2014 Annual Review: A Few (Embarrassingly Personal, Per Usual) Lessons Learned

Hey everyone, the Annual Review is here!
Note: This is a long post (2,500+ words) and also fairly personal. You have been warned. If you’re new here, be sure to also check out:
- 2014 Annual Review Process (including a new planning template)
- Annual Review archives (all relevant posts from 2008-2014)
- Share your thoughts (no need to write 2,500 words; just say something that went well and something that didn’t)
OK, let’s get to it! As noted in the process post, I begin the review by focusing on the answers to two questions: What went well this year? and What did not go well?
What Went Well in 2014
This list includes some of the things I was proud of or that just went well in general this year. In case you get bored with this part, don’t worry—there are plenty of failures and challenges to look forward to in the next section.
- Aside from issues of anxiety and sadness (I’ll cover this more in due time), I was in good health for most of the year
- I published The Happiness of Pursuit, my first book since The $100 Startup. The book was a New York Times’ bestseller! (Thanks so much, everyone—you made this happen.)
- I had a year of good travels, including a return visit to Sydney (my favorite world city), a solo birthday trip to Bali, a trip to Abu Dhabi, and approximately fifteen other countries (I’ll make a full count during the travel roundup, coming in a few days)
- I also went on a 40-city tour to meet readers all over the U.S. and Canada in a series of meetups and bookstore events
- WDS 2014 was another big success. We brought thousands of people to town. We threw the biggest party we’ve ever produced, which is saying a lot. We began a new series of “Academies” that take place on the days before and after official WDS. And if you haven’t seen this 10-minute film about WDS from an attendee’s perspective, check it out. I’m very proud of our team for making this happen

- In addition to WDS, we started another global gathering called Pioneer Nation. The inaugural event brought together 300 entrepreneurs and others pursuing independent work of different kinds. It was a ton of work to put together, but when all was said and done, it was a lot of fun to watch unfold
- I gained more confidence as a speaker, traveling to keynote at more than a dozen conferences, events, and companies
- I started making wiser choices about spending money to invest in my health and well-being. I finally learned to like green smoothies and green juice (yay). I started taking taxis or Uber to travel around town instead of relying on car-sharing or public transport, frequently saving time and frustration
- Working with a small (yet mighty) team, I published four new Unconventional Guides: Freelance Writing, Designed to Sell, Get Rich Slowly, and Upgrade Unlocked
- Having previously expressed that I was frustrated in my declining track record of financial giving, this year I did a better job. I gave more intentionally and frequently to organizations that are doing worthy work
- I worked with a wonderful design studio to reboot this blog. Since we debuted the new design and format in June, I’ve published posts almost every day. I’m especially psyched about our Profiles series, which highlights readers who are exploring interesting ideas, pursuing big goals, or otherwise living unconventionally. The new format has been great, and I’m looking forward to continuing to refine it in 2015
- I recently signed a deal for my next book, which I’m really excited about. I’ll be working with a new editor for the first time in four years, and both of us are energized over the concept and outline. (As part of a crazy experiment, this time I’ll actually write an outline before I start writing the manuscript—but more on that another time. And I’ll tell you what the book is about another time, too. First things first.)
A Note Before We Continue
As promised, I’m going to share some real failures and truly difficult things about this year. But first, here’s another confession: when I started the process of writing everything down, I was worried. The heaviness and negative feelings I’m about to describe have been weighing on me so much lately that I had almost convinced myself that the whole year was a bust.
But no! Once I started reviewing my calendar and writing down these highlights, I was amazed to see so many good things crop up that I had totally forgotten about.
It reminded me of one of the core lessons of the Annual Review: we tend to overestimate what we can accomplish in a single day, but underestimate what we can accomplish in a full year. For that, I’m grateful.
What Did Not Go Well in 2014
OK, no need to run from it—the list of things that did not go well is not short. This list is somewhat abridged, but you’ll probably get the gist.
- Overall, I experienced a high amount of sadness, anxiety, angst, and inability to focus. For many days in 2014, I felt “on edge” for large parts of the day. I walked around with the constant sense of being distracted or even fearful. These negative emotions and impacts occurred off and on throughout the year, but culminated to an especially loud pitch in the past few months
- I was constantly in a state of being behind on everything. For years I’ve prided myself on working quickly and over-delivering. But lately, I’ve been late—over and over. I was late in delivering my book manuscript, which caused my publisher to delay publication of the new book from Spring to Fall. I was late in working with several trusted and competent business partners (sorry, guys!). I was even frequently late to appointments, a bad habit I’ve never indulged in before
- It’s more than just being late: I’ve often felt that I’m letting down everyone who is close to me. My family, my friends, readers, colleagues, and the community I seek to serve… pretty much everyone. It’s not a great feeling
- The book launch for The Happiness of Pursuit was good but not amazing. Sure, we started well and hit NYT, but overall, the long-term sales for the previous book are much higher
- Similarly, the Unconventional Guides launches and other business projects were good but not amazing. (The point: we need some amazing around here! Reasonable people might settle for good, but I am not reasonable.)
- Speaking of books, I stopped reading them. Well, I didn’t stop—but I used to pride myself on reading at least 50 books a year. This year, I probably read 25-30 at most. I worry that this loss of learning relates to a loss of creating, for learning is critical for both personal growth and writing. “If you want to write, read more books” goes the old advice, and it’s good advice. But somehow I got off track with this, too
- I often failed to appreciate my circumstances. I did not maximize my units of momentary happiness. Sometimes I’d be in a beautiful setting or otherwise be experiencing something very privileged, like flying First Class or staying in a nice hotel, and I’d still feel sad. Then I’d feel guilty for feeling sad, and I started to have the sense that it was all meaningless
- I did not always provide good leadership for the people who contribute their valuable time and energy to our group projects. In particular, doing two major events (WDS + Pioneer Nation) with largely the same team in a short period of time was a big challenge
- In the midst of another difficult time in dealing with a family situation that was far away, I received the worst text message of my life while preparing to sign books at an event in California. The confluence of these events, which also happened at the same time I was trying to make a big decision about my future in publishing (when it rains, it pours!) produced the most difficult 60-day period of any recent memory
- I don’t have many close friendships (and I’m generally comfortable with that), but lately I’ve sensed that the ones I do have are becoming strained or at least somewhat distant
- Throughout the year, my elderly grandmother became more confused. Two months ago she became suddenly ill and died shortly after being hospitalized (here’s my tribute to her—thanks for all your kind comments)
As I said, this list is somewhat abridged. But I know it’s intense.
Does everything happen for a reason? I certainly don’t think so, though it’s interesting to consider why we might place certain events in the movie of our life.
I also don’t believe that every cloud has a silver lining. There are plenty of “clouds” in our life that are just undesirable and unwelcome. Nevertheless, in reflecting on this list of negatives, I do notice a few positive interactions or by-products.

For example, I was very sad when my nana passed away, as almost anyone would be. But I was also relieved that she died in relative peace. At the hospital, right before her symptoms were treated with morphine, she said she was “ready to check out.” She was 88 and had lived a wonderful life.
Even though I haven’t always been the most reliable family member, in the months before her death I traveled home twice and had good experiences with her and everyone else who was involved in the situation. If I hadn’t done that, I think I’d feel a lot worse.
In other news, the fact that I had such anxiety and inability to focus led me to recently seek therapy and even medical help for the first time. I’ll tell the whole story about this in an upcoming post, including an unexpected and partial solution I found through the process. But for now, in general I think it’s a good thing that I took this drastic step. I’ve been struggling for a long time, but until the situation became more severe, I continued to attempt to handle everything myself, with only mixed results.
Lastly, because I know I am goal-oriented and always will be, I’m glad that I was still able to do a lot despite all these problems! As mentioned earlier, I had the depressing things in mind as I began this review, so I was almost prepared to say, “Yeah, this year was just terrible through and through.” But again, that wasn’t the case and there were still a lot of highlights.

It was just a challenging year in general, and most of us tend to accentuate the negative over the positive. I still have a long way to go in this overall exercise, but the Annual Review process has been helpful in reminding me that our lives are multi-faceted and complex.
For years I’ve said I’m a “realistic optimist.” I try not to be naive but I do have hope. I will always have hope.
Lessons from the Journey
I’ve tried to be as honest as possible in compiling the above lists for anyone who cares. There are probably some obvious lessons that run throughout, and as I’ve been processing all of this, here are a few that I take from it.
Gratitude and happiness are not the same thing. When I first started journaling my notes for the review, I made the mistake of saying that I haven’t felt very grateful lately, but this was imprecise.
I can honestly say that while I’ve been sad and anxious, I’ve lived with gratitude more often than not this year, and that feels good. As Jason Mraz said once, you can be successful and still experience melancholy. If I struggle, I can still have a good life—and presumably, you can too. I do have a good life and I will continue to be grateful, regardless of external circumstances or even my own failures.

That said, I need more units of momentary happiness. One of the scariest things for me was realizing that I have a hard time identifying these moments in my life. When I look back and think of things that made me happy this year, I find them colored by something negative. I don’t know how to change this, but one way or another, I need to take more joy in present surroundings, once again regardless of any perceived negative circumstances.
What doesn’t kill you at first will probably try again. I’m not sure of the origin of this phrase, but I read it recently and immediately related to it. It’s a sad lesson, sure, but presumably a helpful one for some of us. (See also: Stockholm Syndrome.)
I must continue to recognize the cost of doing small things. I recently summarized Greg McKeown’s rule of only saying yes to ideas that are at least 90 out of 100. I’m generally resistant to this sort of philosophy in general, for a lot of reasons. I believe our lives are too complex to reduce to mere machine-like efficiency, and as noted, we can accomplish a lot more in a year than we tend to believe.
But like a lot of aphorisms, perhaps the best answers depend on the context and seasons of our lives. Regardless, I need to be more specific and intentional. Life is too short and the potential for greatness is… far too great to ignore.
Ensure that goals are closely aligned with your overall vision. This probably sounds basic, but anyone else who is goal-oriented and future-minded may need to hear it. At the beginning of this year I chose “Relationships” as the theme, yet I felt sad and even unsuccessful in strengthening the ones that matter most, and also in navigating situations that felt unfamiliar and uncomfortable.
If I want to prioritize commitments to friends and family more, I can’t just wish it to happen as I continue to spend all my best time working on everything else that matters to me. Also, a theme of “Relationships” is far too general. As with any other goal, specificity and a clear definition of success are critical in seeing it through.
Your Turn (If You’d Like)
Well, this has been a long post—and there’s more to come about several of these points. In the next few posts, I’ll share more detailed lessons from this year, including a full post on Business & Work lessons, a Travel Roundup, and … dun, dun, dun … a detailed post on what’s to come next year. Whoa.
If you’ve read this far, thanks for your indulgence. Some of you have been around for years, and you are the reason I make these posts public. It’s my strongest hope that something I share will be useful to you as you plan your own life and goals.
Speaking of that, how about you? How was your year?
All Annual Review posts this week will be open for reader comments, and you don’t have to write 2,500 words like I just did. Just give us a few highlights in response to these questions:
- What went well in 2014?
- What did not go well in 2014?
And remember, if you write a post of your own, link to one of these posts and include the hashtag #AnnualReview. I’ll include as many as possible in a future roundup.
Image: Untrained Eye, Herr Olsen
Thanks for sharing both the ups and the downs of your year. I always appreciate your prospective. I imagine there is quite a bit of stress in living out “The Art of Nonconformity.” Of course, if it was easy everyone would conform to nonconformity!
Best of luck in 2015!
I appreciate your honesty. For me depression is a waste of time so it’s good to get it treated. Then get back to the good work of serving the world and enjoying it.
Glad you made it through. As someone who has battled depression all my life I can tell you one thing that helps get me through is realizing that everything changes. Good times eventually are interrupted by bad, and bad times eventually turn a corner and become good again. Riding out the storms, looking for patches of sunlight til the clouds move away keeps me going.
Hey Chris, thanks for sharing. Don’t take this the wrong way, but it’s encouraging to know that we can have problems and still be successful and make a positive difference in people’s lives. I used to think I had to have myself totally figured out and just bouncingly happy all the time before I could even start to help others. Which was actually really discouraging.
To a great year!
Thank you for a great post. I have a strong feeling that 2015 will be a more joyful year for you. I’m really looking forward to the next posts. I’ve talked to my wife about the annual review any gotten her interested in taking the time to sit down, reflect on 2014 and make our plans for next year. We’re small business owners in the field of historic preservation. The past few years have been tough. Too little income, way too many hours working. But we’ve done a lot of great traveling in 2014 as well. I’m looking for more balance and less running to put out fires.
Hi Chris!
I’ve been a lurker for years, but I really appreciated this heartfelt and extremely vulnerable post. Two thoughts:
1. If you have time, pick up a book called “The Mindful Way Through Depression.” It’s not your basic, well-intentioned-but-ultimately-useless self help book. It starts with a well crafted explanation of why we spiral into cycles of negative thought. This passage reminded me of it:
“Sometimes I’d be in a beautiful setting or otherwise be experiencing something very privileged, like flying First Class or staying in a nice hotel, and I’d still feel sad. Then I’d feel guilty for feeling sad, and I started to have the sense that it was all meaningless.”
2. I’m concerned about your calling therapy and medical help a “drastic” step. There is already so much stigma surrounding mental health and seeking professional help. I say this not to criticize, but just to bring it to your attention because you are well-liked and admired by many people (myself included!) and I’d hate for you to inadvertently cast a judgmental light on something that can be very helpful.
Thanks for reading so far, and for the post! Can’t wait to read the next ones!
Thanks for this post, Chris. I’ve struggled with what you have as well. I’ve thought this year was a washout too but thanks to you, I’ll take a few hours off this week (can’t get anymore time than that) and think on what when well.
It’s good to get some help to keep on keeping on. We all appreciate you so much!
I keep a “Spirit” folder in my email client. Any wonderful, touching emails that come from readers or friends go into that folder. Anytime I am feeling a little down, I just scroll through my Spirit folder to replenish feelings of gratitude, love and greatness. 🙂
Hi Chris –
Thanks for sharing your deepest thoughts with us. What a privilege to read another person’s reflection on the year. I had a similar experience as you when doing my end of year reflection last week. The last quarter has been a difficult one for me so I thought, “This year kind of stunk.” But then as I wrote down all of the good things that happened I realized that I actually had a really great year in a lot of ways (especially the first 3 quarters). And one of my highlights was attending Pioneer Nation!
As someone who has just had an anxiety attack at an airport that threw my travel plans into chaos, this one hit home for me. Really appreciate how candid this is, Chris. Anxiety (the irrational, logic-ignoring kind) is something it seems I’m struggling with, and reading about someone else’s experiences with it, that really helps.
For me, 2014 was the tail-end of a process of learning what I don’t want to be doing online, and the start of actually doing the stuff I think I’m here to do. That felt good. But it was also messy and stressful and it seems it’s left me a bit mentally weatherbeaten. So now I’m looking after myself and turning my energy towards the work I believe in, and have faith that will pay off.
Sometimes complicated problems require simple solutions.
Great post Chris. I’m sorry to hear about your grandmother and all your down-times. But please know that you’re an inspiration to many of us. I particularly appreciated your sharing that you sought help for your anxiety; I think that’s huge. Thanks for your candor and sharing your vulnerabilities so openly.
I’ve enjoyed your honesty since 2006, but this is the first time your honesty shows a sustained sadness. In my very humble opinion, I think your period of being “on edge” started in Norway (wrapping up a massive, multi-year quest).
When your recovery is complete, your vision will reveal a New Quest. Only this time, you’ve got us – your ‘army’ of supporters, loyal fans and other leaders.
The book deals are awesome. WDS is awesome. But you seem to be the guy who lives strongest while surfing a long wave of quest. I hope it’s revealed to you soon.
All our best,
THIS is the type of writing and introspection that will take you wherever you want to go. Great read, and an even better inspiration. Thank you!
Thank you for leading us, even though sometimes it sucks and it’s hard to enjoy the journey. You’ve made a bigger impact in my life this year than you could ever realize, just by doing all of the work you mentioned.
Thanks again for *going first,
Thanks for sharing your personal journey — and including the lows as well as the highs.
As a long-time reader and a participant in WDS for the past 2 years, I appreciate how much your work has helped encourage others to lead remarkable lives, and will continue to do so.
Your work is awesome.
For 2015, I hope that you will prioritize time for doing things that bring you true joy, whatever that is for you, even if that means giving a little less of yourself to all of the other people that you continue to inspire.
Thanks for being so open and honest, as always, Chris. I’ve been reading your annual reviews for 5 years or so, and I almost just read and left, but I realized I have much more to say to you.
Although I know there is no quick fix to anxiety, melancholy, and depression (I’ve been there), I want to remind you how much impact every project you take on has on real people. And I want to do that by highlighting a couple of your projects that have had the greatest impact on me:
– You published your first traditionally published book on my birthday in 2010. That book inspired me to write down my vision for my ideal life, quit my job as a management consultant, and start a company.
– For my birthday in 2011, my girlfriend bought me tickets to WDS 2012. It was the best birthday present I may have ever received. At WDS 2012, I met the people who have become some of my very best friends and mentors in the world. Four of us have run an every other week mastermind group for more than two years. I also met the team I now get to work with. Without having met them there and building those relationships as a result, I wouldn’t get to do the work I love so much today.
– About the same time, I purchased the Empire Building Kit and it was the only email I checked religiously every day for a year. Through that process, you taught me so much about building an independent business.
– Thanks to quitting my job and starting my company, I got picked for an internship with Seth Godin in 2013. Without inspiration from your book, I would’ve never been in that position. In a fun twist, we highlighted your work in one of the courses we built. Although we shut the project down, it was another chance to learn from what you teach.
– After WDS 2013, I made an impossible list or bucket list, or whatever you want to call it. I think Darren Rowse inspired me to do that. One of the items was to speak on the main stage at WDS someday.
– At WDS 2014, I partially fulfilled my goal by being a part of the team that delivered one of the academies. I haven’t done the things necessary to be a remarkable main stage speaker just yet, but last year was a step in the right direction.
– Also at WDS 2014, I think I literally cried a few happy tears as I watched you give out remarkable and generous gifts to (happily) stunned attendees who deserved every bit of what you gave away. I have never seen, in person, such an incredible embodiment of paying it forward. It reminded me of the fire I have to serve people and follow your lead in doing so in delightful ways.
There’s so much more I could add to this list, but my point is really quite simple… The work you do matters. It impacts real people. Even when the launches aren’t rocket ships and the clouds seem a bit heavier on a given day and you don’t feel like you’re delivering on your commitments, no one can take away from the incredible impact you’ve had on thousands and thousands of people.
I know you’re a goal-oriented guy, as am I, so reflecting on past successes is but a brief period in every year. But this year, I hope you’ll take a few extra minutes to read some of the comments or stories from individuals whose lives you’ve changed in an irrevocably positive way. (And maybe give a quick call to those 5 or 10 people you consider to be your closest friends. Tell them how much they mean to you and that you’d like to invest more energy into those relationships over the coming year. I can imagine that would mean the world to them.)
Thanks for all you do, Chris. It matters. We need more people like you in the world. I hope 2015 gets off to a great start.
Wow – a powerful post. First off, I’m proud of you for putting so much of yourself out here (and proud of all that you’ve accomplished this year – quite the feat!). I truly believe that is an important step in moving forward and ultimately in healing. I’ve suffered from clinicall depression for years (since I was 15) and only within the past eight years have I come full circle and can now say I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. yes, it meant finally accepting medication was necessary (I resisted for years) as well as therapy (a great therapist will become your beacon of hope). Knowing your personality, you will find peace again, and the clouds will lift. I promise you this.
I do respectfully disagree with the thought, “What doesn’t kill you at first will probably try again.” Only if you let it. Period. What tried to kill you at first should be a learning lesson – if it comes back to bite you in the ass again it’s because you didn’t bother learning the first time. I know this sound incredibly harsh, but I can’t envision you being someone who would get bit a second time. 🙂 Also, every “failure” is a lesson learned. Once you embrace this, nothing can stop you.
But anywho, what went well for me in 2014: hubby & I vacationed three times to the islands (a week each), which was a first. And it was fabulous! 🙂 Also, I reconnected with my love of art and I’m now pursuing it as a business.
What went wrong in 2014: my first venture, South Pacific Bound. tanked. Chalk it up to poor planning and over-eagerness to do something grand. It was a painful, somewhat humiliating failure (also to the tune of $10,000), but I picked myself back up and am carrying on. Having a loving (and very understanding) spouse and a couple good friends made this easier to deal with.
Wishing you all the best for 2015! May the sun shine on you frequently (even though you’re in Portland :)).
Peace, love, happiness & harmony always, Jen Zeman
Although I don’t rejoice in hearing about others’ misfortunes, it was comforting all the same to hear I’m not the only one struggling with being fearful & having that drag my productivity into the gutter. On the one hand, it sucks knowing I’m coasting on past success, just to get thru the present…and yet, there’s a certain gratefulness that I have some previous awesomeness to lean on, because things could really be so much worse otherwise. Hopefully, a fresher smelling 2015 will be the tonic we all need to live with clearer eyes. Thanks for all your hard work, Chris — it was truly great seeing you speak in Seattle!
I don’t know if you remember when we met–you were at New Work City, promoting the $100 Startup, and I ended up sitting beside you. I had attended mostly out of curiosity, and my fondness for the space and the people. Long story short, I didn’t realize you were “Chris Guillebeau.” I had a lovely conversation with you, and you casually mentioned at the end of it that you were here to talk about your book. That modesty, and lovely focus, is what made me decide to attend WDS in 2013.
Your willingness to share your sadness moves me deeply. Thank you for this. Thank you. So many of us deal with depression, and at the same time, look very productive. We are grieving in motion. Please take good good care of yourself. I wish you–and the entire community I now feel a part of–a rich 2015.
Thanks for sharing such an honest account of your life, Chris! It’s hard to be open and vulnerable to people. Making that move is such an important step towards improving relationships. Don’t know if you’re a Brene Brown fan, but her books called “Daring Greatly” and “The Gifts of Imperfection” were both very influential to my life. Maybe they would be helpful for the things you’re dealing with too.
In 2014, I’ve experienced self-doubt and also an inability to focus. I get frustrated about all of the things I want to create & do in the future, and I guess I’m emotionally struggling by just being in the beginning stages of my story. That’s brought a lot of pressure & sadness into my life.
But on the bright side of 2014, I visited Costa Rica again and went on a month-long road trip up the East Coast. I booked upcoming trips to California, New Hampshire, and to Europe. I learned how to play the ukulele & started painting again. I created my website all by myself and have been creating products to launch in the near future. So I guess there has also been a lot of action. I think that life will always be a mix of highs and lows regardless of the year.
Have a great holiday, Chris!
I’m currently working through my year in review. Definitely not as good as I’d like, but it was one of those years with tons of changes. New job, first time home buying, moving, living with parents for a month and a half in between homes. And still had over 3k in profit for the year. I was targeting $5500 and came short, but I’ll be going for $10,000 in profits next year since I feel like this was an infrastructure year. Now that it’s built, I’m trying to keep moving up. Need to restart the momentum though.
I’ve just opened and closed the spreadsheet 3 times. It is pretty intimidating stuff for me. I think I might start with baby steps and just choose one goal. It’s good to be intimidated to that level though, it doesn’t happen that often and it has made me think a lot.
This year business has been good, my reputation as a designer is growing, my garden gave me lots of apples and I didn’t kill my 11 year old :-). Bad things were ill health that meant 2 months off work, a knee that hates it if I run and a general cloud of despondency. It will pass. Now to open that spreadsheet again…..
I’ve always had a lot of respect for you ever since I first became aware of you, probably about 5 years ago. But what you wrote in this blog post makes me respect you even more. I appreciate your honesty and openness on painful topics.
Thank you so much for sharing your experiences with your readers. Over the years, you have made an important difference in my life, and I thank you for that. I truly wish you the best.
Great post. It seems like a lot of people had an up and down year. I’m currently in the process of writing my annual review. It seems like I had too many ups and downs. At the end of the day they were all lessons though.
I really enjoyed this post. I did make it all the way to the end. I also in the middle went back to your tribute to your Nana. I had missed the post when it first came out. I thought a lot about my grandmother while reading about yours. Although mine didn’t play the same role in my upbringing, she certainly has inspired me in terms of my love of travel.
2014 was an interesting year for me. I hit the big 6-0 this year, and did tick off one those places on my bucket list. My husband and I did a bike trip in Alaska and then spent another 10 days after doing the entire Alaska railroad, and spending time in Denali National Park. Alaska is an amazing state. Definitely a place I want to go back to. I felt like we barely scratched the surface.
I made my triathlon comeback after 9 years away from serious racing. I thought I was going to just do two races this year, but ended out doing six. My swimming and biking remained strong for me. My running has suffered from the years neglecting the sport. Next year I hope to improve upon my running.
What didn’t go so well? I’m still not sure what I want to do when I grow up. I’m still doing a job that has gotten less satisfying over the years. I keep dreaming big, but afraid to jump into uncharted territory. I think I need to read more of your books.
Thanks for your honesty.
Thanks for sharing so much of yourself with us, Chris — you’re a continual inspiration, especially when you reveal your own vulnerability and humanity along with your successes. Thanks for all that you do! 🙂
One request: I feel moved to whole-heartedly agree with Rashida — your description of therapy and medical help as “radical” steps to take in dealing with persistent depressive thoughts and anxiety saddened me. I know from first-hand experience how life-changing and healing both therapy and medication can be (having dealt with depression for decades), and I’m passionate about de-stigmatizing the whole arena of mental illness and treatment for everyone.
You’ve inspired me to do my own CG-styled year-end review — I look forward to taking time for that in the next few weeks. One note I already know from the mental health side of things — I had a crazy year, defined by a rare cancer diagnosis and treatment, with a lot of time for contemplation along the way. One of the weirdest realizations I had was that I came away from the experience with a deep sense of peace and more day-to-day joy and gratitude in my life than ever (so much so that I’ve cut my anti-depressant dosage in half!).
So, hey, Chris, if the therapy doesn’t work out, you can always try *my* way!! …. or maybe not…. 😉
I wrote a bit about my experience (and where I’m at now), when the one-year anniversary of my diagnosis passed a couple of weeks ago.
Keep on keeping’ on Chris — you’re such an extraordinary person — you’ll find your way through your challenges and come out stronger. Love to you and yours, and Happy (literally) 2015!
Thanks for sharing Chris – I was just sitting down to write a December newsletter for my business – and this inspired me to look at the year in review. Wow! What a difference a year makes! B-School, WDS, first paying client, building a website, rebuilding a website from scratch, turning my full-time job into a part-time job so I can build my biz on the side, SCORE coaching, multiple trips to LA (I’m in the YouTube world,) webinars, building a studio…
I’ll see if I can cram it all into 2500 words… 😉
Chris, this made me both sad and happy. Sad as I relate to it, but happy because as an outsider I can see how many accomplishments you have still managed to have this year (and that is a big feat).
Mental hold backs (is that the right term?) are the hardest to work through and many of us deal with them frequently, however to me you are a big inspiration to keep going and stop waiting for a perfect balance. You have so much strength and it makes me smile – i hope 2015 brings you more happiness and friendships!
Chris, I loved the AONC book, and have heard you speak twice in Nashville. Just my opinion: you are unhappy because you’ve gotten on the hamster wheel of “success,” and gotten completely away from your original (and great!) vision of living your free-spirited life! Brother, drop all this high-powered entrepreneur crap — cash out, if you can sell it to someone better suited tempermentally. I’m a huge fan of the early Chris – the happy you! – and hope you re-discover and embrace him!
Thank you Chris for so openly sharing your triumphs and less than triumphant moments too. I look up to those that inspire me, like you, and sometimes cloud my vision of these folks as real people too! I appreciate your honest annual review and feel your heart in the words you’ve written.
I’m very sorry for the loss of your nana and glad you spent the time with her that you did. In the end it’s family that matters the most and our time can only be spent once – we must invest it wisely.
I don’t feel I moved in the right direction in 2014… or at least as far as I’d like to go. I plan to make better decisions in 2015 and get some results in the areas I wish to change.
I enjoyed hearing you speak at Vromans in Pasadena this fall and I look forward to beginning the pursuit of a quest of my own this year with my daughter. She’s six and I want to share time with her that will make lifetime memories for us and show her what’s possible.
Thank you for all you do. WDS has been in the back of my mind, and I really think I need to go!
Thank you Chris for being so honest and sharing the ups and downs of your life. I found I could relate to many of the things that you wrote about even though my life is quite different.
Thanks to your encouragement, I started a gradual annual review a few weeks ago. Preliminary results have turned into the first Christmas letter (all about my crazy year) I’ve written in years.
We analytical, adventurous introverts need time to think. Sounds like you didn’t get much of that last year, and I didn’t get any, which felt like a roller-coaster in the dark. I’m already starting to see some light for next year: maybe more focus on missions and travel and less on writing (or less self-pressure on writing), and having the choice not to do everything I usually do.
Thank you for sharing Chris. I personally love the profile series you created and have read every one. Glad that made it into the things that went well category. I do a similar annual review but mine is written, not digital. I simply recap the year, month by month (referencing journals/photos/calendars/blog posts/social media/etc.) then form a written summary after which I state a few goals/visions for the next year. Then I seal it in an envelope and put it away until the next year when I open it up and read it to see the progress or lack of. Repeat for each year. It’s like a present, a time capsule that way and it’s personal.
Thank you, Chris for sharing your process and for your honesty and sincerity. Always appreciated. !Feliz año nuevo!
Thank you. So much. For the full context, whole truth. Life is all of it, ups and downs, good with bad. Having a balanced and truthful view at all sides is surprisingly sparse in the online space, and I’m so grateful to you – for doing this annual process for yourself and sharing it aloud with everyone.
~ H
Hi Chris, I think it’s really brave and nice of you to share all the things you’ve learned. Every year is like a chapter of a book and just like in any good book, it has it’s good and bad things; heroes and protagonists don’t always have it easy to keep on goin on their lives. Thanks for sharing your experiences with us, more than teaching us a lesson as well, i think it inspires us to work to achieve great things.
Great post Chris. I was actually under the opposite impression and really thought that 2014 was your best year ever. You did an amazing job with the blog and I loved “The happiness of pursuit”, which inspired me a lot. I can definitely understand that so much work must be draining but hang on, we need you for more amazing stuff in 2015!
This year was crazy for me as well. I moved from France to California to start my own software business there. It took 6 months to go through the visa and business-building process. Then I sold my house, cars everything to start a new life in California. It was a difficult, winding path to get there but I’m glad I did it. Definitely the best thing of 2014!
What didn’t work for me was scaling my business. I wanted to recruit people to help me out, which I did to some extent, but most of the time I ended up doing too much stuff myself. I’m too busy and have to work on that in 2015 so that I can enjoy life and the business side of things a little bit more.
Thanks Chris for how authentic you are as a human being. I have a deep respect for your journey.
I had a very good year internally, mentally, emotionally and soul-wise. My economics were sadly lacking. I am not driven to make money so I live as simply as I can. I do have big dreams for spreading consciousness and compassion in the world but no financial resources to make that happen so I am at a point where I have to choose. Focus on generating resources for my big dreams or live simply and dream smaller and use my words and energy in my writing and working with people. I feel drawn to both.
It feels to me that 2015 is a big year for all of us and our future, that is more on an intuitive level. What I keep learning as I tune inward is that I have (we all have) all we need within.
From my perspective if I am sad in beautiful places and lively situations then my mind is elsewhere. This moment when I am present to it is full of wonder, beauty and joy. If I am not there in the now then I focus on what I appreciate in the moment and things get lighter and brighter.
Thanks for being you and be kind to yourself and appreciate the gift you are to the rest of us.
What a beautiful post Chris. Your honesty and authenticity is a rare and beautiful thing.
I have always enjoyed reading your annual review posts. Thanks to you, Jedd and I have been much more intentional about doing our own annual reviews at the end of every year (blog post coming soon). Thank you for sharing those things that make you vulnerable. Since I look up to you as an entrepreneur, it’s actually encouraging to know that you don’t have it “all together” either. As a high achiever myself, I identify with the emptiness that can sometimes come from focusing too much on Doing at the neglect of Being. Look forward to reading your coming reflections…
Hey Chris,
I relate to you in a number of ways. I’m myself very much goal-oriented and future-minded. I think the negative emotions you experience is only part of your (our) personality.
To be and stay highly motivated and focused, I think you need goals and to stay grounded. You have been doing a terrific job in all these years (in following you since 2009) but the goals you may set yourself now could sound to you inner self as “been there done that”, so its becoming harder to remain highly motivated. Once I have run out of big goals or task to do, I become more focus on the present but that way I know I am not handling this the best and sometime I feel sadness or get bored (in this matter closely related in fact)
Being also goal-minded and future-minded, it is our natural weakness to tend to forgot about the present and sometime simply miss those units of momentary happiness (that are important to recharge your energy level!). It is of a natural struggle for me to let it go and live the current moment because my actions are often geared at producing an outcome in the future. I have found it is good then to be surrounded (e.g. close friend, partner) with people that are a bit your opposite so it helps you keep your balance.
I can feel negativity, sadness and frustrations when I feel less in control on how events may unfold and when things are unclear or in limbo. Especially when I know I could I done a better job or take better decision if I was aware of some things out of my control in the first place. Yes there is improvements possible but most of these things is just about learning to accept things the way they are.
Anyway, I understand the way you feel and just wanted to say you’re not alone.
Sometime in this life, I would like to take a long retreat in India or Bali to learn meditation and to better learn how to cope with handling these negative emotions.
Warm regards from Brisbane
Thank you for your honesty in this post. I am inspired to create a review myself, now that I’ve read your review. I feel very similar to you as I’ve been struggling with sadness and anxiety, even though I improving my micro-business every year. Rolling into my 4th year of freelancing, I often feel incredibly stretched and pushed beyond what I can manage. Currently I’m dealing with a great deal of anxiety, exhaustion and resentment. My husband is frustrated by my level of stress and inability to have moments of happiness as you describe. I feel like I’m constantly letting everyone down and it is very draining.
I can see how this exercise would help gain perspective. Not everything is terrible and by reviewing all my successes would be a great way to feel better about where I am at. Thank you for sharing so honestly. I will be sure to link to this post when I’ve got my own post up.
Thanks for sharing. I’ve been struggling more this year than in a long time, and your idea of an annual review is probably a good idea. Think I’ll do one to help me find the beauty in a somewhat drab year. Best of luck to you in 2015!
I’ve become more convinced with each passing year of adulthood that the time of experiencing a pure, singular emotion, like happiness or joy, are past. Adulthood seems to mix happiness and joy with other tough, complicated emotions, like sadness or grief. I’ve also come to believe that the only silver lining I can count on from any given situation is what I choose to learn from it.
Your work and friendship have meant the world to me and have encouraged me to do and be better. Hoping that 2015 brings you more lightness and joy!
P.S. – Congrats on the book deal! 🙂
I appreciate you being so honest in your self-assessment. It motivated me to get to work on my own review, so thank you for that.
Thanks for this incredible post, Chris. There’s little I appreciate more than honesty.
You’re a phenomenal person, and I know for sure that while I want to be successful, I wouldn’t be able to juggle as many balls as you do. World Domination Summit is a spectacular event (I was there this year). I love all the Unconventional Guides you release, and just the ‘Chris Guillebeau’ brand. I know it’s always going to be good.
I had a looooooooooooooooong struggle with depressing (there are 17 o’s there for 17 years), but managed to get is squared away four years ago. You can read about that here: http://ellyklein.com/robin-williams-suicide. Not saying that I’ll never be down there again, but I certainly hope not – so far, so good.
Wishing you wonderful holiday break and the happiest of happy New Years.
Hello Chris,
I’ve been a long-time fan and follower of your words and have read almost everything you’ve put out. I really enjoyed (for lack of better word) your Annual Review this year, particularly how honest and vulnerable it was; it’s not easy to be so forthcoming about hardships especially when they’re on such a personal level. It encouraged me to do the same, and I spent the evening reflecting on my past year. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.
The Good:
I got to live the dream. After years of hoping to find or create a position in a small company that combined my love for the world, my curiosity in social entrepreneurship and impact, with my itchy feet and creative tendencies, the perfect job fell on my lap. I work with a really spectacular team, doing something remarkably great. I’ve had many possibility-fuelled days and nights where time is irrelevant and the brain and it’s creations keep coming. In a nutshell, it’s Csikszentmihalyi’s flow and it’s the best high in the world.
I’ve worked on amazing projects- that are creative, unique and impactful in all the right ways.
I have travelled, and explored more than I have in a long time, and finally feel a little smaller again.
I uprooted, decluttered and left the comforts of home for the past seven years, embracing uncertainty.
I’ve learnt to celebrate solitude, and practice gratitude.
The Bad:
I’ve learned that dreams aren’t always what they’re cracked up to me. Reality and expectations seem to have a little disconnect at times.
I’ve learned the downside to working on something that makes you truly happy; when the magic spark is gone, and the culture that made the job so great is gone, the aftermath is unbearable. Having something amazing and losing it, is so much more difficult than having something good or mediocre.
I have been unhappy, disconnected, uninspired and unwilling to create for the latter part of this year. I haven’t been as strong an asset, or as creative an individual as I would’ve liked during this time. I still struggle with uncertainty.
I have been terrible company to those I love. I have been distracted and constantly on edge when present; I am self-involved with my own thoughts, and absorbed by the projects I’m working on at the time; I have often taken out my unhappiness and anger on these people. I am lonely and more isolated as a result.
Thank you for being honest and encouraging the same. I’d really love to hear more about some of the strategies and coping mechanisms you’ve been using (or will be using) to deal with influx of negative emotions, anxiety, discomfort, distraction and a lack of focus. You’re not alone, not by a far stretch, and anything you can share would be great!
Much love from Kuwait,
– A
You are more ‘real’ than anyone I think I’ve ever met. Thank you for the work you do…it inspires so many.
Dear Chris,
First of all – sending warm hugs to you from MiddleEarth.
My heart broke a little on your behalf while reading your review post.
I wasn’t particularly surprised at your experiences (while you’ve helped ME immensely over the last six years, I’ve also been concerned at how hard you are on yourself) but I was impressed with your honesty, vulnerability, and courage in expressing them.
I hope and expect you will inspire others to also shine light on their shadows.
Speaking of your colleague Brene Brown – my biggie for 2014 was my PhD graduation.
However, as cool as it is being ‘Dr.’, by far the biggest gift of my PhD was learning to separate my self-worth from my work.
Getting my head around the fact that I was unconditionally worthy of love and belonging -REGARDLESS OF WHETHER I SUBMITTED MY PHD OR NOT – was what enabled me to reduce my paralyzing anxiety and complete my PhD.
Ironic huh! Brene was quite right.
This lesson is having profound effects in all areas of my life.
Thank-you for opening doors in my mind with your work Chris (and the very best kind of doors too – the ones I didn’t even know were there! 🙂
Warmest wishes to you
Chris, I have been a blog follower for years. Always enjoy the year end review. What went right this year. I got my very first passport stamp…came from China where I and 15 others were part of International Habitat for Humanity where we built a home for a Mr. Yang who is disabled and living on an equivalent of $9.00 a month near Cheng du China. What an emotional trip. I highly suggest doing this. I also was able to get away to Alaska. What didn’t work..my piano skills were not improved, I STILL didnt make it to Portland for the weekend of weekends hosted by you. Last but not least the bathroom scale was not friendly to me …again. Happy New Year Everyone !!!!
Thanks for pouring your heart out and sharing so vulnerably, Chris. Brene would be proud! 🙂 Looking forward to hearing more and seeing what 2015 has in store!
Almost exactly a year ago, I took a huuuge leap of faith and walked away from a job that was crushing me, even though I didn’t yet have a place to land. I’ve NEVER done that. I’m a bloom-where-you’re-planted person, perhaps to an extreme, and when I look back at my life I see that’s been sometimes a blessing but usually a curse. I found a new job that pays less and has a commute three times longer but which I find much more fulfilling and far less stressful, and I wonder why I didn’t do it sooner to spare myself and my family a couple of difficult years.
I’ve used my extended commute time to read (finished “War and Peace,” among other things) and reflect and breathe, and I’ve spent many lunch hours roaming downtown Portland and discovering new things and appreciating them.
I still have a lot of work to do, but I’m giving myself high marks for 2014. It was a pretty good year.
Your annual review posts are my favourite – it’s so much more realistic that blogs that just post all the rah rah everything is awesome stuff. Don’t get me wrong, I like the rah rah stuff too… a LOT, but it’s nice to have some balance sometimes too. 🙂
Anyhow, as for my review…
What went well?
-We quit our jobs to travel indefinitely – major bucket list item checked off right there!
-Homeschooling is going well too – I was super nervous about doing this, but it’s not as scary an undertaking as I thought it might be.
-I’m having some success in my experiments with alternative ways to earn a living – we can sustain ourselves for quite some time, highly likely even forever if we leave things as they are, but I like to have a plan B that’s compatible with this new lifestyle… just in case… hence the experiments.
-the longer we are traveling, the more certain I am that this is one of the best decisions we’ve ever made in our entire lives… hence my determination to come up with a secondary source of funds (the back up plan), so we never, ever have to return to normal life again. It’s one thing if we choose to someday, but I don’t want to NEED to.
What did not go well?
I have trouble with this part… I tend to forget about the bad stuff quickly…
My family didn’t take the news of our leaving well, at all. Honestly, that was the worst part of the year for me.
Had to stay up all night before we left since the movers showed up about 12 hours late – next time, if I plan on moving to the other side of the planet, I’ll book the movers for a couple days in advance, and stay in a hotel or with family for our last 2 nights in our home town.
Some medical issues while on the road – we ended up becoming accidental medical tourists… that being said, everything is fine now, so we can’t complain!
Hi Chris Interesting read. You got me thinking. Finishing big projects for some is like coming off a high. The adrenaline to get to the finish line. In one year you have completed two massive achievements, as well as keeping the wheels turning [I don’t think that is lost on your audience].
When goal oriented, the transition is not always smooth sailing and many feel the same. There is always a success/sacrifice to pay. Your 2014 review seems to me wisdom with hind sight and where to next, your thinking out loud. We hear you. Maybe a post on “Transitions”
Having just finished my first book, when it launched on Amazon, a friend asked me how does it feel to be a published author? Little did he know I felt like scraping my self off the pavement and days feeling like a small boat in heavy sea’s. Needing to recalibrate…”what now” The joy for me is always the beginning not the end.
I recalled a long time ago my daughter was 3 and her pre school teacher said “she has trouble transitioning from one task to another” just quietly I was thinking chip of the old block.
Innovative and creative people are “un-conventual”. The highs and lows are a unique processes we put ourselves through. But you know that.
One tip I can give you is fear is a good antidote, I wonder if it changes our bio chemistry? – maybe a bit of sky diving? Either way, you have many people thinking of you and sending good energy, me included.
My new project. Is at the very, very beginning and now I’m in the same little boat bobbing around in the night sky, I’m looking up a trillion stars in amazement, where can take it to? A mix of fear and faith. I am in transition again ~re-creating myself and on the move.
So Dear Chris your a shinning light, rest up. It’s Christmas ~ A new project is just around the corner and your inspiration will fly again…
Cheers Jenn
Congratulations on your many successes. I really appreciate your intestinal fortitude and honesty in giving an accurate account of your year. Keep trying different things to improve your mood. There is always an opportunity for improvement. I have found that prioritizing spending time with people who make me feel happy is a big help. Also defining what actually success is can be important. I find that making less money and having more time with friends works for me, but to each his own. My main aim this year is to try and stick to my goals after writing them! Best wishes….
Hi Chris, you know what I most love about you is your openness and honesty. I take great inspiration, a seriously courageous young man you are. Perhaps you have some inbuilt armour against other peoples opinions and judgments, or perhaps you’ve really just ‘got it’ that what others think is their stuff. I enjoyed reading your annual review, thanks again for sharing that with us. I’ve completed my own AR (thanks to you) and it the perspective it gave me was invaluable. Supporting you all the way.
Thank you for your openness and honesty Chris! I am amazed and humbled by your ability to share these very personal ups and downs of the past year. Indeed the time taken during the annual review is a great way to take an honest look in the mirror and decide what we want to do about what we see.
I just picked up your book a few weeks ago and have started my annual review yesterday! For the first time in years, I feel energized at making things happen instead of waiting for them to happen. Thank you for your part in making that a reality for me 🙂
Hi Chris,
I’ve been following your blog on and off at least since 2008. I read your first two books. This is the third year I’ve put together an annual review.
First, I wanted to say that this post was kind of an ‘aha’ moment for me, as I guess I didn’t really think that other people went through similar spirals of having accomplished so much (i.e. I worked in four countries on three continents this year and still managed to visit my family and see my partner) and yet still felt very down to the extent that it tainted or even rotted out those successes. In the past, I’d always been amazed that you could seemingly be so singular in your purpose and vision about life that it could encompass all life’s various fluidity and contradiction. My personal vision for my life is increasingly full of incompatibilities.
Which is to say, thank you for being so frank, you have given me hope.
Your proposed annual review has changed my life in the last few years by giving me the idea to look at my year as a chunk of strategic time rather than always putting one foot in front of the other as though in an endless maze, or a chicken with my head cut off. I (like you) am the kind of person that if I can state a measurable goal (like getting to Turkey, or choosing a better bank) and I give myself a deadline, I nearly always do it. But increasingly, and particularly this year, I have realized that actually most of the things I really want in life are things I don’t know how to accomplish, largely because they are not measurable goals….
Ironically, I almost made my annual review about relationships this year, just like you did the last… In fact I don’t know what to make my new annual review about, because what it is about is an equation I can’t sum up with a word. Unless that word is wisdom, ha.
Increasingly, I think I could die happy knowing I adequately pursued the things that could be measured. 😉
Real life stuff hits us when we least expect it. I’m a fellow life traveler and I am thrilled to pieces to read this honest review of your year. I’d like to share a phrase with you that has helped me tremendously over the years, one that I’m sure you’ve heard before but perhaps never applied it to the positive things in your life. “This too shall pass.” We have good times and times that are less than fun. I’ve learned that no matter what we’re going through, good or not so good, this too shall pass. It’s what, for me, makes life so very interesting.
I’m a huge fan and although I feel far too old to attend WDS, I’m watching from afar and I’m so excited for the movement you have created. You and your team have ignited excitement in your generation that cannot be stopped. Please, keep up the great work. It’s all about service to others. When you serve others, somehow your own house gets cleaned.
love, susan
I’ve been a reader of your blog for a few years now. I have to say that it is very refreshing to hear you be so genuine, open and honest with us. I can say without a doubt that this has been my absolute worst year ever too. I’ve always prided myself on being the kind of person who always has his act together, even when things get very tough. People around me called me their rock, an inspiration. This is the first year where that has not been so at all. I broke.
My family has been starting to recover from the loss of a few loved ones that seem to just keep happening consecutively the last few years. First my mom’s brother died in the hospital, then her other brother died from multiple schlerosis, then her other died in an accident. They were all very successful too. One was an anesthesiologist, another actually worked for NASA believe it or not, and helped engineer the first mars rover, the other owned his own small business. Then my cousin died in a car accident after all that, drunk driver.
We took each one as they came, but things have really started to come to a head this last year. My mother had lost her job and also got on disability due to multiple schlerosis, the same disease her brother had. Her home recently foreclosed, it was a huge mess dealing with all her stuff. My sister broke from dealing with all the pressure and disappeared for a month without a trace, we thought she was dead for awhile. I just got married the end of the year before. All our problems almost completely tore my family apart and my marriage apart. I became addicted to multiple prescription drugs just to feel peace, and also to force myself to perform at the levels I expected of myself normally. I almost completely destroyed the career I worked hard for years building for myself as a result. I was striving to try my hand at running a small entrepreneurial pursuit and it completely fell flat. I had the goal of wanting to travel to a few foreign countries and realized it will take me a few more years before I am able to visit just one. I felt like I sucked, was a complete loser and was not good at a single thing. I saw everyone around me fall apart or get destroyed and wondered what the point was.
What I learned from all this though. I learned how to problem solve better. I learned how to work through my family and marital social problems more effectively during times of great adversity. I learned that abusing meds may give you a sense of freedom, but they are actually taking away control of your life, and you will never be happy until you learn to work through whatever it is that’s causing you pain inside. I realized that maybe I haven’t been successful in some areas because I wasn’t really looking inside deep enough and truly playing to my own strengths and passions. I developed a stronger philosophy of how to deal with the rough times in life. Through it all, as painful and awful as it all was, I learned and I grew as a person.
I am not telling you all this to write a sob story. I am telling you all this in hopes that it inspires in some way. I may have been a little rude to you in my last email indirectly. If I came off that way, I assure you that it was the pain inside me that caused me to act that way, and was no reflection on you whatsoever. I was going to email you all this, but you have always been so genuine and transparent with us readers, that I felt I should return the favor and lay myself bare as well. Sorry this is such a massively long post.
I used to be a very dedicated practitioner of Japanese martial arts for many years. One thing I learned through all that, and perhaps the most important lesson, is to just keep going no matter what happens. There is an old Japanese saying my instructor used to tell us that went roughly like, “If you find yourself in hell, take a step forward and you’ll find yourself in heaven”. What I took this to mean is that if we persevere, success and happiness could be just around the next corner, no matter how bleak or scary things seem at any present moment.
Albert Einstein also mentioned something along the lines of that he was able to do remarkable things simply because he stuck with the problem longer than anyone else. I think it’s ok and often inevitable to get tense, anxious and depressed sometimes. They all seem to go together. It’s ok to have a bad year. It forces us to grow and evolve. The Big Lebowski movie said it best though, lol. “Sometimes you eat the bar, sometimes the bar eats you”. 🙂
I have a really good feeling your blog will grow into something bigger and greater than it already has as a result of everything you’ve been through. I feel it in my gut and I sincerely hope to see you thrive in everything that you do. Keep going Chris, you’re doing great!! 🙂
Thanks for such an awesome and honest annual review Chris. Aside from all the amazing things you’ve created, what sticks out to me the most is you, the person, who you are the core. A truly genuine, caring and loving person. It’s evident in words, actions, and all you create. It definitely saddened me to hear about your low points throughout the year and the loss of your grandma. Although I know it’s what you think that matters most, I’m still going to let you know every chance I get that you’re awesome man – you matter, your work matters, and the impact you’ve had on my life matters. It was an absolute pleasure attending my first WDS this year and getting the opportunity to meet you in Boston during your book tour. I can’t wait to see, hear, and read everything you create in 2015. Whatever it is, it’ll be awesome, because you’re awesome.
You’ve definitely inspired me to write my own #AnnualReview which I have. Thanks for the being who you are and giving me and everyone you come in contact with, hope.
Here’s to a happy and healthy new year ahead….. Cheers! 🙂
Hey Chris,
Just wanted to say thanks for doing what you do, even when the behind the scenes isn’t as you’d like it to be. Your “and here’s what I learned from it” transparency is really helpful. Your blog is one of the things that gave me the courage to start my own business almost 4 years ago. Thanks for all you do.
First, I’ll post my responses to the questions you have posed.
What went well in 2014 for me? Well, nothing too momentous, but considering some of my prior years, I managed fairly well. You see, I have a history of major depression in the more recent years that required hospitalization at some points. So, for me, I’m glad that I was able to go to work and be on time. I have been able to reduce some of my medications and have not needed ongoing therapy. I’ve kept up with my family and a few close friends and even made one new friend that I cherish. I learned how to crochet and made some items for a family member’s new baby.
What did not go well? In pursuit of a more interesting life, I went part-time at my job so that I would be free to try out other interests. I started that quest in January and I have come to the realization that more time is not what I need. I dabbled in writing; I did some investigating of other career choices, but nothing stuck or really inspired me to make a big change. I am glad that I tried it though, as I think I needed a brief “time-out”. I have recently accepted a full-time job again starting in 2015 and plan to keep pushing myself to live more fully.
Chris, I am truly sorry that you have lost your nana recently and that you have experienced anxiety and sadness. Please accept my condolences and well wishes. I did not want to give advice, as I believe such experiences are very personal and as unique as snowflakes, but I know that having a few close friends and family was instrumental in my recovery. I worked hard at getting better and that was crucial, but it was comforting to know that others had my back. So, one hope for you this year is that you will be able to nourish and enjoy your important relationships with friends and/or family and perhaps, even make a new friend. And please, take good care of yourself, even if that means taking a break, changing course, and/or accepting help along the way. Best wishes on your journey.
*huge hug*
I admire your courage to put all of the bad out there. Life is not perfect and sh!t will happen. Sometimes you have to take a seat—or dare I say, a vacation—to regain yourself.
Good job on all that you’ve accomplished this year. You’ve managed to do so much, and I can’t even sit down to write a paragraph. You did really good with what you had.
Thanks so much for sharing so much of yourself with us, Chris. It’s an act of generosity and I truly appreciate it. You’ve inspired me to delve more deeply into my own annual review, which I hope to embark on soon. Somewhere between wrapping the presents and baking the cookies, perhaps? I do hope that those dark days are behind you and you’re on your way to feeling more and consistent happiness, as you deserve.
Chris, I’m getting to this late and who know if you’ll even read this or remember me, but I want to tell you that your personal writing is what has always kept me coming to your blog and to your book launches and to purchase your books and to send you a postcard when you did that thing a number of years ago, etc. etc. I don’t give a crap about traveling and I don’t have my own business. What you have to say and what you think and what you have experienced is important. Keep writing this personal stuff, please.
Wow, can I ever relate to this. Strummin’ my pain with your fingers, you are. 😀
I was frankly terrified to put my 2014 down in words, for many of the same reasons you relate. This post gave me the courage to.
“That’s good. It gets you started. It gets you going. You feel this connection. You feel you can do it. Then you sit down and write. Or make a play or a movie or anything. You sit down to work and you feel that excitement. That motivation. You start doing the stuff. You’re doing the stuff. And it’s going along and it goes good for a while. And then, eventually…it’s not that fun anymore. It starts to feel like work…Most people in that moment start to feel they’re doing something wrong. ‘This doesn’t feel good. Maybe I should read another book’…People end up with this thing where they’re working, it doesn’t feel right. And the natural thing is to go back and start consuming again. ‘I want to read another story,’ because that feels much better than actually following through with an idea.”
–Scott Berkun at WDS 2014.
I really appreciate you honesty. I wish there was something I could say to make it all better, but we both know the only way to get through is to go through it…so sending love and light and healing your way.
My year? It’s been complicated and demanding and stressful and more amazing than I ever could have imagined. I’ve tinkered with this review thing in the past, but think that this will be the year I go all in. Thanks.
Ditto to what almost everybody else said! This is such an honest, heartfelt post that and hit so close to home, like how I can be in the most amazing place or living an epic experience and not able to live in the moment and appreciate it. This feeling was what got me started on my quest this last year – and the tag line of my website is: “Exploring Mindfulness and Motivation…one meditation at a time”. It sounds kinda goofy and its a mouthful, and it also describes the passion I have to be present – right now – to feel as alive as I know I can!
One of my highlights of the year was meeting you at the Boston book signing and so pumped up for WDS 2015. We are not separate – thank you for inspiring me and I’m sending these vibes right back at you 😉
Hi Chris –
You always inspire, but this post in particular inspires with your openness, transparency, and willingness to be vulnerable — Thank you. I had two — maybe it was three? — years running with pretty good efforts toward my annual review, all founded on your approach. But these last two years I have dropped the ball! Looking to change that this year … and wishing you continued success in 2015. Thanks again.
If you got this much amazing work accomplished when you weren’t feeling well…wow! I’m glad you didn’t skip your annual review. You would have missed the ways you changed the world, and that would have been a real shame.
Shine on.
You sound really sad in this post, but very real so that’s good. I can relate.
Like me, you are good at hiding it all as when I see you I don’t see the turmoil inside,
Sorry I missed you in Houston, but I was going as you were coming. Hope it went well.
I like the others feel you’ve accomplished a tremendous amount, so we are proud of you and you should be too. With the good comes the bad.
I say, my life book is already written, I’m just reading a chapter each day.
I’ve had my shares of ups and downs in 2014. Death of family members are always interesting, but at 105, my grandaunt had lived more than a full and exciting life. I spent a lot of time with her, so I had zero regrets. Having lost three loved ones in about a one year period, I was prepared. Now I serve more to comfort others than myself. Death is what happens when we live.
I did get my two main sites redesigned and ready to become.a proper platform in 2015.
I traveled a lot and got to see many friends and family. So happy about that. I feel like I’ve set the pace for 2015 to be a stellar year.
I published a book that’s mich needed, but no one bought it, well two people bought it 🙂 now to market it more.
Your post was so honest and insightful, a rarity in bloggerland.
The good news is I started my own blog in November and I am very happy at how well it is doing. It is opening the door to other writing opportunities. My first guest post appears tomorrow and I have been invited to join 2 other blogs. Your line above (hope I’m not misquoting it), “whatever doesn’t kill you will probably come back to try again” could be the tagline on my blog. I write about being a 4 time breast cancer survivor so that line really resonates with me. I wish I would have thought of it first!
In the bad news department, we went into foreclosure and had to move twice in 6 months. I was recently diagnosed with PTSD which is both good and bad news. The good news is that it is just labelling the symptoms I already had and now they are getting treated. The bad news is – hey, I’ve got PTSD!
More bad news. My daughter and I were going to attend your book reading in Vancouver but she got sick and we didn’t go. We felt even worse when we heard you gave away free copies of your book. Probably autographed, no doubt.
There was more, there always is, but here is to hoping 2015 will have more in the good news column than in the bad news column.
Thanks for your honesty! I think sometimes I read about people I view as wildly successful and in my head they become somehow different than regular people. You remind me that people are people and that we all struggle with the same human things. Here’s my year in review post. http://falling-up.com/2014/12/14/the-bucket-list/
You are a brave man to not only share this, but to engage in an intentional, annual practice to discover it/admit it yourself. The crap thing about anxiety/depression is that there are two places to hide: 1) hiding from the thing that (irrationally) scares you or makes you sad AND 2) hiding from the work of addressing the anxiety/depression itself.
No matter how you feel day to day, you’re doing that work, with the additional challenge of doing much of it publicly. The day-to-day experience of it will be up and down, but the long-term trajectory can only point up. [I hope this doesn’t sound presumptuous; just sharing what I’ve learned along the way.]
Chris, thank you so much for being open and honest. I’ve had a tough year as well, and it’s extremely refreshing to see someone who is so much more “successful” than me is going through similar things.
Seriously, thanks. My day is so much better for this.
Chris, I admire you for wearing your heart so openly on your sleeve.
I can relate to so much of what you’ve put in your post. Particularly the failure sometimes to take in the “units of momentary happiness”, despite my desire to do so.
Or the sense of anxiety from time to time, despite nothing outwardly being the cause.
This post has been very timely for me, thank you!
That said, like you I’m also incredibly proud of this year. I’ve quit my job, travelled, written a book, I’ve launched a new site, and I can look back with a lot of happiness.
All the best for 2015! Let’s make it a good one!
Some of the things that went less-than-ideally this year may be related. If you were depressed, it is normal to feel that friendships stagnated. If you were on the road all the time and things weren’t going well, that’s hard on friendships too.
Thank you for an honest end of year report. So many people only talk about the high points and the wins, and that leaves everyone else wondering what the heck is wrong with their own lives. In the larger picture, if you are still here, you are better off than a lot of people who didn’t make it. I lost a dear friend to breast cancer this year, and I miss her so much. I wish she was here so we could commiserate about the bad stuff and celebrate the good stuff.
Thanks for your honesty man, the only way I know how to find joy (not daily happiness) in life is Jesus. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. -Jeremiah 29:13
Chris, I’m sure many of your readers and fans share my view that we cherish your openness and honesty; it’s what creates such incredible resonance with us. Thank you for being willing to unmask and keep it real.
This has been the most transformational year of life for so many people I know I can’t even begin to count, and for me as well. So, you’re in good company! Maybe it’s all part of a larger transition we’re collectively making, but it certainly hasn’t been comfortable.
For me, the major “what did not go well” was the end of my 23-year marriage. Yet throughout the mind-bending, identity-warping, heart-rending shift this entails, I had more fun, became closer to my family, made more friends, met more people, had better sex (yep!), enjoyed my social life, traveled, took more risks, and grew my business more than in the previous 5 years combined.
I can look back with pride that I did learn an important lesson: to savor and relish as many “units of momentary happiness” as possible, because if I hadn’t I don’t think I would have made it through the change. And still, I want MORE. In fact, there is no limit to how much happiness I want going forward.
Take heart Chris! This is probably a phase. Throughout life we are forged by the fires of change and challenge and ideally we grow as a result. Often it’s uncomfortable. Usually it burns. But we come out shining brighter and standing more resilient than ever.
Wishing you an amazing (and happier!) 2015.
The manic man you are, here is my suggestion to boost up your 2015 and beyond: visit the most southern/northern/eastern/western part of those 193 countries. Thats a true travel challenge and will keep you happy for the decades to come
Thanks Chris for your honest account of your year. I think life has its ups and downs for everyone but I don’t often hear about them much unless someone goes into a crisis. I find your experiences refreshingly honest and insightful and heartening. I wish you a really wondrous 2015 and hope our paths cross one day.
Lovely to read this and know that all the many people who are of have experienced anxiety/sadness are not alone. I’m so sorry to read that you’ve been feeling down though, You achieved so much! It’s inspiring to me and many others and so true that we don’t realise how much we’ve achieved until we do this kind of review.
I’m not surprised you’re feeling unsettled with everything you’ve been through and the huge responsibilities and pressures you have working alone and leading us. I hope you can find a way to do less and enjoy life more.
Having also experienced similar problems I’ve found mindfulness and therapy has helped me too. Like you I left it until things got very bad and only wish I’d started earlier. It’s easy to push past problems aside and create busy-ness but the past comes back to bite us unless we deal with it.
I recently found some stats which showed depression is more common in middle age than at other ages. The reason seemed to be that we have an attitude towards life of “is that all?” in our middle years. But as people get older they look back and think more about how much they did achieve! So their mood goes up.
So I guess this depression in middle years is perfectly normal and nothing to be ashamed of. And the future is definitely bright 🙂
Looking forward to reading you more in 2015 and continuing to watch you and your blog grow and evolve in a beautiful direction. And sending koala hugs from Australia 🙂 x A
I am based in BENIN in WEST AFRICA. I love your posts. I read them everytime possible. I believe that what you have achieved is enormous. And this is the reason why you seem depressed. Just delegate some parts of it to members of your group and you will find more time to rest and to keep at least some good friends. Take care. Your life is precious.
Thank you for sharing this Chris. You are truly an inspiration in many ways and more so in your honesty. It reminds me of the ups and downs of life and knowing that I can handle most of what comes my way and when I can’t, well, life goes on. You have also inspired me to take a deeper look at my year. Wish you all the best in 2015.
Just finished up my 2014 Annual Review. Amazing how a one-word resolution can be applied to so many areas of my life. Your annual reviews have really helped me and I thank you for that!!
Thank you for your candor and open-heartedness. I’m about to publish a memoir in 2015, Wondering Who You Are, in which I get radically honest about my despair when my husband lost his memory and identity in a cancer surgery. I’ve been working away at this book for years, doing the final copy edits right now, so I constantly get to look at who I was in the wake of this trauma. But something happened this year that helped me recharacterize my life. Tom Skerritt’s organization, Red Badge, asked me to develop a pilot program to mentor women soldiers and veterans about writing their stories. I was afraid to go to the first class, because even though I was overly prepared, I didn’t know what stories I would hear from those experiencing combat trauma and military sexual trauma. It turns out that all the work I’ve been doing to become more vulnerable is exactly what I needed to teach this class. Together, we unlocked stories so terrible and difficult, and in the process offered a way out of that solitary, unacknowledged horror. We may even find a way to get these stories into print, stories that have never been told because we cannot bear to hear them. Somehow, what was created by the changes in my relationship, and working with words, gave me the strength to be with people in a more direct manner. Sometimes the aspects that are perceived as negative aren’t, they’re just conditions. It’s how I meet them that brings me peace, and wonder. So much respect for your journey, Sonya
Thank you very much for sharing, Chris! You have been and keep being a big inspiration for me, and I’m very grateful that with this post you let me (and others) to peek on what is in life for you. It became too hard to me to keep up when you switched to everyday posting, but I am glad that there is this checkpoint where I can learn about the most important things.
I have done my lists yesterday, and I had similar impressions, “the year’s gone bad” at first, because last few months were very difficult in an unexpected way.
But then – whoa! – I have actually made a shot at my dream and took violin lessons in the first half of the year! I have also been leading a small monthly meetup for several months, as well as increasing my involvement in several groups organized by others. And YES, I managed to come to the WDS for the second time, met new incredible people, spend some in-person time with my online friends, and had an amazing time! 🙂
What did not go that well is… well, the second half of the year. A lot of fear, anxiety and panic, periods of being unable to do anything. Failure to find a good place to move to on time, and thus spending three months living in a place which I did not like, which was taking my energy away instead of helping me to recover. Failure to complete the PhD project on time, connected with lack of clarity on what I would like to do after it.
I hope to write things up and publish on my blog as well, but things are going a little but wild at the moment… and I have seen enough evidence that “a good thing shared now is much better than an incredible thing that is never completed.”
Love from Germany!
Hey Chris, I actually just visited your page for the first time last week, recommended by Jeff Goins. Signed up to your newsblast and everything.
And then I went to Chapters in Calgary Alberta and I”m browsing through the recommended books at the front door and there you are. I took a picture of it for you! ha ha
And bought the book for my friend for xmas. Love the way you’ve formatted the mini stories. Thanks for sharing your ideas with us!
Dear Chris,
I’ve been a reader of your books and blog for many years and you have changed my life. I am currently on a 1.5-year RTW long trip around and in no small part this trip was inspired by you.
Any one of us is a bundle, and often the same qualities that make us exceptional also make our life difficult. That is why it is so easy for me to relate to your feelings of depression and dissatisfaction, although to be honest I am surprised by how intense they were. The reason why I am surprised is the simple awareness of how incredible are your achievements – and it’s enough to read the comments to this post to see tat this realisation is shared by many other people. But emotions are irrational by definition.
I wish you all the spiritual strength that you may need. Thank you for doing all the things you have done and for being such an impact in my life and in so many other people’s lives.
P.S. I’ve also done my annual review here: http://www.alekseitrofimov.eu/annual-review-2014/
Thanks, Chris. Always an inspiration and an exciting and humbling time of year. Always good to pick it back up and attack the new year with gusto.
Here’s my post on the 5 lessons I learned from my 2014 annual review
I’ve read your reports for at least a few years and have always gained a lot from them but this year’s was especially poignant to me and valuable because it gave me the motivation to write my own and it was enormously helpful. Like you I found much more to be grateful for this year than I’ve thought (especially in this week, when my spirit has dragged some.) Thanks so much!
#AnnualReview : https://medium.com/@bosorganization/2014-annual-review-2f492fba7d1a
Chris, lately ive been surrounded by a lot of I ingenuine folk who shy away from revealing anything about themselves. Your post was a breath of fresh air- I’m grateful for your honesty. Thanks.
The downs of my year- getting demoted and not handling it as well as I could. Relationship ups and downs. We’re finding it hard to find a good flow.
The ups of my year- some great experience at work. I’ve realised it ain’t as hard as it looks. Completing a super online course. It helped me to see this is what I want out of life. Some interesting exploring. Some venturing into running.
Hi Chris,
I’ll be doing my annual review later today, and I want to thank you for the reminder and continued inspiration for taking this on. I don’t go to the detailed goal-setting level that you do, but setting a theme for the year helps me to stay focused on what I truly want to accomplish. I hope your feeling of being “on edge” continues to abate. Thank you for sharing your experiences so honestly with us. And please know that one of my highlights was WDS. You play an ENORMOUS role in making that event happen each year, and while the exhilaration of it may be fleeting, the knowledge that there is an army of people committed to living unconventional lives is something that stays with me year-round. I wish you success in creating whatever you next want in 2015, including creating and living in the emotional and physical environment you prefer.
Sending good wishes to you and Jolie. You two make a powerful positive impact on so many lives. With appreciation,
Thank you, Chris, for writing from within your true self. Having read several of your posts in recent years, I have grown to appreciate deeply your honest way of connecting with others.
My wife and I are delighted that we chose to visit Vancouver, BC, when we traveled to Oregon and Washington to visit with family members in August. We took the Amtrak Cascades to the city. It was the first time in her 60+ years Sheila had set foot outside the U.S.
Our experience of Vancouver was richly satisfying. We found refreshing the many beautiful green spaces between homes and high-rise buildings, the variety of ages and ethnicities represented, the great numbers of people enjoying the outdoors along the English Bay Beach and on bicycling and walking paths, and the dog lovers everywhere. When we stopped as we did on occasion to admire a dog, we found that we quickly made a connection with its human companion. As we freely exchanged stories, the rapport deepened.
Sheila was especially touched at seeing the tear-filled eyes of a middle-aged man sitting alone on a park bench, his canine friend resting in his lap, as he listened and she shared how one of our dogs had been rescued from rising flood waters in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. In that moment of mutual vulnerability, our sense of our common humanity was renewed and deepened. We look forward to our next venture beyond U.S. borders.
I love your bravery in sharing all of this. You are more superman than almost anyone I know but that doesn’t mean you have to be superhuman. If you could only see the HUGE impact you make on hundreds of thousands of peoples’ lives every day you’d realize that we are all grateful for you.
I truly hope that 2015 is the year you prioritize YOU, take more time for yourself, friends and family. Slow your travels, be present and celebrate your successes and incorporate more daily meditation into your life – from one Aries to another I think it does us a world of good.
Always here for you.
I read the Art of Nonconformity a few years back. As I prepared for another move to a new country, I stumbled upon my copy of AONC and read it again. I enjoyed it even more the second time.
I just recently started reading your blog. Why? I was at a “low” point myself. I found inspiration in your blog, especially the 2014 annual review. I end each year with a similar entry in my journal, but thought that I would make it more public this year.
Thanks for the inspiration.
All the best,
Thanks for sharing not only the good, but the hard and the bad as well. People look one way from the outside: accomplished, confident, whatever. It’s a gift that you share the fears and insecurities with your readers too.
In a world that loves winners and runs screaming from those perceived as losers, it’s hard to show something beyond the success. That you do makes you even more of a success. I continue to enjoy following your journey. Inspired too. Keep being the bear.
Thank you.
I’ve posted my own #AnnualReview (or at least part of it) over at http://www.yourbrainonpandas.com/31-days-pandas-day-21-annual-review/
Thank you for your honesty and vulnerability in sharing this. I’m glad the annual review process revealed the positives to you. There is a whole heck of a lot to be proud of and I’m glad you have acknowledged this. That is really important and know that we all appreciate what you do.
There are quite a few things I’m finding that I relate to as I am currently going through my own review. The rabbit hole of sadness/guilt when I should be appreciating something amazing I’m experiencing, the inability to focus, as well as realizing that there were more positives this year than I thought there would be (accentuating the negative).
Like others have mentioned previously, mindfulness and meditation could be very beneficial as a proactive measure. I’m finding the clarity is helping me a lot lately. Walking and remembering to smile more also helps me in this regard. 🙂
You have a tremendous positive impact on us and a great number of people around the world. Take care of yourself and take comfort in knowing that you have built a strong community that has your back.
Always a supporter.
Hey Chris,
I really admire your candour. I think I’ve said that before! It takes great courage to open up publicly that much. We’re guys. It’s hard for us!
Sorry to hear about your nana.
You’re probably overwhelmed with all the well intentioned advice already but I’d recommend you read Brendon Burchard’s The Motivation Manifesto. I found his take very interesting. One of his chapters talks about how to slow down time to actually take these moments of happiness in, be present.
Maybe you’ll enjoy it as much as I have.
Keep up the good work!
Vulnerability kicks ass; it’s what connects us as human beings. Thank you for being authentic and sharing yours.
Here’s what went well for me in 2014:
– My relationship. I met a man who was the perfect fit for me. We were genuine with each other. Sometimes we went on adventures; sometimes we sat by the fire. We always held hands. We took comfort in knowing that in THIS relationship we wouldn’t repeat the mistakes from our marriages.
– My dark, self-loathing, self-abusing teenager blossomed into a lovely, wholehearted, authentic, compassionate human being. My energy on her behalf shifted from fret and worry to joy and pride.
– I learned to stand tall and say with pride, “I am a writer,” instead of sheepishly mumbling under my breath that I someday HOPED to be a writer.
– I got past my fear of traveling alone to a foreign country. I have booked airfare and lodging in Costa Rica for February 2015. (A pretty big deal for this Maine girl!)
– I took a six-week Facebook hiatus. I breathed easier.
– I learned to say “thank you” with intention and consistency.
– I learned how to paddle-board. I learned that I like to ride Harleys. I learned that I may wither and die if I keep working at a 9-5 job; I must find a way to be free.
Here’s what did not go well for me in 2014:
– My relationship. Things in my life got messy mid-year: teens, ex-husband, a move, a new job, fear. I got quiet. Too quiet, too introspective. I held my tongue, shoving down vulnerable feelings…when I should have spoken up. My chaos was too much for the relationship. My heart got broken.
– I had to have surgery. It was minor. But…I underestimated the toll it would take on my body: emotionally and physically. I could not exercise for six weeks, and lack of exercise is a major downer to my emotional health.
– I spent too much time getting sucked into social media. Rather than cope with the world around me, I sometimes let the world pass me by.
Today. Now. I stand on the edge–in the liminal space between 2014 and 2015–with eyes closed and arms open wide. I inhale deeply and breathe life into the soul work that awaits me. I already feel the joy in my pores for what is speeding toward me. And it’s all good.
Happy New Year to all.
<3 Jennifer
Hi Chris,
Greetings from a long-time fan in Malaysia!
What went well in 2014?
1. I finally launched my blog.
2. 2 articles I wrote had more than 4K shares.
3. I worked out 3 times a week for more than 80% of the year.
4. I paid off some old debts and boosted my emergency savings to about 4 months of expenses.
5. I consistently left my day job on time.
6. I made it past the one-year mark with my girlfriend.
What did not go well in 2014?
1. I didn’t meet up with enough friends and family.
2. I had dengue fever and fell sick a few times through the year — so didn’t achieve my strength training targets.
3. I had to lay off one of my employees because business wasn’t very good.
Thanks for initiating this annual review.
Wishing you and all your readers a very blessed 2015.
Hi Chris,
Thanks for your candid and honest sharing. Your annual review has inspired me to do my very first one. I didn’t realize the power of reflecting on the ups and downs of my year till I sat down, mulled over it and committed pen to paper. As a person who has been battling Schizophrenia for more than 10 years I can totally identify with your struggle with negative emotions and anxiety. Writing my review was an emotional roller coaster, but I came away wiser. Here’s a link to my review:
You are such an inspiration to me! As a fellow writer and traveller, I have learned a lot from you in the past few years and I am thankful for this blog. The Annual Review process is very interesting for many reasons, but this year, more than ever, yours truly resonates with me. I had to deal with depression and loss as well, and I travelled less than I could have, but I am grateful for everything that happened in 2014, as it lead me to be where I am now. As I get ready to move to Cape Town for a few months, I realize how lucky I am to be surrounded by so many amazing people and to read such inspiring blogs regularly. Community is indeed a very important part of life and something I want to focus on for 2015. Thank you for this post, and for the blog, which, by the way, is more and more inspiring since the whole makeover. Keep on with the good work!
PS. Here’s my VERY personal Annual Review. Different format, but quite a few lessons!
What a year, huh?
My suicide attempt in February was one of the best days of my life. I finally came face to face with the fantasy I had created around myself and began a life-long process of recovery.
The issue was that I had surrounded myself with the artifacts of success –PhD, political activist, world travel, beautiful wife, house, humanitarian, all before 30. I used drugs and alcohol to fuel 60 hour work days to keep producing at inhuman levels. “People’s lives are at stake!” was my excuse for my self-destructive and selfish behavior. Eventually, the facade cracked.
Through working my recovery program I have learned that I had crowd-sourced my validation and self-esteem. Deep down I sought people’s adoration rather than their respect. I was performing my life: a human doing rather than a human being.
My greatest success this year has been slowly building my self-esteem on my terms and doing things for myself because my life is at stake.
Chris–Jeff (not me) also said this above–I think your melancholy, depression, sadness is because you ended the huge quest (visit every country) without a similar challenge ahead of you. I have seen this happen a number of times in my career, as lawyers who were totally involved in a huge case over a period of years settled, or otherwise resolved the matter. Without another big challenge to deal with, we feel lost.
So, take some time, look inside & outside, and design a new quest–maybe one you & Jolie undertake together. I bet you get your mojo back.
I’m in the process of starting a new venture–I’m downshifting to part time in my “day job” as a lawyer to start on a new career as a mediator in a solo practice. It’s a step I’ve thought about for a couple of years, and have done way more thinking about than acting on. This year, though, is the leap–I have recognized the barriers, and just put a cliff in front of me. $100 Start-up, and The Art of Non-Conformity both had a role in getting to “go.” I’ll stop in from time to time to let you know how it goes, and I am a devoted follower of your blog. So, here I go!
Hello Chris,
First of all Merry Christmas!
I hope you find peace over the holidays.
To be honest, I honestly don’t know much about you aside from the fact that you’re an extremely smart and effective traveller, and that you seem to have a good heart.
I also don’t make a habit of posting comments on blogs. In fact, this is honestly my first one – I’m an extremely private person.
But after reading this article, I was compelled to leave a comment.
Not that long ago was my birthday (let’s just say I’m 40+ :)). And I can honestly say, it was probably the darkest and scariest time of the year for me. While most consider birthdays a time to celebrate, for me, I couldn’t help but feel that it was yet another year wasted. It was admittedly a pity party with a whopping attendance of one – myself.
I have my own consulting firm and have several good clients and subcontractors that I work with. By all conventional measures, you can consider me successful.
However, lately, I’ve been overwhelmed with a sense of anxiety and fear, just as you described. I often feel I’m not living up to my commitments. I feel like no matter how much time and effort I put into trying to keep up, I aways fall short of not only their expectations but my own as well. And I feel that I’m in an endless cycle and am asking myself “what’s the point”?
I don’t have many close friends at the moment (maybe one, if I haven’t managed to mess that up recently as well), I left them behind when I moved many years ago and have since lost touch with them for the most part.
I’m also at a point in my relationships where things are transition, and that uncertainty I feel is leaving me a little unstable.
I recognize that I’m at a crossroads in my life, and I need to make some bold decisions to start living the life I want and not the one that has been prescribed to me out of safety, convention, habit or laziness.
I’m taking a month off in January to travel – far away.
It’s a self-prescribed treatment for me to disconnect from my current life, and to give myself the chance to explore other possibilities.
Perhaps I should read your latest book 🙂
I just wanted to say thank you for sharing your story.
You’ve struck a chord in me to the extent that I’ve shared my own (which is totally uncharacteristic of me), and have inspired me to take the steps needed to start turning this ship around.
I wish you continued success and true happiness in 2015 and beyond.
Hi Chris,
Year 2014 has been quite something – a year harder than previous – and I found myself working harder, putting in a lot more effort, taking a lot more time just to get the same results as previous. I can’t help but to think perhaps it’s the year of Horse (if you believe in Chinese horoscope).
Hope 2015 will be a better year for everyone. Cheers xo
First off, sorry for not using my real name! I’m posting anonymously until I quit my job in April ’15 to hike the Appalachian Trail.
Chris, this was real inspiration. I’m new to your site, but am glad to have seen this post. I’ve never actually used the New Year as an opportunity to take stock of the prior year and set goals for the next. Instead, I’ve always thought that it should be a fluid process, so waiting for year’s end would be shortchanging yourself.
That being said, after reading your post, I do see the merits of doing this at the same time each year. It’s almost like rebalancing your investments. If you don’t make sure to do it on schedule, then you’ll wake up years down the road with things totally run amok. And, to be honest, I haven’t been great with the all-year ‘fluid’ approach. Thanks for being so candid in yours!
It took me a while to think about my year, so I’ve missed the cutoff for reader submissions. I’ll include my review as a little bit of personal accountability, though! I’m still working on my goals for 2015.
I’m about to write my own post and just catching up on yours. I have had some great wins this year: I spoke at TEDxRochester and nailed it, exhibited at a Mini Maker Faire, had a 2nd successful Fringe show, I redesigned my site to more clearly demonstrate what I’m doing, I started some awesome endeavors. (Plus more on tap for 2015)
That said, it felt like half of the year was lost. I had heart rhythm problems that led to most of my time being in bed until June. (Man, imagine if the full year had cranked as much as the second half!) Blog frequency has been bad as I try to draw a line between news and blog. I’m still not making any money and our finances in general suck.
Looking forward to looking ahead now. Thanks for the frankness – it’s good for us to see you’re human because it helps us realize we aren’t monsters for feeling the same sometimes. Here’s to an awesome 2015 full of new adventures!
Hi Chris, thank you so much for this, and all of your wisdom (as usual). I appreciate your honesty, openness, and vulnerability – it is a huge part of why you are so successful, and have so many people who relate to your words and your work.
I trained for, raised money for, and ran a marathon for my 50th birthday in March, which was a nice accomplishment. But my biggest journey and ultimate goal in 2014 didn’t present itself until later that month when my boyfriend and I decided to move full time from our comfortable home and routine in So. California across the Pacific to Kauai. It took much more work, energy and focus than I ever imagined to make everything happen in order to move (here now, as of two weeks ago!), including giving up other goals like launching a new website, more writing, yoga, etc, etc, etc. But this overarching goal and it’s accomplishment is something I take a lot of pride in, and it is helping to soothe the “what went wrong” failures over the year.
In previous years (I got out of the habit for the last few years) I used to pick three words to focus on, and strive to manifest them as much as possible in daily life. So getting back to that, in 2015 I plan to focus on: Simplicity, Elegance, and Acceptance.
Mahalo for all you do. 🙂
Interesting to read you blog finally today, Chris, because in some ways it matches up with what I’m going through. You know… life isn’t always “happy,” and it’s not meant to be. It’s horribly unfair. But if we do have gratitude, we get through the lows gracefully, and eventually move back over to the highs.
In July 2013 my husband learned he had non-Hodgkins lymphoma. I dropped everything I was doing, including a lot of my entrepreneurial aspirations, to focus on him and his care. And on Nov. 10 of this year, he died. It has rocked my world and changed my perspective immensely regarding what is important to me and what isn’t. I’m still a goal-oriented gal… But I think those goals may have changed. I’m going to my year review to plan the years to come… a very important step for me right now, both in grieving and in moving on, and I know it will be a brand-new picture.
I, too, don’t have a “ton” of friends (or at least I don’t think I do compare to SOME people)… but the ones I do have are QUALITY friends. They have supported me during this very difficult period in my life, and I can only hope to return the favor some day. In doing so, one of my girlfriends has declared 2015 as the “Year of Pat” – sort of like the summer of George Constanza – and the focus will be shifting now to myself. Not that it will be easy… I experience post-tramatic anxiety from my husband’s last weeks (including a cardiac arrest here in my home with me) and grief every day, and while it “gets better,” I sense that it will never go away. I’m a different person now… and my goals for 2015 will reflect that new me… after I’ve taken serious time (this week) to figure out just what that new me wants out of what is left of her life.
Thank you, Chris, for sharing your highs and lows of last year and helping to remind me to do the same and plan for the future!
Had anyone suggested last January 1 that I would be retired and living in Scranton, Pennsylvania by the end of the year, I would have responded “Wait. What?” Even when I read about the early out retirement offer in my employee email I called three different HR specialists to confirm it. I felt like I had won the lottery. I’m still making New Years resolutions but am cognizant that there is a divine plan, synchronicity… call it what you will… at work which is exponentially better than any plan that I could come up with.
10:17 PM I’ve made it thru January 1 with my New Years Resolutions intact 🙂
Hey Chris, what could a brazilian add to all of these comments? Certainly not something very different. But I’ll add my voice anyway: thank you for being brave and sharing what you did. It made me think your whole project is more real and more human. Wishing you lota of happy amd grateful moments in 2015!
I’m not sure if you read all the comments. Probably not. You’re busy. Still. I wanted to say that I always look forward to your annual reviews. While I haven’t yet made the time to do one for myself (December is just always too crazy for me), I find them inspiring. Perhaps I’ll do a mid-year review or something. Anyway, thank you.
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About the “downs” … I went through a very similar (eerily similar) experience back in 2011.
Realize this, you’re human. Be okay with that Chris. We’re all riding on the same blue speck of dust in a giant stream of light (see “Pale Blue Dot” on YouTube).
I’m glad you have written what you’ve written on your site, through your books (which I am going to Amazon, and buying all 3 of them again), and through your emails.
You matter more than you give yourself credit for, Chris. You helped (from my perspective) people realize that they don’t have to live life like they were told. Not many people have the courage to step out and put their thoughts on digital paper like you have.
In the stream of consciousness that we all comprise, you are a bright beacon that has helped many people “wake up” and take their lives by the reigns … and actually live it, instead of being absorbed into the “spectacle.”
Breathe deeply my friend, because from my perspective, you’re just getting started. 🙂
I often wondered how you maintained your relationships with so much travel. After reading your blog, I see that it’s difficult. As someone with the travel bug, I know you’re always itching to go, but I hope 2015 gives you lots of time at home to strengthen your relationships with friends and family. Exploring the world is fun and invigorating, but home has many positives as well (and the best beer 😉
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Friday night also saw a second protester shot with a firearm in an incident in Yuen Long — the site of an attack on protesters by alleged Triad gangsters in July which has become a key rallying cry for the anti-government movement.
Police said after the police officer was isolated by protesters, he “fell onto the ground and was beaten up by the group. Facing serious threat to his life, he fired one shot in self-defense. A rioter then threw a petrol bomb at him and his body was on fire.”
A video circulating online showed the officer, wearing a white t-shirt, getting up from the floor when a petrol bomb hits him and engulfs him in flames. The officer staggers forward and manages to extinguish the fire on his clothes, but appears severely dazed. He drops his weapon and it is almost grabbed by a protester before he lunges forward and manages to wrestle it away from them.
Authorities said a 14-year-old boy was injured in the shooting, and hospital authorities said early Saturday the boy was shot in the left thigh and was in “critical condition.”
A protest march Saturday afternoon on Hong Kong island attracted a few hundred participants. They chanted for the mask law to be repealed, but many opted to stay home, some unable to get there due to transport disruptions, others unwilling to put themselves at risk of being unable to leave were police to sweep in and make arrests.
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This week was a bad week for Brad Pascallet, the head of Trump’s election camp, but not because of the blockbuster testimony that U.S. Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland showed in an impeachment hearing linking his boss to Ukraine’s pay-as-you-go plan.
Google 온카지노 said Friday that it will start tightening the reins on its political advertising business. Pasquale, an Olympic intelligence manipulator who specializes in creating fictional political ads full of conspiracy theories, will now have one less weapon in his digital arsenal to conduct his scorched-earth re-election campaign.
The political elite & big tech company wants to rig the election – including Dem primary & 2020,” he tweeted on Google. They’re targeting Trump because he’s a big dog, but they’re looking for Dem like Sanders & Warren. They won’t stop until they have control of all digital political speeches.”
Google has no plans to completely ban political advertisements. But the new policy will hinder many political campaign operatives. And most of all, Pascal is the most skilled technology tool user in politics. The Trump campaign is outperforming all Democrats with digital integration.
The campaign will still be able to target Google’s ads based on the user’s age, gender, location and content of the website the user visited. But now they cannot use the attributes of several specific viewers, such as political affiliation or voting records, to produce ads. Campaigns will no longer be able to micro-target custom ads for people’s specific data and behavior. The ad is online like whispering millions of different messages to billions of different ears for maximum effectiveness and minimal scrutiny.
And political groups will no longer be able to reach “preferred audiences,” a group of users tied up according to similar habits. Google has also banned ads “clearly false claims that could seriously undermine participation in elections or trust,” clarifying rules on the lack of true advertising. Add: The campaign cannot use certain names collected for advertising purposes, and Google 온카지노게임 has not allowed “remarketing” to those who visit its campaign website.
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The Journal of Horse Industry has taken the lead in promoting the public interest in the horse industry and has been faithful to its role일본경마사이트 with easy and fast reporting so that the public can understand what it says. Sharp criticism and field-oriented reporting have contributed greatly to the correct policymaking. The animal welfare issue, which has just become a hot topic, has long been proven to be the center of the debate.
In addition, “Mediafia”, which was founded on March 6, 2019, by experts from all walks of life, is becoming a central medium in the professional 온라인경마 industry due to active activities of professional writing. In the rapidly changing era of media and online journalism, I hope that “Mediafia” will also settle down as soon as possible as a forum for delivering life culture and sports information and news, including literature, culture, health, travel and leisure.
Just as our Internet newspaper connects people, people, and society, we once again thank the Journal of Horse Industry, which has been faithful 일본경마사이트 to the role of a bridge between words and people and information communication as a parabola.
It is said that the Korean Racing Authority is 온라인경마 currently analyzing the effects and problems of the release of the Internet betting tickets through a survey on the current status of the means to release the gambling industry in Korea, and is considering supplementary measures for the anticipated concerns, and is also preparing for overseas case studies.
The Journal of Horse Industry has taken the lead in promoting the public interest in the horse industry and has been faithful to its role with easy and fast reporting so that the public can understand what it says. Sharp criticism 온라인경마 and field-oriented reporting have contributed greatly to the correct policymaking. The animal welfare issue, which has just become a hot topic, has long been proven to be the center of the debate.
Last year, the first five-year comprehensive plan for horse industry development closed last year. In late 2011, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs set a goal of developing the industry into a new source of income for farming 일본경마사이트 and fishing villages during the FTA era, and worked to expand the base of horse riding population with the focus of youth and family members. In addition, the government also established a policy to foster horse industry based on this as a driving force for the development of the livestock industry and the revitalization of farming and fishing villages.
“The horse industry has great growth potential and added value in proportion to the increase in national income,” said an official at the Ministry 온라인경마 of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. It is expected to create significant economic effects such as creating jobs in related industries.
This year is the first year to create momentum for change and growth through the second five-year comprehensive plan for horse industry development.온라인경마 While the image of horseback riding has fallen and is in trouble, it is necessary to improve the image of horseback riding through the activation of horseback riding for young and disabled people and the role of the media is important.
Last year, the first five-year comprehensive plan for horse industry development closed last year. In late 2011, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs set a goal of developing the industry into a new source of income for farming온라인경마 and fishing villages during the FTA era, and worked to expand the base of horse riding population with the focus of youth and family members. In addition, the government also established a policy to foster horse industry based on this as a driving force for the development of the livestock industry and the revitalization of farming and fishing villages.
The racehorse, which participates in horse racing 온라인경마 worldwide, debuts as a racehorse at the age of two, and most of them retire from the race at the age of five to six. Usually, more than 1,100 animals retire annually, with more than 600 being used for breeding, and about 200 being retired without a fixed purpose.
The racehorse, which participates in horse 온라인경마 racing worldwide, debuts as a racehorse at the age of two, and most of them retire from the race at the age of five to six. Usually, more than 1,100 animals retire annually, with more than 600 being used for breeding, and about 200 being retired without a fixed purpose.
Racing Media, as a watchman in the horse industry, is becoming more emphasized as a media outlet that specializes in everything about horses
온라인경마 through the Journal of Horse Industry and the Horse Culture Newspaper, and provides in-depth insight into horse industry and related industries and culture.
The Korean Racing Authority said, “We expect that the conversion of horse racing into horseback riding will not only improve the welfare of the domestic horse, but also secure infrastructure in the horseback riding market and expand the riding 온라인경마 population by supplying passenger horses certified for safety.”
It is fortunate to meet Haman County Horse Riding Park where one can ride one’s favorite horse at any time in his old age. Koo Ja-woon said, “Haman 온라인경마 County Horse Riding Park is a great blessing for our people.” Safe facilities, safe horses, and a good system have been formed, and all employees have worked hard and hard for the people, so they can ride horses with confidence and feel reassured.
Koo Ja-woon also said he hopes Haman, my hometown온라인경마 and my hometown, will develop into a horse industry-specialized city. The course will also be used for a sunflower festival that attracts 300,000 tourists in July, and endurance competitions will be possible.
Just in case. Koo Ja-woon is said to have studied horse physiology and disease since the 1980s, just like a family of doctors (his son is also a medical doctor). It was possible thanks to the steady support and encouragement of former 온라인경마 chairman Lee Geon-young, who served as the president of the Korea Racing Authority from 1982 to 1991, supported the 86 Asian Games and 88 Olympic equestrian events, and moved the Ttukseom racetrack to Gwacheon.
Just in case. Koo Ja-woon is said to have studied horse physiology and disease since the 1980s, just like a family of doctors (his son is also a medical doctor). It was possible thanks to the steady support and encouragement of former일본경마사이트 chairman Lee Geon-young, who served as the president of the Korea Racing Authority from 1982 to 1991, supported the 86 Asian Games and 88 Olympic equestrian events, and moved the Ttukseom racetrack to Gwacheon.
Just in case. Koo Ja-woon is said to have studied horse physiology and disease since the 1980s, just like a family of doctors (his son is also a 온라인경마 medical doctor). It was possible thanks to the steady support and encouragement of former chairman Lee Geon-young, who served as the president of the Korea Racing Authority from 1982 to 1991, supported the 86 Asian Games and 88 Olympic equestrian events, and moved the Ttukseom racetrack to Gwacheon.
Jo Gyeong-gi, the director of Haman County Horse Riding Park, introduced him as a “true woman.” If there is a “horse master,” would it be like that? He seemed to have met a nobleman, not a natural one. Nowadays everyone is communing,
온라인경마 communing, but in fact it’s rare to see people who love horses so much. The 82-year-old seemed to see the innocence of the child’s innocence as he talked to the horse and kissed her. You looked very happy.
He also tried to create a pastoral atmosphere and a comfortable viewing environment by benchmarking domestic and foreign cases. 온라인경마 The 86/88 horseback riding stands will be surrounded by records of the names and awards of medalists during the Asian Games and Olympics, capturing the spirit and emotion of the Olympics, and the nature-friendly landscaping and grass stadium will catch the attention of the audience.
In line with the completion of the horseback riding course, the Korean Horse Racing Association plans to host and host prestigious domestic
온라인경마 and international competitions such as the Korean Horse Riding Competition, the Korean Horse Racing Association and the Youth Championship, and is also planning unique events related to horses such as horse racing competitions and auctions.
Although he happened to be a hostess, he said he felt proud as a face to face when he saw “Seokess Story” playing in Dubai. It is now a 온라인경마 great pleasure and fun to work in the horse industry, one of the pillars of Korea’s industry, and I think I did really well after drinking. The best choice of my life.”
Lee Jong-hoon, Busan and South Gyeongsang Province, who were recommended by all walks of life by discovering excellent racehorses and actively making social donations, was selected for the best horse-riding category. Last year, he일본경마사이트
participated in the Dubai World Cup Carnival for the first time in Korea along with “Seokess Story,” and is also the owner of the famous horse of the time, including “The Dream of the Bee,” “Youngcheon Ace,” and “Lion Santa,” which won nine consecutive games. Lee Jong-hoon, who has a solid history, said, however, “I ended up doing it.” Because of prejudice against the horse industry.
Yoo Sang-ho, who met at the office of the Korea Racing Authority on Feb. 17, said, “Every November, I participate in an auction in Kentucky, USA, and I
온라인경마 choose a good siamese at a reasonable price. “We are making every effort to prevent and manage ponytails from the time we produce them until the reason they are produced in order to achieve maximum effect at the minimum cost.”
Lee Jong-hoon, Busan and South Gyeongsang Province, who were recommended by all walks of life by discovering excellent racehorses and actively making social donations, was selected for the best horse-riding category. Last year, he온라인경마 participated in the Dubai World Cup Carnival for the first time in Korea along with “Seokess Story,” and is also the owner of the famous horse of the time, including “The Dream of the Bee,” “Youngcheon Ace,” and “Lion Santa,” which won nine consecutive games. Lee Jong-hoon, who has a solid history, said, however, “I ended up doing it.” Because of prejudice against the horse industry.
Since horse racing is an important industry that boosts consumption and boosts domestic demand, most of the world’s horse racing countries, 온라인경마 including France, Japan, Hong Kong and Sweden, and some states in the U.S. are currently implementing zero-tolerance horse racing through the “Online Magistrate Release.” The online ticket sales system was once introduced in Korea, but was abolished on July 20, 2009, and Kang Chang-il, a lawmaker of the 20th National Assembly, proposed a bill on reviving the online ticket sales, but was dismissed with the end of the 20th National Assembly.
As for the secret to maintaining good grades steadily, he said, “In fact, there’s not much that Ma-ju can do,” and added, “I basically trust her
온라인경마 teachers and managers. Trust is the most important thing,” he said. The reason for his strong performance in Dubai was not because of me, but because of his assistants and managers who did difficult and difficult things such as staying up and managing at night.”
Although it is a ranch that has been around for just over 10 years, it has imported 15 seedlings every year and has managed the horses온라인경마 directly, showing the highest winning rate compared to the number of participating heads in the last five years, and has also announced the importance of managing the production ranch.
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At a special district meeting held in Jeju in June last year, Jeon Sung-won, head of the win-win marketing division, also called attention from온라인경마 the central government and set a direction with the Jeju Special Self-Governing Province to foster Halla, which will be expelled from Gyeongju, as Korea’s leading passenger horse starting in 2023. Support is needed to establish a system in relation to the production, development, training and distribution of passenger horses. Please pay attention to it said.
At a special district meeting held in Jeju in June last year, Jeon Sung-won, head of the win-win marketing division, also called attention from the central government and set a direction with the Jeju Special Self-Governing Province to foster Halla,
온라인경마 which will be expelled from Gyeongju, as Korea’s leading passenger horse starting in 2023. Support is needed to establish a system in relation to the production, development, training and distribution of passenger horses. Please pay attention to it said.
At a special district meeting held in Jeju in June last year, Jeon Sung-won, head of the win-win marketing division, also called attention from the central government and set a direction with the Jeju Special Self-Governing Province to foster
온라인경마 Halla, which will be expelled from Gyeongju, as Korea’s leading passenger horse starting in 2023. Support is needed to establish a system in relation to the production, development, training and distribution of passenger horses. Please pay attention to it said.
Last year, he drew a roadmap for mid- to long-term Gyeongju resource management measures to strengthen Jeju’s competitiveness in horse
온라인경마 racing. Now, horses that are not assistant or whose level of assistant has not been assessed at all come directly into the racehorse. It takes about 90 days to start training here and start racing. You can’t keep taking this system.
At a special district meeting held in Jeju in June last year, Jeon Sung-won, head of the win-win marketing division, also called attention from the central government and set a direction with the Jeju Special Self-Governing Province to foster
온라인경마 Halla, which will be expelled from Gyeongju, as Korea’s leading passenger horse starting in 2023. Support is needed to establish a system in relation to the production, development, training and distribution of passenger horses. Please pay attention to it said.
There is no direct connection with the work, but there is an anecdote that comes to mind when you think of the word ‘pain’. First of all, there was a “unknown pain” incident at Wondang Ranch in 1986. In the spring of 1986, he was appointed as a veterinarian for breeding horses at Wondang Ranch, not long after joining the Racing Authority. Ttukseom, where the racetrack was located at the time, had senior and synchronous veterinarians, but I couldn’t ask because it was limited to racing horse care, and I had no choice but to solve it by myself. Although he majored in veterinary medicine at the veterinary college, the incident broke out without knowing much about late clinical trials due to the small-scale curriculum. Even though he was in charge of breeding horses, he looked up books on the number of Japanese words that he would try his best without any information. According to the book, the penis (fertilizer) should be disinfected and cross-breeded when cross-breeding, but there was no mention of which disinfectant should be used. In the meantime, disinfecting, just because 온라인경마 he’s been interbreeding. I thought it wouldn’t work as it is, so I thought about sterilizing it. There was a disinfectant called “Crezol” in the medical office, so I asked him and disinfected it before the crossbreeding, but this was due to burns on the penis of Wengal’s penis. It prevented the seedlings from breeding for two weeks. Officials, including horse managers at Wondang Ranch at the time, scolded him, saying, “A sudden veterinarian is here.” That is the first pain I have experienced in my career. It’s called “The Pain of Ignorance.”
We hope that horseback riding, which is drawing attention as a healthy leisure sport due to the increase in people’s income and the change
온라인경마 of consciousness that values quality of life, will overcome the limitations of the traditional horse racing industry and hope that many horse racing fans will also pay attention to it.
The production of racehorses and the implementation of horse racing are the same as the two wheels. It can roll best when both sides are in harmony. Focusing only on production and development does not do well, nor does 온라인경마 focusing only on the implementation of horse racing and the improvement of the level itself do well. In the current crisis of the entire horse racing industry, we should join forces rather than divide each other. Recently, there have also been issues such as the “Online Magistrate Release,” in order to recover the shrinking horse race, we need to work together and then put our heads together for mutual development.
We hope that horseback riding, which is drawing attention as a healthy leisure sport due to the increase in people’s income and the change일본경마사이트 of consciousness that values quality of life, will overcome the limitations of the traditional horse racing industry and hope that many horse racing fans will also pay attention to it.
This year is the first year to create momentum for change and growth through the second five-year comprehensive plan for horse industry development. 온라인경마 While the image of horseback riding has fallen and is in trouble, it is necessary to improve the image of horseback riding through the activation of horseback riding for young and disabled people and the role of the media is important.
The Korea Racing Authority, the only organization dedicated to fostering the horse industry in Korea, will also do its best to develop the 온라인경마 horse industry. We will successfully carry out related projects, including the payment of the Livestock Development Fund, the realization of the social value of the horse industry, the creation of quality jobs, the promotion of domestic demand for passenger horses, and the expansion of infrastructure. Therefore, we hope that the horse industry will eventually contribute to the development of the national economy beyond the livestock industry.
This year is the first year to create momentum for change and growth through the second five-year comprehensive plan for horse industry development. 온라인경마 While the image of horseback riding has fallen and is in trouble, it is necessary to improve the image of horseback riding through the activation of horseback riding for young and disabled people and the role of the media is important.
Kazakhstan has a per capita GDP of about $10,000, but it has a high potential for economic growth with a large area (27 times that of Korea) and abundant resources. The largest city of Almaty has its only racetrack, which was built in the 1930s and is now 온라인경마 dilapidated. Tenggri Investment (CEO Sarsenbayev Serik), which owns the Almaty racetrack, discussed with France, one of the most advanced countries in horse racing, in order to modernize Kazakhstan’s horse racing system. However, it was reported that the company signed an advisory contract with the Korea Racing Authority in February after considering the technology level of the system, the price of the system, and the possibility of future business expansion.
Candidate Oh Kyung-taek announced his political views that he will strive for the development of the association based on his experie온라인경마 ce in organizing various events such as the Yeongsan Riverboat Racing Competition for the Disabled for three years since the Korea Disabled Riding Association was designated as a management organization.
After the announcement of the results of the vote at 4 p.m., President-elect Suh Jung-sook was awarded a certificate of election from the election 일본경마사이트 management committee chairman and transferred the authority to preside over the meeting from the election watchdog.
After the announcement of the results of the vote at 4 p.m., President-elect Suh Jung-sook was awarded a certificate of election from the일본경마사이트 election management committee chairman and transferred the authority to preside over the meeting from the election watchdog.
The Korea Racing Authority is in working-level talks 온라인경마 with the Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry to form an export mission to Kazakhstan. As soon as the measures to enter the country due to Corona 19 are resolved, we hope to hold a briefing session for domestic small and medium-sized enterprises in July. It will introduce products from small and medium-sized companies to Kazakhstan government officials and investors and support the signing of investment letters so that actual investments can be made.
After the announcement of the results of the vote at 4 p.m., President-elect Suh Jung-sook was awarded a certificate of election from the 온라인경마 election management committee chairman and transferred the authority to preside over the meeting from the election watchdog.
After the announcement of the results of the vote at 4 p.m., President-elect Suh Jung-sook was awarded a certificate of election from the election온라인경마 management committee chairman and transferred the authority to preside over the meeting from the election watchdog.
To earn tuition, Cho Jung-ki, a current professor at Gangneung Youngdong University (President Chung Chang-deok), who was at the forefront of innovation and promotion of the Korean Racing Authority, visited the headquarters on July 1, wh
온라인경마 en he joined the Korea Racing Authority as a part-time employee and joined the company through public recruitment, from announcer to broadcasting team leader, head of public relations office, to head of management support division, and to retire as marketing director in February 2014.
The British royal family, which hosts the “Royal Ascot Race,” said it will hold the “Royal Ascot 2020” on a non-face-to-face basis for five days 온라인경마 from June 16 to 20. This is the result of the support of Queen Elizabeth II, who hopes to continue the tradition despite concerns over the spread of the corona, and the British people’s love and pride in horse racing.
Now that readers can easily distinguish between the best and the best of professional media through various platforms, we need to be more온라인경마 aware of our readers and make better professional newspapers.
I hope that the horse racing culture newspaper 온라인경마 will continue to be a great guide, a cool critic, and a great proposer, and will continue to work harder in forming the right culture.
This year, it cannot be used as a venue for social studies because it is conducted without regard, but it is meaningful in that it can continue its 온라인경마 tradition of more than 300 years. “Royal Ascot” began in 1711 after Queen Anne drove her horse from Windsor Castle to the Ascot racetrack and left the word “a good place to race,” and for a long time, it had never been stopped except during World War II. “Royal Ascot 2020,” which runs from June 16 to 20, will be broadcast on TV without spectators.
We applaud your efforts and efforts to convey the overall news and issues of the horse industry to our readers in depth, and we ask that you continue 온라인경마 to work hard for the bright future of the domestic horse industry.
Since the end of last year, the Korean Rehabilitation Horse Riding Society will fulfill its social responsibility in order to change the negative
온라인경마 image of the horse industry, which has been prevalent throughout society, into a positive image. Above all, we will focus more on academic, research and public relations activities aimed at establishing this society, and we will spare no necessary suggestions in the field of rehabilitation riding in line with the direction of national policy.
In addition, I believe that by taking the initiative in establishing an advanced horse racing culture, including horsemen and assistants, we have
온라인경마 contributed greatly to the development of the Korean media culture, as well as the development of horse racing magazines and, furthermore, of the professional newspaper industry.
On the other hand, unlike the resumption 온라인경마 of zero-tolerance horse racing in major horse racing countries around the world, Korean horse racing is still stopping all horse racing. Despite being proud of being an IT powerhouse, the “Online Magic Release” for the implementation of unrelated horse racing is virtually blocked, so it cannot be opened. Attention is focusing on whether the Korean race can lead to a change at a time when it is rapidly moving on to the era of the Untact.
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In addition, I believe that by taking the initiative in establishing an advanced horse racing culture, including horsemen and assistants, we have
온라인경마 contributed greatly to the development of the Korean media culture, as well as the development of horse racing magazines and, furthermore, of the professional newspaper industry.
True innovation begins with communication and sharing. In order to cope with the current racing crisis, this identity of horse racing needs to be
온라인경마 established, and I hope that Racing Media, an orthodox horse racing media, will serve as a channel for communication and sharing of the horse racing industry.
Currently, the Korean horse industry is gathering expectations for growth and development following the implementation of the Horse
온라인경마 Industry Promotion Act. However, it has not been effective in the field, so it is still insufficient. Moreover, public distrust and misunderstanding of the horse industry has deepened due to the recent state manipulation scandal, which has hurt our horse racing people.
I hope that the Horse Industry Journal and the Horse Racing Culture Newspaper will be reborn as the best media leading the change and 일본경마사이트 innovation of Korean horse racing, presenting the “hope” and “future vision” of the horse industry. Once again, congratulations on the 19th anniversary of the horse racing culture newspaper and the 4th anniversary of the horse industry journal. Thank you.
Amid the recent fluctuations in the domestic horse industry status, I would like to say that it has faithfully served as a communication channel 온라인경마 with the field as a specialized platform for horse racing industry and horse industry for the past 30 years, and has made great contributions to the advancement of horse racing and the establishment of the right horse culture.
Amid the recent fluctuations in the domestic horse industry status, I would like to say that it has faithfully served as a communication channel
온라인경마 with the field as a specialized platform for horse racing industry and horse industry for the past 30 years, and has made great contributions to the advancement of horse racing and the establishment of the right horse culture.
The association encourages Halla producers to produce and sell them as excellent production horses without difficulties, plans regular field-oriented education on the importance of production and training, and has operated the Horse 온라인경마 Training Center” of the Jeju Livestock Promotion Agency since May 1 this year.”
In order to overcome the current situation of Halla, which is at the crossroads of being kicked out as a racehorse at Jeju Racecourse in 2023, we 온라인경마 are doing our best to provide an opportunity to make a leap forward with the production of excellent passenger horses.
The case took shape recently when Jeon Young-hae filed an injunction against Rep. Kim Hyun-kwon, saying, “Don’t call me Choi Soon-sil’s trio.” In addition, he asked Choi Soon-sil to ban five other remarks, including her acquaintance 온라인경마 with Choi Soon-sil, attending the same sports center, and her involvement in horse-racing personnel affairs. In case of violation, the company has requested 1 million won per case, and a separate lawsuit has been filed to claim 50 million won worth of damages.
In a telephone interview with The New Daily Economy on the 7th, Jeon Young-hae said, “I know it’s hard to win by filing a lawsuit against a lawmaker 온라인경마 with immunity.We were frustrated that no one listened to us in raising the ridiculous suspicion, so we notified the court of the lawsuit,” he said in the background of the injunction.
Jeon Young-hae said in an interrogation session of the Seoul Central District Court on Dec. 7 on Kim’s request for an injunction to ban the 온라인경마 violation of his personal rights, that it was a false fact that he said I was one of Choi Soon-sil’s three key aides, and that Kim was cited as being involved in the case of state affairs manipulation, which damaged his reputation and caused a public identity.
Jeon Young-hae made a text message to reporters at the media on the night of Nov. 11 after raising suspicions of “Choi Soon-sil’s trio” during an emergency questioning session to find out the truth behind the Choi Soon-sil scandal at the 온라인경마 National Assembly. “I don’t know Choi Soon-sil at all, and I got to know her name and face through media reports.” Regarding the allegation that his daughter received preferential treatment in horseback riding education, he also said, “I have never ordered her to ride,” adding, “We are preparing a lawsuit against lawmaker Kim Hyun-kwon’s remarks for defamation.”
After leaving office, he also thought about cultivating politicians, unification, and helping the underprivileged, but he also said that the plan
온라인경마 was disrupted due to this incident. In fact, during his tenure, Hyun supported the start-up of food trucks for North Korean defectors and established the Let’s Run Foundation.
It is no exaggeration to say that horse racing starts with seeing horses and ends with seeing horses. Everything from watching the dawn 온라인경마 training, observing horses in the pre-market, and betting on a race to buying a horse ticket, is mirrored in” watching horses.” You can observe horses and expect them to be right or wrong, but this is what you see.Bad words can’t beat good ones, just because they don’t have enough spirits.
The case took shape recently when Jeon Young-hae filed an injunction against Rep. Kim Hyun-kwon, saying, “Don’t call me Choi Soon-sil’s trio.” In addition, he asked Choi Soon-sil to ban five other remarks, including her acquaintance온라인경마 with Choi Soon-sil, attending the same sports center, and her involvement in horse-racing personnel affairs. In case of violation, the company has requested 1 million won per case, and a separate lawsuit has been filed to claim 50 million won worth of damages.
Jeon Young-hae is from Jeju with Hyun. After graduating from Jeju Girls’ High School and Jeju National University’s public administration department, he joined the Grand National Party through public recruitment and served as the head of온라인경마 the Jeju Party’s public relations department and deputy spokesman for the provincial government. In the 2006 local elections, he served as a secretary for Hyun, who was running for governor of Jeju Island as a candidate of the then Grand National Party. Hyun and Jeon Young-hae remarried after their divorce, and there is a 32-year age gap.
Uiseong County Governor Kim Joo-soo received the Grand Prize in the Local Autonomy Administration category at the “2017 Local Autonomy
온라인경마 Administration Awards” held at the National Assembly building in Yeouido, Seoul on Saturday.
Kim, who took office in 2014, established the “Uiseong County Comprehensive Development Plan” and the “18 township comprehensive development
온라인경마 plans,” completed the master plan of the future Uiseong, and pushed ahead with the military administration in a planned manner according to its priorities.
“For the past three years, we have promoted creative military administration by gathering all our capabilities and wisdom to create a future-oriented
온라인경마 righteousness,” said County Governor Kim Joo-soo. “We will further increase private autonomy and create new industries and jobs through the combination of imagination, science and technology, and ICT to create a lively hope.”
In particular, besides the designation of the horse industry special zone, the government has been recognized for its focus on securing new
온라인경마 growth engines, attracting investment and government public offering projects such as the Uiseong Health Project and the establishment of an innovation hub center for cell culture.
Therefore, Mahpil’s body type should 온라인경마 be able to be identified and entered into actual practice in a short period of time, and in order to do so, he must have sufficient knowledge of it in advance.
Uiseong County Governor Kim Joo-soo received the Grand Prize in the Local Autonomy Administration category at the “2017 Local 온라인경마 Autonomy Administration Awards” held at the National Assembly building in Yeouido, Seoul on Saturday.
Over the next few weeks, we’ll start training 온라인경마 to develop a basic eye for horsemanship. It may seem a bit boring, but it is an important part that can be a cornerstone to fully understand and utilize the practical content that we will learn in the future.
In 1962, the Hallym Credit Cooperative, the first of its kind in Jeju Island and the No. 1 rural area in Korea, was also created. It also established social welfare facilities such as hospitals, nursing homes, kindergartens, senior citizens’온라인경마 universities and youth training facilities with profits from the ranch project. In March 2002, Sungisidol Hospital was reopened as a hospice-oriented Seongisidol Welfare Clinic and is fully operated free of charge thanks to the help of its sponsoring members and support from the Isidol Rural Development Association.
In 2003, the company created a racehorse ranch with a total site area of more than 4.9 million square meters and began sales and face-to-face activities focusing on fostering horses and teaching pure teeth. In 2007, the company
온라인경마 expanded its massage facilities, focusing on horse welfare and introducing advanced horse industry to Korea by conducting pure teeth and training before joining the racecourse. The 2006 Japan Cup winner, “Yahudi,” was introduced as a seedling, and “Exton Park,” the boomer of “Mr. Park,” which has won the most consecutive Korean races.
He began to spread new farming techniques by establishing a Sungisidol ranch and cultivating the barren mountainside of Hallasan Mountain in 1957, and bought 35 sheep, organized a 4H (first letter of head, chest, hand and health) club and c
온라인경마 reated a livestock bank. He also built his own feed factory and provided cheap supplies to farmers, and in 1959, he also built a sewing factory called Hallym Sujik, which provided jobs for 1,300 women. In 1970, the hospital opened for free to patients with extreme poverty.
Believing that “you can’t reach God unless you get out of poverty,” he won the Order of the Korean Stone Pagoda in 1972 and won the International 온라인경마 Understanding Award in 1975. He received the Moran Medal of the Order of National Merit in 2014 for his service for more than 60 years and was selected as the winner of the Irish Presidential Award.
Believing that “you can’t reach God unless you get out of poverty,” he won the Order of the Korean Stone Pagoda in 1972 and won the International온라인경마 Understanding Award in 1975. He received the Moran Medal of the Order of National Merit in 2014 for his service for more than 60 years and was selected as the winner of the Irish Presidential Award.
Father Patrick James McGlinchey, who has been engaged in missionary work and various social projects for more than 60 years on barren
온라인경마 Jeju land since the establishment of the Jeju Sungisidol ranch, died at 6:27 p.m. on April 23. On April 9, he was hospitalized at Jeju Halla Hospital for ischemic heart disease such as myocardial infarction and heart failure, and returned to his hometown at the age of 90.
In these two cases, the difference can be simply 온라인경마 compared to the difference between heaven and earth. As such, it is a case that is sharply divided into good and bad cases, and it is never desirable for a horse to come out on the racetrack and move straight to the starting line.
Father McGrinch, who witnessed the reality of Jeju, which was suffering from poverty due to the Jeju April 3 Incident and the Korean War, took the lead in modernization by laying the foundation for the livestock industry and establishing socia온라인경마 l welfare facilities. In Incheon, he bought a pig in Yorkshire and brought it all the way to Hallym on Jeju Island, which later became the basis of the largest ranch in the East, which produces 30,000 a year, and became the basis of the modern Jeju ranch, and Father McGrinch earned the nickname “Pig Priest with Blue Eyes.”
Believing that “you can’t reach God unless you get out of poverty,” he won the Order of the Korean Stone Pagoda in 1972 and won the International
온라인경마 Understanding Award in 1975. He received the Moran Medal of the Order of National Merit in 2014 for his service for more than 60 years and was selected as the winner of the Irish Presidential Award.
Believing that “you can’t reach God unless you get out of poverty,” he won the Order of the Korean Stone Pagoda in 1972 and won the International
온라인경마 Understanding Award in 1975. He received the Moran Medal of the Order of National Merit in 2014 for his service for more than 60 years and was selected as the winner of the Irish Presidential Award.
If you come out mainly and go straight to the starting point, it’s certainly not a normal category, like going into action without warming up. If he insists 온라인경마 on breaking news, he once stressed that a failed business trip to a racehorse is a warm-up concept. That is, you should warm up enough while repeating the proper running (gubbo, wetbo) and walking (breaking).
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If you look at the Korea Racing Authority’s website or the 온라인경마 Korea Racing Authority’s booklet on the race program, you can find the status of janggu in some racehorses such as “Eyes On Your Eyes” and “Hyebojeong Strap.” In fact, even experts can easily pass by, but it should not be overlooked as it can serve as a powerful hint to predict the winner.
Meanwhile, Min Byung-ho, CEO of Daily An, said, “It has been almost 20 years since the launch of the Internet Newspaper Association, but the system is still insufficient,” and asked for the system to be overhauled. Launched on October 28, 2002, the 온라인경마 Personal Association of Korea hosts and hosts the relay interview through its affiliate i Forum, and Pandora TV supports the real-time video relay system. The association has been conducting discussions on the 16th presidential candidate, discussions on the presidential candidate, and joint interviews.
Don’t worry, bury the future, South Korea – and hope and stability, crisis communication with the topic of ’ The Moon Jae-in is her first role in온라인경마 an interview for per share fishermen deobul, Moon Jae-in.At the DLP’s “media environment is very inclined to institutional press, but opposition at least, we could go the playground is internet media,”.Said.
However, if a horse does not go into the Gubo but 온라인경마 only walks lightly in the breaking news, that is, if it insists on the breaking news, it does not fully realize the meaning of warm-up, which can also give it a failing grade.
Although the base of the horseback riding population is expanding, it is true that many horseback riding venues across the country are suffering온라인경마 from financial and management difficulties amid the slight rise. However, there are some places that run horseback riding grounds in rural areas and have a surplus. The story is about the “Ariul Racing Ground” located in Buan County, North Jeolla Province.
However, there is a possibility that any 온라인경마 process will be saved once it enters the Gubo. It would be better to go into the Gu newsletter after walking crab, and even if you went into the Gu newsletter without breaking news, there is a clear difference from insisting on breaking news.
Although the base of the horseback riding population is expanding, it is true that many horseback riding venues across the country are suffering 온라인경마 from financial and management difficulties amid the slight rise. However, there are some places that run horseback riding grounds in rural areas and have a surplus. The story is about the “Ariul Racing Ground” located in Buan County, North Jeolla Province.
Although the base of the horseback riding population is expanding, it is true that many horseback riding venues across the country are suffering 온라인경마 rom financial and management difficulties amid the slight rise. However, there are some places that run horseback riding grounds in rural areas and have a surplus. The story is about the “Ariul Racing Ground” located in Buan County, North Jeolla Province.
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The horse, which entered the race, will check its final condition in preparation for the upcoming actual race. Walking, running lightly, or 온라인경마 running, but in the process, it is desirable to gradually increase the intensity from low to high levels of speed rather than running from scratch. In other words, it is common to start with a “beep” of light steps and then gradually change that gait, such as “kubo” and “chubo,” which are quick steps.
Once the horse has taken enough “breaking news,” which is mainly the first stage of a business trip, it changes its gait from the right place to 온라인경마 the second stage, Gubo, and moves it to the starting point. One thing we need to confirm in this process is the breathing of riders and horses.
Of course, I don’t know if it’s natural for a horse 온라인경마 with good condition to speed naturally as it keeps going. But, again, business trips are mainly a warm-up campaign ahead of the race. You shouldn’t waste your energy on business trips.
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The story of Kim Man-il, a dedicated horse contributor to KBS, the delivery and life of EBS horses, the reason why the lost Jeju horses of KBS2 informants 온라인경마 returned to the grazing grounds, MBC horse-related festivals, Jeju horse history and culture, as well as horse-related films, and interpreted horse paintings in authentic luxury items. Among them, the most memorable broadcast is Jeju Broadcasting Corporation’s “The Future of Jeju.”
Most of the old generals’ words were from Jeju, and the central museum displays a painting of Jeju horse Eungsangbaek, a horse used during 온라인경마 General Lee Seong-gye’s return to Wihwado Island. Jeju horse is also a horse that can produce high-quality meat with non-yukma. You can conceive after 20 years of age, and it has various colors and is important for Jeju dialect. It means brave.
Hanramas are also being raised in farming households and are being raised due to the opening of endurance horse racing competitions. A variety of research and use should be sought to designate a siamese horse to accumulate pedigree or 온라인경마 reverse cross-breed siamese to fit Jeju’s climate and be suitable for use at horseback riding grounds near the land. These days, people tend to prefer big words only, but I think Hanrama is the right word for young people.
Most of the old generals’ words were from Jeju, and the central museum displays a painting of Jeju horse Eungsangbaek, a horse used 온라인경마 during General Lee Seong-gye’s return to Wihwado Island. Jeju horse is also a horse that can produce high-quality meat with non-yukma. You can conceive after 20 years of age, and it has various colors and is important for Jeju dialect. It means brave.
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It is common for the competitors to travel in 온라인경마 turn in the order of the start numbers, but sometimes the business trip is delayed mainly due to the correction of the janggu, such as the horseshoes, and even after arriving at the start.
The story of Kim Man-il, a dedicated horse contributor to KBS, the delivery and life of EBS horses, the reason why the lost Jeju horses of KBS2 informants returned to the grazing grounds, MBC horse-related festivals, Jeju horse history and 온라인경마 culture, as well as horse-related films, and interpreted horse paintings in authentic luxury items. Among them, the most memorable broadcast is Jeju Broadcasting Corporation’s “The Future of Jeju.”
Most of the old generals’ words were from Jeju, and the central museum displays a painting of Jeju horse Eungsangbaek, a horse used during
온라인경마 General Lee Seong-gye’s return to Wihwado Island. Jeju horse is also a horse that can produce high-quality meat with non-yukma. You can conceive after 20 years of age, and it has various colors and is important for Jeju dialect. It means brave.
For reference, horses wear horseshoes for the protection of hooves and the correction of shapes, which are called funeral process, 온라인경마 and such attached horseshoes often change their position or cause gaps in their hooves while repeatedly touching the ground, and the corrective action is called “pyeonja correction.” Given the recent failure of the racehorse “Happy Hero” (Group 1) to win the prize due to the fall of the horseshoe right after the start, the importance of the horseshoe is no less important.
Most of the old generals’ words were from Jeju, and the central museum displays a painting of Jeju horse Eungsangbaek, a horse used during 온라인경마 General Lee Seong-gye’s return to Wihwado Island. Jeju horse is also a horse that can produce high-quality meat with non-yukma. You can conceive after 20 years of age, and it has various colors and is important for Jeju dialect. It means brave.
In conclusion, such long-term correction of horseshoes and others usually delays the business trip, which is a big deduction factor. The reason 온라인경마 goes without saying that, in common sense, other words are already warming up sufficiently, while in late cases, warming up time is relatively reduced. Also, if you are overflowing with the desire to run because you have to keep the horse from moving in order to correct the props such as horseshoes, you will surely be under great psychological stress.
At the 12th World Knight Championships held at the Hwarang Conducting Experience Tourist Site in Yeongrang Lake, Sokcho, from September 1 to 6, along with 12 Korean participants, 81 foreign participants from France, Malaysia, Iran 온라인경마 and Qatar showed off their skills. Throughout the competition, participants cheered on each other regardless of nationality or gender, trying to make it a fun event.
Is there a ‘teacher’ in our horse industry? Behind the agenda of future talent and youth training, there should be teachers and experts who
온라인경마 sacrifice and lead, but we have always forgotten such teachers and self-proclaimed experts have only been competing and envy them. The sacrifice, in the end, fell to the students.
I was wondering why foreign participants came from the other side of the globe for one “journalist” sport. Among the participants, Kim Hyun-jae온라인경마 of South Korea, Greg Ogburn of the United States, Thierry Descamps of France and Nukman Faris Abd Rani of Malaysia interviewed briefly about “why he became an article” and “the charm of the article.”
I was wondering why foreign participants came from the other side of the globe for one “journalist” sport. Among the participants,
온라인경마 Kim Hyun-jae of South Korea, Greg Ogburn of the United States, Thierry Descamps of France and Nukman Faris Abd Rani of Malaysia interviewed briefly about “why he became an article” and “the charm of the article.”
For this reason, crippled horses often go straight to the footpath without switching from flat to fast. Also, it is not easy to walk into the ball. It 온라인경마 should also be remembered that, like a child who hates to walk, it takes a few steps to get in the right place before entering the ball.
Most of the old generals’ words were from Jeju, and the central museum displays a painting of Jeju horse Eungsangbaek, a horse used during
Thank you your blog is so good…
Therefore, in such cases, a comparative check is required with the forecast market conditions. As mentioned in the past, seeing business 온라인경마 trips is an extension of the observation of the market, and the business trips are a final inspection of what we saw in the market. In other words, if there is a word that goes straight into the ball without breaking news, don’t forget to compare it in advance, considering whether there has already been a sign of disruption in the market.
Therefore, in such cases, a comparative 온라인경마
check is required with the forecast market conditions. As mentioned in the past, seeing business trips is an extension of the observation of the market, and the business trips are a final inspection of what we saw in the market. In other words, if there is a word that goes straight into the ball without breaking news, don’t forget to compare it in advance, considering whether there has already been a sign of disruption in the market.
Lee Yang-ho, 58, former head of the Rural Development Administration, was appointed as the 35th president of the Korea Racing Authority, drawing keen attention to his future moves. Ironically, he is Park Geun-hye’s first Rural Development Authority, the current government unofficially decided as the impeachment 온라인경마 motion at a time when the new South Korean masaoe. In particular, unlike former chairman Hyun Myung-kwan, who was a businessman and focused on “performance” and “organizational management,” Lee Yang-ho, the new head of the Korea Racing Authority (reunification as an “internal politician”), is highly anticipated because he was a bureaucrat who was well versed in agricultural and rural policies.
In the last issue, he introduced rural “Eomung,” who turned into a businessman, and Ahn Hae-young, head of the Baekma Farming Association,
just before his second departure, and this time, he introduces Han Young-ja, head of Jeju Mate Park, who opened a restaurant specializing in horse meat and “Madonhyang” in June. – A reporter’s horse.
Han Sung-yeol, who was elected as the ninth president of the association, has recently been under police investigation, and will lead the Korea온라인경마 Racing Authority as acting vice chairman Moon Jung-kyun’s acting post while his resignation as the association’s chairman has been suspended.
With his inauguration, the Rural Development Administration began to change dramatically. Through the 2014 business plan, he declared the operation of “field, customer and policy-oriented” and advocated the need for passion, will, mission and sincerity for agricultural farming villages to leap forward. When the largest-ever outbreak of highly pathogenic AI occurred in the first half of 2014, a special inspection 온라인경마 was conducted separately from the quarantine headquarters’ epidemiological investigation to investigate the quarantine system, and according to the results, comprehensive improvement measures were also 온라인경마 prepared to prevent recurrence. To mark the 52nd anniversary of its opening, it has also been active in promoting specialized contents of agricultural and rural communities by holding photo and video exhibitions since the 1960s to reflect on changes in agriculture and rural areas and the footsteps of the Rural Development Administration.
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راهنمای جامع تحصیل رایگان در آلمان را در سایت موسسه ستاره دانش پارسیان جستجو کنید.تحصیل لیسانس در کانادا
هوم کا یک مجموعه ارائه دهنده خدمات سلامت از جمله پرستاری، پزشکی و خدمات توانبخشی در منزل و محل شما است.پرستار سالمند
At the end of last year, the Korean Racing Authority set up a basic plan for the “horse-riding simulator” supply project, conspired with local governments to distribute it, and selected the National Fire Agency’s sports facilities. A total온라인경마 of 20 horseback riding simulators, including 12 horseback riding simulators, were provided to 12 community centers, including the Songsan-myeon Community Center in Hwaseong, and 8 horseback riding simulators in 8 places including Seocheon firemen’s sports facilities in South Chungcheong Province.
The short-term supply project has been successfully settled because Helmudo Co., Ltd. (CEO Shim Hoon-seop), which produced and distributed온라인경마 “horseback riding simulators,” has made efforts to introduce Nam. I met with Shim Hoon-sup at the Anseong headquarters in Gyeonggi Province and heard about the current status of the horseback riding simulator market. – Editorial Note
In this year’s Horse Riding Club category, the “Baksil Horse Riding Club” in Gijang, Busan, was selected. He played uniformly throughout the 일본경마사이트 year as the first overall winner of the 2018 Youth Equestrian Club League, which debuted in Korea last year. In addition, it contributed to the promotion of voluntary youth riding in competitions other than regional league matches.
In this year’s Horse Riding Club category, the “Baksil Horse Riding Club” in Gijang, Busan, was selected. He played uniformly throughout the온라인경마 year as the first overall winner of the 2018 Youth Equestrian Club League, which debuted in Korea last year. In addition, it contributed to the promotion of voluntary youth riding in competitions other than regional league matches.
The “Act on the Prohibition of Improper Solicitation and Grafts,” which was enacted and enforced on September 28, 2016, is positive for the purpose 온라인경마 of fair and clean performance of public officials, but the implementation of the law has reduced demand for agricultural and livestock products such as flowers, Korean beef, fruit trees, ginseng, oysters, and abalone, making it a reality.
At the end of last year, the Korean Racing Authority set up a basic plan for the “horse-riding simulator” supply project, conspired with local governments to distribute it, and selected the National Fire Agency’s sports facilities온라인경마 . A total of 20 horseback riding simulators, including 12 horseback riding simulators, were provided to 12 community centers, including the Songsan-myeon Community Center in Hwaseong, and 8 horseback riding simulators in 8 places including Seocheon firemen’s sports facilities in South Chungcheong Province.
The main players Park Geun-do, Park Sa-rang and Kim Jong-hyun alternately performed well in each competition, leading to the overall victory of the “Park Shil Youth Racing Team.” Unfortunately, he finished second in the three rounds of온라인경마 regional qualifiers for the Yeongnam region, but he was overwhelming in the final round. In particular, Park Geun-do showed outstanding play, winning both team and individual competitions from the first qualifying round and winning three gold medals.
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The short-term supply project has been successfully settled because Helmudo Co., Ltd. (CEO Shim Hoon-seop), which produced and distributed
온라인경마 “horseback riding simulators,” has made efforts to introduce Nam. I met with Shim Hoon-sup at the Anseong headquarters in Gyeonggi Province and heard about the current status of the horseback riding simulator market. – Editorial Note
This interview is about Ryu Joo-young, who is not a popular horse race but has been doing well since his debut in 2012, and hopes to be 온라인경마 remembered as a model case of horse racing. On November 26, I met Ryu Ma-joo at the meeting room in Bugyeong, Let’s Run Park to shed light on what he thinks of Korean horse racing and the life of Ma-ju.
Among the 13 candidates, Moon Yoon-young, who became the recommended candidate on behalf of the horse industry, has been in charge of
온라인경마 planning and policies in the horse industry, including the head of the horse industry planning team and the head of the production promotion team.
Major achievements of Director Moon Yoon-young include the establishment of measures to foster the horse industry for industrial use and job creation at the end of 2008; the establishment and implementation of the first comprehensive plan 일본경마사이트 for horse industry development; the creation of future demand for horseback riding industry through the revitalization of domestic youth horseback riding; the expansion of student riding population; support for the establishment of a youth riding group; and the introduction of horseback riding campaign as a school sports exercise manual.
In addition, Director Moon Yoon-young participated in major academic conferences and on-site discussions and made efforts to promote the Korean Racing Society and government policies through presentations, and is said to have온라인경마 contributed greatly to the horse industry settling on the site by holding meetings for the development of special zones with officials from the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and local government officials and officials from special zones, and holding workshops and seminars for related government officials at the national end of the horse industry.
In the negative view of horse racing, the racers are racing with too many misunderstandings. Not really. Horse racing is a sport that can be enjoyed as leisure. The reason why we are here today is to improve the negative image that is perceived by people as gambling, even though horse racing is fully enjoyable as leisure.
In addition, it is to create a forum for public debate on the issue of taxes disadvantageous to our horse racing fans and the reintroduction of 온라인경마 online betting tickets. I quit in 2009 when the online ticket was released, and I thought it would be necessary to conduct the online release again.
Major achievements of Director Moon Yoon-young include the establishment of measures to foster the horse industry for industrial use and job creation at the end of 2008; the establishment and implementation of the first comprehensive plan
온라인경마 for horse industry development; the creation of future demand for horseback riding industry through the revitalization of domestic youth horseback riding; the expansion of student riding population; support for the establishment of a youth riding group; and the introduction of horseback riding campaign as a school sports exercise manual.
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Among the 13 candidates, Moon Yoon-young, who became the recommended candidate on behalf of the horse industry, has been in charge of온라인경마 planning and policies in the horse industry, including the head of the horse industry planning team and the head of the production promotion team.
The submitted data included a hike in horse 온라인경마 racing refund rates, excessive horse racing tax improvement, and calls for the reissue of online betting tickets. Currently, the nation’s horse racing refund rate is 73 percent, too low for the OECD average. In Japan alone, 75.1 percent and 78.1 percent in Hong Kong. In the U.K. and Australia, 89 percent. Our country deducts too much tax.
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In addition, Director Moon Yoon-young participated in major academic conferences and on-site discussions and made efforts to promote the Korean Racing Society and government policies through presentations, and is said to have 온라인경마 contributed greatly to the horse industry settling on the site by holding meetings for the development of special zones with officials from the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and local government officials and officials from special zones, and holding workshops and seminars for related government officials at the national end of the horse industry.
Most people think horse racing is gambling. However, there are quite a few people who enjoy horse racing leisurely in our lives. The horse 온라인경마 racing industry will also be revitalized if the horse racing environment and culture are improved so that horse racing can be enjoyed as leisure activities. I think the revitalization of the horse industry can also help our society a lot.
The Oaks Cup race was the most memorable. The Horse Racing Association gathered horse racing officials such as Mazu, assistant teachers, and온라인경마 riders at Nurimaru, Haeundae, Busan, and held a dinner and celebration, and decided to buy excellent mare while instilling pride. He was lucky to win third place in the Oaks Cup race with a Lady Medal.
The government should lift regulations and implement positive policies to expand online ticket sales. While the Racing Authority is making great 온라인경마 efforts to root out illegal gambling, the government should change its stance by expanding the My Card system and lowering the government’s fixed tax rate so that illegal gamblers can enter the legal market and enjoy horse racing without inconvenience.
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The Horse Industry Development Act was enacted, the horse industry development five-year plan was implemented, and the second five-year plan 온라인경마 was also implemented, but if there are any flaws, we need to look back now to see if there are substance and whether we have run forward in line with the expansion of the horse industry, and if there are any shortcomings, we need to strengthen the foundation and find a way far away rather than fast.
There have been many ups and downs 온라인경마 at the production ranch due to the horse racing reform plan, but the company is doubling its investment and efforts to keep pace with the improvement of seed mare and quality of racehorses, but the number of servred racehorses required at the nation’s two racetracks is limited and the income of farming households is not increasing, including the rapid opening of the racecourse and the expansion of the horseback riding industry.
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In foreign countries, restaurants and bars also participate in horse racing like a game. In Korea, which deducts a lot of taxes first, we need to activate the MyCard system, which is used more thoroughly than in other countries even after
온라인경마 adjusting taxes. This should give the horse racing a sense of participation in the culture and festival venues to root out illegal gambling and allow anyone in the public to participate in the race day.
In foreign countries, restaurants and bars also participate in horse racing like a game. In Korea, which deducts a lot of taxes first, we need to
온라인경마 activate the MyCard system, which is used more thoroughly than in other countries even after adjusting taxes. This should give the horse racing a sense of participation in the culture and festival venues to root out illegal gambling and allow anyone in the public to participate in the race day.
There were ups and downs, but I am grateful to the delegates who trusted me and voted for me. I think he admitted that he worked hard for 온라인경마 student riding for two years last year, so I think he should work hard. The problem facing the equestrian community is the restoration of the image of horseback riding, which has been tarnished by allegations of preferential treatment of horseback riding. In this regard, the Korea Student Riding Association believes that the crisis should be revived as an opportunity by focusing on young people.
In foreign countries, restaurants and bars also participate in horse racing like a game. In Korea, which deducts a lot of taxes first, we need to activate the MyCard system, which is used more thoroughly than in other countries even 온라인경마 after adjusting taxes. This should give the horse racing a sense of participation in the culture and festival venues to root out illegal gambling and allow anyone in the public to participate in the race day.
The results are not very good. On the surface, the low commission fees are set aside for health care, and the horseback riding, which is called a일본경마사이트 good assistant, seems to have a lot of recreation after the race and a lot of horse injuries. There may be reasons such as the number of racetrack training sessions and narrow spaces due to mainly and recreation, but they have not yet achieved good results.
Since I am a businessman, I am trying to introduce a “management mind” to the operation of the Student Equestrian Association. It’s a kind of zippy concept. I will get consulting from experts, and if I have talented people, I will recruit them 온라인경마 and work with them. In the past, the Korean Racing Authority once gave services to sports marketing experts to come up with measures to boost horseback riding competitions. Chung Hee-yoon, a visiting professor at Hanyang University, who was in charge of the service project at the time, will visit the same sports marketing experts for help. If necessary, I will show my attitude of inviting others.
Since horse racing plays an important role in horse racing, we asked the Bugyeong faces of Let’s Run Park to be like Seoul for the development 온라인경마 of advanced horse racing, but we could only hear that Seoul’s stable system would follow the Bugyeong system.
In foreign countries, restaurants and bars also participate in horse racing like a game. In Korea, which deducts a lot of taxes first, we need to 온라인경마 activate the MyCard system, which is used more thoroughly than in other countries even after adjusting taxes. This should give the horse racing a sense of participation in the culture and festival venues to root out illegal gambling and allow anyone in the public to participate in the race day.
It was pointed out that some delegates were lax in their operating expenses. The situation was inevitable as there were several changes in 온라인경마 the project last year. Initially, he planned to hold a youth equestrian competition at the plaza in front of Seoul City Hall, but it didn’t go well. He then changed it to a park behind the National Assembly building in Yeouido, Seoul, and re-promoted it, but it failed at the end. As the event was finally decided to be held within the Korean Racing Authority, the association decided to hold the event directly from hosting the event to setting up the venue.
but if there are any flaws, we need to look back now to see if there are substance and whether we have run forward in line with the expansion of the horse industry, and if there are any shortcomings, we need to strengthen the foundation and find a way far away rather than fast.
“I didn’t have a large academy of choice for the announcer prep students. Instead, he developed his planning skills by serving as a college 온라인경마 student reporter and editor-in-chief of the school newspaper. I wanted to make my own rather than a formal one, so I fell in love with the charm of a scriptless “racing relay.”
Announcer Kim chose to major in Korean language and literature as her long-cherished dream since childhood. During the university vacation
온라인경마 , I went to speech academy from time to time and did related activities such as university reporters and reporters. In January this year, he won the KBS Korean language quiz show “Korean Language Competition.”
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Born in 1928 in Donegol Letterken, South Island, Father McGrinch arrived in Busan at the age of 25 in 1953 after receiving a new sacrament in 1951. After moving to Suncheon, he served as an assistant priest at the Suncheon Cathedral for 온라인경마 five months, and came to Jeju as a missionary at the Sunggolomban Foreign Missionary Church in 1954 to take up the post at the Hanlim Factory of the Central Main Party.
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Father McGrinch, who witnessed the reality of Jeju, which was suffering from poverty due to the Jeju April 3 Incident and the Korean War, took the 온라인경마 lead in modernization by laying the foundation for the livestock industry and establishing social welfare facilities. In Incheon, he bought a pig in Yorkshire and brought it all the way to Hallym on Jeju Island, which later became the basis of the largest ranch in the East, which produces 30,000 a year, and became the basis of the modern Jeju ranch, and Father McGrinch earned the nickname “Pig Priest with Blue Eyes.”
He began to spread new farming techniques by establishing a Sungisidol ranch and cultivating the barren mountainside of Hallasan Mountain in 1957, 온라인경마 and bought 35 sheep, organized a 4H (first letter of head, chest, hand and health) club and created a livestock bank. He also built his own feed factory and provided cheap supplies to farmers, and in 1959, he also built a sewing factory called Hallym Sujik, which provided jobs for 1,300 women. In 1970, the hospital opened for free to patients with extreme poverty.
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Starting with an interview with Masa Dong-woo Chairman Bae Geun-seok, which was published in the commemorative issue, this paper will conduct relay interviews with members of the Masa Dong-woo Association.This time, among 온라인경마 the figures recommended by Chairman Bae Geun-seok, the main character is Lee Geon-woo, the head of the public labor corporation who served as an auditor of the Martha Club and as the head of the legal team, the head of the management office, and the head of the equestrian training center. I heard his story of continuing his relationship with horses, carrying out research services related to the horse industry, even though he has been active as an incumbent labor attorney since his retirement.
Starting with an interview with Masa Dong-woo Chairman Bae Geun-seok, which was published in the commemorative issue, this paper will conduct relay interviews with members of the Masa Dong-woo Association. This time, among the figures 온라인경마 recommended by Chairman Bae Geun-seok, the main character is Lee Geon-woo, the head of the public labor corporation who served as an auditor of the Martha Club and as the head of the legal team, the head of the management office, and the head of the equestrian training center. I heard his story of continuing his relationship with horses, carrying out research services related to the horse industry, even though he has been active as an incumbent labor attorney since his retirement.
I joined the Korean Racing Authority in 1986. 온라인경마 It was at the time when there was a massage parlor on Ttukseom, and I applied for a legal position to recruit college graduates. At that time, he applied for a legal position because his major was law. Currently, there is a separate legal team within the Racing Authority, but at that time, it was part of the planning department.
Since joining the company, he has been 온라인경마 mainly in charge of legal affairs. Although he briefly took on other duties, he was mostly in charge of legal affairs. When he headed the management office, he performed such tasks as management evaluation, financial evaluation, and ethical evaluation. Two years before he retired, he headed the Equestrian Training Center and retired at the age of 55.
Kim Jong-gil, vice chairman of the Korea Racing Authority, who took office on April 7, was a reporter for the Mudeung Ilbo and ran as an independent
온라인경마 candidate for general governor in 2002. During the last presidential election, he served as the head of the Democratic Party’s central election committee in South Jeolla Province and has carried out journalists’ fair views on the gambling industry.
For the first time in the traditional rice cake industry, the company is supplying Korean food rice cake processing products to Korea’s famous food giant, and is contributing greatly to the promotion of farm income by generating stable profit
온라인경마 s through direct sales using home shopping, online shops and SNS channels. It is also contributing to the globalization of Korean traditional foods, as it succeeded in exporting traditional rice cakes for the first time in Korea, expanding exports to the United States and Canada starting in 1997 and achieving exports of 51 million won in 2017 and 23 million won as of 2018.
The mother of Kim Jong-gil, vice chairman of the Korea Racing Authority, who was born in Jangseong, South Jeolla Province, passed away 온라인경마 at 11 a.m. on September 7. The burial site is located at 9 a.m. on Sunday, September 9, at the growth ceremony of the head of the forest cooperative in Jangseong-eup, Jangseong-gun, South Jeolla Province, and the burial site is Seonyeong in Osan-ri, Bukil-myeon, Jangseong-gun.
The mother of Kim Jong-gil, vice chairman of the Korea Racing Authority, who was born in Jangseong, South Jeolla Province, passed away at 11 a.m. on September 7. The burial site is located at 9 a.m. on Sunday, September 9, at the growth
온라인경마 ceremony of the head of the forest cooperative in Jangseong-eup, Jangseong-gun, South Jeolla Province, and the burial site is Seonyeong in Osan-ri, Bukil-myeon, Jangseong-gun.
It has acquired a number of patents (registered, 10 cases) such as “carrying rice cake steamer” and “cup rice packing containers” by predicting the
온라인경마 growth of household substitute meals for modern health, and is contributing greatly to the expansion of rice consumption by developing traditional rice cakes such as Pyeongtaek Injeolmi and instant rice products such as “One-bite rice” by completing 750-pyeong processing facilities, including 100 pyeong of frozen storage.
Jeon Seong-won, the current head of win-win marketing division, and Kim Jin-gap, the head of the Gyeongju Resources Management Division, 온라인경마 who were the heads of Jeju regional headquarters at the time of the passage of the agreement for the win-win development of the horse industry, are still communicating with farmers in a responsible manner and constantly developing related policies and applying them to the site.
Jeon Seong-won, the current head of win-win marketing division, and Kim Jin-gap, the head of the Gyeongju Resources Management Division, 온라인경마 who were the heads of Jeju regional headquarters at the time of the passage of the agreement for the win-win development of the horse industry, are still communicating with farmers in a responsible manner and constantly developing related policies and applying them to the site.
To ensure stable returns for farmers, the company will purchase all of its eco-friendly agricultural products so that contract farmers can concentrate온라인경마 only on improving quality. In addition, to manage the quality of the processing and distribution stage, the agricultural processing center is established in accordance with the HACCP standard, the frozen tower car is operated, and the freshness of agricultural products is maintained, and the current supply of food materials reaches 90 places.
To ensure stable returns for farmers, the company will purchase all of its eco-friendly agricultural products so that contract farmers can concentrate only on improving quality. In addition, to manage the quality of the processing and distribution
온라인경마 stage, the agricultural processing center is established in accordance with the HACCP standard, the frozen tower car is operated, and the freshness of agricultural products is maintained, and the current supply of food materials reaches 90 places.
To ensure stable returns for farmers, the company will purchase all of its eco-friendly agricultural products so that contract farmers 온라인경마 can concentrate only on improving quality. In addition, to manage the quality of the processing and distribution stage, the agricultural processing center is established in accordance with the HACCP standard, the frozen tower car is operated, and the freshness of agricultural products is maintained, and the current supply of food materials reaches 90 places.
Every month, the company runs a program for nutrition teachers and parents to experience the entire process of supplying food ingredients in the production and processing of agricultural products, and builds trust in food ingredients.온라인경마 In particular, it is contributing to regional economic development and improving the quality of life for senior citizens through the creation of jobs for senior citizens by actively hiring senior citizens who are vulnerable to employment and obtaining certification for social enterprises under a business agreement with a business agreement with a local welfare institution for senior citizens.
Although there are a lot of data related to the survey in foreign countries and Korea, there was no Jeju horse. It was not possible 온라인경마 to apply standards related to servitude to Jeju horses. So last year, we created a standard manual for production, incubation, and training, and a standard manual on specification management, which is suitable for Jeju.
The second is drawing up a mid- to long-term 온라인경마 road map so that it does not end with creating and distributing manuals. Just as study patterns are set according to the college entrance system, it is important to set the conditions and directions for joining the racehorse.
The 20-ri Dulle-gil, which was built along the lotus path, gained huge popularity last year, attracting some 100,000 visitors, as it is rich in attractions 온라인경마 and entertainment as it is adjacent to the Miryang Theater Village, an experience center and a lotus complex.
Don Park Co., Ltd. is fully equipped with HACCP-certified processing and cooling facilities to produce various and safe processed foods such온라인경마 as lotus root fried chicken, lotus root powder, and lotus root vegetables. It also signed a contract with a large retailer this year to supply 220 tons of “steamed frozen lotus root” with state-of-the-art facilities (washing machines, roasting machines, slicers, and dryers) that can process 1,500 tons of lotus root annually.
Kim Jong-soo, CEO of Donbak Co., Ltd., is contributing to the revitalization of the local economy by increasing income for farmers and creating jobs for온라인경마 local residents in search of a breakthrough in the development of processing technologies that can maintain high quality amid a crisis that is threatened by low-cost lotus roots in China.
Kim Jong-soo, CEO of Donbak Co., Ltd., is contributing to the revitalization of the local economy by increasing income for farmers and creating jobs 온라인경마 for local residents in search of a breakthrough in the development of processing technologies that can maintain high quality amid a crisis that is threatened by low-cost lotus roots in China.
Don Park Co., Ltd. is fully equipped with HACCP-certified processing and cooling facilities to produce various and safe processed foods such
온라인경마 as lotus root fried chicken, lotus root powder, and lotus root vegetables. It also signed a contract with a large retailer this year to supply 220 tons of “steamed frozen lotus root” with state-of-the-art facilities (washing machines, roasting machines, slicers, and dryers) that can process 1,500 tons of lotus root annually.
CEO Kim Jong-soo introduced high-quality lotus root processing products that differentiated them from existing lotus root products, and in particular, “steamed frozen lotus root” is receiving great response from consumers because it does not온라인경마 contain additives and is easy to cook. Donbak Co., Ltd.’s processed products entered overseas markets such as China and Japan as well as online and offline sales and were designated as “a company specializing in agricultural food processing exports” in South Gyeongsang Province in 2016 in recognition of their achievements.
For the poorly equipped farmers, the Jeju Horse Producers Association has secured a certain amount of money and operates a branch 온라인경마 office in the city. The facilities are being renovated. Although a mid- to long-term road map has been set up, infrastructure must be in place for the employment criteria to be implemented according to the process. Of course, just building infrastructure and painting is not enough. The provincial government, the horse association, and the association are working hard in different fields.
“Based on the special lotus root processing technology, Donbak, an agricultural company corporation, is contributing to increasing farmers’ income, exploring new consumer markets, and revitalizing the local economy through hands-온라인경마 on activities,” said Choi Bong-soon, director of the Rural Industry Division at the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. “In the future, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs will continue to support and foster excellent management bodies of rural convergence industries that contribute to revitalizing the local economy by utilizing agricultural and rural areas.”
The sales are constant because the 온라인경마 customers participating in the Surabread Race are fixed, but we expect sales to increase by securing a new customer base if we let them participate in the Surabreads who have not yet participated in the Jeju Race.”
CEO Kim Jong-soo organized a “public shipping association” consisting of 15 farms in 2014 to mass produce, select and ship high-quality lotus roots 온라인경마 while growing them himself. Currently, 12 farms are producing lotus root and supplying about 400 tons of lotus root last year, achieving two birds with one stone: securing stable raw materials and increasing income for local farmers.
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