Overnight Success, Year Three

Now that the birthday is over, we’re officially heading into Year Three of World Domination.
A few people said they were surprised that everything has happened so quickly. I regularly receive notes that say “I’ve been reading your blog for years.” It feels like several years to me too—but we’ve only just now crossed the second year point.
Last year I wrote an entire manifesto about creating a writing career in less than a year. To learn more about how it all happened, that free manifesto is probably your best bet.
Just to be clear, though, here are a few more notes. Some of them are specific to blogging and the delightfully strange hybrid career I’ve cobbled together, but I’m pretty sure the principles apply in most creative work.
Set a schedule and never miss a post. My own streak is now 336 posts in a row without ever missing a scheduled day. When you have a streak going, it creates its own motivation because you don’t want to screw it up. As I said in 279 Days, this isn’t so much about the readership—most people would forgive me if I missed a day, and many wouldn’t even notice. Instead, it’s about SELF-DISCIPLINE. Simply put, I need to do this to function well. One mistake leads to another, and I want to keep the streak going.
Get up early and stay up late. If Seth Godin creates an online book launch party and wants the posts to go live at 6am EST (3am on the West Coast, where I live), then you set your alarm for 2:45am and make sure everything is working properly. Yes, it’s possible to queue the post in advance, but what if something goes wrong—don’t you want to make sure that everything is exactly right? How will you tell people about it on Twitter and write an Amazon review?
Since I work from anywhere, I usually just tell people to set the time for a meeting and I’ll accommodate it. Later on I can figure out how to make that work. That said, I did tell Seth: next time, let’s start the book party on PST instead of EST. 🙂
Write for both men and women. We recently did an analysis with a random sample of 3,000 names on the email list. Of the names that were easily identifiable, the split was 51/49—almost exactly even (the women won by two points). I liked that. Some blogs are naturally a better fit for either men or women, and that’s totally OK. But for me, I feel like I’m doing something right if it doesn’t trend too far in either direction.
Write for all ages. Wyman Crane is one of our most active commentors and he is 72 years old. You’ll see him in the comments because he often says something about teaching an old dog new tricks. Lorraine Wright, another regular, is 65. She has visited 37 countries and recently set a goal to make it to 100 countries.
We also have a big group of high school students who write in with stories of surviving the culture of mediocrity they encounter in the education system every day. “What if my parents aren’t supportive of my dreams?” they sometimes ask.
My Suggestion: first, tell them you’re dropping out of school, changing your gender, and running away to join the circus. Then say, “OK, I won’t do that, but I do have a couple of other ideas.” That usually works.
So the clear answer is, ignore the idea that you are supposed to break people down in groups based on irrelevant information like age or sex. In other words—don’t focus on demographics, focus on who people really are. “Women ages 25-29 with a college degree” may be the kind of group you think about if you are selling energy drinks, but if you’re trying to change the world, don’t discriminate. I’m honored that so many old, young, and in-between people care about what I’m up to.
Make creative work the most important thing you do. Everyone complains about being too busy, but everyone finds a way to do what’s truly important to them. If watching a TV show is important, you’ll find a way to do it. You’ll watch it online, get it through Netflix and catch up on the weekend, whatever. And that’s fine, because we all do what’s important to us—therefore, all you have to do is make your business/blog/project/etc. extremely important.
Build relationships (really). Yes, I know that the phrase building relationships is starting to go the way of other outdated language thanks to people who have misused or exploited it. Such a shame! I’m interested in actually doing it. I answer all email myself, I don’t accept paid consulting offers, and I maintain a regular correspondence with anyone who wants to write in.
In what became a famous-or-infamous practice (depending on who you ask), I wrote a quick personal note to each of the first 10,000 people who joined the email list in 2008 and early 2009. Yes, 10,000 emails! And often many more afterwards, because people would frequently write back and ask, “Is this an autoresponder?” (Answer: nope.)
If you think this practice is trivial or a waste of time, consider the fact that about 70% of the people who join the list will never leave. I think they’re worth a quick “Hi, thanks for reading.”
Whether you want to write 10,000 emails or not, the point is: the little things matter. Do them.
You want to drop keys everywhere you go, and always focus on why anyone else should care about what you do. Pick up the check when you take people to dinner. Help people without expecting anything in return. If you ask for help yourself and the answer is no, go back and say “No problem, and thank you for considering it.” From what I can tell, only about 20% of people do that.
These things are not really that complicated or difficult. If the people you know aren’t used to them, however, that just means you’ll be that much more special around them. Then maybe they’ll start following the same pattern, and then you’ll know you’re really empowering.
Last but Not Least
Let the record show that this a long journey and I haven’t got everything right yet. I have a lot to learn, and this year I find myself being challenged in all kinds of new ways I haven’t experienced before. The only secret, I think, is continuous improvement. Watch and see.
Finally, to be really successful at something usually requires you to work at for a long period of time. Just keep at it. Don’t quit like everyone else does. When one tactic doesn’t work, try something else.
I’m in it for the long-haul. How about you?
Image: Jeff
Thank you for this. Your to-dos are so reasonable that they remind us how many excuses we all find not to do the things we need to do. I have long said what you do here, which is that as much as we complain about being “too busy,” somehow the things we REALLY care about always get accomplished.
Thank you for continuing to inspire.
“The little things matter. Do them.” And do them consistently.
Just in the last week I’ve hit this point in my business where I finally understand (and accept, if that makes sense) what I’m here to do and that I’m a writer and what the point is of all of this stuff … and now I can see how to make that commitment to do my version of the list you have for yourself above.
Crap. I think I’m going to have to go write a blog post about it. Okay, I’m off to get on that.
Thank you for being awesome. That is all.
Keep up the Great (and yes, even Good) work, Chris. You’re an inspiration to us all.
I recently put in a newsletter for my bodybuilding site and 17 people joined. This weekend I wrote each a personal letter saying thanks and asking what in the world I should write about next. While writing I wondered ‘It’s 65 degrees outside on, what am I doing inside on a Saturday?’ The answer? “I bet Chris would do it.”
Thanks for setting the example!
I need to make creative work my most important thing I do, and would like to drop more keys.
As always, thanks for the reminder! You seem to have a knack for timely posts in my life, and this one is perfect. Lately I’ve been thinking about creative work, dropping keys, and building relationships… You put into words what I’ve been thinking, and now I need to get to it!
Chris so great!!!
Excellent work Chris – can’t wait to see what’s in store for year 3.
Your commitment to genuine relationships with your readers always amazed me, but having finally met you in person you managed to surprise me even more. Of course, I’m modelling after that in my own approach, and of course it’s working out excellently and I’m reaping the benefits. Turns out being nice comes back to you – all the Disney movies were right!
When they give out the blogger of the millennium award there’ll be no competition! ChrisG hands down! 🙂
Appreciate this post, Chris. Last time I commented on your blog was almost a year ago when you visited the country of my ancestors, Guyana.
Love everything about this post from the “three years as overnight” title to the closing sentence “I’m in it for the long haul”. When people ask me how long l’m giving my biz, I tell ’em it’s not my biz, it’s my life, so for as long as I live 🙂
But, though just about everything in this post resonated, the one thing I hadn’t considered is the first “Set a schedule and never miss a post”. Need to work on that.
Thanks again for your thoughtful post and sharing. Onward to world domination!
So simple and to the core, I love it. Thank you for sharing yet another great post! 🙂
Ooh, you got me with the paragraph on “Make creative work the most important thing you do”. Just this weekend, I tried subscribing to Netflix for instant download capability. I’ve had so much work lately that I reward myself with watching tv shows online. However, since I live in Spain, that option was unavailable to me!
It’s time that I started overhauling my own site – a task I’ve been putting off…it’s so much easier to create a presence for others than oneself. And it means saying no to additional work for everyone else until I get my own project done!
Thanks for the inspiring site.
Congratulations on Year Three, Chris! Your site and outlook on life inspires everything I do, including making stupidly simple snack videos for my food blog.
It’s a silly series, but they make people laugh and I find few things more satisfying at the end of the day than paying positivity forward. Like Adventure-Some Matthew said, “Thanks for the reminder” to prioritize creative work and to drop those keys 🙂
And! Your non-automated thank you absolutely works. I personally direct messaged 200 Twitter friends (all of whom I’d interacted with before) asking for their vote in the Shorty Awards (aka “Twitter Oscars”) and I am now a finalist. Winner announced at ceremony next week. The thing is, I’d never be trailing Anthony Bourdain and other Food Network names in a global social media contest without those relationships.
Thank you, thank you for everything, Chris.
Yes, I’m in for the long haul too. Recently realized that I’ve been writing for over fifty years (I started as a ten year old) and have still not reached the wider publishing world. You give me hope and inspiration by showing that there are other paths to follow which will enable me to share my work.
As a 63 year old guy, I appreciate the fact that you “write for all ages.” Another way to say it is, don’t label or stereotype people. That was something I was taught in a freshman English class many years ago. It was a textbook written by S.I. Hayakawa. Unfortunately, today’s culture seems to promote the practice of labeling and stereotyping. It helps us classify people that we feel are inferior to us. I think it has a lot to do with why we have so much yelling between polarized groups and little meaningful dialogue.
Back to your writing for all ages, I spent 24 years as an engineer in the aircraft industry, got laid off and now working as a tech support guy in an elementary school. After 4 years of that, I am looking for a new career adventure.
Love the post and the comments. I think your off to one heck of a great start. By the way how comes the new book and wheres the next trip to? Do you plan for more video this year from far away places. I love your commitment to your craft!
I like that you say to write for all ages. So often we hear about how you must know your demographic, but if you only write to a certain demographic, you’re consciously ignoring other people –individuals.
I’m a guitarist. I still remember the day when I canceled my subscription to Guitar World magazine. I was 12 years old, and after reading and loving a few issues of the magazine, they totally alienated me with a particular issue. It was just so obviously NOT meant for me to read. So I canceled. And I never looked at that magazine the same way again.
Thanks for being so generous with your work, and for writing for all ages.
Zing!, Chris. Hit me right where I live. We’re gearing up for a Big Adventure, visiting all 45 national parks in the continental U.S. and Alaska in 220 days, leaving April 30. Using that to launch a new career in travel writing and photography.
My biggest challenge is a committed schedule to blog. So your post today takes me back to ground zero: commit to the basics.
BTW, I’ve been unemployed now for almost 2 years after a 35 year marketing career. We’ve explored many income-producing ideas, and the writing thingy speaks the loudest. Thanks for the encouragement and the signposts for the journey.
Wonderful post. This is some powerful information that I am applying to my own journey.
I hope to have your success one day. I know that success comes from my own actions and discipline. The development of my own discipline will be the leading reason for success.
Now…I must go back to that development…
I definitely needed some of this motivation this morning, thanks! 🙂
I may need to be sorting out some of my priorities here, I think I do a bit *too* much web surfing… I need to stop if I’m not reading something that I’m learning from or working on creating something myself.
Hey guys, thanks for all your great comments. You are all awesome.
I’m flying HKG-LAX in ten minutes – so I’ll be offline for most of the day, North America time. I’ll post the rest of your comments at 9pm PST after landing. 🙂
Wishing you well,
Longtime reader, first-time poster. I’ve gleaned quite a bit of encouragement and insight from this blog, and I wanted to wish you and everyone at “The Art of Non-Conformity” a happy Year Three. Keep up the great work.
Representing the Non-Commenters,
Persistence, discipline, and genuine caring pay off and you seem to be a perfect example of that.
Thank you for this post. The points you listed here cannot be said enough. In fact, I’m going to make sure I read this several times a month until these points become second nature! 🙂
I’m in it for the long haul, too.
Wonderful post and I’m so grateful for your work.
It’s really true, as you’ve shown us, when you tell your story, you can change the world.
it’s so nice to come to work at my conventional job and have The Man pay for me to be inspired by you on this early monday morning.
thanks for an inspirational start to the week, chris!
Chris- 3 years? Time flies when you’re having fun, eh? Congratulations to you.
I just spent yesterday (when I was soaking up the amazing sun we’ve been having in Seattle) really examining where I’m spending my time in my business. Some parts I’m ace, others are sorely lacking. Love the reminder to make creative work the most important thing we do, because that is the exact conclusion I came to yesterday!
Always a fan. 🙂
Your blog delights and educates and changes me. I hope I can experience your kind of “overnight success” someday. It’s about connecting and caring and doing something meaningful, not rolling in the big bucks and bragging about it. Thanks for being a great example.
Thanks Chris. It’s a little early, but I’d like to nominate this for Blog Post Of The Year. (If that’s not an award I’ll create it.)
Over night success does take time. As a blogger I strive to post regularly but I often get side tracked. So very helpful advice.
I too like to help people without expecting anything in return. That I’ve made a few mistakes is a given, that I’ve learned from them is somewhat special! Life has both good and not so good challenges, they are hurdles I can continue to sail over without needing to win the race: yes, I’m in it for the long haul.
I’m with you for the long hall. Haven’t been a reader for as long as others, but have loved what I have learned to far. Keep up the excellent work.
Just wanted to say thank you, I have been reading your blog for a few months now & both of your manifestos. You have inspired me to jump into the deep end and I have scheduled my blog launch in 5weeks, pre-launch and full content in 11weeks, right after my 30th Birthday.
Also traveling is amazing the way you do it, not my thing, but what it has inspired me to do is face my fears and do things I’ve always wanted to do. Therefore the main meat of my blog is going to be 30 things I just have to do while 30. Where I will continually ‘jump into the deep end’ and tell everyone about it.
I was trepidatious as I was juggling this whole idea in my head but after reading 279 days it just clicked and now I am more excited than fearful.
Amazing. You continually inspire and impact people — thank you!
Hey Chris!
Happy travels.
Another inspiring post! I LOVE your theory of dropping keys. I talk to clients about this all the time… it helps to have such a clear analogy. I read your blog because you’ve allowed all of us in to meet the real Chris, such a gift…thank you!
You are a modern sadhika, bhodisatva, seeker! Whether you know it or not, so much of what you practice and talk about is coming from a very yogic place. I see the teachings of my own spiritual path reflected in your journey and the understanding you’re getting from it. Your perspective and “words of wisdom” are in alignment with the Eastern teachings I love so much. I get a real joy from your posts and thanks for reminding me what a great ride it is!
I think that is the biggest lesson learned from your success. You’ve got to stick with it. In a world of instant gratification, folks give up quickly, or they are not motivated enough to hang on.
With that said, it goes to show that your love and passion for the topic you write/blog/vlog about will carry you through the lean times. If you’re not inspired, you won’t stick with it.
Continued success in 2010!
These are great tips. Not sure about the getting up early and staying up late, though. If I don’t get enough sleep I am not very productive. I believe in self care too. But the rest of it, especially the importance of building relationships and the lack of bias with regard to your readers is great. What about also a lack of bias with regard to race and religious backgrounds?
Yesiree….I am definitely in for the long haul. I have come sooooo far as well over the past few years. I have also improved so much as a person. I have to tell you that I re-read your manifesto all the time and am always inspired to “do more”. Thanks Chris and have a wonderful and safe trip back!
Thanks for being inspirational as you are. Keep up the good work!
Hey Chris,
It’s kind of funny. I have been doing this longer than you (around five years), but with far less fanfare. I can’t help but feel a little jealous, but at the same time, I know there are some things I just have not put the time in cultivating and others I could just work harder at.
However, what I can say for sure it that I have succeeded in a lot of ways, travel for free and get lots of wonderful perks that I enjoy, because I keep doing the work and I am genuinely passionate about what I do — good things happen.
Ultimately, it shows hard work goes a long way. Thanks for the insights.
Thanks Chris! I needed that. It came at exact right time.
Thanks for the reminder that everything takes time and persistence. You have made huge gains in a short time and that can make beginners like me impatient. But you aren’t “finished” yet and that is comforting.
My other tip for over-anxious beginners–keep a record, such as a receipt for your domain name, or your first blog post, or whatever. When you start to feel you’ll never get anywhere, pull it out…count the days…subtract from 279….and laugh at a world too impatient for even microwave ovens!
I have to sheepishly admit I’ve had to pull mine out several times in the first month.
Thanks for your post and letting us know what you consistently do. Many people by now know about you and your success story. Your suggestions are not at all preachy but inspiring, as what you said in your post are things really anyone can start doing!
Such a small thing and yet so important – to thank someone for just considering helping me, even if they can’t/don’t. Thanks for reminding me to do that! Now I’m off to get sworn-in as a US citizen. Big day!
Thanks Chris, I needed this, it was like a boot up the bum! I have lapsed for the first time in sending an email to my subscribers as my motivation is low, nearing to giving up all together. You have given me hope!
Also, I am an travel researcher in my real job. I totally agree on your demographic statement. I usually recommend we talk about mindset and attitudes to life rather than hard demographics particularly when it comes to segmenting our customers, although, sometimes it is good to combine the two. Works not just for travel, but other industries too.
Having been looking for paid work and discovered that my former skills are now ‘out of date’ (or at least ‘out of demand’) I am now volunteering with three different projects and looking to retrain with these groups. The great thing is that I am back at what I really enjoy – growing other people. It is almost incidental that I grow myself at the same time. If I hadn’t lost my last job I might never have discovered these opportunities. Many thanks to Chris (and others) for helping me to re-evaluate my life.
I’ve been following your blog Chris for a while now and it really is an awesome breath of fresh air every time you post. Thanks for all you do and I think I’ll now start my own streak of not missing a post…a wonderful challenge and motivator. Keep up the greatness 🙂
Looks as if you deserve every bit of your overnight success. Especially since its been 3 years in the making – probably more. Never can quite understand why you want to visit so many countries in so short a time but having the discipline to set a goal and stick to it is truly admirable. Plus you seem like a genuinely nice guy – but apart from that I like you:)
Oh yeah, I’m in it for the long haul. You’re not going to get rid of me too easily!
Inching my way up towards 1000 subscribers and looking forward to seeing where the journey leads both of us.
I love your commitment to yourself, and not breaking your own streak. That, right there is motivating to me too!
I agree about the little things, I’ve realized how much it makes a difference.
I’m in it for the long haul too! It’s great that we’re in this together. 🙂
Thanks for this Chris. It’s really cool that you’re going into your third year of this blog. I’m just about to end my first year on my blog, and although I’ve learned a lot about the blogging experience so far, I feel that there’s still so much more out there to learn. I’m looking forward to hearing the rest of your stories on your worldwide travel, as your journey has been a great inspiration to me.
I am a regular reader, Chris, and I find that you still manage to give me value despite the fact that I read an awful lot of other stuff. Keep it coming bro.
Hi, Chris:
Good for you for figuring out so young that you mustn’t simply be like everyone else because of their expectations.
So many folks are content to be cookie-cutter people, but it’s so much more interesting to be unconventional, in little or big ways, and not to conform to other peoples’ idea of what is right or normal or okay. It’s so much more fun to surprise people!
I’m still doing that at 63. My mother’s still doing it at 90.
I always feel inspired by reading your posts. It makes me happy (and motivated) to know that this enthusiasm is shared by a diverse group of people. Awesome. Thanks Chris.
A 20-Something here that probably could have used your advice on my parents 5 or 6 years ago. Think the “Warm them up to the ideas” would have been wise on my part… woulda/coulda/shoulda, right?
I do find once the warming process takes place (whatever the speed of the boiler plate), they (parents, peers, readers) tend to expect those ridiculous ideas.
In an archived post, you suggested being “The last guy who responds to an email chain,” and that way people learn to expect/anticipate your responses. I see the concept similar here.
Ridiculous Ideas (that are followed through on): A great brand to build.
Thanks again for the posts, Chris. Looking forward to traveling through this year with you.
Awesome work! The whole post had a great message, and the last line was brilliant.
Congrats and thank you for your posts – espcially this one.
“Finally, to be really successful at something usually requires you to work at for a long period of time. Just keep at it. Don’t quit like everyone else does. When one tactic doesn’t work, try something else.
I’m in it for the long-haul. How about you? ” – Yes, I’m also in for the long haul.
Thanks for all your inspiring posts!
I love the point about little things mattering. I reply to every comment left on my blog. I’m not huge yet, so I can do that. I keep telling myself, though, that even when I have 100 comments on each post, I’ll actually have 200 because I’ll still be in there.
How did I learn this? Because once – just once – someone email replied to one of my comments, and it made a tremendous impact on my loyalty.
As always, fantastic work, Chris. I don’t comment here as much as I probably should, but know that I’ve been reading for years now. :>) (Actually I think since your first guest post at Zen Habits).
-Marshall Jones Jr.
P. S. I’ve dropped off of your newsletter a couple times because I’ve switched email accounts (or wanted to receive the series again). I wonder how many people have done the same thing. You’re probably doing even better than 70%!
Thanks Chris. As someone who has received personal replies from you, I’d like you to know I appreciate it. Nothing can top personal service in business. 🙂
Good luck on year 3 man! It’s amazing how once one starts, the momentum just builds!
I was reading this post here in Thailand over breakfast and almost choked when I saw my NAME in this post. Very kind of you to mention me and my goal at 65 years to visit 100 countries (now 37 and counting). My travel is mostly work related and I’ve written a few professional books; produced DVDs etc but the world of blogging and social media is quite new to me. So I’m very grateful to you for your generosity of sharing your wonderful insights, reflections, and wisdom. I’m learning a lot for you and implementing MANY of your ideas.
I have had a website for a few years but next week is the big launch of my first blog. I admire all you under 40 who are so at ease and comfortable with this technology and make a living from social media. Congrats to all.
I find the jet lag always worse returning home from Asia than when arriving here. How about you? Have a good rest.
Firstly,Happy Birthday.
I just wanted to say that almost a year ago I read your manifesto and at that point decided that I was going to move my blog and business to the next level.
I have developed a blog that is now read by about 10 times as many people as it was last year and has moved over 1,000,000 places on Alex.
A lot of what I do has been inspired by you and the site. Thank you.
Helping people without expecting anything in return. That is such a forgotten way of living in the 21st Century. There is such a perceived sense of scarcity, yet in relative terms we have such abundance. Living in this karmic way takes off this stress and its amazing how the right thing turns up when it is really needed. Thanks for the reminder.
I’m in it for the long haul too. I’m with you about personal emails verses auto responders. Too many people set up email campaigns and forget about it… this will never be real personal interaction. Thanks for all the great information. And happy Birthday!
Thank you. It’s nice to have someone affirm my belief that it is okay to dream and I am allowed to have MY dream. And that I am allowed to make it reality.
Happy Birthday
“I have a lot to learn, and this year I find myself being challenged in all kinds of new ways I haven’t experienced before.”
You’re right Chris, you do…and it is oh so enjoyable to watch this occur.
First of all, Chris, I am extremely grateful for all of the valuable content and advice and inspiration you have given us all over the past couple of years.
It is surprising to hear the wide range of ages of people who read your blog (although I could tell somewhat by the comment gravatars). I would give anything to have known about an awesome blog like this in high school!
Best to yet another successful year!
This is my first comment here but I have a feeling it won’t be the last.
I came across your blog a couple of weeks ago and it immediately became one of the few blogs I make an effort to keep up with.
This post is one of the reasons why. Great inspirational post not only for writers (like myself) but for just about everyone- especially the build relationships pointer.
Great stuff, Chris, and congrats on the three year mark!
Hi there,
Isn’t it ‘funny’ how I’ve been wondering lately exactly how I need to start formulating my own message and start getting it out there….(not telling anyone just wondering) and then someone tells me about this blog that he follows and enjoys and I subscribe not thinking much about it. I really just enjoyed the whole idea of the Art of non conformity. Then a week or two later this idea starts growing and I start to wonder if I shouldn’t start with a blog – but how on earth do you start….? And then the next day I open my email and found this inspiring post giving me the exact ins and outs…..
Wow – the universe truly conspires with us when we decide what it is we want to do.
Thank you for the honest tips – I will be putting your advice to good use soon.
While sometimes you get lucky, I agree — it’s persistence and passion that payoff.
There’s nothing like overwhelming your problems to achieve fierce results, and continuous improvement is the key.
Wow So I am the old man of the group. I do enjoy your blog and likewise want to change the world or at least lay the ground work for my three boys and grandchildren to. I want to leave them with more than a huge debt.
Hello Chris
First and foremost – thank you. I’m currently a UK-based cubicle employee with aspirations for something new. And it’s precisely this sort of thing that fires me up and enables me to keep the faith. I’m currently planning my muse and a six month travel stint is already taking shape.
The world is only as big, bad and as scary as you lead yourself to believe.
Oh, and a belated Happy Birthday from your most recent fan.
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