Happy Thanksgiving from 97214

Happy Thanksgiving from World Domination HQ.
Earlier this week I made it home from São Tomé via Lisbon and London.
Due to a big snafu at JFK airport ten days ago, I wasn’t able to make it to Guinea Bissau on this trip. However, I do still have the elusive visa and will be making another attempt (hopefully the last one!) next month.
Tomorrow I head out to India for another two-week trip and my first extended book tour on foreign soil. Jolie will be coming with me, and we’re both excited about traveling in India and seeing many new friends.
I try to live a life of gratitude every day, not just once a year. Therefore I don’t have a special list to share, at least not at the moment.
Nevertheless, I’m grateful for your attention. Whether you receive these missives through email, RSS, Facebook, Twitter, or just by checking in at the site, it’s great to have you around.
Eat some pie!
– Chris
P.S. I realize many of our readers are not from the U.S. or Canada, which celebrated its own Thanksgiving a few weeks ago. Nevertheless, feel free to eat pie and be grateful too.
Image: Theo