Giveaway: Townshend’s Tea Sampler
Every Friday is giveaway day. Comment to win!

This weekend’s prize is a four-tea sampler from Townshend Tea Company here in Portland.
This unconventional business started as a college project at the University of Oregon and now boasts five locations. They’ve also branched out to specialize in sustainable production of kombucha.
What you need to know:
- You’ll receive tins filled with their most popular flavors: Crème de la Earl Grey, Alberta Street Chai, Silver Tip Jasmine, and After Dark.
- Warning: Drinking tea can be fun
- This giveaway is available to readers worldwide. Anyone can win!
- Our cats and biased judges will pick someone on Sunday night at 6pm PST
Enter this week’s giveaway by posting a comment, then check back on Sunday night. We’ll announce the winner and send them the prize!
Update: Comments are now closed. Congrats to Daniel Patrick Johnson, selected by cats and our random name generator to win the tea! Everyone else, thanks for entering. We’ll have another giveaway next week.
i love tea!!
Yay for tea, I’m in! 🙂
I love a good cup of tea, especially Chinese green tea. But I’d love to give these a shot to.
Tea is awesome!
When I saw this it made me think of this quote I saw this week
“If you are cold, tea will warm you;
if you are too heated, it will cool you;
If you are depressed, it will cheer you;
If you are excited, it will calm you.”
― William Ewart Gladstone
Mmmmmmmm chai! Would love to try Albert Street and After Dark!
Yay, tea!!
Sarah M
Oh, all of those teas sound so delicious!!
Drinking tea is indeed fun, and addicting…
Ooooooh tea. The perfect giveaway for a cool, wet fall day! Thank you for your generosity 🙂
Pretty please, some tea for the poor college student pulling an all-nighter!
This pregnant lady is surely craving this tea right about now 😛
Tea is my favorite and these flavors sound amazing! Hope I’m picked!
I <3 tea!
Where would we be without tea?
I love tea and my favourite is Earl Grey.
Hey guys, I’m in! Best luck for us!
Love tea especially Earl Grey! Thanks for the opportunity.
Looks delicious!
Sounds fabulous!
Love tea!!
Mmmmm, tea!
hi! , I like your writing so a great deal of! proportion we all carry on a new messages much more about your own document with Google? I want an authority for this living space to settle the problem. It’s possible that is definitely a person! Looking ahead to professional you.
Loose tea is my favorite. The best kind, Jasmine!
I love tea but unfortunately we don’t have a lot of tea shops along the Florida panhandle. I really need to get out to the West Coast.
I grew up with people drinking coffee, and every church I serve they always have coffee, but soon after I come to a church as Pastor they have water available for my Tea. Love it.
Some pretty creative names they’ve got there. After Dark? ahhahaha.
If anyone’s looking for a nice, reasonably priced glass teapot with an infuser, I like the “Hario Chacha Kyusu Maru Tea Pot” that you can find on Amazon. I have the 700ml one, which is good for maybe 2.5 mugs.
Awesime! Tea tea tea!
Looking forward to big cups of steaming tea this winter…well, if we ever get winter here in Southern California.
I just love tea and I especially love trying new flavours of Earl Grey. These teas look fantastic!
My wife loves tea, I’m in!
Love tea, especially during fall/winter. In fact, I’m going to go make a cup right now 🙂
Winning this contest would be toTEAlly awesome!
Thanks for the opportunity, Chris.
Tea = yes, please
It is simply common sense.
Picking me is too.
Tend to stick to Chinese black teas, but would love to diversify through this sampler pack.
I love tea!
Oh Yes! There could not be a better giveaway!
Ahhh, what would we do in a world without tea!
“we drink tea to forget the noise of the world” – that’s still my favourite summary of the
tea drinking experience. It’s a wonderful ritual to stop the world for a moment, gather
my senses – before I dive into that turmoil again.
Mmmm. Fancy tea.
I’m in! Love tea and drinking some right now, as a matter of fact.
I love tea. And local is even better.
Love the warning:: drinking tea CAN be fun.
Happy and safe travels! See you soon.
LOVE tea!! very cool company too
Great concept! I hadn’t heard of these guys but would love to try it out.
I subscribe to your blog but I rarely/never try to win your giveaways because I don’t see myself as lucky at winning prizes. But perhaps it’s time to change my perception. My affirmation for today is, I AM lucky. You can prove me right, eh? The teas sound heavenly. Thank you in advance!
Wasn’t able to use my ticket to WDS 2014. Tea would be great!
please send some tea to me in brazil!!!
I’m a lifelong tea drinker – can’t stand coffee… this would be a fantastic win!
I’m going to be completely honest… I prefer coffee. My relationship with coffee is passionate and romantic, whereas tea and I feel like good friends.
With this tea giveaway I’d be willing to see if my relationship with tea can be something more than platonic affection…
My pinkie is twitching
Count me in!
Looks delicious!
This sounds tasty.
Chai tea is my favorite!
I looove tea so of course I’d also enjoy to join your giveaway 🙂
Drinking tea is my meditation. I’d love this.
I like tea and would love to win!
I don’t like tea. Make me love it.
as a tea addict I need this. Pick me please.
I love T. I hate all the other letters!
That is fantastic looking tea. Would love to try some! Thanks for the givesway!
Chai tea is my favorite!
i love tea!
[insert clever comment about tea here]
This is excellent! Thanks for inspiring!
Lovely selection – I’m in!
Tea time is a fun time! 🙂
I wonder if the name “Alberta Street Chai” was inspired by a Canadian adventure?
It’s definitely tea season now in the beautiful Northwest.
Many commenters are wittier than I. It doesn’t stop me from coveting this giveaway. Thanks for the amusement.
Ready for tea time!
Tea = relaxing! I hope I can win some relaxation.
Tea is my favorite!
Tea is the one best food that tastes great without meat!
Tea? Tea!
I’m a tea junkie from way back!
Love the tins! And I want to visit Portland.
Their tea is divine….and fall is definitely the tea season…would love to win this!
These sound absolutely amazing.
How do you prefer to keep tea fresh?
Love the company, love the name!
I love tea and believe it will completely lose its underdog status someday 🙂
I love to try new teas, and if I win this tea I promise I will share it with my two fat cats, Fergie and Sam!
Tea is my favorite! Plus, I went to UO, and grew up in Portland!
What a lovely giveaway! A cup of tea can be a balm to the soul on a day when life has been most harsh. I always look forward to your posts, Chris.
I am an avid tea drinker and (except for this short break to comment on your blog) am in the middle of reading “Life by the cup” by Zhena of Zhena’s tea. I seriously love tea and would joyfully share any prize with other tea lovers in my life. Thank you.
tea is very badass
Tea. I need to mellow out. I’m high strung.
tea kicks coffee’s ass
I can never say no to tea. I’m a huge fan of the stuff; I drink at least a cup of tea a day if not more. Here’s hoping for the best.
People who work in the tea industry are doing humankind a huge favour (especially if they are unconventional with it!). Go well – and thank you.
A spot of tea would be nice!
Cream de Earl Gray sounds amazing. It’s my favorite tea to curl up with while reading!
Drinking tea transports me to a spa-like moment.
Liquid is boring. Water is common, cool, and much needed. Carbonation makes my brain hurt. Tea is a single word for a multitude of possible beverage based vacations I can take every day.
I started drinking tea as a daily ritual when I started working from home. I’ve recently been laid off of my telecommuting job but I’m still drinking my tea!!
Tea-se me, baby.
Hope I’m not late for tea time.
I begin each day with the taste of coffee to get me engaged with the day. Each late afternoon or evening is reserved for tasting tea, because it’s time to relax and enjoy the time and the place.
Mmmm…these sound divine! I hope your cat chooses me to win the tea!
What better to go with binge blog reading than a lovely cup of tea?!
Tea is so fantastic for so many reasons. Health, vitality, energy, antioxidants. Plus it is delicious and there are endless complex flavors to explore. Those four sound delightful, especially chai! Fall and winter is perfect chai season. Thanks for being awesome Chris!
Thank you Chris for the opportunity.
Yes I’d love to this tea adventure!
Keep well in spirit.
By your life you inspire me.
Tea, warms the body, mind and soul. Wonderful to drink alone as well as to share with a dear friend.
<3 tea!!
Hot tea for cool nights. Seems living in the Midwest holds two advantages tonight; cool nights rolling in and I’ve made it just under the wire with our time difference.
Thanks for this giveaway!!!
Each adventure deserves moments of reflection before, during and after… a cuppa tea seems to honor those moments of thoughtfulness.
Thank you for the opportunities to travel through my memories of the tea plantations of India. I’m just a green tea person who loves to steep a pot and share with friends.
Five locations – and now kombucha – yet another reason I need to visit Portland for the first time. Thanks for the tip.
I’ve tasted many teas over the years and have wanted to try a tea from Oregon. This would be my chance to try several at once! Great giveaway!
This tea sounds amazing. I hope I win and that it warms me through many fall days.
Yay tea! The bringer-together of strangers…. Or just the thing for the awesome moment of solitude while out enjoying nature.
Would love to sample these teas!
They sell really good tea, and kombucha.
Oooh.. can never refuse a good cup of tea! awesome giveaway!
Love love love tea! Yay!! Thank you xx
Tea Time? Yes, please. 🙂
Love kombucha! Starting to mix it up by adding different flavors. But tea would be awesome as well!
I start every day with a cup of tea. Green varieties are my absolute favorite!
Tea?! YUM! wouldn’t mind receiving some liquid wisdom to work on my tea app right now 😉
I’m living in Rio and soon to head home to my English parents’ home, I am sure tea would be welcome! 🙂
Tea!!! Woo hoo! This might be one of the best giveaways yet!
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