Et Cetera
awesome, foundation, scholarships for real life, WDS
In 2013 we announced that all profits from WDS will go toward our new foundation, featuring Scholarships for Real Life.
In 2014 we announced the first grantees and $60,000 of initial awards to three individuals working on sensitive, important issues:
a “kids-first” ADHD movement,
LGBT empowerment, and
life-skills training for youth.

The process of gaining 501(c)(3) status is cumbersome and often takes more than a year. I wish it took a bit less time, but I do understand the reasoning. The IRS wants to make sure that non-profits are legit, so you have to work for it!
Anyway, I was excited to hear from our foundation’s Executive Director, Katie Hurst, that
we are officially legit. All donations to the foundation are now tax-deductable, though for now we aren’t actually
soliciting deductions—we’re just funding the account through any surplus WDS revenue.
The next phase of applications for this year’s awards will open next week.
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