6 Discoveries from Near and Far: Volume XXIX
I. Around the World
Things I found on long walks in foreign cities, or perhaps when someone posted them on Twitter.
- “Someone stole naked pictures of me. This is what I did about it” — A Danish Journalist speaks out about consent
- Reading a James Patterson Book Before It Self-Destructs — As part of an unconventional marketing plan, a man attempts to read James Patterson’s latest novel-of-the-week
- It’s Time to Forgive Yourself — Nicole revisits an experience from long ago
- 1,000 Cups of Latte Art Tell the Story of a Boy and Girl Meeting — File under: awesome + “only in Japan”
- Astonishing Photos of an Extremely Rare “Flipped” Iceberg — Surprising: All the shiny parts are underneath
- Writing Your Way to Happiness — New research shows that writing and rewriting your personal story can lead to behavioral changes
II. On the Blog
A few posts you may have missed on the blog.
- 25 Journeys, 1000 Miles Each — Dave Cornthwaite’s Quest to travel, travel, and travel
- Travel Disasters and Misadventures are Good for Us — Here’s a few of mine in illustrated form
- How the Password You Select Can Help You Achieve Your Goals — From a long article about the history of passwords, I thought this story was especially fun
- “Acceptance Isn’t Agreement”: A Lesson from Chris Brogan — Say you make a bad choice. Once you do, what sometimes happens is you decide to go even more down the bad path. Acceptance tells you this: STOP!
- Achievement Unlocked: 2 Million American Airlines Miles — A new “Up in the Air” goal reached
III. A Blast from the Past
Something from the AONC archives.
- Mistakes on the Road to Creative Freedom — You don’t have to have it all together when you start. You start from where you are, and you get a few things right as you go along
Image: Alex Cornell