Get Your First 1,000 Email Subscribers

UPDATE: This presentation is over, but you can still get a FREE 30-day trial for the service.
Also known as: Why I Fired My Email List Provider
For more than 8 years I used the same email provider. At one time, long ago, they were the best in the business. As the years went by, they became… well, definitely not the best. I had countless frustrations, including one time where the whole system was down for several days and the company only acknowledged the disaster after people complained.
Still, I resisted change, because change is hard—or so I thought. Over the past few years, a good friend of mine named Nathan Barry has been developing a new service that promised to fix many of the frustrations I had with the larger company that slowly declined over time.

I was skeptical at first, because, well, change is hard. But I finally decided to give Nathan’s service a try, and I was impressed right away. It’s much, much better than every other service I’ve seen, and depending on how you use it, it can be cheaper too.
I finally fired the company I’d paid a lot of money to over the eight years. I’m still in the process of moving everything over, but as of now more than 80% of my email lists are on the new service. I’m a paying customer, and a happy one.
Nathan and I will be giving a free presentation on how to get your first 1,000 subscribers.

The presentation will demonstrate his email service, but you don’t have to use it to benefit from the presentation. I’ll share what I’ve learned in 8 years of blogging and building email lists of well over 100,000 people.
If you already have an email list provider, maybe you’ll do what I did and fire them. But even if not, you should still learn something from the presentation. They’ll also be giving away free stuff… because who doesn’t like free stuff?
Link: Get Your First 1,000 Email Subscribers