Hey, Everyone: The Book Is Out! I’m On the Road!

Update: Because of readers like you, The Happiness of Pursuit is now a New York Times bestseller!
The day has come!
Live from New York City, I’m somewhat happy incredibly thrilled to publish my new book, The Happiness of Pursuit.
- Order from Amazon.com
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- Ask at your local bookstore
This book represents the culmination of a ten-year odyssey to every country in the world—but it doesn’t end there. As I approached the end of the journey, I spent two additional years researching and interviewing other people who have undertaken a quest.
My goal was to tell the stories of those who have done amazing things, extracting their lessons and seeking to understand how the rest of us can apply them.
Make no mistake, though: the book isn’t an anthropological study. It has a clear message and agenda: quests can bring meaning and purpose to our lives.
Join Me at Reader Events in 40+ Cities… Starting Tonight!
If you’re in North America, I’d love to see you on the road! I’ll be visiting at least 40 cities over the next two months, starting tonight in Brooklyn (represent!) and continuing almost every day to a different stop.
Get free tickets to all events here.
If you’re outside of the U.S. and Canada, you’re not left out—we plan to announce more international dates soon, including India and Australia to start.
But Wait! One More Thing
This blog and my other projects have been a success because of YOU, the readers. Whatever success this book has will be a direct result of you guys spreading the word. For that, I’m eternally grateful.
While I’m on the road, I’ll continue to post here every day. Thank you so much! The best is yet to come… but this is pretty good.
Question: Where are you reading AONC from? Let me know!
I’m in Athens, Greece. It’d be great if you made it out here sometime!
Kindle version just purchased. I’ll be reading it at home in Sulaymaniya, Kurdistan/Iraq. You have an open invitation here 😉
Excited for this day. I’ll spend the afternoon reading it.
And I’ll definitely share it in my spanish community. Wishing you the best, man!
Stoked for the new book to arrive in my mail box. Reading from Guelph, ON, Canada.
I’ve purchased the Kindle version and will be reading in Orlando, FL. I wish I could make it to your Tampa event but won’t be able to get there in time after my work day is over.
Got it coming in today, best of luck with the launch, Chris!
Already reading my copy in La Quinta CA and it’s giving me ideas!
Montréal ! Or Vancouver would work too 😉 But Montréal !
Still reading your 100$ Startup book here in the Maldives. Love AONC, thank you 🙂
I’m in Perez Zeledon, Costa Rica…Pura Vida!
Congrats on the book launch, Chris. That too on my birthday! One of notest birthday gifts, ever.
I’ve finished reading the pre-launch copy, and it was awesome. I now have an itch to start on a quest of my own.
I’m writing from Delhi, India. If you have a book launch event here, let me know. I’d love to help out as a volunteer here.
LOVE this book. Was lucky enough to read an advanced copy and the book inspired me to up my goals. I have a few pursuits like visiting all National Parks in the US but I never put a time line on it. As I flew with Southwest over the Labor Day weekend I thought…how cool would it be to fly to all destinations that Southwest goes to in a crazy short time like a week or two. My brain is now spinning with ideas…thanks Chris!
ABSOLUTELY LOVE THE HAPPINESS OF PURSUIT!! Just finished the advanced copy the publisher kindly sent me.
All I can think about are two thoughts I’ve had in my head for years:
1. compete a triathlon (need to learn to swim first)
2. disrupt the women’s fitness industry (move over advertisers)
Just got my notification that my book has shipped! I will see you in Calgary, Alberta! Dress warm – we had snow this week. eek.
We will be reading in Edmonton, AB in our book club this year! See you in Edmonton!
Congratulations Chris! I’m reading from Berlin, Germany, and am happily spreading the word 🙂 GO GO GO!
I’m in Christchurch, New Zealand, and am so excited for you and the book and your future adventures spreading this message. Would love to see you down here if it suited!
Hi Chris,
I managed to finish the advance copy you sent me while on the Disney Cruise in the Mediterranean (and finding my name in the book was a pleasant surprise :P).
The book is wonderful and I already started recommending it to others. All the best with the launch!
Congrats Chris! So damn excited and happy for you. I’m in Boston, MA and have already read the book due to an advanced copy sent to me after attending WDS. Such a awesome and inspiring book. Love it! See you in Brookline, MA on your book tour…. Cheers!
Congrats, Chris! This is a much-needed message.
I think I need a quest. I’m looking forward to reading your new book from here in Auckland, New Zealand (come visit!!)
From Singapore…
Kailua, Hawai’i – and hopefully Honolulu is on your tour list (although we may only have 2 bookstores left on island). Congratulations!
Cape Town, South Africa. (represent!)
Congrats, Chris! Looking forward to seeing you in Denver!
I’m in Lviv, Ukraine currently.
See you in Toronto on October 10th 🙂
Hi Chris,
I got your book yesterday ! Read it last night !!! Loved it! Looking forward to seeing you in Houston next week.
I’m still waiting for my preorder from bookdepository. Will be reading in Singapore.
Congrats Chris!
Sunny Queensland Australia 🙂 Wish the book tour was coming here but at least we can read your beautiful words no matter where you are!
Reading from Phoenix. Seventy pages in and looking foward to your visit in Arizona in October.
I’m reading in Canberra, Australia 🙂
Waiting in anticipation for amazon delivery in Yorkshire England. Need inspiration!
Tweeted my local bookstore in Somerville, MA and they set aside a copy for me~ So excited to start reading. I know it’s not an anthropological study, but as an anthropologist, the resemblance is welcome!
Bought the book on Kindle the day it came out. Am loving it! Howdy from the Midwest!
Got it last night at B&N!!
Was right there in the front shelf, so excited about this one Chris, happy to spread the word, thank youuu!!
From cloudy Munich, Germany. Hope to see you there, too 🙂
YES! Been anticipating the arrival of this book and hoping to catch you in SF! Congratulations.
I’m so excited to be getting on a plane tonight by myself with my fresh copy of the new book to be cracked open – the perfect place to read it in my opinion! See you in Vancouver!
As soon as Scott Dinsmore shared his blog comment I bought my copy from the local store!!! It will be great to read during my next holidays in a weeks time!! Well done.
Hey Chris! See you soon in Miami! 😀
Greetings from London! Reading it on Kindle, bought it yesterday and already on 33%! So inspiring!
Thank you
Thrilled to get this as a surprise gift in my mailbox today. I’m one of those classic horror stories managers tell their employees, “She quit to start her own business and then got cancer.” I may be down, but I’m not dead yet. No matter how long I have left, no matter how much pain, I am determined to focus on what matters to me each day. It’s been awhile since I read AONC, so I’m looking forward to getting another good dose of inspiration. Thank you!
Chris, you’re amazing! Congratulations. I just finished reading the book.. can’t explain all I’m feeling at the moment.. but excitement is one of them. Thank you for your work!!
Thank you for the advanced copy. Received it today. Really looking forward to spending my weekend learning about others’ pursuits and journeys while trying to bring some clarity to my own.
Read it in San Ramon, Martinez, Fort Bragg and Danville – carried it around with me for a few days. 🙂 Great Read, Great Inspiration; Great Blueprint for a QUEST!
Reading, enjoying and being inspired in Boston, MA! See you tonight, brotha’!
My wife and I have spent the last three days reading your book together on our computer. Wow! We both are inspired by the book. We have visited 48 states, met in Saudi Arabia, taught school in American Samoa. Have visited 14 counties and lived in 3 of them. Our three boys have worked in 11 counties as a missionary and architect. We are in our 70’s. Just sold her mothers house and moved into a one room apartment. We have spent the last 20 years taking care of our aged mothers who have now passed on to the other side. We are brainstorming what we want to do with the rest of our life and making a bucket list of possible quests. I write a survival blog and would like to make lots of money to finance some “change the world” projects. Your long time follower Wyman
About half way through the book. Brazos County, Texas. Maybe my idea to visit every county in Texas and write about the historic courthouses, and the historic geology, and pick up a few pretty rocks, counts as a quest.
Thought I’d lost my brain, though, when I got the book. Tried to remember when I’d ordered it. Then it occured to me to look at the invoice. Doh!
Thanks, Chris. What a nice gift!
Excellent beach read. Ready to chart my quest. Thanks for the inspiration!!
Portland, Oregon! I moved there recently, and that made it possible for me to attend my first WDS!
Doing a road trip in the Midwest (Oconomowoc today) with Goldie, my beloved Australian Sheppard. Just got the audiobook version. I am half way through it. Great refocus tool with lots of inspiration! Love it! Will be finished in time for the Milwaukee Book Signing. See you there. Sue
Phoenix, AZ
You shared a very inspiring message in Nashville last night Chris! Thanks and I bought the book.
Just can’t put this book down! The inspiration just pours from every page urging me to ask, “What’s my quest?”
Love it! Thank you Chris for the tons of inspiration and concrete action steps to follow a quest– or in my case, to first just start feeling like my life is worthy of following a dream!
Bought the book at Sydney airport (Australia) this morning around dawn. Read about a third on a flight to the outback. Can’t put it down! Can’t wait to find my own unique adventure.
Chris I am almost finished reading your book. I am so loving it. Very wise and inspirational!I read at night in bed and I feel like I’m going on an adventure every night. I know, doesn’t say much for my love life, but I do LOVE your book! 🙂
Reading in Missouri…Love that my quest need not be huge to change my world. Challenging and exciting works for me. Thanks for the inspiration!
As a Kiwi presently in North Carolina, i have lived in 13 countries, sailed across the pacific twice, all through the Caribbean, both US coastllines, around the Baja, been shipwrecked in a hurricane in the Bermuda Triangle, held hostage, thrown out of Central America, and numerous other adventures; I am finally writing The Book. yet still, at 66 I hunger for more.
Your own stories remind me that its so easy to let go nd fly into the unknown, so congrats on the new book, I have it ordered, and when its my turn to do the book tours, i’ll let you know.
Thanks always for sharing your journeys and those of others.
Got your 3rd book last Wed via Amazon pre-order then had to travel 3 days but took it with me figured needed to read 30 pgs a day will finish appendix in morning
So will see you tomorrow 2:00 pm at Brazos Bookshop in Houston TX
again after being there for your 2nd book $100Startup when I brought cupcakes
(Coz couldn’t talk the cupcake trailer to come park out front)
and was 1 of 2 people who drove the farthest *me from Lafayette LA then but now I’m hr 1/2 out of town for this drive in
Am still bummed I was not still in Norway when you finished or I would of flown from Stavanger to Oslo for The End of the World
Forget first heard of you being on a Mercy ship with my expat friend Reka whom I met at Red Cross in Stavanger Norway tho she’s from Hungary & now in the UK with new hubby she met on another Mercy ship to Africa
Sorry sounds like life story revolved around your books
Tomorrow I will bring my book & possibly gf muffins (there’s been a diet change) & seeds of quests & be ready to hear more stories!!
Thank you ox
Sharon not in a Volvo
I did read also read your 1st book AONC there in Norway & took a photo of it by grafitti wall in Stavanger Sentrum that is no longer there after the latest Streetart Festival
(it’s a book edged in neon green post it notes)
And I’ve counted up my countries to just 20 & they were not even a quest? ! 😉
Congrats on the new book, Chris! I love the premise and have enjoyed what I have read so far. I had a great time at an event for The $100 Startup and would love to attend an event for this book as well to connect with you and the rest of the community. On the map, I see 2 events in Philly (but only 1 tour date), 2 in New York (but also only 1 date) and 1 in Pittsburgh (with no date). Are there events that have not yet made it on the calendar or are the duplicates on the map a mistake?
Hope to see you soon and congratulations on another milestone!
Hello Chris,
Looking forward to meeting you tonight in Tempe, AZ.
Just received “The Happiness Of Pursuit” (2 copies) and am half way through it. The book is
very motivational and inspiring! I really connected with the “Quest” vs “A Goal or Project” Idea.
A Quest being something you can’t stop thinking about.
Love your quest and your writing.
Also…just received “The $100 startup” & “The Art of Non-Conformity”.
Looking forward to reading all three books!
So nice to see you in person. You share simple truths that are nonetheless not always simple to find on our own. Thanks!
Reading in the quiet sunlight of the Ozark Mountains, Eureka Springs, Arkansas.
I am writing from Austin, Texas. I was surprised to catch you on Morning Joe last week, but unfortunately, I missed you at my neighborhood bookstore. My copy of “The Happiness of Pursuit” just arrived and I cannot put it down. I wish you the best of luck with the book tour. Thanks!
Just finished the book The Happiness of Pursuit. I decided to take action on a dream I’ve had for some time… Cook and host dinners at my house to promote unique networking events where the guests share the cost of the food and I donate my time and talents…. I’m calling it Six at 7. I have a small table. Thank you for the nudge! 🙂 I’m looking forward to attending your book tour in Milwaukee!!!!
Thank you, Chris! For telling your story, inspiring others and creating a community! A friend of mine saw that I was at the book event in Boston and connected me to someone she knew who was just at the Austin event! We are now in conversations and already talking about how excited we are to meet in Portland for WDS 2015. So awesome how it all comes together…with you right in the center as a catalyst!
Hey Chris, great seeing you in Miami. Although I’m still in the midst of reading the book, I’m more inspired chapter by chapter! Sometimes I think just surviving my current mid-life crisis/reinvention is a quest in itself, but I’m also definitely feeling a call to something more defined, specific and purposeful.
Just wanted to wish you smooth travels, great connections, stamina and abundant synchronicities as you continue your book tour. And congrats on hitting the NYT bestseller list! We’re all behind you, keep lighting the way.
Congratulations on your new book’s best-seller status! I plan to buy it for my husband. He is once again unemployed and searching to find his purpose. I think your stories will help him appreciate the journey. Thanks for your insight and posts. I read them when I can and try to catch up often! Have a great time on tour!
Sydney, Australia!
Hi Chris,
Thanks for including me in your book. Now come to Istanbul, there are people here who would love to see you!
Looking forward to meeting you tonight in San Francisco! Writing from San Mateo, just a little bit south of SFO!
Chris it was great to meet you on the 12th in Brookline. I just finished reading the Happiness of Pursuit. I have also read the 100 dollar startup which has gotten my writing career started and also another business opportunity. In two weeks i will be off to South Korea for the fifth time and will bring back some artwork. Keep up the good work.
LOVE the book!!! Saw it on Oprah email and went to the bookstore that day – could tell I would love it just by the title — read half of it the first day and can’t put it down. There IS Happiness in Pursuit. Love the way you are helping others find their Quest by taking out the heavy weight of having to answer what your “purpose” is and simply doing something that delights you – in a measurable way, with a goal and a timeline. Thank you for sharing this great book!
Princeton, NJ
Just finished reading your book in Urmond, the Netherlands. Now in the thought process of finding a quest.
On the beautiful Canadian prairies here in Winnipeg, Manitoba!
Loved the book. Resonated with several of the quests and sparked some serious thinking about the journey.
Reading it in the Big Easy, New Orleans. Plotting my epic quest as I type.
I am in Scottsdale, AZ and just finished the book. See you tomorrow night at Changing Hands Books in Tempe.
Thank the inspiring and encouraging words in your new book. They reminded me that the quest I took on to encourage Christian boys and men (in the midst of cultural or Christian masculinity stereotypes) is a worthy pursuit. They must hear from someone that they are NOT a male fail. I was also reminded to not give up when it starts getting hard. The pursuit will be worth the hard work, criticism, and sacrifice and part of the blessing is the journey itself.
Thanks again!
Started and completed The Happiness of Pursuit in Singapore in 2 weeks, re-reading it again because it’s just THAT good! Safe travels on your book tour, Chris!
In Lahore, Pakistan. I found out about AONC on Facebook years ago and have been a subscriber since, and read the $100 Start Up. I continue to be intrigued how you managed to visit Karachi without a visa.
I am Taj, currently living in KL, Malaysia. I bought your book THE HAPPINESS OF PURSUIT last week from MPH Bookstore @ Mid Valley Shopping center. Loving it 🙂
Would love to meet you in your next trip to Malaysia / Asia
Hey Chris,
The book is awesome……each page inspires me……awesome
Just fantabulous
Montreal reader here. Would love to host an event / reading if you’re interested.
My copy arrived yesterday in the afternoon, I started reading today (while I was sitting in a university course) and I left because I couldn’t stop reading 😀
I’m from Essen, Germany – while I was reading I thought about quitting University and going to hit the road… Do you think it’s possible to earn enough money on the road to keep doing it as long as possible?
Hello Chris
I have just finished your latest book , I have to say I have found it very thought provoking at the age of 59 and now looking at what do I do when my job comes to an end in approximately seven years from now . The answer is stairing me in the face , I create a project the will give me enjoyment and an income.
Keep up the good work
Wow.. wonderful book. I am reading this book from Sammamish, WA (Seattle suburb). Hope our paths will cross and we will meet in the coming years.
I’m in Kansas City, and I just finished the book (after also reading The Art of Non-Conformity). Both books inspired me enough to get my Guillebeau on and register for the World Domination Summit in July 2015! I’m experiencing a huge shift in my personal and professional life and this seems like the perfect time to take on a quest of some sort…hope I can figure out exactly what that is! 🙂
Greetings!I have just finished reading the book earlier today. Talk about checking out the right book from our local library after spending the December in the Philippines! I have not been back since we left for the US in 1997. My goal was to keep a journal throughout my stay and perhaps gather enough writing to accomplish a book but since things got really busy in the spirit of Christmas, I spent much more time outbound! I flew back home on New Year’s Eve morning. From leaving hot and humid Manila heading back to hot and arid Los Angeles, I figured it was best to just wear a pair of shorts and a hoodie. My connecting flight was at Incheon, arriving early morning at 4:30am (Korean time), anxious and hoping to tackle how far I could go in the city of Seoul, I was ready to live for the day along with my remaining $40 but unfortunately, I had to pull back and stay inside the airport because it started snowing lightly around 8:00am. Have I not been an obvious amateur traveler, overlooking a weather check, I could have turned a 10-hour lay-over into a half-day adventure instead! But hey, thanks to your book, I’m able to consider adding that to my unfinished journal!
Just finished reading it last night and am sad it’s over! What an inspiring read. While reading it I decided to walk 1000 miles in 2015. I plan on using this goal to motivate me to dream up a bigger quest. Thank you for sharing your story and those of many other incredible people!
Excellent book! Writing from Elkhart, IN.. The most beautiful place I’ve ever been to was the rice terraces in the mountains of the Philippines! For your young readers, become a Rotary exchange student for a year and experience the joy of learning a new culture. I will always be grateful for that springboard into adulthood.
Thank you for your book.
I just finished reading the Happiness of Pursuit. It inspired me to push myself beyond what is easy. I am visually impaired and quickly losing my remaining vision. I never let this stop me, but sometimes I feel like some of my goals might just be too hard to achieve, such as travelling lots of places, becoming a public speaker/motivational, etc., but everything is really possible. I especially loved the story about the guy living out his wife’s list after she died, and of course as a nonprofit director the person who learned about and donated to 365 charities in one year. Great book and keep inspiring people to live to their potential.
In Japan, enjoying kindle version, first saw you on Jonathan Fields interview, love your work.
Maynooth, Ontario, Canada……Great read! An inspiration for me to refocus on a personal quest that has gotten sidetracked the past few years. Thanks Chris.
Thanks to you, I was able to take a new step.I enjoy the quest
I read 1/3rd of book in library so my brother decided to gift me from crossroad.This book is like silver lining in sky to me when I am in trouble it gives me inspiration.I have quests and i am happy.love it.
I’m reading in Brisbane, Australia, where I bought the THoP at Dymocks the other day! So hope you’re coming to Brizvegas! LOVE the book so far! THANK YOU! ☺
Calgary, Alberta on a Kindle
I’m reading from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada 🙂 I’ve read the hapiness of pursuit. It’s incredibily inspiring… i will be reading your other ones also!
Thanks for your motivation 🙂
Reading the book now on phone with my kindle app in the south of France next to the pool 😉 I am an expat living in Madrid but originally from Paris. I have already done my first life passion and achieved it so I needed to find a new pursue… great book!
I heard about you from our country’s traveller(he is not so famous as you but he is young enough to visit all countries of the world). I am a woman from Lithuania and like travelling very much. Started from 16, now I am 41 and travel with my son(he started from 3 years). My purpose is to see not all world but as much as I will be able. I wish you good luck in your life’s journey!
Greetings from Taiwan~
Your works are awesome, and I just finished reading one of them!! It encourages me a lot!!! Just want to say thank you for that!
Wish you all the best!!
I should’ve listened to Jacob’s review in the front cover that this book will leave us away from complacency and mediocrity. Now I can’t get the idea of travel to every province in my country out of my head. Chris, thank you for such an inspiration!
I was in search for a book to take with me in my flight back to Norway. And as I went inside a bookstore here in the Philippines, there it was, a book that seemed to talk to me. I flipped through pages and I knew that I have to have it. The Happiness of Pursuit is really an eye-opener for me. Thank you Chris!!!!
Hey Chris, I’m really enjoying your 📖 n hv recommended to a few youngsters n m sure it’d inspire them to soar higher themselves! I’ve left my full time job in London more than 3 yes ago to pursue my quest where I’ve worked in nearly 30 countries n seeing n experiencing things enriched my life beyond words…
I always luv your books particularly this one.. It’s an eye-opening..
My daughter gave me your book because she knows how pumped I get about making progress toward my big goals. One of those big goals is to hike the entire Pacific Crest Trail, which extends 2650 miles from Mexico to Canada. Because I can’t just leave my family and business for 4-5 months to do it in one fell swoop, I am doing it in sections. Each Spring and Summer I try to knock out 200-250 miles. It’s a quest, broken into manageable pieces, but a quest nonetheless. I also enjoy writing. So, I have taken up writing novels and am trying to publish at least one per year. Another quest. I find joy in pursuing these big goals, though most people I talk to just don’t get it, at least not completely. You, I think, truly get it.
Just read the book. I am currently in Atyrau, Kazakhstan working but reside in beautiful Victoria BC Canada. There’s always been a nagging voice in back of my mind to walk across Canada on the Great Canadian Trail. I turn 50 this year in September and though I’ve led an adventurous life up to now…this has always called to me for as long as I can remember. Thanks for the book and inspiration. I’m due for an epic challenge to suck the fat off my soul as they say.
Hey Chris and Community!
Just read the book (I know, I’m a little behind the times).
I was flying from Toronto to Amsterdam (I’m Canadian but I live in Germany) and I’m planning a quest of my own! In October I’ll be running from Amsterdam to Athens in 40 days to raise money for charity. So when I was casually looking at books in the airport and saw “The Happiness of Pursuit” the timing was perfect. Loved the book! If anyone would like to follow my 40 day journey across Europe you can find me on Instagram @fraserchamberlain
Happy Quest-ing!
I saw this book in a local bookstore here in Manila while I was looking for some business book or inspirational book. It was the lone copy on shelf and good thing I got it! I’m halfway through the book and so far it’s been so inspiring. I can pretty much relate as I have this goal to travel 50 countries before I turn 50 and 35 provinces before I turn 35. 35 provinces is kinda tough because I live in a country with 7, 107 islands. But this book is giving me ideas and confidence that I can complete it!
P. S. I was looking for $100 Startup but couldn’t find one in any bookstore I’ve visited. Finally I’m getting a pre-loved copy on Monday.
This is a good and engaging topic. I enjoyed reading this article. I am waiting for new updates from you.
He leído el libro “Tu Sueño Hecho Realidad”, una maravillosa colección de historias de personajes encontrados en distintos rincones del mundo que nos motivan a desarrollarnos por completo, a dejar de postergar nuestros sueños.
mmm ….
i think it should be gooooood book .
i am interested to bu it soon 🙂
Hello, reading books in my free time is my hobby, this is an opportunity for self-development, since I work a lot and at the university there is nothing interesting for me yet, to complete written assignments I use various services, I recommend you in my profile to link to a trusted resource with a review of the popular highly-rated writing service Writemypaper4me, which contains all the most important and relevant information about the function, service, offers, price, answers to frequently asked questions and customer reviews. I use these services often, I am always satisfied, try it too, good luck!
Hey Chris Guillebeau
How are you? I’m writing to talk about the way that the book had on some days quite an effect on me. I realized my own sort of longish road as I wrote for 10 years…… to develope a book. The book is now in print. I am slowly enjoying when persons happen to read it. It was a long process. I know that some days there were times I feared it would be lost. There were likely times when I prefferred to keep it to myself. But the success of seeing the successes of it in print are really heart warming. 10 years…… of eating, walking, working….. 10 years of writing…… and there it is … it’s called … Marcella’s Season of Healing… a story about people helping people in a caring and loving way. By Melanie Knapp
I enjoyed your happiness of pursuit book. What a wonderful quest! My partner and I are currently on a quest to visit all the sites listed in the National Park Service( NPS). This includes all the National Parks and many very interesting sites rich with history. Many of them are surprisingly interesting, sites I would not have sought out except for the NPS list but enjoyed much more than I expected. We sold our house and moved into an RV in order to be able to afford to help my daughter attend University. Why not see the sights while we are untethered? We had to pivot some when Covid lockdowns happened so we set up in my sister’s basement in North Carolina and visited all the 41 parks in NC. When things opened up we went back to the NPS list.
Additional quests for me include going to all 50 states( completed) and going to all the continents
( ongoing). I love your every country quest so much that when we complete the NPS list I might try your quest. I have already been to 24 countries so off to a good start. I am 64 and my partner is 77 years old. I think the travel keeps us healthier than a sedentary lifestyle.
My only income is social security so we have to pace ourselves but it’s surprising how much you can do with out in order to quest ( and to keep your child from crippling college debt).
I am reading your book The Happiness of Pursuit. It is a very nice book that I read. I like it very much and hoping to see you in Sichuan Province, China.
I haven’t even finished your book yet but I’ve already started planning one quest, to visit every state park in Washington state (and former state parks AND counties with no state parks), of which there are about 165. At least one a week for the next year or two. After that, on to national parks and landmarks (there are 423…wish me luck).
This book is not only inspiring, it’s incredibly emotional for me seeing people successfully pursue dreams and goals. I’ve cried/teared up on almost every personal story. Thank you for compiling this and for helping inspire anyone who reads this.
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