
On Hustling

Sometimes people ask what hustling is. This great poster by Joey Roth provides one answer:


This “hustler” image is what I try to do every day: lots of work, lots of messaging. The messaging isn't always directly related to the work at hand—sometimes I'm supporting other people with their own hustling. But on a good day, there's plenty of work and and plenty of messaging.

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Non-Independence Day

I didn't write an Independence Day post last week partly because I've been on the road. Burkina Faso is a fun enough place to visit, but there were no fireworks displays at night to celebrate America's intent to withdraw from King George's Britain. But the other reason is that I think of a celebration of independence much like the Thanksgiving holiday. The holiday later in the year is all about eating pie and being grateful. I like both of those things; I just think that being grateful (or eating pie!) shouldn't be reserved for one special day.

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