Site Update: March 2010

Greetings from home base in the great Portland, Oregon. I’ve just returned from my first trip to Asia of 2010.
The February trip was quite intense. First, I went to two faraway island groups: Papua New Guinea and the Maldives.
I’m glad I made it, because they are both fairly time-consuming to get to. However, it’s also true that flying to islands can sometimes present challenges. Flight schedules are limited. For PNG I flew six hours from Manila to get there and six hours to Singapore to leave.
I’m not complaining, of course—just observing that I was pretty tired towards the end of the trip. I had a great time seeing friends and recovering in Bangkok before going home again.
Each month I look back at what’s happened with AONC in the previous month. If you’ve missed some articles, you can catch up here.
LIFE – I wrote about the legacy of Malcolm X, Dropping Keys, Happy Birthday to AONC.
WORK – I wrote about Overnight Success (Year Three), The Buzzing Inbox, and The Writer’s Guide to Money and Passion.
TRAVEL – I wrote about Advanced Travel Planning and Tips for Stress-Free Travel.
SITE AND STORE UPDATES – I wrote the World Domination Postcard Project, an Update from Manila about Everything, Case Studies for EBK, Good Work vs. Great Work.
(P.S. Thanks to everyone who has been participating in the comments section on the Monday and Thursday articles. You guys are incredibly smart.)
I made it to two new countries — Papua New Guinea and the Maldives. Then I went to Bangkok and finally came home through Singapore, Seoul, and Los Angeles.
You can see photos and videos of my trips here. Drop in to take a look if you’re so inclined, and add me as a contact if you’d like.
Small Business
Pam Slim and I are wrapping up the first 28-day group of the $100 Business Forum. It’s been so much fun. I’ve probably learned as much from the participants as I shared with them.
After the April group (completely sold out, sorry) we’re planning on doing the next two groups in May and July. You can join a waiting list here, but because the demand is so high, please only join if you’re really serious about doing it.
Otherwise, I’m gearing up for the launch of the Empire Building Kit. Yes! This will be fun.
I came home from my trip and was deluged by a flood of postcards at the mailbox place. So many arrived in the first week that the box was full and they had to keep the rest behind the counter. Then there was an awkward moment when I had to explain what “World Domination HQ” was all about (that’s not my legal business name, unfortunately), but it worked out OK.
You guys are so great. The first batch is now viewable here on Flickr, and I’ll begin posting one of the best ones each week on AONC—keep them coming.
Bangkok Meetup
My big thanks to everyone who came out to the Bangkok meetup! You can see a video of the group here and a fun batch of photos here.
Dwight runs a charity and helped me coordinate the meetup.
I first met Sean Ogle ten months ago in Portland. At the time he was wearing a tie (on the hipster east side of Portland, dressing up is very odd). Now he lives in Bangkok, wears t-shirts every day, and helps out with an online business. He’s also my affiliate manager and he’s also in the upcoming AONC book.
Zoe Westhof, co-author of the Art and Money guide, came down from Chiang Mai.
Then, long-time friend Stephanie came over from Cambodia and did a photo shoot with me at the Ancient City of Thailand, half an hour or so out of Bangkok. You can see her fun photos here.
I’m so grateful to be surrounded by fun people all over the world.
What’s Coming Next
From the 12th-16th I’ll be in Austin, Texas with the rest of the online world. Naturally I’m throwing a party on Sunday night, March 14th. Details forthcoming, but RSVP here to get on the list.
Then I’ll go on another big trip, the dates and countries of which are not yet set — but I know I’ll have a couple stops each in Central America and Europe.
Small Business
As promised last fall, I’m slowly-and-carefully ramping up my business during the first half of the year. This is because the second half of the year will be spent launching the AONC book and traveling throughout North America to meet readers.
With that in mind, while I’ve been traveling I’m been working on the initial launch of my first high-level business project, also known as the Empire Building Kit, and the goal is to help people build a sustainable lifestyle business ($50k-150k / year) by doing one thing a day for a year.
The plan is to get this going on Tuesday, March 16th, live from Austin. It will be very big and very fun. Well, correction – it will be very fun, but before rolling it out to the entire universe, I’m going to start with a small group of AONC readers. In next week’s update, I’ll explain more about how it will work.
Every month I write at least eight free articles for AONC and several other articles for blogs, newspapers, and magazines. I hope you enjoy my writing, and I always welcome your feedback.
Audience Participation
You can participate in the development of AONC in several ways:
Leave a comment at the bottom of any regular article. Feel free to add to the discussion at any time, and include a link back to your own site if you have one. (Note that the link goes in the “web site” field, not the big text box where you write your comment.)
Join the fun newsletter or add me to your RSS reader.
Follow my real-time updates on Twitter here. I regularly solicit input on the articles published on the site, as well as send out links to other people’s great content. A “Daily Ass-Kicking” is included at no additional charge. You can also become a fan of AONC on Facebook.
Send other feedback. Use my contact form here to say hi or check in about something.
Tell your friends, or tell the world by submitting my articles to StumbleUpon or other social networking sites.
I appreciate the time you spend here. Don’t forget to change the world the way you think it needs to be changed.
Catch up on Previous Updates Here:
January-February 2010 (Portland)
November-December 2009 (Barcelona)
October 2009 (Portland)
August-September 2009 (Bali)
July 2009 (Kuala Lumpur)
June 2009 (Salt Lake City)
May 2009 (Dominican Republic)
April 2009 (Portland)
March 2009 (Portland)
January-February 2009 (Tokyo)
November-December 2008 (Seattle)
October 2008 (Seattle)
September 2008 (Seattle)
August 2008 (Seattle)
July 2008 (Karachi)
June 2008 (Amsterdam)
May 2008 (Vancouver)
April 2008 (Syria)
March 2008 (Los Angeles)
February 2008 (Seattle)
Image by Madison76