
My Unexpected Trip to the Cook Islands (Courtesy of Air New Zealand)


I've been home from my trip to Haiti and South America for about a week now, and I didn't expect to go anywhere for a while.

Then all of a sudden, I got an email from Air New Zealand... offering to bring me along with a group of journalists going to the South Pacific for a press event. The offer came via Chris Brogan, who recommended me to Air New Zealand – big thanks to Chris for that.

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Site Update: May 2009

This overdue monthly update comes to you from the Dominican Republic – I’m actually not there now, but that’s where I wrote most of this update, so we’ll call it good. *** Each month I look back at what’s happened with in the previous month. If you’ve missed some articles, you can catch up…

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Building Influence to Gain Widespread Authority

This is a more advanced look at how I've been able to build the AONC site into a diverse community over the past year.

I've already written 79 pages about this subject, so this follow-up is mostly for the 50,000 people who have read that report so far. What I want to do in this article is focus on using multiple spheres of influence to create widespread, perceived authority.

One of the most important parts of developing a following is answering the “reason why” question and proving yourself to be an authority on at least one thing other people care passionately about.

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Update on Location Independent and the “Art and Money” Guide

It's time for the Sunday Store Update. I use this time every Sunday afternoon to tell you more about the small business I'm building to support the rest of the site.

I have a no-hype marketing policy, and I ask that you don't buy anything from me unless you have a clear need for the product. All regular content is ad-free and freely available.

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Overland Journey from Guyana to Suriname

suriname-house Part I: Georgetown to New Amsterdam, Guyana

My sleep schedule is still off from the 3:30 a.m. arrival a couple of nights earlier, but it's an early morning wake-up to get to the Guyana taxi station. I fall asleep at 2:00 a.m., and the alarm goes off at 4:45. Nice. By 5:15 I'm downstairs paying the bill and waiting for my first ride of the day.

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Keeping It Real

Whenever a community experiences rapid growth, some people feel left out. New people come in and don't know the history. Meanwhile, the people who have been around for a while worry that they have been forgotten in all the excitement.

A good leader needs to be able to reach out to new people, expand the pie, while also "keeping it real" as much as possible.

This is my attempt to do so, live on location from the Dominican Republic.

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The Heart of the Matter

heart-of-the-matter-freetown-sierra-leone Here I am in Haiti, a country I've been reading about for years but have never been to before. My accommodations are as basic as advertised, and that's just fine for a few days. If you ever find yourself in need of humility, come down here and spend the week with nuns and missionaries. That should do the trick.

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26 People I Highly Respect

In 279 Days, I included links to many of the people I respect and have learned from since I started this site. I did this because I wanted to give credit where credit is due – and each of these folks deserve a lot of credit for helping me.

Here they are again, with a quick synopsis on why I think they are awesome. If you’re looking for people to learn from (I always am), I encourage you to check out their work.

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Around the Web and the World