Empire Building Kit, Take Two

Greetings from the home base in Portland, Oregon. I’ve got a big French press filled to the brim with Stumptown coffee, and I’m settling in for a long day in front of the MacBook.
And … the Empire Building Kit has now returned! (Insert your preferred trumpet blast here.)
–> Read more or order your own copy here.
The goal of the Empire Building Kit is to help a select group of people build a sustainable lifestyle business in one year by doing one thing every day. I received rave reviews from the inaugural group who picked it up last time, and if it’s a good fit for your needs, I’d love to bring you the same experience today.
As before, it’s 24 hours only. A small legion of partners are promoting this launch, so if you can’t access the site at some point, that’s probably why.
Some Good News
1. No Price Increase! The price is the same as the initial launch. You have a choice of three options to suit your preferred empire-building needs, from Emperor in Training to Alexander the Great.
2. Additional Bonus! There’s no live webinar this time (I promised to only do that for the inaugural group), but you can get the recording of the webinar with all their questions and my attempts at answers.
3. Extra Stuff! We’ve added some fun things to the Emperor Training Grounds. There are previously unpublished case studies, the ability to download videos directly for your iPod or iPad watching, and even a new EBK wallpaper for the truly hardcore. (Of course, all of these things are free to everyone in the inaugural group as well.)
–>Check it out here if you’re interested.
If you prefer, you can also support another blogger you read by buying through their affiliate link. Or you can ignore this and change the world in some other way, and that’s great too. Tomorrow morning it will all be over and I’ll get ready to fly to Central Africa and beyond.
Happy Empire Building Day! Thanks so much for your support.
Congrats on the launch, Chris! I hope it’s as successful as the first. Thanks for encouraging people to buy through our links, that’s really awesome. If anyone wants to see how much we’ve enjoyed exploring the kit, come on by the blog and feel free to ask any us questions before you buy! Happy Empire Building, everyone! 😀
I’ve toyed with the idea of starting a business for a long time, but been afraid to jump. The timing for this release was perfect. I’m looking forward to the journey!
[loud trumpet fanfare from Texas]
Thanks for this course and your ongoing support. As part of the inaugural group, I just wanted to say that this is one of the best courses I have ever bought online (and I have bought *a lot* of online courses). And it’s only starting – the 365 days of email help keep the momentum and excitement going. It is going to be a fabulous year. 🙂
Happy travels,
Hey Chris,
Best of success with your launch, part deux. This might be a good product to work as an affiliate.
Hey guys, thanks for all the support! Our partners are hitting the ground running with a bunch of posts and reviews.
As promised, I’m going to keep the promo fairly minimal over here – I really do appreciate you reading along. Have a great day, wherever you are.
Hey Chris,
I’m with Heidi; the EBK is a really fantastic course.
And thanks also for your affiliate program! You made me some cash today. 🙂
I guess the early bird get the worm. The course is already sold out. I will look for the summer release date and try to act more quickly.
I have already started a freelance copywriting business, but I could use some focus and assistance to get it off the ground.
Thanks for this course and your ongoing support. As part of the inaugural group, I just wanted to say that this is one of the best courses I have ever bought online (and I have bought *a lot* of online courses). And it’s only starting – the 365 days of email help keep the momentum and excitement going. It is going to be a fabulous year.
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