What Are People REALLY Saying About WDS 2014? (Part III)

After spending hundreds of hours in preparation and then hosting a week-long adventure for thousands of awesome people, I don’t actually say much about it afterward, at least not on the blog. I’m a writer who doesn’t do a writeup.
Thankfully, our awesome attendees pick up my slack—and wouldn’t you want to hear from them anyway?
Every year we see hundreds of blog posts from attendees. Here’s the first second> final round of unfiltered reviews and opinions on a variety of topics related to WDS. Check them out and decide for yourself what WDS is all about!
- Why I’ll Be Back in 2015 (by Vicky Lyashenko)
- In My Short Life So Far (by Ilyssa Kyu)
- Adventures in World Domination (by Jessica Glendinning)
- Recalcuated (by Bethany Oliver)
- Open Heart (by Robert)
- Never Mind Start Up, Join In (by Chantal Elliott)
- World Domination: The Experience (by Simple Health Progression)
- Go Jump Off a Bridge (by Esther)
- 12 Lessons from the World Domination Summit (by Elana)
- This is No Time to Be a Chickenshit (by Ali Schiller)
- WDS 2014: Our Journey (by Michelle Chang)
- Four Important Questions to Ask Your Entrepreneurial Self (by Amy Segreti)
- World Domination Summit 2014 (by Lisa)
- WDS 2014 Summaries (by Cyriel Kortleven)
- Be Bold (by Hailey)
- Making Peace With Yoga (by Martha Garvey)
- The Spice of the World Domination Summit (by Beka)
- The World Domination Summit (by Chris Michaels)
- Dream Support System (by Aaron Paris)
- 27 bits of Inspiration from WDS (by Susan)
- I Wish You Nothing But the Best As You Take Over the World (by Maisie)
- 3 Tips for World Domination (by Bryan Tublin)
- WDS Recap Part One and Part Two (by Sheryl)
- WDS, Free Art and How I Need Your Help (by Kerrie Hubbard)
- Where Magic Happens (by Cat Pinfold)
- The Summer of Adventure (by Aimee Frederick)
- My Greatest Anguish (by John)
- Two Conferences Revisited (by Sally Sedgwick)
- It’s Safe to Dream Here (by Allie Semperger)
- WTF is WDS? (by Sebastian Mealer)
- Customers, Work, Community (by Barrett Brooks)
- Pleasure Before Business (by Caleb Wojnik)
- Dominating the World by Sleeping in a New Bed (by Amy Angelilli)
- Cool Things Learned at WDS 2014 (by Rachel Whalley)
- Visionary on a Mission (by Beverly Golden)
- The First Step After WDS (by Karen)
- 20ish Things I Took Away from WDS 2014 (by Monet Diamante)
- Sometimes Good Ideas Just Need a Little Boost (by Austin)
- Lessons I’ve Learned at The WDS 2014 (by Adi)
- Walk This Way (by Meaux)
- A Sort of Homecoming (by Kevin Hassett)
This concludes the attendee and ambassador blog post roundups. Later in the summer, we’ll share video from many of this year’s keynote speakers.
We’ll also be back next year with another great adventure—count on it! If you’d like to come, join the waiting list for the first round of ticket sales (coming this fall).