Travel Ninja Preview

On Thursday morning, I’ll release my first new product in several months. The goal of Travel Ninja is to help readers interested in serious international travel.
It’s all about travel hacking, Round-the-World flying, low-cost lodging, and overall strategies to help you travel anywhere in the world. If you’d like to go to the next level, this will get you there.
How It Works
The content for Travel Ninja is delivered similarly to the best-selling Working for Yourself guide – it’s one part ebook, one part multimedia (MP3 audio), a series of mind-maps with various itineraries, and an additional series of email updates.
Everything is available online, so there is no sales tax, no shipping, and no charge for updates. The one-time price will be less than $50.
- 25-page Travel Hacking Guide
- Travel Ninja Spreadsheet
- Audio Q&A
- Free Updates for 6 Months
- Mind-Map Itineraries (Optional)
This will be the last low-priced product I do for a while. The more I worked on this, the more I realized it could sell for much more, but I wanted to make this an affordable product for anyone who wants to become a ninja traveler. If you’re on the email list, you’ll get more details later this afternoon.
Very Important: The Anti-Sales Strategy
I have a lot of new readers, so I should explain how it works for those who haven’t been through this before:
You do NOT need to buy anything from me. I write for free, and I am far more interested in connecting with a network of people who want to change the world.
The emails and site comments I get are the best compensation for my work. I started creating products like this because of all the questions I get from people who want to know how they can create their own freedom through travel and self-employment. The products help those who want to go to the next level with their own goals.
Also, I need to support myself, and I don’t want to put advertising on the site. My theory is that I can be a full-time writer through the content on this site and the carefully-produced products that I create.
Will it work? We’ll all find out together. Stay tuned.
From time to time, someone writes in and asks me to “convince” them to buy something. My response is that I do not do any convincing. If you think you will benefit from the Travel Ninja guide, then you should buy it. If it doesn’t rock your world, you get your money back. There is no time limit to the guarantee.
If you don’t like travel or otherwise aren’t interested, please keep your money. Just keep coming back to read my free writing. Fair enough?
For those of you who DO NEED this info
Don’t let the disclaimer deter you. I’m careful about providing the info above because I highly value all the new relationships I’ve made over the past year. Whether you are a creative type, a business-builder, or something else, developing and maintaining relationships is the most important work you can do.
But I’m also EXCITED about Travel Ninja. I wrote the manual and created the multimedia files on location from at least five countries. I haven’t left anything out, and there is a fair amount of “black hat” information as well for those who like that kind of thing.
The goal is to help rock your travel world, and we’ll do that first thing tomorrow morning. 9am PST / 12pm EST. Cool?
Ninja Lego by TheVoice