
Re: “Let’s talk when you’re free”


Productive people are never "free." They don’t have 15 minutes on their lunch break to "have a quick call."

They don’t "kill time"—a terrible phrase. You can always put a window of time to good use if you work for it.

Productive people schedule their priorities—not always their time, but always their priorities. When they don’t have something to do, they find something to do.

By the way, it’s not that productive people don’t make time for friends, family, recovery, and play time. They do. But because they do, and because they have plenty of other things to consider... they’re rarely "free."

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Giveaway: Brand New Book By Zen Pencils

Every Friday is giveaway day. Comment to win! Our good friend Gavin Aung of Zen Pencils has built an unconventional business doing something he loves—making art and inspiring the world. A compilation of his work will be offered in his first book that debuts worldwide on November 11th (i.e. next week!). He also offers free…

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