Would You Buy Happiness for $14.03?

Happiness is either free or priceless – I guess it depends on your perspective. But if you’d like to learn about a great writer’s year-long quest to discover what really makes her happy, your cost is a mere $14.03.
Or you can win a copy paid for by me.
In case you haven’t heard, Gretchen Rubin’s new book, The Happiness Project, is out today. It’s currently #40 on Amazon.com and killing it… well, as much as a book on happiness can kill something.
But seriously, this book deserves the attention. I’ve been eagerly leafing through my embargoed copy for a week. My teenage sister was visiting for Christmas and also stayed up till midnight reading it three nights in a row – and since she loves it too, I know it’s something that a lot of people will be interested in.
I’ve been reading Gretchen’s blog forever… or approximately two years, which is forever in the online world. Along with friends J.D. Roth and Jonathan Fields, her work has been a major source of inspiration for AONC.
I received a free review copy for myself because Gretchen is cool like that. However, I want to support authors, so I also bought an extra copy. (You should see my review on Amazon.com with a “Verified Purchase” image next to it post up in the next day or two.)
Even though it’s a great book, having two copies on my shelf probably won’t make me happier than just one. Therefore, it’s time for a book giveaway!
–> To enter the giveaway, post your comment here (on Facebook) or send a message to @chrisguillebeau (on Twitter) saying “I want the Happiness book!”
We’ll choose the winner with a random number generator, and I’ll send it out at my expense to anywhere in the world.
Everyone else, definitely consider picking up The Happiness Project online or at your favorite local bookstore. You probably can’t buy happiness (or love), but for $14.03, this is a great investment.