Announcing the Unconventional Book Tour!

Update: This tour has ended but the memories live on!
Seventy-five days from today, my first print book hits the stands all across North America. As promised, I’ll be traveling throughout the U.S. and Canada to meet readers and raise money for our Ethiopia project.
The book is currently on pre-order for a whopping $10.08 over at Amazon. It tells my story and outlines a road map for your own world domination plans. I’ve been fortunate to get some kind reviews from other authors, and I know that a lot of people will love it. (Since it’s fairly provocative, some people won’t love it, but that’s OK.)
Once the publication date gets closer, I’ll tell you more about it… but for now, I’m gearing up for your help with the massive book tour.
Every State, Every Province… Crazy or Epic?
Because I like big goals, I decided to visit all 50 states from September through December. That includes Alaska and Hawaii, of course, and the District of Columbia, and since I couldn’t decide between a couple of hard choices (Dallas vs. Houston, San Fran vs. L.A.), I threw them both in. Then, I didn’t want to forget my friends north of the border, so I added all 10 provinces in Canada for an extra leg in January 2011.
At first glance, there are a lot of reasons NOT to embark on this project. The whole thing is self-funded and will actually cost more than I was paid to write the book. Most authors go to only a few cities, if anywhere at all these days. Doing the tour forces me to curtail my international travel for at least four months, which will be the longest I’ve been in one country (OK, two) for an entire decade.
Last but not least, most people in the publishing industry don’t believe in book tours anymore. They’ll put authors on a.m. radio stations that no one listens to, but they don’t think it’s effective to actually go out and meet real people.
All of these valid points raise a good question: why spend four months traveling to events in 63 cities?
The first answer is that at all of the meetups I’ve done so far, I’ve heard fun stories from fascinating people doing remarkable things. A great deal of my daily inspiration comes from all of you reading and participating in various ways from all corners of the planet.
The other day I was on an Alaska Airlines flight and someone tapped me on the shoulder to introduce themselves. A few days later I was in a hotel room in Vancouver and someone called my room because they saw my MacBook on the shared network and said that they read the blog. You guys are everywhere! So let’s take it up a level and go out to meet more people and hear more stories.
The second answer is that this project scares meβin a good way. Not everything that scares you is bad; in fact, many things that scare you are exactly the kinds of things you should be doing. Personal growth and overcoming fear are often correlated.
Eleanor Roosevelt said, βDo one thing a day that scares you.β By setting up this tour, I’ve got 63 days taken care of. I really have no idea how to manage the logistics for this kind of thing, so that’s why we decided to put the registration site up now. Better to see who’s out there and who wants to get involved, then we can know more about how to make it happen.
A Few Notes
Co-Hosts and Special Guests. At many of the stops, I’ll be joined by co-hosts: other authors, bloggers, entrepreneurs, travelers, aid workers on leave, and other people from our community. I always like doing my meetups with a co-host anyway, but this time it’s even more important: many of the tour dates are back-to-back, so there’s no way I can arrange the logistics for so many events on my own.
Charity Project: A while back I mentioned our Ethiopia project. I’ll be ramping up the promo for it soon, and this will be a major part of the book tour. Among other things, I’ll be donating 100% of my book royalties for every reader I meet on the tour. More on this important project later.
International Readers: Right now the book is only being distributed in North America, so that’s why I’m focusing my efforts here. Maybe later on I can visit every state in India (28) or every province in China (23). Don’t put it past me! But for now, traveling throughout the U.S. and Canada will take up most of my time through next January.
Most important! Thanks for reading this. You’re awesome. I’m excited to hit the road in September.
I hope to see you on the Unconventional Book Tour. Are you coming out? Can you help? Let me know where you are, here in the comments or on the registration site. There are still a couple of places where I’m not sure what the best stop is (Tampa or Miami? Calgary or Edmonton? etc.), so we’ll see where people are, and that’s where we’ll do the event.
And by the way… are you doing things that scare you?
It’s worked out pretty well for me, and all of you are a big part of the journey. Thanks for rocking my world! See you soon.
Image: Jon
Good for you. I defintitely will be making a purchase. It may be a scary venture but admirable. I live in Las Vegas, I’ll buy you a beer when you are here. Good Luck.
Tim Moy
Hi Chris – Spending more money on the self-funded book tour than you got paid for writing the book? I’d expect nothing less from you! I’m in Canada right now but by the time the book comes out I have no idea where I’ll be (off on an open ended, time unspecified trip in the vague direction of south Pacific/NZ/Oz). REALLY don’t want to miss out on this one but I’m assuming if it’s available through Amazon it can be sent anywhere they deliver (ie most of the world)?
You are definitely unconventional. I absolutely love it! I just registered and am definitely looking forward to when the book is released in September. Congratulations!
Are you skipping Illinois?? [I hope not, cause that would make me sad].
If so, guess I’ll just have to go to Bloomington or St. Louis.
Just a quick note about the city options for Saskatchewan – Saskatoon and Regina are listed on the same line so readers are unable to pick one over the other. That being the case, I think you should come to Saskatoon!
I wanted to shout out San Diego! But then I saw you took SF and LA…oh well, they are fine choices I suppose. I’d love to help out anyway I can, even though I’m not in LA!
Doing scary things worked out for me too. Congrats on the big trip, I can safely say you are probably one of the only people I know who is crazy enough to actually pull it off! And I have no doubt that it will be a monster success. Good luck!
Thanks, everyone! I’m psyched.
Chi-town meetup will be on 1-October. I wouldn’t skip IL!
Oops, I obviously don’t know my Saskatchewan very well. We’ll fix that.
I’ve signed up to help, even though I’m in Nashville and you’re going to be in Memphis. I won’t be able to get the local Nashvegas gang to come, but I will publicize and plan to make the drive over to Memphis. If you change your mind and want to come to Nashville, Davis Kidd Booksellers is the bookstore in town for signings (and there is a Davis Kidd in Memphis, too). I’ll be happy to connect you to the events person. I know this book tour will introduce a lot of people to the life changing ideas you share (I can say life changing because it is true in my own experience).
So awesome! Can’t wait for you to embark on the book tour, and I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy!!
So glad I’ve found your blog…. you’re an inspiration!
Oh, and if you have to choose, choose Calgary. π
The Tennessee stop is Memphis instead of Nashville? Yes, Memphis is more populous, and nothing against my fellow west Tennesseans, but Nashville is the place to visit if you are only going to visit one place in Tennessee. Good luck on the tour!
@Norris (and @Candy),
I’m not 100% sure about Memphis over Nashville yet — it just made more sense coming from Little Rock and going on to Oxford. Let’s see what happens with the signups and perhaps I’ll make a change.
this is a great idea, but i’m bummed you aren’t coming to pittsburgh! you were only here a very short while in april, right?
50 states in 4 months. Makes my goal of having a beer from each of the 50 in one year seem a little paltry. I will have to create a larger challenge for 2011.
Good luck on your travels!
Very nice.
I’ll try to make either Toronto or Ann Arbor.
Chris, you are brilliant! What a schedule. Make sure to pack lots of vitamin C. π
I’m all signed up to co-host and bring cupcakes (or perhaps cookies, if that’s cool — I can never follow directions). Looking forward to it!
You’re truly an inspiration. I admit I’m a bit envious at times of your travels but I find it relatively easy to catapult that envy into action. That, coupled with the fact that you provide such amazing information to help everyone else do the same as you.
I’m in Orange County, CA and would love to see you when you’re in LA. Unless of course you want to come down to Laguna Beach! Very pretty here – even in December!
Thank you Chris and best of luck!
I’m in for Calgary on the 19th of January with whatever you need. I’d recommend adding Edmonton as well if possible on the 20th. They’re good folk up that way.
If you don’t know by then we’ll teach you the ways of the Tim Horton’s.
@Melissa, I have always done well with Airborn. π
Congrats! I have a strong suspicion you will do quite well and probably find a way to have a little fun between the hectic schedule and logistical issues that will accompany your success. You have made all of this seem doable, but I know how complicated it all is. I hope I will be in town when you hit Los Angeles.
Way to be bold, Chris. I live in Reno. Vegas is bigger, but we have great independent book stores here, and I’d love to co-host a meet-up with you.
Inspirational post. I want more unconventional big goals in my life.
Thank you.
Have Fun,
P.S. Love your conversational, insightful writing…
Chris, I’m so thrilled for and proud of you, but PLEASE don’t skip south Florida (Palm Beach/Ft. Lauderdale/Miami)! In fact, if you come to the Miami/Ft. Lauderdale area I WILL volunteer to help you. As cities go, Miami is your biggest but Ft. Lauderdale (in Broward County) is more centrally located in the south Florida tri-county area and will draw people from all three major metro centers down here. It also has a great selection of venues. See where your reader base clusters and plan from there but please make Miami or Ft. Lauderdale a “must” on your tour. (and If you pick Miami, South Beach would rock and be a heck of a lot of fun . . .)
Here’s to taking the conventional book tour and turning it on its unconventional head. Can’t wait to meet you!
North Carolina is chock full of subversives who look forward to nurturing you with a million attaboys. Bet you’ll show up near Chapel Hill or Asheville…safe travels!
BTW, forget the cupcakes. If you come to Miami/Ft. Lauderdale, I’ll make my legendary ceviche, which I don’t make for just anyone! (Not to brag, but friends tell me the ceviche alone is worth a trip. Promise.)
Please come to the Tampa Bay area!
sweet! i can’t wait to get my hands on your print book!
and bummer i don’t see Austin, TX on the list (texas is a big state!) we’ve got alot of artists here, and ya know, the whole “keep austin weird” thing kinda goes with unconvention π i know our local bookstore Book People would love you if they don’t already.
congrats again and let the fun begin!
Look forward to both the book and the tour. Don’t ever stop inspiring.
If you need a hand with anything in Fargo don’t hesitate to ask.
Hi Chris!
I’ve never commented before but absolutely love your blog and am looking forward to the book release! Your writing is so inspiring. I would love to help any way I can in Boston!
As a side note, I didn’t get the “thank you” screen when I tried to register on Internet Explorer but then I went over to Firefox and it went through fine. Just thought I’d let you know in case more people with IE were having problems.
All the best!
Have you chosen a Wisconsin locale yet? Madison is the most obvious due to its progressive and open-minded reputation. But you’re the type to go beyond the obvious! Please consider Appleton or the Fox Cities Area for your Wisconsin stop.
Look forward to having you in YHZ (Halifax). You’re welcome to crash at our house if you want…we won’t even make you sleep on the floor. Can do co-host & my wife and kids make great cupcakes. Can take (or arrange) some amateur photography & hav1e contacts for local media. Can also help sort out a venue if you need it. Keep me posted. Can’t wait for the book. Bang on!
Not only can I make cupcakes, but *gluten free* cupcakes.
I would love to translate your book into portuguese. Maybe someday you can even try to tour here in Brazil… That would be great!!
Congrats on everything…
I saw that Miami already has two votes and am here to cast the third. I really do hope you decide on it as the destination for your Florida leg of the trip. I suppose Ft. lauderdale could also work but it’s really not that far from Miami, so not necessarily as centrally located. But it’s nice and quiet up there. South Beach packs a bit more of a punch, don’t you think?
There is a great bookstore here called Books and Books. You might want to think about them for your event if that’s the kind of venue you’re looking for. There is one on Lincoln Road in South Beach, and another in Coral Gables, and another in Bal Harbour (North Miami Beach). Aside from being a more uncoventional mom and pop shop, they have a delicious menu.
I would recommend the one in Bal Harbour or Coral Gables. Please let us know when you pick a spot in FL. looking forward to the visit.
Have you mentioned the title of the book. I have been following closely and don’t remember ever coming across it.
We’re really looking forward to seeing you in Louisiana! New Orleans is the perfect choice. Would love to play host…
Great stuff Chris! Can’t wait for the book to come out. You’re a true inspiration to me. Love how you’re not only living passionately, but also making a difference through your work and specifically with this book. See ya in AZ!
Yay! Pre-ordered and looking fwd to your stop in San Francisco. Let me know if I can help or be your cheerleader in any sort of way!
Hey Chris, glad to see that you are not forgetting your northern neighbors.
But to see the true Canada you do have to add in the three northern territories (Iqaluit, Northwest Territories and the Yukon) as they are pretty much provinces in their own right. After living 10 years in Canada’s Arctic I can’t imagine a better place to be. Not sure on your flight routings, but all are easily accessible from the major Canadian transport hubs.
And as for coffee – avoid Tim Horton’s – over-rated putrid sloughwater in my books.
My bad – in my haste I wrote Iqaluit instead of Nunavut. My Nunavutmiut friends not resident in Iqaluit will not be impressed!!
Looking forward to your visit in Boston. I don’t know where you are setting up but Brookline Booksmith is awesome for book promotion. There is a good crowd.
I have preorderd 3 books from Amazon and looking forward to sharing with friends and family. Just wish that book tour would bring you Huntsville! It would make a great newspaper article. Let me know when you start the talk show circuit and the book club interviews. Looking forward to it.
Stop by Hartford, CT (or New Haven)!
I’m quitting my day job after 10 years…a bit scary but very exciting! I’m in the Bay area so I’d love to help in any way I can if you come here on the book tour!
Hi Chris – I’m so glad you’re coming to Canada! Definitely come to Ottawa. It’s Canada’s capital city and being a federal government town with lots of national and local cultural institutions and organizations, I know there’ll be lots of people who would break away from their office jobs to get inspired and to prepare for world domination π
If you need help finding venues, places to speak, etc. let us know – we’ve got lots of contacts in the culture/art/writing scenes.
Can’t wait to read your new book. Thanks for being such an inspiring writer.
I gotta be there, whether I’m still here in Seattle, or somewhere else (at which point, dangit, I’ll have to find ya!). You and your brethren have changed my life for the better. 1000%.
Though, gotta say… since I’m not a rule-follower, I’ll be bringing cookies, not cupcakes. π
Chris, I really hope you do a book signing at my store!! If you are coming to Vancouver anyway, PLEASE set something up at Chapters on Robson street – they love doing this stuff. I’m not a manager BUT I really think you could do well here! We just had the Book of Awesome guy and it was….awesome! TONS of people came!
Please get in touch with me and I can get you in touch with someone there who knows how to arrange it all, unless you’re already set up somewhere.
Hey Chris,
Looking forward to when you bring yourself to Melbourne – Australia. I’m sure we can show you some hospitality down here…
I’m a new fan to your wonderful world. Found you through Adam Baker. Not sure how I found him, but then that’s how this whole blog world works.
See there are others out there requesting Nashville, TN instead of Memphis. If you make the change, think you’ll be overwhelmed by the response. I’m closer to Knoxville, but Nashville is good. Memphis is too far, even for a great guy like you!
Take care, and the best of luck with everything…
Thanks again, guys! The registration site is filling out nicely (400 of you in the first morning). Also, thanks to everyone who has pre-ordered — that will help show bookstore buyers that there is interest ahead of the launch.
Re: Tampa vs. Miami, Nashville vs. Memphis, etc., I’ll look at all those things in more detail after we get some more data. I wish I could go everywhere, but hopefully 63 stops is a good start. π
Yo–I’m Blue (and also Nicole IRL, which is what you’ll see in my signup). Am a Beloved Lurker but will de-lurk for the book tour! Clicked every box but “photography” because I am a hugely bad photog.
DC will be super-fun and I bet you’ll get a huge crowd. Hope I can be of help; AONC’s been so useful to me and I would love to be useful back.
Yaaaaaay! Huge congratulations Chris! Can’t wait to see you in New Haven and especially can’t wait to read the book!
Congratulations Chris, I signed up for one of your meet ups. I look forward to meeting you and hearing what you have to say. If you need any help organizing the meet up in New Haven, just let me know.
Chris, you are an inspiration to me. I wanted to sign up but could not find Edmonton on your list of cities. Is that decided already? Please put Edmonton on your list, don’t make me go to Calgary to see you, just kidding. I will go to Calgary to meet if needed, got some good friends down there I can visit as well. Have a great summer and see you soon,
Hi, Chris’ Sounds exciting. I didn’t see NC on your list, but if you visit you should consider Asheville. It’s an unconventional, entrepreneurial, cool place, and in a beautiful setting (the Blue Ridge Mountains).
As to Miami vs. Tampa, if you go to Miami, be in touch with Mitchell Kaplan at Books & Books. Best indie bookstore in town, two locations (Coral Gables and Miami Beach).
Congratulations Chris! I’m new to your blog as of about two weeks ago and all I can say is that I am loving it! I’m living in China right now so I’ll have to wait to get back to the states to get your book! Anyway, enjoy each day of your tour, especially the scary parts π You’ll have to put up your tour schedule as maybe I’ll be in The Garden State by the time I get back to the US! If so I can’t wait to meet you! If not, “see” you on the internet. Thanks for being an inspiration to myself and so many others!
I live in Australia… I love what you stand for and I would love to get hold of this new book. Is Amazon able to deliver the book here or are deliveries restricted to America at the moment?
Order three like I did and get the free shipping. Like getting one at half price. Give as gifts, give away in your business as a prize for contest, use twitter and point them to opt-in to your list. Use to promote the book tour. Pass to friends to read and join our community. Be creative!
you know I’m good for brunch and a party in Vancouver (BC).
I’m so excited for you – and excited about watching all this unfold, lol!! I’ll be purchasing for sure, and maybe even get to visit when you come out to IL (assuming of course that you’ll be up near Chicago – but I’ve been known to bop into Springfield for less reason!)
I am completely enthralled – not only with you and the blog, but with all of your readers, too. Some of the comments folks leave here are incredible! Its so nice to have found such a place to ‘hang out’ on the net!
Thank you!! Looking forward to joining in the next great adventure!
@Joey – you can pre-order for delivery in Australia from Amazon
Chris – you’re always welcome in Sydney…in the meantime, have pre-ordered a few copies to read and share till you get here. All the best with your grand tour! I can already see fascinating stories and learning unfolding from this next adventure!
Congratulations, Chris! We’d love to see you in Miami/Ft. Lauderdale!
Pre-ordered last night. Funny it ist a little bit costlier in β¬ but its worth it I guess, no I’m sure. May its shipping costs to germany.
Wish you all the best for your Unconventional Tour.
and in your own Words:
Thanks for rocking my world!
I am SO loving see Miami all over the place! Come on down Chris! And yes Books and Books is a great match for you, it’s right down the street from my house too. Oh and they sell Misha’s cupcakes in their bakery which are yummerific. But I’m totally bringing pastelitos from La Suiza. π
Congratulations, I hope for the best! As with Florida, I would of recommended Orlando, but Tampa or Miami are great choices also. You can’t go wrong with any of them. Anyways, good luck!
Chris, I’m in Austin, TX, where many, many, many unconventional people live. You should consider making a stop here, too. There’s got to be other Austinites, besides me, who read your blog. π Excited about your book tour.
The scary thing I’m doing? Pursuing my creative passions full time.
congrats…can’t wait to read it…if i was back in the states i would have loved to come meet up…good luck with the tour!
It’s wonderful to see originality and enthusiasm for life. Keep writing and enjoying your travels.
Hmm–what do Nonconformity Cupcakes taste like…? I’m thinking chocolate w/contrasting beer-flavored-silicone swirls, or vanilla w/white truffle-celebrity-infused-vapid-carob-chips?
Congrats and can’t wait to show up in December in the City of Lost Angels!
Honolulu is Hawaii’s population center, but your tribe is here on Kauai.
I’m looking forward to your travels to Canada next year. Your trip sounds awesome and I can only imagine how many people you will be able to enrich meeting them in person.
Congratulations again and I look forward to reading your book. I know that it will be as awesome as all your other writings.
Hi Chris, I would recommend also selling your book through Better World Books, they support social & environmental causes. Looking forward to reading it!
Recently started reading your blog. Thoroughly enjoyed it! I live in Tulsa,OK. I hope to meet up with you on the tour. Keep living a fascinating life!
I’m part of the Nashville contingent that would love to have you pass through our town on your tour, Chris. Found my way to the registration page only to find Memphis as the only TN option.
I’ll personally escort you from Little Rock to Nashville to Oxford if that’d sway your opinion on the matter.
I am so excited about the Ethiopia Project. That’s fantastic. Thanks for helping the world to be a better place.
too bad you are not coming to Europe, or are you π
Hint: Germany
Good luck to you. I pre-ordered my book tonight. Your blog is very inspirational.
Great idea, Chris. Bozeman Montana in _November_? I signed up though–with cupcakes. Let’s hope the passes are open, and it’s still quite a drive from any of the population centers in Montana, like Missoula (where UofM is).
P.S. I can vouch for your Tribe in Kauai, HI — they ROCK!!
I love your tours all around the world and what you are doing. I suggest that you will add Israel on your Map. there is a lot to do and to see and to learn here.
I will be more than Happy to help from this edge.
Awwww darn. It figures you’d be going to Calgary instead of Edmonton :o( There’s no way I can get to Calgary midweek in January, unfortunately.
I’m apparently sending some sort of bad timing vibe out into the universe, because the recurring theme of this year has overwhelmingly been that everything I want to do/go to is happening where I can’t be, when I can’t be there. Must begin retraining brainwaves to transmit good timing vibes from here on in….
Suggestion for future tours….don’t tour Canada in January!! Even if I wasn’t expecting to be up to my eyeballs in university studies, there would still be the question of whether highway 2 from Edmonton to Calgary would be an advisable drive in mid January. With our major cities being so far apart, causing some people to need to travel some distance, not having to drive when the major highways are skating rinks really helps!
I look forward to better timing next time!
Wow! This is some exciting news. I’m eager to see how this unfolds and also thrilled to be able to participate in a future meetup.
I’m out here in little ol’ Charlottetown, PEI. I signed up and I’d be happy to help out with the book tour in any way I can! π
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