
Case Studies Needed for AONC Book Sequel

As mentioned once in a while, I'm really glad I wrote the AONC book. It's been a great success and the tour has been incredibly fun—I finished all 53 stops in the U.S. before Christmas, and I'm headed to every province in Canada starting next week. My second book will be on unconventional entrepreneurship—specifically, how people with no special skills can start a small business doing something they love without going into debt ...

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Working for Yourself: Case Studies Needed

Rerouted-Stream Friends and readers, I’m still going through all the notes you wrote in the recent product development survey.

First of all, GREAT feedback. I’m amazed as usual. I know you’re probably getting tired of hearing this, but I really appreciate the fact that so many of you are enjoying the site.

To be perfectly honest, I hope I never get used to it, because I don’t want to take your time or opinions for granted. I closed the survey at about 300 responses just because I had so much data to look through and I don’t want to miss anyone. I do read every single word you have to say, and we’ll do another survey later on.

So… what did I learn? A lot of things.

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