Special Broadcast from the End of the World

Dear friends and readers,
Last week I made it to Norway, my final country after more than a decade of going everywhere.
Such an occasion deserved to be shared, so that’s just what we did. First, a group of 16 friends, family members, and readers joined Jolie and me for a two-day tour from Oslo to Bergen.
Last night, we were joined by approximately 120 other friends and readers (from 18 countries!) for a grand celebration in Oslo. You can see a few photos below (click to enlarge) or more over here.

This weekend was the culmination of an 11-year odyssey. In 2002 I moved overseas and began working in West Africa.
A few years later, I started writing this blog and sharing the journey with others. Seven years ago I did the math and publicly announced that the quest would end on my 35th birthday. That day was yesterday. Right on time!
I’m still figuring out what it all means and how my life has been changed as a result of the project, but I was very glad to celebrate with some of you in person. For everyone who reads AONC but wasn’t able to come to Norway, I greatly appreciate you as well.
Thanks for being out there.
A Reminder to You, The Readers
As I said last week, if you want to pursue a dream, it’s not too late! You too can see the world or do whatever you’d like. If people tell you it can’t be done, so much the better.
Celebrating in Norway with a group of amazing people (many of whom traveled from far away to attend) was a living example that many of us long for community and challenge.
If you’re out there and pondering your next steps, you are not alone. There are people out there who see the world in a similar way. When you begin to chart a new course of life or take a step of faith, you can find the support you need.
This concludes the public service announcement.
Yours from the End of the World,
Chris Guillebeau
P.S. Lots of people are asking βWhat’s next?β It’s a fair question, but I need some time to think about it. For now I’ll keep writing, traveling, and working away on things I enjoy.
Image: Wes
I am really proud of your achievements and already planning for my own adventures. Our kind of passion look similar,this travelling had been a childhood fantasy especially from reading stories of Mungo park, Livingstone, Marco polo, Columbus, e.t.c
I have always consider myself an intercontinental citizen and it feels awesome to know we share this same month you are April 7 I presume while am April 17.Realizing ambition has just got better,hope you remember this phrase if you do read this.
I would not ask you whats next,it is rather for the rest of us whats next?
So awesome! Congratulations on finally accomplishing your goal. It’s really cool to see the accomplishment of such a huge goal.
Congratulations and happy birthday! What an extraordinary accomplishment!
Congrats Chris. So happy that you were able to accomplish such a wonderful goal.
I hope your next big goal is just as fun and crazy and inspiring.
I am mulling over becoming a digital nomad- so thank you for all the information and motivation you’ve given me.
Congratulations, Chris! What an amazing journey. Am so glad you have shared it with us!
I started reading maybe mid-way through your question, after Seth Godin linked to your blog. It’s been awesome following your journey these last few years. Congratulations!
Congratulations, Chris!! What an incredible accomplishment. Now it’s time to revel in your achievement. π
Wow, what an achievement, congrats!
Keep on sharing your inspiration with us and I’d say just have a good time doing what you love π
What an amazing accomplishment and message that you can do anything you want!
So many people have been with you along your journey, but its so important that we all live our own Journey and no one else’s.
You had a HUGE impact on my daughter last month in Newark NJ for your book signing and she has asked repeatedly about your travels. Showed her your post on Twitter yesterday and she was so so happy! Shout Out from Amanda Saying Congrats!
Keep on truckin’!!
it’s been inspirational to follow your journeys and to share them each step of the way.
Happy Birthday, Chris, and Congratulations! Can’t wait to see what’s next…
From a grammarian – check out how “I” and “me” are correctly used. You said, “Readers joined Jolie and I. NO, no! I doubt if you’d say “readers joined I”. . ., so the entry should read “Readers joined Jolie and ME. . .
Nonetheless, I enjoy following your adventures!
You’re right! I’ll update. π
BIG congrats to you! I found your blog while I was traveling around Europe for 6 months in 2011. It was the first inkling I had that there were other people out there like me… then once I went on Twitter realised just how many wanderlusters there are out there! My goal for by the time I reach 45 is to see all of the countries in Europe. I only have 3 years left to get that done, but I’m going to give it the college try! Looking forward to seeing whats next for you!
Outstanding! Congratulations, Chris, on your 35th Birthday, and on completing your massive all country project.
May the next few years bring as much adventure and excitement as you want!
Your journey has been an inspiration to so many people. Congratulations on reaching this milestone! You are only 35, and no doubt will come up with more amazing projects π
Once again, my heartiest congratulations Chris!
It was great meeting you and your friends personally, a great treat worth going to Norway for π
Big huge congrats Chris! I’m really proud of you–that’s the only word that fits. It’s been awesome to be along for the ride even if just as a reader. (I jumped on board with the Empire Builder train, and an image of that trip is forever etched in my mind.) Thanks for all you do.
Rock on!
Congratulations! Take a goood rest, You deserve it! Thanks for inspiring us all these years.
Happy birthday! The enormity of such an accomplishment at such an age makes me feel light-years behind – but you’re right: it’s not too late…
Congratulations Chris. You have been such a huge inspiration to me. Celebrate this amazing achievement. Enjoy the next few months of ‘mulling and pondering’. Anita.
Chris, A hearty CONGRATULATIONS on achieving your goal! And to get the timing right as well, well done!!! You are absolute inspiration. Thank you for inspiring us all.
Can’t wait to see what’s next for you.. but for now, have fun reveling in the achievement of this goal!
What an incredible accomplishment! Congratulations, Chris!
Dear Chris,
I am so very ***** happy****** for you
To me you epitomize my school motto;
“Take the light and pass it on”
Congratulations Chris!
Mike Tinnon
San Antonio and Boerne, Texas
Congratulations Chris! What a huge accomplishment and probably one that very few have ever worked toward, feeling that somehow a goal so big was impossible. Your blog is amazing and your take on life is inspirational. Soak in the ‘after-goal’ glow and be careful of the slump that sometimes follows it. Can’t wait to see what you’re going to tackle next.
(PS. For the grammar correctors in the group, that’s not what the Art of Non-Conformity is about. People in this group are too busy doing to worry
Rock on! This is an amazing accomplishment and such an inspiration.
Happy Birthday Chris, I can’t recall how your books came into my life but I’m pleased they did. You have inspired me to move forward on dreams and daring projects. I look forward to sharing in your next chapter of adventure. Congratulations! ~Luci
Happy birthday Chris and bravo for having accomplished your extraordinary goal. You are a source of inspiration and motivation to make my dreams come true.
Good luck in your future projects. It is always a pleasure to read you. Bravo again!
Congratulations once again Chris and what a fabulous way to celebrate your birthday, having reached your goal and then partying with so many like-minded people. PLus all the rest of us who were there in spirit of course.
Happy birthday Chris!
Congrats Chris!! It’s really great to see people fullfil their dream and complete their projects.
It is very motivating too!
Much love,
David from Paris
What’s up Chris,
That’s awesome man seriously.
Coming from another 35 year old you’re an inspiration keep it going.
Great to meet you and many of your 120 guests yesterday, Chris. Congrats again for you, and many thanks for organizing this! It has been a very pleasant trip to the end of the world! Have a great time writing, traveling, and working on things you enjoy. π
Happy 35th Birthday! Thank you for sharing about your journey and how you met your goal of visiting every country. I love what you shared about your dad writing a book, how you’re never too old and I love your passion for life.
Take time to savor this time of completion with Jolie, your family and friends. What an amazing adventure!
Terry Jordan
Warm congratulations. I have only recently become aware of your travels and your work, but am no less inspired for that. It will be very interesting to see how the impact of all your experiences continues to unfold in the time ahead. And belated birthday greetings!
It’s an amazing accomplishment to have set a goal of that magnitude and then seen it through – let alone to the deadline. Over the five years I’ve been following you, you’ve been an inspiration in so many ways -building your business and getting it done to name just two.
Congratulations and happy birthday Chris!
Happy Belated Birthday Chris! And Happy goal/personal project achievement of massive proportions! I am glad I have met you in the past to see personally how great and inspirational you are. Thank you for sharing your journey with your readers and having such supportive words. I am 25 now and an use every bit of them for starting something that will in the end make much more sense for me personally in life. Congratulations and thank you once again!
Yeah! Glad I was there to share with you and the others.
It was also so cool to meet some of your guests who travelled as I did to help you celebrate.
The journey continues Chris.
On the other side of the Atlantic now.
I’ll join in the chorus and say happy birthday and congratulations! It’s been fascinating following your journey, and we’ll be eagerly anticipating what comes next!
Congratulations on this huge accomplishment. What an inspiration you are that anyone can achieve their goals if they set their mind to it rather than accepting the status Quo.
I wonder what your next step will be and will be watching from afar.. π
Impressive accomplishment of a huge goal! You inspire me to think bigger . . . I wish you a happy belated birthday and many happy returns (to your favorite places ;-)!
Congrats Chris from out here in the middle of the Pacific. I’ve enjoyed reading about your travel adventures and am looking forward to reading about what you take on next. Cheers!
Congrats on such a momentous achievement and can’t wait to hear what’s next!
Wow ! Great! I will follow your next steps with much interest! x
Fantastic Chris!!!! You rock. Thanks for all your inspiration π
Congratulations! Quite an achievement. You finished on my 54th birthday.
Well deserved congratulations for your accomplishments & many blessings for sharing your wonderful journey & inspiring others who need that extra little shove to begin their own . God Bless & all the best now & always.
Congratulations and happy belated birthday, Chris! Wow, what a journey you’ve been on for the past 11 years. Amazing. You are an inspiration to other world travelers, sometime travelers, and armchair travelers. Keep going after your dreams!
Happy belated birthday Chris.
You’re only a few months older than me but you’ve managed to blaze a trail that is above and beyond. I’m sure there’s plenty left in the tank though and with a bit of reflection you’ll quickly figure out what’s next.
Good luck with whatever you decide to do…. we’ll be with you all the way!
Congrats Chris!
Can’t describe how much you have inspired me on my quest to work that matters, work that excites me, and world travel.
Wish I could be there is Oslo but I’m sure we’ll meet again soon.
Take care and happy 35th!
Way to go Chris!!! What an incredible achievement…you inspire me and I really appreciate everything you are and everything you do.
Here’s to your continued success and a bucket list full of happiness π
wow! well deserved celebrations. please continue to inspire us all! x
Yay! Congratulations. So happy for you. I would love to read a book of stories from your trips. Don’t know if you have that in mind, just know that there is interest in those nitty gritty stories.
Have a wonderful month, enjoying the new reality of meeting a major goal.
Congrats Chris! Thank you for your inspiration. Here’s to another 35 amazing years! Cheers!
CONGRATULATIONS and HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Thank you for lifting the bar. π
I have joined the Cartel. Hawaii for 6 weeks later this year is the goal for 2013 for a family of 4.
Best Wishes,
Congratulations for this big achievement and happy birthday!!
Proud of you Chris! Thanks for being such an inspiration over the years, and congratulations on seeing your dream through to the end. Not the end, I’m sure, but just the beginning of a new phase — can’t wait to see what comes next for you!
Much love,
Simply Awesome…have been following your journey for few years now.
You are blessed and I am glad I found your blog and connected to your journey π
Congratulation and happy birthday , thank you for the never ending positive thoughts and inspirational words.
Congratulations on accomplishing your dream, and inspiring us all along the way!
Once again, congrats on the achievement and happy birthday!
There are a lot of different ways to spend your birthday but I truly enjoyed and will remember helping you celebrate yours yesterday then celebrating mine today. I’m adding three new countries this trip and finally making it to two cities I’ve always wanted to visit. Not to mention reconnecting with several old friends and making dozens of new ones!
I also really enjoyed meeting both Jolie and your father as well. You are very fortunate to have such amazing individuals in your life.
Can’t wait for WDS2013.
Hey Chris. I live in Stockholm, Sweden (I’m a British expat currently living here) I was flying back from Brussels on Friday night and really wanted to fly over to Oslo but couldn’t catch a cheap flight. Hope you call had an awesome time!
Congratulations Chris!
I’m so glad to have found out about you and your quest a few years ago so that I could come along for some of the (virtual) ride. You’ve been a real inspiration – thank you.
Congratulations and Happy, Happy Birthday Chris! You are a true inspiration.
Congratulations. I’m so inspired by your tenacity and generosity. What ever is next will continue to inspiring.
Thank you soooo much,
Congrats Chris on achieving one of your dreams. I have met you twice at book signings and look forward to seeing you in July at the WDS. I have planned a 45 year project for myself after having read your book. I will spend from September 2013-2014 traveling around Canada and USA in a camper van with my 4 dogs visiting everything I can that related to the business of dogs. Thank you for your inspiration. I hope you will check out my blog once it is up and running. Enjoy your accomplishment.
chink, chink — The sound of my glass touching yours. Cheers mate!!! You did it!!!
Chris……Congratulations on reaching your goal!!!! That is fantastic that you never lost sight of your objective….and I’m sure there were times that you had doubts and naysayers but you pressed on.
In fact…this is a great lesson for everyone……and to quote Calvin Coolidge, “Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unregarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination along are omnipotent.”
Congratulations Chris!
Thanks for inspiring us all to take a leap of faith and create the life we desire.
Awesome job. Way to accomplish your goal. I enjoy your site. Congrats.
Congratulations Chris. A long time following your journey, and so happy to see you make it there. What a great accomplishment. End of one journey, and the beginning of another π Enjoy!
Congratulations, Chris! I wish I could’ve been their in Oslo to celebrate with you. This is an awesome achievement. Although you seem to be a bit unsure what’s next (or maybe you’re just not disclosing it to us), I’m glad to hear that you plan to keep traveling and writing. I’ve found a lot of inspiration and motivation about traveling from your blog, even thought it’s not specifically a travel blog. Cheers!
So glad to have been a part of this Chris!! Great quest of yours and I look forward to the next one π
See you soon!
Congratulations, Chris!
I have to throw in my congrat as well. Awesome!!! I’ve been following your blog for years and not only do I admire your persistence and focus and determination, Chris, but your talent! You write wonderfully, you’re insightful, generous and authentic. I’ve learned a lot from you! I’m sure you’ll move on to even greater adventures…and I hope to read about them for years to come!
Congratulations Chris! You’re an inspiration to a lot of people! I am so proud of you! You’re a fabulous human being!
Congratulations! Now, unpack and do your laundry!
Chris – Congratulations! You are amazing, outstanding, a role model, a rock star, a modern hero… all by being yourself and doing what you wanted to do. Isn’t THAT incredible?
Chris- You have been an inspiration to me this past year as I embark on many life changes of my own. I am happy to see that you took some time to truly celebrate yourself and this awesome accomplishment. Cheers!
Congratulations, Chris! I’ve been so inspired by your spirit of doing things and achieving your goals. You’re right when you said it’s so much better when others think we can’t. Yup! Let’s prove them wrong!
I also like your idea of “What’s next?” It somehow directed me to what I should really do next in my writing life. Thank you so much for all these ideas and inspiration. Again, congratulations and I hope to read more from you.
Greetings from me, all the way from the Philippines. π
Congrats Chris!
This is is indeed a great achievement. I have been following you since 2008. Your blog and journey has been a constant inspiration. I can hardly wait to see what you will be doing next!
Heartfelt congratulations Mr. Guillebeau! You did it! Such an inspiration. Onward and upward…
Mega congratulations Chris! It has been such a pleasure to read your posts over the years.
Congrats, Chris! This is so awesome!
Congrats Chris on your great achievement !From a young lad of 7 years who was collecting postcards and travel brochures and wishing I was inside those very places, my dream too has become a reality. Surely I will too reach the “end of the world” some day!! Thanks for inspiring me. God bless,
Once again well done Chris! It fills my heart with joy knowing that there are many people out there that have the same visions and beliefs as me and that we are not alone! Peace and Love x
Hi Chris,
Congrats for completing your dream project with a consistent effort of eleven years.Great work! it will inspire lot of true dreamers like you……………..
Chris – congratulations. It’s been a vicarious thrill to travel with you these past few years to the countries you’ve visited. You inspire us and are a living example of just doing it. Happy birthday too.
Wahoooo! Congratulations! Has been a privilege to watch your journey over the last few years!
Awesome Chris! Thanks for sharing your journey and your ideas. You’re an inspiration.
Very happy for you and feels great to know that you made it to the End of the World, and celebrated it in style.
I loved your book the $100 Startup, and have been taking action to find my own independence since then. I have read the World Domination Manifesto, and I am currently going through the 279 days to overnight success. All your books are very nicely designed and simply written. It is a pleasure going through them.
Look forward to meeting you someday!
Kind regards
Hi Chris and many congrats to you!! What a journey! π
I’ve been reading your blog (and books) since last summer and you have inspired me tremendously. Thanks to you I have started to pursue my own dreams instead of someone elses. The big bang still misses but I’m getting there.
It sucks that I wasn’t able to make it to Norway (even though I live in Scandinavia myself), but maybe I’ll get the chance to meet you sometime in the future.
Rock on!!
Congratulations Chris! Watching your journey over these years has been truly inspiring. Thanks for taking us all with you on your odyssey. Good luck on your next adventure, whatever that may be!
Happy Birthday and Cheers!
Happy birthday and congratulations!:-)
Happy Birthday Chris! Well done!
Congrats and Happy Birthday!
As mentioned above, looking forward to the book of travel stories. Shouldn’t be too hard to put together, considering your copious notes – stand corrected, that will take some doing! π
I’m so happy for you, this made me tear up! You are an incredible inspiration. Thank you!
Congratulations and Happy Birthday!
Congratulations Chris! I think I started following your journey about half way though. Thanks for the inspiration in your ‘all countries’ journey and everything else that happened concurrently. It’s been immense and awesome π So glad also that you loved Sydney, my home city, when you got there towards the end. All the best for the next journeys.
We love you Chris! Congratulations, Happy Birthday, and a big hug from both of us!
Congratulations on your quest Chris.
I’ve been reading you for some years now, and I’m very happy that you’ve finally got to go to Norway. I resist to say final country, because it’s never final, but I have the feeling that you already have plans of your own.
Oh, and Happy Birthday!
Congratulations Chris! I wish you all the best in what’s next and celebrate with you on this most significant accomplishment.
Congratulations and happy birthday! What an awesome achievement. Now of course you can plan to revisit your favorite places. The opportunity to go deeper after such a broad journey appeals . . . and who knows what kind of quest your continued travels might inspire!
Congratulations Chris! Thanks for inspiring many of us and embodying the power of commitment to one’s dreams.
Congrats Chris! Definitely an inspiring journey and one you’ll be proud of for the rest of your life. Thanks for taking us along on the journey.
Dear Chris,
You had an amazing impact on me! I am so happy that you completed your goal as that gives me great hope to complete mine. Through you I know all goals take time and one must be patient. It all comes to pass in the end. CONGRATULATIONS! SO PROUD OF YOU AND ALL OF US HERE.
Rock on, Chris! Happy B’Earth Day and Congratulations on such a great accomplishment. Thanks for inspiring all of us who are working daily on our own endeavors and challenges.
I’ve just know about your trip, congratulations it is really amazing. I have nothing to add except a question… When I finished to read the sentence where you say you visited Norway a question came to my mind
Where place do you belong? or Did you feel the need to belong somewhere?
Congrats Chris – very inspiring!
Great example of how lots of little steps can lead to an amazing accomplishment. That’s got to be an exclusive club your in now Chris. Congratulations!
Sweet! Love the pictures! Thanks for sharing. Congrats!
Fantastic! As someone who loves to travel I bow to your achievement. Congratulations on completing this amazing goal. You have me determined to try and fill my last few remaining blank passport pages!
Looking forward to hearing what your next one will be and how long it will last! ;o)
Had a great time Chris–thanks for sharing your special day with all of us. Cya @WDS~
It would have been cool to be there! Maybe next time. Congrats on a well-lived life.
“If people tell you it can’t be done, so much the better.”
Right on. Happy belated birthday and End of the World!!!
Well done. You’ve been an inspiration to me on several fronts. Well done.
Chris, can hardly wait to read a future dialog on your most favorite places and why.
Super Congrats on your world journey! An amazing accomplishment among all the other things you do and share.
A special person you are! (Yota)
Congrats! superb that you established your goal. And thank you for sharing so much great content all the time. You inspire me.
pink hugs
You did it! Wow, what an accomplishment. I know there’s an idea that people are ‘supposed’ to feel let down and aimless after accomplishing a goal. I don’t think it’s true. You can totally concentrate on the great experiences that you’ve had.
Of course, there will soon be more countries! The political organization of the world is changing all the time.
But you’ll be looking to new goals I’m sure, and probably very different ones. Good luck with your ongoing discovery of self and the world!
Congratulations and belated happy birthday, Chris!
I honestly don’t know what it feels like but I hope I get to have my own big moment too when I fulfill a big dream.
Excited about your next project. =)
I don’t think you can get enough Congratulations!! you should be very proud of this massive achievement and making a difference in my life and so many others. Your now with the other legendary explorer’s in history, may your exploring never end and best wishes for future epic plans. Reach for the banana you once told me best advice.
Cheers bud, I hope the party’s for your achievement don’t end Happy 35..
Congrats Chris – as I’m sure you’ve discovered, ‘it’s the thrill of the chase’ that fuels your fire. Look forward to reading about your next quest.
Congrats on the trip to the end of the world and your birthday. For a guy whose only “foreign” country visited has been Canada I really enjoyed your blog. I felt your good and tough times along the way. I was also inspired by your words from your father last week. Being in much the same situation as your father, it has got me thinking again. I will continue to enjoy your posts while I am on the road. Thanks! RR
Great job Chris!
I’m only at 71 countries so far, but already looking at where to celebrate the 100Β°.
Any hint?
Congrats on 71! Norway was great for 193. π
Chris, this is amazing! Congratulations on finishing your journey, starting a new journey (and a new book!), and celebrating another birthday! I teared up reading this – really. It’s inspiring to see someone dedicate so much time and effort to something so much fun and grand.
Good luck with your next endeavor!
Should have added “Also read this article, get provoked and get back to routine after a while” at the end…
BTW great article!!
Thanks for the encouragement Chris. I am sure you enjoyed it all. The past three years I have been thinking about doing something similar to this, but I thought I was too old..
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