
Extreme Gratitude, Austin Edition

Greetings from the capital of the Internet this week, also known as Austin, Texas. It's a fun place with fun people. In case you're not familiar with this annual event, once a year everyone on the Internet moves down to Austin for an annual pilgrimage. Big companies give away free drinks at various parties. People talk on stages and bands play in what appears to be an unlimited number of bars ...

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Influential Following


“Are you a leader?”

She felt like she had never led anyone before, so she answered the question with an honest “no” and sent in the application. She knew the university was looking for leaders (they had said so in their advertising), so she did not expect to be admitted.

A few weeks later she received this response from the admissions committee:

Dear Applicant,

This year the university will admit 1,455 new leaders to our incoming class. We thought all those leaders would need at least one follower, so we are pleased to grant you admission.

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