
Follow Your Passion? The Blogger Roundup

Two weeks ago, I wrote about the financial payoff of following your passion. If you deliberately take steps to do the work you love instead of the work you don’t enjoy, most of us would agree that you’ll feel a lot better about yourself. But will you also make more money? This is a controversial…

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The Flip Side of Self-Employment and Freedom

Entrepreneurs are a diverse bunch of people, but when you ask them to tell you the greatest benefit of being self-employed, you’ll usually hear the same answer over and over. That answer is FREEDOM, and rightly so. When you work for yourself, no one tells you what to do—at least not in the same way…

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How to Respond to Critics

As part of your independent-minded journey, many people will oppose you along the way. Some will oppose you by saying that you “can’t” do the things you’ve planned. Others will try to impose their own arbitrary rules on you. Others will be jealous of your success and try to bring you down to the level…

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Do You Want a Business or a Job?

Here’s a proposal for you: raise a quarter of million dollars through withdrawing your life savings, borrowing from family members, and maxing out your credit cards. Pay that to a company that will “give you a business.” Operate that business precisely how they tell you– no exceptions are allowed. Every decision from whom you hire…

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Site Update: February 2008

Every month I look back at what’s happened with in the previous month. If you’ve missed some articles, you can catch up here. This month, I’ve been busy getting the site online for my small group of beta readers before I branch out in April. I’ve pre-written the first two months’ worth of content,…

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What Entrepreneurship Is and Isn’t

I call myself a renegade entrepreneur because that’s what I’ve always thought of myself as: someone who creates opportunities and oversees projects, but in a different way than others working in traditional jobs do. As I’ve studied and met with other entrepreneurs and small business owners, I’ve learned that this is not an unusual trait…

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