Starting a Business While Working a Full-Time Job

For every self-employed person, there are a lot more people who would like to be. But many of these people already have jobs, and everyone is busy.
Here’s an idea: if you’re working a regular job and want to be on your own someday, don’t wait for a career break that may never come. Instead, start the business now … without waiting to quit or take a leave of absence.
Why would you want to do this? Two good reasons: opportunity and security.
When you don’t earn all your income from your employer, you create security. You’re no longer completely dependent on a regular paycheck.
Several of the case studies from The $100 Startup talked about how they now went to work at their regular job because they wanted to, not because they had to. This is a huge shift!
A side business also brings you opportunity. Once you begin earning money on your own, even if it’s a small amount, you begin to see what else is possible. With another income, you can have more savings, pay off debt, invest in yourself, or invest in others.
Can you start now—while you still have a job—and pursue some form of self-employment? Yes, and in many ways it’s easier than starting with more time on your hands. Here’s what I said recently for another blogger’s roundup post on this subject.
Starting on the side is an opportunity, not a handicap. When you don’t have time to mess around, every action counts. You’ll have to spend your limited business hours on things that actually matter: product development, sales, and client work—not surfing the internet, administrative work, or the other traps that those with more time on their hands tend to fall into.
So how do you do it?
Starting a business while working another job isn’t much different from starting any other kind of business. The main difference is mentioned above—you have less time, so you have to make it count.
Consider these possibilities—and then take action on at least one of them.
Follow your passion (maybe). To get paid for what you love, you have to focus on how that passion or skill relates to other people’s needs. In some cases you can indeed follow your passion, but in every case you need to focus on making something valuable.
Become an instant consultant. I like to say that there is no consulting school or degree. To begin consulting, you just need a specific service.
Consider skill transformation. What are you good at—and what are you also good at? Many people find success in a side business by learning how the skills they already have can match up with something that other people will value.
Working for yourself is about empowerment and freedom. Many self-employed people say that the freedom they have created through their own efforts is more important than the actual income they produce.
Even if you’re still working a job, freedom is a powerful thing.
Question: Do you currently work a full-time job? Have you thought about starting a business on the side?
Feel free to share your comments with other readers.
Image: Tiger
I actually did this. Because I had other sources of income, I didn’t have to “play” the usual game people do with corporate america. I was interested in “flexibility”, not money, which confused a few the ones simply used to throwing more money to people as incentives. Because of this, interestingly enough – led to both more flexibility AND money (10k raise from one phone call). Also, because I worked on my own projects on the side, when things got unbearable at the job, I was able to up and leave without having to sacrifice my dignity because I wasn’t any longer dependent on that one paycheck as my source of income.
I’ve been consulting since 1992 (maybe end of ’91). I started part-time as an “extra income” generator. In 1995 I had enough work that my consulting income had surpassed my full-time income. Then I landed a large client and a decision had to be made.. It wasn’t a difficult one.
I chronicle that process (and some thoughts about courage – which I don’t really have) here.
FYI: The concept of a specific service is a great one. I tell coaching clients – announce fewer services, not more. It is easier for a potential client to digest.
I’m working on a full time job and working currently on a carrier path to become a “manager”. This is taking much of my free time!
But I’m not feeling good about it, I don’t have fun with it … all the politics isn’t something for me! Thus since about one year … I kind of dreaming to do something on the side … but wasn’t able to find the time.
Now I’m trying to cancel the manager path and go back to normal … make an internal change … to gain the necessary time.
And then start my new business at the side and see where it goes 🙂
I started my business in my front room evenings and weekends while working full time in law in London. Then I moved to part time work, part time biz….in 2011 my now full time biz turned a decent profit. Next step is getting my own studio instead of subletting. The step by step approach worked for me and I reccommend it to anyone who can make that approach work. In some ways I was lucky as my kind of work (yoga + massage) are more in demand evenings + weekends!!)
Yes, I’m in the process now! I just joined a group to discuss strategies and provide the motivation I need to develop my business idea and eventually leave my full time position.
I’m excited that I’ve started making the transition, and am now mapping out baby steps to take each day to assure it happens.
This blog is a great motivator, as well 🙂
That’s exactly what I’m doing right now. I started working on my plan last month after reading your book, and I’m amazed at how much progress I’ve made in such a short time. I spend the first two hours of my mornings working on my new business, then I go to work. My goal is to have my business fully functional and turning a profit within 90 days, and if all goes well, it will be my full time source of income within 18 months. Wish me luck! 🙂
I’m right at this point…Working for “The Man” full time, spending all my free time researching and writing (publishing my first nonfiction book soon). It’s a very hard place to be in. The full time job pays really well and of course has benefits and all that jazz, but it’s also very frustrating having to give so much time/energy to a job i don’t like. I’d rather be working on my own stuff! 🙂 (Plus i have 2 kids, so my free time is really at a premium.) Working on my exit strategy from corp america now…hopefully by the end of 2012. “$100 Startup” was very inspiring to me, i figured out what i really wanted to be doing about halfway through that book, on a plane halfway across the country.
Yes I do. I have a full time job that I’m so passionate about. But I also don’t want to give up my hobby, which already turned into a small side business. Thankfully, both really work side to side. What I do in my full time job is needed in running my side business, and what I learned from doing a side business is also useful in my full time job – especially the technical and practical stuff. So this post really resonates with me. And Chris was right, what I have less in this case is time, so I always have to make it count. Having said that, I also realized that it is my own choice to keep my dream-full-job + running a hobby-turned-into-side-business side by side, complete with all its consequences (managing energy is one of the most important thing). I love both. Every day I wake up and do things I love to do. So for me, it also means freedom 🙂
I started on this path a few months ago buy quickly found it infeasible for me to really make progress on the business. Here’s why:
At my full time job I’m a project manager/engineer working on ~15 simultaneous projects. The work is so mentally taxing (keeping that many balls in the air at once) that all of my mental energy is wiped out by 3pm on a daily basis. It’s been too difficult to get anything meaningful done on the side during the week, leaving only the weekends. Bottom line: the requirements of my job are damaging my progress and probability of success.
My solution: worked out an arrangement to start part-time in September training my replacement. Then transitioning to consulting. I also have been cutting expenses and saving for the past year so
I can give myself some no-income buffer if needed.
So I think it depends on the type of work you do and are trying to do – and I think this is what will end up working best for me.
Excellent post! Hope the insight is helpful.
Chris, Excellent article! I Like this model. I teach Small Business Startup at UW-Madison and emphasize that your new business does not have to be created in a specific format. How about these: PT job/ PT business, Temp jobs/self-employment, PT job/freelancing, Multiple PT jobs/consulting, Sequential jobs (ex: river guide in summer, ski instructor in winter)/self employment.
There are many ways to turn your talents into income. Thanks for sharing your trailblazing ideas and “how to’s”. –Warmly, Dee
Very timely article. Doing just that, especially after reading your book, which
got me past the over analyzing and just making it happen. Thank you and
Best to you and your world travels. Have fun! Be safe..
Yes, I am a baby steps kinda gal. I’m taking classes to develop my skill level. I have started to blog on my website. Hopefully, by next year I will be earning income. Thanks Chris for your inspiration!
Pushing 60; have moved and started over all my life, between growing up military gypsy and care-taking crazy people. Currently part-time adjunct graphics instructor with a commute plus full-time eldercare, but reading the $100 STARTUP and exploring ways to blend my weaving/design/art with alternative architecture, wholistic health, organic gardening and spirituality passions. Any suggestions appreciated. Will have to live to be 300, but will never be bored!
I started writing about health, fitness, and weight loss earlier this year, with the hopes of developing a nice little side income. Most of what I had heard and read said to expect 2 years of hard work before earning a penny. So far the hard work has been enjoyable, and my site’s growth has been exponential. I think good things will come sooner than 2 years – only time will tell.
In the meantime, it keeps me focused on something I really enjoy, and away from the time suck of TV..!
This is the plan that worked for me. I started Anglotopia while working full time and did both simultaneously (much to my wife’s chagrin). The business grew on the side, making me less and less reliant on my full time job (and also as a corollary, care less about the job and the commute). When I was laid off unexpectedly, the very next day I had a full time job to go to, working for my own company and have been doing it ever since. Though, sometimes I think I was more productive when I had less time to work on my side business than I do now that it’s my full time gig…
I currently do work a full time job as a civil engineer. I love it. But I also have started a side business in photography. I agree that with the limited time that you have from working a normal full time job you do find yourself making sure to make the most of the time you have available. In my experience it does take time to adjust to having two jobs but I have also found that if you truly love both the adjustment period is not bad at all. You’ll just have to remind yourself to take baby steps, day by day, and you’ll get to your goals. Lastly I have also found that if you write down the task that you want to complete it helps a lot and most importantly revised as needed.
Yes, I’m working a full time job as well as my biz during my spare time. I’ve been given the motivation I need each time I read your essays. I’ve watched and participated on your growth over the last several years and am patiently waiting for the day when I can serve others full time as well. Thanks for the constant motivation.
Great advice Chris. For me one of the keys to starting my biz on the side is being able to say NO to work that’s not a great fit. When everything depends on bringing home some money through your business you can sometimes be forced into work that’s not ideal for you.
I’m grateful for the time to experiment and grow slowly while I figure out what works best. #lifeStoked
I’m in process of this now. I just went live with my pet project and for several months I’ve been scraping together minutes here and there to do this while giving my full time job the attention and the absolute best quality work that it deserves. And, we recently had a baby. I feel that if I can excel under these time constraints now, in the long run I will be much better because of it.
Yes – I actually worked as an accountant for a cool organic produce company while developing bookkeeping clients on the side. It worked well for me because I was able to hone my skills even more and get a regular paycheck until I had enough clients. Plus, my full-time job gave me more experience and more skills to bring to my new clients.
I did negotiate working 4-days per week, which still allowed me plenty of time to get my work done while having a day free each week. It worked out well!
I am doing this right now – I so feel like this post was written as a reminder to stay committed to what I’m doing. I am fortunate enough to do something that I am very passionate about (yoga + wellness) and am going to launch my first online program in the fall – all while holding down a challenging 9-5 job. The key as you mentioned is scheduling and making every second count. Thanks for the great content – love it all!
Yes. And one thing I’ve found essential to get over is seeing the full-time gig as an obstacle. Chris is great at pointing this out: What tools, skills, and connections is your full-time job giving to you? Even if it’s a difficult situation, there are things like Learning to work through conflict (an essential skill for entrepreneurs). I’ve wasted a lot of time seeing the full-time thing as the problem when it’s actually been an indispensable part of the process.
I’m doing this too — I read your book when it came out, got an idea just a few weeks ago, and have invested under $200 to get it off the ground. It’s going to be AWESOME, I guarantee it! It may not ever be lucrative, but it’s fun to have a hobby that might make money.
Yes! I am working to make my passion my career while holding down a full time job. I love the freedom it gives me to experiment with my side business until I find what feels right with zero risk. If something doesn’t work, on to the next thing. I am still getting paid and receiving benefits from my day job so it really takes the pressure off of trying to make my side gig fruitful right away.
I’ve done this too. I started my stationery company a few months ago, and am still working 9-5 at a home decor design company. It provides me a lot of variety, and surprisingly less stress then just working the 9-5 alone! I highly suggest getting started whenever the dream strikes, not later. Later never comes!
Artists have been doing the job juggle for centuries and I have added myself to the long list by including teaching in my art business.
When corporate downsizing landed on my desk this year, taking the hours from 35 to just 10 a week, the panic didn’t set in. I was ready.
My personal overhead was already at a minimum and was established with my art enough that I felt it would fill in the missing income. It did and more so, since there now were additional hours to focus on marketing.
There’s a song lyric I like: “Rescue is on the way. Look in the mirror”.
Even if you’re not planning on starting your own business, it’s a good idea to constantly acquire new skills (nice if your current employer pays for it) and build your network.
In 1994, I had been doing both things for several years. Working for NCR, I tried to convince them to use our vacant training rooms for additional income. I put together a business plan showing how it would be profitable, and the steps needed to promote a Technical Training business. -They were NOT interested.
Six months later, when I was laid off, I took the business plan I’d written and started my own company. (I was *not* debt-free and had $0 for investment, so it was a gutsy move.)
The first three months I made $500. I was scared to death, but spent 18 hours a day marketing and connecting with folks. By the end of six months, I’d made as much as my old management job at NCR. At the end of the first year, I doubled that amount. The next year I doubled *that*.
To be honest, I’ve never been so excited in my life! I couldn’t wait to wake up and often worked until midnight. I knew the only limits were the ones in my own mind.
Well, here it is, 2012 and it’s been quite a ride! And I’d do it all again!
This was the perfect read for today. I just spent all weekend setting up a side business, and there’s definitely no time for messing around! Thanks for the wisdom and encouragement!
I didn’t take this route (exactly). I quit my job as an executive director of a chamber music organization and actually began waiting tables at a deli. Big shift! You should have seen the looks on the faces of former board members when they’d come in and see me slinging coffee. But for me, I needed out of the environment I was in before I could have the energy to pursue my own passions. It certainly has NOT been easy. I long for stability and a regular paycheck but not as much as I long to fulfill my dreams. So I keep plugging away. I took the hard route financially but for me it has been worth it. So far at least 🙂
Now, I’m not waiting tables anymore. I’m making just barely enough as a freelance grantwriter to support my other more passionate endeavors that don’t make money – such as my blog and related projects. Because I work for myself, I have freedom from stress and what would otherwise be a pressing work schedule so that I can do what I really want.
Opportunity vs. Scarcity
Being a single dad that needed extra income, I started looking for a way out of the rat race a few years ago. I have been learning as much as I can to launch a business that I can do from virtually any part of the world. I wanted to make sure I wrote down my learnings so that people who aren’t ready to leave their job yet, they can definitely do it part time. Just search Second Job at Home I hope to be on the first page of google soon!!! Thanks for the inspirations
Thanks again for such thoughtful work.
Such timely advice Chris! EXACTLY the approach I’m taking right now!
While I really enjoy my day job, I know it’s not the end all, be all of my career. And working for “the man” never seems to get anyone ahead anyways.
So, while I’ve got the comfort and safety net of a steady full time job, I’m working on building a part time business through consulting, plus building my blog audience. Then, once my part time income surpasses my full time income (target: 18-24 months), time to pull the plug and dive in head first!
I am currently reading your book, and love this concept. We have to start doing instead of talking about it. Thanks for your encouragement!
It is amazing how many people out there don’t have any side projects or businesses they are working on. Tons of people watch hours upon hours of TV each week, complain about their job and money, and are all around miserable. Having something on the side will not only keep you sane but help in so many ways that you can’t realize until you do it.
I started a laser engraving business while working full time. It’s tough and often, you have very little time for anything else. Those time constraints really help you focus and be more efficient. Even if your business fails, the lessons you learn about productivity, business, and yourself will change your life.
When you can learn those lessons with a safety net (having a regular source of income), it is almost a crime not to do something… anything… just to see if you can. Why conform when you can be outstanding, unique, and remarkable.
@ Jennifer E. – would love to connect and hear your ideas about “exploring ways to blend my weaving/design/art with alternative architecture, wholistic health, organic gardening and spirituality passions”. I would have to change weaving to knitting creations but the rest is very similar. If interested in contact please email me. Was just going to put it here but probably not the best idea.
Chris, would you be willing to forward my email to Jennifer if she wants it? Thanks.
And just from reading these posts I have a new idea to run past my DH tonight! And that I won’t share just yet.
I totally recommend it. I started doing live caricature gigs on the side. I’m still working at my day job even though my side gig brings in just as much if not more income every month. Right now I’m able to manage both, and having that steady paycheck allowed me to experiment with a side gig that I wasn’t sure would work at first.
I can highly recommend this. Security lets you try ideas with a higher risk/reward ratio. I’m growing my side business while working a full-time job and my side business has grown (slowly) to 20% of my normal income. It only needs to reach 50% to becomes sustainable for my minimalistic lifestyle.
Something to keep in mind when considering starting a business to replace your current income is that you might be wise to re-evaluate your current lifestyle. If you make 100K in your current position, it will be much harder to replace your income while still working in your current job.
Reducing the cost of your lifestyle can be an incredibly difficult adjustment to make. You may have to do with fewer impulsive purchases. You may even have to (want to) move in order to pay less in mortgage/rent.
Imagine only having to replace 40K, instead of 100K. It won’t take as long. Plus, as soon as it is accomplished and you are able to go fulltime in your business, you’ll be able to grow much faster.
A wonderfully timely post for me, and good to see so many people in the comments making this strategy work.
I am reading “The $100 Startup” for the second time, this time making notes and my personal index. I have managed to negotiate flexible hours in my regular job that I love so much; and started working on my web site during my free time. My plan is to continue with my job until the on-line business produces sufficient income on a regular basis.
Thanks for the many great thoughts and practical ideas you have included throughout the book. It is an invaluable gift to the aspiring entrepreneurs.
Like many others here, I recommend starting something on the side and gradually dropping back the full time ‘job’. Having tried it both ways having a steady stream of income coming in to pay the bills is less stressful. What I have also found is that doing what I love outside of work gives me the energy to turn up each day in a job that is well, a job.
I need help. I want to start a side business of wellness consulting for men who are over 40 and need practical help with fitness, nutrition and stress management.
I have a particular angle of helping people prepare for adventure races like Tough Mudder and Spartan. Any additional suggestions on how to go about that would be very much appreciated. Thanks!
I work a regular job with benefits / standard hours and focus more on my music blog. I haven’t really monetized yet, but it’s allowed me to travel to shows, learn the industry, meet awesome people and have incredible experiences. I think more important than “starting a business” and making money right away, it’s important to pursue things outside of your regular job if this is not your passion.
Two years out of school working as an analyst for a large corporation. Two months into running my own business, Edge Gaming, which aims to make a new type of game (initially for smart phones and tablets), one that is as mentally stimulating as it is addictive. I’m really excited about the opportunity to change the role of games in learning, too. I work my ass off but I won’t stop until I get to the next benchmark (and then I’ll make a new one). I love what I do and have great family and friends to support me.
This is exactly what I’ve done and have been helping corporate women do as well. Job security doesn’t exist anymore and with years of experience or a passion to do what you love it only makes sense to start a business on the side. It’s entirely possible and if there’s a will there’s a way!
Great post Chris–thanks so much.
I am doing this right now! (trying 🙂
One thing I’ve found that’s helpful is negotiating a 4-10 work agreement with my boss, rather than working 5 days, 8 hours a day.
The biggest advantage is that I now have an entire day to work on my business.
If you guys think you can swing it, you might find this helpful as well!
I started my business as an illustrator/ artist while working in IT full time & studying (I still work part time in IT, I enjoy it as much as my painting). It just seemed like a natural progression to start being paid for painting stuff I was normally doing anyway. I like the security of knowing I have a steady paycheck & I like being able to turn down work that I may otherwise have to take if I was reliant on my art. I’m even finding that stuff I’ve done while building/ maintaining my web based business is now coming in handy in the day job. I have a broader appreciation for consuming some of the tools we develop in my IT job. I also like the fact that when I got sick I could shut down parts of my business, yet still maintain a web presence so I could pick things up again when I started getting better. It gives you flexibility.
The main thing I struggle with is making sure I leave enough time for myself. It’s easy to try and spend every spare minute on the side business.
@Rose: I am inspired by you. What a courageous path!
I just finished reading your book and it has really inspired me to do what I love! I work in EMS. I work crazy hours and often work on holidays, weekends, and birthdays. Time for a change. I have really accomplished a lot this past week making display pieces for a craft show and to put on a website. Super excited to see what my future holds and hopefully not be tied down by EMS.
I work for myself, and have for quite a while now. Like Chris says, as you explore your options, you will also discover new options. You learn to see opportunities where before there were obstructions. You develop a way of seeing the world that does not look for open doors, but for doors that are a bit ajar.
I practice Chinese medicine, but in the process I’ve learned a thing or two about getting my website onto the first page of Google. One day I woke up and realized that I have a unique skill for a particular market. Us acupunks are usually notoriously bad at both computers and marketing. I figured out how to dial it in, and I’m not really technically oriented either. I can teach this and help others!
So there it is. A skill I did not realize I had can really help to serve my community. I would have never thought of it if I had tried. It’s just a matter of paying attention to how you can help, and then jumping in! Thanks Chris for the reminder to take notice of my own unique skills.
I’m still a full-time professor while I’ve been working on my business on the side – it’s an extension of what I teach every day, and it’s helping me in my teaching, too. I could leave behind all of the university work, except that I know I would miss being in the classroom. I recently took a sabbatical and got to experience working on my biz close to full-time, and I really missed teaching… I think I need to begin to use my business’ leverage to help me to be at my job less rather than leaving. My students really keep me engaged, and I don’t want to let that go!
In starting my side business, I learned that I could do my “real” job in MUCH less time. Being forced to carefully schedule my day opened my eyes to how much more I could get done in a short period of time.
I’m working on this right now. I’ve set an end date when I want to be out of my current job and working for myself at home. I try to use my lunch hour to work on different tasks.
Why shouldn’t entrepreneurs have full-time jobs?
I see the full-time work exchange for an employer a valid approach to building a business. Yes, it constrains time available for building your own business, but, there are benefits, too: building specific skills, using the paycheck to work toward other specific goals.
I think the nature of work is shifting enough that people will increasingly be less likely to view self-employment/full-time employee as an either/or proposition. Moreover, I hope entrepreneurs do not view themselves as “failures” because they decide to work for someone else. In reality, we all work for someone else—whether we call them “boss” or “clients/customers”.
I juggled between a 9-5 job and my own work for almost 5 years. That was pretty hard time for me and my family. I used to catch sleep while commuting to and from work. Eventually, it passed. Now, I am my own boss and although I still put monstrous hours at work, I am satisified that I am not working my back off, making someone else rich.
Just wanna say: GREAT BOOK!
Great article. And I like how you have taken the idea that working a full-time job is a handicap and turned it around. A person really doesn’t have to work 8 hours a day at something to really get it going. A lot of that time turns out to be fluff anyway. I’ve found that I am really productive for about four hours each day and then it is time to go on to something else.
I would add that when considering a part-time project, keep the customer/client in mind. We often think about the things WE can do or WE are good at but that can end up sending us into a spiral of perceived value that gets us drunk on our own voice. Rather, making others feel good, easing their hunger, teaching them something valuable, sharing something that makes their lives or processes easier should be a major focus. This translates to all three areas you mentioned and will create a business that will stand the test of time.
Thanks again for the article.
This makes sense and is a good way to start your business. It’s tought in the boardgame Cashflow101 – where you only leave your job once your business and passive income matches your outgoings and you can afford to quit.
Exactly what I want to do! 40+ hours a week I’m a Dental Assistant, wife and mom…… The hardest part though is deciding on which passion and or skill to follow through with.
I have shared this post with so many friends! It clearly addresses a key concern of many people and you do an awesome job laying out all the resources needed to take the first steps. Thanks Chris!
It appears many people often rely on job security without having a backup plan in place once they become comfortable in their current occupation. I do work a full time position and I know my job is secured but my online businesses are more enjoyable then my desk job. I put in long hours at work only to come home and put in long hours on my side projects with the belief that eventually all my work in the end will pay off.
@ Rose: I really appreciate every comment posted to this blog and all those who took the time write about this… I was starting to feel very weary in my quest; it’s so good to know I’m not alone in daring to live life boldly and adventurously, even if there may be those around you who just don’t get it. Thank you especially to Rose; you have no idea how your comment has related to me. Keep Going and I’m so Proud of you!!!
You’re right – the same processes and efforts are required, whether you start a business full-time or build it up from a side venture. Determination and effort and universal.
Nice advice, this is one of my goals for 2013, start a business while keeping my full time job. In the process I’ll try to keep the advanced in my blog.
Greetings from Costa Rica!
I’m working at home the same time I’m working my full-time job, the only problem I’m encountring with this is that I’m taking too small steps towards finishing my own projects because of the limited time I have.
Thanks for the article
I think it’s essential to take baby steps first (like finding a small secondary income stream)-use that to build/fund a savings account (enough for a year or two of living expenses if needed). Gradually build that to cover just enough of your expenses should you lose your job, then get another small income going (and do the same thing on that). Just focus on one thing at a time and you’ll be fine.
I am starting up my own business while attending school. I can say that starting my own company is taking up all of my free time and my major (school ) time. But I know that my company’s purpose will help the working class all around the world, and not only that but I hope that my company will be able to be profitable. I want to be financial independent and I’m inspired to read all of your stories. I just wish that my body can follow the stress and the lack of sleep in order to make my company successful.
p.s. I plan on going to shark tank if I need investors to help move my company globally 🙂
Yes, I my in my initial stage of starting own business.but I m confused wether to quit job and fully focus on my business.because I will doing only business after some times than y not quit job now only. Any one can guide me please?
I see tons of blogs about starting a side business but have yet to see one about starting a full time business. I am attempting to start an 8-5 B2B service business while keeping my 8-5. If I don’t keep my 8-5 I can’t finance the startup and want to keep this a bootstrapped business. Maybe no one blogs about it because it’s an insane idea? Here’s to hoping I have hired the right people to run the show during the day until we become profitable enough that I can come on board.
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Hi all.
I am already working 2 jobs. My main source of income is coming from full time employment, working for my brother. The other, is running a karaoke and disco show at weekends. I am finding this hard, keeping the 2 jobs going but I really need to move on from under my brother’s wing. therefore I am at the very early stages of setting up my own full time business where, my efforts are appreciated. I feel a little beat down by my brother knocking my confidence day in and day out, as he, I believe, feels threatened by my departure. I really need help with finding time to set up initial processes for the new business as I work Monday to Saturday in full time employment for him and then some Thursday and Friday nights and every Saturday night of the month. Anybody have any idea how to achieve the best way of creating the time to do this please?
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