Giveaway: Brand New Book By Zen Pencils
Every Friday is giveaway day. Comment to win!

Our good friend Gavin Aung of Zen Pencils has built an unconventional business doing something he loves—making art and inspiring the world.
A compilation of his work will be offered in his first book that debuts worldwide on November 11th (i.e. next week!). He also offers free posters with inspirational quotes through his website. Check it out!
What you need to know:
- The book contains over 170 pages of your favorite Zen Pencils comics
- It’s suitable for all ages
- Bonus! You’ll also receive an awesome 40x60cm pull-out poster
- This giveaway is available to readers worldwide. Anyone can win!
- Our cats and biased judges will pick someone on Sunday night at 6pm PST
Enter this week’s giveaway by posting a comment. Check back on Sunday night and we’ll announce the winner!
Update: Comments are now closed. Congrats to Ana I., selected by cats and a random number generator to win the book! Everyone else, thanks for entering. We’ll have another giveaway next week.
Thanks for the great giveaway! We can all use a bit more Zen.
Have to admit Chris, I knew nothing of Gavin’s work before this popped up in my Facebook feed. The book looks amazing, and is a great way to catch up on his work! Hope I win, otherwise, it’s a long night on his website. LOL!
Chris, thank you for sharing Gavin’s work! Look forward to reading! Have a great day!
I like it. Wouldn’t mind winning – in the meantime, the site is on my list to check out.
I’ve never heard of Zen Pencils and can’t wait to check it out!
Woo hoo!
Thanks for a chance at this cool giveaway! I love Zen Pencils.
Great! I love Zen Pencils! 🙂
Love checking out new things and this one is going to the top of my list. Thanks for sharing Chris!
Beautiful Zen!
Cool beans!
Love this giveaway!!!!
Love this giveaway. Zen Pencils how unique and following the dream.
He’s my favorite comics artist and it would be awesome to have his new book!
I would like to read that book!
Zen Zen Zen Zen Zen Zen Zen Zen Zen Zen – no, this is not Spam, it’s ZEN!
I love Zen Pencils! The Banksy comic is one of my favorites so far – that and the Maya Angelou selection. So wonderfully expressive and inspiring. Love that the book is coming out!
Thanks looks entertaining!
Thank you for the giveaway Chris! I enjoy your work and hopefully I win 🙂
Oh What Fun!
Wow, what a great idea – thanks for sharing his work with us =)
It doesn’t matter whether or not I win the book – I’m just thankful that you’ve shown us this site/webcomic. Thank you!
Zen cartoons, what a fantastic combination! Would love this.
I love reading quotes. Definitely a much more memorable experience when there’s illustration!
Glad to be introduced to zenpencils.
Would love it if I win the latest book!
awesome way to promote creativity!
Can’t wait to read it!
Gavin is awesome, I’d love a copy of the book.
Gavin’s work is amazing and it always seems to come to me when I need it the most….did I mention that the first reader sent quote was by me?? (17. Frank Herbert – Litany Against Fear)
A cool giveaway!
You’ve done it again! Posted on something that I’d had lurking in my mind for a while. First Marie Kondo and decluttering now zen pencils. My favourite cartoon of his is the quote from Dune “fear is the mind killer, fear is the little death…”
Here goes nothing!
I might pick it up even if I don’t win.
I love these comics! My favorite is the quote by Shonda Rhimes.
Would very much like to win… the Zen Pencils series is nothing short of game-changing and I’d love to get the book!
This sounds so cool! I’ve never heard of zen pencils, excited to have the opportunity to get more closely acquainted 🙂
Thank you!
I want to win!
Hey, congratulations on the release Gav. I am a big fan and the book is ywt not available in India. I want this book. 🙂
I had a chance to talk with Gavin after WDS 2014. He is just an all around great guy with a love for what he does.
We could all use a little Zen!
Love Zen Pencils! Thanks for another value-packed giveaway.
Ah, I love Zen pencils! Pandas are always looking to add more zen to their lives.
Nice one, Chris. Great way to promote some Zen. Loved you on Eventual Millionaire recently. Thanks for spreading so much value and now some Zen too! After enjoying, I promise to pass it on 😉
I’ve enjoyed Zen Pencils for a long time, and I’d love to own + share this book. Thanks for hosting!
I love the giveaways; whether I ever win or not, I generally learn of new things, and sometimes go to the source to order them!
omg i loooooove zen pencils! Pick me!
Gavin’s work inspired me to start my own business. It is my most beloved pick me up when I need one. So grateful he decided to take the leap.
I would love to get the book. Thanks for sharing the news, Chris!
Gavin inspired me to start my own business. His site is a beloved pick me up when I need it most. So grateful he took the leap!
Sounds like a great piece to read. Love the combination of art and advice.
Huh, such a cool idea! Thanks for sharing this Chris!
Awesome way to discover an artist like this. I added his FB page and posted a link to his website since I have a bunch of artistic RL friends as well as my own kids who would appreciate his work. Thanks!
P.S. my aspiring manga artist teen would love the book!
I’ve been reading Zen Pencils since his first works, I hope I win this book.
ZEN pencils are
ZEE perfect union of visual, intellectual and emotional from A to
Thanks for reminding me about Zen Pencils, it had fallen off my radar.
Love Zen Pencils!
Sorry I missed Gavin at WDS.
Thanks for the introduction to this cool site! I’d love a copy of the book, and I’m looking forward to following Gavin’s work!
I love Gavin’s work! Thanks for the chance to win.
This book is like the perfect gift for your love ones this coming holiday. Everyone’s going to love it! Huzzah, Zen Pencils! 😀
I cried when I saw his latest comics “It costs nothing to encourage an artist” The girl looked like me & the parent looked like mine too. I was discouraged and was sent off to biz school instead because my tiger-parents said that an art degree wouldn’t put food on the table. I’m that 14yo girl stuck in a 41 yo body, now taking up art classes.
Ima Mario, ima gonna win!
I zen pencils….helps with anxiety about life….would live a hard copy.
sounds good – thanks for the opportunity!
I would love to have my hands on this zen like book
what an inspirational comic! I have to start drawing a bit more and also finish off this assignment that’s been plaguing my mind for weeks.
I would eventual love to draw my own comic but that’s ages down the track but defiantly something to aim for
I need zen pencils !!! Pick me por favor 🙂
pleeeaaaase, i must have it
I want it!
Zen Pencils is for everyone looking for some inspiration and proves you don’t have to feel embarrassed/juvenile for reading comics.
Hi Chris,
I’ve been following Gavin’s work for some time now. Visually stunning and incredibly motivating. Have especially enjoyed an Astronaut’s advice, The quotes from Ralph Waldo Emerson and a cartoonist’s advice.
Thanks for giving us a shot at winning this. Fantastic giveaway.
Kind Regards,
Brendan Dunn
Sweet Giveaway!
Hey Chris, so curios about it now-)))! I’d love so much to read about it, so much need to be “zen” nowadays…Thanks for sharing with us! Oceans of love from Italy:-) Annalisa.
Yess, so much of this. I wouldn’t mind winning
this looks cool & I’d love it if I won 🙂
I love Zen Pencils and I would love to have this book! I hope he had included my favourite quotes 🙂
Thanks for the opportunity!
Zen Pencil’s posters are truly inspiring. Thank you and Zen Pencils for this opportunity.
Hit me with the book! Please!
I think I hear the sound of one comment clapping. Yup.
Oh my god, I love Zen Pencils! I think the first cartoon I came across was The Fig Tree. Since then I’ve been checking Gavin’s blog regularly. I’d be so happy if I won his book!!
Loved hearing Gavin’s talk at WDS 2014!
Love Zen pencils. Always happy when it pops up on my RSS.
Super happy when I saw this giveaway
Yes please! I hope to win this.
Thank you for sharing this wonderful work. Have the BEST week EVER!
I had a coffee with Gavin Aung in Portland. Great artist and entrepreneur.
Thanks for the link to Gavin’s website, lots of great work on there
I need ZEN 😉
Zen is good! I’d love to win this book!
The Zen Pencils book is on my Xmas wish list!!!
I love the quotes, and especially the way Gavin always does illustrations which just always match the spirit of the quotes and the message perfectly!
Funny to realise that I found out about Chris and the AoNC via Gavin’s comic on Chris 🙂
Oh Thank you Chris!! I can’t wait to read the book! You made my day 😉
Wait let me absorb and ponder this…oh yeah, I love Zen Pencils. Thank you for bringing this to the fore.
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