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The New York Times Reviews The Money Tree (and actually says good things)
Link: New York Times on The Money Tree
When I heard that the New York Times was reviewing my new book, I was simultaneously excited and worried. I was excited because, well, it’s the New York Times! And despite several of my previous books selling well, they never really paid much attention to me. But I was also worried because the Times is not always kind to authors. In fact, many of their book reviews consist largely of 600-word critiques on why a particular book is terrible. I’ve even known authors who have stopped writing for months or years because of a bad review. Read More
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New YouTube Series: Watch Live Every Weekday at 9am PT
Daily YouTube Series: --> Subscribe Here
So I decided to start a YouTube channel, because a) why not, b) I need to adapt just as I encourage other people to do, and c) I’m not going to 40 cities at the moment. Every weekday at 9am Pacific time, I’ll be teaching a short lesson and taking live questions. The theme of the new show is: Finding Opportunity in an Uncertain Time. We’ll be looking at different, creative ways that people are making things work during a time of disruption / disorder / chaos, and talking through projects with anyone who’d like to share theirs with the group. Here's an example from Day 2: Read More
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Greetings, friends and readers!
A very quick note to say ... my new book The Money Tree is out today! 💰🌳
My new book is all about Finding the Fortune in Your Own Backyard. I hope it will help people who are navigating difficult financial times, especially anyone with debt or those who are struggling during this time of chaos and turmoil.
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Big News: The Money Tree Is Out Today!!
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