Announcing The $100 Startup (Also: Where should we go on book tour?)

Greetings Friends, Readers, and Awesome People of AONC,
Today I’m excited to announce the upcoming launch of my new book, THE $100 STARTUP. This has been a labor of love for a long time, and I’m looking forward to having it out in the world starting May 8, 2012.
What It’s All About
The goal of the book is to provide a blueprint for your own escape plan. What if today was your final day of working for someone other than yourself? What if all of your time was spent on things that mattered to you? What if you prepared for this lifestyle not in some distant future but RIGHT NOW?
That’s what THE $100 STARTUP is all about. It’s a comprehensive plan for freedom.
THE $100 STARTUP is the final report of a multi-year study that began with the Empire Building Kit and continued through hundreds of interviews and thousands of pages of data. Yes, I finally put my questionable college education to good use in designing a study and interviewing unexpected entrepreneurs of all kinds.
Early Pre-Order Bonus
We’re putting together a big campaign for rollout as we get closer to May, but for now, here’s a quick and easy pre-order bonus.
The book is now available at and your favorite local bookstore. If you pre-order two copies (one for yourself and one for a friend) on or before Tuesday, March 13th, we’ll give you a $25 gift certificate for anything in the Unconventional Guides store. The book is already being discounted heavily, so with the free bonus you may pay almost nothing for it.
Update: this bonus is now over. Next month we’ll have at least two other promotions to support all bookstores, including independents. Yes, there will be Kindle and iBooks versions available too.
And hey – I’m Going On Tour!
When the first book came out, I announced that I was going to visit every state in the U.S. and province in Canada. The tour was an incredible experience. I’m a natural introvert, but I loved meeting readers all over North America, many of whom traveled long distances themselves to come to events.
Naturally, we’re doing it again… but this time, it’s going global on the world’s first 7-continent book tour. Two weeks after the book goes out in North America, it will launch in the U.K. and most commonwealth countries (Singapore, Hong Kong, Australia, New Zealand, etc.). Deals are already in progress for foreign versions in Germany, Brazil, Indonesia, and China, with many more to come.
I’ll be planning the overseas stops shortly, but first we’re doing 25 cities across the U.S. and Canada. Here is the tentative schedule for Week 1 –>
May 8: New York City
May 9: Philadelphia
May 10: Boston
May 11: Arlington
May 12: Washington, D.C.
May 14: Raleigh/Durham
May 15: Atlanta
Note: We’re still working on various details, and these dates may change. A tour site where you can sign up for your preferred city will be available soon.
Update: the tour is also now over but it sure was fun!
But that’s not all!
I won’t be going to all 50 states this time (apologies to West Virginia), but I definitely plan to make more stops than just the initial cities listed above. It’s a 7-continent book tour, and yes, we WILL be going to Antarctica at some point.
My question to you—I’m arranging some of the initial events with my publishers, but I also hope to visit other cities where a significant number of awesome people are interested in hosting a group meetup.
If you’d like to help arrange a $100 Startup tour stop (it will be fun and interactive, not a boring “book reading”), let me know by posting a comment. Why should we come to your city? Will you help to make it happen?
Over at World Domination HQ, the cat and our biased judges will do what we can to pick as many additional cities as possible and get this party started.
Where should we go on The $100 Startup road show?
Illustrator: Mike Rohde
Really looking forward to the book, though it might be hard to find since Amazon doesn’t deliver to where I live.
Roughly when are you going to be able to tell us the dates and locations outside of North America?
Can’t wait for it to come out Chris. All the best on your world tour. Will you be coming to India too?
Wow, that’s incredible and so badass Chris! I hope you have a blast on this RTW book tour.
Can’t wait to get the book for my daughter. She’s been brainstorming business ideas, and it’ll be perfect for encouraging her in that process.
I’d love for you to join us at either of our Texas Business Women conferences this year. We’ll meet June 8-10 in Dallas and October 19-21 in Corpus Christi. I’m partial to the latter as I dare say we have the best weather on the planet that time of year.
Your ideas are spot on for our members – whether they’re building careers or businesses. Many have already been following your journey, and I’m sure they’d be honored to meet you.
Hey! gutted to see that it won’t be available until May 24th in the UK 🙁
I think you should make up for this by coming to London!!!
Omaha. massive amounts of food, great folks, free hand-knit hats and so much more. what could be better?!
(seriously, you should come to Omaha again! I’m on board to do whatever it takes!)
Horray! I’ve been eagerly awaiting the release of this book for some time now. 😀
Would love to have you come through Lexington, KY on this tour. It would be an honor to help some of our local entrepreneurs (including the university’s Entrepreneur Club) join you at a meet-up.
I know you have been to Brisbane twice in the last six months, but you should come here again. It fits in with your proposed Australia tour and you are almost guaranteed great outdoorsy weather.
I’d love to help you organise and execute and can already think of some great venue spaces at the two main uni’s here and in the CBD depending on numbers of people.
Sounds like a real blast!
Hi Chris,
I’m really looking forward to your new book and maybe to meet you in person. 🙂
Why should you come to Germany for a book tour, especially Munich?
If Germany would have a silicon valley it would be in Munich. And if you can arrange it for September you can join the largest Beer festival of the world called: Oktoberfest. I know the October fest starts in September but goes until the first weekend in October. And if that’s not enough … the first beer is on me – one liter beer.
Thus there is huge business benefit and a big fun factor for you.
If you would like more details you can contact me anytime.
I will catch you when you’re in Atlanta. Let me know if you need anything. I’ll be happy to help.
Thanks, guys! I’m really excited about this.
As soon as I know, I’ll post more info here.
Nothing announced for Germany yet but I definitely hope to do it in the future.
Omaha was so much fun last time!
Yep, thinking about sneaking over to London for the launch there… we’ll see.
Re: Australia,
Yes, the dates for that are (I think) approximately October 12-16.
Re: India,
Not sure yet.
Cape Town!! It is gorgeous here. The food is great. The people are from all walks of life, from all over the world. You can do your own “Cape-to-Cairo” book tour by starting here and working your way north. 🙂
Big bonus – There is a fantastic bookstore, Kalk Bay Books, that hosts wonderful author readings and has a very active list which draws attendees from the entire Cape. I have an author friend (Tim Butcher) who both reads his own books there and interviews other authors during the readings. I’m sure between him and I, we could set up some cool events for you.
There is a budding social entrepreneurship scene here that is relying more and more on technology to bring more and more South Africans in to engaged global citizenship. Your message would fly high.
I would be happy to facilitate in any way I can. We would love to have you.
Congratulations on your upcoming book launch.
You should come to St. Louis! I have quite a few blog friends here and I’m sure we could help make it happen!
Definitely come to Woodhouse Eaves! It’s the best village in the UK and I am sure we could drum up lots of people who’d love to hear about you and the book. No help needed. B&B around the corner or super view B&B at Barn Farm – you’re always welcome! 🙂
Thoroughly looking forward to your return visit to Toronto. What we can’t offer in food trucks we make up in spirit and donuts. You shouldn’t need a parka at that time of year but you may want to pack one just in case.
How about Toronto, Canada?
Columbus, Ohio is an up and coming city in the modern economy. Lots of trendsetters and online entrepreneurs. Love to have you pay us a visit, and easy to activate a local network of interested readers!
Clearly, Phoenix should be on the list.
Reasons, you ask?
1. I’ll give you a tour that includes my fave tattoo parlor, naturally.
2. Amanda and I will fill you in on our plan for World Dominatrixing. It’s a subtle shift, but an important one.
3. If you push your stop back late enough in the spring you will sweat so much that it will be a like a weight loss camp. But we’ll feed you well enough that you don’t have to worry about wasting away.
Clearly – I’ve made a solid argument. When should we expect you?
Okay so this is outside of North America, but you should come to Linyi City, China.
I’m a foreign communications assistant for the School of Informatics at Linyi University. We’ve established a future cultural opportunities program. I would love to help promote your book as part of the program. The University can provide housing, and help you visit the surrounding area. There will also be lots of food! Let me know if you are interested. (
Great job, can’t wait to pick this one up too.
Hope you make it to Toronto again, great having you here last time.
How about a little love for the western side of Pennsylvania? Everyone does Philly, nobody (well, ok I exaggerate a little) does Pittsburgh! Great food, great city, plenty of folks who would love to see you. Lots of possibilities, I’d be happy to help out. How about a farm gathering?
I’m in Niagara Falls, NY. What’s involved in having you come here? I have a small literary forum, Jyst Words Niagara, located on Main Street and am also a Board Member of the Main Street Business and Professional Association. Periodically, we sponsor a breakfast with a speaker for the business community.
Come to the TwinCities. Minneapolis or St. Paul. We are total book nerds here and complete start-up junkies. It’s like a much colder Portland.
You should visit Philippines, the country of BPO. Lots of people here motivated to learn new things, and with a big community of freelancers. Great islands to relax, too!
Hey Chris, I’m based in Washington DC and would be delighted to help you with your May 12th appearance. We can’t wait to greet you! And can’t wait to read the book. 🙂
Congrats, looking forward to reading it! Come to the coolest independent bookstore in the South Bay, {pages} in Manhattan Beach, CA. Very active local store with lots of author events, I’ll help you set it up with the owners… 🙂
Congratulations on the new book, we are ready for it! Consider this your official warm and welcoming invitation to tell us about your book and its wonderful ideas in Kingston, Ontario Canada. Our historical city on the shores of Lake Ontario and the St Lawrence river is two hours from Ottawa, Toronto or Montreal. It’s just a hop skip and a jump from those big centers. Kingston has many people with entrepreurial tendencies ready willing and able to start something new. Some of us just need a different way of getting started. My colleague owns a small independent book store (yes, a rarity these days) and we would love to coordinate your visit. History, beauty, interesting and interested people, old buildings with stories to tell and easy to get to!
I’m very happy to see Boston on the list, I’d be happy to help out there, or if you have any interest in stopping in Providence on the way by!
Hi Chris, Congrats on the book. How about Santa Barbara CA or LA?
We can provide marketing, Radio coverage and live video production and streaming of the event if you need it. You can reach us at 805 742 4322 if it sounds interesting.
You should DEFINITELY come to San Diego! We have the best weather in the world and you will be guaranteed to have an amazing time. Question: do you always tour at bookstores or are you open to other venues? I work with some folks at the University of San Diego, so we could possibly set something up there for you. Let me know if I can help.
Hope to see you here soon!
A business class book signing on the CX JFK-HKG flight?
Of course, that would be en route to the Phnom Penh meetup.
I think you should come to Las Vegas!
I am looking forward to the book and I am buying one for a friend. I think you need to come to Denver, Colorado. Not sure what I can do to help make it happen, but if you can get me a list of what you would need I can see what I can do.
BTW, if you do come to Denver I will do a free photo shoot for you and your crew. I might even be able to get some other friends to help cover the event.
Amazing! This looks really incredible.
You should definitely come to Denver, CO…last time you were here I was transitioning moving between Chicago and Denver and I missed you in both places!
I would love to see you in Michigan….!
Thanks for sharing your ideas with the world, Chris! Come to Key West Florida.
This community is full of creative, entrepreneurial, free spirits that usually work two or three jobs to get by. Why? What’s missing? The belief they can make it happen. That’s where you come in. Inspiring belief and providing the tools to build belief into reality. Sadly, all the bookstores in Key West have closed except for one used book store. We need you here!
You gotta try and give the Mid-West some book tour love. Minneapolis is a really cool place, tons of independent coffee shops that I’m sure would host an event, awesome food, great people, lakes galore, very green-conscious, great art scene, hip vibe (but not annoyingly so) . . . it’s basically the under-appreciated gem of the Mid-Western U.S. Plus there’s this great indy bookstore right down the street from me that might be a cool venue too:
Think of it this way: Imagine ‘Chicago’ is the hot older sister of a good friend of yours that you’ve always wanted to date (I know you’re happily married but just go with this for a second). Now imagine that she’s got a younger sister that you never gave a second look to but has since sprouted into this stunning beauty who’s got the looks, the smarts, the confidence (w/o being too ego-driven), and the killer sense of humor that leaves you in stitches every time. Yeah, her older sister gets all the attention, but the younger one’s the real catch: that’s ‘Minneapolis.’
. . . Give it some thought and let me know if you’d like me to get something going on my end . . . My best.
I’ll be sure to come see you in Raleigh/Durham!
And I’ve been told during all this time that there were only 5 continents 🙂
It would be AMAZING if you can stop over in Nairobi. With the income levels being quite low in Kenya along with employment opportunities at an all time low, we have to be quite creative in making ends meet. Although many of my friends and colleagues have jobs, they have started side businesses as well with very little or no income. So have I.
Also, my church ( would love to have a meetup with you (I’ve not asked them yet since this just popped into my head, but THEY WILL!!!). It’s filled with many young people who are budding entrepreneurs- caterers, makeup artists, event planners, salespeople… We’d LOVE to have you!
Karibu Kenya!
Pleasanton, CA may be a good choice. My wife is the Administrative Librarian at the Public Library and they frequently do book talks there. I have forwarded your email to her and she will check with the program coordinator to see if it might be something they and you would be interested in doing.
We enjoyed having you here January last year, and we welcome you here again.
In fact, know you’re welcome here any time, with any book! 🙂
I would say count on just me for organizing it, but there’s already a team at your disposal.
Come to Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada — (it might even be sunny – take a chance!)
Come to South Boston, VA!
We’ve developed an high school and college program here in the Business of Art & Design focusing on mfg, digital design, and entrepreneurism. Our students and community NEEDs to know all about the lean start-up!
Our area is economically depressed and a poor job market and relatively less family precedent for higher ed has convinced some of our youngest, most talented people that they can’t do things like launching an empire, no matter how humble its beginning. That’s something ‘for other people’ but our students ARE other people!
We are working hard to revitalize our region and will do everything we can to help organize your visit! The chamber and our college partners will promote it. I’ll use my speaker budget as program coordinator to put you up, and we’ll take you to dinner. Come speak in an amazing renovated tobacco warehouse ( or center stage at our awesome arts center ( Something smaller? We have some great cafes! How else can we help? We will share the enthusiasm!
Come help inspire some awesome students to be their most awesome selves! They need to see more unconventional, rewarding, and creative businesspeople.
You should consider coming to Malaprops Bookstore in Asheville, NC. This town is all about entrepreneurs! I have enjoyed your website for some time…Let me know if I can help.
Hi Chris – when is the Portland date for us homies?
It will be at the end of first North American part — probably early June, at Powell’s (of course).
Come to Waterloo, Ontario! 😀 We are an hour away from Toronto, a fairly medium-sized city (100,000 people) with a small university town feel. Most of our city’s inhabitants are young people/students – we’re known for our two universities that are right down the street from each other, and our huge entrepreneurial community (Us, and our twin city, Kitchener, are part of Canada’s “Tech Triangle”). Waterloo is where the Blackberry smartphone (RIM CEOs were University of Waterloo grads), Open Text, Kik Messenger, Bufferbox etc. all started. I think you would be a great fit for a talk here.. this place is brimming with energy and people looking for alternative and new ideas. Not only technology-wise, but in a whole host of other sectors too. One of my favourite local organizations, called “The Working Centre” was created as a way to combat poverty in our twin-city Kitchener. They equip people with a host of skills (herbal soap-making, computer certification, sewing, etc.), whether employed or not, in order to become more self-sufficient.
Hi there
Vancouver, BC should be on your list. I’m available to help make it happen.
I have some experience in event management, and can definitely help make this talk happen at our local media+mobile incubator (Velocity) or, if you’re a coffee/bookstore talk kinda guy, there are a lot of great venues in our city too 🙂
Come back to Colorado! It’s more pleasant in the summer. I’d love to have you in Denver again, and I’m sure Boulder people would come out in droves to see you.
Always happy to help host in our sunny state.
We’d love to have you in Indianapolis! Our Start-Up and Angel community is booming. Big coordinated events are being planned for July 11-12! You really should come and be here for it!
To echo Ben Capozzi’s comment, come to SOUTH BOSTON, VA. We’re only a short 1 1/2 hr drive north of Raleigh, NC in beautiful southern Virginia. Our students, our community needs to hear your message! Please come!!
The fact that you are going to Antarctica on your book tour is fabulous – I’m speechless!
I LOVE the book cover and am so happy to see you are coming to Philadelphia on the tour. I wish you much success.
Somewhere in the Detroit area (Birmingham) would be great!
Glad to see that your tour will be coming to the UK. Can I suggest Cambridge, UK as a good place to stop on your tour?
It is a city of great minds (mine not being one of them unfortunately!) and thinkers.
Perhaps getting connected with this might be of interest to you?
Another chime in for Columbus Ohio.
Come to Manchester, UK. Perhaps come to the Blackwell’s bookstore on Oxford Street, because that’s the first place I heard your name, or read anything you’ve written, when I was browsing and found and bought your book.
Come to Singapore!! We will host a fantastic meet-up session! 🙂
It was an absolute pleasure to have you come to Denver and we would certainly love to have you come again! You can go for your run in Washington Park, grab a delicious breakfast or lunch at Lucille’s (cajun style in the Rockies – their biscuits are delish), camp out at the Tattered Cover bookstore to write or if you’re feeling outdoorsy drive a bit up to Rocky Mountain National Park – and if you come for first Friday of the month you can check out the crazy cool eclectic art walk on Sante Fe Blvd where you just might see the metal alligator that this guy rides that has fire blowing out his nose. I’m pretty sure that was his $100 start up!
Would love to have you – if you come out this way, let me know how I can help.
Come to Houston (May or Oct)! Houston was recently likened to being the Little Miss Sunshine sister of the major cities here in TX. We’re a quirky, independent folk with a lot of heart and courage. Plus, we have a great international airport with direct flights to nearly everywhere that my friends and I use with great regularity. If you come, @Ukuleme, my ukulele band (many of whom are part of my group of travel friends) will play for you! And yes, I’ll help coordinate/promote it via Twitter/FB/LinkedIn.
Hi Chris
Exciting news. If you make it to Japan, please come and do a talk in Sendai. Less than two hours from Tokyo by train, I can help with accommodation, a venue, and local publicity.
Hope to see you in our neck of the woods.
All the best
I agree with Karen and Christopher re: Minneapolis. It is an awesome city with tons of booklovers and really amazing bookstores. I could help make it happen by getting it on local calendar listings and bringing cupcakes… and if you need help finding a space, I have lots of suggestions. 🙂 Hope you make it out here!
Being the non-conformist you are, you definitely should hit Muskegon, MI. It’s just west of Grand Rapids and would be a killer spot to hold a stop for your book tour.
You should come to Bangkok. It’s a major hub if you’re visiting other Asian cities, you can enjoy an affordable massage after a long flight, and you’ve said yourself Bangkok is one of your preferred Asian cities. If I have to go through the blog archive to quote it I will. I believe a recent post about Seoul?
Plus, Bangkok is slowly sinking and will eventually be underwater. You’ve gotta enjoy it before it becomes Atlantis. And after the 2011 floods, many people out of jobs need a push on how to pick themselves up. Perhaps the Bangkok Reading Room would be interested in hosting? I say this without being able to speak for them; but certainly contact them. If that’s a no go I have other ideas.
That and I would show you one of my favorite restaurants you haven’t eaten at yet. And, pasa Thai nit noy. Very nit noy, mind you. But it doesn’t hurt.
I’ll throw a vote out for Indianapolis as a hometown tribute. I probably have more contacts there to be fair, for people that might attend. That’ll happen living some place over 20 years versus less than two.
Come to Kepler’s Bookstore located in Menlo Park in the heart of Silicon Valley. Kepler’s is a truly innovative independent bookstore. The area has plenty of smart people with entrepreneurial spirit and an open mind to unconventional ideas.
I’ll see you in Singapore 🙂
Tampa, FL please!
Ann Arbor, MI
You should come to the Changing Hands Bookstore in Tempe, AZ. It’s one of the best bookstores around–hosting authors, language classes, community events and more!
I would suggest Madison, WI! This is a great little Midwestern gem with a strong community and a lot of eager, entrepreneurial types!
Chris – of course you remember that cool night here in Nashville, TN with your last book. Clear stars, bonfire and lots of people flocking in – including your Mom and sister. We could do May 16th right on the heels of Atlanta. I’ll be out the 17-19th.
Got to repeat being at the Sanctuary – we’ll make it even more fun this time!
I do remember and that was great! Yes, I’d love to come back.
Franklin, Tn! We’d love to have you come back to middle Tn, you did such a great job last time and had a wonderful turnout. I would help promote it, set up, clean up and even play a few songs again.
Market Harborough, because it’s where i am, it’s an hour from London on the train, it’s in the middle of beautiful english countryside, and it would be very handy!
Failing that, Cambridge or London.
Looking forward to the book since I’m poised (and ready!) to be self-employed again.
Since you’re doing D.C. and Raleigh/Durham (Quail Ridge Books in Raleigh, by any chance?), I think you should definitely stop through Richmond on your way down I-95. Easy hit. Fountain Bookstore is our indie, but we have B&N, too.
Vegas, please!
I second Madison, WI!
I would love for you to stop by Providence, RI and meet a wonderful group of women called the PVD Lady Project. We’re a collective of entrepreneurs, designers, musicians, etc. ready to take on the world. I’ve been a reader of your blog and book for quite some time and your message really resonates with the mission of the PVD Lady Project.
Plus, if you come, you can experience some of the best restaurants in the country. They say, the best food in Boston is in Providence. And, since you’re already coming to Boston, PVD is only an hour away!
Hope to see you soon.
Come to Ithaca NY. We have amazing energy for the unconvetional. It would be an awesome experience to meet you.
Chris, excited for the book. Just figured that as an Arlington, Virginia resident, it may not hurt to specify that the Arlington you speak of is indeed the VA one, not the Texas one, or one of the other 30 or so-odd ones in the US.
We here in Arlington, VA certainly think (sorry-KNOW) we deserve recognition as a global powerhouse not needing a state suffix, but some others may disagree!
You’re right, good point. In Arlington (VA) I’ll be at the Motley Fool HQ — they are nice folks and I think they’ll be making it a public event.
You need to come to Berlin. Why? It is the center of alternative, unconventional and non-conformitive culture in Europe. Plenty of options and I’d be happy to host you in my house, but unfortunately it’s a bit far off. Or better yet, come to Lodz (Poland) – vis-a-vis for Eastern Europe.
I second Edmonton, Alberta, Canada! Kevin we can make this happen together, let’s do this!
Why Edmonton:
– capital city of Alberta
– oil capital of the prairies
– lots of entrepreneurial type people here
– depending on when it is, I might even be able to offer you a room to crash!
– we have several independent book stores that could host the opening and I also have a friend that owns an art gallery that hosts events so maybe we could rent it out for an evening
– cause Calgary sucks! (big football and hockey rivalries for years, we hate each other in that sorta way 😉
You should come to CARACAS – VENEZUELA. I am a member of the Venezuelan American Friendship Association which is a nonprofit organization that has a program that helps over 170 students, like me, to successfully get their college degrees, throughout economic support, free English teaching, workshops, English chat clubs, film forums, etc.
As I said, I am one of the 170 students, and I’ve read your last book “The art of non-conformity” and I definitely loved it. It would be AMAZING that you come to give us a two or three hours workshop and teach us some incredible facts. There is a big group of students that perfectly understand English, and we have already had English workshops, so! You should come…
Chris, no Chicago?! The city of mavericks, idealists, innovators, non-conformists, the city that gave the world skyscrapers, Michael Jordan, Ophrah, deep dish pizza, the first zipper, Steppenwolf Theatre, the Sears Tower, Millennium Park, and Buddy Guy? I’ll be glad to organize a soiree! 🙂
If you could come to Jefferson City, MO or Columbia, MO or even St Louis, Mo that would be awesome. There are a lot of liberal arts colleges around here and I think a lot of the students would benefit from you coming. And I would thoroughly enjoy it also!!
Come to Akron Ohio the Rubber City home of the Soap Box Derby and Inventors Hall of Fame. I can help promote your tour by talking to our public library, independent stores, and chain store Books A Million, can also help with the Cleveland and Canton areas If you have time I can show you some of our Historical sites. oh yeah Chrissie Hynde of the Pretenders and Devo along with the Black Keys are from here also. I love to read and travel and have been following you since you started and bought your products.
If you have a press/media kit send it to me all thought I am a introvert like you if it is one of my interest I can become an extravert. I wish you the best. You are my inspiration why and when I travel.
Tofino, B.C. is a natural destination for an out of the way traveller like yourself! 4ish+ hours from Victoria you are very much at an epicenter of natural beauty, welcoming people. Wildside Booksellers would welcome you…after a day of talking – sail up to Tofino Hot Springs and commune with the ocean!
I second Cape Town. Thanks for the awesome PR work Kerry!
I’d love it if you came to Orange County, CA (San Clemente, CA would be even better!) I’d be happy to help organize a Meetup if you do decide to come this way!
Congrats on your book and the upcoming tour!
Come to Louisville, KY….we have good food and great beer.
Come back to Chicago! We loved you here last time, and would be happy to see you here again.
Come to Chicago! You’re bound to have some fans here in the big city. There’s a pub just west of the loop called the ‘Jefferson Tap’ that we use for our monthly Green Drinks networking event. The second floor area can be reserved and can comfortably fit about 50-60 people, which I think would be adequate for your book tour. Let me know if you need any help with accommodations.
Kansas City!
A great midwestern city that is entrepreneur-friendly (home of the Kauffman Center for Entrepreneurship!) and has a terrific independent bookstore, Rainy Day Books.
Hey, Chris! Come to Baytown, Texas. Conveniently located near Houston, so flying in is eeeeasy, plus close enough for your Houston devotees can come and right on I-10 for out-of-towners.
Baytown is an overlooked semi-precious stone of a place and we can show you great time. You know how we Texans are.
Oh, c’mon–you know you wanna. (I’ll play my blue ukulele for you!)
Yee ha!
You need to come to New Orleans again. I will make sure that the startup community knows about, and attends, this event.
What about Houston? IAH is a great airport.
Toronto, ON. I can offer you a bed, food, wine, and any assistance that you may need.
Wow–a book tour that includes Antarctica. Awesome!
Glad to see you’re coming to Philadelphia. I’ll be there! I think some people in a local writer’s group might be interested too, so I’ll mention it.
Looking forward to it!
Happy to help organize an San Francisco visit for you. I worked at Google and am pretty well networked in the tech scene, so getting folks to come to an event should be easy. I can also take you out for kick ass vegetarian food and take you on a non-conformist tour of the best hidden spots in the city.
You’re not visiting Silicone Hills? Austin is a great place to visit for any tech launch 😉
Come to Seattle. All the good Microsoftees dream all day long about their future startups.
Well I already see you have Raleigh/Durham on the list so I’m super happy! Looking forward to the new book and book tour.
You have to schedule Austin,TX. The city totally represents your message.
Los Angeles/So Cal is a must! There are so many amazing yoga studios that would love to promote this message – especicially if you throw is the idea of karma and service – giving back in some way. I am happy to share a few ideas with you.
I love the original “Keep ____ Weird” city. I’ll be there this weekend for SXSW (previewing the book next Monday at 5:00pm, I think), though, so we won’t have a tour stop.
LA / SF / SEA etc. –
Yep, definitely working those out!
So far we’re doing Calgary, Toronto, and Vancouver. But perhaps there’s room to add something else. 🙂
I’m not asking you to come to Juneau, AK. But I am asking, that when you go to Antarctica, please do a little film thing. I love seeing videos of explorers/travelers going to Antarctica, whether they’re flying or floating (in a boat with an engine).
If you fancy a Prague stop on the book tour let me know. I’ve organised several conferences and summits here so for sure can get a good turn out.
Even if you don’t end up coming to Waterloo, I am totally down for going on a road trip to Toronto to see you. I just hope it’s a date in May/June/etc when I am here!
DENVER, CO – you must come. The local saying is “It’s not heaven, but you can see it from here!”
Tattered Cover has already been mentioned – but that would be a great place for you to do your meet and greet with local fans. We also have some great yoga studios that could host you – Breathe Denver and Breathe at Shakta – the Shakta studio is on South Santa Fe where the First Friday Art Walk happens – that would be a tremendous tie-in.
If you need more space we have several universities in Denver proper, as well as some awesome universities and alternative education places like the Naropa Institute that would love to host you.
Keep us posted on when you will be here and I will get you set up with free massage therapy while you are here!
This time you absolutely should include Juneau, Alaska on your tour. We may be a small community but we are the capital city, we have an active arts community, many local entrepreneurs, and we rock. Another way to read that would be that a substantial number of us are too ornery to do anything but our own thing so we have to figure out how to make a living doing just that. And summer is the time to be here. You would be forced to go halibut fishing or whale watching or hiking in breathtaking splendor, some of the things those of us who live here are subject to all the time.
And after that I can put you in touch with Tracy down in Antarctica….
Oh, did I mention we have our own glacier?
When in LA, please consider Santa Monica. There are many venues and my husband and I will help!
Congratulations Chris.
You’ve got to come to London on your tour – after all, it is THE place to be this summer and the rest of the world’s elite competitors will be here;-)
And also you’ve have to be here so you can sample my world famed (amongst top bloggers) Indian cooking!
(1) Santa Monica is being dubbed “Silicon Beach”. The start-up community is growing like crazy with the help of co-working spaces. The book would be a hit with the community.
(2) I work at the Santa Monica Chamber of Commerce and would gladly arrange free meeting space.
(3) Lots of great restaurants/bars.
(4) It’s by the beach 🙂
Happy to help!
Chris would be most happy to help out for a visit to Auckland, New Zealand. If you’re going to go all the way to Australia, come and visit us as well!
And we have a very mild winter which helps.
We would love a stop in Atlantic Canada 🙂
Glad to read in the comments that you’ll be coming to Toronto 🙂
Be sure to post the dates so we can make sure we are there.
All the best,
You should participate in the NY Travel Show next year. You could hold a seminar there. Would love to see you there. Just had one last weekend : (
The people in Seattle would love to see you…! We’re the home of techies, Biznik, and people who can use an extra dose of Unconventional.
Hey Chris; congrats on the new book! I’ll second the San Diego request. There are a bunch of AONC fans/WDS-types around here that I’m sure would come. Looking forward to reading regardless!
Chris, you’ve got to come to Sydney, specifically Manly where there are awesome places to host your event right next to the beach.
I know of lots of people who’d love to come & would be happy to sort venues & spread the word to people who aren’t already on your list (know of at least 1 entrepreneur group & lots of other individuals who we could invite & could spread the word).
For running we have some of the most awesome scenery as a back drop plus lots of other amazing outdoor things to do. Like swimming with the bold & the beautiful (google pacific Jules) every morning.
I bet you don’t get alot of snow in Oregon, how about making snow men in beautiful Milwaukee, Wisconsin. If you decide to come, I’ll take you on a tour and buy you lunch!
You should come visit us in Denver. I’ve met you and heard you speak in 2010 in Portland, OR. Since I now live in Denver… should visit here too.
I’m seconding Stephanie’s nomination for San Diego! AND I just sent her an introductory email to see how we can collaborate. Between her people and my people, I think we could create a really beautiful event here for your book tour.
Why San Diego? Because people here NEED to hear your message. I know so many folks who have really genius and creative ideas…but they’re stuck due to the usual reasons (fear, debt, thinking they need some humongous business loan first before anything can happen, etc.). I’m a local so I know the city very well, and I’m already thinking of possible venues…hmmm.
Chris- You gotta come visit Myrtle Beach SC. Here’s why…
1. Great weather!
2. I’m an attendee of the inaugural WDS!
3. I’ll give you the pulpit at church for a talk if you’re here on a Sunday!
4. I’ll be back at the 2nd WDS this year!
5. My church will love you! What I learned at WDS is part of the reason I started it in Jan 2012.
6. I’ll arrange a cool book event for you at our Barnes and Noble. I know the CRM pretty well.
I’ll do the legwork. All you have to do is show up.
Hey Chris,
Nev here from,
have you ever been to Whistler, BC, Canada?
It’s one of the worlds best ski resorts and located about 2 hours north of Vancouver.
Whistler is the kind of place where unconventional people like to call home. It would be interesting to see how many of your readers are located here.
If you want to come to Whistler you’re welcome to stay at my place, (as long as you don’t mind the couch, it’s more comfortable than airport chairs).
We can host an event at my place for other readers and fans and I can get you a free lift ticket for the mountain.
See ya on tour.
Oh come to San Francisco or Oakland Chris! I am sure I could drum up a bunch of folks. How many do you need to make it worthwhile? I am sure we could get a nice house donated or if you need more space we could book a cafe.
I would spearhead this and bring a few other people on. I can think of at least one who would help. I get things done. I book my own music tours and travel all over the country several months out of the year and I am producing my own music festival, to be held this Friday evening.
So if any of this sounds like it might warrant further explanation, let me know. (Only potential trouble I can foresee is if I am also on tour! Really wanted to come to WDS, so this would be a nice consolation prize it we can make it work. ;+))
I second San Diego! Contact me if you need help.
The Fox Valley region of Wisconsin should absolutely be on your list of cities on your tour. Often forgotten about(except during football season) and brushed off as ‘rural’, this region which includes the Green Bay and Appleton metro areas, is incredibly entrepreneurial. I have experience in arranging speaking events for my non-profit organization (which helps entrepreneurs get a start) and would be happy to discuss details about how I can help make this happen via email.
Oakland, of course!
And in case this sways you westward at all, according to the NYT, Oakland is #5 in the top places to visit in 2012 (and #1 in the USA according to that list).
Not to mention, you’d get to meet ME!
Def come to Melbourne, Australia please!! We met you in Calgary last tour but have since moved here. Let me know if you need any help with organising in Australia would be more than happy to lend a hand! Can’t wait for to get my hands on this new book!! 🙂
Please come to Dublin, Ireland! We have so many great independent book shops that would love to host you. If you come, I’ll make 1,000 fantastic brownies. Promise.
What an offer! 1,000 brownies is hard to top…
Come to Phoenix, Arizona! Plus we’re always happy to host you too! 🙂
P.S. The valley of the sun is full of movers, shakers and innovators as well as tons of young students too—all who welcome your message and life style movement.
Cheers, Sabine
I agree with Savvy – come to London… The weather’s rubbish but we’ve got good coffee!
Historic Annapolis, MD
Depending on the level of effort required, I could hook you up with my Masonic Lodge. We usually don’t rent out our place but when we do, it’s very very affordable. Our building is 186 yrs old (give or take). We are right off Main Street – walking distance to the water, Naval Academy, etc.
Shut me an email if interested. Maybe you could also talk to us during one of our meetings, as well. We meet 2st & 3rs Monday of the month.
Boise, Idaho
I think it would be great if you made a stop in Boise. I’ve been getting involved with a couple of local entrepreneurial organizations (Kickstand or Boise Young Professionals B|Launched) in town and I think having you as a guest speaker would be really great. Let me know if you’re interested in Boise and I’ll make it happen.
I second the Brisbane, Australia suggestion. Would love to be involved with any Australian section of the tour.
Despite the obvious that we’re in the book, I think you should come to San Luis Obispo on your tour. It’s a convenient stop between San Francisco and LA, and the community here is full of bright-eyed college students, over 1000 nonprofits registered in the town alone, and it’s literally a community full of the kind of people you want to reach.
We’re also event planners so setting up a reading is pretty straightforward for us.
Come to Edinburgh Scotland ! I bought your first book at a wonderful independent bookshop called WordPower. I’m sure they would be happy to organise a reading/signing – I know Elaine Hendry who runs the bookshop.
I love that you´re coming to Brazil this time!!!
I second Rachel. It’s just a hop over to Auckland (NZ) from Australia and if you are going to Antarctica then you will have to go to Christchurch (after much paper work!) to go down there.
I know a few people who would help organise something in our beautiful city…and maybe you could put Rachel in touch with me to help!
Norman, Oklahoma. It’s about thirty minutes south of Oklahoma City (we’d love to have you back in OKC again, of course) and has a very relaxed, charming atmosphere. Plus, I can promise vegan cupcakes as well as handknits hats (donated to the charity of your choice- I assume you have plenty of handknits already).
2nd vote for Halifax Nova Scotia here. Super friendly east coast folks here, great beer and sea food (careful mixing the two!), and we’d love to have you! I just pre-ordered the book and can’t wait until it pops on my kindle, I’m a huge fan of your work Chris!
Arcata, California (near Eureka) is not the hugest city for your tour, but we’ve got loads of unconventional types here who have never heard of you but would love what you do. I think you’d get a warm reception and you’d dig the vibe here in Humboldt County. We have more artists per capita than any other county in the U.S.
I could set something up at our cool local independent book store – Northtown Books. Let me know if you’re interested.
Very happy to see Raleigh/Durham on the list. Will definitely plan to attend again. I overcame a big shy/introvert hurdle for myself by attending the last AONC tour stop in Durham on my own. Maybe this time I’ll be able to answer the question about what are you up to instead of drawing a blank and stumbling over my words!
You say you have traveled to many places, have you tried Tucson Arizona? We are one hour away from the mexican border and we have cooler weather than Phoenix. ( I still don’t understand why Phoenix was built, its like death valley there in the summers!) You can be introduced to a Sonoran hot dog, trust me once you have tried one a New York and Chicago dog you will forget all about! The sunsets over the mountain ranges are the best in the world here…..need I say more?
If you are traveling in May, you have to come to Minnesota. Most beautiful place in the world for that month. Happy to have you back to the Hinterland!!!!
I would love for you to stop by Kalamazoo, MI because of our fantastic location (exactly halfway between Chicago and Detroit!), but that’s not the only reason. There is a vibrant startup community here with a supportive city government and community foundation to help even tiny projects. In addition, we’re planning a TEDx event here that would be that much better should you want to attend (or present at)!
Please let me know if you have any other information you’d like to ensure that Kalamazoo, Michigan is on the list for your book tour.
So looking forward to this book and will definitely take up the great offer.
I am a seconder for coming to Queensland, just a little further south of Brisbane on the beautiful Gold Coast. Ready made running on the beach, great restaurants,wonderful people and amazing Zaraffas coffee. October means fabulous weather and lots of sunshine!
Have built in PR, marketing and an event coordinator and venues to host. If this sounds awesome – it will be!
Come back to Phoenix! It was great to hear you speak on the last tour! You should come here because we have a thriving entrepreneurial community and a great organization that supports it – Local First AZ. And besides, isn’t your friend, Pam Slim here??
Adelaide, Australia
Chris, Berlin is waiting for you.
I’m new to the city myself (moved here just 2 days ago) but until May/June I’ll be totally immersed.
Anyhow, why Berlin?
It’s THE city to be for creative entrepreneurs.
But don’t believe me… just come here and check it out.
The vibe is unique.
Come to Perth in western Australia!
Our city is the most isolated inthe world but filled with amazing talent and entrepreneurs! I can help out and already have a few ideas. Although, I am pretty keen to head to Dublin to see the 1000 brownies!
I’d like to second the vote for Boise. I met you here on your last tour and would love for you to come again.
Byron Bay or Lismore, Australia (or Gold Coast, or Brisbane). I will organise everything. There are thriving little incubators and businesses in the areas.
Come to Los Angeles. Colleen and I will throw you a fantastic event. The last one we did together worked out pretty well. She ended up bald at the end but head shavings aren’t required.
Hi my name is Dustin Thomas and I am a professional freelance graphic designer, Concept artist and photographer. I will throw in an Art Gallery in Calgary, AB downtown ( Its my family’s gallery I used to run one. Also will throw in not just the space but free advertisements for the event, I have seen you the last time you came to the city and took photos I can edit into posters for the show with your company logo added. So let me know what you think thanks.
You are already coming to my area (Raleigh/Durham, NC- thank you! We had a great time on your previous tour at the Regulator Bookshop and are very excited you’re coming back to central NC!) I would like to offer any help that I can give if you need it while you’re in the area (just contact me at this email address.) Thanks again for putting us on your tour!
Just a 2nd vote for Richmond. VA…
You simply MUST come to Melbourne, Australia! There’s a strong entrepreneur and blogging community, so you would be welcomed with open arms. Darren Rowse is here too, if his attractive head entices you at all. In fact he’s hosting a very popular blogging event in October… if you timed it juuuuuust right… it would be amazing to see you there!
We also have fabulous coffee, great laneway bars, and more dumpling restaurants than you can poke a chopstick at.
I hope you make it to Los Angeles! I will help by attending and bringing people with me who are also interested in starting small businesses and achieving personal freedom
I can’t wait to read the book! For now I will continue working my way through Escape Cubicle Nation, which I purchased per your recommendation at the end of Art of Non Conformity.
Big thanks for everything! 🙂
Another vote for Omaha, NE!
You have to make it to Montreal. Many of us here have been following you ever since you got published in La Presse newspaper. I think you have a good reader base from here and we’d be highly interested in having you for a conference. Moreover it would be very easy to fit in the schedule sometime around going to Boston or New York.
Let us know!
Read in Brooklyn, where else! I run programming, marketing, events at Dekalb Market, an outdoor space with 60 shipping containers converted to shops with beer garden and all sorts of events planned. A book tour to Brooklyn should definitely be in the agenda!
Houston, TX!!!! I would love to help host this event!
What about a dual San Diego/Tijuana stop? That’s two countries in one stop! There’s some amazing stuff going on in TJ. Let me know how I can help!
Hi Chris, I met you when you were here in Calgary, AB. Promoting TAONC I would love to have you back as a guest in our city. I am a Toastmaster and would love to promote this to our clubs. Calgary is a vibrant, young growing city. We would love to have you back to promote this new book. I would be willing to help plan this event.
Beijing, PRC and the Beijing Bookworm, one of Lonely Planet’s 10 best bookstores in the world. We would love to have you back in China!
Chris: So excited for the new book! (pre-orders already made) For your DC stop on May 12th, I’ve got a great entrepreneurial venue for you: Affinity Lab – the world’s oldest co-working space and home to 65+ small businesses – in 5,000 square feet of shared office space!
We’d be happy to host you and should be able to get a fantastic turn-out for the event as we regularly hosts guest speakers who target the start-up entrepreneurial community. As a WDS attendee last year, I also have a keen notion on how you like to have things run and we’ll do our best to host a similarly flavored event – although not sure I can promise Voodoo donuts! 🙁 That being said, we’re just down the street from DC icons Ben’s Chili Bowl and the 9:30 Club so good food and entertainment are just a hop and skip away…
Let me know how I can be of assistance and/or if you need help finding a venue…
Would be great if you can come to London but wait til after the Olympics are over. September would be perfect because after that I will be in my little French cottage working on my $100 Start-up!! Frankly though, I will travel anywhere in Europe to see you whenever it is!!
Cheers from the Global Nomad
Hi Chris, I posted earlier about coming to Cape Town, we would so love to have you.
I also wanted to offer any help with your Antarctica portion of your trip. My husband is an astronomer and we have several close friends who design, build and maintain the instruments on the telescopes at the South Pole. We also frequently know the winter-over staff there. If you need some Antarctica connections of the astronomical persuasion, give me a shout. I’ll also be at WDS2012.
Love how you’re making the world domination a festive affair 🙂
Are you coming to Singapore!?
Rochester, NY. We held our own on employment because we are a hotbed of geekery and we think of stuff and try stuff. Now Kodak’s finishing it’s long process of implosion and an idea like yours could get the North Coast to rival the East and West for being an engine of what’s next.
Hi Chris,
On your way to Cairo from Cape Town, please stop by the hub of East Africa – Nairobi, Kenya. I know the perfect spot for your book signing, and if you are interested please get in touch so we can make the necessary arrangements. 🙂
Looking forward to getting the book and to seeing you!
Tricia Wanjala
You’ll be welcome in Paris @La fausse boutique (“the fake shop”).
$100 startup is exactly our philosophy. On our wall we’ve written our motto “même une petite idée peut vous changer la vie” (even a small idea can change your life).
Our place is different because it’s at the same time a working community with currently 5 young startups sharing desks in the back-office and a showroom/concept store where we show what kind of $100 startup ideas emerge and actually changed the lives of the passionate entrepreneurs behind. We’re the only store where you’ll see anti hangover pills (, next to pixel art stickers (, satirical card games (, boxers ( & much more.
Starting March 29, we’ll host an exhibition called “Portrait d’entrepreneurs” till July. Our aim is to reveal to the public the entrepreneur’s story and motivations. It’d be great to have you for an event at some point during the period!
Last fall, I read your AONC book and really enjoyed it. I think your ideas are much needed, especially in France and Paris, where people are often frightened to try new things.
Shanghai, China (if you’ve ever been…nuff said!)
I can contact some local foreign-aimed bookstores to see if they would be interested.
It’s so exciting to hear that you are coming to Australia for this tour!
I wouldn’t expect you to come to my city (I live in a regional area of Western Australia), but will definitely travel to another Aussie city for the tour! It would be great if you could come to Perth! I’d be happy to help with the Australian leg of your tour!
Hi Chris,
I live in Dubai, UAE and I think a stop here would be great. What sort of help do you need?
why don’t you come to luxembourg?:) it’s so small that many people overlook it and it would be great to have someone like you come and share your experience and your work. i’m an english teacher and i would love you to come and talk to my students and share your taste in travel and self-development.
Come to Vail, Colorado.
We have an international audience here and a local population filled with entrepreneurs and adventurers. I am about to launch a Website and inbox magazine to promote and facilitate family sabbaticals. Unconventional Guides are part of our affiliate sales plan and I believe your tour would bring out an already familiar and eager audience.
Come visit the very center of the US – Lawrence, KS! I know you might be tempted to visit nearby Kansas City instead (being a larger city and all), but Lawrence is really the place to come if you want to represent Kansas or Missouri.
We’re a progressive community with a thriving social media and local business focus.And folks from Kansas City are used to making the 30 minute drive out here already for KU basketball games, arts programs, and beer at Free State.
I’m already on a roll setting up a 2nd annual Summer Fair here in Lawrence and would love to help with any arrangements!
Perth, Australia is a must Chris!! Heaps of talent and entrepreneurs over here. Come over here and I can get the event happening….
Seriously Chris you CAN’T do Calgary and not Edmonton. I’d almost not buy the book 🙁 I said almost.
We have great restaurants here in Edmonton and Alberta beef!!!
I’d love to set something up in Miami, FL- maybe after you hit Atlanta? May 17th or after. We met for fifteen seconds during your last tour at the Harvard Coop. I thought that event was excellent- it was packed to standing-room-only, you gave an awesome talk, there were cupcakes (!)- and I’d be happy to help put together something similar here. valerie dot urso at gmail dot com.
I’m going to echo Sami’s comment. While I’m usually in Waterloo, I will be in the UAE all of May, so um.. do stop over there, as well!
We’d LOVE to have you back in Saskatchewan, Canada!!!! We often get overlooked for the larger centres, but we have such great people here and it would be fantastic to see you again!
You stopped in Regina last time – why not try Saskatoon this time around? (btw – I live closer to Regina, but would travel to Saskatoon for your book tour – it’s a great place)
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan has been dubbed the “Paris of the Prairies” and you’ll see why – it’s a gorgeous place!
But Regina’s a fab city too and closer for Philip and I to visit. Either way, we enthusiastically invite you back to SASKATCHEWAN!!!!!!
As a few others have voiced you absolutely should come to Chicago! If the dates work I would encourage you to coordinate it near or during TechWeek- June 22-26th- as thousands of entrepreneurs will be in the area with the intention of listening and learning. I think many would benefit from your unique perspective. If not then, I’d be happy to help coordinate an event. I’m the chapter director for a women’s entrepreneurial and media resource group and actively attend, participate and organize events for our start up community.
Congrats on your new book – I can’t wait to read it! I would LOVE to help organize a meet-up in Portland, ME to celebrate the day that I met you in Portland, ME in Fall 2010 on your AONC book tour. Between my high school friends, my mom’s tango community, my Team Northrup group, my yoga peeps, and all the rest of my tribe and yours in Maine I think we could get together a nice gaggle of folks. I’d love to do it in June and take you out on my mom’s boat in Casco Bay as a bonus 🙂 Let me know!
Congrats on a the new book! I would suggest you come to Zurich, Switzerland. I would definitely help to organize a meet-up and I think there is a huge potential in this city. So, you should definitely add this city to your list.
So glad you’re coming to Boston. I’ll pencil you in for the 10th of May.
Toronto please!!
I would be happy to help you find a place on a return visit to Denver. It was great meeting you last time around.
I’m really surprised you’re not starting in Portland. Maybe I could come by and get a signed copy? =D
We’re *ending* the first stage in Portland. (At Powell’s, naturally.) Hope to see you there.
We need you. This city is full of talent and creativity, but there is a lot of unemployment, and underemployment is rampant. Tall Poppy Syndrome is everywhere in NZ and creates the feeling that striving for personal success is just arrogant.
We’ve got the talent and the skills, we just need a boost in confidence. I’ll hit the local community centers, the chamber of commerce, libraries, universities, and trade schools to promote your book. Maybe we can even get Peter Jackson on board!
Come to Ann Arbor, MI! Your visit will be most appreciated and welcomed.
Akron, Ohio awaits! We can host the gathering in our store…the brick-and-mortar home of our lil’ $100 startup story.
Or, if that’s not a big enough venue, we have a beautiful historic theater downtown that holds many more. We’d love to have you in gorgeous, ripe-for-more-green-business, Northeast Ohio!
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
My friend, Brian, and I have recently moved to Ho Chi Minh City, and we’re in the first stages of putting down roots. I think an event here would be a win-win for everyone: you could visit Vietnam again and experience HCMC’s changes (there’s been some big ones in the past few years) and fantastic energy, Brian and I could explore the city from a completely new angle, and the community will get interesting perspective about The $100 Startup.
Let us know if we can help. We’d be happy to talk further about the details.
P.S. Just finished reading The Tower – inspiring with great reminders.
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Jake and I not only agree you should make Ho Chi Minh City a stop on your book tour, but we’re also incredibly excited about the opportunity to offer our assistance. The former Saigon is a city of great energy and change, and along with it comes an environment of expansion. Expansion of ideas, of culture, of business, and of possibilities. Not only are native Vietnamese seeking new and exciting ways to achieve their dreams, but additionally there is a massive community of foreigners marked by a passion to step out of the cookie-cutter lifestyle and take a different path. From the individual seeking international experience in a multi-national company, to the really adventurous person making it in their own way.
Both Jake and myself could serve as your feet on the ground, assisting in coordination, and translating a stop in Vietnam from thought to reality.
I’m sure you’d have Charleston, WV on your list again this time, Chris, if only my husband and I had been able to make it on the first tour! 🙂
Hopefully, you’ll include Cincinnati, OH this time around!
Hi Chris, come to Baton Rouge! It is one of the few still economically viable cities during the recession and has a lot to offer regarding individuals’ desire to “start-up” their own business – being a flagship university town.
Looking forward to the new book…
Hi Chris: I hope you will make it to Toronto, Canada – as I’m sure you’re aware,
Ontario is not in great shape right now and there are plenty of unemployed /underemployed people here who are pretty discouraged about the traditional job market and looking for a different approach.
I would be happy to help arrange things in Boston if you need any help. I have a good friend who is part owner of a The Porter Square Book Shop in Porter Square. Let me know if you need any help getting the word out when you have aevent site put together.
Well in D.C., Politics & Prose is the gold standard. And in general, I (and SPACIOUS) would be glad to help organize/promote/do something here. Let us know what you need.
I think you should visit Los Angeles because it is one of the liveliest, most eclectic, and open-minded cities in the US! Besides, I love my hometown!! I could help get you set up in Downtown LA, in a cool industrial building in the Arts District or by the new LA Live complex. Or you have other neighborhoods to choose from: Silver Lake, Santa Monica, Hollywood, West Hollywood, Pasadena…just so many choices!! So please choose Los Angeles!! I would be extremely grateful if you did!!
B&O Espresso, Seattle
City Perk Espresso, Maple Valley, WA
We will rock it out for you.
Hi Chris
Is Beijing already on the agenda – or are you waiting for the translations to be done first? Would love for you to come to Beijing, and we could do meetings with Entrepreneur groups as well, for both the English-speaking and CHinese speaking community! We could even have you do a start up here in China 🙂
Noch Noch
Come to Austin, TX!
I’d be happy to help and organize some sort of meetup for you. Austin is a wildly creative and entrepreneur friendly city – full of awesome entrepreneurs. Plus there is RISE (listed above – not affiliated in any way) which I’d have to think would get the word out!
Ordered! I’m excited to see what you’ve put together.
Come back to Chicago. There is an amazing startup culture percolating here, but many of us who are just starting out would love some of your inspirational storytelling to help us keep things going. I would be happy to organize a book talk/signing/cookie tasting – whatever you want. Your first book and the blog have really helped me to finally get started on my dreams. Thanks!
Definitely come to Chicago!
Hey Chris, would love to see you come to Chicago. So many entrepreneurial-minded folks here who probably can’t wait to get a hold of your book. I know I’m looking forward to it.
San Diego, Ca or LA, Ca!
yAy! Books coming to Texas. Shared AONC with my students and visited with Chris in Dallas on the tour. Coming back to see us?
Adding my voice for Minneapolis! Over the past few years we’ve been rated hipster-est, gayest, most bike-friendly, most literate… AND the 4th best place to visit during the summer in the ENTIRE WORLD by national geographic. Our little northern hub of nonconformity. (:
Lots of active Reddit-ers, Couchsurfers, and Meetups if you want to get the interest up that way. If timing happens to work out, Twin Cities CouchFest will be drawing hundreds (alright, last year we had 150… but it’s more than a hundred!) of couchsurfers from across the US and the world to our fair cities July 13-15 and we’re planning a jam-packed weekend of couch-themed awesomeness that would fit right in with the theme of working for yourself, traveling, and living the brave life.
Please let me know if you’d like any help coordinating your tour stop to Minneapolis! I’d be thrilled to help.
Well since this a not-so-subtle roll call to see where everyone is from, I’ll add Oklahoma City to the list! If you did come, I’d try to show up if I didn’t chicken out. And since Chris P. described Minneapolis so appealingly, after you stopped here, it might be worth both our whiles to head on up I-35 for a visit! It’s only a 10 hour drive between the cities. (By contrast, driving to Los Angeles from here is 21 hours). Luckily all the snow and ice will have been gone by that time, & possibly tornado season will have died down, so we could each grab a hybrid or electric car and go!
You should stop by Nashville on your way South, Chris! I’ve got some college friends who would love your books.
I’d love a visit here in Iowa. I can travel to either Des Moines or Iowa City, or I could help arrange one in Grinnell, IA.
Looking forward to read your book. Have you been to Malta (Europe) yet? If not, I suggest you visit and organise a book launch or conference for your fans in Mediterrenean countries.
Brilliant! Ordered & waiting patiently 🙂 i’ll be travelling europe for my startup. Down $10.000 so far, so i’m grateful for info like yours! All the best!
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