Big News: The Money Tree Is Out Today!!
Buy Now: Amazon | BN | Audible | Apple Books | Indie Bookstores
Greetings, friends and readers!
A very quick note to say … my new book The Money Tree is out today! 💰🌳
It’s all about Finding the Fortune in Your Own Backyard. I hope it will help people who are navigating difficult financial times, especially anyone with debt or those who are struggling during this time of chaos and turmoil.

Buy Now: Amazon | BN | Audible | Apple Books | Indie Bookstores
Note: if ordering from Amazon, it may show a delay due to COVID-19 issues. Based on many previous shipments, we’re expecting this to be a lot faster than what is listed. And of course, there are digital and audio versions that can come right away.
Oh, and one request: If you know someone who needs financial help during this time, please consider buying them a copy. (If you know someone in that situation and you aren’t able to buy it yourself, send me their address and I’ll buy it for them. I don’t want the purchase price to be an issue.)
Thank you for your support—I hope you’re holding up okay over there. Now go wash your hands and plant a money tree!
P.S. Yesterday I started a new YouTube channel, where I’ll be sharing daily lessons and stories of people finding opportunity in the midst of these uncertain times. It’s free, interactive, and will be held every weekday at 9am Pacific time. Check out the next episode!