
On the Road in Berlin: Three Things from Today

Berlin at Night

1. I’m in Berlin. What a fun city! I’m excited to stay somewhere for three whole nights.

2. I flew out of Doha’s brand-new airport early this morning. Unbeknownst to me in advance, when I came in two days ago it was the very first day it was open—which of course was a mistake. Everyone was friendly and lots of people were standing around, but nothing worked as it should.

Leaving today was a lot better. There was still some confusion, but it’s shiny and new and for some reason there was a big stuffed rabbit in the middle of the terminal. Totally normal, I guess.

3. Yesterday we announced WDS Academies. I’ll have more to say about these soon, but for now—yesterday we announced WDS Academies.

We’re really excited about these new opportunities. Even if you’re not coming to WDS, you’re now able to register for one or more of eight mini-events. Check them out and join us!


Image: Teliko

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