Happy Birthday to the Art of Non-Conformity

I started posting here one year ago this week. 34 countries, 174 posts, and 2700 comments later, here we are.
I’ve learned a lot over the past year, but rather than go through it here I’ll be sharing the details in a longer manifesto that I’ve been working on for a while. If all goes well, it should be ready for your consideration in another 30 days or so.
For now, thanks for reading. I’m grateful for everyone who has been here for the whole year and for everyone who has recently arrived. You guys are remarkable people! This next year will be even better, I promise.
Keep rocking the universe,
P.S. For the remarkable people who happen to be in Washington, D.C., come by for drinks tonight from 7:00-8:00 at the Brickskeller on 22nd Street.
One-Year Candle Image by R. Parmiter
Congratulations Chris! I’ve been reading for about six months now and always look forward to reading new posts. What are you going to do once you’ve visited every country? Are there any you’d particularly like to spend more time in?
Thanks! As for what’s next, well, I still have a long time to go but I imagine I’ll always do some kind of traveling. And yes, there are a lot of countries I’d like to return to for longer visits at some point.
Happy birthday! I’ve only just discovered you but I love what I’ve discovered so far.
J xx
Happy Birthday, AONC! May you see many more. (:
Happy birthday and props to the fantastic site!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I’ve only been reading for a month or so but you do an excellent job and I for one love the site!! Hope you’re getting a cake to celebrate! x
Thanks for everything!
Happy Birthday!
Congrats Chris. I enjoy both your travel and your inspirational posts. Putting ideas into practice is the hard bit (at least for me).
Happy birthday! Hope to someday bump into you somewhere in the world.
Congratulations and happy birthday!
What are some new-to-you countries you plan/hope to visit this year?
Thanks, guys! You all are so kind.
Well, among other things I hope to finish most of South America and make at least one trip each to a few places in Africa and Central Asia. Those are in addition to the usual Round-the-World trips, stopovers in places I’ve already been, etc. Stay tuned…
Congratulations and Happy Birthday!
One year, great milestone! I have throughly enjoyed your blog and look forward to continuing to do so. World domination is not an event; it is a process. If I were in DC I’d buy you a drink to celebrate. Perhaps another time, in another time zone. As they say in Chinese “jia you!” (step on the gas)
Congrats on a such a solid year. I’m continually amazed by how you manage to make three long, quality posts every week. I think I may have started to run thin on ideas by month three.
Congratulations, Chris! I came to AoNC when you wrote your awesome manifesto and have been a happy reader ever since. I know you’ll reach many more milestones.
Congrats, Chris!
AoNC and I share a birthday–how auspicious! AoNC is not only aesthetically lovely, but the content is tops. You are an inspiration to me and I know you will continue to provide for the community in your selfless and ground-breaking way. We are on similar paths–I only hope mine blossoms with the clarity yours has 🙂
Cheers, my friend.
Excellent blog. Congrats on reaching a year. YOU keep rocking the universe so WE can keep reading about it!
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