Where Should I Go on Book Tour?

Later this fall I’ll be visiting at least 40 cities to meet readers and talk about my new book, The Happiness of Pursuit.
I’m super excited about this tour. We’re hitting a bunch of major markets where a lot of you live, and I hope to see thousands of people out on the road.
I’ve also learned from more than 100 previous book tour stops that sometimes the best stops are the unexpected ones.
More than once, a co-host or especially motivated group of readers has really latched on to an event and made it extra-special. On my first tour, Lawrence, Kansas had higher turnout than Chicago. Anchorage, Alaska beat out at least one stop in California.
So if you’re out there and you’d like me to stop by*, let me know.
If you represent an organization, business, or university, there’s a form you can fill out.
But I also thought I’d ask everyone in the comments: hey, where should I go?
As we fill out the tour dates, we’ve deliberately left space for several reader-organized events.
Let me know!
*P.S. It’s not really about me. The best thing about these gatherings is everyone else who attends. At each book tour stop I usually give a short talk of about 20 minutes. Then we do another 20 minutes of Questions & Attempted Answers. The rest of the time is all about community and connection. There are usually cupcakes. Oh, and I also sign books at the end.
Hey Chris,
Asheville, NC is a great town where you already have a number of supporters. My unofficial count was at least 6 of us made it to WDS2014, and that’s from a town of around 60k.
It’s a small town tucked into the Appalachians, that’s pretty funky and immensely beautiful. The craft industry has taken off in a big way, in part due to the low number of jobs available and the number of non-conformist thinkers that live here.
Many people move to Asheville to be here, then they figure out how to make it work. That makes for an interesting community. One that would be thrilled to have you visit on your tour!
Of course I think you should come to Omaha! We’ve got some good cupcakes, some amazing people, and I know you’ll have a warm welcome!
Since I live in Toledo, I would definitely say Toledo, Ohio. There is a great space called Seed Coworking here that we could probably get to host the event. Somewhere near here like Ann Arbor or Detroit, Michigan would be great too.
St. Louis! There an independent bookstore called Subterranean Books I’ve done events at myself…I could talk to them and see if they’d be interested in hosting you. It’s in an area that has a lot of good bars and restaurants too.
I vote for St. Louis, MO – middle of America!
If you go Europe, then I vote for Warsaw, Poland. Huge start-up basin, lots of students, rapid development and the climate of constant changes, and really, really great people 🙂
Ironically, I kept missing you each time you did Chicago…I was always traveling 🙂
The Tampa, St. Petersburg, or Clearwater, Florida areas would love to have you down!
The middle of the Midwest looks pretty underrepresented. How about Springfield, MO? It’s a great place to visit, though I may be slightly biased.
Come to Richmond, VA. Lots of creative minds here.
Brownsville, TX is a pretty interesting place. I’ve only been here a few months, and it’s a surprisingly big multi-city valley.
I’ll cast another vote for Asheville (I’m one of the estimated 6 WDS attendees David mentions above). Lots of nonconformists here – and if we could get an article/press release in our weekly Mountain Express paper, I’m guessing there’d be standing room only!
You would be very welcome in The Netherlands, if you visit Europe anyway (like Andrzej suggests)…
Phoenix, AZ! I have a venue that has agreed to host as well.
Dallas should definitely be added to your list. Growing a ton, top ranked place to start a business, and Big Things Happen Here. Also, the food here is better than Austin and Houston :).
Brisbane, Australia 😀
I would have to vote for Rochester, NY. One of the least stressful cities in the US! With an amazing art, small business, and innovation scene emerging from the remains of mega-corporations. Plus, a huge diversity of awesome food, breweries distilleries and wineries of great caliber, and depending on when you’d come, lots of great festivals. We’re home to one of the best street art festivals in the world. A huge and acclaimed Jazz fest. We have Lake Ontario and the Finger Lakes. I could go on. Give it a thought. We do ROC.
Cincinnati please. Our family awaits
Louisville, KY is full of non-conformists. You would fit right in… or not fit in…whatever. We would love to have you!
I vote for Richmond, VA as well!
I vote for the Twin Cities (Minneapolis/St Paul). Taking the scenic route from the airport to your signing/talk could count for two cities!
Walla Walla Washington!
It’s got a great non conformist, free thinking community at Whitman, wines galore, and it’s just a short drive up the river for you.
Plus, my daughter is attending this fall and I want her to be able to connect with your message.
Besides, Walla Walla is just so much fun to say.
Omaha, NE. It’s a great little city and I’ll be relocating there next month. I would love to see you and I think you would really dig that town. 🙂
I’d certainly encourage you to consider San Antonio, TX and giving a talk on the UTSA campus. The UTSA business school is incredibly focused on introspective leadership and I believe the message of an unconventional life is an incredible message.
Here’s another vote for Asheville, NC! This is the place to reach your most targeted audience and have a blast because you’re totally in your element. Take a look at ExploreAsheville.com and see all there is to see and do in this magic place. Being here will make you feel good all over!
you should definitively come to London. I’m sure there would be great interest for an event here!
Please come to Santa Fe!
Please come to Brazil 🙂
I’m not seeing enough Midwest on your itinerary… allow me to suggest a few cities, and hope I can work with you to make one of them happen.
Grand Rapids, Michigan — home to several colleges, so you have a good young entrepreneurial environment; home of the world’s largest art competition (ArtPrize) so it gets the unconventional thing; given the title of Beer City USA for its fine craft breweries; and there are several good, large bookstores.
Ann Arbor, Michigan — home to the Univ of Michigan and lots of tech, bio, med startups and research firms. A very cool town.
Columbus, Ohio — home to The Ohio State University and the best damn band in the land; lots of students; international headquarters of Limited Brands which includes Victoria Secret and other major clothiers; great locations and nice bookstores.
I am in Columbus almost every week for a major client, and I live in Grand Rapids with my tenured professor wife — we’d love to help you make this happen.
Chris, please come to Memphis! We are a friendly city with good food and music, and in desperate need of uplifting, as the economy has hurt us tremendously. The city needs a shot of nonconformity to pull it out of its “box” thinking and to plunge it into the creativity pot. Let’s shake things up:-)
Princeton, NJ. Cool university town, pretty international. We’d love to have you and spread the word!
We were a part of your Lawrence, Kansas visit the first time, and would love to help host an event for you in Kansas City, Missouri.
And, since Anchorage, Alaska is Mr. Jones’ hometown and full of fun-loving non-conformists, we’d try to see you there as well.
Well of course you should come to New Hampshire! Concord NH has a great independent bookstore named Gibsons and the state is just full of non-conformists. I think we may have invented the idea… I bet I could get you an interview on the local NPR station. : >
A bit out of the way, but worth the journey: Buenos Aires, Argentina!
Tuscaloosa, Alabama is home to the University of Alabama and many minds who would get a spark from your ideas on business and life.
East Hampton NY, Book Hampton is a really great local store that would be a wonderful place to converse with a wide variety of non-conforming individuals! It would be a pleasure to have you as our guest at the Inn, I might even be able to convince Mr Brogan to come down and visit!
Thanks for everything over all the years… Gary
I’m rooting for Charlotte, NC to hopefully finally meet you in person, Chris.
Thanks again for the interview 🙂
Hi, Chris:
Your book is on just about every one of my friends’ and colleagues’ shelves here in Ojai, CA. Jason and Jodi Womack just attended your WDS in Portland (I think they go every year). We may not be a “major market,” but I’ll bet you get amazing attendance!
Please come!!
Peterborough NH. Our area is full of a bunch of small towns that are very into the arts and writers hence the Peterborough Players and the MacDowell colony. You’ll love it, everyone does. It’s a great place I feel would welcome you with open arms. I would love for you to come here. And would be more than happy to help you in any way.
Anyways I’m a huge fan and have been for awhile now. Here’s hoping we get to see you on your tour 🙂
Hi Chris
Come to Sendai, Japan and see how the local area is recovering from the 2011 earthquake and tsunami. Also meet some of the locals. I can help with logistics if you make it over 🙂
If you make it over to Europe (and I really hope you do), then please consider Dublin, Ireland! I’m American and moved here 4 months ago and love it – the people are super nice and friendly. Plus, the country is still trying to get back on its feet so the Irish have a true entrepreneurial spirit about them. I know they would love to hear what you have to say.
NORTH to ALASKA. C’mon…the rush is on! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3tAJS0wpRY
Hey Chris — Charlottesville, VA ….. in fact, why don’t you visit for this! — If you need a connection to make that happen, just let me know.
And good luck completing the book! I can’t wait to read it.
~ Larry
Santa Fe, NM in the Land of Enchantment. We have history, the largest number of art galleries per capita in the country, a fantastic writing community, tons of independent bookstores, amazing vistas, and a passion for pursuing art and freedom-based lives. I would be happy to help with whatever you might need to join us here.
We would love to see you here in Denver! If time permits we invite you to come hike with us at the Maroon Bells trail in Aspen or Hanging Lake in Glenwood because the autumn colors in our rockies will take your breath away. So be sure to put Denver on your route between mid-September to mid-October. Btw, my daughter and I loved the WDS last weekend. It was our first time and we plan on making it our family vacation destination for next summer.
You should bring your tour to Malibu, CA.
We have the ocean, mountains, the weather and of course the appreciation of people like you that do what you do!
So come on by and maybe enjoy sometime getting some R&R while on tour!
I highly recommend (and hope ;-)): BERLIN – the startup-metropolis of Europe.
I would enjoy to meet you in person.
Yours Nic
I’m with David—come to Asheville NC. We will welcome you with more than 6, promise!
Venice Beach. It’s the hub of tech in LA and lots of people eager to be inspired by your message. I may be able to help with a venue too.
Ann Arbor, Michigan. You should visit Ann Arbor, Michigan because…… No explanation necessary.
I saw you speak in A2 a few years back and immediately bought your book and began following your blog.
Nashville, TN. Southern hospitality via transplants with like minded ideas about travel!
You should come to Boston or Cambridge! The community is full of recent grads and start-ups.
Please come to Alameda, CA, where I live. You can either having your event at Books Inc. On Park Street or I can host you here at my office (or both). Alameda is close to Berkeley and Oakland, and all three cities are full of people who will be delighted to hear your message.
P.S. WDS was awesome!
You should definitely come to Portugal. Lisbon is the capital city, so it could be the obvious choice. But I’d like to challenge you to come to the deeper part of the country, the Alentejo region. Beja, Évora are good choices, and I’ll definitely be there if you come!
I realize it’s a tight squeeze, but if you’re in New York City, consider a trip to Jersey City, which is a short subway ride away from downtown NYC. Jersey City has a terrific independent bookstore, WORD Jersey City, and I think you would be embraced. Also: WORD has Stumptown coffee! 🙂
Paducah, KY is a quaint town tucked on the Ohio River in western Kentucky. It’s only a few hours and easily accessed from Nashville, TN, Louisville, KY, and St. Louis, Mo so we should build up a large crowd of non-conformists!
St. George, UT!
Columbus Ohio Chris!
I got our friend Allan Karl (author of FORKS from your recent giveaway) lined up with some awesome people and he made a great weekend out of it to promote his book and meet fans/new people.
Plus Columbus Ohio is the Portland Oregon of the Midwest in my eyes…
Great stuff!
Come to my hometown, Shreveport, LA! Two of us came to WDS this year and had a blast (my second time).
I moved back here after graduating college and decided to make my city “home”. After spending the past few years finding and building community here, I’ve made a lot of unconventional, creative friends who would love to meet you!
We’ve got an excellent co-working space downtown and several other interesting places to host events. Hope you can make it 🙂
I was surprised to find that you did not select Portland, Oregon as one of your tour dates! That city is absolutely bursting with creative people and artists, especially humble ones who are underground and simply enjoying the lifestyle (without the benefit of pay).
Seeing as how part of your life message is pursuing what you want and enjoying the journey along the way, I think that Portland is a great place to visit because of this. It exemplifies the characteristics of a maturing, growing artist, and the people there are simply friendly, open-minded folk.
Hope you consider it,
Josh Fredette (ironically a California resident)
New Orleans! By skipping NOLA, you are missing out on a creative, culturally vibrant city with a fast growing startup community. You will already be in Houston on 9/21, which is about a 6 hour drive away. I was at WDS last week and would be happy to help organize the event!
There are several co-working spaces here that could host the event. We are on a quest to rebuild our city and make it stronger and more innovative than ever. I think NOLA would be a perfect stop on your tour.
Looking forward to the new book!
Come to Kenyon College in Ohio!
Anywhere in Missouri!!! Columbia, MO would be the best. 🙂
On your way to or from Asheville, come to the Research Triangle area of North Carolina: Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill. Full of tech start ups, universities, independent bookstores, and non conformist ultimate frisbee players. Lots of great venues here in Durham due to our hosting the American Dance festival and Full Frame documentary film festival. We’d love to have you!
I’d love to see you at an event in Minnesota!
Definitely Anchorage, AK!
Changing Hands Bookstore – Tempe location
or Tucson, AZ. !!
Cincinnati (that’s in Ohio) was mentioned above, but I’ll second it. We have a population in the metropolitan area of 2.1 million. Extrapolating from a quick poll I just took, 1.4 million of them are HUGE fans of yours. (I think Zippy is a fan, too, but he’s asleep right now.)
It would be great to see you in London, UK!
Coastocoastamradio am radio is where I heard about the art of non conformity This show touches millions and you have been on it before. Then you came to Reno ….. And changed my life Grab the bananas!
How ’bout Matamata, New Zealand? I couldn’t think of any better venue in the world than the Green Dragon Inn at the Hobbiton movie set.
Adelaide, South Australia.
You come all the way to Australia, you might as well do every state instead of just Melboure.
Bangkok! I bet there would be a good audience. I’d consider coming down from Chiang Rai. I just attended my first WDS and am so grateful for what you are doing. best of luck to you.
Come to New Orleans! Music, incomparable food — intrigue and fascination abound . . . no way anywhere else could be as much fun or provide a more creative, stimulating experience.
Chris come to Cambridge, MA. Lots of students , startups and artists and a good independent bookstore
Columbus, OH would be honored to host you. My tribe and I will take care of all the details if it sounds agreeable.
I see you’re not signed up to visit Kansas City, MO. Hey, we’d love to have you here. If you’re looking for the middle of the country, why not?
Much Thanks,
Hi Chris,
I would very much like to host you in South East Queensland, either Gold Coast or Brisbane. (or both) We hosted AJ Leon last year as the first stop on his tour, and now have a healthy group of misfits and non-conformists in this area. We would love to welcome you.
Plus we have some really beautiful venues with a very relaxed but alive feel.. good food, beach vibe.
I can also arrange through my networks stops in Sydney and Melbourne, or ensure that other possible event organisers reach a wider audience. (HUB spaces and other venues).
We would be most delighted to make this as seamless as possible…everything we do is about supporting the call of the 2.23am moments and part of that is to ensure we have wonderful guests who inspire and affirm through the ways they live and work.
Stop in Iowa City. Prairie Lights Bookstore is frequently the only stop in Iowa for many authors, especially those who have graduated from the Iowa Writers Workshop. Typically there are at least 50 people in audience, and many times there are 100 people and standing room only. Come to the City of Literature.
As Lindy says, it would be great if you could come to Adelaide, Australia. We have Parklands for you to go running in, the best wine in the world, awesome food (we’re the food + wine capital of Australia) and there’s loads of creative, entrepreneurial young and young at heart people here. We’ll organise a fabulous time for you. There are parallels between Adelaide and Portland too….we aspire to have your bike paths + hipster coolness.
Love to see you in Sydney or Melbourne – Australia!
Best wishes
Would love to see you in NW NJ. Lots of great colleges here.
Hi! Definitely you should visit Europe! I support Warsaw, because this is the place that I come from, it is really great and full of entrepreneurial passion. BUT, now I’m living in Barcelona, Spain, so I would like to invite you to this amazing city as well. Barcelona is a hub for almost every aspect of peoples lives – sport, art, tourism, architecture, technology and of course mix of people from around the world.
Eurotrip FTW!
Another vote for Minneapolis/St. Paul!
I vote for Charlotte, NC. Since the running joke is that nobody is actually originally from Charlotte (myself included, I was born in New York City), you’ll still get to meet people from lots of different places.
Have you been here? If not you should come here!
A very nice book store in Lakeview of Chicago.
If you do come, I and my friends will be there.
Book tour in the Twin Cities!
Greenville, SC or Asheville, NC would be good places to stop.
Come to Madrid – SPAIN!!!!
It would be amazing to welcome you here!!!!
Please put down Malaysia and Singapore as part of your tour… We’d love to meet you in person! It’ll be awesome to be able to talk to you… 🙂
Brookings, SD! You’ve only been to Choco-latte and there is much more than that. A small town with a gaggle of creators and do-ers. I’d love to host!
Cyprus – Europe! Small country but a lot of people would love to meet a remarkable person like Chris. If Cyprus is too small then how about neighbouring Greece? 🙂
I second the Asheville, NC posts! I live in Charlotte, NC (also a great potential stop) but I think that Asheville certainly has a community that resonates with your message and is a great middle ground for NC and Virginia residents.
It’s wonderful to see you will be heading out on another book tour soon. I recommend that you come to Brunswick, Maine and talk at the Frontier Cafe (check out their website). The owner reminds me so much of you and I am pretty sure you would find him a kindred spirit, both as a world traveler and a non-conformist. Feel free to get in touch with me about this if you are interested and I will put you in contact.
Another vote for Cincinnati, OH. Joseph Beth Booksellers is a local independent bookstore that often brings in authors. I own a PR/marketing firm and would be happy to help with local media relations. Let me know if you’d like to pursue.
Come to Shreveport, LA! It is a city with great potential for growth and creativity 🙂
One piece to the puzzle of peace is that everyone must be happy. A huge part of this is your work, enabling people to live their dreams, creating a legacy. Places where this seems to already have momentum are Asheville, NC, Boulder, CO, Seattle, WA etc. Also, though, it seems as though there are places in the world where your message and works could truly bring about change, lift people out of poverty, and divert attention away from passionate retribution and toward passionate pursuit of living dreams.
Would love to see you back in Des Moines! There’s a great entrepreneurial vibe here; lots of positive things happening. And if not here…Omaha could work! Thanks! 🙂
I think you should come to Europe and stop in Zurich. Unfortunately we don’t get that many interesting people coming through as the States…
Come to Cape Town! It’s one of the top 25 cities in the world.
Chris – do a European tour. And stop in Rome for a day or three. It’s a city where people from incredibly different walks of life meet, combined with the desire to *really* enjoy life (those stereotypes are true! Well… partly), and always makes for a good discussion and a healthy dose of dreaming. This is fertile ground for your mission!
Hi! I think you should really go everywhere. What is that for someone who has ben to every single country? Now… where should you start and where should you go after? Those are different question.s..
Once i gave you 10 reasons why should come to Lisbon. I must say Lisbon got to be a better city since then. And the reasons i gave you are still valid, i guess.
Tell me what you need to come and i see how we can find a home for the event and organize it!
Hi Chris, what about your favourite place on earth? HONG KONG!
Hong Kong has a great startup community and I’m sure there are many followers here who would be thrilled if you had an event here.
Hi Chris!
So excited about your new book:
Raleigh/Durham would love to have you!!!
Thanks for asking us about where you should go!
Hi Chris
Its time you came to South Africa (again), Either Cape Town or Johannesburg, lovely warm weather and a rainbow nation of beautiful people!!
Later Mike
Kimball says to come to Cambridge, and I agree. Meghan says Boston, and that would be great, too. Lots of people here with good energy, ideas, and smarts. We welcome you!
I would definitively suggest Québec city, Québec, Canada.
There are a lot of small businesses here, lots of creativity and it is the most french and european city of all America 😉
Come visist us ! You are more than welcome here Chris !
Another vote for Santa Fe, or Albuquerque!
Another plea for you to come back to Changing Hands Bookstore Tempe, AZ. Thanks
Chris, I would love to see you visit Manchester or London here in the UK. Both are busy, vibrant creative cities with loads of interesting venues and communities. I organize events in both cities and would be happy to help you in any way I can.
I didn’t see a location for your tour stop in Austin. If it hasn’t been booked yet, no pun intended, go to Book People. Its a locally owned and operated book store with an Austin flair.
Shreveport, Louisiana! It is the third largest city in the state. There is a progressive movement taking place here where many people are striving to bring more art, culture, and new ideas to the area. It’s an often overlooked gem of a city!
We would love to have you in Shreveport! I think you will be pleasantly surprised at the budding arts scene we have going on here. Our people will take good care of you here. (Not to mention great food if you get the right foodie tour guide) …. See you soon! ….
Wow, that’s what I was exploring for, what a material! existing here at this webpage, thanks admin of this web site.
Shreveport, Louisiana would be an amazing stop. Lots of positive transition in the arts and preservation movement that we’d love to share with you.
Ciao Chris!
You could try Milan, Rome or Naples!
See you soon… In Italy of course!
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Holy crow!
How did Baltimore/Washington, D.C. get missed from the list? What are us crazy East Coaster’s doing?!?
There is an incredible community here in Charm City. Please consider visiting us before your international tour!
Your posts leave me with a lot of experience and impressions, I hope you will have more good posts in the near future to share with readers.
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