New “Hustle Up!” Experience Offers Resources for Students to Take their Side Hustle to the Next Level

Aside from advertisers for the podcast, I do very few corporate partnerships—in fact, I think the last one was more than a year ago, when I worked with Alexis Ohanian on launching 1850, a new coffee brand from Folgers. But when Microsoft Store asked me to be part of creating a new resource for higher education students, I was intrigued.
The goal was to help students learn better ways of side hustling … which, of course, is right up my alley! And they wanted to do it through a mobile-first experience that would be completely free for everyone.
That experience is called “Hustle Up!” The idea is that each of us have various strengths and weaknesses areas for improvement, in addition to differing interests, and it helps if you can get some direction in deciding what kind of hustle to start.
I don’t want to bias you, so before I say anything further…
—> Take the quiz and let me know your result!
Along with the results, you’ll get free tips from me and resources from Microsoft Store to help you get the most out of your side hustle.
SPOILER ALERT if you haven’t taken Hustle Up! yet.
We curated the quiz into four outcomes based on a user’s answers to a number of questions: freelancer, reseller, expert, and maker.
NOTE: When you go through Hustle Up!, you’ll get specific tips, resources, and more info on each of these outcomes—and you’ll find out which one you’re best suited for. Here’s a teaser of what you’ll learn…
Freelancer: The simplest way to get started with freelancing is to list a service for hire on a site like Fiverr or Upwork. It could be anything: logo design, ghostwriting, or virtual assistance, just to name a few options.
Reseller: If someone needs to make money NOW, reselling is often the best option for them. Anyone can do it and it’s simple to get started. All you need to do is buy something for one price, then sell it for a higher one.
Expert: Everyone’s an expert at something. By adapting your knowledge in a specialized skill, you’ll help others and get paid. Start by creating a top-level outline consisting of everything you know about a specific topic, e.g. discount airfare, urban gardening, weightlifting hacks, or whatever else.
Maker: Don’t believe what you’ve heard: not all artists are starving. You can make something you enjoy and get paid for it. And what better way to build up your inventory than to make it yourself?
Also, a Bit About Microsoft Store
Even though I’ve used Microsoft products ever since I was a teenager, I have to admit that I didn’t know just how much Microsoft Store offered before embarking on this project. So, in some ways, the project was enlightening for me as well.
One thing I thought was cool is that Microsoft Store associates are happy to help anyone who walks in with tech issues, regardless of what device they own, or where the device was purchased. They even offer free device setups and workshops covering a wide range of useful topics.
The world of work continues to shift dramatically from year to year. These days, it’s not at all unusual to bounce between jobs and sometimes even professions, all while also doing something on the side.
Yet a world that offers so many opportunities can also feel overwhelming … and that’s why offerings like this one can be helpful in cutting through the clutter. If nothing else, by taking Hustle Up!, you might learn something about yourself.
Check out the “Hustle Up” experience and let me know what you think!