
I’d Like to Hear Your Stories About Failure


In many of the talks I’ve done, I’ve noticed that one topic comes up over and over: failure.

What’s your biggest failure?

Are you afraid to fail?

How are people able to recover from failure?

Even though I have a daily podcast that tells success stories, I believe we can also learn a lot from failure. And here’s the thing: I don’t know if the learning objective is always to “bounce back.” Some failures may be, well, permanent. (Philosophical question: if it’s so easy to recover from a setback, is it really a failure?)

In any case, I’d like to hear from you. I won’t share anything you write without your permission, and if I ever do share, you can be anonymous if you’d like. But don’t hold back. Maybe your failure story will help someone else avoid a similar mishap, or maybe the act of naming it will help you move on.

Oh, and this is an open topic. Your failure can be about any aspect of life, whether work, personal, or somewhere in between. I might get more specific later on, but for now I’m curious to see how people respond to the broader question.

—> Share Your Story About Failure

If you have a story about failure, will you tell me about it? And will you share this link with someone you know who might have a story to tell?


Image: Pixa Bay

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