Dream Trip Student Earns 21,000 Points from Taking Free Surveys
Last year I co-taught a 28-day course on how to make your dream trip a reality. Throughout the course we heard story after story of people earning hundreds of thousands of miles and points. That was great, but what’s happening now is even better: we’re hearing lots of great stories of how students are using their miles and points.
As I say often, earning miles is great, but putting them toward free travel is much better. 😃 Today I saw a great example of how someone earned a significant number of points without applying for credit cards. The headline says it all: she earned 22,000 Hilton HHonors points by completing online surveys. Read More“Make Your Dream Trip a Reality”: Live Wrap-Up Tomorrow at 9am
Link: Live Broadcast (Friday at 9am Pacific)
Hey everyone! After nearly thirty lessons in our #DreamTrip course, we're going back to Seattle tomorrow for a live finale and our final lesson. You can join Stephanie Zito, myself, and a few audience members live at 9am PDT Friday morning and ask questions or tell us about your own Dream Trip. This has been quite the journey with many of you. And if you haven't seen any of the course before now, don't worry—we'll be recapping key points and telling you how to catch up.
“Make Your Dream Trip a Reality”: Week 5 Recap (Upgrade Your Dream Trip)
Every day for six weeks, we’re teaching people how to “Make Their Dream Trip a Reality.” You can watch each lesson for free on the day it’s broadcast, or you can purchase the whole course and have access anytime.
- The Best Hidden Redemptions
- The Secret World of Airline Lounges
- Airline Status and Upgrades
- On the Ground
- More Ways to Use Your Points and Miles
“Make Your Dream Trip a Reality”: Week 4 Recap (Book Your Hotel)
Every day for six weeks, we’re teaching people how to “Make Their Dream Trip a Reality.” You can watch each lesson for free on the day it’s broadcast, or you can purchase the whole course and have access anytime.