“The purpose of work is to create.”: Mr. Money Mustache at WDS

Next month we’ll release the first round of tickets for WDS 2017, a week-long gathering of creative, remarkable people—taking place next summer in beautiful Portland, Oregon.
But first, we’re rolling out a series of speaker videos from the 2016 event. Pete Adeney, or Mr. Money Mustache as he’s more commonly known online, retired at the old age of 30 in order to start a family. Six years into this new life, he realized his peers were still not only stuck in their well-paying jobs, but barely able to meet their ever-increasing lifestyle inflation bills.
Thus, Pete formed the blog Mr. Money Mustache to teach fellow Americans how to live a slightly less ridiculous life than average, in order to amass an incredible surplus of money while they’re still able to put it to good use. The blog has since reached over 16 million people and become a study on life, happiness, and the joy of being able to focus on work that means something to you.
Check out the video below to hear his message about how you too can retire within 10 years and live the life you’ve always dreamed of.
“The purpose of work is to create. Whereas the purpose of earning money is to have enough money.”
“Money is a really powerful thing. It really has the power to completely improve the world we live in, or it could also trash it overnight, just depending on what choices we make with it.”
“If you can get yourself financially independent, not only does it give you the power to eliminate most of the bullshit in life, but it frees your life’s work to become more truthful.”

Want to know more about WDS and how you can join us?
Every summer, thousands of people travel from all over the world to Portland, Oregon for this immersive experience in life, work, and travel. With main-stage keynote speakers, hundreds of attendee-led meetups, more than a dozen workshops known as “Academies,” two big parties, and a ridiculous number of new friends high-fiving you on street corners, it’s a truly engaging and life-changing experience.
Tickets usually sell out far in advance of the actual event. If you’d like to come, don’t hesitate!
Find out more on the website, and sign up to be notified when tickets become available.
Stay tuned for more speaker videos!