How to Process 2,021 Emails in One Day

Welcome to the weekend edition of AONC – actually being written on Saturday morning this time so I can take most of Sunday off before traveling down to Haiti and parts of South America on Monday.
Hopefully along the way I can keep clearing out the emails. The screenshot in this post is of my regular Inbox during one of the high points of the manifesto launch. The day before I had it down to 25, but as you can see, that didn’t last long.
The screenshot over here is from a different Inbox, and it includes new email subscribers received over ten hours on Friday – I called this the “Seth Godin Effect” since about 50% came from him.
In case you’ve read the manifesto and are wondering, yes, I really do greet every new person who joins the newsletter. The problem is that 2,500 people have joined in the past two days, so this is going to take a while. If I miss you, let me know – but give me some time first. 🙂
A few notes about 279 Days:
- We’re well over 25,000 downloads of the report so far.
- Props to the 50+ people who let me know about the big typo on page 48. My fault. There are also a few smaller typos that we’ve found – we’ll fix those and update the file soon.
- Remember, you need a recent version of Adobe Reader (free) to view it. Any version more than two years old won’t work. Preview on Mac also works great.
Sunday Store Update
I’m supposed to publish a store update every Sunday night, but, well – see the screenshots. There is a store where I sell unconventional information products – I’m sure you smart people can figure it out. For now, my bestselling product is the Unconventional Guide to Working for Yourself.
Note to Fellow Entrepreneurs and Marketing Folks: yes, I know my products are underpriced and it’s crazy that my highest-priced item is $58. I may raise the price at some point, but the idea is that I want things to be accessible to as many people as possible. So far it’s working out OK.
Also, I’m working with a partner on an all-new project called Art and Money scheduled for launch on May 11th. It’s looking good, and I’ll tell you more about it just before I return from my trip.
Most importantly –
I’m so glad you’re enjoying it. It’s incredibly fun to connect with new people, and I also want to make sure I don’t let anyone down who has been reading for a while.
Tomorrow I’ll give a shout-out to the 26 people mentioned in 279 Days and tell you why I think they’re so awesome. That post is also pre-written, since I’ll be flying to the East Coast in the morning before heading on to Haiti. After that, updates will be from on-location for the next two weeks.
To get the Daily Ass-Kicking and other notes from wherever I am, follow me on Twitter. Thanks to many of you, I actually managed to be the #3 most retweeted person on Wednesday morning for about 15 minutes. Fortunately, Paris Hilton did not go back to jail and Britney did not get a DUI during that time. Oprah came online in the late afternoon, and that brought me back to the appropriate level of humility.
Peace out. See you guys from the road. You rock my world.