
26 People I Highly Respect

In 279 Days, I included links to many of the people I respect and have learned from since I started this site. I did this because I wanted to give credit where credit is due – and each of these folks deserve a lot of credit for helping me.

Here they are again, with a quick synopsis on why I think they are awesome. If you’re looking for people to learn from (I always am), I encourage you to check out their work.

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Video Update: Motivations and $32,000

Thanks so much to everyone who is downloading, reading, and sharing feedback about my new manifesto, 279 Days to Overnight Success.

Here's a new video update where I discuss the motivations behind the document. Why did I publish this now? Why do we do anything?

In my case, I want to a) help people create their own overnight success, and b) expand the network of people who are involved with AONC.

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