Frequent Flyer Master Reviews and a Note from Armenia

Greetings from the Caucasus, where I’m wrapping up my two weeks of travel in Azerbaijan, Georgia, and now Armenia. I’ll post more on the trip at some point, but this afternoon I’m getting ready to begin the long journey home (EVN-VIE-FRA-DEN-PDX).
My first flight departs Yerevan at the lovely hour of 5:45 a.m. tomorrow, but I decided not to sleep on the floor of the airport the night before. (I know, I’m probably getting soft… but remember I took the 15-hour Russian train last week.)
This is the Sunday Store Update, where I write about the business side of AONC. Frequent Flyer Master has been rocking the internet for two weeks now, and I’ve compiled a few of the mentions and reviews it’s received thus far.
- Alaska Dispatch
- Indie Travel Podcast
- View from the Wing
- Get Rich Slowly
- Budget Travel
- ManVsDebt
- Gadling
(Note: unlike the others, the last one is a somewhat lukewarm review. I disagree with several aspects of it, but I’m including it here for transparency’s sake.)
Reader Feedback
I appreciate the props from journalists and my fellow bloggers, but ultimately the best test of any product comes from unsolicited customer feedback.
Here are a couple of my favorite comments, included in unedited form and with the permission of the writer:
I hesitated a moment before buying it and then took the plunge, trusting it would be worthwhile. I skimmed it quickly for tips and seized on three quick ones that gave me 80,000 miles plus elite status with a rental car company. I look forward to reading the report at my leisure while I wait for my other miles to roll in! -Dan O’Neil
I read FFM on my flight home last night and it was fantastic! I’m looking forward to trying out some of the items you proposed. Don’t think I’ll be able to emulate your huge success, but a free trip here and there each year will be worth it for me.
Because of what was in your e-book I was able to receive $50 credits from Travelocity and Expedia with minimal work. The book has paid for itself twice and I’m just getting started. Not only is the manual full of incredibly useful information, the bonus materials and the weekly email updates are the icing on an already awesome cake. -Tyler MacWilliam
This week I sent out an update regarding an additional 100,000 mile offer and a separate opportunity to earn an 100% bonus on purchased Star Alliance miles. Next week I’ll publish a new update about some unusually good redemption opportunities.
This is the kind of material I’ll be sharing with FFM owners for at least the next six months. If you’re interested, you can join the party over here:
In other news, I ventured down to Armenia this week via marshrutka, a Russian-style mini-bus. It took about seven hours to leave Georgia, clear the Georgian-Armenian border, and then swing down to the capital of Yerevan. Aside from a moment of confusion when the driver didn’t remember me and tried to get me to pay twice (the other passengers spoke up on my behalf), I was lost in thought for most of the journey.
Among other things, I thought about how much my life has changed as a result of AONC and all of you who take the time to care about my work and adventures. I realize this is the Sunday Store Update, but I am far more excited about the fact that I can write from Armenia and people are actually interested.
Thanks as always for reading. I hope all is well in your part of the world.
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Denver Airport Image by Gwen Bell