All The Things You Didn’t Do
Once upon a time, you had the chance to be brave. Your name was selected, your number was called. You were the chosen one, at least for this particular moment on planet Earth. All eyes were on you, and the stakes were high.
It was a big moment. So what happened? Not to put too fine of a point on it, but what happened was ... you caved. At the critical moment, you turned your back on the task at hand. Read MoreAdventure Is Worthwhile In Itself
"The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure, the process is its own reward. Adventure is worthwhile in itself."You often hear about how we regret the things we don’t do more than the things we do. Looking back at the experience of traveling the world, this belief shines through whatever hardship I encountered. Sure, I can remember the struggles. I can remember sleeping on the ground, running out of money, missing my flights. I remember not being sure if I’d make it, if I’d have to give up somewhere. If I think about it, I can remember sweating it out in Eritrea, detained by the police overnight before I was put on a plane to Cairo. I remember flying to Angola and Pakistan without the required visa, wondering what would happen on the other side. Read More
-Amelia Earhart
“What Have I Missed in My Life?” Notes on The Novels Mrs. Bridge and Mr. Bridge
"I think the message in the book is that we all have flaws we can’t resolve." -Amazon reviewer
Tinkering on the Margins of Small Arguments
“I had no good reason not to take it up,” he said of a big decision. “And it kind of terrified me to imagine myself spending the rest of my life tinkering on the margins of the small arguments.” Link: Embrace the Irony Image: Ed ###
Read MoreFraming Decisions in the Context of Future Regret
The “Will I regret it in the future?” mindset can be very helpful in making decisions. From a New York Times article on protests in Hong Kong: “I’m not sure if this protest will really affect the decision by China, but I’m sure if I don’t come I will regret it in the future,” said…
Read MoreWorth It All
Sometimes it’s hard to know if it’s all worth it. You’re out in the woodshed, slaving away on this thing you love, night and day. But does anyone else care?Will anyone else care? At times, you may be tempted to pack it in. You’d like to return to normal, to the way things were before…
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