Win an $1,800 Scholarship to Adventure Capital

Four weeks ago, we launched Adventure Capital to a small group of beta members.
We’re now gearing up to launch it more widely… next week! Wednesday, May 29 is the day when our initial group will be available to refer new members, and a few special partners will be writing about it as well.
But first! In the spirit of adventure, we’re giving away two full scholarships to the entire year-long program.
Win a Full Scholarship (Short Version)
It’s very basic. Adventure Capital is all about helping new business owners increase income by taking deliberate action over the course of a year. To enter, simply comment in this post about what kind of business you’d like to start, improve, or grow.
We’ll choose two winners on Sunday night at 6pm PST.
Win a Full Scholarship (Longer Version)
The two winners will receive the entire 12-month series of course modules, along with all the case studies and additional resources that everyone else receives. We may have a live event for A/C members at some point. If so, the scholarship winners will also be invited.
If entering the contest, you must commit to work on the course regularly! A/C is all about taking regular action over time to create your own freedom and independence through entrepreneurship. This has to be a core part of your life over the next year.
Hint: It doesn’t actually take that much time to grow a business step-by-step—but the time you spend has to be devoted to the right things. This is a key component to all of the lessons and action plans we’re creating with our members.
You must be willing to share the results of your progress with everyone else in the group. A/C isn’t a forum—the focus is on taking action, not on telling people about it—but we’re rolling out a new series of case studies for our members starting next week. If chosen for a scholarship, you’ll need to agree to being a case study, sharing lessons and results with other members.
You don’t need to write a long essay to enter the contest. A few concise sentences saying why this opportunity will help you will be fine.
Oh, it’s probably a good idea read the introductory material so you understand what we’re doing in the course and why it matters.
There are no other requirements. Our biased judges will select two winners based on their own bizarre and twisted logic.
Over to you!
UPDATE: Entries are now closed! See this post for the winners.
Dear Judges!
I have a 2-yr old part time business in Cambridge, UK as an improvisation tutor for comedy and theatre. I want to grow this business with a (profitable!) project to serve people who don’t necessarily want to perform but want to have fun while gaining the key personal benefits of learning spontaneous theatre: to get bolder, manage anxiety, unlock creativity and deal positively with change.
I get great feedback from my classes currently and I’d be absurdly happy to carry out the Adventure Capital modules to focus on making this a targeted full time business.
thanks for your consideration 🙂
Very exciting! Thanks for the heads up.
Thanks Chris for this generous offer. This amazing opportunity I believe would keep me accountable to my vision and actually push me to start making real steps toward my business of FIELD. Field, a Labor of Love. Field, a lifestyle design accessory business geared at creating a sustainable income for myself and hopefully refugees in Denver and beyond. I’ve been on a lot of big physical adventures where I have challenged my body, but this challenge of business has always been overwhelming to me. I am grateful I have been gifted with a clear vision, but I can’t figure out how to move forward and I need help. If I receive this scholarship I can guarantee that I will dedicate myself to utilizing all the tools provided and hells yeah please use me as a case study. 😉
I am working to improve my online business. It is centered on helping people achieve their God given maximum potential in life.
I am using and will continue to develop products in order to guide people towards achievement of their ultimate potential.
This course will help me deepen my understanding and help guide my plan by knowing which steps to take in the right order.
I have an existing business which is an online video directory of therapists. I also have a private practice as a therapist. I”m looking to grow my business and income from the online business and build it so that more people have access to qualified, excellent therapists.
I have the idea. I have the drive. I have already started the work myself just a few weeks ago, and I am quickly discovering how much I need the knowledge and support of people who have done this before. This would be perfect timing to help launch my business to help other people as much as possible, all while sharing my progress to help others in my footsteps. Keep up the great work, as I’m looking forward to hearing even more soon!
I want to create a website just about copywritting here in Brazil, since this subject is new and we don’t have much good references as we have in another countries. I have myself as the copywriter and a pretty awesome designer who is also my business partner in the internet business we run together. I want to make impact, make a huge impact by the content and definetly need help to to this. I’m seeing a really great opportunity whit this project but need advice and help.
The reason why I want to exchange brainpower and contribute to this inspiring group of Adventure Capital enthusiasts: In 8th grade, I signed everyone’s yearbook, “From Caren, Future World Dominator.”
I am totally not kidding.
Oh yeah, and I help people overcome depression with a heart-centered yoga and meditation practice through my not-quite-year-old biz Along with my dog.
So I have lots of things I am working on but I signed up for Adventure Capital for one particular business idea – launching a skin care line made of grass fed beef and lamb tallow. It is a waste product by and large but rendered out and gently scented there is nothing better for human skin since it virtually bio-identical…unlike botanicals, which our skin gets tired of.
there isn’t much out there like this but this was the skin care of choice for 50,000 years and the feedback we have received so far has been great.
I’ve been doing web design for about 3 years now through a number of other designers, but only very recently growing with any little puffs of steam. And along with the growth, I’m realizing… I have no idea whatsoever how to run a business! I’m good at what I do, but definitely not the business part 🙂
I recently launched a membership forum called The Lateral Freelancer. Over the long-term, I hope to start a living that helps people making a living via the “Share Economy” and Peer-to-Peer Marketplace through e-books, e-courses, and other offerings. I’ve been using Airbnb, TaskRabbit, and similar sites for years, and I want to show people that it’s possible to build a freelance career using many different skills rather than just focusing on one or two.
I’d love to participate in Adventure Capital to help make this project a success!
I *just* launched the Filthy Rich Writer Comprehensive Copywriting Course. I’ve spent the past year building the site and building the course and now I need to get people to it.
The course is all about helping people learn to write effective copy, how to navigate the industry and how to build a successful career as a full-time, freelance or contract copywriter. (Here’s the sales page if you’d like to see more information: )
I’d love to increase my Interior Design and Event Decorating business. I started it officially last year, but have really been doing it for the last 4 years. I’m taking it seriously now and I could definately use a lot of help.
Hello adventurers! I am an art therapist working with children who have been sexually abused.
I help them know and remember they have worth and value. I have a glue gun in one hand and a paintbrush in the other. Seeing these kids heal through the power of art is MAGIC!
I would love to branch out and reach more kids who need help!
I’m thinking of a mobile art therapy trailer, much like the bookmobiles that saved my life as a kid in the rural Midwest.
If you pick me YOU WILL NOT BE SORRY!
I inspire these kids to create their lives. I see firsthand the healing power of art every day!
I practice what I preach!
Help me reach more deserving kids!
We will rewrite a new story with way better illustrations.
You dig?
Hi Chris,
I’ve been self-employed as a photographer and now filmmaker for over 35 years. I suppose the fact that I have been able to sustain my career for that length of time, in a competitive field is a testament to itself. I truly feel my success is due to my intense desire to create imagery that tells a story.
I have always marketed to businesses – never to the consumer or retail crowd. However, I am adding a new “genre” to my business and that is family biographies. I realize the most precious thing in peoples’ lives is their family and I want to create family stories in cinema form to capture the legacy that every family has and cherishes. Creatively, I know exactly how I want to achieve this but I also know I could use a fresh perspective and approach when it comes to the business end of things – in particular marketing and promotion.
I am eager to learn and take this adventure.
Gail Mooney
I am starting an online business centered around helping people connect who they are as individuals with what they do for work. But really it’s not just about work since work is only one portion of a persons life. Its really about getting real comfortable with who you are at your core and letting your life be an outpouring of your individuality. I am working on an eBook about finding your sweet spot. I will sell information products, offer assimilation training and consulting to small businesses.
I’m doing something similar to what you just achieved: traveling to every country in the world! I made a website and I’m trying to turn it into a business possibly through ads or sponsorships. The difficult part is knowing how to do it. I’m currently doing this part time but would like to devote myself fully. Problem is, I don’t have the income to support my job, but by working another job I dont have time to devote to my passion… It’s a tough cycle.
It would be a great opportunity to learn through Adventure Capital!
Thank you so much for this opportunity, Chris. I have just turned a personal project of mine into a business (literally 4 days ago!), and I’m currently developing some information products. It’s called The Gratitude Project – A Year of Saying Thank You to the People Who Changed My Life and the primary focus is sharing my own gratitude practice and encouraging people to start their own. I want to develop a range of information products geared towards helping people build gratitude into their lives in a way that suits them, as well info on the health & well-being aspects of gratitude and why it makes you happier and solves almost any problem!
Thanks for considering me 🙂
My current main idea is to help people eliminate nasty, harmful chemicals from their lives. I’ve begun drafting content for tips on replacing products and living a healthier lifestyle and save money. The plan is to publish a regular blog with quality, helpful info products that save people money and eliminate the risk of cancer.
I’m a wantrapreneur, slowly making slow progress. This course would be great to give me accountability to put into action my plan, for which there *is* a market.
I would like to start a business that serves the secular homeschooling community. I’ve found that in general, curriculum geared towards homeschoolers is religious in nature and isn’t suitable for those who aren’t religious or don’t want their religion to be such a big part of their education or their children’s education.
I would like to create a curriculum sufficient for people who are self-educated, as homeschoolers often are in the later years of their education, that is not influenced by religion.
I am a homeschool graduate myself and have a lot of experience with self-educating, homeschool curriculum and education in general.
Adventure Capital will help me because although I have the idea, I do not have previous experience with running a business and would definitely appreciate some guidance. I am also inspired by the idea that less time is necessary if you do what is important in that time. I think at this point in time I would spend more time than necessary trying to figure out what is important.
It was a year ago this summer that I read, or rather devoured, The $100 Startup, and geared myself up to start my business around 8/1/12.
Storychick is focused on helping people to connect through stories. The current main effort is a pilot community program that will be a part of our Fringe festival this fall. The company has yet to really make money. I’ve belatedly put together a business plan to fix this and work on monetization. I try to work on something each day, but it feels like I never make significant progress.
Thanks, Chris, for the opportunity! I know I could use it!
Hey Chris, Thanks for this awesome opportunity. I am in the process of starting a website to connect small nonprofits and local businesses. The Nonprofit Listing will be a “classified” page where registered nonprofits can post the THINGS they need. Then local businesses (or individuals) can search based on location, category, or cause. So often small local nonprofits get overlooked by the big national brands. I’m hoping I can get them a foot in the door with local businesses who care about their own communities. I’m only just beginning this, and I think the hardest part is to come… getting the word out and showing people how it can benefit everyone involved. I would love to be able to work with you to make this the best it can be!
I preach the gospel of “Yes” to people drowning in “No” through fun, interactive corporate training solutions. It’s a blast to watch their eyes light up as they realize all the possibilities.
I’m ready to help more people. I’m ready to grow!
I have a holistic healing business and have just published a book on Holistic Healing, being responsible for your own health. It is my first book in a planned series, I have #2 & #3 started. I want help in making my healing business and book more visible in the world.
I want to heal the world, one book at a time!
Thank you, blessings of wellness, Paula
Howdy Judges!
I have a one-year old part-time Survival School based in New York City. Unlike most survival schools, we focus on team-based community survival in the modern age both in urban and wilderness environments. Think Boy/Girl Scouts blended with MacGyver for adults.
As far as sales go, we’ve had some small successes, but know we could be doing a lot more. I just don’t know how to get there. I know the classes are great, everyone who comes to our classes gives us rave reviews!
There’s A TON of potential here, and I’m sure we’d make an amazing case study. Not just because of the potential increase in earnings, but we’ve already been approached by reality TV producers for our entertaining classes and customers!
Slowly growing my tradeshow exhibit business and while I have had periods of success, keeping the pipeline full of prospects is a challenge and I could use a more structured approach to that. It sounds like your new program may be extremely useful and empowering!
Hi Chris ~
I’m wildly excited at the idea of being one of your winners. I’m a 54 yr old woman and recently launched my site I have big ideas but putting them in motion seems daunting. Content (I have that down okay), surveys, products (I know what I want, but don’t know how to get them manufactured), interaction, etc.
I want to help others through my company AND I want the “mature” crowd to see that you can start something new later in life and be fantastically successful.
Thanks for the opportunity ~
I would like to start a business centered around writing/photography that helps and inspires people to live a great life. This would begin with a travel related guide i’m working on and continue on with other guides/courses and products. This shop would also be connected with a blog that focuses on the same topic on a broader scale (looking at different aspects/challenges of living a great life).
I’m a 17 year old Diabetes Evangelist that inspires primary care providers through keynote speaking. I’d like to expand this from a little side project into a full-blown business. I’d love to work with diabetics as well as doctors, and/or expand my offerings from just speaking into consulting and products. I also want to build my customer base, so that I can work more consistently. The sky’s the limit!
I am working on a business that will properly introduce the hand held bidet in the US. There are some on the market already but none are high quality and none excite and explain the beauty and cleanliness behind the Bum Gun! Cheers Chris!
I have an idea for a software-as-a-service product for small scale manufacturers (artisans, essentially). I started a business making handmade leather bags and accessories and noticed there wasn’t a single comprehensive solution that could handle raw materials inventory, product inventory, order fulfilment tracking, customer management, and basic accounting. There are enterprise level solutions that cost too much for an artisan (also known as a ‘micro manufacturer’ or ‘one man sweatshop’) and there are more affordable solutions that only offer one of the services mentioned – meaning I spend more time jumping from software to software to get all my business admin done. Artisans don’t start their business because they love business, they do it because they love their craft – and they would prefer to spend more time on that, and less time on the admin. My idea would help them do exactly that, by creating a centralized “HQ”. I have the market research and I can get the beta testers, but I need help actually figuring out what steps to take to make this happen.
At the risk of sounding like an ass-kisser, I loved your book and that you provided real casestudies. The course would be rad.
I love sewing and fashion design, and I really want to start my own fashion design business. It’s a pretty daunting thought though…
Hi Chris and the rest of the AONC team,
Thank you for this awesome opportunity to help entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs grow and learn. You are doing a great thing for the community!
I’m currently working at an ad tech start-up in Manhattan where I’m learning a ton about the technology and advertising industry and how to run and grow a business. I have an idea to build a finance education platform, which was well received by investors and judges at the FintechHack NYC this year. (A VC Partner said to me, “this is brilliant! Where were you six years ago when I was learning this?”) I believe the idea has great potentials. A concept prototype has been developed and. I plan to start a company based on the concept within a month. I have been fortunate to receive advice from some great people. However, as this is the first venture I am starting, I’m just taking baby steps. It’d be awesome to get guidance from someone like Chris Guillebeau, who inspired me to travel around the world and to use my ideas creatively 🙂
Thank you for your time and consideration. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions.
I want to help people become a philanthropist in their communities. I have already started the organization, but need a good kickstart. This would not only help my organization but everyone’s altruism as well.
This is awesome. Would love to win the scholarship. Too many ideas, but lack the practical steps to get where I want to go.
I would like to set up a network of small boutique hotels who are part of the slow travel revolution, that focus on supporting their local community, eco-friendliness and luxury. Individuals could become members and receive points like they do through Starwood, but they also get green and/or community points based on how the hotel they choose effects the local community and environment. With these green/community points the network will donate x$ per point to an organization that supports the environment/community. The network website will provide in depth information on how the hotels effect the community.environment they are in. What I need to get this off the ground is some expert knowledge and a community to be responsible to. Adventure Captial can provide that for me.
This is my plan A. I do not, and will not, have a plan B.
I’m a 20 year old guy who recently quit his job, got real, and gave the middle finger to paying my dues, putting my time in, and waiting… because good things come to people who wait, right? F that. I’m pumped to build my brand as a coach and strategist for young entrepreneurs who want to live a heroic life by way of having a kick-ass brand. I’m also starting a blog for these peeps, called Zombieness, that focuses on living a life with less… zombieness (grind, expectations, should and supposed to B.S.).
Adventure Capital will allow me to inject myself into a place to establish meaningful connections with like-minded people, and foster an environment that will allow me to keep hitting the forward button on my life. Wow.
In excitement,
Hi there! I’m in the process of launching a business called Tipsy Cooks in Chicago. I’ll be teaching in-home cooking classes for groups. The first fully fleshed out class is a fresh pasta workshop.
I think that as life becomes more digital and we’re logging long hours in front of screens every day that people are becoming hungry for ways to connect with their surroundings. I think people are turning to urban gardening, crafting (the rise of Pinterest is a great example of this) and cooking to do more with their hands, and I think hosting in-home, low-cost cooking events would fit well with young urban groups.
Thanks for considering my business!
I am currently unemployed, But would like to start a business directed at giving the inner city youth a platform to learn about the thoughts, philosophies, and actions of all the great business leaders. I feel that instead of pounding in their heads about their current situations or neighborhoods, I want to change the flow of their thinking to something greater. If the youth can think that Jay Z is a symbol of a successful business man, Wait until they see the true businessmen they never get a chance to hear about. The Scholarship Award would be towards the Materials I would need and also going toward a plan of connecting with Local Schools for them to join with me in selecting the needed youths they have that could use my service.
Every one has a story about how bad customer service really is, even while companies pour millions into marketing and inventory, to get customers into the store in the first place. Typically, the problem has been untrained sales staff.
As a Veteran Retailer in India, having held critical roles in Sales, Merchandising and Training, I wanted to build an innovative solution to help staff improve customer service, that is both timely and cost effective. That is how I thought of an android mobile app because, a cell phone is accessed by staff all the time . A Google play search only confirmed the large “Blue Ocean” of an opportunity, with just 135 apps on retail training in the whole world !
Quit my full time day job and now I passionately build the business to reach a market of over 10,000 Brands and 35 million Retail Staff population in India! The first version is up on google play at Retailgurukul, the first pilot customer signed up and now looking to build and scale, on a freemium format
A scholarship of AC will help me go where I have never gone before and impact customers and staff, first in India and then rest of the world !
Free “Retailgurukul” app on Google
Chris and team–
My business has now reached an expansion and growth state. I’ve been doing consulting work to support health programs in Africa– mainly, I work on strengthening capacity building programs for governments, health workers and patients to help them better respond to HIV, TB and malaria. I am soon to relocate to the Middle East and will be facing the need to reinvent the business to meet a new set of needs in a (very!) different region of the world. My key skill sets are around communication, curriculum design and training and my goal is to have a small business that is truly global (in another 2-4 years, I will be ready to move it to yet another region of the world).
I am hoping that your Adventure Capital course will help me build something truly location-independant and tap into a global market.
In 2011 I decided that creativity would become a major part of my life. I quit my day job and left for a one year trip around the world that became two! During this period I took the time to think about life and what I really wanted to do. “What would I do if I had all the money in the world?”
I started Cocolita my jewelry business 2 months ago. I really want to make this project work for me and would appreciate some help to make good decisions that will create a big difference in my sales and growth. It’s my second attempt as a jewelry designer but this time it’s a full time project and all my energy is focused on achieving my goals!
For a peek at my past two years of travelling, please see my blog (in french but with beautiful pictures!) You will also find a look-book and more about my new business on
Buckle Up! Here we go. I am smack dab in the middle of a 12 month career sabbatical. I’m a corporate CPA. (Yes, all bean counters are nerds – some of us are just more fun than others.) While on break I thought I’d blog about my experience. Right off the bat several readers commented they wanted to know how I saved enough money to take a year off from a 6-figure job when my husband didn’t work either. So I started a finance series called Skinny Wallet Phat Life (see – told you some of us were fun). Along the way, I started following several personal finance blogs to see what they were talking about. They all talked about the same thing (sometimes even on the same day) and in the same style. An opportunity was laying in front of me to talk about the basics of finance in a fun, smart + sassy voice that would appeal to those that were either bored to tears with finance or intimidated by it. I could help people in debt. I’d been in debt + clawed my way out, saved enough money to take a year off work. I had the expertise. So the Fiscal Flamingo was hatched. I’ve got a site, the product will be released to the public on the 1st of June. Now what? I extend my hand to you.
My husband and I are starting a photography and documentary filmmaking business. We believe in photography (and videography) for the uncommon good–that pictures, video and writing can help create a better world. My husband was once a recon photographer for the Air Force; now we want to be recon photographers for peace. I’ve been inspired by AONC blogs for a while now, and I’d love to have more guidance on world domination! Thanks for the example you’re setting, Chris.
My wife and I had our first baby, a girl, back in March. So my goals have shifted: it’s more important than ever that we model a passionate pursuit of dreams and potential for our daughter. To that end, I want to formalize my iOS app business, hire a full-time team, and really start cranking out more fun, quirky games.
I want to create more residual income with the app business so that my work can truly be location-independent and so that I can spend more time writing geeky fantasy fiction (with magic and dragons and swords with names) and children’s books.
Chris, you seem to have been quite successful at building new, sustainable business ventures off of existing ones. I think I could learn a lot from you, and from the rest of the Adventure Capital community.
Shoot, we’ve got one life to live, right? I want to make mine count and show my girl how to do the same.
I am I Swede and I have been living with my family as a nomad in 13 years in Thailand and Greece and have during the last two years startade my true life as a Digital Nomad. I am helping others reach their innermost passion and believing that they can go their own way. My business is mostly towards Swedes and I would love to learn more about how I can reach out to the international audience and also get more automated income. I truly Believe we are witnessing a revolution now that soooo many people become nomads or are planning to, and I want to help as many as I can to become fearless and believing in themselves. 🙂
This June will mark my third year running my pre-law consulting company, the Personal Statement School (PSS). I’ve been a pre-law adviser for almost 10 years (6 years at a large university and 3+ years with the PSS) and I want to ramp it up and help more people! My mission is to help people KICK ASS on their law school applications. I help people get into better law schools than if they were to apply on their own. I want to ensure my services and products are the right ones to sell and I want to reach A LOT more people. There are 55,000-60,000 people applying to law school every year and I want all of them to know about the PSS. I want to be nationally known.
Hi, thanks for this opportunity! I started this online journey back in 2009 with a course on WordPress blogging. So I have a blog. Yet I have no idea how to monetize it. I have participated in 2 30 day blog challenges in 2013 hoping that would increase my traffic. No increase in traffic! Here is what I realize. I have no idea how to create a successful business online and this is simply my goal! At this point I am overwhelmed, not monetizing the site and looking for the opportunity to have a teacher, trainer, mentor for an extened period of time to succeed at my business would be the most awesome opportunity! My blog is focused on Gluten Free Living for Health, Fitness, Weight Loss. Thanks. 🙂 Wendy
I’m from Rio de Janeiro / Brazil and, after many years organizing events for big corporations, I’ve decided to quit and open my own business to create and execute events that will promote self-knowledge and help people change their lives and the world. The idea is to bring different thinkers, philosophers, spiritual guides and scientists together to create a dialogue that will allow people to reflect about their own lives and how they are acting positively to change the world. The WDS is a huge reference for me, and I’d really profit from this scholarship in order to get started!
Best regards and many thanks for this opportunity!
Wow, what an amazing opportunity! Thank you so much!
I would LOVE the opportunity to learn how to grow my business – Small Business Gal, but most of all, the community is what is attracting me to this program! I would love to be able to support other business owners and gain some support from others as well! It will be a game changer for me!
Thank you so much, Chris & team!
Since I was a little kid, I really really REALLY loved the idea that I could be anything I wanted. But it sort of backfired when it came to HOW to be the thing I wanted when everyone was telling me you can’t do that and make money at the same time. You have to work hard at a job you hate in order to make money, and I really hated that idea.
This has made my life kind of sucky, trying to conform when I didn’t want to, and thus failing at both.
I want to prove to myself and the world that I can do what I love and be successful at it! I just got to figure out how.
I want to create a writing business, where I write fiction and nonfiction and self-publish it myself. I also want to add art and comics, create a whole mini-franchise of my own stories. With the power of the internet and the boom of the e-book, I know it’s possible. I just got to figure out the how and that’s where I think Adventure Capital can help me since I’ve never done this before, but desperately want to see if I can make it work.
Viable idea? √. Tribe? √. Focus, creativity, drive? √√√. A solid product to go with that idea & clear, actionable steps set out over a course of time? Not so much. I could really use some help.
Interestingly enough, I am a coach for creatives, usually the one doling out those actionable goals. The process isn’t new to me, & while I generally tend to operate with a high level of intuition when it comes to things I don’t really know about, it would be helpful to not have to wing it this time.
Why? Two little ones. Valuable time frame for work. Limited & quickly dwindling funds. & a community of other mammas to serve who aren’t currently being served & could benefit from what I have to offer: how to nurture themselves in the process of parenting & find creative ways to meet their own needs while meeting their children’s.
I’m also one of the most transparent people you’ll ever meet, which could make for a good story when the program is said & done- & done with what I foresee will be great success.
Thanks so much for the good work you do, & this opportunity. Hope to be able to pay it forward someday…
Cricket Desmarais &
I teach English as a Second Language and have worked with immigrants in the US for a number of years. My formal degree is in Cognitive Studies, the science of the mind and learning, and I have a passion for mobile technologies and travel. It has always been a dream of mine to design E-Learning technologies to teach languages using research-based practices—basically, making the best online learning platform that has ever existed. My plan is to design customized curriculum to sell to schools, companies, whoever etc. and, in the process, create my own E-learning site that will be accessible for anyone for free. I love your idea of convergence and think this idea is pretty close to what that looks like for me!
Hi Chris,
After a backpacking trip through Southeast Asia a few years ago, I came back with a new mindset to a) acknowledge that I simply don’t have it in me to conform to the lifestyle my friends/family have “settled” for and b) stop putting my “crazy” ideas on the backburner and to take action! When I switched my outlook, magic started happening and I discovered your book/blog, Marie Forleo and other inspiring people who have shown me it’s OK to veer from the norm. Cut to now: I started a small business from scratch with zero experience (using your $100 Start Up biz plan) that allows me to stay connected to, and help, Cambodia. I couldn’t be prouder of how far it has come since launching 8 months ago (all the while still holding down a day job), but it’s time to step it up. I’m an action-taker, but lately it seems that I am at a loss as to exactly what action I need to take to grow the business and get the product in front of more of the right people.
I promise to rock this thing. Also, I promise to hi-five Rhett for you when I go back to Phnom Penh in October 🙂
Thanks for your consideration
After having a baby in Oct, I had to quit my job as an outdoor adventure tour guide. Inspired by my past lifestyle, I am currently in the process of starting a health and wellness business with an awesome twist. Im going to transform peoples lives through outdoor fitness adventures as well as show them recipes that make healthy food dominate crap food! They are never setting foot into a gym. They will be hiking, Stand up Paddle boarding, and so much more. By doing this, they will develope a love and passion for having an “Active” lifestyl, rather than dread the forceful motivation of dragging themselves to the gym. Which one of these will impact them longterm? probably the one that is fun and exciting, giving them equivelant results and less strenuous risks. I also plan to create retreats of my own, (as I am already an experienced tour guide) taking people to national parks and beyond for an outdoor fitness adventure vacation. I hope to ideally cure depression, overweight issues, health issues, stress issues, and so much more with my services. Not to mention free daily advice on nutrtion and beyond, creating knowledge on superfoods, gmo’s, importance of organic, and so so much more
I finally gave up on trying to find the “perfect niche” and started writing what was most important to me. I’m already tired of snake-oil, fake enlightenment, and half-assed personal development. I can easily see how someone could spend so much money learning how to start a business that they can’t actually start a business.
I help people trying to start a business to do so ethically, with the end in mind. It is all too easy to fall prey to easy fixes and new strategies that cross into grey areas. If you work with me, you will understand better how your business relates to your broader goals, and how to achieve those goals without undermining them in the process.
I haven’t even decided how to “monetize” this plan, but I have pre-committed to a set of principles that will guide how this enterprise evolves (
A key part is that 100% of profits over a certain amount will be given away through Kickstarter, scholarships to worthy programs, and other gifts. I know when enough is enough, and business shouldn’t fail for lack of basic resources.
This sounds amazing – for me, a little bit of structure works wonders.
I have a dream and a new business. Feeling great about it in some ways, lost in others. I’m also smart, nonconformist, and have a moral compass, which is why I follow Chris.
The business is Detour Travel: small group tours in Latin America, pitched for “tourists who hate tourists,” visiting places I know well and speak the language. People who travel with me rave about it. So I think I’m onto something – but I’m having trouble turning that into enough paying customers. I’m definitely missing the right people, and maybe the right product too.
Detour’s also about responsible/sustainable tourism that treats destinations and residents well; treating people well in general; and setting travelers up to have independent adventures away from me and the group.
Hi Chris and team,
I would love to win the scholarship.
I’m an englishman based in Badajoz Spain. I worked as a freelance english language tutor for 2 years before taking the plunge last year – renting premises and employing another teacher. $100 start up was super helpful at this point.
We’ve had an ok first year, currently running at about 100 students and I think we’re at a really good point to push on. The adventure capital scheme could be great rocket fuel on the fire.
Thanks for your time.
Fantastic! I’m looking to start a business based in Miami, FL, facilitating international trade (services and commodities) to/from Latin America. Can’t wait to learn more about Adventure Capital!
Oregon Treen and Other Wooden Bygones is dedicated to promoting the Creative Re:Use of Oregon Timber products. From documenting Oregon’s rich tradition of decorative wood crafts to collecting and re-purposing found, gleaned and salvaged wood and wood products.
A seasoned entrepreneur I had a hand in dozens of start-ups as well as a two decade consulting practice from the mid 80’s to the early 2000’s but it’s a different world our there. I’d like to benefit from Guillebeausian stewardship in crafting an encore business for 2013 and beyond.
Chris- our business is still in the development phase, but our goal is to create a crowd funded service that pairs travelers who want to create change oversees with friends, family and strangers who want to help make that happen. Similar to Kickstarter, we would select a handful of people each month and give them a limited time to reach their funding goal, but they would keep ALL the money raised, even if that goal isn’t met. In addition, we are lining up donors who will match dollar for dollar the money raised and donate it to the charity the traveler will be working with. (We would even let that traveler deliver the money in person if possible).
Our family has had multiple opportunities to go oversees and work with local charities, all funded by family, friends and organizations. Those experience have greatly impacted our lives and we want to alleviate as many financial obstacles as possible to allow more would-be travelers become real travelers who create lasting change and make the world more beautiful.
This program sounds perfect for me. I have been working full-time for myself for almost three years now. I have seen some growth in my Jewellery business but I am ready for the next level. I love my job I get to create one of a kind handmade pieces for people to cherish for generations. I specialize in custom work such as engagement rings, wedding bands and gifts for all occasions. I also have production work in gold and silver for sale in some retailers and on my website. I want to push the business so I can do what I love, create beautiful work people want and support my family. The old adage of being a starving artist doesn’t have to be true. It’s a privilege making money from my art!
I own my own parent coaching, tutoring, and autism support business, called Exceptional Connections, which is just about a year old. Until now, I have done most of my business in-person, through direct service. I would love to grow my business to reach more people and to change the format through which I do business. Ideally, I would like to restructure my business in such a way that I offer what I know (techniques, tips, attitudinal growth ideas, etc) for free to an audience of interested people (parents, families of children with autism, students) via the Internet. I would like to make money by doing consultations, teaching online programs, and writing courses and e-books rather than working with each client one-on-one. Adventure Capital would be the perfect jump start for this exciting time of restructuring in my business!
My wife and i are trying to get a business started as water rights consultants in New Mexico. We’ve worked in the field for years and have lots of potential customers, but at present i work for the agency that manages these rights and i have to quit before i can start working as a consultant. That’s pretty scary – giving up the security – and since we don’t know anything about business, we’ve been stuck in a cycle of wondering how and when but not taking any action. We are looking for some help, and some training, to give us the confidence and abilities to take the next step, quit the current job, and start the company.
After watching my husband successfully and happily launch his small business, I am ready to do the same. I have taken many online courses through and have the time and resources to make it happen with the help of Adventure Capital!
Thanks for investing in us, very generous indeed! :o))
My husband and I want to start a business that helps educate people about nutrition and overcoming allergies and disease. We have worked in the culinary field for over 20 years (Husband, culinary art instructor, executive chef. I’ve also worked as a chef/pastry chef and now a journalist and photographer).
We want to change the way people relate to food: that our bodies are designed to heal when we feed it properly. I have food allergies and Celiac Sprue Disease and have managed it well for over 12 years through change in diet, and I no longer have the symptoms associated with it.
We want to provide a service that makes it easy: provide online curriculum, weekly menu planning guides, and the how-to of simple and allergen-free tasty meals. Overall, helping those who don’t know where to start in how to manage their newly diagnosed food allergy or disease, hopefully offering hope to an overwhelming lifestyle change.
Hi Chris,
It was your book, $100 start-up, that kick-started not one but two businesses. In the first 30-days after reading your book (it’s so dog-eared & highlighted & full of “notes”) I produced my first successful event and had the outline of my winery consulting biz. However, I know that I can use some more help in developing and running my “business” and receiving a scholarship to Adventure Capitol would be an amazing blessing! I absolutely love the idea of sharing with the community and look forward to being involved whether I receive a scholarship or not. Thanks for all you do! Cheers!
I hit submit before saying that while our idea feels right, I have no experience in developing a business and would greatly appreciate the wisdom and practical advice this program can offer. I’d also love to connect with other entrepreneurs who are taking control of their futures by doing what they love!
I am starting an eco-friendly and handmade business from home. I will be participating in my first craft fair in July and I need a business structure to keep contact with customer after.
This coaching wil definitely help me have a good start.
Thank you Chris for your generosity.
HI AONC peeps! About two months ago I took the plunge and left my day job in order to focus on staring a business….what I am realizing is that more than anything I need this course!
I want to work in the bicycle industry and focus on reworking/inventing new accessories/clothing. I have the ideas already just not sure how to get from idea to object. Haha! I am struggling starting to know what direction to focus on first and I do not want to regret leaving “security” of a day job and all the “I told you so’s”, eek!
I would love to be apart of the A/C community and have the time, energy, and excitement (dream come true kind of stuff going on here!!!) to put into the project, just not the direction. I am very excited to be attending my first WDS in Portland this summer and hope to gain more insight and connections there as well!
Pick me! Much love to all!
Hey Chris! People all over the world are crying out to live more adventurous and fulfilling lives. You know this intimately because it is exactly the problem (or a major one at least) that AONC strives to solve. But what about all the people who want this adventurous and fulfilling life but but don’t have the interest in or the DNA/skill set/termperment to be successful entrepreneurs? What about all the people that want a job that isn’t a J-O-B. Something where they can be an employee but do work that is intensely satisfying, fulfilling and fun. And travel while they do it. Enter Adventure Travel Jobs, “Only the Coolest Jobs on the Planet.” The ultimate resource, job board and community for people wanting to find the unJob. Where they can find work that is adventurous and matters. Currently, there are a lot of entrepreneurial driven solutions for “do work that is fulfilling and that matters” but little to nothing serving the millions who would love to accomplish this with a job. It would be huge. Thanks for your consideration!
I am starting a business from my home while recovering from a stroke. I welcome all help and guidance.
I am planning on starting and am now devloping a natural medicine health clinic. I have studied Natural Medicine, have a masters degree in it, and am close to completing my PhD. I believe natural medicine is something that can help a lot of people, through their physical, mental, and emotional battles.
Hi, thanks for this chance.
Think a one year plan sounds a lot more sensible than my try to do everything in one week, then beating myself up when I haven’t done it, plan. Would love to end the year knowing I shipped at last!
I have a MLM business (Avon). I have been doing it part-time for 6 years and full time now for 1 year. I feel like I am stuck in a rut and spinning my wheels. Need new/better ideas to get moving/growing again. I feel like the plate spinner! I get these plates up in the air, then something else falls off! Get those re-started and the first ones start falling off! Avon promotes as a way to help others achieve their dreams and goals. I firmly believe in this but am having problems with people who sign up and want someone else to do the work for them. Really having problems finding people who truly want to work and not just want a handout. I admit I am not a good recruiter. I feel like I am a good trainer and sales person but not recruiter. Of course that is the meat and potatoes of the business. Also need an accountability partner! Thanks for this opportunity!
I’m ready to start building an online community for those wanting to know what to eat to get lean, how to actually get lean and the psychological of getting lean. It’s targeted at the hard to lose last 10-15 lbs crowd, who are moderately busy, like to know to change habits through behavioral modification, would ike to know what to eat to get lean and look and feel they any way they want when they want. I’m looking to launch small products, services, courses and a paid internal community with the project.
I’ve been in the fitness industry for 15 years, trained at Stanford and was a nationally ranked trainer in 2009. I’ve have the experiences and the systems to help others, and want to engage my audience like AONC does along with other sites like Social Triggers and I Will Teach You To Be Rich.
Thank you for such a great opportunity!
The timing of this course and where I am in my business couldn’t be better. I’ve gone through a lot of muckity-muck getting my ideas honed but I still have too many distractions and I need this course to FOCUS and GROW. The $100 Start Up has been invaluable and the Adventure Capital course will only compliment the book.
My company is a travel agency that helps Italian wine lovers discover and visit the best artisan producers in Italy. It’s such a tight niche in the travel industry but still has great potential.
I can bribe the judges with the opportunity for all AC graduates to have a retreat in Italy deeply discounted or free depending on my successes during the course.
Thanks again/
What I do: I am a writer, a speaker, a teacher, and a coach. I help people gather the audacity, the courage, and the naivety to dream their dreams without apologies. I write and preach about feminism, a new kind of Christianity, and what Don Miller calls writing a good story with your life.
What I want: to build the Brandy Glows kingdom to epic proportions so that my ideas and actions may impact the world in real and tangible ways. Practically speaking, I am working to create my empire by the time my husband’s Army contract is up in 2016, so that I will making enough money to support us. And he can have a break and pursue his dreams full time if he likes.
Why you should pick me for this scholarship: Chris, you may know this already, but I am huge fan. You inspire me to keep going, to keep tweaking, and that these dreams really can come true. You know I would do the work! And I would work to be an asset to the community. For me, this would be an opportunity of a lifetime.
Thank you!
Hi Chris! Thank you for the opportunity to grow my business. As a freelance writer and internet marketer, I work from home My ultimate goal is to travel full-time and live in a vintage camper with my dog, Hendrix. I want to work less and live more. I’ve already sampled a few long road trips and I can’t think of anything I want to do more than flit around from state to state. I’ve got a plan but I just need to put the final touches on it.
Thank you for the contest and the inspiration!
I would like to win the AC scholarship because I would like to grow my new businesses, Goals Groups International. GGI’s motto is “Get a goals group and go further.”
I started my business because I’m an idealist. In a world as complex as ours, the DIY model of success just doesn’t work any longer. We need help from each other. I want everyone who needs a goals group to be able to have one — from young solo entrepreneurs to senior citizens looking for work instead of retiring.
So far, I’ve done everything on my own — created the website, the marketing materials, the business plan, etc. But I need a community of like-minded entrepreneurs who, like me, are out to change the world. I need some guidance and direction from people who have the experience I currently lack.
Alone, I’m going to make regrettable mistakes and miss vital opportunities. With Adventure Capital to teach me how to grow a business, help me set clear direction and hold me accountable to my plan of action, I KNOW I’ll go further. I have the passion and drive and I’m ready learn. So I’d really like to be a part of your launch. Thanks very much for the opportunity to apply for the scholarship.
I am an amateur musician. My idea is custom guitar cases and bags for semi-professional players in Colombia (the country). I’ve tested the market through a google ad, in which I validated certain interest, which im not sure is enough. I interviewed 50 aspiring musicians and from these interviews I gathered the features they considered to be most important. From this data, I elaborated the main benefits I want to convey which are “your high priced investment and love of your life (your instrument) is not going to be harmed, or taken away from you”, and “comfortabilty: walk, run or drive confortably and safely with your instrument and its accesories by your side”. I already have a possible design in mind, and a maker. Im not sure if thats enough validation to go ahead and make the first ones.
Thanks for the shot!
This opportunity is extremely exciting; thank you for offering it to your audience. I have an intuitive coaching practice, Thrivologie, LLC, which supports people in thriving by living their life purpose. I enjoy coaching immensely, and want to expand my business model to include teaching classes, having live bi-monthly membership calls, selling informational products, and selling transformational products. I play a 30″ healing gong, and am about to record a gong CD. I will also be completing a series of healing mandala paintings and offering limited edition prints of the paintings on my website. In the next year, I want to broaden my audience base and support thousands of people in having the courage to live their dreams. I am very dedicated to my business because I feel it is my mission to support others in living their missions. I want to be a shining example of an artist, healer, writer, and coach who makes a great living doing what I love to do. Right now, I bounce back and fourth between the creation of products and services, and the marketing of them. I would benefit greatly from an overall strategy that can carry my current vision to its full potential, and beyond.
I am on the cusp of selling my existing business and can’t wait to make a shift in how I manage my next. The shift is the hard part – I’ve been working in the same way, doing the same thing for 15 years. In the office early, working hard for 8 – 16 hours a day depending on the project. Managing projects and staff, hands on, head down, no time for anything else. This can change – I know it can. I have a new plan and vision – now I just need to know how to change the way I do things. And I believe that A/C will be a big part of the answer!
Since taking on the Learn German in 90 Days Challenge to speak with my father in law who can’t speak a word of English, I’ve been working on an app, a website and learning materials to help people to learn to speak a language in a way that is as fun as possible, as effective as possible and as fast as possible.
I plan to launch the app in this competitive market in July and I am committed to do the work and what it takes to have a blast while making a difference and reaching my target monthly income. A scholarship to Adventure Capital will definitely support me to fulfill these goals. And I look forward to give it my all and my participation in the program!
Thanks for offering this Chris!
Dear Judges, thank you so much for this opportunity. I am designing a meditation guide business. it would be completely online, delivering 35-45 minute guided meditation sessions every week to folks who are starting or re-starting their meditation practice. I struggle with how best to spend my limited resources on defining and reaching my potential consumers, how to develop a good product, how to value my product, and how to position my product on the internet when you can get guided meditations “for free on the internet”. Your course would help me help others, and help me achieve a sense of financial freedom for me and my family. Thanks for considering me!!!
My brother and I have read both the Art of Non-conformity and the $100 Startup. We would fall into the category of “You have an idea, but you need help getting off the ground.”
We grew up in Thailand. He now lives in Bangkok, and I live in Washington, DC. Not to give too much away, but we’d like to start an import-export business. We have lots of ideas and could use help focusing/taking the next step.
Hello Adventure Capitalists!
My name is Jenn and I am firmly in the “want to quit my day job camp”. My business is Unurth, a lifestyle home goods company. I make playfully elegant ceramics that bring natural forms and quiet beauty into everyday rituals. An artist at heart and a product designer by training, I always knew I wanted my own thing. The business part has not come easily. However, I have a strong start to begin to take targeted steps into the wholesale and retail landscape.
Adventure Capitalism would be the thing that pushed me over the edge.
Chris- Thank you for what you do.
Like Josh, I have been studying website design from scratch and will one day complete a self-promotional website promoting my design and future illustration projects as well as announcing my musical performances as a violinist.
For the past few years I’ve lived a double life. By day I was a garden designer, while at night I created whimsical food illustrations for my blog, clients and gift shops. It was finally time to merge these worlds…and fess up that it was perfectly okay.
My next challenge is making this a profitable business by combining my art and garden talents. I hope to educate others about the mighty (and elusive) landscape design profession through the use of my illustration skills and humor.
My target audience is parents of young children. I am reintroducing a practical vocabulary of innocence through songs, chants and fingerplays, for parents to do with their children. My face-to-face classes with pre-schoolers taught me the value of my work with “the purest minds on the planet”. In addition, it was always so rewarding to see these very young minds take hold of my music reading readiness symbols and composing cards which lead them to play several different musical instruments. I want parents to learn to do this with their children, too.
I am just (as in, this week) starting my business teaching private English lessons in a very international college town. I want to offer a more tailored learning experience, since the ESL schools here are all focused on test prep. Students benefit more when their interests, needs, and individual learning styles are addressed. I have my teaching certification, some good ideas, and a lot of passion, but I could really use the extra guidance and support of Adventure Capital!
A generous offer and an exciting opportunity! It was following your blog that inspired me to start my own which has audio stories and poems for children. I am passionate about reading, writing and telling stories and believe it is important for a child’s well being to have opportunities to foster creativity. I am happy to work hard but I also want to work well and I am not always sure what I should be focussing on. I would love support with building the blog into a sustainable and meaningful business.
I have a passion and vision to help single parents in all aspects I can. I myself have been a struggling single parent for the past 12 years. During those years, I managed to finish graduate school and have a relatively stable job, but there are so many challenges. I’d like to start a platform where single parents can exchange their ideas, be encouraged to pursue their dreams despite all the hardships, and share their success and failures and inspire each other. The focus is not on parenting skills or their kids. Instead, it is all about the parents as unique individules who I believe have every right to pursue their dream without fears.
I’m not sure whether this will turn into some kind of online business. But having read all your books and learned so much from your website, I’m determined to get it started. Thank you!
My current business involves rental property and extremely small-scale real estate development (with lots of other ideas bubbling in the background). I want to grow this business so that it can support my family in a way that is friendly to the environment and the community. As one of the people who came out to your talk in the pouring rain in Columbia, Mo., I was inspired by your vision of financial freedom and would love to learn specific methods for making my own dreams a reality.
Chris, I love getting your emails and I seriously considered participating in the beta version of Adventure Capital. However, currently being low-ish on capital, I abstained. I would use this generous opportunity to start my business, which will be to create a coworking space for awesome freelancers and entrepreneurs. My drive is to create a sense of community with others.
Just quit my regular, boring office day job a month ago (to the day!) to devote more time to my fledgling nonprofit benefitting creative writers in the Pacific NW. It’s going okay so far, but being my own boss is taking a lot of getting used to, and the learning curve in this field (nonprof/literary/humanities) is a lot steeper than I’d originally thought. Could definitely benefit from an offer like this one!
I’m a painter/artist who quit my part-time job a month ago to sell my art and illustrations full-time. Keen to learn more about how to market myself I would be super jazzed about trying out different methods.
This week I set up a shop selling my art prints and though I’ve had a few sales I think I have a lot to learn about how to put my products in front of the right audience. I’ve set a goal of 100 studio visits before next feb to get used to introducing people to my work. So I’m dedicated to my success but I feel I could use some guidance as I feel uncertain that what I’m currently doing to market myself will guarantee a sufficient income.
Dear Judges,
I am in the early stages of starting a photography business. Through my experiences in parenting a child with special needs, I’ve learned that people don’t always look for the beauty in others. They often look for what’s familiar, rather than embracing that which is lovely in its own unique way. Through my photos, I share what I believe to be beautiful about the universe. When I capture people in my lens, my wish is to show them how truly beautiful they are. If I can do that, I believe that I can make the world a happier (and, thus, more welcoming) place to everyone within it.
Thank you for the opportunity to share my vision. Some guidance in how to successfully run my business would help me share it with the world.
Dear Judges,
I have grown up in a farming community and have worked in farming for my entire career. My business opportunity comes from the livestock area and involves providing meat products to people in the city that are humanely raised and are free of hormones, chemicals, drugs, or steroids under a brand that is niche marketed but is also affordable for the customer. I sincerely want to offer value to the consumer.
People are looking for food products that are basic, healthy and can be trusted because they come from a local supplier who cares about the animals and the conditions they are raised in. My family is producing beef in this way now but are marketing through the traditional (large corporate) channels. I would like to eventually expand this out to pork and chicken products.
I know the production part of the equation but see my biggest challenge as marketing and communication to potential customers. I have been a subscriber to your emails for several years and also read the $100 dollar startup. I think your new course will be a great addition to your already impressive lineup of work products and I am enthused about participating in it.
Thanks for your attention.
“Have you always dreamed of being a veterinarian?
But not just any old vet, right? You want to explore the world and solve big problems. You realize that it’s not just the animals who need our help, but also the people and the ecosystems that depend upon them.”
This is the premise and opening question of my now six-month old website. I was inspired to create the site by your challenging writing and the honest case studies in The $100 Startup, and I would love to continue to grow this fledgling effort under your ongoing guidance and mentorship.
I haven’t attempted any monetization yet, but I think I’m almost ready for it now with over 10k visits per month and 200 subscribers to my e-mail list.
Thanks for this opportunity to participate in Adventure Capital!
I’ve recently started my own instant consultant biz, following The $100 Startup model. I want to help local small businesses to succeed in these interesting times, by helping them apply simple and effective marketing strategies that make them more money. Once I’ve gained more experience in helping local businesses, I’d like to develop digital programmes which target specific business niches, the first of which will be letting agents in the UK, an industry I’ve got direct experience in. My aim is to develop the business to the point where I become location independent and financially free.
I’d love to win a scholarship as I want my business to be a force multiplier – as it grows, it will help more and more small businesses grow, and the more people I can help stay out the rat race the better. Personally, what I struggle with is the lack of structure and focus when you work for yourself – HBO keep creating time sucks that I just can’t resist. I believe Adventure Capital could help me by giving me structure and a community of peers to support me and hold me to account so I keep moving my business forward.
Help me help other business owners, and give me a scholarship. Thanks!
I am about to take the helm of a science museum that teaches STEM topics to kids. The museum is 5 years old and full of possibilities for growth: there are at least a dozen projects cued up in my mind that I am energized to tackle. I can’t wait to throw myself into the work because it aligns so perfectly with my personal values and belief in science as a tool for improving society. The truth is I’ll need that dedication: this non-profit is on shaky financial footing and to survive I’ll have to hustle to fundraise and bring more people through its doors. In short, it needs to be run like a smart business. And that’s where I could use your help.
I’ve started making and selling herbal salve, I have it in a couple of local shops but I am hoping to scale it up. I am also an artist, but have seen almost no progress in sales in that after 5 years.
Through the years I have struggled balancing multiple passions. Recently I have chosen to focus on the two that drive my life, art and dance. I teach Lindy Hop and I’m a beginner tap dancer. I also am an artist from childhood with a degree in printmaking. I developed a product and business that I feel could bring joy to dancers and artists like myself. Tap on Art hand crafts dance boards for tapping, clogging, or any other dance. What makes this idea unique is that these boards are designed and made with detail, love, and quality. After the boards are finished we top them off with custom art or allow people to choose from our selection of images. I feel that this is a great way to incorporate art into a more useful and physical day to day activity. These boards can be used for practice or performing, they are beautiful, and they sound great. I have gotten the ball rolling on many ideas but never make it past a website and a few sales. I’m interested in this scholarship in hopes that it can take my idea and business to a steady and sustainable place (so that I don’t end up a slave in a kitchen). I’m a hard worker but lost in direction.Thanks for taking the time to read about my idea
With my scholarship you get THREE (yes – count ’em #3!) success stories in one! (unless you REALLY INSIST on making me focus on just one…)
And as the businesses are growing I will be (because that’s just the way I am) shouting the glory from the mountain tops! I do love to share my enthusiasm!
SO my businesses are:
Jennifer Robin Art (Thank you so much Chris for The Unconventional Guide to Art & Money) I’m working on inspiring messages in fun and beautiful imagery to remind us all of how great it ALL is (since we tend to forget that)…
People Helping Pets – which is my non-profit which brings the faces of adoptable animals to local hotspots (with lots of foot traffic) to inspire adoptions of the thousands of homeless pets and get more PEOPLE the unconditional LOVE that pets give EVERYDAY!
Fundraising Frank – creating an online resource with my husband (expert in major fundaraising) to help all sorts of non profits raise LOTS of money to do more good and have real impact in the world!
The choice can be this easy!
I love being coached – it superpowers my fantastic ideas.
I’m your new super action figure!
I am in the very beginning stages of business partnerships which utilize my background as a designer. I can see this course being VERY helpful for the business partnerships I’m about to enter, as well as any future business evolutions, and my current freelance design business.
What I’d like to focus on for this course is Occupy Life University. A new partnership based on free online e-courses to help people broaden their awareness of conscious living and to ‘choose themselves’. Learn entrepreneurial ways of thinking. Alternative ways of living to build a better world. etc. The courses would be free and we could invite several teachers on board to share their material.. but of course it still has to make money somehow, so there would be some upsells, chances to hire the teachers of the courses with 1-on-1 coaching, chances to get speaking engagements, etc. We haven’t quite fleshed out the details but I’m confident this will be a successful venture, and one that could potentially involve a physical space (workshops, retreats, etc.) as well as the virtual site.
Wow – perfect timing. I’m “launching” my business today offering consulting using the Birkman Method for individuals suffering from career frustration as well as speaking and workshops on finding your calling in life.
I need help with steps 2 & 3. While I’ve read lots of great books (including yours) I still feel unsure of myself when it comes to messaging, pricing experiments, proper launches etc. My dream is to create guides, e-courses and other digital products that complement my current offerings.
I work as a communications analyst for the federal government, which means I sit in a room all day and help researchers write compelling reports for Congress. I would love to start my own writing consulting business, but I’m not sure where to start.
I would work on building my art business. First, I would like to have the direction and external inertia to get my business in order. I have started, but it has been SLOW going. But even beyond that, I think this type of thing would really help me to not only really get that business going, but may help me to continue to build upon what I learn so that I can start another business as well. That way, I hope to have a secondary and tertiary income stream that suddenly may become my primary income and allow me more time to do those things I love rather than work for “the man.”
Hi Chris! I live in Athens, Greece. As I write to you, I find myself amidst high waves and turbulent waters. Actually, the boat I was in sunk long time ago and I have decided to abandon ship on September 2011. Haven’t reached the coast yet. I am floating in mid-ocean as we speak and land is still nowhere to be seen. However, my skills being tested, I can say – hell yeah – I am a good swimmer! But as good as I may be, I could sure use a compass… and the compass landed today in my email. Well, this is why I am writing to you. Along with a friend, we have created a web site called Another fashion blog? Yes and no and maybe. Who cares? We want to make this fashion blog an establishment. This is our vision. We want to share with the world our passion for fashion, style and aesthetics. We know we’ve got what it takes to do it because we know we love what we do. But love is never enough and we lack experience in online entreneurship. As we are win-win believers, we sure think we can exchange our experiences. You offer us your experience and we offer you back ours.
I love this deal!
Please thank your biased judges on my behalf 🙂
and thank you as well!
regards emma
Artist/Cultural Entrepreneur heading into my 2nd year MFA studies. Interested in developing my practice to explore the dynamics between contemporary art + critical theory + and small business activities.
I am an experiential, expeditionary teacher of elementary age children. I am selling materials for homeschoolers, teachers, parents and anyone interested in getting their children outside and tangibly involved with personally relevant learning, environmental education and application. I have a BA in elementary ed, I am a Montessori teacher. It is proven that children learn better, easier and have higher test scopes learning through environmental, experiential education. There isn’t enough of it out there and many teachers would if they had materials and lessons ready to go and they don’t have to figure it all out, plan and finely do it. most educators don’t get that far. Even though thousands of teachers have been given a little training, they don’t implement it because of time constraints and so many other demands. Children are missing out a most important education and experience. This education is also so important for the future of our planet and the preservation of it. I want to facilitate every adult in whatever situation to implement experiential/environmental learning. Learning should be dynamic, hands on and relevant to your everyday life and future success in life
I was a worship pastor (music and arts pastor) at various churches for 21 years, since the age of 16. I also struggled with panic/anxiety disorder and agoraphobia for most of that time. Last year, I resigned and started my own freelance venture (film/graphic design/web design). The business has been fun but very hard to make ends meet with my wife and twin 18 month old girls. Plus, I don’t feel like I’m making much of a difference in people’s lives and I want to live a purpose-filled life.
I want to start a business based on continual improvement for those suffering from panic/anxiety disorder and related issues that come with that disorder (agoraphobia, depression, etc), primarily using my skills in videography/film making. Interviews, documentaries, etc. I have some idea of how to make this profitable, but A/C would make the difference between this being a hobby and being a profitable business that focuses on helping others.
Thanks for making this opportunity available to your readers, Chris!
Hi Chris and your team in OR,
What a wonderful idea. Just this week I began creating my business of connecting mastermind groups and mentors with others. I have the idea for products and forums… and will be launching within the next 30-60 days.
Good luck to everyone!
Great opportunity, I’d like to throw my hat in the ring:
My business partner and I need help growing our supplement business. We have been selling a particular product on a few large forums and have decided that the demand and buzz we receive through this channel is alone is worth taking the product to more mainstream markets.
We have just finished our own website, are in talks with several retail chains to get our product stocked on shelfs and have been working our behinds off to ge product the impact it deserves.
We need help in turning our product into a business. We have the drive but lack the lazer focus and slight guidance (sometimes as simple as not taking the time to reflect on decisions and their consequences, for example) we know we need to turn this project into a business that has the potential to grow. Hopefully this scholarship could offer some of that to my partner and I.
… And I hope this doesn’t ruin my chance of being accepted; but thanks to the confidence and drive that reading AONC has given me, even if I don’t get this scholarship – we will still be flying along on our paths to success.
I am a teaching artist in Chicago who has been working as an independent contractor for over 20 years. I am currently dependent on the budgets of each site I work with on a year to year basis and have little security. I am ready to stop being dependent on the whims and wishes of others and have more control over my work. I want to grow it to include consulting, mentoring and training new young expressive artists, traveling further away to share my skills, and start a creative salon opportunity for other like minded people.
Hi Chris,
Thanks for this amazing offer! I live in Portland and had heard about you from many people in this city, which started me on your blog. After moving to Portland about a year and a half ago, I sort of “fell” into entrepreneurship. I never saw myself owning a business, but I’ve been blessed to have met so many people supporting me through this journey and have opportunities seem to line-up out of nowhere.
I feel like on some crazy level the universe is cheering me on to do this.
Over the last six months I’ve learned A TON, and my ideas have transformed. I’m just about to re-brand and feel like I’m on the edge of really getting this thing off the ground, but don’t know what the next steps look like. I’d like to launch my signature program: Crazy, Wild, Love within the next year. My mission is to show women in their 20s-30s self-love in order to have more fun in their lives, be healthier and create mind-blowing relationships.
Thanks Chris!
I’m a whip-smart writer and stellar communicator who writes copy for visionary online entrepeneurs with no time to write their self-promo bundles of love.
I want to continue to grow this biz because I love people. I love their stories. I’m a rockin’ teacher who knows that I get into my genious zone when I write. Imagine what the world would look like, if everyone was able to communicate and articulate with zest + fire who they are, and why they do what they do?
Sounds awesome. And I’m leading the revolution.
I want to start a business that makes online games that teach different cultural dialects and different words that allow person to understand dialects in context.
eg. Jamaican Patois (dialect) Online Game that teaches users how to use different words
I believe that language learning software like Rosetta stone are incomplete because it teaches you the formal words but doesn’t teach you dialects that the majority of persons speak that are indigenous to culture and that helps you to gain a keen connection into how to relate to a people or person.
Adventure Capital would help me to develop this by helping me know where to start and I would be honored if chosen by Adventure Capital team for this scholarship.
Dear Judges,
For over 30 years, I have lived and worked in my adapted behavior of running my own and other people’s business in the advertising, sales and sales process arena.
This means that I have not done work that honors my soul naturally, but instead opted to do work that put food on the dtable. As a result, I’ve experienced both success and failure but have never found true joy in my life.
Now, in 2013, I have realized that I have avoided working in my natural behavior, which I discovered in 1983, which is understanding God as an expression of a life on Earth and living that as my sole life purpose and livelihood.
So I have now bitten the bullet and started the Miracle of the Universe business to feed my desire to awaken, repattern and open the door for people to express their life in a practical spiritual and physical way.
Right now, I need new thinking and new ways of being in business to take this work into the world in a big way. We’ll do sessions, coaching/mentoring, products, training and experiences as the foundation of the work.
But I need new guidance, ideas that I don’t have now and new direction. Will Adventure Capital be open to helping?
I appreciate you.
Love reading all these comments! I have a two-year old business working as a travel consultant who specializes in creating personalized itinerary’s for my clients. I absolutely LOVE what I do and am working toward figuring out ways I can grow my business and better tweak my vision to make this more of a full time commitment helping people.
I’ve lost count of the number of times people have said to me over the years “What a great idea!” or “Wow, you’re so talented at (X), you do such great work! You really should make money out of it!”.
Yeah, and I’d have loved to, but always felt I’d have to compromise my integrity to try to sell or convince or schmooze in ways I just wasn’t willing.
And then in the last few years I read about guys like yourself, and Tim Ferriss, and others popping up all over the place and I figure hey, if these guys are doing it then it’s possible with the right tweaks to make things work and remain authentic too.
I’ve tweaked the hell out of myself but clearly not in the right ways. Urgency is increasing. 50 is approaching.
The Adventure Capital course looks like a perfect way to get on track and stay on track. Even a single $10,000 tweak (yet alone “tweaks” in plural) sounds incredible.
Egg-citing opp to train with you! I’m Miss Debbie from “Two Cool Chicks go to School”. 2CC is an “egg-cellent educational on-site field trip” for preschoolers. Target market is church preschools, which typically meet 3 to 4 hours a few days a week. Because this group meets so few hour a week, they don’t have the time to go off-site (traditional model) for field trips. Plus, who wants to load up a bunch of two, three & four year olds? The field trip entails 1. Meet greet & snuggle a chicken & hold some eggs 2. Hear a storytime about chickens & their farm friends. 3. Paint some awesome art – portrait of a chicken. I plan to charge by the person…either school sends in or parents send in. Brand new concept for me. Right now I have biz cards & lesson plans & lots of experience in early childhood education. This includes working last 5 years for “The Art Barn” (7 acre hobby farm with whole setup of animals, hayride, bees, organic garden, & art ) who I will be networking/referring back & forth with. Ultimate goal is model which will include opportunities for preschools in city & suburbia to meet city friendly animals -chicks, bunnies, ducks & goats; add in gardens, compost, & worms!
Within weeks of finishing $100 Startup, I identified a business opportunity that I would not have had I not read your book. A friend is a court examiner and her guardianship cases need their annual accounting reviewed and reports filed before guardians and attorneys can get paid. It took a bit of time to learn the ins and outs of the legal system but my accounting skills got MUCH better and it turns out I love it.
This is my ticket out of the rat race. There is so much room to grow with this and it feels amazing to be on my way to having actual control over my destiny. I actually cried when I realized that little old me could create a business and not be chained to my desk job here in NYC. I’m not quitting my day job just yet but am definitely on my way and looking at ways to scale up this opportunity.
I can’t thank you enough. Adventure Capitalism? Please, I’m doing accounting at 4AM daily — and loving it — who needs adventure more than me?
Thanks Chris!
I’m going to start an online healthy (paleo) pastries and dessert store here in Manila, Philippines. Eventually, it’s going to be an actual physical cafe.
My goal is to make eating and being healthy easier for people. I also want to build an online business and travel eventually.
Currently, I just started my blog. I am learning about writing and marketing (on Jon Morrow’s Guest Blogging course; amazing, very useful), baking with my business partner to finalize initial products, and preparing online marketing materials for it
My problem is that I know my products are going to be amazing, but I have a difficult time communicating the benefit.
Chris, you don’t have to pick me for the scholarship, because I guarantee you that I am going to build a business eventually. I might spin my wheels for a while and then maybe I’ll save enough money to actually pay for your course. But I WILL do it. It’s just a matter of time.
If you pick me, I’ll make sure you’re also making the internet and the world a better place. But you don’t have to.
SEIZING THIS OPPORTUNITY! I have been in the pet sitting business for the past decade. I LOVE animals & have a small pet sitting company (LLC) locally I do in addition to my desk “day job”. Just over a year ago I bought the domain & trademark – I was so thrilled to start an original new venture all my own. I thought of the idea because it stemmed from a problem I had – I was going on vacation and needed to leave my dog. I didn’t like the idea of a kennel (crowded, noisy, diseases, expensive). I didn’t want someone to stay at my house (too inconvenient for friends (amateurs) & far too expensive to hire an overnight pet sitter for a week). ENTER MY BIG IDEA: Make contact with other local pet owners and establish a relationship and do a “dog swap” of sorts for vacations or doggie day care! PERFECT! Only problem is started last year & beat me to the idea. Their site is fantastic, how can I compete? Now I have this PERFECT domain & I need help figuring out my angle – a dog swap site? Or a local or national listing site for all dog care- kennels, pet sitters, groomers, etc? I believe in this concept & not afraid to delve in 100%. Relocating to Austin, TX.
I have three businesses that I am working on that I know would benefit from your amazing course.
1. A Service Agency – I run a marketing boutique in Austin called ThreeDefined.
2. A SAAS that is still in the works (being developed right now).
I think superlaunch – would be perfect for this one.
3. Product Based Retail (Direct to consumer) – The third is my laptop bag company called Zegari.
Thank you for the opportunity and keep up the good work. I love your blog and your book.
You inspire me to keep trying new things – and I find myself going back to your book to re-read chapters of it when I am in the hustle.
I’m working on a niche knitting business and would love help focusing and executing my ideas.
So excited! I’ve been reading and practicing a lot of Chris’ ideas. My business has grown slowly and steadily, but could use a little boost. I started Domino Connection to help online entrepreneurs (game changers) bring more excitement to their marketing. As I grow my business with an “all hustle” marketing budget I’ve hit some walls. I know that going through this program will give me the boost to get my business flying high. I will work through the program religiously M-F for at least an hour a day, taking action and getting results. Your course will be that final Domino that allows me to tip into helping more entrepreneurs to make the world a better place.
Edgewood Farm Grass-fed Beef. Locally grown, locally sold.
Wow, lots of great businesses & ideas here!
My name is Paul, and I’m a telephone man by trade.
I have a side business selling a physical product online (PTFit back massagers) which are U.S. made, invented & manufactured by a good friend of mine in my hometown.
Made my first sale online back in December 2011 and sales are increasing, but very slowly.
I’ve learned that there are people who really love the product, including five AONC readers that received the product free thanks to Chris’s “Help Someone For Free Experiment” 🙂 but could use help with Adventure Capital’s #2 “Get The Word Out.”
I’d love to have instruction from your experts in transforming this from a part-time hobby into a full-fledged business, which would in turn help employ local people that manufacture the product, and ultimately the customers who use and enjoy it.
Thanks for the opportunity to share here.
Reading through these responses, I don’t think I have any better of a reason to be selected over anyone else. I just want a shot to make a small difference in the world. This program will give me to tools and the push to really develop something that is unique and will help others. I’m a social worker by training, and work for my state, but I know I’m limited in what I can do through my job. So I’d like a chance to learn how to make a greater impact in my community, and just make a positive difference. I hope to be selected for this opportunity.
With gratitude and respect,
What a great opportunity this is.
When I first read about A/C it sounded like what I needed to move my business forward, however there was no way I could afford to make the financial commitment right now. I have a son starting college in September and since my ex and I split 6 years ago I was downsized from a six figure sales and marketing job into less than half of that and when you are over 50 it is a tough climb out. Hence the side gig I started up Cats Ass Marketing and Business Development. I have geared this business to helping small businesses that have hit a wall or are floundering and need help in the marketing and business development. My unique offer is that I absolutely guarantee success that we agree to before hand or I do not take their money. I do not work with new businesses in most cases because my experience has been that the existing business that has been around for a while is the one that starts to struggle and needs help. As I like to say you never hear someone say ” I am so upset my favorite restaurant got so much better lately they went uphill, what happened?” I started off strong but have been floundering and I know I can make it go with a little help
I just started my business a year ago, but it has developed and grown into something completely different than I anticipated! I am the owner of Communicate with your Dog, and the short of it is I’m a dog trainer. But what I really do is help dogs and their humans to understand each other better to have long, happy lives together. I help the person see how their energy is affecting the situation, as well as give them strategies to work with their dog on their “problem” behaviors. I would love a scholarship to Adventure Capital to really get this into the world and help some dogs (and humans too :))!
As a developer, I have many ideas that come my way and many of my own I want to pursue. I’ve started a few projects recently but haven’t finished them because I get stuck when it comes to turning them into a business.
The idea I’m most excited about is an educational platform. There is a lot of information to learn outside of traditional education. I want this platform to be a vehicle for experts to teach what they are passionate about. Each course would ideally cover the topic well enough to provide the participant with enough experience and knowledge to put it to use in the real world.
I would really like to have a path to follow to convert idea from a personal project into a business. I see Adventure Capital the pattern for myself and each expert on this educational platform to follow – Adventure Capital as the success building resource, the expert as the experience and information for a course, and the educational platform as the tool to make many successful businesses.
My wife Cathy and I love adventuring in America’s National Parks. We’ve been on some amazing trips in Alaska, all over the West and the South West… and that’s just the beginning.
It’s surprisingly difficult to find information targeted at people like us — people who want to get off the beaten track and have authentic wilderness experiences.
We’re planning to turn our ideas, research and photography into a resource for adventurous visitors who want to explore wilderness areas in National Parks safely and successfully.
Thanks for all the advice and encouragement that AONC has already given us!
I started a life coaching business just over a year ago. This is my very first business venture, so I have been winging it (with little financial success, but with many personal and spiritual victories).
I could use some help and guidance with business structure and flow. I want to grow my business, create value in the world, with financial flow and spiritual ease. I am excited at the abundance that already exists and what is to come!
Hi Chris & AONC Team!
This is a lovely opportunity. Thanks for your generosity 🙂
I was SERIOUSLY *this* close to signing up for Adventure Capital when the beta version was launched. I am super excited about my conflict coaching & mediation business. I launched my website last year (but it is languishing now) and completed 4.5 years of conflict resolution study just this month. I’m psycyhed to get growing together with other motivated start-up folks!
Find It In Fernie … Your Personal Concierge Service ….
” a super fun business idea” they say, ” wow what a cool business idea” others say … and I have been doing it for 5 years and feel like I haven’t even scratched the service of making it the “cool business” that I feel like it should be …. on the profit side too, it shows. I would love to spend 12 months focusing on the small tasks you speak of in your program guide to really ramp it up, find new customers, & find the cashflow to easily hire a part time staff person to assist in the grind of all the daily tasks that come with being a soloprenuer etc etc … I would l.o.v.e. to be chosen for this golden opportunity to make “find it in fernie” the super cool business that it is/was meant to be ! muchos gracias for your consideration …. 🙂 over n’ out from snowy fernie ! yes snow ! ! ! ! !
I have had many unsuccessful attempts at starting a businesses. I have for the most part attempted businesses that for potential not passion. That was a mistake.
My passion is helping people live their dreams. It has taken me a long time to decide to pursue my passion. I wish I had someone in my life helping me discover my passions. Someone to challenge me,
to push me.,to be a sounding board. This is what I want to do for others. I need the help to launch and grow this passion as a business.
I would love to be a role model presenting myself as a example and lesson to others to pursue their dreams. The passion to teach is part of who i am. This gives me the opportunity to do this while building my business.
Thanks for your consideration
I have been a forward thinking individual my whole life. I have done a couple JV’s in building projects to give me a boost into other ventures. At the age of 27 my partner and I started a RE/MAX brokerage. We built it to 5 offices within 2 years around Alberta and we continue to grow. I am 30 years old right now. My passion does not lie only in real estate. I am a venture capitalist. I am continuing to build an network of income providing ventures which can sustain itself and allow myself to venture into greater places and build on grander ideas. The program being offered would allow me to continue to expand my horizons and build greater connections with my existing and future resources.
Thank You!
Oh my gosh, this is such an amazing offer!
My current business is providing graphic design services for small business as well as agency clients. I love working for myself and working from home, but I don’t love having to rely on clients needing my services in order to have work and an income.
I also design stationery and patterns on the side, and my goal is to make both of those ventures a much larger part of my standard workload, so that I can divide my work and income into 3 distinct streams.
I have a lot of ideas for what I need to do to make this happen, and have the basic planning groundwork laid, but boy, could I use some help from A/C!
Thanks for considering me Chris, Libby, and the A/C team!
I quit my job in March and I just started my business on Etsy selling vintage jewelry. I had only one sale so far and it is rather hard to stay optimistic.
I read somewhere that the moment when you want to quit, is the moment when you need to keep pushing. I would love to take your course! Thank you.
Thank you, Chris, for sharing this new venture of AC with the world…
I am a psychotherapist, yoga teacher, and interfaith minister with a vision of awakening the greatest potential within humanity. Many of us long for something, yet we don’t know what, that brings inner happiness and a sense of making a difference in the world. It’s my vision to share how to BE who we truly long to be (rather than just what to DO next, of which we all have a long list).
I want to cultivate a better way of communicating what I do and how it makes a difference for others. One thing I’ve really learned from you, Chris, is that I don’t need to reach and impress everyone in the world; I just need to reach the right people who resonate with what I have to offer! I want to create online/teleseminars, video content for my website, write books, etc., but I feel a bit lost and overwhelmed trying to figure it out by myself. I have a goal of reaching 6 figures of income sometime in the next 2 years.
I find that it’s a big learning curve to understand how to be successful at business while walking a “spiritual path.” That’s what I’d like to get out of Adventure Capital. Thank you!
I have a small private lesson business (20 – 25 students) that I would like to grow (and possibly expand into a location independent venture). Thanks for the encouragement!
Good day!
I am a social and sustainable entrepreneur. I create objects of beauty from reclaimed and sustainable woods in the form of jewelry. I like to make things that are unique, original and have as little impact on natural resources as possible. I make custom pendants with iconic illustrations that are etched onto the wood with a laser. Usually these images have special meaning for the wearer.
I also create lockets with the wood that house tiny flash drives. The intention of these pieces is to function as a house for sharing art, keeping safe important documents, passing on meaningful media and engaging with spiritual practices on a daily basis.
I also enjoy experimenting with textiles, unusual materials and want to venture into new mediums. I want to streamline and expand my business and need new tools to do so! It will greatly expand what I can do. Right now, I operate on a small scale. This scholarship would greatly multiply what I can do because it would give me new skills and education to further my goals.
You have been an inspiration Chris, I want to get all your books and read them.
Thank you.
Good day A/C judges!
I’m a new reader of AONC and excited to hear about your scholarship! I’ve been doing what I’ve been doing for many years but needing guidance in these evolving and dynamic times. I want to reach a bigger audience and enrich people’s lives through music. Hope you can help me build and improve my business.
Thanks so much!
Hi Chris,
I’ve been a singer-songwriter since 2001, have licensed music for tv programming and commercials. I want to expand my music career by piloting an inter-disciplinary educational initiative that is colorful and fun, using music and creativity, and my expertise as a licensed PhD psychologist, to help children become more assertive, expressive and caring in their relationships with others.
The way I see it, I am applying for a grant (with you) to support and increase the chances of succeeding bringing art and relationship skills to the schools, at a time when the kids really need it!
Hi there! I am a touring musician in the mythic Celtic vein. I play Celtic festivals, mythic faires, and retro-futurist type events – Steampunk, Faery festivals, places where folks can slip into another world for a while. I love being part of these alternative worlds, as I strongly believe this type of “play” kindles the imagination, and when we use our brains in uncommon ways, we break out of habitual thinking and become more creative. I adore that I get to do this for a living!
The catch is, I only make money when I am on the road. And sometimes I need to come off the road. During these times I am broke indeed. So this year I launched a membership area of my site called “The Ring of Enchantment” wherein I have created meditations and exercises to help folks rekindle their own imaginations and break through their stuck places in a fun and playful way. The meditations are all fueled by custom written music by me, of course! So it’s a music-driven, playful way to confront our stuck places and re-imagine our lives. I got 6 participants right out of the gate just via my mailing list and Facebook. I’d like to have 60.
I adore Chris’s style, and would be utterly committed to AC!!
There are so many exciting businesses here and mine is pretty pedestrian by comparison, but I’m going to chime in just in case.
I have a small business offering copyediting, proofreading and audio transcription services. I started it four years ago after being made redundant from a job in the voluntary sector. I’m good at what I do and I’m lucky in that all the work I’ve been given has been very much in line with my own interests, but I could definitely do with more clients, more often. I think the most I’ve made in a year has been £4500. I’ve been living in transit since 2010. I don’t need to be rich, that’s for damn sure, but I would like to not have to worry about money. I would like to not be living on a shoestring even when I’ve just been paid, out of fear I won’t get any more work for months. So I feel like I could really use this opportunity to connect better with potential clients. Thank you for considering me!
I have a recording studio, but I never took a business course just sort of dove headlong into it! The studio is sustaining itself full time which is great but I’m sure I could be smarter about many aspects of the business. I’m more creative than logical!
I’m from Rio de Janeiro/Brazil, and after many years organizing events for big corporations, I’ve decided to quit and start my own business to create and bring to reality events that promote self-knowledge and change to both people’s lives and the world. The idea is to bring thinkers, philosophers, scientists and spiritual guides together to dialogue about the big questions of existence and our world’s reality. The WDS is a big reference.
I know I will learn a lot from the Adventure Capital to make it real and profitable. And, I need help to turn this into my main income.
Thank you very much for this opportunity!
Since September of 2012 I have dreamed of turning my interest of personal development into a legit business. Although I post regularly I honestly have half-assed it (until now). Right now my blog is undergoing a re-brand to bring it back to my core ideals of “down and dirty personal development.”
Right now I am at the cusp of creating a legit business. Dreaming about it isn’t going to a damn thing. Actually putting in the work will. My goal is to go beyond inspiration and influence others to hustle towards a life they love. To rid themselves of mediocrity and pursue their interests in an intelligent manner. This doesn’t mean foolishly quitting your job and throwing caution to the wind. I am focused on real lasting change for great people.
Monetization is coming to my blog. I’m in the process of writing a book right now and I have a unique course idea as well. But I really have no idea what the hell I’m doing. I’ve never marketed and launched a product. It looks simple on paper but we both know it’s never as simple as it seems.
With AC I can take my drive and clear direction and turn it into a legit biz. I’m in it for the long-haul and AC can provide the road map I need.
Hi Chris, Dear judges,
thanks for this great chance. I just finished the $100 Startup a couple of weeks ago and want to start my own business now. My idea is to distribute a normaly expensive product, which ist expensive because of the wholesaler and middlemen, online to the crowd. Therefore I want to buy large units of the product directly at the manufacturer and split it for selling it cheaper directly to the consumer. I´ve a few ideas of product, but I´m not sure with witch one and how I should start and how to figure it out.
Therefore I would be really happy to join the scholarship.
Thank you
As an enthusiast of 3D-printing, a wanna-be mechanical engineer, and general tinkerer of things, I’ve always wanted to open a sort of 3D Printing Boutique. It would essentially be a small rapid-prototyping and machine shop, but very pretty and tailored to the general public.
“Can’t find the part you need at the hardware store? Walk across the street and we’ll help you sketch up the digital files and print a 3D copy of it in no time!”
Thank you Chris for the opportunity to learn from your experiences.
Let me begin with a little background. I am an engineer with many years of experience in the environmental sector. Specifically, I have designed, operated, managed and sold systems and concepts related to water and wastewater treatment. Most of my work has been in the industrial and municipal markets. The bulk of my experiences and knowledge come while working for other people and companies. In the past few years I have been developing my own private practice with the eventual goal of working independently 100% of the time.
This year I made the commitment to take my plans to the next level and am now working entirely on my own. I have some customers but I know there are better ways to promote my business, improve my lead generation rate and increase my income generation rate to time spent ratio. I know my markets, my customers and most of their pain points. What is I need is help in developing my business. I need to learn how to work smarter, not harder.
Thanks again for the opportunity and I look forward to hopefully working together.
I quit my tenure stream job at a research one university to pursue my dream of launching an organization that brings disruptive innovation to the preK-6 literacy instruction landscape. I received my last university paycheck three weeks ago and feel a bit like I am walking without a safety net. I had to do it though — as you well know, we only get one twirl around this earth.
My organization will make knowledge about best practices in teaching reading and writing widely accessible to teachers, school leaders, tutors, and parents in order to prepare students for the complex demands of literacy in the 21st century. I have taken on consulting work as a bridge between my university position and the launch of my organization. I am quickly learning how much there is to learn, and am humbled by this steep learning curve! Adventure capital provides the opportunity to take deliberate action so that I do not remain stuck in a consultant loop of taking on consulting gigs while never launching a viable revenue stream and independent organization.
I have an idea. Now I need help really getting it off the ground.
Hello! I am starting a pop-up art project/gallery and want to take a new approach on the gallery model since the economy has changed the art world greatly and many are not profitable. I am starting this project with two people, none of us have tons to put into startup funds but we are all very passionate about getting it off the ground with whatever we can muster! We are going to be pushing the boundaries on the Austin art scene, getting collectors involved, and carving a space for ourselves in the national sphere. We would live the chance to be a part of this course!
Hi! I want to change the world by showing the importance of sound and how it can effect our lives and improve them. I have an idea called Soundspaces ( interactive spaces that are large instruments you go into and can play, ideally even live in) I want to design and build them from reclaimed materials, and help others do the same. I aim to develop it in a way that allows me to work throughout the world, taking it to the people who will benefit from it. This opportunity will give me the information I need to check this is the right product, and show me how to connect with the right people while giving me a frame work for taking regular action and people to touch base with. It will give me the means to get my business running profitably so I can support myself and my daughters doing something we love, share an alternative way of living with them, make the world a better place, and travel at the same time. Thank you for creating the possibility of this opportunity!
Chris, what a generous offer, thank you! I feel I would be a great case study because next month, I am leaving the corporate world after 7 years to strike out on my own. I have been building my blog for 6 months, have read a multitude of books and blogs (AONC and $100 Startup are favorites!), participated in other online courses, done research and planning and prepared financially, and now I am ready to just DO IT!!
I’m a good writer and I love to share experiences and teach others what I’ve learned (that’s the whole premise of my blog). I’m also an extremely hard worker with a super strong work ethic, and when I make a commitment, I stick by it – which means you can count on me to do the assignments, share my results, and be a model case study, whether I crash and burn, or succeed beyond my wildest dreams. Here’s hoping for the latter, and that I get to share the journey with you and the rest of the AC group.
Thanks for your consideration!
Book discovery needs innovation. Publishing needs innovation. It’s never been easier to get a book into a reader’s hands. But with over 200,000 books published each year on every topic imaginable, how do people find out about them? There’s currently no digital experience that replicates the serendipity of browsing bookshelves.
My business idea is a cross between a publishing platform & a community for illustrators. I am creating a book discoverability platform centered around artwork produced by fans of the book. The idea is to create a community around each book.
Publishing a book the traditional way is a seemingly intractable & long-term development cycle. My platform is a way for new authors to gain a following for their work & test out material chapter by chapter. It’s a marketing strategy for new authors and a way for artists & authors to cross promote their work.
For readers, image based book discoverability means a very personalized, serendipitous journey when discovering and reading new books. In addition to empowering authors to self publish their work, the platform will let readers design and purchase custom versions of books with personalized artwork.
I dream of using my experience as a digital marketer to create an online service for the growing number of adult children like me who are struggling to care for a parent with Dementia/Alzheimers.
When I became the primary caregiver for my Mother last year, my new responsibilities included the oversight of her medical care, health insurance, financial planning, legal documents, home safety, daily care and overall well-being. I had a TON of questions, the answers to which were not easily found in one place intended for those caring for their parents at home.
The service would include editorial from experts, community boards, and a directory for resources and products. It would be monetized through access to an audience seeking medical, health and prof. services, and products specifically for those with Dementia (remote, phones), safety products (theater rope for the door, etc.), and iPad apps. Premium content can also be available.
Very coincidentally I left my job earlier this week. I see this opportunity as yet another sign that the time for me to start this is right NOW(!), and I’d be so grateful for the extra support. Danielle
I’ve been a drummer for 20 years. Among many other facets of my career, I teach lessons. I am constantly assisting my students and their parents in understanding the appropriate instruments to purchase and the appropriate amount of money they should spend on their new student’s endeavours. I lead families in a philosophy of buying used equipment at a good price and walk through Craigslist and eBay items with them every step of the way from item selection to negotiation. I’ve saved my students over $10,000 with these methods.
I offer this service for free to my students, but I feel that I could fill a niche market by offering my skills to clients where they would acheive a savings and I would procure a fee. I have a tiered system that runs the spectrum from advice to personal shopper. It’s a win-win model, and I’d like to join Adventure Capitlaists with this scholarship to help me get a jump-start on the launch of my new company.
Dear Chris & Friends,
I am an Ayurvedic Practitioner & Yoga Teacher in your home of PORTLAND, OR. Ayurveda is the oldest recorded medicinal system in human history. Think of it as Yoga’s sister science.
This past March we opened a new center called Ahara Rasa Ayurveda. It is the first complete Ayurvedic Centre in Portland, Oregon and the first Public Ayurvedic Medicine Supply store in the Pacific Northwest. ARA is Woman-owned and run and specializes in the care of Women and Families of all kinds. LGBTQ Friendly and Welcoming.
We need guidance in manifesting our vision for Ahara Rasa Ayurveda, which includes classes, products, guest speakers, yoga therapy and Pancha Karma (a highly specialized cleansing system).
Please visit our website:
I will commit to this amazing opportunity like an enlightened yogi commits to meditating!
Pick me!
Yours in Health,
Sister Veda, LLC
What an amazing opportunity for the deserving entrepreneur / biz guy or gal!
If I am the lucky recipient of the scholarship I would utilize the A/C program to propel my BXLNT biz (Be eXceLleNT) into that sweet spot where it (and I) can finally help others become their most excellent version of themselves. BXLNT is the overarching biz name for my side products such as the Take Your Life Back course – designed to help people take their lives back from the time thieves they’ve innocuously allowed to steal all their free time. All so they can start doing things they love doing, but somehow no longer have time for. Because life’s too short to do stuff you hate all weeklong.
I also have a vision for a copywriting and copy editing community called Copy Galore, that I am close to being able to launch.
So why do I need A/C? I’m an idea gal – I have many more than the ones listed here. But I do not know the right steps to getting “launched” and this continuously stops me dead in my tracks.
I hope to learn the skills and steps I need so that my programs can change the lives of the people who explore them.
Cheers and best of luck to everyone who enters!
Hello! My business in the making involves teaching and training minority populations (like homeless people, orphaned children, prisoners, and impoverished families) how to grow food and babies in a gentle, sustainable way. The trick is figuring out how to make this profitable while making a positive impact on the world. I imagine turning out books, essays and poetry from the stories of the people and also offering services such as permaculture design and doula (labor coach) services. This scholarship would be amazing, and would put me right on track to developing this dream. Thanks for the consideration, I’m sure whatever you pick will be awesome. -Alexis
Dear Mr. Chris Guillebeau, and Judges
My book, “The Artists Manifesto,” will be released in a few months on Amazon Kindle. It will encourage people who were told they couldn’t draw to pick up a crayon again.
I want to start a business teaching drawing classes on my blog,
I have shot and skinned a bear in Northern Canada, weeded sugar beets on a kibbutz in Israel,worked as a commercial photographer in Tokyo for seven years, build fences and raised market goats.
I started a blog on January 1st, 2012, and took the on-line writing course, Tribe Writers, from Jeff Goins last fall. This year I am blogging daily and will publish a book at the end of the year, “I Wouldn’t Shut Up for 365 Days.”
I am also the typist for my cat, Pooh Hodges. He dictates his stories to me and I type them.
In July I am taking a Computer Graphics class so I can learn the skills to illustrate and design the books Pooh has written. “Why cats are better than dogs.” and “How To Be A Cat.”
My life has been full of adventure.
Adventure Capital would be an adventure.
I am ready for the ride. Pick me.
Pamela Hodges and Pooh Hodges
With 13 years of freelance writing/photography to our credit – we are now taking our gifts as storytellers to a new level of creativity and freedom by establishing a family-run new media production company that is geographically independent. This creative hub, for the want of a better term, will marshal the talents of a photographer, videographer, editor, several script writers, an illustrator/animator, a composer and soundscape designer and an mildly OC administrator through the power of cloud computing. Our goal is to produce inspirational content (print, web and video) for a mix of commercial and humanitarian clients in ways that optimizes project collaboration and personal lifestyle/location choices. Cheers!
I am an insurance consultant. Simply put I help people buy insurance. Did the big corporate thing for 8.5 years and two years ago went on my own. My business is run like a new company not like an insurance brokerage, there is a difference. Among many battles one is being new and different in an old insurance. That is why folks like Chris, Chris Brogan, Gary Vaynerchuck, Yvonne Chouniard, Gary Erickson, Darren Hardy, Harvey Mackay, etc. are a huge help. I am slowly but surely disrupting the world of insurance for the better.
But one more struggle, it is lonely running your own business. I did not see that part coming. Lost a few “friends” when I went on my own and admittedly made the mistake of thinking my core of supporters was stronger. That may be the biggest thing you can help with, providing a base to reestablish a core of supporters while adding in some accountability.
Either way, keep being awesome.
I have a small IT consulting company that i would like to grow. I am willing to make the commitment and be a case study.
I am interested in teaching Aikido. Not necessarily an AONC oriented concept as the martial art industry is very traditional and suffers from an enormous amount of conventional wisdom and “established ways”.
The core of Aikido, however, espouses philosophies that promote change, cooperation and everything that conflicts with martial art stereotypes. Many of the concepts in Aikido can be applied to business and personal life.
I am very passionate about Aikido and have decided I want to make it a primary focus for the rest of my life.
Chris, thank you so much for the chance to win a scholarship to Adventure Capitol. I have been running a business with my husband for the last 9 years and I have been fully self-employed for the last 3 years. Despite working our little tooshies off, we are having a hard time growing the business to where we would like it to be. I was thrilled when I saw the Beta launch of Adventure Capitol and I would have jumped on board if I could afford it. To win a scholarship to the program would be incredible. I’m sure that what I would learn from it would help me to reach the level of business I have been aiming for.
I am planning on developing and launching a website aimed at encouraging and helping to discover the passions of high schoolers. I have been teaching high school history for five years, and last year I quit to go off on a life changing adventure traveling through South America. There I found good friends, love, and the desire for a life of purpose. I am fortunate to be returning to the teaching profession and feel that I can do more than just teach history, but offer a place for students with latent passions who have a desire to do more, be more and see more. Identity and belonging are integral to students development in school, why not allow them to develop a sense of self in the world by paying it forward through nurturing their passion.
I posted above but I also wanted to add that I will be quitting my day job and moving to Austin in August because I am READY to do this 100%. I am single, no children, no strings… Living in a (pet-friendly) more progressive city like Austin will help my business.
I don’t have Angel investors like I don’t have a partner or a business partner or a huge network of people behind me. I will be BOOTSTRAPPING and finding other $ measures to get this accomplished along the way once I pinpoint the target niche for the website.
Over the last several months I’ve educated myself – bought books (your $100 Startup book was one!), been listening to numerous Podcasts (I Love Pat Flynn), been researching A LOT. Perhaps it’s been information overkill now but I’ve been learning all about the internet pitfalls and website businesses, marketing, managing, design, affiliates, $$, etc.
I am not looking to get rich quick. I WILL build and grow a sustainable business that has meaning for myself and for others. This decision has been a long time coming & I am 100% certain about it!
Judges – I appreciate your time and consideration! Chris – thank you for this extraordinary opportunity!
Pow! Boom! I steal from death- the kind of slow death by 1000 paper cuts kind of death. That nagging fear, self doubt, and self-sabotage crap that keeps people from living their authentic, purposeful life are the villans to this superhero. Where there are many tools in my arsenal, the main problem for me is that I am much better at fighting villans than running my business. All that is changing and this is MY year to launch out of my shell. No more “best kept secret.” I’m tired of operating on a shoestring budget for these big dreams. I could use some superhero teachings and support from my hero, Chris Guillebeau. I know my ideal customer, I have products in the development, and ultimately I want to spinoff in the next year an entire line to work directly with combat vets and their families. Even superheroes can use some back-up so I am reaching out, jumping up and down, yelling, “OOOHHH!!! Pick me! Pick me! Please!!!” I’d be super honored to be chosen. Infinite love + gratitude for even offering these spots.
I’m a professional photographer, been self employed 19 of the past 22 years, but only a photographer for 8 years. I’m a bit of a newbie to the business oh photography so I’m still learning how to optimize my offerings and narrowing down my client focus.
A dream one early November morning 2008…thousands of black butterflies, illuminated in a spectrum of transparent colors, as if they had been kissed and painted by the sun, flit out of an old parchment map that lies on a table in a hut in some rainforest. The wall of the thatched hut evaporates and they head over a magnificent body of water….An ageless man touches my arm, points in their direction and looks me in the eye… straight through to my soul and says “FOLLOW THEM!!!” I awaken, knowing something incredibly important has transpired…knowing I would never be the same again…Now what???
Since that day, I have been following them on an amazing inner and outer journey and they have led me to here, in the now, where I am, where the ancient techniques of my art form, are co-mingling with the teachings and essence of these butterflies, and are aching to come into form…manifesting into matter, to touch peoples hearts and souls with the healing stories they were sent here to tell through me…
I have never been so ready, I know what to do with the art, but I could really use some guidance in how to navigate those unknown waters of business..perhaps they have led me to you.
My Dad and I have a small business – we’re established and going on 12 years in business in Calgary, Canada but have completely plateaued in mediocrity for probably the last 8 years. Our business is called Men In Ink and we’re a local kiosk refilling printer ink cartridges on-site, recycling old cartridges, and selling compatible and manufacturer toner & ink cartridges. Trusting for bigger things to come this year 🙂
Thanks for the contest AONC!
I love animals and have always dreamed about having a farm. But I don’t come from a farming background. I finished the university and became a journalist. Still, while working as a reporter, a friend and I started a small urban farm.. with goats, chickens, a garden. We sold eggs, fresh milk and made queso fresco. Every spare moment I had after work, I took care of the animals, milked, mended fences. For the past two years, I’ve had to leave the animals in the care of my friend to another state for my journalism job. I became a full-time agriculture reporter, observing and photographing the newest in farming. But the animals keep calling me back. Which brings me to my dream. I’m ready to start my own farm. Based on my work as a reporter, I know small farmers need to do much more than just farm. It’s called storytelling and value-added agriculture. I want to create a farm that would go beyond just selling farm produce. Perhaps make goat milk paletas? Or goat cheese truffles? Hold chef-cooked farm dinners? Have a farm-stay bed and breakfast? I would love to have the opportunity to work on creating a business and putting the ideas into play. I’m ready – and so are the goats!
I have started an awesome identity theft protection service called Bear ID Lock that I’d like to grow with Adventure Capital. I am confident that Adventure Capital can take my business to the next level. We are taking innovative approaches to identity theft protection and we are redefining the way identity theft protection is sold to consumers. As an avid ready of AONC (the blogs and your books), I am confident that Bear ID Lock can be a remarkable success story for Adventure Capital.
I’m looking to grow my online movement (fitness if you prefer) education and coaching business. Right now I have a video course (plus e-book) for learning the core skills of Parkour that is hosted up on Udemy. My grand plan is to create two things: a private video library for online coaching students along with a a self-hosted membership site for a vastly improved and more in-depth version of the Parkour course (among others, not yet discovered) — think similar to
With that framework built I can easily add-on other courses and products onto it as I discover what else my audience wants and values (something I need to work on).
Thanks for the opportunity!
I’m not one of those people who has a natural passion, that one thing that I love to do & that drives who I am. I envy those people who can connect their passion & career together – they are truly fortunate. There are plenty of experts out there telling people to find their passions, & do what they love but I don’t really know what that is for me. I find joy in a lot of different things, but it’s when I look back at my life so far, I keep trying to answer one question: What is the point? I want what I do to mean something. Slugging it out 40+ hours a week for someone else’s dream isn’t going to get me there.
Making a positive difference, helping the marginalized & disadvantaged, being compassionate, caring & creating something meaningful beyond my own self-interests – that is what I want to spend my time doing. But a do-good attitude doesn’t always make money! I’ve been working on some ideas to create passive income so that I can actually get out in the world & create something magical without being chained down by a paycheck.
Having the opportunity to participate in Adventure Capital would give me the jumpstart I need to take real action & get started. I’ve been inspired by Evernote Essentials & other resource “micro-businesses” & I have a number of ideas floating around in my head, but I’m not sure where to start, what to pursue first etc. This would be a HUGE step in the right direction for me! Thanks for your consideration!
The kind of business you would like to start, improve, or grow?
Software productivity tools for life coaches; Coaches Flow believes in helping coaches because the world needs more happy, self-actualized people doing what they’re passionate about. If a coach can help on average 10 people be more awesome, and we can help 10 coaches be more awesome, we’re changing the world’s awesomeness exponentially!
Are you committed to work on the course regularly?
Yes! We quit our jobs nine months ago to build our business fulltime, and therefore can commit to the course full time.
Willing to share results of progress with everyone else in the group?
Yes! We’d love to share our experiences with the community; indeed, we’ve already learned how valuable having the support of others can be when on this sort of venture. Love to give back in this way!
Why will this opportunity help you?
We’re getting bogged down in all there is to do when bootstrapping a business (plus raising two kids and two dogs). We fall into Group One under “Who it’s For”: We have an idea, but need help getting it off the ground. We’re off to a good start, but it’s so easy to loose focus!
Hey Chris and team! So my photography business that I started in 2006 has been growing like crazy in the past 2-3 years, nearly doubling my income 3 years in a row, but I KNOW there is much more I could be doing, and I still need major help and accountability with doing the RIGHT things – the biggest and the best things. I work with a ton of people all over the US and the world, but I also work alone essentially. I make the big decisions by myself, and although I have a team, I am the only one who can do what I do which is the backbone of my business (making people look and feel amazing for life and business). Still very few people know about me/what I do/who I am, and although I am doing great financially, I know I am leaving money on the table left and right, and doing myself, my profession and the world a disservice by continually post-poning what I know will be the most impactful, inspiring and ultimately profitable endeavors. Good to great. HOW do I do it? I know you know how!
My business teaches students how to succeed in General Chemistry, a college course required for all science and life science majors in the US. The business includes an online course that teaches students how to learn chemistry by walking them through the first third of a typical General Chemistry course. Students use computer simulations specifically designed to make to connect chemistry concepts to their everyday experience, resulting in a course that is engaging and fun for even the most timid students. The course is also appropriate for K-12 teachers, high school students and homeschoolers.
I have a website, a course plan, great simulations and plenty of teaching and curriculum design experience – I’m just missing some technology know how for integrating the simulations with written guidance and…students!
Pick me. The $1800 investment will provide the incentive + support to for me to grow my business into a tool utilized by thousands to achieve their dreams (doctors, nurses, scientists, teachers…etc).
~ Emily
i’m so happy you’re doing this project and can truly commit to build my online business which is bringing the ideals of staying healthy to the forefront of daily living.
so many people get ill because of bad habits. then, they get on meds and spiral downward handing over their days to someone elses lead.
MOST peoples illnesses, pains and woes are correctable SIMPLY.
that’s the gist of where i’m headed and could GENUINELY gulp down all the help, courage and smarts i can get to give back with what i know and love so dearly.
c’est la vie.
principled, ethical and determined to smell the roses and tend the garden.
love…thanks…and /|\
big prayers
and away we go…
Our Business Idea – currently launched on Indiegogo:
Rethinking Tea. Farmer Direct.
The JusTea team wants to bring social justice to tea farmers in Kenya. Although Kenya is the world’s largest exporter of black tea, almost 500,000 small scale tea farmers are trapped in a cycle of debt and poverty. Kenyan neighbours work hard together to support one another but lack opportunities. They are forced to sell their raw tea leaves for low prices to central processing factories. The tea then goes through many hands until it ends in our cups. Of the price we pay, only 1% of the money goes back to the farmer.
We plan to teach the Kenyan farmers to hand process premium quality tea. We want to create a partnership with them in order to sell their tea directly. This eliminates the factory processing and the wholesale middlemen, and therefore gives the farmers a fair profit. We want to re-connect tea lovers with the land and justice for the people producing their tea.
Need marketing help. Please.
I want to start a business of consulting street food stalls in Mexico. Today there are about 15million people in the country working on this type of business. The majority are very profitable but they lack of higene standards, employee rights, few of them steal the electricity, they do not have inventory logistics and do not pay taxes.
My dream is to transform them little by little and eventually make them part of the formal economy withouot removing them from the streets. Because I love that part of my country. I would love to have a movement of responsable tacos!
I am a process consulting with an Industrial Ingineering degree so the idea is to help them to find their own way to grow and formalize. Also to co create a street food manual which others can use, train others, make otheres proffesionals to join the team and start making a map so customers hat can select and prefer stalls that are working on their improvement and formalization.
I had an all-too-common problem affording travel as a student. In 2004 I solved it with an idea. 2 years ago I made the leap to jump in full-time and breath life into the words in my head and feeling in my heart. Today that idea has launched a public website (previously in private beta).
The vision:
Project Travel is a peer-funding platform that makes educational travel possible. Meaningful travel takes money, but too many students skip this formative experience because of some perceived financial limitation. They don’t have to miss out! Their communities would help if they just asked. Project Travel sparks future travelers to ask for money with confidence while making it easier than ever to activate their communities to give.
I’d love to be a part of this opportunity. We’ve started, but we need to grow and as a bootstrapped startup, it would be great to be included in the course.
One man may have the idea but it takes a team to move the mountain.
Thank you for your consideration!
As a traditional “go getter” corporate executive, I found that I had nearly lost my soul. My family was coming apart, and I did not even know my kids. That is until my wife became an alcoholic and left (and took our savings and credit cards with her).
I was forced to become Mother, Father and friend to my family; all while holding down that job. Fortunately, after 4 years, she hit rock bottom; spending much time in the hospital, with brain damage recovering and now waiting for a liver transplant – but she is home.
Now, despite the piles of debt and payments we cannot afford, my kids, wife and I are healthy and happy; and I got to know my kids; I also like them.
I believe that others struggle with similar experiences, with nowhere to go. I also believe that others can benefit from what we have learned, and I would like to create a business around helping others with similar experiences – especially the kids who are most affected.
I would like to use this scholarship to bring my ideas to fruition as quickly as possible – so that I can leave this corporate life, which likely caused my wife’s problems in the first place, and start helping others.
Thanks for your consideration
“Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.” – Theodore Roosevelt. And herein lies the problem. I read Seth Godin’s daily blog along with this and I’m motivated to take action, but for what I don’t know. I like to think I’m a pretty creative / out of the box thinking kinda of person, but just can’t seem to find that niche. (Hint, hint: Probably a future book topic). 🙂
Nonetheless, if I were so lucky, perhaps this course might spark that right idea at the right time that changes everything.
Hi Chris – thanks for the fantastic offer! I’ve begun building a website offering business and marketing advice to women in Zimbabwe. Although there are a lot of similar websites offered around the world, there is nothing available that is relevant to Zimbabwe. Zimbabwean women face many challenges – little start-up capital, cultural biases, limited business training etc. I’m a women with extensive business experience, and would like to share it and help build up other businesses run by women. It’s a little bit ironic I guess…I would like the Adventure Capital scholarship to help run an “adventure capital” business myself! Thanks for your consideration!
I have the idea of writing a book from my perspective at the very BEGINNING stages of achieving my goals and desired lifestyle; not writing the book AFTER I’ve achieved my goals. My focus is to show people that putting personal development first will actually end up accomplishing their goals as a by-product of becoming a better person. As I write my book, I’ll blog my adventures and thoughts AS I’m going about achieving higher levels of personal-growth so people can follow me through the stages.
This will allow people to see the steps I’ve been taking in real-time and show them that I did not achieve my desired lifestyle through luck and coincidence. Throughout this all, I want to offer webinars and create a membership website where I personally help others with personal-development and lifestyle. I’m going to put myself out there and let people know they don’t need to be afraid! In the end, I’ll become a life & health coach and share my knowledge with everyone.
Thanks Chris,
My wife and I launched ADHD Collective on may 15th. We provide coaching for those with ADHD in the Los Angeles area. We are newbies to business but are working out butts off to learn how we can be more effective. We’ve hired ourselves some coaches so we don’t go insane, and to make sure those we help get the best of what we offer. We would freak at the chance to learn more through this course. Thanks guys.
Hello everyone!
I’m building an online local farm produce delivery company. There is a big demand for fresh local food in Ottawa region, but a gap exists between what is already available (farms websites with 90ish design and very limited “fresh box” delivery options) and what is needed (a-la-carte catalog, convenient delivery, a list of local farms to choose from).
The company is just starting, so we have one contract with a farm, and one neighbourhood where we will be delivering food.
Good afternoon Chris.
Iam starting a proyect of landscape and garden mainteinance. My idea is to build a company that meets the needs of the client who wants a different space with a custom style. Architectural space design, landscaping, balconies, styles, colors, special and maintenance recommendations. At the same time we provide the service, we coordinate tutorials and talks on environmental education and knowledge and practice of. For me it has been of great benefit this career I chose, but at first it was hard because I did not have the immediate resources to go prepared. Therefore the intention of providing ideal space solutions, scope, and involve environmental education and appreciation of natural resources and simple spaces in the city become greener spaces.
I took your advice and started on eLance with copywriting. In a month, I made $350, had a handful of testimonials and a small portfolio.
Copywriting is a perfect trade for me since I love reading and writing, I have 12 years of sales and marketing experience, and enjoy helping small companies grow.
In turn, I created my website. I’m 3 days away from my first marketing campaign of going after some local and national companies offering my copywriting services.
It would be great to get some help on growing my business.
My goal is to be out of my corporate position by 11/14/13. I decided that on 11/14/12. I’m a huge fan of yours and you’re one of the few people that make me feel sane for feeling that there is another way then the 8-5, M-F, cube-farm environment.
The Business Of Dogs was Inspired by The Art of Non Conformity. I currently own a Dog Grooming Salon in Calgary, AB. As of September 4,2013 I will be closing down and traveling across Canada and the USA. Just me, 4 dogs and a Camper Van, visiting everyone and everything related to
The Business of Dogs. My goal is to inspire people to follow their passion into the dog world and to help people already in The Business of Dogs. My intent is to blog and podcast the interviews with industry professionals and share their expertise with others just starting out or that just need some help. My post quest goal is to write a book and then create a coaching program that is accessible to small start ups and current small business in the dog industry. Being part of the Adventure Capital program would help guide me and keep me accountable for my progress over the year. I would love to be a Successful case study. This year a WDS attendee next year a speaker.
I would like to start a food truck that specializes in dipping sauces. Eventually, I would like it to be a brick and mortar store, and then a franchise.
I’m a high school student with a passion for photography and business. My dream is to travel the world and take photos without having to worry about a 9-5 job. I want to see what the rest of the world is like, talk to people, and be awesome. I have a lot of ideas for income, and a lot of passion. Entering Adventure Capital would really jumpstart my career and change my life. Thanks so much for the opportunity Chris.
Thank you for offering scholarships for adventure capital!
I’m in the process of building my business around what I call “Hot, Happy And Healthy Coaching”. So many young women I meet don’t allow themselves to reach for the stars. They settle for a life that someone else chose for them and it breaks my heart to see that. So I’m here to remind them that it is THEIR life and they have the choice to do with it whatever their heart yearns for.
My main message is – You can have it all! Happiness, health and sexy dance moves 😉 You deserve walking through life as if it was your runway, to do work you love, to feel healthy energized and sexy in your body, to have nurturing relationships, to have peace of mind and to become the HAPPIEST, HEALTHIEST, SMOKIN’ HOTTEST version of yourself.
So my vision is to build this business for young women who want to reach for the stars, make a difference and live a miraculous life.
Thanks again for offering us the chance to win a scholarship. May the biased judges decide 😉
What is your limiting step?
I was asked this question last year by a new friend I’d met during my first month exploring social entrepreneurship. He handed me a piece of paper with this slogan and the words:
“What is one thing/person which is stopping you to become what you want to become or accomplish?”
Six months later, I had read a library of startup books, followed Chris Guillebeau and a handful of others religiously, networked 5 nights a week, watched myriad pitch competitions, researched crowdfunding, and STILL I did not have the courage to sit down and write my business plan. Or even my elevator pitch.
Shit, I realized. I’M my limiting step.
Since then I have been learning about fear, willpower, positive psychology, confidence. Why? CHANGE. Specifically, how to systematically identify and rewire my deepest beliefs so I could get out of my own way. And have a chance to do good.
That sign is still above my desk. I need to help other heart centered and socially minded people identify these beliefs, change them, and live their purpose.
Chris, The Art of Non-conformity was THE reason that I decided on entrepreneurship and taking this course would be a privilege.
I would like to start a series of semi-formal singles events in major cities across the US where the ladies wear bridesmaids dresses and the party is based on a wedding reception!
The DJ can play all the usual wedding songs, and The Chicken Dance. Instead of a bride and groom some local radio DJ’s can host the event. Wedding receptions are a blast and a great way to meet someone new, and who doesn’t enjoy the chance to dress up as part of a theme? The idea may seem whimsical but I am very serious about this idea. Thanks so much for considering it!
Chris, I would love to be a successful Adventure Capital case study! I am an anthropologist with an MBA and two children under 7. I am also a passionate social entrepreneur. My company, GoodSweat, helps charity sports athletes–people who run, walk and move for a cause–raise more money. They can be cancer survivors supporting research or kids funding their football uniforms. I’m on a mission to eliminate the “awkward email” (my name is Jane and I’m running this 5K to raise money for X cause…). My site enables them to customize professional-looking 30 second fundraising video templates in less than 5 minutes. They can use the videos on their donor sites, in emails or however they need to use them to raise more money. With GoodSweat, participants can focus on their passion for the cause they care about, their videos are shared with a larger audience, and the cause gets more money. Win-win-win! I need to move GoodSweat from pre-launch to launch. I’m a big fan of The $100 Startup and recommend it often as an excellent startup primer. I see Adventure Capital as the blueprint for execution awesomeness. Please use your superpowers for good and choose me for this scholarship! Thank you!
I would absolutely scream if I got this scholarship. My priority in life is to have fun. And with the films I make I want to make people think feel and be inspired. my last film, Adventures in Plymptoons! About an independent animator who is living his dream everyday is meant to do that, but I want more people to be inspired that you can live the art life and eat at the same time. Some of my goals in the next 12 months are to get a new camera, finish my documentary in girls with red hair, Ginger girls, finish my narrative script, redesign my website, sell 10k units if my film on DVD, sell my film to TV, sell a TV series that I create, lose 20 pounds, get more speaking engagements, move into an apartment of my own, have a person assistant and become fluent at french (I’m at conversational now but a little rusty), oh I didn’t mention vist India and learn to sing like bjork. Everyday I am tackling these goals. Would love the help and education to go all the way.
“What lies behind us
and what lies before us
are tiny matters compared to
what lies within us.”
– Ralph Waldo Emerson
I’m a sustainable strategist/coach who uses personal experience, beauty, deep listening, zen mindfulness, the tao and patience as my allies to help people and organizations be better. I’ve worked with more than 35 non-profit community organizations, have a multi-global clientele made up of individuals and am branching out to new sectors and communities both nationally and internationally. I am in love with my work, and have been consistently stunned with how much it helps. I have a plan, and it is naturally unfolding. Your scholarship may just help me with better outcomes which would be really mind blowing, since my mind is already blown.
Dear Chris
For me I am in start up mode. I have reserved my URL but terror and fear of knowing the next right step are stopping me from moving forward.
My dream business is to assist people to heal their lives. One day at a time.
I know in the bottom of my heart that with the right mentoring and support that I can achieve this big hairy scary goal for the greater good of all. Choosing the right support is the key. With Adventure Capital I believe that this can be achieved.
I may not have all the answers at this moment but that’s where you come in.
I am building a foundation for my creative career of being a musician, a photographer and a writer.
Currently, I am a PhD student in Computer Science. But my heart is not in it, because I work mostly alone, without people who have direct interest in what I do every day. And I don’t care much about the project or the degree either. This position allows me to be in Europe, be a part of a wonderful community of a highly international university, and gives me enough money to cover my expenses and reach some desires.
I have a bit more than a year “on a safe side” until the end of my PhD to build a business and grow it to the point when I am sustainable. But honestly, I would like to do it earlier. I would like to be able to work completely on my terms and to be location-independent, to travel more and to meet new people, to do something meaningful, something that matters to me and people around me.
I started my business exacly 23 days ago. It’s a landscaping business where I focus on bringing organic and sustainable gardens to people’s patios, decks, and yards. I am an environmentalist gardener so I couldn’t picture myself mowing lawns, building with concrete or spraying with nasty chemicals. I want to bring nature to people who don’t know where to start or what to do. It’s been a struggle getting my name out to the public. I’ve created a website but I am not google-able. Chris’ $100 Start-up book gave me the inspiration to start this project and it would be incredible to have the Adventure Capitals support to grow my business. I also want to work in a social change project into my business so I’d like to get a Guerilla Gardening project started along side my business.
Hey Chris!
I’ve had the opportunity to see you speak several times, and AONC was a major resource in my transition from Corporate worker to Freelancer. I don’t have the typical story (I didn’t leave a six figure job) and I have been semi-successful on my own. I’m alive, but I want to thrive! And that’s where Adventure Capital comes in!
I’m developing a consulting business that will fuse my love of storytelling with my love of helping people break down the limiting beliefs that stop them from pursuing their career/business goals.
My biz is called The Story Engineer, and with the help of AC, I think it could be dope!
There are a ton of good business books out there, and information to the point of overwhelm!
I’d like to focus on taking advice, doing exercises, and looking to only one source of info for a whole year to develop my business. Let’s do this!
Hi! I’m a 22 year old artist who has recently started doing commissions and trying to “brand myself” in the hopes of making my passion lucrative. Although my long-term goal is to work on film sets as much as possible, my first love is illustration. I’ve started writing my first graphic novel, and brainstorming ideas for a product line that speaks to people, particularly on subjects close to my heart (freedom of self-expression, positivity for pessimists, the yin and yang of life, etc.) I’m particularly inspired by Amanda Palmer’s business philosophy, but her ideas work based on the fact that she is already surrounded by a supportive community. I need help connecting with the right customers, in the right forums, for the right reasons! I want to build a career on being available and interactive with my customers, and using my creative urges to help others unleash their passions! Thank you for your consideration, and for the opportunity to participate in an awesome course I wouldn’t be able to participate in otherwise! <3
Much love, Shea/Panik
Hello Lovelies,
My business went live 2 months ago, and is doing ok for being so young. Some sales (less than $100), but I know I can do more. It’s an online store with a branded magazine concept, meaning there are articles, help tips, travel section, and a soon to be released podcast – Everything that ties into the brand to help the customer. I am extremely passionate, driven and focused.
What I lack is a visible road map. Although Im ploughing along and see my end result, Im missing the sign posts in-between, and that is the difference between middle of the road success, and true success.
As a boot strapped young business, the scholarship would mean the world to me, as I am not financially secure enough to enter the program on my own. I know that I have been seeking an opportunity such as this awesome one, and the chance would be a out of this world!
My dedication and commitment to the program would be hard earned, and I would not let you down. Kind Thanks!!
I’m a writer, writing coach, and creativity mentor. I see my business as one that will help people break through their blocks and begin getting their fingers dirty in the work that really lights them up. And honestly, nothing lights *me* up more than to see someone have their a-ha! It actually brings tears to my eyes. (good, happy tears) 🙂
I think growing this business will contribute wildly to my community, which is now global. The world needs people who are living more authentic versions of themselves, and I feel people hit that authenticity stride when they’re in the zone of creativity. If AoNC’s Adventure Capital gifted me with the scholarship, I will wholeheartedly commit to the work it takes to launch my business in a successful (and profitable) way. Nothing says THANK YOU more than doing the work (and making things happen).
Thanks for your time, Chris (and team), and I look forward to hearing who wins. Best wishes to all entrants!
Liz Vance
I graduated college in 2011 and immediately started living as an entrepreneur. The Art of Non-Conformity is the reason I decided to take the leap and work for myself instead of accept the job offers I had. I started a print publication of 12,000 distribution in called LocaLeben (german for Local Life) in January of 2012 and am now on our 9th issue. Our purpose is to embrace Local – the advancement and enjoyment of community – to share the achievements and splendor of the neighborhood – the local economy – recognizing the importance of doing business with your neighbors and supporting the delicate interdependence of it all.
We were profitable from the start – and continue to be. We are focused on I am a constant learner and find the tenets within AONC to be the most helpful of anything I study. The opportunity to have concrete actionable steps within the program is exactly what I need to take this to the next level in my sales. I constantly struggle with what should I focus my efforts on and having proven ways to solve problems. As an entreprenuer it is easy to feel like I am on an island and to have a guide to continuous improvement is exactly what will take this further.
Ahoy new friend,
Salty is my new sock company: they are socks that will make you SMILE!
The premise of the brand is to give you a way to express your unique self… through socks! Socks provide the perfect piece of real-estate to show your creativity through bold colours and designs.
The beauty of socks is the subtlety. Being introverted, but somewhat quirky, I can communicate that by a bold sock choice with extravagant pastel colours and generally awesome designs.
I feel more confident wearing socks and I want others to feel the same: call it sock swagger.
Most importantly: Our socks will MAKE YOU SMILE!
I want to give the gift of happiness, not only to those who wear them, but to whoever sees them. The whole experience for me is about getting that positive reaction. The ability to give happiness to someone is the ultimate payment. It is also priceless.
thank you!
Hi Chris & judges! This year I created an independent publishing & media company that’s focused on conscious travel and mindful exploration, called GiveLiveExplore. I’ve just published the first book/product called ‘Tales of Iceland,’ a fast, fun, informative non-guidebook to Iceland.
I’m planning to expand this into a ‘Tales Of’ series, pioneering a new brand of funny & educational travel lit aimed at the traveler looking for a story vs. a guidebook. Each book will retain the unique voice and humor of the author, but will deliver a consistent mix of entertainment & education. It won’t tell you what to do or where to go — but instead will encourage you to get out, explore the world, and live out your own Tales.
Since our team is small and scrappy (me + authors), I can see myself using Adventure Capital immediately to help guide the business! I’m happy to share my progress w/ the course (I’m already sharing bits and pieces of my entrepreneurial journey on my blog). And I’m a longtime fan of AONC and CG.
Thanks for the opportunity!
I create apps to improve lives while raising money for charity. I launched Happy Tapper in 2008 in my spare time amid little fanfare and even littler office space. What started as a tiny one-person studio with a focus on life changing apps has since ballooned into a slightly larger one-person studio specializing in app design, strategy, promotion and learning.
My goal is to continue to use app profits to fund social causes. I also want to bring mobile education to the schools — and especially get more girls involved in technology. I recently wrote the book “Idea to iPhone” and my goal is to get a copy in every school in America through donations. I’m also mentoring a group of young kids on app projects and would like to expand this service to a wider audience and involve more app developers.
Your program is the perfect opportunity to help me focus on these growth ideas over the course of the next 12 months, so by 2014 my one-person studio has touched more lives across the globe.
Thank you for the chance to share my story and considering my application.
my website:
my book:
my blog:
Want to start out working for myself, but keep getting stuck in the trenches of ‘finding the idea’ and then get overwhelmed on what the next concrete steps will be..
… which is where I think the Capital Adventure course with concrete steps would fit in well. Have several ideas based on personal skills and strengths – where next?
Hi Chris & Judges,
Wow – what an amazing opportunity. You already have some strong contenders
I started my own business Unique Sleeps about 2 years ago. I promote unusual and unique places to stay in on holiday and when travelling. I knew from a young age that I wanted to work for myself, now I’m trying to make that a reality. I have always had an insatiable thirst for all things travel related so creating this business seemed a natural choice for me.
Why do I want this scholarship so badly? I am putting in the hours to try and make this dream of a location independent business a reality. I have the passion, motivation, determination and ideas to make this happen. My problem is in how I am building this business – I don’t feel all my hard work is delivering effective enough results, I need help and guidance on how to be more productive and targeted with my actions.
This scholarship is the missing part of the jigsaw to make my business a success.
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to win such a valuable prize.
I’ve had the idea in the back of my head to start a company catered to helping other North Americans get settled and set up in Spain. I’ve been here for six years and help people in my free time to search out legal help for their visa issues, help them find work and build a community in a place that has well-established social circles. It’s difficult for us to get visas, work and sometimes even secure a legal housing contract!
I’m looking for a way to turn this into a business that can help NAs settle into Spanish life without all of the red tape, the hassle and the headaches, which often end in an exodus when all of the other routes have been exhausted. Would love the chance to win the scholarship and take something I do on the daily to the next level.
I own a screen-printing studio in Downtown San Francisco. I would like to better automate the printing I do for clients so that I can focus more on manufacturing my own designs for wholesale. Thank you Chris!
I have just launched my new endeavor which will be known as “The Collabative”. It will start as a production entity creating events that match venues, music, arts and other collaborative presentations. On a larger scale it will be an online presence gathering information and resources pertinent to the arts, as well as a resource for those in the arts to know and have access to as many of the businesses that support the arts in myriad ways, in one place. It will be a “Creative Resource Center”-if you will- which will one day have a building in the community for multi-purpose use. Every layer and aspect of this project will be very user friendly and we will encourage all to contribute and grow the creative community together, whether online or in the local geographical area. I have great need for mentoring and guidance and am excited about finding ways to make this all happen for the good of the arts and the ongoing enrichment of the surrounding communities.
I have just graduated to become a health coach. I would like to have a great online presence to sell ebooks and programs.
I also work with my father. We’ve had a business for the last 25 years and the industry has turned upside down leaving us with a huge amount of debt. I would like to be able to resurrect it through web sales. The above website is for that business.
Thank you for giving all of us this opportunity, it will change someones life.
Hell, I’ll give it a shot! Why not?!
Last month we opened a health-food shop in Tonga – the first ever health food shop for this country – so it’s a huge learning curve, for them AND us. But with a 68% obesity rate, and 99% of the population considered at moderate-high risk of non-communicable diseases, Tonga REALLY NEEDS THIS!!
(Not to mention all the ex-pats like myself, who have been smuggling in suitcases full of random items like chia seeds and himalayan crystal salt…)
This is just the first step towards our vision of a holistic health movement in Tonga. But now that the initial exhilaration of opening a shop is beginning to wear off, I need to put together a plan on how to get from here to there…
Whoever gets chosen, I hope you do kick-a%$ awesome!! So many great ideas in the comments, so many wonderful, talented people in this world. Gives me great faith for the future… 🙂
My idea is to offer an alternative to what is now a “Volunteer Market”, where businesses are taking advantage of (especially) young people who have no experience travelling or volunteering and a huge desire to help and create change. I want to give a tailored service to prospective volunteers, working with them personally to find out what style of volunteering they think they are ready for and then matching them with an organisation that I have contacted and experienced personally (or I have a good review of them by someone I trust and which has been proven to me). I want to ensure that the volunteers:
– feel supported and are prepared with background on how to approach a volunteer role
– are doing productive work and genuinely contributing
– develop previous skills and acquire many new ones
– learn the value of volunteering
– experience other cultures and understand the reality of other people’s lives
– create a strong bond with those they work with and leave with a desire to maintain in some way their support
and many more points but in summary that they have the most fulfilling volunteer experience which isn’t offered by money hungry privately owned ‘volunteer organisations
A year ago I launched my professional organizing company. Your books nudged me into making this leap and your newsletters have continued to encourage me as I’ve built my business.
Since there is very little overhead, I am making a profit and thankfully my client base is growing. Currently I am accepting all types of clients but I am trying to figure out my niche in the Professional Organizing world. This course would be invaluable as I determine where to put my efforts and energy in my next steps. The idea I am knocking around is to be a Home Management Consultant; helping families determine what household work needs to be done, facilitate discussions in making compromises on expectations, establish systems and routines to involve ALL members of the family to participate in household maintenance.
It would be a pleasure and an honor to continue to learn from you.
Anna, a meal idea/ingredient delivery service to help busy parents cook healthy and interesting dinners each night.
I’m on the brink of starting a business that will help people communicate more effectively. I am a Speech-Language Pathologist, specializing in accent modification (teaching an American English accent) and working with adolescents and adults on the autism spectrum. My goal is to help people learn and use strategies that will help them to be better understood – literally and figuratively. I already do the work that I love as a public employee, but my employer is attempting to strong-arm me into a deal that just doesn’t work for my family. Embarking upon my dream of self employment will give me the FREEDOM to continue to put my skills to good use and provide my family with what they need. I have the content knowledge, but I really need more information on how to transition to being my own boss. I’m scared, but brave. Thank you for offering this program!
I want to get grown-ups to write. I want people who are waiting for One Day to write their novel to write Today and Every Day. I want to reenergise writing and get busy professionals to realise the joy, power and importance of telling stories and being creative.
I launched my website in the last few weeks ( and am developing a tool that gets people’s imagination fired up and pumping with ideas, but I would love the opportunity to be guided by the smart people at Adventure Capital. For the first time I feel like what I am doing matters, and I want to keep going (and going, and going…)!
Thanks for this opportunity!
As a pastor, I have often preached and taught on fear. Having just gotten out of the hospital, where I faced the very real prospect of a life-ending situation – I have a new appreciation of the word “fearless”.
I am currently facing a lengthy recovery, and it seems to me that this is a God-given opportunity to expand out of my comfort zone and take stock of who I am and where I’m going.
The one constant in my life – if I have had any success at all – is that I am a storyteller. I have denied this for most of my life. I originally thought that computers were the road to success for me, but I was deceiving myself.
As I switched gears – late in life (couldn’t afford a Corvette for a midlife crisis) – I became a pastor. I have always been drawn to helping people. While this has been a very good fit for me, it also comes with uncertainties come budget time. Also, I am uncertain, because of my health, as to whether I’ll be able to continue or not.
So, I come with many more questions than answers. How do I embrace my new reality? How can I use my storytelling talents to help others – and get paid to do so? Where do my talents / passions and the world’s needs come together?
Hi Chris-
I would love to have the opportunity to participate in this course!
I have been working on building my own language and cross-cultural training business over the past four years and I love working with my students. However, I need to move beyond the one-to-one work that I am doing, build a more engaged and focused audience, and start to create products for them.
I have identified a potential sub-group of English learners that I would love to serve, but I could use some guidance in getting this project off the ground.
Thanks for the opportunity to apply for the scholarship and thanks for the inspiration!
I have an idea that I want to get off the ground.
I want to teach people how to play music online. More specifically, I want to reach bass players. (I’m a bass player myself)
There are already lots of places people can go online to ‘learn music’. My problem with them, is that the vast majority of them are very shallow and don’t provide people with a proper foundation when they are starting up.
I want to reach absolute beginners and make sure that they get a good start so they can continue to play for the rest of their lives. I want to mold people into true musicians rather than just teach them a meaningless licks.
Because I’m no longer a beginner, my problem is that I can’t see the situation from a beginner’s perspective.
I know what a beginner ‘should’ be learning and doing, but I don’t really know what they want to be learning and doing.
When I go through with this, I want to make sure I’m reaching the right people and creating products that they actually want, but creating them in such a way that they actually get what they need as well.
That’s where I think Adventure Capital could be a great help to me.
Thanks for this opportunity! We all really appreciate it.
What happens when you pair up two entrepreneurial and designerly divas with 20+ years of combined experience in curriculum design and teaching students of all ages?, an online learning lab for creative professionals to build, grow and capitalize on their professional and personal skills. Behind the scenes we (Tamara & Rachel) are working away to develop our MVP- an online portal of 8 courses across four majors (Business, Creativity, Research and Exploration) in anticipation of our September launch. We’ve got BIG plans for expanding the network of Designsteins who take our courses and (eventually) the other Geniuses who will offer them. Savvy and sassy educators we are, but we have plenty to learn as we master the design of business. Please teach us! We make great students and we are committed to being study buddies for the next year and beyond…
Crazy odd idea of a build-it-yourself sneaker made out of a few pieces that you only have to cut to your own size and glue together. The shoe is fully customizable, recyclable and the end product is based on the creativity of the client (or his/her handling with scissors).
Because the owners build the sneaker themselves and the parts don’t contain much shipping space, costs remain low as well as the impact on the environment.
Build it – style it – wear it – travel it – recycle it
What a fantastic opportunity.
I need a helping hand with launching a business (I don’t sell anything as of yet). I bit the bullet and quit my job 5 months ago to pursue the lifestyle of a “digital nomad”. I haven’t quite created a revenue model for myself at this stage. I’m trying out a few things online, but I’m finding the health & fitness niche is extremely competitive – I need a bit of guidance with how to differentiate my services from everyone else.
Adventure Capital would help me do just that.
I’ve been working on a project that involves 2 websites and a blog aimed at creating enough residual income that it would support me. It’s been a slooooow climb and think I’d really benefit from being part of this program. I’d LOVE to win a scholoarship. Pick me! Pick me!
Hello Judges – Thank you again for the opportunity.
I am producing a financial literacy comedy web show named “Broke Ass Diva”, and am including a blog with personal finance advice, as well as producing an e-book. I have been in the entertainment industry about 1 and a half years, but have had a blast helping others produce their film projects.
I have been playing with the site today, it is a mess, but the URL is
Thanks again – I wish everyone well in their endeavors.
A friend of mine presented to me your work about a year ago. It took m’y interest and I read a lot about it but everytime I want to go on, I stop in the middle of my project because I don’t know where to go next and I never start it again.
Now I have this project about creating a web application for the management of small businesses. Your offer is just incredible and I’m hoping this could make this project work.
Wow Chris! Your generosity blows me away. <3
I began my website, The Attitude Revolution, to start a revolution of self love. To help binge eaters + body haters (myself included) love themselves + replace the weight loss obsession with a passion for helping the world. Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of any mental illness, so I have a BIG desire to help people suffering from this all over the world.
A few weeks ago, I opened up my online Attitude Coaching practice which combines coaching with personalised meditation music. I have found meditation to be crucial for mental wellness plus I have a music degree and LOVE producing ambient music (with NO whale sounds 🙂 )
So far, I haven't had any clients sign up, so I'd like to improve that 😉 I also want to expand my business with other products like more individual music tracks, e-books + courses.
Adventure Capital would help me kick my part time job to the curb, connect with an awesome tribe of kick-assery and, you know, take over the world 😉
Vive la revolution!
I need the help, but, I also am reasonably far down the track. I import several important products and in terms of their social implications, they need to be successful (hemostat, UV protection). I’ve sought out business mentors, but, few are understanding of a non-traditional company structure here in New Zealand. Having a group for ‘back-up’ as well as an external kick in the pants will help. I’m self directed, but, wonder if what I’m doing is ‘correct’. I am not interested in reinventing the wheel, only helping people live safer, healthier lives.
Being an entrepreneur is freakin’ lonely! I’d really enjoy having a conversation with people to just bounce ideas off of and check in on a regular basis.
I’m also someone who would actively pay it forward and look to help others with non-traditional business models here.
I would love the opportunity to get a free scholarship to Adventure Capital to provide that final push to help me start my own business with a few innovative items for the kitchen. It seems all of my product ideas over the past few years have been geared toward kitchen storage and tools. I finally have a line of products that seems like a good enough start, the problem is knowing where to start! Thats what I hope to get out of this course.
I am creating a website that will offer written, video and screen capture instruction, downloadable templates and forms, and other materials to help nonprofits raise funds and manage volunteers more effectively. I’d like to level the playing field a bit.
Most, if not all, of the material will be free. IdeaEncore does something like this and they’re big, but they charge for a lot of their materials, sight unseen, and generally do not offer screen capture or video instruction on how to use the materials.
I do need to figure out a way to make a living, either through traveling fundraising seminars, books, managing websites or making videos.
I got this idea while consulting as a contract grant writer for a few small nonprofits. They didn’t have the basic things in place so they couldn’t effectively compete for grants.
I have 14 years experience as a professional fundraiser, served on the Board at AFP-Greater Los Angeles Area for five years, got a Certificate in Fundraising from UCLA Extension, and am studying WordPress, videography, video editing, Adobe Premiere elements, and Photoshop to round out my experience.
I’d LOVE to win this course!
Thank you,
I’d love to kick start a travel website with two college friends. I’m a sophomore in college in Arizona and this opportunity would be perfect for me and the rest of my team because we are inexperienced and have never started a business before.
I was blessed by the book $100 Start Up and I am anxious to have a deeper and personal understanding of the concepts.
I am starting The Outdoor Watercolor Learning Experience. An outdoor watercolor painting class hosted in Columbus, OH parks. You will learn the basics of watercolor painting utilizing the capabilities of your digital camera or phone camera and the scenery in front of you and walk away with a finished souvenir It will be a great vacation experience for those living in or those visiting the city.
I need help finding the right people to take advantage of this service and promoting to them through the web, as well as, learning about accounting, meeting goals, tracking progress, and balancing this with a part-time job (for the time being).
Man, what can I say that’s deserving of this scholarship over all these amazing people. I’ve been working on turning my site into a business for a little over a year. I am what mst would consider poor. I’ve spent a total of just over a hundred dollars and every moment of spare time putting everything together.
The biggest problem ive had is a plan to do the right steps without so much trial n error. I just want to spread my message to as many people as I can and reach my dream of living on my own terms. I’m dedicated but lack direction. I just want to be able to live the life that gives me the opportunity to help people believe in their dreams, like I do.
To put it simply, I just dont have the financial resources to maoe t happen. If did, I would gladly foot the bill for this course. I started my site and his journey because of Chris, how awesome would it b to have his help to turn this dream into a reality.
Like I said, there are prob people more deserving, but noone will be ble to outdo my perseverance. Thanks for your consideration.
After 20 years in organic market farming (thirteen of those on my own operation), and thirteen years co-managing the nation’s largest organic farming conference, I have launched Flying Rutabaga Works, a consulting and education service for organic farmers and the sustainable foods industry. I work to develop and educate about the systems and tools organic farmers need to succeed in their businesses and in the rest of their lives. These systems include everything from transplant production tools to financial analysis. The world has a tremendous need for more organic and sustainable farmers, but the failure and burnout rates are high; I am working to help the people who chose to do this work find ways to survive and thrive.
Occupy Life University is a project that has been in the works for the past three years now. The purpose of OLU is to provide free online courses to anyone who wishes to learn real world applicable knowledge in how to become co-creators of their lives. Courses will center around topics that are never taught in traditional educational environments such as the material in your books. I asked you a few years ago if I could create a course around the Domination book and you said sure.
OLU seeks to create partnerships with non-traditional “life professors” such as Dr. Bruce Lipton (The Biology of Belief), Dr. Lynn McTaggart (The Field), Dr. Lissa Rankin (Mind Over Medicine), and Foster and Kim Gamble ( where courses will be created and offered for free to participants. Funds will be generated by sales of speaking engagements, advanced courses, and sales of life professors’ items such as books and such needed for course work.
The bricks and mortar location for on-site summits and symposiums is located in Davao, Philippines at the Don Bosco Multi-Purpose Co-Op where participants can learn hands on non-traditional ways of transforming their lives.
I have “The $100 Startup.” I’ve had it for about a year. I haven’t read it yet.
So, I’m not sure I’m ready for my own business, even though it’s been a year since I resigned my decently-paid corporate job. I’m at the point where I have to earn income again, somehow, and am struggling with going back to being an employee and having an employer as the middleman between my energy, skill, and talent and the customer.
I’m an exceptionally good writer and converse readily and easily with nearly everyone I meet; seems to me I ought to be able to make a product through the combination of that skill and that ability.
I’m getting better at acknowledging I can’t make everything happen by the simple force of my will–though the force of my will is mighty.
And I’m getting better at asking for help.
Will you help me? Do you think you can?
Thank you,
I took your advice in $100 Startup and created an eLance profile. 1 month later, I have $350 in earnings, a 5 star rating, a handful of testimonials and a small porfolio.
I am launching my new website in a few days. Thanks for your direction.
My first marketing campaign will start here in a few days as well.
I could use some help in making it happen.
My wife and I run a small hat company that wholesales to North American outdoor stores. Our hats (we call them toques here in Canada) are hand made by women working in their own homes in Nepal. In looking to expand our product offering, and to work with women in other parts of the developing world, we have begun making bags and purses in Liberia.
Our company has been profitable and plugging along for years but we feel like we are constantly hitting a ceiling with our ability to grow revenue and tell our story to a larger audience. Adventure Capital would be a fantastic opportunity for us to learn, to be inspired and hopefully be able to share with others what we’ve learned.
Thanks for considering us!
I am the owner of a very small music therapy private practice. I have been working in the very rural state of South Dakota for 20 years now and would love to be able to grow my business and awareness. I work with persons diagnosed with disabilities, older adults and would love to begin “wellness” clients.
I have a beautiful dream of “full” clinic for variety of clients to access services!
Any assistance and mentoring would be awesome!
Looking over the other comments I realize you guys are going to have one heck of a hard time choosing your winners. Here I go anyway.
My business is meant to help young people who want to live a fulfilling life and make the most out of their talents in a meaningful way. Many of these people become stuck in their fears and insecurities. I’m there to help them reconnect with their inner wisdom and intuition, learn how to step outside of their comfort zone in the biggest way possible, and make the biggest difference in the world.
Here’s why you should choose me:
1. I just started. I have a lot to learn, and I have a lot of space to grow. I will be absorbing like a sponge that’s still dry.
2. I am one hell of a driven woman. I got myself to a top Ivy League school on my own from a poor Eastern European country. When I want something, I get it. I push myself hard, and I constantly expand my boundaries. I will get some crazy good results with the program.
3. I need this. I know this is what I’m meant to do, and I’m going to do it no matter what. Without a lot of money, this course will help me make progress in leaps and bounds, and help a lot more people than I would be able to alone.
What is your reaction when I say “Fruitcake”? See! Almost no one is so-so about fruitcake. And most people say “I hate fruitcake”. But they haven’t had MY fruitcake.
My mission is to change the world’s opinion of fruitcake by producing the most delicious and desirable fruitcake ever! Using all the gorgeous organic fruits local to Oregon and Washington, soaked for 3 months in the deep and tasty whiskey made in Portland. You’ve never tasted anything like it…and you know you want to.
Having your guidance for this project would be fun and appreciated. Besides you might go down in history as the folks that made Great Northwest Fruitcake possible! After decades as a wall flower fruitcake is ready for love.
dear judges
greetings from a small (ish) island in the south pacific . .out here we may have We may have power outages, issues with water supply, a dengue fever outbreak and a post conflct country working towards change but that doesn’t stop myself or my inspiring colleagues working towards economic opportunities and education for all .
My business helps build capacity in communities through a range of different programs. I think this course would help do this better and link me in with others doing the same. ((via satrtelite On a super slow internet connection that is probably the most expensive in the world, but hey, I’m connected)
Ps. There is great coffee here for which I am truly thankful
Hello Chris,
Albert Einstein said that the definition of insanity is “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” I would take this one step further and say that it is also insane to assume that what works for others will also provide you with the SAME results.
Three years ago I started a psychotherapy practice. I based my practice model on those who had gone before me – networking; website advertising; joining professional organizations and so on. This has worked for many of my colleagues but not as well for me. I’m not like most other therapists. My background is in law and in Corporate America with a mid-life switch to therapy. Lesson learned. I need to work from my own uniqueness. The problem? I’m stuck. I understand the question but I’m having trouble finding the answer. Working with a group of people from different backgrounds and different strengths may help me begin that journey.
I love what I do but I need to figure out a way to survive doing it.
If you’re willing to take a risk on a Recovered attorney/Corporate America refugee, I will not let you down.
Thank you!
Oooh so exciting! I would love to be considered please!!
Our website is available in beta and is launching officially in June. It is about travel and making a difference, we are travelling the world filming mini documentaries of people who make a difference to their communities. We also film the best travel options and blog on all things travel and making a difference.
We also have an award the CALI Award which is awarded to people who are dedicated to the benefit of their communities.
Over the next few months we are launching the website, a store, a kids club and later on an app.
The response so far has been awesome, but of course, because of our travelling lifestyle we can get isolated from reality sometimes. Your course, guidance and timetable for action in the AONC community would help us immensely still be part of the real world and feel that we are part of a community for action.
we feel so inspired by your blog and your mission. my sister and I are very passionate about the lack of real food in the Standard America Diet. we are going to open the first Paleo food truck in CT within the coming year. its all about clean, primal eating and refueling America. we want to start a movement of eating less processed foods and getting back to what we were meant to eat before Oreo’s and Ramen Noodles.
Thank you for this opportunity!
Erica and Tasha Celini
I am a metal sculptor on a quest to be fully supported by my art. I have had success with my public outdoor sculptures as well as my smaller works and I am ready to try new approaches to find the right audience.
I am super excited about my newest work, which incorporates enamel (glass) on steel, adding detailed visual stories to the surface of the metal. I am inspired by the potential it offers, and viewers love it too! I am developing jewelry lines, sculpture editions and also offer commissions to build pieces that honor those we care about the most. These pieces would visually acknowledge a person’s contributions and the difference they have made, narrating their story in glass on metal and will last through time.
With this enameling technique not widely used, online courses or e-books could also be offered.
Ultimate Vision: Design and build a destination sculpture park, creating projects and income for local artists as well as educational opportunities for the public, applying partial proceeds from the sales of my work.
I believe I would have great success with direct support from Adventure Capital, and would love to share my process! Thanks so much for this opportunity!
Goodness!!! This couldn’t have come at a better time. I am in the process of building a new website and a new business idea, and I would seriously appreciate this course. No business experience, but a whole lot of enthusiasm!!
My plan is to build a business that allows me to help others learn simple meditation, and basic movements they can do at home to feel better. Wishy washy? I hope not. This isn’t the next new age self-help – I just want to give people the tools they need to feel better, and I am convinced that meditation is one of those.
Eventually I’d like to run mindfulness programs at universities to help students manage their stress levels and leave with a degree & their sanity intact.
Too much on my plate right now to take on another class, no matter how brilliant and awesome it may be. (Unless, of course, your program also teaches how to give up sleeping. In which case, I’m so in).
Good luck to all the scholarship entrants!
I have always wanted to have my own business but never know the purpose behind this. 1st attempt was a brick and mortar fashion outlet which failed. 2nd attempt was my current online shop which was my ‘hobby’ as i am working full time as an market reporter. WHO CAN SUCCEED WHEN YOU VIEW YR BUSINESS as a HOBBY?
Now, i am more mature and I know the DRIVE AND PURPOSE behind my reason for having my home business!!! I am seeking to promote alternative and holistic healing to working mothers with kids. I have the products, the product knowledge, the gift as a holistic healer. WHAT I AM LACKING is BUSINESS TOOLS!
i have already set up my short and long term plans. Intend to quit my full time job on 2 jan 2014 and focus on my business. The AC definitely will allow me to make my business succeed this time and contribute to the WORLD! i have vowed that 50% of my income will be going to charity after my debts are cleared! DO consider me please!
My mission in life – empowering and educating families to embrace holistic practices in their busy life and guiding them in a journey of WELLNESS, PURPOSE and ABUNDANCE!
by the way, i am from Singapore 🙂
i know we’re onto something and i’m determined to see freshly crafted, sustainably sourced juice rival the artisanal coffee trend. i run a small, mighty juice company in san francisco called sōw. we focus on direct sourcing of in-season fruits, veggies and herbs that we use to make juice combinations such as ‘the paramour’ : orange, kiwi, strawberry, rhubarb, lemon, lavender.
in the past year, we have run a successful kickstarter campaign, launched a pop up juice bar inside a wine bar and landed a spot at the coveted ferry plaza farmers market (aka foodie mecca).
i left my full time job/career path 9 months ago to follow my passion and couldn’t be more inspired to wake up everyday. i can never go back. and i won’t. i want to see a juice shop on every corner, serving the best of what local farms have to offer, executed carefully and sustainably from farm to glass and then some.
check out our video :
thanks so very much and keep up the good work! onward!
Wisdom’s Ear is a citywide program that trains 11 kids a year in research skills, theatre-making, and facilitating community dialogue. They’ll be a diverse bunch, coming from 11 different high schools and representing all the city’s racial and ethnic groups as well as its social classes.
During the first month the kids’ll choose a social issue that’s hot in our city and learn to facilitate a dialogue. For the next five months, they’ll hone their facilitation and theatre skills while researching the issue from its eruption in human history to this morning’s news and the latest tweet. And they’ll create and rehearse a theatre piece about it.
During their last six months, they’ll perform their piece all around the city. After each performance, the kids will facilitate an audience dialogue about the issue. Our aim is to get the whole city talking to itself in a constructive way. Picture a group of high school kids getting grownups to talk to each other like, well, grownups.
This is our first year, we’re a month old. As an educator and working theatre director, I’ve got the training skills and the passion. This class’ll hone our entrepreneurial skills and keep us moving.
Hello Judges!
I’m starting up an online education platform called SustainableLive, where the most knowledgeable and respected “doers” in sustainability will be teach live online courses for free to a global audience. Topics will include food, home energy, transportation, community resilience, greywater, and more. The focus will be action. Revenue will come from selling downloadable recordings of the courses.
I’m currently working on a business plan for SustainableLive through the University of Wisconsin Business School, but I’ve been following Chris for a long time and having access to his knowledge and the Adventure Capital community is an amazing opportunity. Thanks for your consideration!
I have a design I need to get off the ground, a few actually for an exercise ball chair. I just can’t get this idea out of my head, it haunts me so it must be a good one. The design is simple and would be easy to manufacture but I just don’y know how to find the manufacturer or the money although I currently have 3 revenue streams feverishly working towards my goal. I believe as long as a person is sitting at a desk they should sit in something uber cool that actually helps your posture. I’m also wanting to get into the booming business of Tattoo removal. I’m sure that a wholehearted person like myself could charge much less than the going rate (it’s outrageous) and still be very successful. I would love to provide a service like that which people would love, appreciate and improve their lives and self image and doing so at a reasonable rate just makes a lot of damn sense! I get really passionate about providing a real improvement to other peoples live.
We can only be what we see in others, we are not here to better ourselves but to better our brothers.
Mahalo for your time and oceans of gratitude!
What a great opportunity! Thanks for creating this scholarship.
I’m working with two of my friends on a business called TogetherFarm ( Our goal is to bring people and produce together and we think that local, organic produce should be more accessible to more people. So, we have a garden box product that we invented and are hoping to manufacture. We will take waste plastic out of the waste stream and repurpose it into an easy to use garden box. We are in the final design phase and hope to start building the mold so we can get this manufactured. This course couldn’t come at a better time as I think it would really help us with the next steps.
Again, thanks for the opportunity. I’m excited to hear back on Sunday!
Produce Evangelist
I recently exited a decade long career and moved to a place with lower cost of living and inspiring scenic ocean views on the Oregon coast. I went from yoga every day to none because my new small town does not have a studio. I want to bring yoga to Seaside. I want a cozy store front studio in the center of town where I can spend my days doing what I love and providing yoga and meditation to, not only the people of my town, but to the tourists as well. When I travel, I love to take drop in classes and I want to offer tourist packages for those passing through.
I am organizing a yoga retreat for September to find out how the town receives the concept while working on a business plan for the studio. I have heard from local business owners that in order to start up here, I need to be flexible and learn to go with the flow in terms of my plan for the business.
I could use some further insight and wisdom and this course seems right up my alley!
Hi Chris and co. Thanks for putting this opportunity out there. Here’s some information about my business vision:
Our business will provide delicious, healthy and hearty meals for busy, health-conscious people who want to spend less time in the kitchen and more time on what fulfills them. Customers will be able to assemble their meal plan online from a list of dishes created by our chef. Their meals will be rich with goodness: made from quality, fresh, locally-sourced vegetables and meat (no pasta, bread or other fillers) and then delivered either to the customer’s home, gym, or workplace. These are not the light, fluffed snacks that are provided by competitors; they are meals for people who want to stay energetic, fit and productive.
I’m determined to make this happen with all the resources I have, but with your help I can avoid the landmines along the way and streamline the process of bringing the concept to a waiting market. I hope you’ll help.
Big picture is social justice and tolerance and that to me is creating a dialogue with the people around the world.
Colours, Images and Ideas is the universal language of the world and used in a way to inspire action can shift mindsets and create movements.
I have a sequence to creating meaningful visual solutions that translates a message and evoke the emotions that connect with an audience based on People, Personality, Purpose, Presence and Preference.
Getting Shit Done and knowing the right steps to building a profitable product and not have it idle in woo woo land is where Adventure Capital can be the change.
Much Love
Be the change you wish to see in the world.
Hello, my name is Giancarlo and I just started a REVOLUTION, A TRAVEL REVOLUTION in my home country the Philippines. Unlike citizens of other countries, it is hard for many Filipinos to travel the world and live a life they dreamed when they were kids. But I wanted to show that YOU CAN TRAVEL THE WORLD. And YOU CAN MAKE A POSITIVE DIFFERENCE and BE AN INSPIRATION.
There are so many misconceptions about traveling – that it is merely a luxury that only the much selected few can afford; that it takes a longer time to organize one than actually enjoy the experience; and how one feels guilty afterwards – because instead of spending it on practical stuff, they “splurged” on a trip that later made them feel bad.
I want to educate, inspire, and pioneer activities and events that disseminate to the public the numerous ideas on how to maximize time, how to use less of your budget, how to enjoy an adventure, or how to make money.
From the blue-collared janitors and security guards to the highly professional CEOs and presidents of conglomerates; I want Filipinos to know that when we set our minds to it, we can make it happen!
I believe the greatest opportunity we have on the planet right now is not to solve any of the world’s greatest problems. It is to inspire a generation of change-makers. My vision is to do just that.
Firstly, I create experiences that help people create change in their own life. This is done through workshops and retreats. Secondly, I write stories of change-makers from around the world who make a difference. A percentage of each program and retreat offered, goes into a pool that is split between the projects written about each year.
This way, as a community, we create global change.
No ordinary life is a movement borne from the need to to be inspired, passionate, challenged and satisfied. Our movement will never tell you what to do. We won’t diagnose, prescribe or put you in a box. We don’t believe what we do will have the answers to your questions, provide solutions to your problems or tell you what you should be doing with your life. We believe you’ve got all the answers. Our movement simply inspires you to act. Everything we do, is about you.
If this opportunity was received gratefully, you would help us create a vision for change…. to self and the world.
I’m an Australian virtual PA in the middle of changing my focus to target creative small business owners anywhere around the world.
I’ve started thinking about my ideal client and the type of work I’d like to undertake but I need a little more direction.
Fingers crossed…
It’s so inspiring to read all of these great business ideas. I hope we all succeed.
I’m launching a business called From Idea to Book, which is based on my years of experience coaching and teaching writers. I intend to help writers of non-fiction (including memoir) at all stages of the process: idea, writing, revising, submitting and publishing. I’ve been working on this for about five months and am in the phase of trying to figure out exactly what my customers most need.
Yet another awesome surprise from you, Chris!)
Meeting you in person was such an incredible experience! As a result I feel like I found my path. Everything just falls into place.
I shoot interviews and tips for immigrant/ refugee and low-income ethnic women.
I already created about 12 interviews that got a very positive response and also people I interview really love the idea, they want to give back. They will also benefit from learning about each other and buying each other’s products and services.
I also want to help leaders to run their communities for immigrant and refugees more efficiently. And share the stories of the communities.
I want vids and interviews to be forever free. I think successful immigrant entrepreneurs would like to support what I do. That’s why I’d like to offer them sponsorship. I don’t know how to make it work though.
That’s why I’m applying for the Adventure Capital Scholarship. I would love to be your case study. I would love to do everything with integrity. And I would love to showcase that you can create a business that is 200% beneficial for your community.
Thank you so much for the opportunity. It’s an honor to be a part of what you do, Chris
My husband and I are in the process of starting up a Brew Tours business in our local area. We have both been working in corporate positions for several years and are ready to break free (yes – everyone we know thinks we’re crazy). We have great support from our community in setting up the tours so far, but we really aren’t positioned to make a lot of money with our current business model.
We are in the process of trying to figure out how we can take it to the next level to not only be a fun business venture, but to be profitable as well by incorporating technology, distribution, licensing and/or partnerships.
We would love the opportunity to experience The Art of Non-Conformity and thank you for the continuous inspiration!
I have two self employed businesses that I divide my time between. Cakes and Specialty massage. I would like to learn how to more effectively build my website to reflect what my ideal client is looking for. Also how to define and market to that ideal client. Ideally I’d like to find a way to increase business through online products so I have a safety net if my hands get injured. I’ve been self employed my whole adult life and have always just managed to make it work – now I’d like to learn the skills to take my business to the next level. Thanks for considering me!
I have been managing other people’s businesses for a long time now, and yearn to set out on my own. My desire is to own my own cafe/music venue/cabin rentals/small scale farm. In this space will also be evenings of shared education such as how to keep bees, make tofu, or to learn about other cultures. I’d invite the community in to share whatever skills, experiences, knowledge they’d like. I’d serve wood-fired pizza, and make incredible breakfasts! I want to make a space which fosters positivity and hope. The venue will be in a refurbished barn in New England. I have concert promotion/cooking/baking/running a business/gardening experience, I just need help putting this idea into practice, otherwise I fear I’ll just keep spinning my wheels. I would gladly give back in any way I can to others by sharing the journey, so that others may also benefit.
Thanks for the offer! My business, myself and my husband’s goals can be helped with this project. Who are we? We are California inspired clothing company. As of now, we are in the beginning stages of the project. We are starting with unique printed t-shirts while scoping other apparel items to add to the collection. The goal and what has inspired us to the business is simple – allow everyone to be part of a community so long typecast for those (as an example) that live in the most affluent neighborhoods. In other words, have you ever seen an African-American surf? Have you seen a Central American in any Quicksilver campaign ad? Probably not. Our goal is to bring the love for the ocean and everything associated with it to all demographics. NO&YO a simple concept for those looking for a simple life. Even if I don’t win this offer, I will certainly buy it as soon as I have the budget for it. Thanks
I want to build a music and art school that targets at-risk youth. When I was a teen I taught myself to play classical guitar. Music helped to keep me out of trouble growing up in a barrio of Los Angeles. I want to return the favor to kids. I want to set up a system where kids could redeem good grades for scholarships to the music and art school. The incentive for doing well in school would be that kids/teens could use their grades (A’s/B’s) toward tuition at the music and art school. The music and art school would be a non profit.
For 25 years I taught public school. Seven years ago I left to build a Millinery and Apparel business that I absolutely love. I wish I had read this book and found this website first.
Now, without enough capital and a fair share of debt, I have
rethought and added a key component to my business plan.
While I enjoy selling a quality product, it’s not enough for consumers.
I realized many folks lost the fine craft of sewing and clothing repair.
From a sustainable point of view, knowing how to make and repair one’s clothes allows people to raise their awareness of the need for quality goods. I see the need for a broader understanding of sourcing and manufacturing.
Let’s bring back the Made in the USA label and move away from Fast Fashion (poorly made, cheaply priced clothing) to higher quality clothing, commonly being labeled, a Slow Fashion movement.
My goal is to educate people with knowledge of what to look for in clothing even if they don’t want to craft it themselves. I want to do more for America than sell another product (even my product, which is very good!) With the right tools and outreach I can do that starting with my community and connecting. America deserves this!
I’ll give you a reason or three!
I’m Busking My Way To Ireland.
I’m Currently Coming to a Transit Station Near You. I know I can be so much more than a Bart Station Bard. I’ve taken to heart “279 Days To Overnight Success” and I’m blogging weekly. But little is happening. I don’t know what I’m doing.
I’ve never let that stop me before, and I don’t intend to start now. I’ve already got the first part of my plan in progress. “Frequent Flyer Master” has given me the tools. I’m not only going to Ireland this September, I’m going to England and Scotland too! I’m going to chase a song to a ruined castle in Scotland and sing songs I’ve already written at Navan Fort in Ireland, Brighid’s Well in Kildare, and the stones of Callanish in Scotland.
This ought to be more than an adventure. It should be a tour! I should go to the British Isles with my second album, “Blood Red Roses” recorded and available for purchase. I should come back with enough music written to make my third album, “The Fire From Her Hands”. A quarter of that album is already written.
I think “Adventure Capital” will give me the tools I need to make that happen.
What do you think?
This is great! Thanks everyone!
So is going through big changes and I know AC would be a fantastic tool as a rebuild into something sustainable. The future plans include building a digital media platform that supports people who are looking to live a creative life and be inspired.
But the new offshoot venture that I am starting is called The Strategic Creative. This online business will help people who have creative ideas (particularly for epic ideas/quests/projects like writing books, doing road trips, starting to teach…) overcome any overwhelm they are feeling and be strategic about how they are using their time, energy, etc. Basically project management and productivity for creative people (but more exciting than that!). 😉
I like action, challenge, one task at a time, focus and lucky….
We will see where I am.
Being a lover of a good original T shirt and after making handmade one-offs for friends and family for years, I decided to make them available to everyone. So Zefertiti was created in April 2013 to make wearable art and printed design. The plan is to bring style, humour and a bit of edge onto high quality T shirts.
Making this plan happen has taken a huge effort, as I am a one-person operation who has no previous experience in business (apart from reading The $100 Startup). I created the designs, researched for sustainable shirts, got them printed and created an online shop, I have done well at a big designer market, however I now have stock (invested money) that is not going anywhere. To be honest the world of running a business on Facebook is a bit daunting and I would love the opportunity to learn more about marketing my business from the Adventure Capital program.
I am a multidisciplinary artist working across the fields of graphics, painting, photography and mixed media installation. I started Zefertiti T Shirt designs because I wanted to have a goal, a more regular source of income and to develop a more business like approach to my creative work. I am now ready to launch Zefertiti out into the world and would benefit greatly from taking part in your course.
Last year I started a boardgame company. So far I and my fiance have done all the game design, I’ve farmed out the playtesting to my vast network of gaming friends and friends of friends (including another pro game designer at an established company and a pro Magic: The Gathering player), and I hired an artist. I got my game funded through Kickstarter:
I’m expecting the hard proof in a week. Everything is going how I want it to, just much slower than I want it to. I’m a bit concerned about sales once we get it into actual stores. I want to be able to grow my company quickly without sacrificing quality. I have a number of new product ideas, but don’t want to move on them until this one is in my backer’s hands. I already expect to do much better more quickly next time around, but I could definitely use some help.
Hi Chris. Cheers! I run an English language learning service which not only genuinely helps people achieve a truly advanced level of proficiency yet also informs people exactly how they can speak excellent English autonomously without wasting lots of money on over-priced, commercially-motivated and ineffective services.
The need to communicate effectively in English has been marketed and exploited to the extent that millions of people spend a considerable amount of time, energy and money trying to acquire English as a second language. Nevertheless, only a small minority actually end up being able to speak English really well.
We want to want to change this situation by offering a more realistic, effective and hard-working approach to the limited methodological contexts of language schools and other commercial systems that genuinely works.
I feel an ethical responsibility to take this idea beyond a business and towards a movement and philosophy that will reduce the financial exploitation of English learners across the globe. However, right now I need help and information to understand how best to reach a wider audience and develop my idea.
I am an architect and artist, and a year ago set out to start my own practice. I read lots of your information, got overwhelmed and scuttled back to the safety of being employed by someone else. That someone else was my father, whose business structure and focus now gives me the flexibility to begin my own design practice (again!) So I am collating writing and images of my work ready to launch onto the world. The ultimate aim is to support myself with my own creative output.
It would be greatly beneficial to be involved with a group of people on a similar journey to me, and to learn from them. Reflecting on other people’s work and interacting with them about their projects helps to focus my thoughts and direction. I always find a lesson by listening to others; I just need guidance in implementation. The idea of being a case study is great. To start from the common beginning of fear and doubt and work toward a successful Adventure would be a wonderful lesson to others.
What a great and generous offer Chris. You are inspiring in so many ways for which I am grateful.
I am an RN currently writing a book that I will self publish for Adult Children of Aging Parents about starting the dialogue regarding the changes that occur with aging and how to prepare for end-of-life transitions. Currently I work as a case manager in a hospital but my dream is to become a Certified Geriatric Care Manager (I plan to test for certification in September) and open a private practice to assist aging individuals wend their way through the health care system, financial challenges, and family issues which cause so much heartache for the elderly.
When the book is published I would also like to engage in speaking engagements on all levels to assist those adult children and their aging parents face the challenges and find answers to their questions.
GatherWell’sonline workshops will help people move from idealism to action, living more sustainable and joyful lives. I’ve been passionate about the application of psychology to living well and green for over a decade and believe that in this age of information overload support for action is critical and valuable.
I’m one of the foremothers to the non conformist age.
I work as an Enthusiologist in my personal growth and development business Cherish Wellbeing in New Zealand. My role in life is to enthuse, educate and empower people to connect to their spiritual, emotional, mental and physical parts so they become the vibrant, happy, whole well beings they were born to be.
I would love to receive your generous scholarship so I can add some serious oomph to my business. I’m one of those creative types who needs help strategising – I’ve got a gazillion ideas and would really appreciate a guiding hand up so I can create a phenomenal business.
My website needs an overhaul so it has all the bells and whistles to capture my market, engage clients, and increase sales and use a portion of the money to developing a charitable trust to get my Bounce It Forward idea rolling – an idea that will give school children the opportunity to learn and practice the pay it forward philosophy.
Keeping all appendages crossed in anticipation of your response.
Yours in
Hello Chris,
Thank you for this great opportunity to possibly win a scholarship. I am building two businesses and my focus is currently on Mama’s Tool Kit which has morphed from being an online resource for stay-home mums to an online community aimed at inspiring, informing and enriching the lives of women and encouraging them to move forward.
I have a website (, a facebook page ( and a newsletter that should go out every two weeks.
My desire is to provide those women who want a better life/marriage/parenting experience/home, with access to information on how to do that. I have just started running a program that I have titled ‘Dare To Dream Project- Creating Authentic Goals’ – that targets the woman in her late twenties and older, who feels like life may have just passed her by and she has lost the opportunity to follow her dreams, to take a another look and re-discover her hearts desire and reach out for it without forsaking her responsibilities. I have taken two groups through the program and preparing to take the third group early next month.
I don’t have a business model, or a strategy.
My true passion is baking. There is nothing like walking in the kitchen, switching on the lights, brewing a cup of coffee and getting started before the rest of the world even turns over in bed. Problem is it does not leave much time for the numbers and business part. That is my goal this year and I think you can help. Yes, the coffee and pastries will still be there but this time just being consumed while I ponder my assignments…
I want to help people find unsweetened versions of certain foods and learn why reducing sweeteners is important for health.
Dear beautiful biased judges,
This year I finally launched my passion project with two incredible Aussie women. Our dream is to bring inspiring speakers to Australia and host events and meetups to enliven the psyches of the everyday Aussie and show them they can make a difference in this world.
If I win the scholarship I commit to taking action and sharing my results regularly. I am dedicated to making this business a success so I can help other people unlock their potential and transition from their jobs in cubicle nation to doing work that makes them come alive.
To demonstrate that I am an action-oriented ninja and dedicated to my mission, in the last 6 months as part of my transition to my passion project, I have: started hosting mini-workshops at my day job, mentored students in an online course, launched our blog in April, decided to fly half way across the world to attend my first WDS, applied to speak at a Brisbane TEDx event and filmed my first two videos.
If you help me help my business, I can pay the good vibes forward to a heap of awesome Aussies (and others) just waiting to have their potentials unlocked.
Thanks Chris!!!
In pursuit,
Leah Hynes
Dear Chris/Judges: I am a totally blind Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Self-defense Instructor. Possibly the only one in the world. My mission in life is simple and direct; to help both blind and sighted people reach their potential through learning Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Self Defense. I currently run a small training studio out of my one-bedroom home. I use the bedroom as my training studio and sleep on the couch. I currently teach only four students, because I only have 100 square feet of mat space available in my studio and safety is a major factor when it comes to space. I currently do not charge students a fee of any kind, and I teach simply for the love of teaching and helping people stay safe through learning Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Self-defense. My students are fully sighted, but I have worked with the blind. Year-to-date, I’ve had my studio for almost three years. My dream is to open a much larger Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Self-defense training center withn much larger accomodations for both the blind and sighted. This is a dream I’ve had for the past ten years ever since I lost my sight. However, never having run my own business before, I could sure use some tips and pointers for getting started. Thank you!
Attention Judges!
I am a 19 year old, budding entrepreneur, trying to build a web platform to connect parents and teachers of special needs children.
I have already received enthusiastic responses from a wide range of parents and teachers from all corners of the U.S., who have confirmed that more fluid communication among all caretakers of an impaired child is imperative. Our program would both facilitate this communication and analyze behavior patterns of the child over time, to ensure that the care provided is the best it can be.
I plan to target specialized institutions for special needs children, and sell my product license to them for incorporation of my product in their school system. It will be profitable from the start, but more importantly would catalyze a dramatic shift toward streamlined communication and improve the care of special needs kids.
So this plan is good and dandy, but I have neither the know-how or the funds to get this idea actualized. I have immense need for guidance through this process, and would be grateful for any help I can get!
Thank you for considering this ambitious program idea!!
I have started an exclusive online hindu religious store here in India. Hindu religious products created and designed by countryside indian artisans are truly beautiful. My aim is to serve all the followers of hinduism worldwide who like to buy these products so that they stay connected to their religion and feel spiritually happy. I have started with USA. Made in India hindu religious products shipped to USA.
Indian hindu living abroad should not feel disconnected with traditional culture and celebrate every festival with great zeal and enthusiasm. Mandir means “temple” and “Sajao” means “To Decorate” . You feel happy by decorating your home and office like a mandir. We feel good when we decorate. A showpiece kept at your table top or bedside contributes to your psychology , the way you think. It may give you a smile or remind you of something whenever you see it around your living space daily.
Similary hindu religious idols, frame etc. around our living space makes us spiritually happy. There is so much to learn from Lord Ganesha, Lord Krishna and other Hindu religious gods.
I’m selling something that, as a guy, I find quite difficult to connect with, and that’s makeup education. Together with my wife, I run MUAH Studio, a makeup and hair-styling training center. As backend developer and strategist, I’m challenged with producing hit-and-miss blog content and having responses to hype we’ve created in the past coming to a plateau. On paper, my wife’s amazing makeup talents and my experience as a biz development engineer seem like the ultimate combo, but somehow it doesn’t translate. I have a feeling this scholarship will help a lot.
I’m just about to start my engineering consulting business with the goal of becoming the Bruce Lee in this field, in that I will learn from all sources I can find, take what is useful and discard the rest, not be afraid of going the unconventional route, and always be striving to be growing (not plateauing). All in all I will be striving to make my company the first name that comes to mind concerning accuracy and trustworthiness in mathematical modeling and computer simulations.
I’ve noticed a lot of travel blogs these days focus on WHERE to travel, with stories of their adventures. Something I want to change is the WAY we travel – and teach people HOW to be more mindful, conscious and connected to the places they experience.
It’s in the early stages, but Wander to Connect is going to be improving the world, and with something like Adventure Capital, I’d be able to do it quicker and more effectively to inspire more people to take on meaningful adventures.
I recently quit the best job I ever had, on my quest to make a life not just a living. I started blogging about my mission and was encouraged to find 500 regular followers within weeks. I’m about to launch my first ever business which exists to help people celebrate their beautiful lives (through photography, ceremony and connection). It’s a bold venture, and I am new to running my own show, so I would greatly appreciate AC scholarship support. I have the time and drive to maximise this opportunity. And I am based in Melbourne, Australia. Please send some love down under!
I’d like to receive your help. My priority is strengthening and streamlining my abilities of successfully operating a successful small business. This business provides a means by which I can distribute the books I have written and the books, dvds, cds, and other material that I will be authoring, writing, and producing.
Here is a list of what’s next to prepare for publication:
1) A book (also several volumes) about “how to master the guitar” and what this really means and requires. For example, practicing is very different than playing.
2) A book that provides a way to very simply and very quickly help people who want to read and “handwrite”. For example, I coached a boy who had been to various tutors, but he still had difficulty reading and difficulty remembering what he had read. Within 12 hours of training, his ability to read and remember what he had read was established.
3) A book about how to create and maintain fitness.
4) Several books about Tai Chi. Also, dvds.
5) One or more cds of songs I have written.
6) Possibly, after some more testing, a book about how to adapt
solar heating processes for more effective heating.
There’s more, but help is needed…..
I am a bonded auctioneer and estate liquidator – I find treasures people have no idea they have and I do my best to get them top dollar in whatever venue is appropriate, in accordance with their needs – fast or well-paced.
I need to know what, correct, daily actions I can take to really get my business ramped up faster. This year I had my first auction, but have been a merchant since 1996, give or take a few years.
I find joy in introducing a new demographic to auctions and making sure they have a good time and get good deals.
I also relish handing people more money than they thought they could get for “some ugly old thing.”
I pride myself on taking care of both of my customer types, as well as giving antiques (& secondhand or salvageable items) a place in the future, instead of the landfill.
Can your system work for MY business type? 🙂
I am a general medicine doctor from Bucharest, Romania and I started last year a blog in my native language on medical education for the general public, with posts about simple things that people can do in order to prevent diseases, focusing mainly on medical nutrition and having a healthy life style.
I wish I could focus more on this blog and offer more information to my readers and also I wish I could make the blog a income source. The problem is the lack of time, since I am also working full time, and the lack of knowledge of marketing tools, since my background is medical.
Anyway, thank you very much for the contest idea, it’s supportive to know there are other people around the world who are fighting for their dreams and helping others achieve theirs.
All my best regards
Hi! I am starting a business in education – more precisely helping students aged 15 – 25 create valuable research projects on their on for school (not buying the research online), teach them the master skills you need in order to deliver a quality presentation to wider audience, make them aware of the fact that in nowadays world having a diploma is 0 when you don’t have the skills aquired to support it for the future! I am in great need of support and guidance for this engaging project!
Thank you for the wonderful chance you are offering! Your blog is a great resource!
I’ve spent the last few years as a touring guitar tech for a national act.
This allowed me to save up a nest egg for the business I dreamt about starting while I was on the road.
I have a vision for a cell phone case inspired by the professional cases I use on tour.
I have begun aquiring the equipment, and prototyping. I envision this product being manufactured right here in Portland on a low overhead model, employing Portlanders and focusing on the hand made quality.
Dreaming up products has never been difficult for me, but the challenge in my world is to take a concept to market – start to finish, and turn a profit so that I can spend real time seeing the places around the world that I only pass through in my current life, and of course dream up new products that I hope will enrich others lives as much as they do my own. I feel that this course would be the missing manual to help take this dreamer and make him a business owner.
Thanks Chris for sharing your experience and knowledge with all us fellow non-conformists! 🙂
I want to start a business mentoring others to constantly be “leveling-up” in the game of their life. Specifically, I believe that I can help others adapt technology in improving the quality of their life, and while doing that, I would like to mentor them on living their best life. I think Adventure Capital will help me straighten out my ideas and gain understanding on how I can create value for my customers. By going through a tested and disciplined framework, I do not have to stumble around but will be able to test my ideas in a more structured manner.
I’m working on building up my first business at the moment. I’ve read the $100 Startup and got TONS of ideas but I think Adventure Capital could help me achieve my goals of financial freedom.
My business helps other small businesses to prepare for the mobile revolution, by providing them with mobile marketing plans and mobile website/apps etc.
(Plus, launch day (may 29th) is my 26th birthday!)
My Mum and Dad run a small, and now, somewhat stagnant business in the UK producing golf tags and other accessories using a dye sublimation technique. (I can provide more of an explanation of this once I understand it fully myself!) But I can say, this technique is very efficient and quite unique in this market. My goal is to grow and develop the business in the Australian market where I live with my own family. I would love to develop the product line further and my goal is to grow it to become my family’s main source of income as well as affording Mum and Dad the retirement they deserve. I do need help with this as I feel quite overwhelmed in just getting started, as well as creatively learning the full potential of the product. I have a strong belief I can make a go of this and it would make a huge difference having some support to do so. Thanks for the opportunity.
I read The $100 Startup, and it helped inspire me to start a passion project. Working with a local expert in the field, I started a website teaching people how to make their own high quality microbial inoculants for the household, farm and garden. They are very useful, the basis of a good business idea. We’re giving away a ton of great content for free – recipes on how to make scentless fish fertilizer, how to make lacto bacillus, and more are already up.
I love this project because it fits the $100 startup philosophy perfectly. It’s passion-driven, small scale, almost 0 startup capital, doesn’t require special skills, etc. I’m taking non-conformity to the world of farming with our natural farming philosophy. With A/C help, I’d like to refine our message, our target audience, monetization strategies, website look/feel/functionality, and more.
I want to build a community of unconventional farmers, rural and urban, practicing natural farming techniques to improve their lives through healthy living closer to the land. Together we can change the world.
Hey Chris and others! I am soon to graduate pharmacist in Poland and for the past few years I am thinking about starting a project in natural healing Although I have studied all the medicines I believe that the way to be truly healthy is through natural solutions – diet, activity, herbs. The last component is not so popular here, but I strongly believe, that it can change the equation. I would like to provide people with natural herbs from all over the world so that I can show them that they can be more focused, less stressed and healthier with just pure nature. Additionally, I would focus on providing information about natural, ecological diet, physical and mental exercise. I want it to be a place for holistic approach to health and inner energy.
Just left my 27 year comfort-zone (boring) v. high paying corporate career as an accountant to travel to the USA to get certified in the areas of my love and passion, running and got certified as Chi Running Instructor. ( a long-term dream of mine achieved)
Over the last 2 years I have been teaching myself as much as I can about online business and getting to know and build relationships with the top gurus in this area so that I can be mentored to success with my own online business.
Been working on my WHY, business vision, ideal client and goals to build an authentic holistic health and fitness business and a thriving community/tribe online. My intention to coach/support with online video courses, webinar’s, workshops & a blog of high value & quality content of resources and how-to’s/tools to get results from.
I have such desire to ensure I can support myself doing what I love, I have been obsessed everyday learning all I know. Its now time to take full action and make this thing happen.
Would love a scholarship in Adventure Capital Chris, as after reading the course material, I believe your course can support me to make this happen and more than willing to be a case study.
I’ve loved reading the other entries and have just bookmarked around 6 really interesting looking projects to have a read through!
I’ve used to do a 9-5 job, and then, around 10 years ago, decided that life was just too exciting, interesting and crazy to stay cooped up and let it pass me by, so I retrained as a theatre producer and have been doing producing and arts management since then. However, I’ve found myself diversifying more and more, partly through necessity partly through other interests.
I love making things happen, creating community and creating good things where before there was nothing, and I have three new ‘ventures’ that I’m embarking on, but, as you have probably figured out by now, I need a clearer focus. I seem to think I can do everything, and then find I cannot give one thing the attention it needs to fly.
Two of the new ventures that I have already started are my blogs: nordicnomadblog and lovetangoblog – Nordic Nomad is aimed at the arts and theatre world, and Love Tango at creating a friendly tango community. I’m also looking at how to become a propery manager/developer, but this one is very new!
I promise to be a dedicated student if I win!
For a decade I worked hard trying to sell my artwork. I stumbled around offering my work for sale. A little sold, occasionally a lot, but nothing every steadily sold. I went back to school to refine my skills set earning a degree in graphic design. I choose graphic design because I thought it would fit my creative needs and be a viable business. What really happened was it ignited a love and passion for digital art and design and brought my photography work to an entirely new level. However, my business skills had only moderately improved. I found myself trying to sell my digital design work in much the same way I had sold fine art before. I was frustrated and going in circles.
A few months ago the light bulb went on. I want my own beautiful website. I want to design brilliant projects that show my passion for design and development that I can present with all of my artistic skill and drive. I brainstormed and found an idea that energizes me, wrote a real business plan, registered my business name, got my business license, and started work build my new beautiful website.
I do not ever want to feel like I am floundering, repeating the same mistakes again. It is time for success.
I’m creating a game that is based on educating and insructing people on how to recognise and accept anxiety and depression in themselves and how to encourage an increased mental and emotional well being in their lives.
I have recruited a designer and programmer and have been given an 8k loan from the UK government to get this started. I belive with help from Adventure Capital this product/service will be able to develop faster and the distribution and international success prospects will be much higher.
Anyone interested in this idea, or would like to see some of my other projects develop feel free to look at my story develop.
Thanks for this opportunity! I look forward to hearing from your team in the near future.
I am starting a fitness motivation business. It will be merchandise to remeber people to eat clean, work out, and feel great. I will start with a small line of key products, such as T-Shirts and Posters, that will be sold through a Shopify shop. Initially I will focus on the European market since I’m located in Germany, but as soon as feasible expand shipping to the US & Canada.
I have a couple of years of online marketing experience in ecommerce, so that I can handle the creation of the shop and the marketing by myself. However, I would need help in order to design kick-ass products.
I know I will be successful even without the Adventure Capital Scholarship, but I know that it will help me to make less beginner’s mistakes and make my business profitable way faster.
I would welcome the opportunity to learn how to grow my online business further — as a developer/manufacturer of niche gaming hardware for the sim racing genre, I have a ready, willing, and eager (although ultimately relatively small) customer base. My main impediments seem to be the time and ability to swiftly produce the products that I currently sell, and the need to continue to find new products to expand my existing product line to ensure against market saturation.
Although my business is currently thriving in its own way, I often wonder if perhaps this is something that could far exceed the “small-time, second job” category and transcend into a full-blown (and full-time) career of its own. I don’t see myself getting to that point on my own, but perhaps your program could help show me the way to make that happen.
I’m a teacher/waitress/writer/photographer/cook/baker/recipe developer! I’ve been developing a profession from combining all the above over the last 12 months.
I want to revolutionise the realm of children’s cooking! I plan to do it by narrating stories, telling kids how their ingredients met (maybe they met on penguin safari in Antarctica, or on the rings of the planet Saturn). I currently do this through written stories on my blog, but I plan to initiate a puppet renaissance and film these stories too. These stories are coupled with recipes as well.
I also run a coffee business and am launching a cookie production kitchen so people have soft, chewy cookies to dunk in their coffee (the Australian cookie industry has a lot to live up to when compared to the pow-wow cookies of The USA!) Flakey, crumby cookies shall be a distant nightmare in this country when I’m finished revolutionising the Australian cookie culture. In fact, there may even be a movie in this cultural transformation…I shall call it something original like… The Cookie of Oz!!
I also hope to develop a school program that educates children on how to use their thoughts to empower themselves. A brain manual!
I want to start a dating consultancy which will provide singles in my country more opportunities and innovative platforms to meet new people. At the same time, as advocates of self-awareness and improvement, we want to empower singles through various workshops so they learn more about themselves, and hone different skills that they can apply to their personal and/or dating lives. My business partner and I have a few good ideas, and it would be great to have a resource that will help us implement our plan effectively, get on the road and add value to others. We are looking forward to kickstarting this project, and embarking on our own journeys of non-conformity!
I’m starting a small learning center for self-directed teens in Western North Carolina. I’ve seen these kinds of programs struggle financially many times before, and I’d like to be different.
Hi Chris, your program sounds awesome and your articles are truly inspiring 🙂
I have an idea (sounds dangerous already) to make a social media website dedicated to doers, people update each project and represent it in pyramid plans, showing steps towards final goals, failures and advertising businesses who helped you – and I think this would work for that canoe you might be building in your garage from recycled materials… to charities needing help funding, party planners or following the situation in Syria alone.
At the moment, I keep seeing single column timelines for everything, a mash of all the things people do and not how they connect; how the ideas of your life connect.
What if everything was organised by sections, pyramids building towards something – and when you logged in after work, you could literally SEE what everyone is working towards and be inspired every day.
This is what I want to make, for me especially but most of all…for everyone.
Even if this doesn’t get the Judges’ interests, anyone interested in what I’ve just said – email me please and I’d be happy to chat with you.
Using DNA to explore ancestry is one of the fastest-growing segments of the ever popular genealogy market. I’m an expert in this field, and have the oldest blog dedicated to the subject. People constantly contact me looking for advice and information about testing or their test results. I’ve been exploring the idea of launching an online membership site that provides information and lessons about the subject (ranging from basic to advanced), reviews the companies, and perhaps provides a brief consultation for new members. The companies that do this testing fail to fill this niche, and I think I can provide this valuable service. I think the Adventure Capital program could help me plan and launch this project. Thank you for your consideration!
Hi Chris!
I recently (1 month ago) started a blog around the paleo diet (which is still pretty new in Europe) in Germany and try to help people switch to a healthier lifestyle and diet. In order to grow this blog and to monetize the traffic I would love to join your adventure capital group.
All the best!
Hi! I’m from Spain. In January I started a blog to help people to make changes and think differently.. The core concept is “you can change in order to change your day after”. “The day after” is the name of the blog (“El Día Después” in Spanish).
I give them new perspectives, new strategies, new insights and a lot of motivation. I talk about a lot of concepts: big thinking, meditation, learning new skills, nutrition, challenges, ways to achieve things,…
BUT the core concept is the same, there’s a lot of opportunities, new strategies and new perspectives TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE in order TO LIVE A GOOD LIFE, a good “day after”.
I’ve just announce my first service on it, coaching sessions, thanks to the “100$ startup”.
I write every week since the begining but this is only the first step of something I want to be much bigger.
I think Spanish people NEEDS A LOT to think bigger and different and your offer would be a great opportunity for me to DO MY JOB.
Thanks a lot for this!
POW! BOOM! SHAZAM! I am a superhero of sorts. My business is stealing from death- not the absolute kind (though some of my clients say they reached out to me as a last resort), rather the death by a 1000 paper cuts kind. The villans I fight are the fear, self-doubt, lack of self-worth that keep people stuck in patterns that prevent living an authentic, purposeful life. My arsenal for crime fighting is vast. I love what I do! I’m not so great at business, yet I am ready to be with some help. The thing is, because it took me so long to get crystal clear on this, that I am the best kept superhero secret in the world. As with all greatness, there comes a time when shrinking no longer works. I need some guidance from my superhero, Chris Guillebeau. Doing the work, being a case study is no problem. Affording the AC program is right now. I am ready to step into my greatness, surrounded by a community of superheroes of their own sorts, and help each other become greatness. My dream is to tweak my offerings to be combat vet specific, serving those who serve our country. I need help. Reaching out, bouncing, and yelling, “Pick me, please!” Infinite love and gratitude for offering these spots.
Inspired by your first book, I met you in Lawrence KS while on tour & became a huge fan, but didn’t create anything at that time. Ready to take the leap after reading $100 Start Up & attending that book tour in Omaha, I promised myself (& you that night) I would start something. And I did. My business launched in January and I’ve worked really hard, daily, to make it grow. I’ve re-read the $100 Start Up twice, follow your blog advice as well as other like-minded entrepreneurs online.
But although I continue to work hard, I’m not always sure I’m taking the most productive direction. I keep asking myself if I’m just spinning my wheels, do I need more patience or better business knowledge? What is the best next step?
I’d love to be part of the Adventure Capital program & find out the answers I need to grow my business.
All the best, Vicki
The purpose of my business,, is to transform education through the implementation of teams. My book, The Power of Teams: Team Building for Educators, provides guidelines for transforming disempowered, discordant and disinterested groups into aligned, supportive and creative learning organizations. This has important implications for the entire education community, changing it from its current state to a progressive organization of teams that learn and implement change effectively. Educators can reclaim their profession and wield it powerfully. Teams expand effort exponentially, so educators can do more with less while saving time and morale.
There are millions of inspired and enlightened educators who can benefit from the support/inspiration provided by my website, book and training.
The benefits of working in a team include satisfying the psychological need of belonging, and teaching vital communication, social, and creative problem solving skills, as important to today’s learner as academics, and the very skills business reports absent in today’s graduates. Kids team too!
I would welcome assistance in marketing. Your scholarship would be so helpful.
Winning a full scholarship to Adventure Capital will help me actually launch the business based on my idea to teach people how to move their households economically and create resources to help them either manage the relocation process entirely on their own or through a guided coordination service. Reason this is important is that as people begin to seek out and find meaningful work (jobs or entrepreneurial ventures) they will often need to move to other parts of their country or elsewhere in the world. Many meaningful workers need to know what I have learned by self-managing six (yes, six!) cross-country moves with reasonable cost and minimal life disruption. Though I have read and started to apply The $100 Startup, this course will help me by coupling daily action coupled and the accountability of launching in a very public way as a course case study. I think it will support my time and effort investment to bridge the gap between an idea and a real business that helps people in useful, tangible ways.
Judges: I am a taxation LLM student at NY Law School. During school I picked up a part time gig as a tax preparer for musicians and entrepreneurs. I have worked on returns and resolving tax issues for rock & roll hall of famers and entrepreneurs with $100’s of millions in sales. I want to launch a business planning and tax service of my own now for start-ups and entertainers, focusing on quality, affordable services for early stage entertainers and entrepreneurs, while maintaining a suite of available services they can grow into.
I have just registered the domain names and associated social media accounts at,, and….but what’s next?! I need your help! I am ready to do whatever it takes and provide an affordable solution to help others build their dreams as well. Thank you for your consideration.
Hi Judges! I am a wedding and event planner, have been “hustling” my business for 5+ years on the side of working a full time office job. My wedding planning business is Tres Beau Weddings and Special Events, and I recently opened a planning studio in my neighborhood, called Bluff Park Weddings.
The purpose of BPW is to offer wedding professionals and potential clients, a central location to meet, foster creative collaboration, and to be a community resource. I formed BPW and structured it after coworking spaces that are popular around the country, especially in the creative business. To my knowledge, there’s not many wedding-industry specific coworking spaces!
So, while BPW has been a “grand experiment”, it has seen some growth in the 3 months it’s been open, including some small startup businesses within BPW!
I want this space to be used for creative collaboration and cooperation amoung wedding industry creatives, and to help foster and grow small/micro businesses!
But, I need help getting this to be lucrative for me as the manager, not just lucrative enough to make rent! I need help focusing on exactly what I need to do…I have so many ideas!
Thanks for this opportunity!
Hi Chris,
I worked in senior care for over a decade in marketing and management. I see a huge unfilled need for programs that empower caregivers rather than only train them on menial tasks. These are the people that care for our elders and in order to show our elders respect and change the way our senior care system works I know we need to focus on empowering them to be great at caring.
I have a website that I designed and I have 90% of the content prepared on my first two courses. I am new to working on the internet and need tools to make this sustainable and successful. I know the niche. I know it will sell. But I also need to school myself in the most effective way to make it actually happen.
I like what you do and hope I get the opportunity to be part of the course!
Hundreds of millions of girls in the developing world lack access to affordable feminine hygiene products, causing them to miss up to a week of school every month. Cora is a monthly subscription service offering custom organic feminine hygiene products to women in the U.S., and for every monthly sale we provide a month’s supply of sustainable, biodegradable sanitary pads to a girl in Kenya or India who could not otherwise afford them so she never has to miss school during her period.
Cora is currently in a small closed Beta with its early adopters, but I believe Adventure Capital’s focus on honest, actionable, and sustainable business principles offers Cora’s founder (me!) and team with the opportunity to grow and scale our impact exponentially. Would love to be part of this awesome gathering of entrepreneurial minds!
Thanks for all you do,
Hey Chris and friends! I’m a freelance designer and full-time rambler. I take my work with me around the world, whether it’s at a residence in Budapest, hostel in Quebec, or the ass of a volcano in Nicaragua. In the next year, I’d like to launch a business venture that would open up a whole new market in conjunction with an opportunity for design students interested in travel. In short, every year I’ll be taking on a set number of design student-interns in various six-week sessions, and we’ll be traveling the whole time with pre-established Point As and Point Bs. While students will be responsible for their own transportation and accommodation costs, the work they do with Sparkpunk will allow them to zero-out their travel costs. Not only will they get great real-world work experience, they’ll also be IN the real world as they backpack through it.
Additionally, by hiring interns as the driving mechanism for the design, it will allow me to set a lower price-point for budget-savvy entrepreneurs needing quality design. My eye and direction will envision and approve all artwork, but the billable portion of artwork will be done with intern rates.
Thanks for your consideration!
In 2005, on a whim, I wrote my first novel, and after much editing I released it onto the Internet on December 31, 2008. Today, that book has been downloaded for free nearly 400,000 times and I have eleven other self-published novels out with three more in progress. My books are “Women’s fiction with depth, humor, and heart” and I’ve received so many emails from readers who’ve tapped into their inner strength and power from reading my work.
I’ve already been far more successful than I ever thought I could be, but there are so many more women (and men too!) who need the lessons of self-reliance and hard work that my books contain. I would love to win the Adventure Capital scholarship to learn how to expand to the next level and reach even more people. I have a solid business already and am releasing 3-4 new books a year, so there’s no chance I will waste this opportunity if I am fortunate enough to receive it.
Thank you for doing this – the comments are full of amazing people and whoever you pick will no doubt do great things. 🙂
Hello! Thanks for this opportunity 🙂
My name is Hana and I am a self proclaimed Life Acrobat, Fear Tamer and Juggler of Change.
And this opportunity will help me transform the world into a GIANT CIRCUS.
A place ruled by Creativity, Intuition and Imagination. A place where everyone has a clear mission and purpose; where people love to challenge themselves and work hard, with passion, skill and discipline in order to get any goal or dream.
A place where people can focus on growing their natural talents and trust themselves so much that they overcome fear by playing along with it.
A place where people believe in MAGIC and truly feel that anything is possible.
Anything is possible within a Circus, right?
And I want this to become a movement and help people be part of it; through my blog, videos, workshops and books 🙂 Through inspiration and action.
This is my way to change the world.
I heard about this wonderful opportunity you are offering from a good friend of mine who successfully runs a business with her husband. She has inspired me to pursue my passion and I aim to pay it forward at every possible opportunity.
I’m a nerd. I love math and physics. About 5 months ago, I quit my job as an engineer and have been focusing on building a tutoring business aimed specifically towards math and physics students. I am currently only working with local students and would like to find a way to branch out and make it an online experience so I can help individuals from all locations. Not everybody can learn using the same methods and techniques, I like the challenge of finding what approach works best for each student to not only help them understand the material, but enjoy the learning process. A passion for learning is a gift that is with you for life. I embrace my inner nerd and want to inspire others to do the same!
As someone turning 60 early next month, I have toyed with the idea of a site for some time, but wanted to make sure it had something to offer beyond just information or something commercial in nature before proceeding, and THAT’S where my interest in your offer is focused…having the chance to learn firsthand what has a better chance of succeeding, and realizing the kind of effort needed to persevere, both from within and from others who share the same goal but are not afraid to help others along the same path. As much as I welcome the opportunity to take this class, I think the feedback and dialog accompanying the class will be as helpful, if not more so, in acquiring and maintaining the discipline needed to get it off the ground once and for all. So to summarize why I’d like to be considered, I offer three reasons: (1) potential (a 60 y/o with perspective and experience to offer in the fields of education, science, literature, arts), (2) need (your class will provide me with the focus needed to edit my options to what will work AND suit me), and (3) developing a personal keiretsu that people can relate to and work online. Thank you for the opportunity to think about this!
Dear Judges,
My wife and I are in our late 40’s and have worked our butts off for the past 20 years working in the corporate and raising 4 children. We are now further behind in time, money and security than we were when we married 18 years ago. We are now officially tired of having our additions to food, shelter and clothing completely controlled by the reliance on “corporate”. We’ve had to move 7 times and I consider myself a corporate vagabond.
We are in the early stages of developing a business concept for a totally natural line of luxurious beauty and wellness products. My wife is a Certified Wellness Coach and will use her knowledge of mainstream and alternative healthcare to provide only products that are beneficial to the client while having a minimal impact on the environment.
We need assistance in building our tribe of clients and developing the systems to support tribal communications. We’ve read the “$100 Startup” twice and are excited about what we can accomplish when we make the right decisions.
Your program will help us learn how to make these right decisions.
I’m an ex-London fashion editor living in West Africa and am passionate about poverty relief. I still love fashion and beautifully made products and want to see skilled traditional crafts people here and around the world making a good living from their work.
I recently started a business making leather accessories with a family of redundant horse reins makers who live in the Sahel. I’ve got a few stockists, and more who are showing an interest, including a UK and US based menswear business. My problem is that I am living and working here voluntarily and the cost of developing prototypes with craftspeople is financially draining. Your help would go towards creating a sustainable business for this family and the other craft workers I am involved with. Thanks for considering my pitch!
I have an idea for a site that promotes simplicity = enjoyment of life (I hesitate to use the ubiquitous “happiness” word). Over the years, I have simplified my life in many ways and I’ve noticed that by simplifying daily activities your mind is free for more of the enjoyable parts of life. I am taking inspiration from (ass kissing moment) a mentor of mine (though he doesn’t know me) Chris Guillebeau. As he has with “non-conformity,” I plan to do with simplicity. An overall theme that involves a lot of different topics from 2 kitchen ingredient beauty products, to dog training, to entertaining friends – which leads into my off shoot website on simple entertaining ideas for having friends over. I believe friends, laughter and good food are important in the enjoyment of life. I love to have friends over, and I am always complimented on what I serve. I have appetizer recipes that are so easy, yet make your guests feel appreciated because you didn’t just stop by the store and buy a tub of hummus & pita chips. I want to be different in wit and humor and a no nonsense approach. I’ve read book after book & blog after blog for the past year. I am ready. I thrive on accountability.
I am located outside of Birmingham, Al and am a new vegetable farmer. I started selling last year at Alabama’s largest growers only market. I grow organically but am not certified. I have a few side ventures related to the farm. I still have another job that pays the bills but really want to change that this year. I think that local sustainable food is really important and there is a lot of opportunity to help the community in a real and valuable way. However a very important part of the sustainable is the financial sustainability. Historically if you look at farming its not financially viable. Contrary to convention I know of several farms that pull in over $50,000/acre! They operate outside of the box.That helps me to know there is hope! I have been stretched to thin this past year and know that I need a different perspective on prioritizing. Also I am new to social media and know that is probably an important part that I am missing.
Thanks for the consideration! I appreciate what you do.
Thanks for this opportunity, Chris.
My freelance business is about helping small businesses and entrepreneurs with marketing services. I’ve tried growing the business into my full-time job, but I’m clearly in over my head there. I’d love to learn how to make the business more successful…because that, in turn, means I’m supporting more entrepreneurs in their ventures!
The one thing I love more than supporting small businesses are my kids. As part of this growth, I’ve always wanted to create a “family” business where my kids (and someday my employees’ kids!) can be at the office with their parents instead of in childcare. With so few companies out there that understand the flexibility we parents need, work-life balance is a big part of what I do.
Hi! I’m Andhedrew. I have a scattershot approach to business: do as much cool stuff as possible, hope that some of it pans out. I blog, write e-books, draw a webcomic, do freelance graphic design+consultation, and I’m creating the images for a video game. Some direction would be really nice.
…and since I know the final decision will fall to the judge with fur and four paws, I actually rescued a skinny little kitten out of the street tuesday, just before he was squashed by a hulking SUV. True story.
I have my ART OF NONCONFORMITY on one knee, THE $100 STARTUP on the other. I’ve devoured both titles. They seem more like daily vitamins than books. Now, as an ADVENTURE CAPITAL scholarship beckons, I know it’s time to dream out loud.
I want to write eulogies for the world.
As Memorial Day nears, I think of too many funerals. “I never knew ___…” begins the clergy. The obituary is read. Names, dates, but no legacy. Is this how the deceased would want to be remembered? What made them laugh, be proud and happy? Who inspired them?
I’m helping individuals who want to leave behind their advice, memories and gratitude for anyone conducting their funeral. I want to help more create this final gift.
Please, help me help them.
I am so excited about this opportunity! I started my own business officially 7 months ago because I was no longer feeling inspired with work that I was doing. Your blog has inspired me to embrace a life of non conformity and it helped give me the courage I needed to start my PR and intergrated communications business and map out the ideas for my new blog. I am constantly learning new things and overcoming challenges on this journey and I’ve never been happier. Now I want to grow my business and receiving this scholarship for this program would be amazing! I have big goals for myself. My vision has never been clearer. I know with certainty the direction in which I want to move. Now I just need a little extra help to get there. Thank you Chris and the biased judges with the bizarre and twisted logic for your consideration!
I want to start a online service that helps creative agencies (like mine) find client projects.
Creative agencies spend a lot of time and money finding new projects. As a owner, I know how inefficient and frustrating this process can be. Not to mention, it’s costly to keep employees when there’s no work coming in to pay their salaries. That’s why I am going to created TheBoard. It’s the first of it’s kind marketplace that connects companies providing digital servers with potential client projects.
As part of my validation phase, I’m asking peers who feel that they would use this service (either as a digital service providers or as client with a project) to make a mini investment of $1.
All mini investors will get their name listed on the about page + limited edition postcard featuring the artwork of Joshua David
I know it may seem like a strange request, but this is my first step toward success. It’s not about the money. It’s about getting you to believe in my idea.
So if, you it’s not to weird would you mind contributing a dollar to TheBoard? You can use Paypal’s “Send Money Online” feature and send it to
Dear Chris and Crew – the world is in need of help and I’d like to do my part to create a tsunami of change in what many are calling the “Sustainability Revolution.” My part will be creating a business where I can help empower urban gardeners, guerilla gardeners and more in growing their own food and food for their neighborhoods and communities. This takes action as you have stated, even a little bit each day to create a workable business plan one that is sustainable in itself and one that requires capital.
By being an example first of sustainability at home and in the garden is the first step but I am ready to take it to the next step partly with your help along the way. This will not only extend to communities in the SF Bay area where I live but with any luck across the world, piloting projects in places like Burma where I traveled recently. Be the change you want to be and help teach everyone “How to fish” instead of just catching fish for them. Have a great rest of the year and good luck with the new program.
Incredible! I would love to leverage the Adventure Capital to help build Escape Project to be bigger and better. One of the most valuable things when building a business is a network of people who understand what you’re trying to accomplish and are willing to provide honest feedback.
Can theater be profitable?
That’s what I’m trying to discover. I started a theater company in 2009 dedicated to making educational and illuminating entertainment about women’s sexuality. I called it sex-positive theater…with a happy ending(!) In addition to creating shows that empower women (and men) to embrace and celebrate their sexuality, I teach workshops about sex and creativity, and the connection between them. I have been blessed to see first hand how removing shame and judgement allows for a creative awakening.
I quit my 20+yr restaurant job this year to focus on my company, and have been fairly successful so far. Though I have an MFA in acting, I’ve never learned how to run a business, and often feel overwhelmed at the details. I want very much to learn how to prioritize, what to delegate, and how to expand sustainably.
Here are a few concise sentences saying why this AC scholarship opportunity will help me:
The AC scholarship will help me monetarily by paying for my AC program cost.
The AC program will hold me accountable for executing my business plan.
The AC program will educate me on critical business knowledge and optimize my chance for my business plan being successful.
My business plan, which came about after reading the $100 STARTUP, is to have an educational resource business targeted to students, parents, and small private schools, specifically sharing my knowledge as a guidance counselor on how to pay for college or a technical/trade school. The knowledge will be shared via a blog, book and workshops.
Note to biased judges: I don’t know what your biases are, other than they are said to be twisted and bizarre…but I thought I would throw in a bribe. Should I win the scholarship I would happily host all judges for a Labor Day weekend in Florida, involving my other $100 STARTUP idea…tour guide for Florida’s “Nature Coast.”
Grateful that two people will have this opportunity.
Over to the biased judges!
Hello Y’all !!.. I am currently taking steps to get my mobile popcorn business off the ground and begin selling the highly addictive stuff mmmm… I can smell it now !!… At the moment there are three main hurdles i must take care of, one involving the good o’l health department (Grrrrrr…j/k). I know I must stay consistent and make things happen to obtain my goal. I picked popcorn because I LOVE IT!!! and it seemed like a fairly easy business to start, but it has not been easy, lesson learned (nothing truly worthwhile is easy) So I know the Adventure Capital Scholarship would be a great learning experience that i can use to get my popcorn stand operational and/or once I am, be the best most awesome! popcorn stand out there!! , help people along the way and one day have my own Gourmet Popcorn Shop !!!. 🙂 Thanks Chris for this opportunity and good luck to everyone participating!! loved reading all the awesome business ideas out there guys!!
I am a “banker humanizer”. I help young bankers to grow their own Personal Equity® to transform their industry in crisis. My vision is that the financial industry needs new leaders and I want to inspire the young ones to refresh the industry with real values and meaning, away from the “short-sight money-making” prevailing attitude!
I am a former banker (French expat in London) who trained as a coach. I need a strong web-presence to convey my message effectively to these talented people. They are very disappointed about their career perspectives in the current climate. I need allies to tackle the financial crisis before all the young potential leave the industry. My website is online for 3 days only. I have very little experience in blogging. Adventure Capital can shorten my learning curve massively.
They usually are left-brains who are cynical about soft-skills and coaching. I do change their mind because I talk their language and I care (so many people just look at their wallet, but it is empty!)
I am blessed with 2 adorable little boys who suck up a lot of my time, hence the help I need!
I’ve been living in Spain for the last six years and while I love the ins and outs of my adopted country I’ve been pigeonholed into an English teaching job that pays the bills but doesn’t motivate or challenge me. Over the years other expats have entered my life and I always find myself helping them with paperwork, apartment hunting, setting up bank accounts and learning how to manage life in another language. And, that’s when I realized – this is what I need to be doing full time!
Long story short my closest friend in Spain and I (she’s entered the contest as well;)) are planning to launch a website, write ebooks, offer consulting services and hopefully mount a business that will get us both out of the English classroom and into more fulfilling work. I could not be more excited but I lack a lot of the necessary business knowledge to make sure our dreams succeed. I would be fully committed to the course and sharing my experiences with others if chosen.
Best of luck to everyone out there!
Hey Chris.
My business idea revolves around helping introverts and sensitives who struggle in the red bull, testosterone, fueled world of construction and labor to develop skills and practices that help them find work that better suits their mental and emotional needs.
This plan revolves around community, accountability, self-empowerment, and educational resources.
Ironically enough I am one of these folks and I was just thinking the other day about how amazing it would be to be able to set up scholarships for masterminds.
Thanks’ so much for offering such an awesome opportunity.
Good luck to everyone.
It’s crunch-time for me: My main income stream came from DoD (Dept of Defense) clients and that phone stopped ringing suddenly and emphatically (Sequestration Theme Song: “If the phone doesn’t ring, it’s me”) and my fledgling business wasn’t supposed to have to pick up the slack this early. I’m building my business day by day, while searching for a bridge job (a *job* – I walked away from this lifestyle 4.5 years ago and hoped I wouldn’t have to walk back).
So, pretty much, Adventure Capital is exactly what I need right now. I would love to shorten my learning curve with your expertise, but it just doesn’t fit in the budget – it literally isn’t there. I can do it on my own, and I will. But with you guys as my backstop, I think my anxiety would turn into anticipation. I’ll get there either way, though – and I absolutely appreciate your free material. Thanks for the consideration.
I run a small dog training business in Manhattan that I have built primarily by word of mouth (people like my training), and I have had great success with smaller projects. But, I have so many ideas about unique larger-scale things that I could do to help people with their dogs, but the jump to pulling these projects off has been less smooth. I need to learn more about social media (and other media), business building, and how to launch bigger stuff and convince people to show up. Obviously, I also want to increase sales. I’d like to make enough to justify expanding my free community outreach program (people with limited resources should be able to learn about their dogs too!).
I drink in so much of the advice on this site…and it helps because I like to do things in a unique, fun way instead of a ho-hum business school drudgery kind of way. I would love to participate in Adventure Capital.
Pick me. Everyone likes an adventure story about helping dogs.
Thank you for choosing me.
I’m one of the best candidates for a scholarship because I’m on a mission of bolder self-expression and fostering an environment where women feel free to kiss their desires and live their dreams.
I believe it’s time for us to wake up to the brilliance in our souls and share our personal brand of magic with the world. That goes doubly for women, and The Live Raw, Fiery, & BOLD Academy is here to help them do just that.
I have a lot of ideas for my fledgling business, so being a case study would be perfect for me as I figure out what works and what doesn’t. I love to share, and I am SO STOKED to be in Adventure Capital.
See you on the inside! 😀
The Business:
Web presence management for small and local restaurants in the Charlotte, NC and Raleigh-Durham, NC areas. We consult and manage everything from social media sites and campaigns (i.e. Facebook pages, Twitter feeds, etc) to restaurant home sites. We consult on logo design, menu design and seek to boost positive reviews on Yelp, Urbanspoon and Trip Advisor.
Our goal is to create a uniform brand image and customer campaigns that delight patrons and free owners to focus on the things they love: their FOOD.
The Why:
Most small/local restaurant owners (i.e. head chefs) want to spend more time with the menu than the marketing. If we can provide a service that unifies brand image and makes happy customers while freeing the owner to pursue their passion, we’ve done our job.
What we would do with an A/C scholarship:
Because our business is in its absolute infancy, we’d love to use the scholarship to kick this business off in the right step. We feel that the A/C program will give targeted direction and help us lay the proper foundation for our business and allow it to grow in the right way. We look forward to participating in the larger A/C community and hope to be chosen!
I’m a freelance caricature artist with a booming biz. I don’t love art all that much so I do it to support my real passion – entrepreneurship. I want to take my existing model of getting high-end clients who want this type of unique entertainment for their events, scale it up, send the work to other artists, get more gigs for everyone and build a real business.
To save money on wedding expenses 3 years ago, I sought to design and hand-make my own wedding invitations. I really enjoyed the process and received a lot of positive feedback on my designs.
Since my wedding three years ago, I’ve had a steady (but small) stream of customers all from word of mouth.
That’s been OK as I’ve been working full-time as an elementary school teacher for much of those three years. Unfortunately my school is closing their doors this year and I think this may be an opportunity for me to take my wedding invitation business to the next level.
I’d love to participate in the Adventure Capital program to help my business grow beyond word of mouth.
Thank you so much!
Hello! First of all I have no business acumen what so ever. I just finished your book $100 start-up and it lit a fire under bum!! I have many ideas most of which are food niche based including a catering events company I am currently attempting to make a business plan for! I would love to take your course and be able to have your expertise guide me on making my many ideas a reality!!
I’d love to get a scholarship so we could expand to help inspire others to do crazy things too.
I have a great idea and I’m working on getting it done! I want to start spreading the word out on plant-based diet with the Hispanic community. Mexican food can be delicious and healthy at the same time and without using any animals. I want to teach the wonders of vegan cooking and share my experience. I want to demonstrate that being vegan is not just compassionate, it opens your eyes to a different world. It connects you to mother nature in a very powerful way.
I’m very passionate about cycling too. I want to integrate my two passions and share the benefits with everyone.
Thanks for the opportunity, I love all your books and newsletters!
Keep up the great work 🙂
Hi Chris,
After returning from a year of working in Shanghai, I was inundated with queries from extended friends and relatives regarding my opportunity: where did I hear about it? how did I secure the job? how awesome was the recreational travel around Asia? how can they pursue a similar opportunity? In a twist of artistic non-conformity (and at the encouragement of some seasoned VCs) our start-up helps rising and recent American graduates find legitimate work opportunities overseas. Many Europeans and Australians see time abroad and gap years as a natural rite of passage. We strive to bring this conversation to the States. Our team has completed the web-application, compiled a database of several hundred employers, and is currently in Alpha testing. Participation in Adventure Capital should help supplement our development and growth as we prepare for public launch around the corner.
Thanks for all you do,
Great concept. Something like this could be very helpful in motivating and holding me accountable for my own success.
My goal is to create a new urban agricultural system that cuts out the petroleum based delivery systems. (Cargo Bikes Only) Food will be grown on rooftops in Food Deserts and delivered and sold locally. Students from local schools will learn about self reliance and food entrepreneurship.
First step is the hardest, Setup, funding, structure, etc.
I just quit my dead end job to start my own company and it has been very challenging. I love what I do and why I started, however the biggest challenge has been getting people to pay for services.
I am a videographer and editor. I hear many people in the business talk about how frustrating it is to do freelance in this area, but I know there is a way around this and I need HELP! HELP ME! 😉
The adventure capital would help me upgrade software and computer systems for quicker editing and more RAM! But also how awesome to be a part of a test group and share my insights and knowledge with people who may have been going through the same struggles who I might actually have the ability to help using the tools I would learn in this program.
I’m down. I’m In!
My business is in an online ecourse to help people tell their true stories. The most important story I’ve ever written is one that I lived when my husband lost the memories of our life in a brain injury. It wasn’t until I sat down to write our book that I realized writing memoir is not about reporting your life. It’s an exploration. It’s about growing through the act of writing.
My program is called Radical Memoir. Why radical? This unique class is for anyone who wants to become uncompromisingly honest in plumbing a story from their life. Come write your story in any form: essay, letter, prose poem, manifesto, vignette, list, abcderian, Wikipedia entry. My superpower is my transparency — the sensual, subversive style of my writing that allows my whole self to be seen, even the ugly parts. I create a beautiful space for bravery to emerge. I don’t just teach writing – I have a disciplined creative life, and I want to show you how to design one too. The online class allows people to stay accountable while working on their own schedules, from any place in the world. I’d also like to underwrite scholarships for people in transitions and those with TBI, especially soldiers.
Dear Logic-Twisting Judges,
As a professional writer and novice business owner, I am an ideal candidate for the dual roles of student and case study for Adventure Capital.
The cover letter format of this comment mirrors one type of document I write to help others achieve career goals, while simultaneously achieving career goals of my own.
I would be an outstanding student and case study because I excel in reading to learn, writing clearly and dynamically, creative problem-solving, and the regular old get-up-and-go.
Thank you for considering this comment. I have not attached my resume–another type of document I write. Further, I shall not make references available, even upon request and all manner of begging. I look forward to hearing from you. The easiest way to contact me is from the Pacific or any other time zone.
Washington, DC, Metropolitan Area
Love is all there is. Expand yourself to beyond the limits of the Universe and all attachment falls away. I go forward and expand my business helping others make money and achieve their WHY in life by promoting the Seacret skin care products made with Dead Sea Minerals. I achieve financial independence and then help others with remote healing. I am quantumly entangled with you and resonate in the space between. I go into the place where all is possible. I love you. I believe in you.
Beware! I am 67 years young. Are you still reading?
Almost six years ago, I started my life over. I didn’t deal well with the change. Most of my family and friends were surprised when I became withdrawn, having a huge case of velcro butt. Many told me I was the strongest person they knew. I felt the same way. What I did was settle for mediocre and just enough, and I shouldn’t have been surprised when fear became my constant companion and I did virtually nothing. I would say that it was wasted time, but it has gotten me to this place. I have been preparing for the challenge of a lifetime.
Yes… there are still dreams and ideas, and I want to pursue one with all my heart, soul and every ounce of my being. The basic idea is to help beginning artists have an outlet for getting their artwork into the marketplace. What I need is the framework your program can provide. I am ready to take ACTION… to help myself and, ultimately, to help others.
I offer you a person who is committed and has the time and energy to give your program a story that will ultimately encourage others of all ages.
I’ve joined a 30 year old education business as a partner and MD and will eventually take over completely. The company is educating long term unemployed people and people who have lost their jobs due to extended times of illness or accidents. We’ll give them back some self-respect and self-esteem and help them on the job hunt. Most important part is to get them into internships to get in real contact with real employers and the real business world again.
The business is declining because it obviously depends on public funding, which is cut back drastically. To get the money we need to keep it going, I’m trying to market our expertise to private companies and individuals. We have good programs but I’m having a really hard time reaching new clients at the required quantity. As in the private sector nobody know us, it’s like stating a whole new company. It’s a shame because I see how much we can help, if we are allowed to.
Two years ago I put an intention out into the universe that in 2013 / 2014 I wanted to start my own income-generating website and business. I am now standing on the ledge of making that intention come true. I have been in consulting for a few years now, but it has still been within the walls of big corporations and pale, white cubicles. I’m ready to make the leap into a life full of colour, freedom, and creativity. In just a few short days I am switching 50% of my focus to Social Media Strategy & Management Consulting, with a goal of being 100% All-In by the end of this year. My Why: Focusing on my passions and strengths so that entrepreneurs and small business owners can stay focused on theirs. I want to help enable “the little guy” to succeed online and in business. It’s time to take a leap of faith in myself, but I sure could use your help, too. Please consider me for the scholarship. I’m all-in.
Hey Chris! I 23 and delving into the world of entrepreneurship. In the last few months, I’ve started getting clients (in business coaching and event planning), have made many great connections and am starting to build a web presence. My goal is to build a website that will provide resources to other young people in their early 20s who want to start their own business but either dont have the tools or personal motivation to get started. I want to answer many of the Qs I had and bring in guests on the blog to create community and provide mentorship. I would love to be a part of AC – I definitely think the 12 month model sets you up for major success.
Thanks for all your work in changing the world, Chris!
I’m starting Eathos, Inc., a tech startup out of Minneapolis.
Eathos focuses on getting customer feedback for restaurants through an app. The feedback is then compiled to the server who collected it, helping them develop a socially-built resume. This way, managers have insight into customer-server relationships. Servers can finally be recognized for being good servers, and NOT for how much the manager likes or dislikes them.
When a server is seeking new opportunities, she can take her “Eathos profile” with her so that other restaurants get direct insight into her abilities. It makes resumes much less important.
I’m also developing this for optometrists’ offices.
It’s been 6 weeks since starting. So far I’ve got 1 paying client, and would LOVE to ramp up.
The $100 Startup already taught me so much and kicked my butt into action.
Thanks again!
Hey Judges! As a photographer, I am two years into a quest to capture the epic nature of the human spirit and our great capacity to love. My strength is connecting with my clients and making photographs that demonstrate the beauty of their lives and the world they live in. I have a background in sustainability, and I want to tap into this to make my business more sustainable and also expand to offer services directed at those who value sustainability. My clients vary from lovers (weddings) to professionals (law firms…including the biggest environmental law firm in the country). I’m on my way to cultivating my aesthetic senses to change the world…building healthy relationships and creating beautiful photographic narratives. If you think I would be a good fit, I would love to have the Adventure Capital experience as a tool in my toolbox. Thank you for your consideration.
Hi gang! I’m attending WDS in July and am interested in learning more and more and more about how to bring my passions of writing and inspiring growth and change in individuals into a business that will generate extra income (perhaps be a full time gig?) and do good work in the world. I currently run a small business (not my own) but am unsure how to transform that kind of business know-how into my own project. Being a part of A/C would surely give me the tools and experience to do it.
Thanks for the opportunity 🙂
I am currently living in Toronto Canada and am the co-founder of the Wildcat Adventure Race. I am launching the event this summer (September 14th): Canada’s First Adaptive Adventure Race. It would be an inclusive adventure race that is open to people of all limitation (amputees, wheelchair users, visually and hearing impaired). The Rules are simple:
– Create a team of 2 or more
– Survive through the 9 scenarios
– Raise money for a charity of choice.
I need help because I am starting this from scratch and need help with strategy, ideas, and inspiration to make this a possibility. The project was literally started 1 month ago and we already have a location and a video! (website coming next week!)
If selected, I will be a regular contributor, and promise to share my success and failures. Can’t wait!
I am trying to turn my quilting hobby into a business. I have plenty of ideas for products, yet get overwhelmed trying to figure out which one I should create first, or do I focus on my website (and a following) first, and where does social media fit, and so on.
Along with the business I have started a sister non-profit project, UFOs4Charity, to inspire quilters to finish their UnFinished Objects and donate the quilts to charity.
I have help with the charity project thanks to a scholarship from Natalie Sisson’s $100 Change Initiative, but I sure could use help with the business end. At 56 (and no income), I can’t afford to spend 10 years learning by stumbling around and trying this and that. I’m committed to making this work, and willing to be a guinea pig.
My co-founder and I share a diverse history of socially conscious work at home and abroad, and we were constantly impressed by the ethical values and pioneering spirits of our generation from all over the world, while simultaneously disheartened by the pain they are experiencing in navigating the dark waters of a foggy future. So we decided to galvanize and empower our generation (Gen Y) to still believe and achieve the futures that they have dreamed for themselves. We believe these futures can be accomplished through the power of community, collaboration and co-achievement, but this starts with a rebirth of optimism and the belief that anything is possible. Levitate is our answer and company. We plan to harness cutting edge research on the science of human motivation and gamification to build a mobile app that does just this. Users will be rewarded for helping one another accomplish their dreams as well as their own, and will have the opportunity to earn points that can be redeemed for tangible goods and services.
We just received our first seed investment and have heard positive news that we may be a finalist in an upcoming Entrepreneur Media and Trep Labs mobile app contest
After struggling with my photography business (which never felt quite right), my new dream is to build a location-independent business that provides cost-effective web design services & tutorials for new bootstapped solopreneurs. So far, my actions have not been deliberate nor regular enough, and I’m not quite sure if my target audience is right. But I’m *so* ready to take on the challenge of (finally) building my business the right way – with your guidance. I’d love to have the opportunity to be a part of Adventure Capital, and since it’s “failproof,” I couldn’t ask for a better way to get started. 🙂
Super stoked on all the work you and everybody’s doing and thank you for giving us this opportunity!
Coming from small-town AL to the big city I’ve seen how my carpentry skills are useful to apartment-dwellers in my part of town. I use careful listening to people’s lifestyle needs and creatively fill them with handcrafted shelves, furniture, or organisational accessories.
Sometimes it’s a tree-shaped shelf in the kitchen for easily-reachable fruits.
Sometimes it’s a rack for all their adventure gear & making a bedroom look awesome.
Sometimes it’s realizing they like to air-dry lots of clothes and saying “Oh, let’s build a lofted bed with 13 hooks (their favorite number) and carve your life verse into it at eye level.”
Sometimes it’s as simple as optimizing a pantry for the types of foods they keep.
With so many possibilities, I’m trying to pare down my marketing focus and determine how I can best get at those needs of my potential customers. Do I pick one thing, say, tree-shelves, to get in the door, and then open up everything that’s possible for them? I know I want people who’ve lived in an apartment for 3-15 months, how do I find them and best mine their specific needs?
I’ve seen how powerfully environment-crafting can impact people’s lives, here’s to making it happen.
Chris, fabulous opportunity…thanks. My thoughts and ideas vibrate like a tuning fork every time I visit AONC! I have just finished the business plan for an organic raised bed vegetable garden design firm called GRO (garden residential organics). Most folks have no idea of the production value of a 4X6 raised bed with good organic soil. A great activity for families, restaurants, businesses, schools, and communities at large. Local and organic should be for all. It is also my plan to provide quality produce to those in need through a food cooperative 2 to 3 times a year with donations collected from client gardens and distributed by GRO. My hope is to see how quickly I can reach 100 plots for the co op. Quality whole food……and what could be more local? This has truly been an an amazing year. I left a successful career to finally address substance and alcohol abuse issues. I’m healthy and happy now and blown away at how this adversity has opened so many opportunities to me. Health and vitality through proper nutrition is a big part of my life and a proper diet and access to quality food is key. I plan to do my part to provide this access to as many people as I can through GRO.
Wow, what an amazing opportunity!
I live in San Jose, Costa Rica, and anyone who has ever visited knows that we don’t have a strong art scene. I’ve always had this longing for living among such cultural diversity without having to move to another country (not for a lack of boldness, but because I have a 7 year old child in school). So the idea I would like to get off the ground is a cultural space in my city where we would serve the best coffee in town (we are a major coffee producing country after all) and offer different cultural activities each evening. For example, we would feature and support up and coming poets, musicians, stand up comedians, coffee cupping (tasting), kirtan and yoga nights, independent films, dancers and performers, art exhibitions, etc. The idea is that students, artists, spiritualists, intellectuals, thinkers, world-travellers and bohemians can have a place to mingle and create. I currently work with women and children at social risk and I would like them to be a part of this vision so they can earn a livelihood in order to maintain their families and also broaden their horizons.
Thanks for throwing this out there 🙂
I am a part-time independent contractor working through an agency, executing food service demonstrations. Basically, I go to the grocery store and hand out samples to the shoppers. It’s a decent job, but it’s not enough because I earn minimum wage. It’s just like any other retail and food service job I’ve had.
I’ve seen examples of people who are self-employed and I am inspired to create something to earn extra income on the side. I like the idea of creating my own security.
Recently, I have been using a program from Ramit Sethi to learn how to create something on the side. I have about fifty ideas of what I could do to create a side income, and I am narrowing it down to just one profitable idea that I can implement into my dream job.
I want to become a writer, and I would like your help in getting it off the ground and making it a reality. I am dedicated and committed to achieving my major goals and implementing the material I need to create my own security and add value not only to my life, but to others as well.
Currently work in Higher Education (Student Life) and thrive at being involved with communities of lifelong learners. Pilates is my main side passion and lifelong practice. I’m incredibly eager to open up a studio at a college or university and integrate my talents, skills and interests in order to have a positive and enduring impact on a lot of people.
I’d like to start and grow a capital management company that loses all its clients. I’d like to manage people’s money for a lower-than-industry-average fee, while signing an agreement with them to teach them how to invest their own money passively after 3 years of my managing it. I would be the only company that I know of, whose goal it is to challenge their customers to put me out of business. Of course, hopefully the stream of customers coming IN the door, is larger than the stream OUT.
Wow… I feel like such a slacker after reading about all these people. Kinda weird feeling really. I’ve tried a couple of small businesses before and watched them whither away.
And that right there’s the problem I have. I understand the concepts but seem to have some issue with getting everything running on all cylinders. Obviously, it would be a great help with an Adventure Capital scholarship.
I’d really like to get something successful so I can dump the day job. Let’s be honest, the day job pretends security and security ain’t there. It’s a facade that can disappear in a moments notice. That’s why I need to create something for myself.
I have a couple of things I’m working on now that I’m trying to get off the group. I’m developing a website for computers for people that use 3d software. I’m also trying to help out my wife with her cat tshirt business. So I do have some current things but man, it’d be nice getting a bit more help in getting over the hump to success.
So that’s about it for me. Thanks for all the great info and here’s to a happy future!
I have a vision of making bio-degradable surfboards make by a 3-D printer and able to be ordered and paid via the internet. This needs research into materials for the surfboard that have the same properties as current polystyrene & fibreglass. Plus, there needs to be research for 3 D printers to produce these products when ordered over the internet. These surfboards would be recyclable, cheap, custom shapes to order and available in outlets situated in shopping malls or airports.
I want to help make the daily task of cooking easier for backpackers particularly those with limited cooking skills. So many young travelers leave home to travel the world without knowing how to cook and then end up spending much of their hard earned money on eating out, or purchasing unhealthy dry prepackaged food full of chemicals and preservatives. I have written an ebook and recently launched a website but now trying to learn ways to market it. Next step is to build an app where I think the real money earning potential is.
I have recently found myself in a very difficult financial position ‘at the bottom’ you could say, which is why I have been working extremely hard to get this startup off the ground (in the time that I have outside of my ‘day job’). I would be extremely grateful for receiving a scholarship to your Adventure Capital program to help me make the most efficient use of my time in learning how to do the ‘right things’.
The one thing I have learned about business is that sometimes it takes a while before you find your niche.
I started a blog in 2010 focused on my desire to redesign my life after divorce and heal my uterine fibroids. The blog turned into a business in 2011 when I decided that I wanted to help others heal through learning how to eat well. I did cooking classes, offered personal chef services, and health coaching.
I have had some success with cooking classes. I make money, but not enough to survive. My personal chef and coaching services never panned out. In February 2013, I wrote a detox book about healing from fibroids naturally and sold about 100 copies. Not stellar, but enough to show me that I’m on to something.
I learned that I love the creative process of making e-books and blogging. So in May 2013 I designed a quick website for food, health, and wellness entrepreneurs offering my writing services to support them with blogging for SEO. My reputation as a women’s health blogger helped me to find 4 clients in less than a month! After months of what often felt like pulling teeth as a food and health practicitioner, I finally have a viable business!
I have big ideas and big non conforming ideals and need your support. My website and blog are about spreading positivity and getting good news out there. Good News Network it is a positive news site, free, independent and not affiliated with any religion or political party. My aim is to seek out and publish good news.
Unfortunately i have found there is no money to be made in good news which must be why the mainstream media does not focus on it. This makes me more determined to do this but I feel like i am banging my head on a wall at the moment.
Please help me to work smarter and understand how to make money from all my efforts.
Site of great potential lying dormant.
Need help desperately…
Not sure about what is the right product, etc etc etc
What more can I say?
Hello judges (which hopefully includes The Libberator, as well),
Little Bright Studio aims to improve science education in the US through the sales of bags. Hand-crafted in Portland, Oregon (in my tiny studio, to be exact) my aim is to provide our schools with the equipment and resources necessary to succeed in science. A simple pencil case will provide pencils to a school, a bigger explorer-type backpack will provide a microscope to a classroom. These bags are suitable for Northwest weather and will feature science-related fabric I will design.
I can’t wait to be able to help my local community and classrooms all over the US with these bags and I’d love to be challenged by your business program.
Thank you for the opportunity and for allowing us to read all these great business ideas from fellow non-comformists!
How can I best use the skills I have learned so far to help those needing them? How can I present this in a simple yet exciting way?
These are the questions I try to constantly answer while visualizing how to help people through an online business. I am a finance professional, an avid user of Excel and Powerpoint. I’m also passionate about smart travel and great food experiences.
I plan to set up two businesses initially;
1. To assist young graduates in India and abroad to be empowered with the basic skills (English, Excel, Powerpoint) to cope up with the work place and
2. To assist travelers with focused personalized reviews, itineraries and travel tips in India and elsewhere.
I strongly believe that we need to give back to the community and will be committing to give 10% of the annual revenue earned by my businesses to the charity which my family and I am involved with Tara India, which helps street children from underprivileged backgrounds live a normal childhood. It is run by a Frenchman who had a life changing experience in India many years ago, and dedicated himself to uplift these children.
Small but significant efforts matter.
Hi Chris, Thank you for your generosity!
One month ago, I (soft) launched my website ‘Master the Art of Being Yourself’, whilst working full time.
I want to educate people in self-acceptance, self-love, self-belief, & self-confidence. My passion and hope is that if we learn to love ourselves for who we are then we will find compassion, acceptance, & tolerance for others. I believe strongly in ‘all people being equal’, and think that it starts with two key factors:
bringing up children who believe this (Educate the Heart from the Dalai Lama Centre effectively puts my passion into life),
and building adult leaders who have a strength of self that eliminates the fear of those who are different.
“At our core all human beings are equal – & completely independent of job, wealth, race, religion, nationality, status. We are all born, and we will all die. We should not let our differences define our relationships with each other, instead we must trust our similarities.” MABY
I wish to work within Adventure Capital to monetize my passion. I am losing my job at the end of June, & want nothing more than to be able to work for myself. This would be a huge opportunity for me!
Thank U, Stace
(the website work in progress)
I am a very curious person and a expert in science end well-being. I am researching on the process on finding your life purpose.
To offer the possibility to people to feel free to express their curiosity and joy for life.
Clarify the life purpose make you able to canalize your energy in a great project and enjoying that
Mind map, I am an expert with mind maps, Q/A, Movement in the nature, live activities.
My name is Andrea. I’m 23. I studied Agribusiness in Mexico. (Grad. 2012)
I’m from Bolivia, but I’m living in Taiwan, and studying Chinese.
I started a small business in Taipei about Traditional Beverages from all around the world.
Owning my company is the most important goal I always have, but I want it to be the BEST. My WHY? My Family. Because I want to build a legacy, for my children, and their children…
My mission in life is to contribute to the economic sustainable development in the World, creating job places for people around the world through my company.
I really want to have the opportunity to win this scholarship because I want to improve and grow my business, I want to do this BIG. I decided to start this business, because I wanted to have experience on sales and Also, wanted to raise money. But everybody said to me, that I was crazy. I saw it like a challenge and decided to make this dream come true. I prepare the beverage by myself, put on bottles and sold in different places. The beverages are Traditional beverages from all around the world.
Very thankful for this amazing opportunity.
Dear Chris & Judges,
May 1st was my business’ one-year mark. Reaching that milestone made me realize that I could do this–I could follow my dreams.
I run a one-woman graphic design small business specializing in non-profit and social justice causes. My mission is to champion for the good guys (and gals). I put my talent, effort and skills behind meaningful social causes and its a win-win-win relationship for me, my client and the public. My business saw an increase in net profit quarter after quarter (not very much money, but growth is growth.)
Why do I need Adventure Capital?
I’m not a self-promotor. I’m not a hustler. I’m not a networker. I’m not an entrepreneur. I’m a quiet person, a keep your head down and do the work, kind of person. I believe AC can help me redefine what it means to be all of those things, and show me that I am in fact all of those things. I think AC can help me be confident in being all of those things in my own way.
I’d like to be part of A/C because my site currently is very piecemeal. I started it as a blog a year ago and kind of lost steam. I need to gain focus and possibly reevaluate the direction of things. I am thinking of going more in the direction of video posts rather than all written. The goal is to help anyone but particularly high school and college students live a healthy and happy life!
Approximately 1 year ago, while suffering from total career burnout as the result of many years of working as a law enforcement officer who specializes in the prosecution of domestic violence offenses, I picked up a copy of AONC. After quickly finishing off AONC I blitzed my way through the $100.00 Startup. The result of the awakening I had after finishing these works is the focus of a burgeoning business that combines my two greatest passions outside of my family. It is my goal to bring together the excitement and passion I have the sport of hockey and brewing beer by creating a full-scale brewery that celebrates both. I am currently in the process of launching a nanobrewery and I know the Adventure Capital Scholarship is the kick-start that will help this business become more than just a financial success. With your help I can create a unique product that will promote the fun, purity, and excitement of the sport of hockey, while also captivating the pallets of beer lovers worldwide. Thanks for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you!
I am currently working on developing a global education concept that would take talented, socially conscious college graduates on year long experiential learning trips fully around the globe (i.e. 4 or 5 countries over 12 months). The goal is to develop global leaders, and promote rapid personal & professional development while advancing career prospects (Think TFA meets Peace Corps in 1 year).
It’s a rather grandiose, disruptive concept – but one that I believe has vast potential. Based off what I’ve read from you, I truly believe you would be the perfect mentor/adviser to help make this vision a reality and think that Adventure Capital is the ideal program to accelerate this concept.
I am an eco-artist and I see “yes” where others see “no”. I take plastic business signage that is being discarded & turn it into colorful art installations in healing spaces (hospitals and doctor’s offices). I also turn it into colorful window box gardens. I have been awarded a grant to install these gardens on a vacant building in Trenton, NJ this summer. My plan is to go across the country & install colorful gardens that I “grow” from what others throw out. These window box gardens are full of hope & I know they can help revitalize a neighborhood one building at a time. I am usually commissioned to create my recycled installations in healing spaces though I also receive grants. I have been planting “seeds” for so long & these seeds/ideas are blooming. An Adventure Capital Scholarship would help me focus at this point of growth & opportunity in my business. I think trying to do too much or do it all is a pitfall I need to avoid. I am a visionary in my work & also a doer. I would be completely committed to this program. My fingers are crossed!
Grateful for this space & opportunity-Colleen
My name is Andres Marquez-Lara. I am a therapist, a performer, and a social entrepreneur. Through my company, Promethean Community, I have integrated my passion for mental health, community building and performance. We strengthen communities through performance using a mix of various experiential approaches.
I started my business about a year and a half ago on the side. As I was starting, the best advice I got was from a friend and colleague who has her own successful applied theater and executive coaching company, and she said “Go for it, and see what emerges!” That’s what I have been doing this past year and a half. I have been saying “Yes, and” to the opportunities that emerge, and it has been a very exciting journey so far.
I am slowly beginning to pick up momentum, and I am organizing my life so that I can leave my full time job within the coming months, and dedicate more time to Promethean Community.
I would love to have the opportunity to continue developing Promethean Community with your community.
Thank you for this great opportunity, and for organizing and empowering other non-conformist to continue changing the world.
Hello Chris and gang. Rafaela here, responding from your Small Army of Remarkable People’s base in Brazil. I’m an artist and solepreneur @ Espaçonave (meaning Spaceship). I help artists and creative people to continue to do what they love the most, but making money and fulfilling their lives along the way. I’m in the process of growing my business and the Adventure Capital program would be the perfect fit for me at this point of my journey! I’m also an avid researcher, looking for different ways to do this, and I love to experiment your Failproof Way in my own life! Cheers!
For the last 7 years I have devoted much of my free time and almost all of my expendable income into learning my passion : Bellydance. All the women I have met through my learning experience have been bettered by this dance. Their self confidence has improved, and they’ve learned to love their bodies. Because what’s a shimmy without a little extra to shake?
I want to bring these benefits to as many women as I can while working for myself. I currently teach Bellydancing for Pregnancy (fantastic for health during pregnancy and a great tool for labor), and a small beginners class, but I know that there is more I can do, I just need help getting there.
Thank you for the wonderful opportunity Chris!
Hi Chris! Through my company, Cultivate Gratitude, I hope to inspire people to live their best lives. At times, we all struggle to focus on the positive. We all have things in our life that aren’t just the way we want and many people focus on those things, instead of all the amazing things that are right! With a little encouragement, hopefully, people can look at things in differently. Working on the this has definitely helped me look at life differently. I also hope to encourage people to follow their dreams. I am a firm believer that you can do ANYTHING you set your mind to. Right now, I mainly focus on the Facebook page, but I do have a website. I currently offer magnets and bags with inspirational words or quotes and some jewelry (simply because I enjoy making it). I would like to offer shirts with with the Cultivate Gratitude logo and more inspirational type jewelry. I have had a few sales and have almost 600 followers on Facebook. That’s probably not a lot, but I am thrilled with it! Currently, I am feeling a bit stuck with what to do next to grow (and brand) the business. Thank you for this opportunity!
I recently made my escape from the cube! I was a graphic artist in a windowless cubicle for years with big dreams to create my own art, my way! Knowing what I want to do is great, but actually starting has been the hardest part. Perpetual start mode is the story of my enterprise right now. I need a push to seriously venture out into the world of small business ownership. Adventure Capital seems like just the plan to make that happen. Thanks for the opportunity!
Once upon a time, there was a girl who loved stories. What she wanted most was to spend all her days reading and writing stories, and learning interesting things. But alas, she believed that there was no career that would allow her to do such a thing.
So, being as practical as she was imaginative, she travelled to the Land of Work where she slaved away for many years. When she realized that her soul was being slowly sucked away by the Nine-to-Five Monster, she took a leap off the Cliff of Employment Doom to escape!
She landed, bruised but alive, in the Jungle of Self-Employment. She was determined to survive and make her way to Professional Writers’ Mountain, but she found herself disoriented and without all the necessary tools.
Suddenly, she came upon a clearing where she discovered ADVENTURE CAPITAL — which had all the tools she would need to help her reach her destination!
But would she succeed in winning the coveted scholarship so she desperately needed?
To be continued…
Please judge me, but not too harshly. My wife, Janelle, and I saw you at Powell’s last year, bought (and read) the “$100 Start-up” It inspired me to start John’s Wooden Baskets just this month.
It’s fun, it’s exciting, it’s demanding and I love the elegance of making a simple product that aids in creating a simple solution to a relatively complex problem-growing food in small, urban spaces using sustainable materials and practices.
I also love the relationship building that continues to develop.
And I have more unanswered questions that I’m sure this class would address. Thank you so much.
I’m a designer and illustrator and i’m just starting out, I’ve been dreaming for years about starting a business around what I love and now that I’m finally getting around to It I know i’d value a plan to follow and grow it every day.
Does preparing meals seem like an overwhelming job? Let me help by sharing kitchen and meal management tools, recipes, and techniques for cooking flavorful food. My passion is teaching people how to create tasty, well-prepared fresh food, from planning it to eating it. This involves menu planning, kitchen management, shopping lists, choosing the best ingredients, cooking techniques and practice. While cooking
courses focus on cooking techniques, stocking your pantry, and kitchen equipment, they don’t talk about how to manage 21 meals a week, plus snacks, without spending your whole life chained to the stove.
I have ideas for ways to help people with food and kitchen management, including one that automates the process. Your course will teach me how to evaluate those ideas and choose wisely. It will also teach me how to build that idea into a business that will pay for itself and my living expenses. Those goals are deliberately modest because I want to stay small enough to be able to spend most of my time working on what I’m passionate about. I don’t want to run the world. I want to feed it, and feed it well.
My name is Kelley Steen. I’m a hacker, maker, and entrepreneur. I have done freelance IT and webdesign for a few years. I can’t seem to get a break through when it comes to an online business. I have an idea for a 3d printed/laser cut jewelry business. Something with trendy unusual designs.
I have been a reader since you wrote the 379 days to an over night success and would love to be part of your newest adventure
Longer-term, I would like to start a sustainable supermarket. Easiest (though not most accurate) way to describe it would be a cross between Whole Foods and REI. Unlike the majority of the people profiled in your books, Chris, I would actually like to employ a large family of people and create outstanding work environments and jobs for them.
Shorter-term, I would like to start a less capital intensive business that can provide the experience and the capital needed for the sustainable supermarket and other more capital intensive businesses. I’m not exactly sure what this less capital intensive business will be just yet, but it will likely be something more along the lines of the businesses you profile in The $100 Startup.
My name is Anna and I’ve been trying to start my business for the last year and a half. It’s called DIY Explorer and the concept is simple – adventure is a skill, and I want to teach people how to have more kickass adventures. Much of this is rekindling curiosity, teaching self-awareness, and teaching people how to step outside of their comfort zone when traveling (or even in their home city). I get inspired just thinking about it!
But it’s tough going for exactly the reasons you mention in your course – I’m not sure I have the right products, and I’m not sure I have the right audience. I want to teach small-group or individual workshops on these topics, but blogging about them hasn’t translated into enthusiasm for my workshops. That’s why I’ve put my blogging on hold while I figure out a better strategy.
I think your Adventure Capital course would be the perfect way to jumpstart my business mojo, since I’ve never started a business before. I’ve got passion and dedication… now I just need the business skills!
I recently quit my 9 to 5 job (literally, my last day was May 23, 2013) and started freelancing full-time (helping small businesses with SEO and Pay Per Click advertising). This course would be perfect for me at this time because it would give me the guidance, structure, and knowledge needed to grow my freelancing business to be sustainable in the long run. I DEFINITELY will go through each lesson and would be STOKED to participate in Adventure Capital! Thanks for this opportunity Chris 🙂
Back in March, the corporate monster I had been working for spit me out.
Fortunate for me, I had been a year deep on a creative venture I had started on the side. So I began to focus more on the business I had started.
I was shocked to find out that as I put more time into it, the more difficult it got. With all the time in the world, I found myself struggling to engage and connect with my audience.
So I’ve abandoned the idea.
Sadly, I’ve come to the realization that I need to go back to working for “the man” to pay bills and feed a family. But I haven’t given up on the goal of building my own business.
I have a new concept in mind. In a nutshell, I want to help owners of vacation homes rent weeks that they haven’t sold. Put Priceline, eBay, and into a blender and you have the essence of my idea.
I’ve started and stopped a couple other businesses over the past several years. I tell myself I’m evolving to the perfect business. But part of me thinks I get in and give up as soon as I hit a roadblock.
I think going through this course will give me the drive and confidence to follow through with an idea and achieve my goal of being self-employed.
Thanks for listening
Hi Chris,
I’ve read your book, THE $100 STARTUP and would love additional help by way of this incredible opportunity, Adventure Capital. I’ve been working through many of your suggestions, The one page business plan for one and feel like I need a kick in the pants to get me over the fear I have to simply start my business, The Senior Sage. Senior Sage is a support advocate who helps seniors and their families through transitions by providing information and hands on assistance.
Thanks Chris for all the help you’ve given me so far and I hope that I’m one of the lucky two who get the opportunity to be mentored by you and others who share your passion to help entrepreneurs!
I am a therapist and I ROCK at it. My work has been with kids, families, couples, and groups in various residential settings and some private practice. I will be venturing out into private practice again at the end of August. What I have found over the years is a lack of quality therapy products to use in my work. I take what already exists and tweak it to fit the situation but it could be so much better. I have many ideas for more useful products but don’t know how to make them a reality. HELP!
When I was younger, playing with Barbies was really just an excuse to hand-sew little outfits for them. I have never really given up the habit; I’ve simply moved onto human-sized outfits! I have been dreaming and scheming for several years now, conspiring and creating a brand image around my creations, and finding the exact niche and demand in the marketplace. My designs have been inspired by the high deserts of the southwest, west coast burner style, steampunk details, and plenty of ruffles, geometry, and flow. I have the drive, the technical experience, the intelligence, and the creativity to make my dream a reality. I just need some guidance!
I’ve been interested in building my own business for a few years now. Been reading books, courses, making websites, pages, creating accounts and what not. I know I can do this, but something is missing. I hope if I win the scholarship I will be able to solve this mystery, or maybe just mis-understanding?
I am seriously committed or should that say I should seriously be committed? I have a ten year old retail business and I am really struggling. Sales have been really off for a few years and I need to turn things around quickly. I really could use your help! Please pick me for the scholarship! Thanks for providing this great opportunity for two lucky people.
Hello Chris and Biased Judges,
My world is focused on The Art of Noncomformity – in education. Why wait until adulthood to set your own rules and live the life you want? This option should be availabel to kids as well!
I am starting a brand new model of education: part-time Montessori Homeschool.
At the elementary level, Montessori is all about self-directed, cooperative learning. The curriculum is brilliant and timeless. The philosophy focuses on helping kids know themselves, teach themselves, and make decisions that are best for them. Kids who grow up this way become adults who are happier, more creative, and more likely to choose alternative models of making a living than those who attend traditional schools. But traditional Montessori schools are expensive and full-time. Montessori education should be available to families who are already thinking outside the box, but cant afford private school, or don’t want to attend school full-time.
Please help me make the AONC vision available to kids. What better way could there be to invest in our future?
Hi Chris,
Thank you for this generous offer! I am a writer, project manager and adventure traveler with a passion for healthy/environmentally friendly travel solutions and natural products.
I have a few websites that I am in the process of developing as my aim is to be able to work entirely online (which I generally do with my writing/project management commitments) and to have businesses that are automated. With these projects I would like to also be able to give more back to microfinance initiatives (I am a keen Kiva supporter – love what they do!).
Your A/C course sounds exactly like what I need and I would love the opportunity to participate! It is often hard to sort through all the ideas that buzz through my head and determine what the best action steps are to take. This would be an awesome way to make progress with clear action!
Thanks again for this opportunity! And all the best to all you amazing-sounding people who have commented here.
“When you turn40,you shall be rocking like never before,grateful for absolutely everything,&you will finally, finally feel like earth is home…for the most part.”~Danielle LaPorte.I want turning40to mean more than I made it this far.I want to feelFreedom,love,compassion,peace&feel like my life finally has meaning.After a long struggle with alcohol,I am now8months sober.I feel like I have given birth to aNewLife.It has been a journey of deepwork with self-discovery&Love that I have never experienced.TRUE sobriety-not just sobriety.My desire is to use what I have learned&give the gift of aHigher Life to other people all around the world.I want them to realize that they also have the capability to create and/or give birth to a new life of their highest vision.A vision that gets them to live their purpose with passion,truth,connection,lovefor themselves,others&the world.By doing the inner work, they will be able to live the life they were put on this beautiful earth to do with great joy,fulfillment&brilliance. By transforming their innerself,they can then begin to take the babysteps to also transform the world around them.It’s not just about being sober,it’s about LivingTheAwakenedLIFE.
The business I want to create falls under category number 1 . My idea is to create a microbusiness that caters to local businesses that have not develop an actionable marketing strategy yet. I already have my eyes on 3 businesses( they cater to a high end consumer) that do not have online presence. I would love to win to the scholarship to tap into a network of like minded entrepreneurs and share my results, and also learn from others results as well. Thanks
I honestly think someone other than myself ought to get this scholarship, because my dreams, they’re still cooking. I’m graduating from acupuncture school in a few short weeks, and though it’s likely that I will start out doing what everyone else does, open a private practice or just rent a room to work out of for a while, I know I want to do more; I want my business to be more than just what I do with my hands. Until I have an idea that I really love, one that I would defend tooth and nail, one that is actually related to the real needs of other people, I might not be able to make use of this kind of opportunity. All I know right now is that I’m in love with the city I’m going to practice in, and that that love, and the clients I’ll serve, will show me what is needed. Watching your blog grow from modest proportions to an epic scale has been an inspiration, and I hope someday soon to meet the idea that launches my own little empire.
I co-founded the for-purpose company Tuition Specialists ( which is on track to save students $30 million. It’s been an incredible learning adventure, but after 7 years it’s time for something new. My true passion is acting, and I have started social media consulting. I have a class (, and I am committed to not only expanding that, but turning it into an online class as well. I’ve had requests from actors all over the world for the content, and am excited to share my knowledge with my community in a way that supports us all in succeeding.
Thanks for the opportunity. Keep on being awesome.
I have been writing a book on healing from depersonalization derealization disorder for several months now. I recently recovered from it and I can honestly say it was the most horrific experience- and there actually isn’t a cure or any safe way ( via medication) to recover except through guiding yourself out of it. I spent several years learning how to self-heal and I want to share the process with those currently suffering from it. I think it would be a much needed book, seeing as many people who recover from it, seem to completely forget about it and not really give back to the community- and those who are still in its grips, well, they have difficulty enough living day to day as it is.. My main goal would be how to create a scaleable business out of this as to reach the largest amount of people needed. There is very much a need for this type of book on the market from someone who has recovered themselves ( and not from a clinical standpoint from researchers who are just “guessing” what the experience is like). There are some great entries on here but I thought I would put in my bid for my idea. I’m hoping this would make an impact on a very particular niche.
Approximately 2.5 million tourists visit my country every year. However, if you go to the tourist area you hardly see them (you are lucky if you see 50 a day). As a matter of fact there is a special exit for them at the main airport where tourists arrive. Tourists don’t come out of the resorts. What’s the point of spending thousands of dollars to visit a country if you don’t go out and explore it? I would like to do something about that. Tourism only benefits a few businesses in my country. I want to sell coupon books/ app to entice tourists to come out of the hotels. I decided to go both old school and new school. Old school with the books and new school (location based apps that will show tourists all the discounts offered in their area. From a tourists point of view it can be really expensive to get around my country. I would like to show them how I can save them money. Additionally, I would like to channel some of the profits made to charity. Focusing on health and education. I am interested in your program because I feel it will help me get my idea off the ground.
You guys are amazing! Thanks so much for the opportunity!
We absolutely love what we do. And we’re very good at it. And with this course we know that we could do much better!
We help accountants understand the world of online marketing, and use it to build their business in a world many of them are increasingly losing touch with. It’s a tough go sometimes, since the skills that many accountants have – attention to detail, professional skepticism, and aversion to risk – often prevent them from taking good decisions about online marketing. Things like websites (isn’t our 10-year old site my brother developed good enough??), email marketing (we just send out tax emails), social media (scary!!! Facebook could…well…we don’t know, but ruin you somehow…), design (could you replace that ‘e’ with an ‘a’, and change the colour from dark blue to teal?), are a challenge that we love to help with.
I’m originally a CPA in the States who is now a British-American citizen living in Scotland, but now I own a marketing business and am also a professional photographer. So I know how accountants think, but thank God I’m not one. 🙂
Wishing you the best as you choose!!
Thanks for doing this! The $100 startup is invaluable!
My Dream:
I am a skilled illustrator and artisan. I work in pencil, paint, polymer clay and sculpted leather. Mostly I work on dreams… so I want to help other people with theirs. I am creating a blog to help other people recapture a sense of creativity, magic and wonder that most of us lose as we age, and help people realize that they don’t need to force themselves to fit into a mold to have value, while I sell my “whimsical, wearable art” (and kits so people can do their own).
The Challenge, or, Why I am committed:
I have to make this work. I am a stay at home mom of 2, with no income and no college degree. Barring a miracle, I will be on my own as a single mom within a couple years. I am diagnosed with Autism and ADHD so many avenues of “traditional” success are inaccessible. I will not depend on government assistance. I need to carve my own path to success, for myself and my daughters. And I need to do it on a shoestring budget!
I know I can make this happen, but this course would mean the difference between hacking my way through the jungle with just a machete, or navigating it with an experienced guide
Im a 66 year old retired letter carrier. It didnt take long after retireing to realize that my small pension was not enough to feel comfortable. I have been buying small fuel efficient cars needing repairs, fixing them and reselling. This is working well but I am flying by the seat of my pants. I would love to take the course and learn modern methods to improve and expand my business. Believe it or not there were no computers when I went to school. Peace!
I’m a published novelist who had never thought of herself as anything but a starving artist until I read The $100 Startup seven months ago. That book completely changed the way I saw myself. I started believing I could be an entrepreneur. I want to teach creative writing online so that I can help others reach their writing goals, create a decent income for myself and still have enough time to write my second novel. For the last several months, using my well-thumbed copy of The $100 Startup and 279 Days to Overnight Success as guides, I have created a business idea, built a website and am trying now to write great content. But every day I am aware of how much I have to learn. The process is exciting, but I wish I had more guidance. Adventure Capital would be like a godsend for me right now. If I was chosen for this scholarship I would work my arse off to succeed!
Dear judges,
What an amazing opportunity! The $100 Startup was an true inspiration. I have been trying to get any and all material ‘small business’ related, because I feel like going back to school, getting a loan, and the works, is something that may not be worth it in the end. I have my business plan set up, I want to start a bakery. But have been having trouble with the HOW. I am passionate, driven, and love what I do. Everyday I am grateful to work in a field that I truly am satisfied with and want to share my happiness in baking with others. If it brings a smile to people, I feel like I have lived a good life. I would love to learn more, challenge myself and really make something out of ‘nothing’.
Bakeries are a dime a dozen, but I know my creativity and design strategies can help me stand out. That is why I would be honored to have this opportunity!
Lets call this day 1 of 279 to overnight success…If you ever find me all the way down here (at the bottom of the page of comments and down under in Australia) my quest is simple. I am a mummy and career coach and circus performer…khe hehe…not really but it feels like it juggling kids and career 🙂 I am only recently on my way but 2000% motivated and committed to throwing the juggling balls even higher to forge a future that shows mummies just like me how to reshape their whole view so they know it is possible to love both jobs (mum & paid work) and have a balanced, exciting life living from their true heart and soul. To be honest I would love to win but to be even more honest, I already won when I found this site. Thanks Chris.
What an opportunity!
Thanks to the $100 Start Up I finally saw a way to make my business happen. I started Spark The Wishbox Company in November 2012 as a small home business to supplement our income as I am a stay at home mom. The goal of my Wishboxes and products is to lift the burden of party planning leaving my clients to simply enjoy an effortless event.
I’m 6 months in and feel like while I’ve had a good response, I need to learn how to best grow it online and how to hone in on the direction it needs to take in “real life”.
I feel like the world of advertising has changed dramatically since I left my career in radio to have my babies 8 years ago and it seems odd to say, after having worked in promotions for years, but I feel like I’m floundering a bit not knowing what steps to take in this VERY online world that didn’t really exist to the extent it does now when I was last in the work force. I know Adventure Capital would help me to capitalize on this “new” unknown to me.
I recently attended a Goal Setting and Achievement Workshop and so I feel like I know what I want to do and the why I want to do this, but I think A.C. would help me with the HOW.
My 5 Year Plan Goals are Far From Small. I have ideas or ‘things’ in the works to accomplish the following:
1. To help people beat their addictions while having fun. which I am looking to license out.
2. To bring people together WITHOUT electronic devices. (trust me, its such a cool, revolutionary, never-been-done-before-‘thing’.
3. To give Sears or JC Penny’s a shot in the arm to help them stay in business a little longer, while also helping the economy. I also have a separate idea/plan for Staples.
4. To make being a little bi-polar acceptable, which will hopefully help people chose to accept themselves and others without meds, which in turn will reduce bullying and violence.
5. To open three Hostels (I already have places picked out).
My goals are to see these projects thru and to help as many people as I can along the way. If I make money – great…. but these projects are important to me as a human being, first and foremost. I believe I would benefit greatly from your program, which would in turn, benefit so many others!- Thank you for your consideration.
Chris and A/C Team,
Two years ago I left the classroom to become an education consultant in the “after-school” realm. During Phase 1, a variety of Technology Art tools were successfully launched in 130 after-school programs, with 7000+ students.
With the right tools (insert: A/C rock stars), Phase 2 will become ch.2 for this success story. My goals for this next year include a “customized curriculum tool”, delivered via tablet devices to after-school professionals. This direct pipeline of creative activities (some subscription based, others free) enables centers to share ideas and network, not to mention the Professional Development opportunities. In addition, I want to connect with edtech visionaries and amazing educators to capture anecdotal snippets of “behind the scenes” or stream live on occasion, placing emphasis on real-world application to excite students.
Thanks for $100 Startup, it became the root of necessary change, now I’m ready to LITE (Lead, Innovate, Teach, Empower) the after-school industry and take this project to a new level with A/C ! …and to the rest of you, thanks for all the inspiration, best of luck with your visions this year!
John S.
Wow. Many comments -> Short and sweet.
I have a podcast production company I want to grow (
Next venture -> An information product around the Working Holiday Visa in Australia.
Marketing = a podcast where I interview people who have permanent travel lifestyles.
Speaking of which, Chris, would you be a featured founding guest on the show?
🙂 -Ian
I just graduated from college, became a mom for the first time, and left working at a major gaming company to pursue an independent income by starting an animation studio. Last month I won a “Student Emmy” for producing an animated short, and I just want to do it again and again, but for MONEY!
When I left my job, my boss told me that I wouldn’t get around to running a business. He said that I’d do laundry instead! I know I can make a living doing this. I have the production experience, I have a team of people waiting to work with me, but I’m struggling to get a client! I’ve advertised, but I still have to hone in on matching up our company’s abilities with the people and businesses who need us most. Plus, with the baby, I only have so much time, so I need to make it count!
For more info about the short I produced:
Thanks! Fingers crossed!
In 2011 I was at the top of my game in terms of Entrepreneurship, I had built up a triving personal training business, with 5 employees serving bootcamps in some of the best locations here in Melbourne, I sold the business in a vendor finance relationship for six figures.
The same time I came third nationally in the Nokia business pitch competition out of 1600 people, for a technology idea on education – see the link here
Cashed up and feeling invincible I entered into a business relationship with someone I thought I could trust, that person ended up stealing all my money left me with no money 60k of high interest debt and a shattered business career. I’ve spent two years clawing my way back and now finally im in a position to start again. I have worked 7 days a week for 2 years without a holiday or any help.
I’ve recently started a business that helps small to medium businesses launch online, I advise them on the best strategies to take their offline businesses online. It is an education business where I help people avoid the pitfalls of marketing agencies and empowering them to move online.
2 years ago I got my Engineering degree. I got my first job a year after that. After a short 6 months of working for someone else, I decided to go on my own and am now starting out at a Copywriter and Marketing Consultant.
Going into business on my own is all foreign territory to me. Growing up in the Philippines, you’re taught to get the best job you can find after you graduate. When getting to the subject of starting your own business, people always tell you that you have to wait until you’re older and have lots of money before you can start. A friend of mine even said this: “Life starts at 40.” Saying that only when you’re 40 years old can you do what you want.
I would love more than anything to prove this wrong. I know from Chris’ books that that’s not the case. But when everyone around you says otherwise, it’s hard to get the momentum you need. It is my belief that this Adventure Capital can help me with this.
I want to become the living proof that you don’t have to through life the way everyone else does. I want to show the people around me the opportunities that now exist in our time. If I can show them that it’s possible, maybe they’d try it themselves.
After working in a corporate media job for the last 7 years, I decided to venture out of my comfort zone and start my own set up. I started a small home business 6 months back of sugar craft, edible decorations, cakes and unusual desserts. I call it ‘Be My Guest’. My vision is to open a café, which would not only offer sweetmeat from various parts of India but also from other countries. I see Mumbai as a right place to give shape to my idea. Due to Mumbai’s cosmopolitan nature, diverse culture and open mindedness, people would be willing to experience new things from across India and abroad. In the future, I also intend on starting a bed and breakfast which would give travelers a chance to acquaint themselves and connect at a personal level. At Be My Guest, I plan to showcase handicrafts made by talented women from rural India. Patrons can buy crafts if they wish to. This idea came to me as I have experienced rural Indian life up, close and personal. There is a lot of talent which is untapped. Also women in India face a lot of gender differentiation and this may help in their empowerment. I am very keen on the course as it’ll guide me to move forward in the right direction.
This is such an exciting opportunity!
While I think it would be cool to take a leave out of your book and travel the globe, my circumstance means I’d have to leave my young son behind (not an option!).
But we often focus on excuses and the truth is, traveling is fun but I’m really chasing adventure.
While, I live in an amazing city so many people still think the only real adventure is represented stamps in their passport.
I want to prove ’em wrong and create an online business based on finding the adventure in your own home town.
Though I’m itching to get started (and filling notebooks with ideas) I am a little lost on the how, so Adventure Capital has value well beyond the sticker price to me.
I know you have lots of amazing people with great ideas, so I appreciate you taking the time to read this. I’m sure whoever you choose will be doing great things in no time.
Thank you,
Hi guys,
I have written a book and developed a workshop on how to end procrastination once and for all. I have set the goal of not only reach at least 1 million people but also to serve 1 million people.
As an ex-procrastinator that is my way to give back 🙂
Looking forward to document and share the process and progress.
Soon, Bryan
wow! what an amazing offer…
please consider the business i’m trying to get off the ground. creating a healing space – where people can come for wellness coaching, meditation instruction and to retreat. in essence a wellness retreat centre in the middle of a city where you can come for individual sessions but if needed short term live-in retreat ability where you can detox and nurture yourself. it may not be a unique idea, but it is one i keep returning to everyday,for the last few years.
i want to serve my community in this way and i believe adventure capital will give me the structure and accountability i need to make this more than just a recurring dream of mine.
thanks for listening
Everyone loves a Mascot! My idea is to launch a “mascot-for-hire” company that would focus on event organizers looking for unique programming and activity ideas. Conventions, symposiums and corporate events…anywhere that one wishes to “just add fun” and excitement to any event. A standard mascot costume would have a selection of different wardrobe and accessory choices making it customizable for different roles and events. As a video producer I have remained client-focused and entrepreneurial and I look to this course to expand my marketing approach, from the stifling corporate communications paradigm of which I am all too accustomed.
Until 2008 I was teaching English as a foreign language in the corporate world (northern Italy) but the crunch put an end to that opportunity. I got a maternity cover position in one such corporate. Never has a negative experience served as a greater catalyst. I have since been on the discovery trail, questioning and changing everything it is in my power to improve.
I managed to get a precarious spot as a supply teacher in high-school. I am what is called a conversation teacher for linguistic students learning English. Working with teenagers is indeed rewarding and far more awesome than any office job could ever be to me. But I feel so disheartened to see how unenthusiastic the students are; how little passion they have; how disillusioned they feel. They are totally disorientated. It would be fantastic if I could help by creating a business that puts my skills (teaching, BA in Communications and post graduate diploma in journalism) to good and purposeful use. But how?
I am a single mum with 4 teenagers of my own. I want to be a positive example and prove to them that it can be done, that believing is achieving. I would be so grateful to have your help.
I have run several small local businesses and started a nonprofit. None of them have extended beyond a local market. In March 2013 I launched the first phase of PlayDHD, a business focused on providing value to adults with ADHD to help keep them more engaged at work and in their life. From our name you might guess on the angle we approach this from. You might also guess why I am attracted to The Art of Non-conformity!
In my past businesses I have generally worked to develop them on my own and brought people in to support my vision later. What I know now is that while I have many strengths, I work best when I have other people looking in from the outside to provide me with insight, guidance and accountability. I love learning and know I have much to learn in business, but I also have a lot to share with other people. My aim is to reach 100,00 people in the next year and to grow from there. I know that A/C could help me to build a profitable wide reaching business that provides impactful products, information, and experiences for our phenomenal niche of ADHD adults. I look forward to being part of A/C and playing with other unconventional, non-conforming entrepreneurs.
Hi Chris,
I have been struggling for a very long time trying to find my passion and what kind of job would give me the greatest satisfaction. I took hundreds of “know your perfect career” quizzes and I really did like the idea of Career counseling. This idea is very uncommon in my country (Egypt). A lot of Egyptians are miserable due to the fact that they working in a field that they loath. The problem is that they don’t really know what they want or how to shift their career. They need guidance in planning all this. I would like to establish a career counseling service/center where someone could gain access to what he really wants from life, how to achieve this and have training or work experience compatible with his demands . I would really appreciate your help. Thank you
I’m building my photography business and am on the edge of taking some big risks. I have a product that I’m pushing into production. We’re talking kick starter and fabrication. It’s crazy talk. And I’m excited about the possibilities.
Adventure Capital would be a huge help in the process: connecting with the right customers and merging their needs.
I’d love to be on board.
Being inspired by the likes of Chris Guillebeau, Tim Ferris, and Robert Kiyosaki, I quit my 8 to 5 job as a physical therapist working for the government. We bought a camper in the Netherlands and set off on an extended European tour with our 2 kids. Scary move, but extremely worthwhile. 8 months on the road so far, with another year to go.
My wife and daughter have both been writing children’s books for e-readers. I am near finishing a book on eradicating back pain utilizing all the best techniques from over 18 years of practice, combined with health, mind, and business perspectives. It is a unique, but greatly effective and comprehensive approach on actual healing.
We are starting a business to market and sell our books, which is much more difficult than the writing itself. The books will get out, but will be much more successful with the help of Adventure Capital. The more successful the books are, the more lives we can touch and benefit.
Thank you for the opportunity,
Hi Chris,
I’d love the opportunity to work with you.
People talk about travel, and adventure, and risk-taking. My website is about the inner travel, inner adventure, internal risk-taking.
It’s a website for musicians- professionals and amateurs -who dream, and practice and play a lot. And yes, there a lots music websites, but mine is truly different and offers a unique service. I swear. It will help musicians fly and the world will be a better place.
While the website is a labor of love, I need to monetize it so that it can continue, and reach a wider audience, so it is currently being converted to a membership site (by a web developer after some less than satisfactory DIY attempts ..sigh.).
Three years, lots of work and researching. The dream is so near I can taste it.
So why do I need your help? Simply because I want it to be the best, because I want to reach as many people as I can, because I want it to be accessible to as many people as possible.
And with the membership model, I want to be satisfied that I’ve done everything to give it its best chance of working.
Chris, I happily commit to deliberate and regular action, and sharing within the group.
Dear judges,
Hi, this is Haishuo from Taiwan.
I always take action, so of course I will be an ideal candidate to share what I learn from the course and how I benefit from it. Being a current subscriber to A/C, I am a big fan of Chris and have a huge collection of his products.
I am starting up my web education business via Udemy. I have great passion in teaching, and am very comfortable being in front of camera. I am willing to make share what I learn not only in black and white, but also in video format. That change in media shall make the information more vivid.
Besides aforementioned ideas, I am also bilingual in English and Chinese. The sharing in Chineses language can bring the A/C to a large audience in different parts in the Asia countries (Taiwan, HK, China). If I am luckily selected as the winner, I will dutifully hand in two versions for the best language coverage possible.
Thank you very much for your time and patience. Your favor shall be a right choice with the promise of a trusted man.
I’m getting into the gemstone business, selling stones that are all natural and were mined in the United States. It’s not my first time working for myself, but it’s still a little terrifying, because most of the players in the gem industry are big and well funded, and there’s a lot of fake stuff out there diluting the market. But I’ve mined and hand-crafted some beautiful stones and know that with proper marketing to customers who understand the rarity and value of the product, this business could be very successful. Having read the $100 Startup and followed AONC for a long time, it’s clear that your system for helping individuals get their companies off the ground and on the way to profitability is the best available option for someone starting out without a huge budget. As for the 12 month time commitment, bring it on. I’m ready to break free of small business owner blues and start making the kind of money that will fund dreams, not just pay the bills!
Hi there,
I’m launching a weekly online interview series for entrepreneurial moms called Every Wednesday (starting in August) I will post inspiring interviews with women who have built successful businesses. Members of the RocketHer community will have access to additional weekly interviews with experts who teach specific aspects of starting and running an online business. You can learn more about it at: .
I am a creative entrepreneur, stepping into some fear to make this endeavor happen. AC will help keep me accountable and allow me to make some important connections. I’m open to being a case study as I’m so thankful for all of those business owners who share their journey and knowledge for the benefit of others.
Thanks for your great work and this opportunity!
Chris and A/C Team,
Two years ago I left the classroom to become an education consultant in the “after-school” realm. During Phase 1, a variety of Technology Art tools were successfully launched in 130 after-school programs, with 7000+ students.
With the right tools (insert: A/C rock stars), Phase 2 will become ch.2 for this success story. My goals for this next year include a “customized curriculum tool”, delivered via tablet devices to after-school professionals. This direct pipeline of creative activities (some subscription based, others free) enables centers to share ideas and network, not to mention the Professional Development opportunities. In addition, I want to connect with edtech visionaries and amazing educators to capture anecdotal snippets of “behind the scenes” or stream live on occasion, placing emphasis on real-world application to excite students.
Thanks for $100 Startup, it became the root of necessary change, now I’m ready to LITE (Lead, Innovate, Teach, Empower) the after-school industry and take this project to a new level with A/C ! …and to the rest of you, thanks for all the inspiration, best of luck with your visions this year!
John S.
I’m on a mission to inject humanity into a digital world — something needed now more than ever — and Adventure Capital will help me jumpstart that.
As part of that mission, I recently launched to develop social media and design strategies for remarkable small businesses.
My goal is to help these businesses stand out in a sea of sameness online by connecting with their customers in relevant, personal and helpful ways, something I call “digital humanity”. It’s a simple concept that often gets lost in the online world.
I’m confident I have the right service but I need help in connecting with the right people to scale this to a full-time venture. That I believe is the most important way Adventure Capital can help me.
Thanks for your consideration,
Sarah Mason — @sarahsmason Digital Strategies + Design
I co-own a service business which is almost a year old. Thus far we’ve been quite successful and have received a very positive response due to our pricing/quoting approach that’s completely different from the industry standard. In addition, my partners and I are developing an e-commerce website independent of the service business.
As a long time reader of AONC, I know all of my ventures would benefit greatly from this wonderful opportunity. Adventure Capital is fuel I’ve been searching for to throw on and grow my entrepreneurial fires!
As a recent university graduate, I know what is to waste money on education that everybody follow. Now I’m on different track and this site helped me to it.
From the deepest corner of my heart, I desire to build a honest business about helping people we haven’t reach the message yet: the spanish community.
I want to change the world by changing theirs through the possibilites of living remarkably, doing what they truly want and giving back to the community.
I believe this course will complement my knowledge and help me reach the message even further.
Thank you for reading me.
Hi Chris,
I’m starting a travel company that helps 18-30 year olds to live, work, and travel in Australia on a Work Visa. I’ve already have everything in place for launch and I’m working with a copy editor, web designer and web programmer to get the website up and running. I know how much you feel about telling people to get out there and travel. And thats why I think my service will create an economic window for young Americans as well as guidance and mentorship for people that want to take some time off in their lives, to have an adventure. It gets rid of excuses for young people, that say they can’t find a job or have no money and empowers them to pursue their passions. And what’s awesome about working in Australia is that it’s a solution for a huge problem for young Americans that are unemployed or underemployed.
I help them get their visa, travel insurance, bank accounts, youth discount card, travel and accommodation advice, work programs and courses, and 12 months of job support. Among other things.
Reading a lot of these posts I don’t believe that I would be the best person to receive this scholarship, but that doesn’t mean that I won’t try. What I would like to do is say that if given a scholarship for my business (crossfit) I would in turn, after my 12 months, like to give away 2 of my own scholarships away to some of these great people, who are inspired to change the world. My only request to having this scholarship program would also be to give away additional scholarships, thus helping even more people out.
(Now about my business)
Crossfit is a workout program that takes everyday tasks and transforms them into what is referred to a functional fitness program. We use barbells, kettle bells, dumbbells, as well as the use of gymnastics and create workouts that not only get people stronger, faster, healthier, but we change the way they look at themselves and life in general. We strive to bring out the best in everyone and prepare them for any situation that life throws at them! We change lives and would love to change a whole lot more! Thanks for this opportunity!
I would like to start a business that helps bring information products to market for experts/normal people who just don’t know where to start. I have been helping my friends brainstorm and create products based on their industries or knowledge. I’ve found that most people don’t really think it’s possible to do such a thing, or they just don’t know where to start. It can be overwhelming if you don’t work in the internet marketing world. I want to help people by providing a package that includes ebook, video, audio product creation, graphics, website, clickbank submission, sales page, email marketing, affiliate promotion, etc… so all that the “customer” has to do is a couple skype interviews and fill out some questionnaires and outline their expertise and they will have a full fledged information product in a couple weeks. I think it can be intimidating to make the leap into self employment. I want to enable people to see that they are capable of creating their own stream of income and becoming self reliant.
I am starting a new journey as a Champion of the Family Unit – honouring and celebrating it through my (existing) portrait photography business; supporting and nurturing it through my (new) speaking and courses.
A/C would be immeasurably helpful in creating sustainability in my portrait photography business, and getting the courses and speaking gigs started in the right way.
I’m ready for the challenge.
My dream is to open a non-profit coffee shop in Jacksonville, Fl that specializes in selling the agricultural products (coffee, tea, beer) of social entrepreneurs in international contexts. At the moment, I am connected to an independent coffee company in Haiti as well as an entire Agriculture Department in Zimbabwe. My hope is to begin a relationship with these and other groups from around the world where they are able to sell their products in the US and receive funds in return that will benefit their people, towns and entrepreneurial aspirations. No big corporations…just friends helping friends make a living. If I was awarded this scholarship, I believe it would give me the accountability and structure I need to make this dream a reality. At the end of the day, it is not about me — it’s about people in the Caribbean, Eastern Europe, and Africa having the same chances that I have been given.
My Project:
“Exquisite Ushabti: Gluten-Free Adventures, from Briefcase to Beach”
What is it?
A Gluten-Free Travel Blog!
I’m starting a gluten-free travel blog aimed at adults with busy careers and personal lives. Unlike some gluten-free blogs that focus on home cookery and self-pity, my blog aims to reach active people who want to stay healthy and be adventurous at the same time. The focus is on problem-solving, creativity, and self-advocacy. I will highlight smart strategies for navigating work and play as an adult with gluten issues and other food allergies, drawn from own experience as a seasoned road warrior. For example: How do you find gluten-free food in the airport? What should you do at a conference or client dinner to make sure the focus stays on business and not on your special needs? Where should you shop for GF groceries in the 7th Arrondisement in Paris?
I’m truly passionate about sharing good food and smart coping strategies with people, especially adults newly diagnosed with Celiac Disease, who are struggling with trying to balance their new lifestyle with responsibilities and dreams. I hope to build this blog into an empire of empowerment for my readers.
Howdy Chris and Team,
My modern pet furnishings business is already up and running, but there’s tons that could be improved. I think that working with you through Adventure Capital would help me tremendously to grow the business. The business has a solid foundation – that I’ve build largely from the seat of my pants – and I now need some concrete direction to guide growth.
As a solo entrepreneur, I make best-guess decisions all day long, and honestly, it’s exhausting. I would relish the opportunity to work closely with a whole crew of other likeminded makers. I’d love to offer up my experience with product design and manufacturing, and would definitely gain from others’ experiences with sales and marketing.
I would bring a passion for creativity and process to the group, should there be room for me!
(PS – I’ve used your mileage tips and have racking up a nice balance on my accounts. Now trying to figure out where to go first. Thanks for that too!)
I have been touring with famous musicians for the past 6 years non stop, 10 months a year on the road all around the world – BRUTAL (but amazing)! I am tired of spending my life in someone else’s shadow and I’m ready to take my own life by the horns! It’s as if I have been in a black hole of travel awesomeness for half of my twenties, BUT I have also lost my purpose and vision because of it – everything has happened too fast and it has all blurred together! I have been told that my lifestyle and the way I approach life are an inspiration to others and I’m ready to turn that inspiration into a business. The energy I am able to ignite in others is what keeps me going and I want to turn that into a massive firestorm! I was considering getting an MBA – but this program is more up my alley. With this education, I hope to help create the new civilization via my own doses of daily inspiration & global adventure!
THANK YOU for this AMAZING opportunity, Chris! 😀
Would you like to help transform our bigger vision into reality?
My girlfriend and I started a raw vegan blog with the purpose of helping people in Romania realize that… your body is your own temple and that what you eat affects how you feel.
We are passionate and committed to offering valueable products and contribute people what they need but don’t know how to find that out!
It’s our first business endeavour and started with… enthusiasm and all our energy.
We did all we could but seem to be driving in circles.
Your program is EXACTLY what would help us map out a clear strategy and do the right things daily so we help more people and grow our business by offering tons of value. And ultimately grow a “family” of people that love to eat healthy.
P.S. We launched the blog a few months ago with raw vegan recipes, including delicious deserts.Take a look, it’s full of delicious looking photos! 😀 We tested launching deserts (got only 1 order) and did 1 workshop and 1 live demonstration.Our facebook page has 300 likes and we have 150 subscribers.
Have an amazing and challenging life! 😀
AC Scholarship Partners – Part 1, by Kat Rowan
The problem – he thinks: “I just can’t begin –
With so many failures, why bother again?”
But clever and studied in Arts and IT,
He’s an aspie, perhaps. A diversity.
He’s invented a synth, breaking musical walls,
But bring it to market? Well, that’s where he stalls.
Then she comes along: a writer, her dream.
She escaped with her life from a long silent scream.
She created a business, not yet off the ground,
But all those around see potential abound.
For her daughters each day she wrote cards to inspire
The point was to talk, but the idea caught fire.
4000 cards to provoke and to teach,
Her two growing youngsters (and lover) all reach.
But again, to the market, to package and sell,
To blog and promote so that all will go well…
For her, that’s the tough part: a roadblock, it seems
That keeps her from seeing the stuff of her dreams.
And from there, other stories emerge and are written:
Of dads who are distant, and teens who are smitten.
Grown up with a parent who had diagnoses,
She’s written so kids understand the psychoses.
The 1200 characters’ limit is through —
My colleague will shortly post part number 2.
AC Scholarship Partners – Part 2, by Abram Johnson
Partners seek changes — on that they agree —
Success may be found through the AONC.
Though their will is established, delivery’s weak,
They get stuck in the trench as they dream of the peak.
They have a good start, with noble intentions
But need some more skills to produce their inventions.
While seeking escape from their lives of indenture
An email informed them of Cap’tal Adventure.
They seek independence — enough to make do —
To reclaim their lives and to start again new.
AC will be useful: it offers instruction
To those who won’t dally for lengthy deduction.
They’re ready and able — you won’t see them shirk.
They’re endlessly willing to put in the work.
They’ll show to their kids a life beyond norm,
That to work and live well, one need not conform.
So bring on this challenge, with grit and a grin.
Scholarship on? Let the studies begin.
by Kat Rowan and Abram Johannson
A miracle ‘tis, if in time it’s submitted,
For long did they argue, “No, YOU should submit it!”
But then ‘twas decided, as twins they were loathe,
The poem should thus be submitted by both.
Hello Chris & Judges,
I’m wanting to start a business running weekend workshops and week long camps, for women, in male dominated activities and sports. Personal experience has shown that women tend to be more supportive, than competitive, when learning something new together – and the confidence gained, when you take on something you previously thought impossible, is just immense! This then spills over into every other aspect of your life. New Skills + Confidence = Success
I know there is a lot of interest in what I want to do, and a definite market but I’m unsure of HOW to get this idea off the ground and turn it into an actual business, while giving it the best chance of success! This is where an Adventure Capital scholarship would be an amazing opportunity to help me map out that path.
Thank you for the opportunity to enter!
Hello! I’m new to this site and in fact just stumbled over your book The $100 Startup one week ago today. It gave me the push I needed to get moving. I’m currently a middle school teacher but I make jewelry organizers on the side. I’ve been told by friends and family that I should get serious about it and sell them online to generate extra income but haven’t gotten moving on it until now. I’d like to grow this business and also move on some of the other ideas I’ve had kicking around for years. Thanks for the inspiration!
Hello! I read the $100 Startup lat year and was inspired to start my own business after I was laid off from my job. My problem is that I have lots of ideas. I’ve written a few business plans and am at various stages of launch with my different projects. My problem is that I give up or switch focus to a different project when I feel that the going gets tough. I need to feel more confident that what I’m creating is worth my energy and then following through on getting to launch. I believe a systematic program would help me focus and give me the confidence that I need to get to launch. I’m hoping that I win one of the scholarships!
DON’T CHOOSE ME as a winner until you’ve watched my video…my non-conforming video plea is here:
Many thanks,
My business is called Free to Design Green which will be an online library / blog that will serve the design and building community (Interior Designers, Architects, Builders, etc.). The website will feature sustainable and earth-friendly materials and products. My goal is to make it easier for the designer/architect to specify green products and materials in their next design project.
Like you mentioned in your post that one must dedicate time to the right things in order to grow my business and since I am just starting out I could really use the guidance. Thank you and I will talk to you soon.
I moved to China with less than $500 in my pocket and started to learn how to source, manufacture, develop products, etc. for a small handful of clients. After 6 months, I wanted to create MY products instead of making the dreams of other businesses come true.
I used Indiegogo to create HeadCase Sound. We were going to use my experience with sourcing, love for music/audio, and fluent Mandarin to make headphones that compete with the best players – Sennheiser, Bose, Beats, etc.
Our team’s vision is to use the power of music to make a difference. We came up with what we thought to be a unique angle where we donated a transparent $ amount to a 5 world-class charities depending on the color sold.
We realized it was cliche.
It would be great to instead harness the power of music on Social Media. My fiance and I travel the world in a Chris Guillebeau wannabe kind of way. We’re about a quarter of the way to every country. We’d like to find a music rep. from every country and use YouTube to display their passion, talent, and unity with HeadCase to raise up and make it more than music.
Although we’re taking baby steps, I know we need help. Any ideas?
I am creating a business to support free-range backyard chickens. I have just recently started it and I am in the process of building my website. My goal is to promote self-sustainability and animal welfare. This scholarship would assist me greatly in building up and expanding my empire.
Your comments are welcome! Please be nice and use your real name.
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