Find Your Creative Calling: The Long-Awaited Book from Chase Jarvis

Link: The Long-Awaited Book from Chase Jarvis
Life isn’t about “finding” fulfillment and success—it’s about creating it. You don’t discover your life purpose without trying a lot of different things.
But how can you be more creative? How can you cultivate a daily practice of creativity?
The answers to these questions can be found in a new book, Creative Calling. It’s out now and available wherever books are sold, including Amazon of course, but also your local bookseller. (I love to support local stores.)
It begins with three premises, which are then outlined in much more detail throughout the book:
1. You are creative by nature, endowed with a near limitless capacity to make and grow new things.
2. Accessing this capacity requires a kind of creative muscle that must be strengthened to achieve your full potential.
3. By identifying as a creative person, accepting the world around you as your canvas, and manifesting your ideas regularly, you will intuitively create the life you truly want for yourself.
Different people will respond differently to each of those points. For me, I relate the most to the third one. I’ve been manifesting my ideas (i.e. actually making them happen, not just thinking about them) for at least a decade.
There’s a direct connection between the creative work I do and the life I’m constantly trying to create. It’s not a one-and-done kind of thing; like the second point suggests, you have to access your creative capacity on a regular basis. And when you do, the rewards are well worth it.
I’ve known Chase for years. I’ve done courses with his company, Creative Live. I’ve been a guest on his popular show Chase Jarvis Live. He’s spoken at WDS and later returned to give every attendee a free class.
I got to read an advance version a month or two ago, but now I’m diving in again with the published version.
Go pick up a copy!