little kick that I needed a time when I was starting to wonder where the hell my blogging was going.
Thanks so much.
Best wishes,
Excellent guide – taking it with me on my 2 hour train ride. Looking forward to taking in all the advice as I plan on going against the conventional wisdom of all my friends and not get a graduate career. Its people like you that have inspired me to do this.
Chris, enjoyed reading the manifesto. Attractive layout, personal and useful. Discipline is the key to most things in life! Best wishes. David
Heard about this link via Hacker News and the legendary Seth Godin.
Just downloaded.
Can’t wait to get into it as I plan to release a free ebook in the near future.
I’ll be back to post my thoughts, and they will be “real time” because I’ve just started developing my web presence.
Nice, thanks for sharing.
I am particularly interesting in the branding part.
But I’ll go thru it all anyway – all Gold I am sure.
What a gift of understanding and hope! Thanks, Chris! Even a TSA-phobe like me can dig it ;o)
This download is very helpful. I am not a blogger and don’t know this ‘community’, I am heading in that direction and the information here is helping me figure out what that direction needs to be. My lack of “business’ knowledge has hurt me as a visual artist but to be good at “business’ requires knowing what business entails and doesn’t entail. I hate alot of the web content which seems hell bent on manipulating me and taking over my brain or appealing to my worst human foibles. This material aims to build me up rather than what most of the material I see does to me. It’s encouraging. A friend sent me a link to Seth Godin’s blog. Most of the time it is way over my head or seems like a foreign language….but this material doesn’t require me to be an IBM egghead or super geek. I’ll look through it again at a slower rate after my initial scan. Thanks for a quality free product, Chris and for helping me learn something.
Brill. Thanks Chris, just what I needed to read at this point in my life.
Dear Chris,
After spending my complete working day reading your manifesto and it’s excellent insight to blogging I actually feel very well educated on the subject.
The information provided is just what I needed to research and set myself up a blog.
I have recently emigrated to South East Asia from the UK; and wanted to create a voice from here, which I will shortly have.
Many thanks for the great insight.
Good luck with the other 90+ countries on your list.
You made my day! This is the first ebook in a very long time with a beautiful layout and use of type! Congratulations, you just made it to my personal ebook hall of fame! I will recommend your site as a great example of meaningful content and great layout.
All the best!
Just downloaded and started reading. It’s got me hooked. I can’t wait to get stuck into the rest. Thanks for such an informative piece of work.
Thanks so much!
I got here through Seth Godin’s site, and have subscribed. I also wanted to say that I think your site design is absolutely beautiful!
Hi Chris
Many thanks for your advice in 279 Days, which I picked up via Seth’s post today.
I run an online showcase for the tiny independent businesses here in Brighton UK. It is used by people interested in supporting the local economy. For me, it’s about investing in the well- being of where I live.
Our site contains no advertising but it’s specific focus means the SEO is really good for the businesses and causes we support.
We were recently thinking about taking the Adsense route – just to help keep our listing prices as low as possible – but, you’re right, we can do better!
P.S. If your world travels include Brighton – get in touch & we’ll find you the best bits!
Just stumbled upon this via Seth Godin’s post. I am looking forward to reading and applying your insights to my own project. Thank you and I’ll be sure to post again after I’ve finished reading.
All the best!
Thanks for the wonderful tips Chris. You are truly generous.
Would you recommend using a hosted blogging platform such as Vox.com, WordPress.com, Blogger.com or Windows Live Spaces when starting out?
This was amazing. Bless you for your generosity! I skimmed through it and could tell it is quality stuff. Well done! Now I need to find you on Twitter. 🙂
Hey Chris,
I saw a couple of tweets from people reading your ‘279 Days’ and I was quite intrigued. This morning I received the link through a DM from Seth’s Blog and can’t wait to read what you’ve shared.
I just updated to the newest Adobe so I can see everything just fine, but it prints in landscape despite the fact that when I check my settings it says it’s portrait. Am I doing something stupid or did you intend for it to print this way?
I know I should read it on my computer and not print it, but I like to read in a comfy chair or bed & get away from the computer for once.
If you have a version that is set to print portrait and can email it to me as an attachment, maybe the formatting will hold that way.
Thanks so much for all the inspiration…
Thank you for the wonderful inspiration. I just started a blog this week so your advice will be most helpful.
Chris: This is a real achievement. Thanks for sharing. I didn’t know you before today – so you’ve got at least one new fan (and reader).
All the best,
I love the message to move to Firefox I got when this page openind in IE. Trust me. If the place I work at now used tools that are compatible with Firefox, I would be on it all the time. But I have to keep my browser of preference set to “dark ages” because the corporate wheels are still rolling through the 19th century and our customer management tools won’t work in Firefox. Brutal. But thanks for all this great info!
Came over earlier today and have been sharing it on Twitter – what an exceptional gesture of you. Thank you!
Followed you from Seth Godin’s post. Just spent the last two hours devouring your free PDF on 279 Days – totally the best and clearest information I have seen to date on the subject of blogging the right way.
Curious what your thoughts might be about putting your plan into action with a blog that is already two years old. I already have 100+ readers that subscribe (close to 300 daily unique visits) and my ‘market’ is very niche. If you have a post that deals with this very question, I haven’t found it yet, but I plan on making you a regular visit from now on so I might find it on my own.
Thank you for being generous enough to offer this kind of information for free.
Just finished reading it and I give it five stars, two thumbs up and I think my big toes are twitching, too. Great work, Chris. Warm, informative and from the heart. It’s just the reminder/kick in the pants we all (OK, *I*) need now and then. Your generosity is appreciated; your success admired.
This looks great, and came highly recommended. Can’t wait to give it a good read. Thanks, and keep up the awesome work!
Terrific work, Chris.
For anybody receiving the ‘VXFEOL+Bodoni-Poster’ error, update to the newest version of Acrobat Reader (as Chris suggests above). That worked for me…
This article was sent to me by a friend, and artist, Dave Rau, who I greatly respect as a friend and artist.
Unlike you, I have had about 60 jobs in my lifetime, and I’m about your age, slightly younger. I’ve worked for countless employers. While in art school, I remember at one point taking 15 credit hours of classes and holding three paying jobs simultaneously. I have always been chasing my dreams, it seems that my dreams were running at the speed of a cheetah, and I simply could not catch them with the obstacles in the way (employers and their dreams, or their blurry intent).
I have always wanted to change my surroundings, through art, through open-mindedness, this was in the back of my mind, and always in my thoughts during my jobs, and at school.
I’m inspired by your ideas of writing, finding your focus and simply saying, “This is what I’m going to do” and then doing it. I think the “doing it” part gets in the way of the dreams. Many people think they know what they want out of life, but they don’t “really” know. They have excuses as to why they aren’t where they want to be. There are many lessons I’ve learned in the last 3 months, when I decided to enjoy my life. Realize a passion, what is in your heart, learn by doing, be goal oriented, and with your positive and focused intent, good results will come. Also, most importantly, communicate, and surround yourself with the right people that will help you, and/or you would enjoy helping… Many people are simply afraid to help others, they are caught up in their own egos, or their own blurry intent. A great concept of your writing is your ability to “deliberately filter your readers”, people simply need to filter the negative, haltering energy out of their lives to really be satisfied. Progressive thinkers need to organize and work together to really change the world.
My current projects are focused on changing minds through media production by artist collaboration (the creation of web-sites, print designs, video, photography, design, branding, and marketing) and changing the surroundings in my own city (and eventually the world) through the exposure of art. I’m 3 months into these projects they are highly focused, but still need refinery. They will not be fully operational overnight, but I’m keeping the projects online throughout the process, so Google can get to work, and just because I think its interesting to have a live preview of unique ideas coming together. I’m confident in my marketing that people will know when the sites will be live, and informative in all aspects.
Intent, focus, confidence, wisdom, courage, patience, faith in yourself, your ideas, your surrounding energy, and in the world to understand you; these things are very important in realizing the definition of the word happiness.
Great stuff man, way to use instant global communication, Al Gore should be delighted.
Thank you sooo freakin’ much for this report! I’ve been an on-again-off-again reader for bit but after reading this, I’m in. As someone who is getting ready to open the doors on our own e-learning program, so much of what you write about in this e-book seems to tie everything together… and you’re giving it away. Amazing… true practicing what you’re preaching. Safe/happy/enlightening travels Chris.
When reading 279 Days I felt you were speaking directly to me. I am at a crossroads in my career and this gift of yours has come to me at a perfect time and I am grateful to you for that. As many people have said already the design of your book makes your content very accessible. I’m a big believer in the value of design and you have now motivated me to change the design and focus of my own site. I’ve been researching various WP themes and related things the past few months and now have the time and extra oomph to get it done! And with respect to your content, your generous gift of specific information and resources is invaluable, as so many online freebies are full of self-marketing hooey. With gratitude, Marlene
Yes I have spread the word on Twitter, Chris.
Congrats on the massively good response.
Keep making a dent in the world!
Thanks to Seth Godin for spreading the word about your book, blog, etc.! Excellent find! Thank you for sharing!!
Hey Chris, Just came across you via a link from Seth Godin’s blog. Immediately downloaded the book and skimmed it, looks great so far. From what I’ve seen love the stuff you’re writing about and what you stand for – keep it up. Look forward to seeing more
Got through it now, and it’s great.
It’s great how honest you were about your income and your feelings about some other things that most bloggers hide. I LOVED your take on adsense, I completely agree.
I would have liked to hear more about your traffic and how it was affected by the various things you did (like guest posting, press coverage, etc).
Hi Chris,
Useful manifesto. I also felt quite the same with adsense. It just doesnt suit well. I liked the examples and the part about email lists.
Keep writing and travelling ..
One more thing – I have to mention it, because I have stayed up reading them till 3:00 am. The links to the various sites are really really great.. Thanks for sharing.
Hello Chris,
Just spent most of my recess time reading your manifesto. Very thoughtfull and plenty of great concepts. A great help for anybody with some ideas for changing his life (firts step before changing the world).
Nice little manifesto you’ve got there! I appreciated it, and found a few choice nuggets of wisdom that were especially relevant to my own quest. I especially enjoyed the quote on the last page, as I do indeed get a lot of naysayers who think I’m insane (and I am, just in a good way, as I also believe the quote from George Bernard Shaw suggesting that all progress comes from the unreasonable man, or unreasonable woman in my case).
Anyway, thank you for offering your experience to us.
And, in return, as you requested, I offer you my own solution to being emotionally unattached to quantity (and quality) of my stats and comments and such. I have a policy of aiming to make everything I write a lesson for myself, so that even if no one else reads it or appreciates it, I do! Because ultimately, I’m doing this for myself, because it’s what I love to do. And while sometimes I find I have to do other things that I don’t love to do as much, my business/non-profit/mission-in-life always gets priority, simply because I know that at the end of my life, I will be able to look back on what I did with myself, and see that at least some of my time and energy were spent doing what I love!
Hi Chris,
I’m twice your age, but what you share surely resonates with me! I’m printing out all 79 pages of your second manifesto and will cozy up to the fire here in Montana to read it.
Seth Godin referred me to you via his blog… I have a very short list of people on the web that I admire, and he is tops. Congratulations for getting his attention and admiration.
Wow! Thanks, Chris! I downloaded 279 this afternoon and devoured it. It’s full of very helpful information and loaded with inspiration. Thanks for the encouragement to pursue my online dream!
I read this straight through. It truly exceeded my expectations (which were pretty high to begin with). Another gem!
Since my blog is a chronicle of two people trying to become self-employed so we can quit our jobs, this new ebook will have to be added to our required-reading list for anybody else who wants to do what we’re doing. Great material at a great price! 🙂
PS I would love to get a copy of your excel file so I can track my blog traffic using your system. (Why reinvent the wheel?)
This is one of the most generous texts I have come across on the web. If there’s anything I can do for you just email! Thank you.
Chris, thank you for the amazing article, very inspiring and feel even more empowered to move forward with my love of illustration and t-shirt designing! I think you’re very sincere and it shows with every period and comma in your writing. I will share this with everyone that I know that could benefit with this.
Keep up the great work, Chris! Can’t wait to visit with you next time we’re both in Portland at the same time.
After reading your ebook, I felt some what unsatisfied with the section about marketing yourself. Not because it was not well written, but I wish you could have expanded on it a lot more. For example:
“Publishing a “Daily Ass-Kicking,” passing on good information, and
otherwise connecting with people through Twitter.”
What did you mean by Daily ass kicking and what kind of good information do you publish and to whom?
“Sending out review copies of my products and manifestos”
How did you find out who to send it to? Did you make a list of people you wanted to connect with and how did you narrow it down?
“Reaching out to other experts, colleagues, and readers”
What kind of reaching out activities do you do?
I run an online business but I also have a personal blog and I can totally understand how easily a blog can die. My personal blog died a long time ago while I focus on my professional blog but I find that despite blogging often, I could not get the kind of the readership I want to get and I think it is largely due to the fact that I am missing the marketing piece…
Any further insights you can give would be greatly appreciated.
Just inhaled your manifesto in 30 minutes. It was exactly what I needed to read tonight. I love how you’ve boiled down what so many “internet marketing experts” say in hours of videos and hundreds of pages of pdf’s to its bare essentials.
I was most moved by 2 things: 1) your clear intention in defining success and 2) your closing quotation, “The person who says something is impossible should not interrupt the person who is doing it.”
Love that!
Thanks for continuing to have things to say, Chris!
I stumbled upon this link by accident and boy am I grateful that I did! Its not often that one sees people giving out true value for free. You Sir, have a fan for life. Thanks.
PS: You mentioned (in 279 days) that you consider yourself an introvert, how and why does an introvert decide to travel the world? It would seem that meeting people from all over is not something that would motivate an introvert.
Thanks Chris,
as Scott did, I also read it straight through, regardless of my wife calling me every 15 minutes because I have a tonn of other things to do…
What most surprised me – at the end – is that it “goes down” like a glass of fresh water when you are thirsty: all in one go, it’s refreshing and leaves you with a good feeling afterwards.
I’m new to the social media and I’m trying to find a direction in this amazing online jungle, so full of wonders but also so disorientating and time-consuming.
Most of what you wrote and of the references you put in it seem to be exactly what I was looking for, since I’m planning to start a blog myself, and I’m stuck in the “I need to know everything before I start” phase of it.
Thanks again, I come back to discover other gems like this and I’ll spread the word.
Excellent ebook, I read the whole thing straight through. As a student with a primary interest in how intangibles can be leveraged this gave me some really valuable hands-on advice on how value extraction from content can be conducted as well as providing me with some excellent input for my own blogging efforts (where we are five students that are actively contributing to the same blog). I am a newcomer to this blog but I will make sure to spread the word.
Thanks for a great read!
This is by far the best guide, manifesto, or whatever you call it that’s related to personal branding and marketing that I’ve read in a long while. I’ve been trying to do this myself since I’m a freelance digital marketing consultant here in my corner of the world.
Let me just thank you for coming up with this project because it has definitely opened my eyes to even more ways to grow my business.
You rock man.
Great content and advice. Timely, in that I am about to begin my own “unconventional journey”. The even greater part is the fact that you just gave it all away for the universe to dive into. The crusade is greater than the crusader, the message greater than the messenger. That, to me, is what I feel after reading all of your work. Give of yourself to the universe, and the universe will take care of the rest. That is also the foundation that I plan to build upon as well.
Thanks for sharing!
Chris…really appreciated what you put in to create this eBook. Some outstanding points (for anyone interested in how the web works today). Well done.
Hey Chris, I made you a little “Congratulations Video” and mentioned your free report to my 15,000+ readers at BicycleTouringPro.com. You can watch it here.
Keep up the great work!
You never know where that little push you need will come from…Thank you.
I normally don’t like PDFs like this because I always feel schmoozed or manipulated. I loved your article, though!
I sent my Wannabepublished readers your way today because I loved what you said about discipline and hard work. As a traditionally-published writer with six books out there (novels and nonfiction) and three more releasing in the next year, I’ve come to understand the value of marketing as you’ve described, particularly via the internet. And I know how creating books and articles takes a lot of discipline.
So thanks for telling the truth, for inspiring, and for giving me a few more ideas about how to generate income as a writer.
Hi Chris – I’m one of Mary Demuth’s readers. Thank you for your generosity in sharing this ebook it with us.
I am blown away at the amount of wealth you’ve handed over with this guide. Your work is so appreciated. Thank you.
Hey Chris, Love your “overnight success” piece, as well as the associated links. It was perfect timing for me to stumble across it. I now have a much clearer idea of my next steps. You should charge for this manifesto! (but I’m glad you didn’t). Keep up the great work. -Daniel
Very helpful and in keeping with the Golden Rule/positive side of internet philosophy/etiquette. Thank you for writing this, I will reread it I am sure. And all the links provided!
I have to smile about the emotional validation/self-doubt quandary, this is an age-old problem for the creative type, not merely for those on the internet.
I finished Sat AM. I have ten pages of notes of ideas and inspiration your case study gave me for my business.
Thank you for your openness in stats about what you make and the growth rate.
You are right on in giving to build your business. Offline businesses often take ten years before they make a profit. A giving mindset is so important. Steven Covey said, “Business moves at the speed of trust”. Building trust with your readership will be of greatest worth to you in the end.
I love your hard core sales pitch in the wrap-up:
• Share the manifesto
• Be awesome and change the world
You are awesome.
Not sure where to begin. Completely overwhelmed by the book and numb fingers and dry throat due to the excitement I feel after reading the eBook whilst go to ever link in the pages and coming back to it.
Most compelling point was your honesty and courage, a rarity to find.
You talk about looking at what you have achieved as remarkable and maintain this with the element of modesty, I admire this.
I look back on some of the things I have achieved in the voluntary and community sector and the lives that I have impacted but very rarely speak about these things or attempt to publicise.
Today I joined the UK Member Of parliament james purnell and other organisations to clean up a local park. Since October probation has been coming to clean up this park every week to make it accessible for local community members since it had been abandoned. Newspapers and media outlets came to take pictures, I did not have my picture taken and neither did I mingle with the crowd, I just went with my litter picker and bin bags and just cleaned; the point is little did they know that I initiated the whole clean up process with the probation service and went through all the red tape to prevent the park from being sold for commercial properties to be built on.
I have conducted community research and written reports with recommendation that have been submitted to the Home Office and filtered down to local government into how local services are shaped and delivered.
The most interest point of all is that I never finished school or went to college or University, 3 years ago I was offered to do a Masters Degree in Equal Opportunity and Diversity at the University of Central Lancashire purely on the basis of the inspiration I bought to the 1 hour interview.
I am only speaking out since I feel you are telling me to, and that I should use this voice to influence change to others for the better and if speaking out is the way to go about doing it then there is no harm in this; am I right in this understanding?
I have changed peoples lives and I want to do more and have so much more to give, I also understand that there are constraints in achieving this and I need the freedom to pursue this; the eBook has given me inspiration to move on.
What an amazing guide! Its very rare these days to have such valuable information given for free without any demand or upsell from the author.
WOW, Chris —
Except for the fact that I’m 33 years older then you – as I’ve been reading your ideas and philosophies – you are a younger me – or I’m an older you. I totally enjoyed 279 Days and gained a LOT from it for my own quest for personal freedom and time. I love it when someone as young as you figures “it” out and lives your life on your own terms. Keep on Keepin on – and I’m cheering for you to meet your globe hopping goal by 35.
Just showed up last night via Seth’s blog. Downloaded and read straight through taking notes as I went.
This is just what I needed to help provide me with direction as I grow my blog. (I’m growing steadily, but slowly so far.)
Stumbled in the hopes that it will help even more people. 🙂
In your manifesto, you help show simple methods to know how to handle the Y’s in the road and the why’s that are asked. (vs. flipping a coin)
The three P’s stand out in your manifesto.
– People, Purpose, Profit.
– Connect with the People… give value and service.
– Have clarity of Purpose and focus.
– Create a Profit as a symptom of the first two… and a plan.
I appreciate not only that you have created your measures of success but that you also offer a template for others to fill in their own blanks.
Your talent with wordsmithing is something to admire.
Thank you for the reminder of each person’s potential in “279 Days to Overnight Success”.
I have already gone back and made adjustments as a result.
“He who joyfully marches in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would suffice.” ALBERT EINSTEIN
PS Some of us “get it” but you have an ability to “say what we get”. 🙂
A friend of mine sent me the link to 279 days to overnight success. I read it in an hour. It was fantastic advice for bloggers of all ages and experiences. I’ve taken the advice and made several changes to my own personal website. I am also passing the piece along to as many people as possible. Keep up the great work.
279 may just be the thing to get me off my posterior and do something about my dreams!
Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Chris,
I especially appreciated your comments around giving to get back and following your passion (much more important than dollars).
You’ve become a favorite blog of mine and someone I look forward to following and sharing.
All the best!
Brilliant stuff Chris. I read your manifesto at the perfect time. I’ve been forced into self-employment because my employer hasn’t paid me lately.
This couldn’t have come at a better time.
I enjoy your writing and plan to purchase some of your products once I’m back on my feet.
Matthew Huggins
Hi Chris,
Thanks for working so hard on this! I’ve read the whole thing through and one thing you really have me stuck on is answering why I blog. I mean, I understand generally why I blog but you’re right to say that we need to focus that a little more and let our readers know.
Great advice and hopefully I’ll put it all into practice soon.
Thanks so much for writing this Chris, and for putting it out there free for everyone who’s interested, like me, to have access to this great information. I’m working on starting my own blog and this was EXACTLY what I needed to hear! great job.
Nice work Chris – I probably just spent an hour reading the PDF (and some of the associated links throughout), and enjoyed it.
I have recently decided to up-scale my online activities, and this is one of fortuitous series of events from the last month or so…let’s hope my streak continues!
“There may be a statue erected to a vampire somewhere, but after visiting 107 countries, I haven’t seen one yet.”
Some might accuse me of having too much time on my hands, but this made me a little curious. Haven’t seen it personally but it turns out that there is a small statue of Vlad “Dracula” Tepes in Sighisoara, Romania.
You’re a legend, mate. People need to start taking their lives back so that they have true meaning to the individual and can be lived from the heart. Keep up the good work and me and my Fight Club jackets will be along for the ride.
Chris.. thanks so much for ‘279 Days…’ There were a huge number of truths in there for me in relation to my journey… 43 in all! I actually printed it off (old school I know) and scribbled my notes all over it. Best pragmatic approach to building a web based business I’ve read… great work… thanks again Aaron
Hi Chris – I did a quick review of the report here:
Let me know / comment up if you have any thoughts!
Chris..thanks for the report.
I found you/your site through an email from ChrisG today. What a great find!
I hadn’t intended on reading your “279 Days to Overnight Success” report in its entirety. But after reading just one section that stood out to me, I went back and read it from beginning to end. And glad I did.
I do appreciate your sharing your insights, experiences, and your generosity.
Again, thanks and you are awesome.
I can’t wait to sit down and read this without interruption. This is absolutely the best thing that has happened today!
Thank you so very much.
Hey Chris,
Great read. Thanks for putting together your ideas for us to glean from.
Just as a heads up – I noticed one small typo on page 48. Here’s the sentence and the offender in brackets- Generally, your content must clearly address at least (at least) one of these needs.
It’s small like I said, and didn’t impact my experience reading the rest of your content. Thanks again.
Ack – just read your 279 days – and the part that is ringing in my head is that obsessive stat-looking can be emotionally unhealthy! I’ll drink to that! Yes, I do it waaaay too much. I know, I know, I should stop.
On another note, I saw your article “Creating a Life of Gratitude” – I read it as GRANOLA – I think reading that you now live in Portland planted that idea in my head – ha ha!
Not sure where I first came across 279 days, but I wish I’d seen it 279 days ago. Talk about bringing things back into focus for me. Thanks for all the valuable info, thanks for your love of writing and travelling. There are few things in the world that can make the unequal more equal and the unbearable more bearable than writing. Here’s to crossing paths one day as I make my own way around the world.
I just want you to know what a blessing this manifesto has been to me. I could not even begin to explain how much I really needed to hear/read this! You definitely have a new blog follower. Thank you for sharing your wonderful insight!
Just found you and took a quick scan of your book.
WoW! This is awsome and I look forward to reading everyday until I complete it. I also look forward to returning often to this site to enjoy more of your work.
Thank you for your work and for helping others as you do.
Hi Chris,
Thank you!
I’m at the point where a number of people are saying ‘You want to do WHAT?’ and ‘Do you really want to do THAT, NOW?’.
Damn right I do! And I will do it extremely well.
While I am confident in my quest, your manifesto has helped tremendously.
Chris, I am 37 years old and share your spirit for “un-conventional” living although some might argue that my life is typical middle class. I am living an extraordinary life and feel very lucky to have that privledge. I have an amazing wife, 3 kids, and we spend our free time camping, playing sports, or just flaking together. In business I am a Director and work for a large multi-national company. However, I have that “un-conventional” spirit so my mission has been to promote flexible work styles and create a corporate environment where entrepreneurs can flourish.
Not everyone can be self-employed and we can fight to make the corporate world more flexible and accomodating to a new generation of worker. A generation that demands better than status quo.
Thank-you for you writing. I will be reading.
CHris, Thanks again for writing and producing such a beautiful piece, both artistically and layout-wise, but also in it’s philosophy. I have been trying to balance work for others in my profession, which turns out is fun anyway – snowboard training and teaching – with building income and business for myself. You are an inspiration to me and I’m spreading your influence around my own circles of entrepeneur friends. Thanks again, I read the book in one sitting immediately.
ps. here’s a question, if you get to it – how do some of your commenters have an avatar, their picture? ARe they signing in through some other system? I would also like to know what you are using for content management on AONC.com – WordPress, Movable Type?
Thanks, Chris. I am often reluctant to read anything that declares “world domination” and such, but I gave it a shot and read it all the way through this morning. I’ve been running my own site for 10 years now and it often gets tiring, but it’s been a great place to experiment — especially writing. I feel like I’m close to thinking of a way to transition it to a new form without killing it (losing all my readers, of which I have few — maybe 200 or so), and your advice seems very helpful.
Of course, there’s also the issue of having so many projects running at once that I can’t tell if I’m running full throttle in all directions or if I’m just not doing anything at all!
P.S. I found your link from Seth Godin’s blog from a few days ago after getting to his site from BoingBoing’s link to “This is broken” after having met Mark Frauenfelder in Rochester, NY when he brought some projects; making me the last Interweb person ever to find BoingBoing.
Chris, thank you for this very informative manifesto. I stumbled across it from Seth Godin’s blog, and I’m glad I did. I’ve already emailed a few friends of mine (who’ve been Seth followers for years) to make sure they find their way to your site if they haven’t already! Thanks again and greetings from your west coast neighbor in Victoria BC.
I also forgot to mention that your designer is excellent and I was immediately drawn into your page! You are absolutely right; taking the time and money to invest in creating the best design possible is key.
Hi Chris
I have found this so inspiring. It reaffirms all the thoughts (and half thoughts) that I’ve been mulling around in my brain and made me more determined to work hard and figure out how to live my life the way I want to live it.
Thanks so much!
Aloha Chris!
Wow just read the Manifesto (279 Days…) and I am so excited. Recently laid off from the JOB that was keeping me exhausted and away from my passion and now I am excited yet a bit scared to make the real -full on commitment to my work and use the blog to reach “my people”.
Big Mahalo for bringing your hard work and experiences to those of us early on the in the journey.
May you know huge success and peace.
Aloha~ Gina
PS I am going to tweet this post right now…see me there @starlightlife
Kudos on the PDF. I love the final quote. Do you elaborate somewhere on the email vs RSS thing? You ask for suggestions about “emotional validation” and “insecurity” being based on your blog’s current status: Find a better validater. Listen to your wife says about you and not your blog stats/comments/whatever 🙂 I also like the “You can thank me by being awesome yourself” part.
I have been following your blog and after reading more about you in the manifesto, I feel so much more connected. I love reading about the vampires on the internet – they are in the real life, to. I have two business, a pet care and an art business so it has been wonderful to follow Sonsei, now after your suggestion. Keep doing what you are doing – you have so many fans.
A thousand thank-you’s for sharing this with us, Chris. Beautifully written, highly informative, and refreshing.
Hello Chris,
Had a friend forward this to me. Glad he did. Not only was it an enjoyable read, but you did provide valuable content. You provided a number of unpretentious ideas for improvement and thought.
I’m happy to include you in my blog roll for some time to come.
great read! thanks! I am giving it to my wife to read tomorrow. I can’t believe I read all 79 pages in one sitting. Awesome stuff!
Loved the ebook.
Great Stuff.
Thanks for the inspiration and encouragement. What you put out will come back to you 100 times, so you got that going for ya.
You’ve got a new subscriber. And if you have any ideas specific to community building for musicians with a message (in this new world of dying record labels), that would be awesome.
Much Love,
Thanks Chris,
Really enjoyed the read and hope I can put it all into practice real soon.
I’m still trying to find my blog’s voice. I have so many interests and trying to bring them all together is often difficult. My family all wants me to write about me myself and I, where as so far my other readers haven’t been to specific about what they like and/or don’t like about the blog.
Hoping I can narrow it down soon. Thanks for the pointers – planning to remove some Google ads next.
Thanks for the encouragement (and permission) to think big- world domination here I come! I’m out to carve out a corner of the world for moms to think big about themselves AND their families- without sacrificing either. I’ve often thought about having T-shirts made for all the moms I know that say, “Radical world changer undercover as a suburban mom and housewife.” Might make a good uniform for my own small army of 1000!
Thanks again,
Very inspiring work, just read it cover to cover. I think anyone who struggles with having the inspiration to start a worthwhile blog, but maybe has lost a little bit of the initial spark can read this and easily get back the fire back.
Loving this! Thank you for sharing your advice freely!
I came across this through a Tweet this morning, just downloaded it, and am anxious to read it. Thanks so much for sharing all you’ve learned.
Thanks Chris – I agree with the other posters on design/layout and timeliness of the piece. I’m particularly motivated by the fact that I just need to WALK MY TALK – i.e., if I’m a writer, I write. Sure, every major literary hero of mine has said the same thing — but this time, it’s sunk in. As an entrepreneur I’ve trained myself to spend 50% of my time marketing – while trying to squeeze in writing here and there. I’ve always wanted to make my living with my words, so why am I treating them like afterthoughts. After reading your 279 days I’m recommitted to showing up and putting the words on paper/computer screen each day. I’ll release the inner critic while doing so and see if I can’t fine tune my Awaken Your Soul Manifesto in the process.
By the way, I also love the fact that you were willing to defy the “niche” constrictions — you’re a multi-faceted guy with big ambitions and I love that you took the risk and decided to combine your major loves in one place. It’s truly inspiring for the rest of non-conformists. I’m not talking about combining EVERY single one of my hobbies, ideas or new fads, but I’m talking about being able to combine the essence of ME – which is definitely three-dimensional!
Safe travels and keep on inspiring and sharing.
Thank you for the PDF 279 Days to Overnight Success. I’m a published author, but the whole publishing world is turning upside down right now (or perhaps some will consider it rightside up!). You have confirmed something I have felt instinctively. My modest goal for my own website/social marketing is to write a bi-weekly encouraging/inspiring blog with quotes, affirmative prayers, and introduction to a person or resource that can help or inspire my readers. I have tons of material (already being an author who writes far more than can ever be published by the mainstream media) but want to keep my work personal and real. Spiritual power isn’t found in numbers, but in influence and in knowing that hearts are touched. As a fifty-something who is now taking advantage of the Apple One to One program and actively choosing to learn the “new tricks” of the new Internet world, I appreciate the spirit of generosity I’m finding–and I especially appreciate yours! I found you through word of mouth: my friend Charles Alexander (Nashville songwriter; http://www.charlesalexander.com/portal/) told me about Seth Godin yesterday, I went to his website today and found the link to you. I plan to return to your site for more education and ideas. And will let you know when I write you up on my blog. Since I’m taking my time, and I’m taking your advice, I’ll just keep at my turtle’s pace. But oh, what a delight it is to write what I want with no gatekeepers telling me, “You can’t say that. You can’t quote that person. You can’t use that word/phrase/idea.” Blessings, Candy Paull
Wow thanks for the advice! Steamykitchen posted the link on twitter and I really enjoyed the read. I’m in the process of reworking my blog, moving to WordPress, narrowing my purpose for blogging, etc. Your e-book has given me some great food for thought. I’ll pass it along!
Hi Chris
Thanks for this – I read it all the way through on my first look. I hadn’t visited your site before. I was struck by your integrity, and plain good advice. I’m going to try and implement some of your suggestions – mainly so as I have more time to travel for pleasure, rather than for work. You’ve also inspired me t focus on my writing for a while.
Just read the manifesto…I highly enjoyed it. Even though I’m not a writer myself I sent the link to friends who enjoy writing in the hopes it will help them with their interest in sharing their ideas.
Fantastic Chris..thanks so much…just what I needed, perfect timing, and will joyously send out to my distribution list…and anyone else I can think of. BIG value and speaks to everything I am about..
Watch this space…:)
Thanks for this encouraging report. I’ve read it through once and I know I’ll have to read it again (and probably again) to make sure I get everything out of it.
I appreciate the different points of view and your honest style.
Good luck with your globe trotting exploits! I hope that you achieve your goals and help make the world a better place.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. What a fantastic Manifesto to come across (found link on Seth’s site). I’ve only scanned it so far, but will give it a detailed read through this evening.
I’ve been involved with web related projects for 10 years, but never got into blogging or embraced the social media side as it developed. I have some new projects now as I want a change in direction and more flexible future, and I feel I can learn alot from you experience and expertise. I will add some more feedback soon when I have digested some of the material. Mark.
Chris, what a fantastic manifesto! I printed it out as well as your World Domination manifesto, both of which have confirmed to me that I am indeed unconventional and non-conformist! The link to my website is a site I have worked on for almost a year and because of various software glitches and extreme niche market, I haven’t developed the following that is expected in other blogs.
I thought on more than one occasion to give up, but thanks to your manifesto, I’m sticking with it. I FINALLY made a sale today on my ebook after about four months of inactivity, and that has renewed my confidence. With the proceeds I’ve received with my e-book, I plan to purchase one of your products, and I already am kicking around some ideas for a new project.
I’d never heard of you until I got your link from Seth Godin’s web post about your generosity and my world has been opened up with more possibility and support for those (like me) who are dissatisfied with the status quo, but don’t really know what to do about it. While my e-book makes petty spending money, I want a solution to make more, doing what I love (making art!). That’s my goal. Thanks again. I’ll be linking to you in my personal blog.
Thanks for the gifts of your insights, experience, and philosophy on life. I especially admire your spirit of generosity (charity). I’m looking forward to your future works and am happy to provide a link to your blog on my new website. Best wishes on your travel goals to 100 countries by 2012!
Thanks Chris. I just graduated from business school and have been searching for answers in combination with my job search. That’s what brought me to your site. I look forward to reading more of your stuff in the future.
Thanks Chris;
I am looking forward to reading this on my 4 AM wake up stints thinking about how to write my blog.
Love this!
Thank you for being so generous : )
This was so helpful and insightful – thanks for sharing your insights and expertise. As a new blogger looking to change the world step by step, this information will help me get closer to my goals.
Thank you
Thanks man, this was a really awesome read! Good luck in making all your countries.
Thank you so much for this inspiring piece of work. I have been thinking a lot about starting a website this summer and your literature has really inspired me to believe that my project is possible. Thanks again, good luck in all of your ventures.
This was remarkable simply due to the fact that you’ve caused me to break my lifetime reading average of a book a year. LOL.
Really, this was an inspiring and very educational read, and I admire what you’re doing and wish you the best.
Just wanted to say thanks for your great work. It’s great to hear such a positive attitude towards work & life. I am an artist & designer and am quite new to blogging and online community, so this is just spot on.
I am not a great writer and I often struggle to write anything more than short updates on my blog. So this has challenged me to try and work at this and develop my blogging skills, in an attempt to build more useful and interesting content.
Wish you all the best in the future.
Congrats Chris, your site rocks and your insights are extremely inspiring!
It’s always great to know that there are people living their lives under their own terms, keep it up!
This manifesto has motivated me beyond belief! I read it strictly out of curiosity, due to the fact that my attention span is of a low caliber (and that I never have any extra time), but it was seriously wonderful. Through it I am motivated to start an online community, in the form of a blog, to jump-start my work. I am currently a college student with ambitions to become a writer, maybe a musician even, and you have provided me with substantial information as to how I can make this a possibility through the medium of social media. Thank you very much for taking the time out to write all this information in an easy to read, easily accessible format. I will continue to subscribe to your website and I hope that much more materials of the sort can be provided to me, and us, in the future. 😀
I thoroughly enjoyed the Manifesto and will be rereading it soon!
Thanks for your hard work and free stuff–it’s greatly appreciated by us “small people.”
Hope you get a chance to come my way and let me know how I’m doing! Take care
Loved your manifesto. I am an NLP coach with a writing degree, but never thought seriously about making a living from writing about coaching until I read this. Simple, concise and informative. Good job!
Well that was well worth my time in reading. I appreciate you efforts in the discipline it takes to write and think like you do. This is another example of things I will certainly copy. Why try to do something new when someone like you is telling you how to do it and just copy them. Great ebook.
I think you should have at least 279 comments on here, so here’s my part.
Love the book. Love your bit. Humble creativity. Love it.
Chris, brilliant work. It came to me by way of Jason Womack, trusted friend and colleague. Loved the ideas you shared about connecting passion with what your readers/visitors want. My beat is video blogging with some writing thrown in when needed. I started at the opposite end of the development progression and worked hard to find a publisher, author a book and now use the blog to talk about the ideas behind the book.
My best to you on your quest toward shelving the book. Well worth the journey. But you know that.
Loved the e-book. I’ve been blogging for about 2 years now, and have accidentally applied some of the ideas in your guide. Over the last few months, I’ve decided to start taking blogging very seriously and really step it up a notch or three.
Your book was very helpful while I think through the process of making my blog more successful. I think your plan is right on. As a fellow non-conformist who has been self-employed more than I’ve been employed, I appreciate the perspective you have to offer.
Thanks for making this available.
Thanks Chris…I found your ebook via shuttersisters.com. Our family moved from a major city to a hobby farm in 2007. I am documenting our experiences for our kids future and for the world to see on our blog. Our way of life is foreign for most people, available to so few and disappearing rapidly. My hope is that our blog’s reports and observations can inspire people and help make meaningful connections with the natural world.
Good luck to you and thank you for your hard work!
Chris this whole read was a waste of time. I don’t understand how your site can relate to other sites out there and I believe everyone out there is now dumber for having read what you put together.
Just kidding.
I wanted to be a vampire for a little while there. That was truly inspirational. I read it at midnight on a Saturday night and didn’t stop the whole way through. I’m anxious to make some changes now to what I have been doing.
Really enjoyable read. I came to the first page before I was about to shut down my laptop but got hooked in. Your positive approach shines through. Great to read, especially as I’ve been freaking out a bit about that ‘reason why’ question quite a lot lately.
Just downloaded for reading this evening. thank you so much for posting this. timing couldn’t be better, just got laid off three weeks ago and i had this epiphany that i really should be doing what i love… hopefully this might help me figure out how to do so.
Outstanding work. Found the link from one of Seth Godin’s posts. I’ve already started applying some of the principles and have already seen results! Go figure!
Thanks again and excited to see what’s next! Enjoy your trip.
Rocking the Universe!
Chris, as a fellow traveler, writer, and non-conformist, I sincerely appreciated reading your manifesto.
I can already see all of the mistakes I’ve been making. Here’s to reluctant marketers!
Thanks so much for the wonderful article,
Found you on Seth Godin’s site.
What a fantastic read! And what a generous writer you are for doing something like this for your followers. Abundant wealth is coming your way. We need more people like you on the web. Thanks so much!
Hi Chris
I recently found your site and love it. I’m about half way through 279 days, and you definitely hit the mark with it.
I read somewhere on your site (maybe it was on another site though, I’m not sure, anyway that’s not the point – congrats on that btw) that you have an incredible amount of downloads for the ebook, which got me wondering if you keep track of the actual download figures, and if so, would this be best recorded from page views on site statistics or is there a better way to keep a record?
Strange question maybe, but I’ll give you the reason for my asking. I’m looking at releasing an ebook of photos and best stories etc from my travels and I’d like to know how many people have opened it – be it one, or one hundred.
Anyway, I’ve rambled enough, thanks in advance and keep blogging.
Roy Jones
You have masterfully crafted together the topics you love into a successful business model for yourself and others to follow (like me!). That is a great achievement thank you Chris for putting in all the time, effort, and hard work you deserve to be an “overnight success!”
I am inspired and encouraged by your journey, I too have more than one topic that I want to write about but have not yet found the right theme that will tie them all together. I was going to give up on the idea until I clicked on your blog and read The 279 Days report. It encouraged me to continue to search, seek, read, write, think, ponder, mull over, figure out, mediate on, plan – find my voice and be awesome.
God bless you Chris,
P.S. I downloaded your world domination guide, anxious to read it.
The moment I read the title I chuckled because it reminded me of a former popular television cartoon series “Pinky and The Brain”- about a lab experiment mouse who is a genius and his main goal in life is to take over the world! 🙂
I think it took me 279 days to get off my butt long enough to study this one, Chris. It may be the first I’ve read into as thoroughly. But I have always loved the way you do things.
I learned a while back that if I want what you have, to do what you do.
I’m paying attention.
Thanks for all that you do.
Thank you for your inspiration. I have recently declared myself as a writer (after realising that I was ‘outraging my true nature’ as George Orwell said by not doing so, and I have been shy about the ‘reason why’ – I am going to stand up and be confident to tell my story, and think about exactly who my audience is.
Chris, this was awesome, thank you so much! it was one of the best ways i’ve spent 60 minutes recently, and your advice was practical and useful and a breeze to read! I hope to provide as much value to my readers someday soon. Congrats on all your success and i will be a loyal fan heretoforward!! all the best, jodi
Chris – thank you so incredibly much for sharing this manifesto! I just finished it at a major changing point in my life (personally and professionally) and it is wicked inspiring! Two weeks ago I moved back to Portland OR after thirteen years in New England (that included marriage/having kids/divorce) and professionally needing to take a different direction – on my own. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your insight! Jeff
279 days to “overnight success” love the tongue in cheekiness of that 😉 Just downloaded the ebook thanks and will be back to give more feedback on it. It’s come highly recommended so I’m looking forward to reading it. Thank you.
Cheers! Tia
I rarely get motivated by any web site, yours inspired me to write a new book and find a clearer voice.
Thanks for your honesty and insight.
Thank you for your generosity in sharing this with me (us)
I am about to lose my regular job due to company downsizing. I have been a writer for many years, but have never supported myself with my writing imagining that was reserved for the chosen few.
You have made me realise I can be one of the chosen few if I work it right.
I’ve only found your site recently. But this ebook is really great. I just want to thank you for sharing your experience with the masses.
You have inspired me (along with Havi, Naomi, and Sonia) to start writing my own blog. Thank you for the words of wisdom. You are a tremendous voice and someone I have come to respect a great deal. Keep rockin’ the Universe!!!!
Thanks so much Chris. I too am at a crossroads in my business!
I am very grateful for your generosity and will share the love by retweeting about the gift of knowledge you so selflessly shared with us.
I’m printing it out now and will bind it! I too like to read away from the computer!
Hey Chris, thank you so much for your free report. I’m halfway reading it, and gleaning insights along the way. Just thought to drop a comment and let me know I appreciate you sharing this for free.
I came across your site fairly recently and have read this and downloaded (but have yet to read) your “Brief Guide to World Domination”. Seeing as I’m only 16, I’ve got plenty of time to work on myself and my writing if I so choose to take that path, but I found it really inspiring.
I’ve had my blogs for about a year and have 23 subscribers and a nice google impact with my online persona with all except for two of 28 results (The Naterhood).
After having read this I plan to take some of your advice (or at least what I got out of it) and forget about the numbers and instead just work on writing quality posts and maybe in the future, a book.
Thanks for sharing your advice!
Just downloaded the manifesto. Looks thought inspiring and awesome. Thanks!
Chris inspired me in doing a number of things. I am starting my own blog and working on it as much as I can. I hoping my blog will be the instrument in serving my goals as well as helping others achieve theirs.
There must be something for the readers for them to keep coming back right?
Wanting to refrain from the redundant, I was hesitant to post yet another kudos. Loved the format; easy readability and particularly the little thrill of excitement that this manifesto gave me…”I could actually DO this.” So glad I’ve come across it. I’ve already sent links to my friends who’ve been toying with a travel book/blog re: doing Europe on the cheap.
Thanks for your hard work.
Thanks Chris. Knowledge is Freedom. Look forward to reading it.
Hi Chris,
My sister-in-law sent me your first manifesto several months ago insisting that I read it. I tell you what… Immediately, I said “Finally! There’s someone else who understands the crazy thoughts running through my head!” Thanks for helping me realize that those thoughts aren’t so crazy after all. They’re simply “unconventional.” If it’s okay with you, I’d love to add your site to my blogroll.
Thanks for taking the time to share with the world your second manifesto. Looking forward to reading it!
Best wishes, Emily AKA The Career Pioneer
I am blown away with the ease of reading your manifesto on world domination. I feel that it resonates so deep within me and my path that this will be a very quick read. You’ve mentioned exercises for growth that I have done myself and now I can refine them with some added direction. I’m already inspired to take my websites/blogs and improve on where I was taking them.
Great job Chris. Authenticity is a word that gets passed around a lot lately but you are a true example of someone who is leading their life authentically and writes from that place. It is something I strive to do as well. Thanks for being a great role model for people — no matter what their calling.
Hi Chirs, I am totally new to the whole social media thing but was interested in knowing more. However I accidently came upon your site while browsing through other people’s favorites.
And it is exactly what I needed to read.
Ive also been working for myself as for ten years and travel alot but it is a roller coaster of financial insecurity. I also get attacks of ‘the shoulds’, the whole ‘should I be doing what my friends are doing?? Your site was exactly both the kick up the backside and the encoraging pat on the back I need in these days.
thanks and best of luck with the goal.
Thanks for being so strightforward and especially frank about how much money you make. It is incredibly refreshing. All the best in the future.
Great work, very interesting and very well written! It definitely pushes me to think more seriously about trying a similar venture myself. Thank you!
I’ve been in a rut since my last trip, and the sensation of coming home to see family and friends fades pretty quickly when the travel bug hits again. I want to do something and be someone I love, and this really gives me the motivation and jump start to doing something I love while making the money to support my dirty travel habits.
Funny how I came upon your site for the first time tonight at 1 in the morning by searching “What do you tell your boss when you want to leave your job and travel?” in the MSN search engine. Well, maybe I won’t have to tell my boss, I can just write myself a 2-weeks notice. 🙂
Just loved this ebook Chris and wanted to say thanks! Very inspiring stuff for a new blogger like myself. I look forward to following your blog and new products.
Thank you again!
I just read this report and have passed on the link with my very personal positive comments to my huge family network. The fact that you’ve spared no secrets and your writing style is clear, straightforward and sincere, and free, is truly remarkable. I know you’ve just scratched the surface (which is most compelling I think to your readers and a source of inspiration), but I think you’re headed in the right direction. I’m looking forward to future articles recording your progress.
Hey Chris,
Giving insanely great (and unique) value and building genuine relationships is the most effective way to build something worthwhile. A website, business, whatever.
Unique value proposition becomes irresistibly remarkable stuff that people really want. Marketing becomes recommendations and giving value to others. Link building becomes genuinely helping each other out.
It also becomes quality over quantity. You attract less people but more of the right kind. The ones predisposed to your message and willing to spread it – and they possess the power and influence to do it effectively.
Thank you so much for sharing your own amazing progress in this attractive and easy to read guide. You hugely inspired me to start my own website on life maximization for remarkable people, and I’m closely following your blueprint for growing it.
Thank you again and here’s to your next year experiencing even more growth,
The 10-80-10 Rule, or How Many Vampires Are in the Room?
When I read “The Vampire Chronicles,” I was reminded of my variation on the Pareto Principle (often called the 80-20 rule). When I taught high school social studies I decided that the 80-20 rule could be applied to a simple bell curve and modified as a 10-80-10 rule.
80% percent of the people in a group are simply present without adding or reducing value. 10% make a positive contribution to the group. And, 10% are the vampires, draining energy, life, and value. An effective teacher (writer, leader, whatever) needs to mitigate the vampires and energize the positive contributors.
Dear Chris…Thanks and I mean it, Thanks! I stumbled upon your site by chance today and I am so glad I did. I work as an artist and painter and have been struggling to get my head around the Internet as a whole, while developing a better website and marketing approach that pushes boundaries. I know that Internets real value is words and this has always seamed just beyond my reach. As a lifelong dyslexic reading and writing present some challenges that I must face day to day…I have recently started to write on hubpages and develop a blog “yourbetterlife” to help me and others find a better way and I know that reading 279 days will have immense value for me in the long run.
I was just thinking today about how much I loved 279 Days to Overnight Success and how much it inspired me and wishing I had a nicely bound hard copy and thinking about printing one out for myself. If you wanted to get involved in making and distributing actual physical copies, I’d buy one in a second. Just sayin’.
(It reminded me of Seth Godin’s stuff about hard copy books as souvenirs and BTW Godin’s shout out about 279 Days is how I found you in the first place!)
I’ve just spent the last hour and a half reading 279 days, and I want to say thank you. Very thought compelling and has given me the incentive to get going on a blog that has been in the idea stage for too long. I’m sure I’ll return to 279 days over the next while as my plans become more concrete.
Thanks again!
I read this in my earliest days as a blogger and I decided to go back and read it again after somebody made mention of it on Danielle Laporte’s blog. In the last 6 months I’ve gone through a pretty challenging period post-business school, unable to find a job, finding one I hated and quitting, and working on cashing in on a passion. Part of why I read your blog is because my dream is to travel the world, surf at various spots around the world, and get paid to write about it. Anyways, I really appreciate the work you put into this. When I realized that it came down to just working your tail off for a year, I figured the payoff would be worth anything I had to go through.
Just the title alone got a smile across my face so thank you for that. The content was exceptional too. Being a good communicator requires honest, hard work, truth, diligence – all of that. I don’t believe in overnight success. I believe in hitting the books, reading and sharing. If you can do that with a smile all the better.
When I started my blog a month ago I started reading all I could and your article has shown up more than once as a great starting point.
I think that we can agree that we didn’t get where we are today without the help of a caring friend, mentor, relative or teacher who believed in what we do. Good luck on your continued success and thanks for the manifest.
I started my own journey into non-conformity about 3 weeks ago. I’m THRILLED to find a roadmap!! Thank you!
I’m planning to launch my website in early 2010. I can’t wait to get started on 279 days!
I’m Flip from the Philippines and I stumbled upon your site while reading some articles about improving blogs.
Thank you very much for sharing your thoughts on this one. What made it more appealing to me is, you’re also a traveler. I’m a backpacker (used to be a corporate slave) and recently I realize that life is too short to spend it with things that I don’t enjoy doing.
I started a blog a couple of months ago to document my travel and at the same time monetize on it in the future.
Good luck on your journey and wishing you continuous success!
Chris, thank you for sharing your valuable experience, insights and wisdom with the world.
There were many “a ha” moments as well as reinforcement of thoughts I have had about Internet Market whilst reading the Ebook.
Perhaps the biggest take away being the confidence you inspired in me to move past the two years of research and planning to actually now commence a website early in the new year.
I hope to meet you if you ever make your way to Australia.
Substance and style, inspiring and informative, not only on the issue of growing a blog, but also for the story of becoming a full-time writer. Loved it!
Thanks Chris
Merry Christmas Chris,
Your work is brilliant. I keep coming back for more. Have a good one and may this new year bring you increased happiness, success and leadership abilities. And luck, and love, and all of the good stuff.
Thank you! Wonderful insights and wonderful ideas. I especially appreciated the links to people who have inspired you. Thanks for your work. I’ll be on your subscriber list now.
As a writer myself overseeing a creative writing community I found your report, very, very useful! I have recommended it to my members as it is one of the few guides I have come across written for the not too techy savvy reader.
Many thanks for making it available.
Chris, this was another great manifesto. opened my mind to what I really want to do. And its in the non- conformist mode. I’ve been an artist for decades, but started to show my work online for 2 years. Getting a modest amount of viewers. I tried a blog last year, again modest viewing. But with your ‘overnight success’ manifesto, I’ll be reading more slowly, changing my approach, trying to get links and believing in myself. After all as you quoted Oscar Wilde ‘Be yourself, because everyone else is already taken”. Thanks.
Thank you so much for this. After I got done reading this I went to my site, deleted AdSense and added a link here! I just started blogging last November and I would love to put this model in effect for my blog. Just have to tweek it for a photography site instead of a writer’s site. Thanks again, and I’ll be joining the e-mail subscription as soon as I post this.
Chris, this was the balm I needed this morning – I clicked on the link from Simple Pursuits, I believe, that got me to your page. I got up early this morning because I was still fuming about the third paycheck that bounced in three weeks (one was a replacement, so that check bounced twice…) that has become an ongoing factor in my job. Free-lanced for a major portion of my adult life in arts outreach and writing but took a job as full time editor of a niche community newspaper as I took over care of my aging mother (and a lot of care for one of my grandchildren). Looking at my bank statement with those returned checks once again – I came to the conclusion YET AGAIN to get the hell out of this job. But where to start? Yadayada…the economy; yadayadya…my age…and then I downloaded your “Overnight Success” manifesto. Yes. I already work like a SOB – always have. So thank you thank you for some sunshine and hope on this dreary Midwest morning. You rock, dog.
I recently started following your blog and Twitter and have signed up for your Feb. 1 Very Small Biz class, and I finally got a chance to download and read (in one sitting!) 279 Days to Overnight Success. I just wanted to thank you for sharing it — it’s inspiring, enlightening, an full of useful links and resources. Reading it was a great way to start my Tuesday, but I’d like to think it’ll be more than that, too:) I’m looking forward to working with you (and reading your book when it comes out!
Great manifesto, I’m alerting my huge followership of 23 people on Twitter 😉 I can see that you’ve already been to Croatia, hope you liked it here.
Chris, I’m new at blogging. A couple people suggested that I try AdSense. I hesitated because I didn’t like the whole idea, and I felt that it lacked the control that I wanted. And … I like my visitors and I want them to trust me. I think I’ve made $1.67 in one month! I’m blogging for the love of the writing, and the cathartic relief I get from the process. If I make money, that will be sweet, but I have to feel good about how the money is made. I’m firing Google today. I started reading ‘279 …’, grabbed a scrap piece of paper for notes, and ended up with 5 pages. (I still like to do some things the old fashioned way.) I like the way you write, and your philosophies on business and life. Happy writing and happy traveling.
Thanks so much! “279 Days to Overnight Success” has given me the confidence to believe that I can do it as well. Thank you for the inspiration – I look forward to reading more of your work. Byron, South Africa
Excellent, Chris. Thanks so much. I resonated with everything you said. I appreciate hearing how you geared up before launch. I think I am in that phase, and your story helps me know that I am not wasting time right now – I’m building the foundation to be a real pro. Love it. Plan to buy some of your stuff as well.
Chris, thanks for giving this away. It is a great resource and one which I used to set up my current project. You are an inspiration for the rest of us!
Thanks again.
Hi Chris! Thank you for this insightful manifesto. I am in the process of developing my own website, and you answered so any of the questions that I had in a concise and compelling manner. I am a fairly new reader of your site, but I keep coming back to read all of your great content. I suppose that’s reason enough to try your recommendations for my writing and marketing plan.
Thanks again. You really are helping to make the world a better place.
If I had to describe this manifesto in one sentence, this is what it would say: Best 12,000 words of my entire reading life NOT wasted. I really loved this manifesto probably one of 20 I have actually finished in a couple of hours and that I could not get of my chair for a second. Except to turn up the heat because it was cold.
Everything I learned Chris is so applicable, I know you probably did this on purpose. I read others and can’t say how great yours is compare to theirs.
I humbly want to thank you for taking time to write out such great content for all of us CRAZY PEOPLE. You truly have inspired me to write a post on my blog soon and share the 279 days to overnight success with my 2 readers I bet they can use it too.
Keep up with your travel Let me know if you need advice when you go to Cali, Colombia you might need some! September I will sure be waiting for the book, hopefully another 10k plus words of wisdom.
Read the whole thing, thanks for offering it! Now on to dwell over what a historian can offer devoted readers…
Enjoy your travels!
Thanks, Chris, for a really useful guide and for being truly inspirational. It’s fired me up to use my skills and do something once and for all!
Thank you so much! I loved every bit of this, and intend to take much of your advice to heart. Your voice is so inspiring and yet so down to earth. I can almost see you sitting with your cup of coffee, wearing a kind thoughtful smile and sharing your genius with the rest of the world. Have safe and happy travels, and again, my most sincere thanks.
You’ve probably already heard this 100 times:
You’re awesome. You’re totally cool. Thank you so much for writing this book.
This manifesto has changed my perspective on blogging. I’d long thought that Ad Sense was the only way to truly become a Problogger; but, like you, was turned off by the entire concept. I thought it was hopeless for me to make money doing what I love, but after reading your frank account of your own success, I am buzzing with new ideas. I owe you a lot, so thank you!
Hi Chris, I just finished reading the manifesto, 279 Days to Overnight Success, for the second time and it’s more than inspirational – it’s so practical and honest. Thank you so much for being so committed and dedicated to what you love to do and sharing it with the world. I can’t help but send the link to all of my friends who would benefit from it. Thanks again and travel safely! Cheers, Grace
I just loved this article. I read every word, remarkable, as I normally just skim through. You have helped me put a few of my thoughts in order as to where I want to go/do on the internet. There are no accidents!
Fellow non-Facebook member (and uni grad) over here! Always glad to find someone else in the club. I’m just starting out blogging and while I don’t have any dreams of making it my full time gig, I still want it to be the best it can.
thanks a lot man for your generosity. i will take the time to read this. and read this again. i’m sure it will help me out, big time. oh and i’ve stumbled it with my very humble stumble account. i guess every little bit helps huh. ciao!
i have no idea why i was so drawn to this site (besides the fact that my mom told me i’d love it) and i’m not a writer, but your message is so right on and it’s like a gentle nudge to stay in alignment with my truest self and that’s more than enough to keep me coming back. thanks for waking me up. i am very grateful. 🙂
I found you through ManVsDebt, and I’m so glad I did. Your manifesto is a keeper, and I’m putting my copy in a 3-ring binder.
I have already directed my struggling artist friend to your “Art and Money” product. Judging from all the great info I gleaned from “279 Days,” “Art and Money” should be a wonderful (and extremely reasonably priced) resource.
Thanks for everything (especially for the encouragement regarding vampire attacks)!
I stumbled across and downloaded your ‘279 Days to Overnight Success’ last year, but being the spectacular procrastinator that I am… well, it’s been sitting on my desktop, unloved and unread, until today. I am happy to announce that I have finally read it and enjoyed it thoroughly! So before I go any further, let me just say a big ‘thanks’!
I started my first blog in October 09. Called ‘Where to From Here’, it’s a journal-like blog of my travels, food experiences, creative endeavors, etc. I really do enjoy writing it, but I wish I had an audience & some feedback/comments. I fear that perhaps my blog is too unspecific in terms of focus. I know you’ve said that this hasn’t been an issue for you, but I think perhaps my approach has been less organized than yours… or perhaps the problem is that my writing style is simply unappealing… or maybe I just need to get off my butt & market myself/connect with others..?
Most excellent read Chris! I’m working on being awesome everyday, and The Yakezie Group will live up to this theme for sure!
Long live The Yakezie!
Hi Chris
Just wanted to say thanks for such an excellent report – it was full of good advice and encourages me to develop my own very young blog quite a lot more!
All best wishes
Great manifesto. Someone should make an audio book version. Lots of good stuff in here.
Found this through ManVsDebt, I believe in what I do, but have managed to run it into the ground, hopefully the material in this manifesto can help me pull it out.
I’m glad to see that some people do the things right on the web today. It’s a good example and in line with a lot of my ideas and life principles. It’s been a long time I’d like to launch a project and I felt uncomfortable with a lot of principles that govern the web now (notably long sales speeches as you demonstrate on page 73, or impertinent and needless contents just to get big traffic and make money with poor ads). I’m a new follower and I’m happy to now know you site. I love to constantly learn and it permits me to do so.
A french-speaking follower from Canada
Hi Chris! I just found out about you today from Tim Ferriss’ blog, I read, well actually DEVOURED, your e-book, and I feel really empowered to actually make something happen for myself. Not just in a get-fired-up-ra-ra-tail-chasing-frenzy, but in a brass and tacks type of fashion, where I’m charting out a plan with some realistic goals. Thanks for “being bigger than yourself” but not leaving the rest of us in the dust.
Hey Chris! I have been inspired by your ebooks, “279 days to overnight success” and ” a brief guide to world domination” and I want to thank you for sharing them. Your writing is something to strive for and gives me the motivation to keep practicing as anything is possible. You have opened my eyes to the endless possibilities the world has to offer and I will pass your ebooks and website along to anyone who will listen.
Thank you for your outlook!!! It is refreshing to see someone who doesn’t want to follow the standard and finds a way to do it. As someone who is in a very different lifestyle then your own, your encouragement is inspiring even if your unconventional lifestyle for me isn’t a fit at this time. Great work.
Hi Chris – your site is one that seems to get mentioned about once a month by various members of my family. Although I had explored your site previously I finally managed to DL and read the ebook, thanks for taking the time to compose that for the rest of us.
By the way it doesn’t appear your world travels have yet brought you to Ticino in Switzerland? If I may recommend the city of Lugano and surroundings: relax, eat great food, hike a little and swim in a mountain river.
Chris- Your book is exactly what I needed. Great inspiration, advise and work. I will apply (I must) apply your suggestions.
Thank you so much for sharing your positive outlook and encouraging bloggers who are stuck.
I will spread the word and will faithfully check in to see what you are up to.
Hi Chris, I just read this all in one sitting and as someone who is working my tail off for free right now trying to get a blog off the ground and articulate its direction, I’ve found this incredibly helpful and inspiring. Thanks man!
SWALLOWED it in like 45 minutes. Inspiring. I’ve subscribed to the newsletter too. Love the fact that I might(!) be the only fashion blogger in Norway to have read this and it’s gonna make me an overnight success for sure.
We’ve been blogging for 6 months, and have already achieved so much more than we ever imagined really. Believe it or not, I have done these things without knowing they were the “right things to do”.
We are now setting up a newsletter ASAP. thx
I am 54 years old and have spent my entire life being what I call a “fringe-dweller”. It’s amazing to me that, in the past few weeks, I’ve finally found “my people”. For the past few years the blog that I initially began as an online journal to tap out my ponderings gradually morphed into something else entirely. The past few weeks I’ve been serious about getting back to authentic. I don’t believe in coincidence, but absolutely trust serendipity, synchronicity and the Law of Attraction! Because of my change of focus, I’ve been led to blogs like Danielle LaPorte, Carmen Torbus, Susannah Conway and yourself. Thank you for being on the short list of things I’m attracting, and for such a worthwhile manifesto. Although I’m still not definite on exactly what I want my blog to be, at least I now have practical information on how to go about moving forward. Plus, I’ve subscribed to your newsletter and your new book arrives Thursday! Thanks again!
Just read your manifesto, great points made throughout. I skipped the money bit as i’m just starting and although I would like to make money from my blog(s) i really just want to make sure i write quality content.
Good luck on your travels dude, if your ever is Bristol, UK gimmie a shout!
I spent a little over an hour reading World Domination and read 279 Days over the course of 4 days. I think that was just about the right ratio. You’ve given me a lot to think about, and a lot more to act on. There is a good deal of perspective here that I needed to convince me that the things I’ve been wanting for my life are really possible.
Thanks for your work here.
One of the easiest, yet most inspiring “light-a-fire-under-your-ass” things I’ve read in a while. Better than some of the recent best sellers out there that don’t exactly give you specifics that you can immediately implement in a plan of action.
great article…I’ve been exploring the idea of starting a blog but all the technical stuff seems overwhelming…I need to get over that and just start writing. Thanks for all the great tips.
This is exactly the right info and inspiration I needed! Thanks for the effort, energy and love!
Hey , This is some great info about how to blog and the whole concept. I am going to put it into practice. You have given me the impetus to keep trying. I’ve had a lot of difficulties getting started as someone hacked my accounts and Google deleted some blogs. Will keep on trying!
This without question is the finest expression of thoughts I have ever read on Art, Blogging, Marketing, and Lifestyle.
I just could not stop reading it until the very last word.
The content is truly remarkable!!!!
Thanks so much for sharing this, I can’t wait to write a blog post about this and share it as well.
Judi Knight recommended this link to me at newtricks.
I cant wait to get going on changing the world one yogi at a time.
Thanks for helping.
Thank you so much for your generous contributions! I have skimmed many e-books, but yours really drew me in. I read every word! And, I totally agree with your philosophies and approach. I have been afraid to put myself out there because of the “vampires”, but your words give me so much confidence. Keep up the good work. You are really inspiring.
I am in the 10th month of my blog and this article could not have come at a better time. I too like to take the road less traveled. Your article has helped solidify my initial goals and has motivated me to take the next steps. Thanks for the information. Bon voyage!
This is an excellent report and you give it away free! Amazing. I bought your book and loved it so hopefully I’ve repaid you in some small way for sharing this. You inspired me to also give away my own free manifesto on my site, so thank you for the inspiration.
Thank you for spelling out how you started so clearly. This inspired me to believe in an idea that has been on and off the shelf for years.
Should I call this a coincedence? Today is my 279th day here in Korea as a government scholar. I have been thinking of sharing my ideas, my passion, my experiences, my mistakes and more mistakes… but I don’t have the right momentum yet. I have googled ~ 279, and boooom! I read your Manifesto ^_^ I will try doing your advice. Thank you for the inspiration! … greatly appreaciated 😉
Thanks for this, Chris. It’s one of the few ebooks I’ve read on this subject that I liked literally all the way through! I appreciate your willingness to share it, it’s given me some great ideas for my own work.
I am so excited to find out that many people are not caving into the “corporate trap” for their career life. I have jumped back and forth across the unconventional fence. I’ve always felt more comfortable on this side, but other influences sometimes won out and made me look at the other side of the fence.
I’ve drawn the line in the sand, and I’ve crossed over that age 55 threshold, and I want to live on the nonconventional side for the rest of my life.
I know you probably don’t have a lot of people my age in your followers but you will probably find more as the Baby Boomers age and look for ways to fulfill the voids in their life…especially with your knowledge of travel.
Great book, great website and great advice. Keep up the great work.
I finally got around to reading 279 Days. Fantastic and exactly what I needed right this very minute. As a writer, I use to scoff at Ebooks in their brevity, but your concise deliveries are so welcome.
What did we do with all of those extra words back in the good old days?
Where have you and the site begin for the last 2 years of sleepless nights and one-woman conversations about self-doubt and purpose finding. I suppose I stumbled upon your writings just in time and like Dave I have 3 pages of tips and notes ready for further brainstorming and implementation. If someone hasn’t told you this today, thanks for sharing I appreciate your work and you sparked a change in me.
Thank you. It is refreshing to get something jam packed with valuable content without the sales pitch at the end.
Both my wife and I are getting our own projects going, her’s is on cooking, mine is starting as an exploration in getting past procrastination. Your 279 days document has a variety of useful gems and I’ll be coming back to it more than once as I build my own manifesto. Thank you!
This is a great help. Useful, not condescending, peer to peer communication. It’s also an area I feel weak on – marketing, figuring out how to build the brand. Content seems to come easy, putting it out there is what’s been harder for me. So thank you for helping me with that.
I just finished reading the AONC book and wanted to write you to say thank you! I recently made the switch from being a monkey to a freedom loving self-employed individual. Although I spent just over a year working towards the switch, so many unexpected ideas, feelings and experiences seemed to pop up just after I made the switch.
Your book hit on a lot of ideas that I’ve adapted to over the past few years, although I was beginning to feel like I was the only one. I thank you for introducing me to your army and you unconventional thinking.
I’ve signed up for your newsletter and am looking forward to receiving little bits of emailed happiness straight to my inbox. Thank you for sharing so transparently the steps to your success and making it possible for people to take what they can from you and use it in their own lives!
Read your entire doc in one sitting (in the wee hours of the morning, no less!). I feel thoroughly inspired. Thank you for doing what you do!
I finished the AONC book a few days ago and was surprised to see that I was doing some of the things similar to what you’ve done Chris. I also just finished 279 and great ideas there too. You’ve also given me some other things to think about which I’m sure will stretch me out rather than stress me out. I have some weird sort of coincidental things going on between life, work and things I’m reading and they’re weird in a good way. The past month I’ve been living out of my comfort zone most of the time and it’s actually not as scary as I thought it might be.
Keep up the good work and slanted perspective.
Read the whole thing in one go (while taking notes on the side!). It is not only well written, but full of really helpful and practical tips. I found it inpirational and yet very down-to-earth. Great job Chris, thank you for sharing it. Don’t know whether my success is 279 days away, but I know I will follow some of your tips trying to get there!
All the best,
Thanks for sharing this with the rest of us. I’ve read it once and am starting it again. I will be implementing your strategies into my writing life.
This was exactly-just exactly-what I was looking for. Thank you! And wow, I am so glad I found this and your site.
Chris, 279 days is informing, entertaining (the vampire comments) AND inspiring! Thanks for content that is so accessible. Best, Susan
Chris – your AONC book has been on my “to read” stack for about a year now, and I am just getting to it. I wish I had read it right away and then checked out your blog to find this pdf since I would be well past the 279 day mark already! Anyway – thanks! Keep it up, and I look forward to reading more of your material.
I just read your Art of NC book. It resonates with me. I’ve been toying with getting more serious about writing, so moving on to your 279 Days was a logical next move. It has given me some great food for thought and further areas/aspects/examples of writing to investigate. Thanks for writing this!
thank you for writing this book. “279 days” just changed my life.
Just finished reading this, and I’m feeling very inspired about my new project! Thanks Chris!
This was exactly-just exactly-what I was looking for.Thank you for doing what you do!
I was just thinking today about how much I loved 279 Days to Overnight Success and how much it inspired me and wishing I had a nicely bound hard copy and thinking about printing one out for myself. Great job Chris.
Really enjoyed the read and hope I can put it all into practice real soon. Thanks man, this was a really awesome read!
When is the celebration? december 30th? Can I be the artist playing at your party? I bet some great people would be there, would be awesome to meet you and your friends, and would be more awesome to perform at your party!!!! Thank you for these great words, true inspiring =)
have a great day!
This is brilliant – it really helped focus my thinking and schedule. I worked through it cutting and pasting key sentences into a ‘do list’ which I have followed rigidly. I’m still two months off launching but it’s coming together nicely. Reading this book really gave me a lot of confidence regarding what to do with the social media side of my ‘escape plan’.
Thanks !
Hi Chris, I discovered your site today via Flipboard and Maria Popova’s Brain Pickings. Thank you for being so generous with your insight and experience – it has inspired me on a grey London day when I was feeling overwhelmed by the prospect of launching my new coaching practice and developing a meaningful online presence having been in print journalism for 30 years. Good luck with everything you do in 2012 – you are the real deal.
Wow, I love the ‘non-conformist’ information packed into this e-book. So thrilled to have found your site and will commence plowing through it now. You probably won’t ever know how much one reading of only this e-book has already excited me and given me what I believe will be a site-changing idea. Having just moved my list to my new website which offers free guidance and energy healing I’m now going to take your advice and do something that I wanted to do but was always told would be too difficult…I’m sending every subscriber a personal note. Thank you Chris.
Anne x
I loved the article, Chris. Just what I needed to hear. I really appreciate you putting this up for free; I’m sharing it with friends who might be interested. Keep up the great work!
Thank you. I just read this guide, and I feel inspired. I have shared it with my fellow Trailblazers – Jonathan Mead’s programme which we are currently working with.
I just finished reading your guide and I just love the way you see success. Success to me is freedom.
Great tips and views. Thank you for sharing such valuable information.
Most people, me included, would have paid for this content! I am pretty good at weeding out the garbage from the valuable stuff on the Internet, and your guide is packed with value! Thanks Chris!
Hi Chris, I truly enjoyed and got inspired with your overnight success PDF! I can sense your transparency and your sincerity in making a living by helping others live their passions. I want you to be part of my army of coaches that will help me launch this next level in my life. Right now I am taking a class at the local college called “Introduction to Internet Writing Markets”! You have not only made my class more understandable but made in simple. Thank you so much for your great info. and for genuine heart. God Bless, Giselle from Miami
Thank you for this great guide. I made a lot of notes while reading and started already implementing. Keep it up Chris!
A friend passed this along and I’m so happy he did. I’ve been looking for direction with my blog for the past few months, getting sidetracked with what I think I should do, instead of doing what I want, and struggling to convince myself a paycheck does not define my value. You addressed it all and I feel encouraged about going forward. I’ve already sent this manifesto to one friend, and plan to share it with others. Thanks, Chris!
Thank you for your advice. I had a great time reading it. Your idea of visiting all the countries in the world is commendable. Very few of them might have done it or will be able to do it in future. Its an achievement in itself.
Keep up the great work. Cheers!
I must say i appreciate reading it. Pay a go to to my personal website! Equals)
This particular publish has grow to be helpful in my experience. We have just started a self-hosted weblog website and also this write-up created it easier for significantly. thanks!
Thanks so much for this guide, I’m a journalism student and budding writer with my own blog which at the moment isn’t exactly successful, but I found this guide really really helpful!!
Whenever I’m doubting myself and my work, I love to return to this. I always feel so lucky to have stumbled on this site. I’m not sure how I would be doing without it!
I want to hug you brother. Thank you. I’ll be referring back to 279 very often as I launch my blog.
Chris, I just launched my blog this week and I had a pretty amazing sign up in 24 hours. But your product here really helped ground me. I am obsessed with checking stats, and you reminded me that sometimes I just need to close the computer and walk away.
Also thanks for showing me that you can be successful without being a crazy marketer and online ads person. I really don’t like crazy websites with ads, that is why I made mine very simple. Thanks for your inspiration, you just gained a new strong follower through this product you put out for free!
thanks for showing me that you can be successful without being a crazy marketer and online ads person. I really don’t like crazy websites with ads, that is why I made mine very simple. Thanks for your inspiration, you just gained a new strong follower through this product you put out for free
very very thanks
Thank you for this awesome gift. I will make sure I apply your advice, I can’t believe this was free. I especially like your advice on how easy it was to produce an ebook. Also the featured artist and how they make a living doing what they love!
Thanks Chris… I started my reawakening last June but I barely discovered your book 4-5 days ago. 🙂 So I emailed you like you requested on the blog here and I’ve downloaded this!
It never ceases to amaze me how the right material pops up when you need it the most. Thank you I look forward to reading your manifesto.
Do you believe in fate? I do – and its hard goddamn work.
Thank you for your toolbox. Now I’m able to work just as smart as I do hard.
Just finished reading 279 Days to Overnight Success. Thanks for offering such sound advice. Thanks for offering it for free! And thanks for being concise and to the point.
Hey thanks for the advice. Its a pity that there are so few people like you out there.The world would be a better place if all the people pursue their dreams till the end. Great job mate.And thank you.
Thank you. I’m investigating this whole process of developing an individual niche online; this book is unique among what I’ve seen so far. Very inspiring and I really took heart that you accomplished your success without a Facebook account. I also very much appreciate everyone who is working to inspire and support creative living outside the box. Great job! Thanks again.
I’m quite new at blogging and still learning some very basic skills (*blush* pingback and trackback are still unclear to me!) But I will link to this! because it supports what I support and should be helpful to my readers.
Thanks for this Chris! I’m working hard, and I’m on my way to overnight success! Love the book $100 startup by the way!
Very happy I found your site, just finished reading 279 Days to Overnight Success and will be reading again. Now to go and explore your blog, many thanks!
Downloaded this today. I hope one day, I’ll be able to do—even just half of what you achieved. 🙂
I just passed the 279 day mark and have yet to become successful…I guess I’ll have to start over and try again…
In all seriousness though, I enjoyed reading your manifesto and think it might just be the inspiration I need to double down on my efforts.
And congratulations on completing you goal of visiting all the world’s nations!
This was amazing. I read the whole thing cover to cover, every word last night instead of revising for my exam… I couldn’t help it, it was so interesting and inspiring to listen to you talk about how you made it happen. Everyone looking to start or expand their blog should read this. thank you so much for sharing.
Hiya Chris,
Just wanted to chime in on what an influence you have been on many people including me. About 4 years after I started reading AONC (yes, I was one of your early followers), I have started my own company and blog. What is that 1200 something days to starting on the path to success? Anyways, cheers and can’t wait for WDS 2013. Just 25 days away!
Hope to chat with you in person!
Just wanted to say thanks for the great article. It has helped support a lot of the things I was thinking about my site. I’ll definitely re read the book again and try to refocus on my writing. Having a set schedule while you’re traveling has been one of my biggest difficulties. It can vary so much from day to day that I have really just had to pick times and fore go doing some fun stuff just to get work done.
This was a great article, Chris. It’s great to see someone who reached success by doing something they love and not selling out to the commonly accepted notions of how to do it. I’ll definitely take your advice to heart and look into what else you have to offer!
Its precise and concise. Its awesome! And I think I am not crazy 🙂
Thank you Chris.
I’m really love you 2 books and blog, give me a lot of inspirations.
Hoping one day I’m can do something for the world 2.
Thank you so much.
Now I can dig that! The title almost tells the story. Lovin’ it. It’s a real story with actionable steps to get to where we want to go. Thanks so much for writing so clearly, Chris. It’s just right on!
Thanks Chris. I’ve been blogging for a while, but this really hit home some pretty amazing facts to take it to the next level. Currently working on some things to increase the coverage areas and some distribution tactics with IFTTT. All of this hopefully will help me do a lot of what is said here a lot faster, but ultimately, it really hit home what you said about making great content and having a lot of it in reserve. Hoping to take my writing up a notch and start to connect with others. Thanks, and have a great day!
Thank you for being wonderful and bringing truth, freedom and hope to this crazy world. There are many times where I think life today is just all about mediocrity at best, and then there are shining lights like you who still think and care and create. Thank you for living, supporting and spreading a greater-than-average, extraordinary, life on purpose. Keep on bringing great ideas and worth to the world.
I’M NOT INSANE! Thanks for the terrific read! This is all new to me and what better person to go to than someone who has experienced it for quite some time and still doing a great job!
I’ve always wanted to write, blog, even make a little money doing it. I’ve already made the mistake of putting up a blog (which is terrible), by the way…but your guide has really helped me out.
I can’t say that 279 days will be enough, since doing a blog right would require some finances, of which I don’t have extra right now….but I’m so stoked about getting started.
Thank you for giving me the motivation! Gotta go, have more research to do…;)
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I must say thank you for inspiring me. It all sounded strange to me but from now it will definitely not because i will dig it out. when my website gets done, i will send it to you because i will need your mentorship.
Thank you
nice to know the opening remarks. I liked it.
Hello Chris, I found your website today looking for some free e-books. Thank you for this interesting post, it has inspired me to write my own blogging e-book. Good luck with everything you do in 2015 – thanks from Derek Coito
Thanks for sharing such great content. It is inspiring and I will surely use such info for my investing blog, Thanks!
thanks you are sharing such great content
Great article and shared with me by a friend at just the right time. I plan on using the tips as I’m building my own community. My views are very similar to yours – I don’t want to whore myself out for viewers, it’s refreshing to hear from someone with this view who is succeeding.
Thanks for sharing.
– Ken
Thank you Chris for your work. I don’t remember how I heard about you, probably from somebody on IBM(Internet Business Mastery academy), then I bought your book “the 100 dollars start-up.” You have been an inspiration and I am still learning about blogging and online business.
I am originally from Cameroon and I grew up in Gabon. Always good to talk to people who have traveled the world and know different cultures.
I look forward to learn from you.
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Mr. Guillebeau,
I downloaded and read your 79-page guide to successful blogging this evening. Thank-you for taking the time to share some of the wisdom you gained during your journey of amateur blogger to published author. As a full-time journalist working to become a full-time humor essayist, I find myself trapped between the rapidly changing traditional publishing industry and the DIY digital publishing platform. Your e-book rekindles my belief that, if I stick it out long enough, eventually people will recognize the quality humor essays I produce. Thanks again for helping those of us who have not yet “made it.” I plan to begin implementing many of your suggestions right away.
I just wanted to say thank you for a great guide book! I have had a blog for almost a year now, with the sole purpose of figuring out my voice and creating content that I feel matters. I have decided I would like to transform my blog into a business eventually, but was super turned off by most marketing tactics. Just researching how to get more readers made me feel disconnected from my original purpose for writing. So today, thanks to your advice, I will begin my own manifesto. Thanks again!
It’s so nice that you are helping people to find their talent and motivation. Thank you:)
Chris, thanks for your generosity. I read every word of your manifesto. I started blogging in 2013 with a paltry 5 blogs, then upped my commitment to weekly in 2014. I love what I’m doing and have heard back from enough people to know that others find my message of value. That said, I am at that point where I’ve been trying to figure out that next step of how to derive income from my efforts. I’ve read extensively on that subject, and am in the process of creating my first products. I found your manifesto to be among the most helpful things I’ve read. I stumbled on you today and will gladly share your content with my readership and social media connections. All the best, Lesley
tnx for this
your website is very good
Just finished my first read of 279 Days to Overnight Success. Can’t wait to begin studying this fantastic source of information so that I can apply the information to my up-coming project. I pray that you’ll continue to be awesome, and I look forward to following your work, as I’ve just subscribed based upon my first reading of 279 Days…. Thank you, Thank you…
Hi Chris I came across your site a few days ago, and I learned a lot in those few days. I also have a passion for traveling and I want to see the world, I want to see how people live around the world, their cultures and their beliefs and I want to improve the lives of people around me. This is just a great place to start. Your book 279 days to overnight success has been an eye opener Thank you!
Excellent site you have got here.. It’s difficult to find excellent writing like
yours these days. I honestly appreciate individuals like you!
Take care!!
Thanks for contributing to all of our success. Downloading…
Thank you, Chris 🙂
Hi Chris – really would like to use better words than ‘inspirational’ but can’t think of any:) really clear and actionable advise perhaps, no waffle, so much value. More than earned the link I put up. Thanks
An just about to slide off the straight and narrow into a small amount of non-conformity perhaps, so just the impetus I need (read kick up the arse)
Just wanted to pop by and say thanks for providing some great insight and encouragement with this manifesto!! Love what you’re doing on the site!
Admiring the commitment you put into your website and detailed information you provide.
It’s awesome to come across a blog every once in a while that isn’t the same outdated rehashed information. Excellent read!
I’ve saved your site and I’m adding your RSS
feeds to my Google account.
It has been an enlightening and thought-provoking trip through the ideas you present and I will certainly be following them up.
We’re a bunch of volunteers and starting a brand new scheme in our
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entire community will be grateful to you.
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Really funny stuff Joke to calm your gruff and smooth your rough. Practical Joke Ideas, Funny Lists, Random Funny Stuff, and Favorite Jokes of the Day.
This is a very nice article, but I am really curious why 279 days? Why not 280? LOL 😀 Thanks for writing it btw !:)
Great read! Love your work.
This manifesto is just what I needed. You’ve made it great. Stay on top of your game!
Hi Chris,
Thanks so much for providing such a helpful book. Have definitely learnt a lot of tips from reading this!
Cheers 🙂
Ok, work done, dinner done now diving deeply in-between your pages.
BTW thanks for much inspiration
Thanks so much, Chris, for sharing yourself with the world and writing an informative, inspiring and entertaining piece of work. Two days ago, I found out my contract (for an incredibly stressful job with a quasi government organisation) was not to continue. I knew this was a good thing because I don’t fit the mould and was so over trying to. I love writing and business and have wanted to earn a living on my terms for quite some time! Big thank you for the Blog Action Plan so I can make a start! Oops I’ve just tried to download it and got this message, https://chrisguillebeau.com/279. Look forward to hearing from you soon 🙂
Thanks for thir information.
i like your article http://www.apkmovies.com/
Hi Chris,
Is there an ebook version I could put onto my kindle rather than a PDF?
Thanks for all the value you offer.
Chris I so appreciate the generous way you have shared your experience and lessons. I’m super inspired to double down on my own new venture.
Thanks pal
Loved this. I read it a few years ago and just re-read it as I’m changing some aspects of my professional life – launching a new business – and working from home. Great insights and wonderful motivation! Thanks, Chris 🙂
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Terima Kasih
Hi Chris,
I just finished the 279 Days book — and loved it! I’ve just signed up for your e-mails. I’ve been a non-conformist all my life, am an author, and LOVE giving to the people I reach through my blogs.
Thanks for the great info!
Lee Ann
“Getting up in the morning is a sign that you can achieve the goal’s life better than yesterday.”(Bangun pagi adalah tanda bahwa anda bisa mencapai tujuan hidup lebih baik dari kemarin.)
agen pulsa murah all operator
It is amazing ebook for bloggers, content writers & obviously web developers also.
Chris, Thanks for sharing 279 Days to Overnight Success. First, it’s very well written. The info in it is gold. It gave me some clear action steps for my next few months and also erased some of my fears and combated some of my excuses as well. can’t wait to share a more in depth success story down the road.
Hi Chris,
thanks a lot, – I feel much more confident now!
And that’s what I needed urgently. 🙂
I believe in my success again. And wish you much success in your future projects.
Thanks again, Margot
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