Life Non-Conformity World Domination
A Brief Guide to World Domination

Dear Worldchangers,
Greetings from Seattle, Washington. Today I present to you your own copy of the promised manifesto, modestly entitled A Brief Guide to World Domination.
–>Click Here to Open or Download the PDF Report
Tech Notes: The report should work in all computers with Adobe Reader installed.
A Few Things You’ll Learn in the Report
- The Two Most Important Questions in the Universe
- Why Ruling and Changing the World are Interrelated
- The Clear Alternative to Being Unremarkably Average
- True Stories from Zen Habits, Kiva, Randy Pausch, and more
- The Most Important Work We Can Do
- Life Lessons from My Singapore Airlines flight to Tokyo
Want to Help?
The manifesto is free and has been downloaded more than 100,000 times from all over the world. If you’d like to see it go out to more people, please click the Stumble It button below and leave your review—or simply share it within your own circle of influence.
Update: A new resources page contains translations, reviews, and more.
I was pleased to read a preview of the Manifesto late yesterday afternoon. You’ve positioned your paper just beautifully and executed it well. (one small note: the contrast on the green on green boxes was a little hard to read)
I saw a Tony Robbins clip from his talk at Ted that Micheal Martine of Remarkablogger brought to my attention. Tony’s premise, speaking as the why person ( the person people go to when performance doesn’t match expectations), is this: the determining factor is emotion. We have 4 basic needs, but two more very important ones after that. Those two are growth and the need to contribute to something bigger than ourselves. His suggestion was to tap into authentic emotions and kick butt on all the needs, but really bring those top two into our daily picture. It was a riviting 20 minute talk.
I believe you are both after harnessing a powerful drive.
Your two top questions?
I have always answered the first of those, what I want out of life , is to have an interesting one and to meet interesting people.
The second, which is so much harder to answer, what can I offer that no one else can…hm, it has to my artist’s perspective but that is not so unique so it is something more maybe a creative intelligence and pattern observation from my POV. Not that no one else can, but we each bring our own perspectives. See ? Very hard to answer. So the backstory must come into play I suspect.
I apologize for such a lengthy comment. I look forward to the discussion and what others have to say. Good luck.
Thanks so much for your detailed review and comments! No need to apologize. 🙂
Got the manifesto and will comment again after it’s read!
I want to live in a city where I can walk to market and other services. I want to explore and enjoy the world as it unfolds around me. I want to chronicle my observations to share with others.
I can give the world my own perspective on life and happiness. Happiness does not happen in a vacuum. We impact the world with the tiny choices we make every day. You can choose to view the world with a bemused admiration or with anger and frustration. I find I am happier when I choose to be amused by my fellow humans rather than seeing them as enemies and obstacles.
As someone who spent many years living a life of quiet desperation, I can sing from the mountain tops: I have been depressed and I have been happy. Happy is better.
What do you really want to get out of life?
– Wisdom to see beneath the surface and understand the spiritual mechanics of life that drive everything else and how it all works together. I would then like to pass this on through what I do as an electronic musician and pilgrim.
What can you offer the world that no one else can?
– Some life experience of the Universe running through me as part of the whole connected force. Perhaps there are some aspects that others may find useful in their journey. A palm for those on their way from the pilgrimage and a pointer for those trying to get there.
What Can I really offer?
– To look inward and constantly be aware that I am connected the whole of life. To learn from this and share, because what I find within myself is universal for all people.
What will you make of it?
– To be grateful for each present moment and from this abundance, give and share joy, wisdom, revolution and revelation. Give and share from experience as you have a sole insight into your experience. Never stop learning from babes and old souls with humility and humor.
I loved reading your guide in bits and pieces throughout the day yesterday and today. I am going to read over it and over it again. It is nothing new to me, to be honest, which is what I think I love most about it… it just re-affirms everything that I am currently working on and working towards. Thank you for that!
Gosh, your quotes are fantastic. I am sure a “quotes person” myself and found them powerful and truly inspiring. I have to say, you have a talent with writing and with words. Thank you for sharing your talent with us.
To answer your questions:
#1 – What do you really want to get out of life?
I have had the answer to this question for quite some time now… a co-worker and personal life coach once asked me: “You are on your deathbed and you call your child to your side to tell them the most important thing in life… what do you tell your child is most important in life?” And my response then, and today to your question is: Happiness. Do what makes you happy. Live in a place that makes you happy. Love the person who makes you happy (and be with him/her). Happiness.
#2 – What can you offer the world that no one else can?
Because we are all individuals, even if I was to say the same thing as Psiplex or Aura Mae or anyone else who responds to your question, it would still be different and something that no one else can offer. For me, I know that I can offer the world my love, my patience, my out-of-the-box mindset, my passion and desire to be different than what society and others deem to be “normal” and I can effect change.
My goal at this point is still a work in progress but the gist of it is this – I am currently working on my Bachelor of Education (Teacher’s College Degree) and once I have that completed I plan to travel to Africa as a volunteer to help educate women and children. That’s my general idea at the moment. I don’t know which African Country to visit or how I will afford to do it, but I think as long as I focus on giving back and helping others, then the rest will fall into place (I hope!).
Thank you for taking the time to write this report! I have posted your link on my Facebook page and on my Blog… and I am super excited about your upcoming book.
Nice work Chris. I like the mix of personal ambition with world-changing influence.
I plan on non-conforming and try to break away from the money problem every movement entails, by doing a world-changing movement that requires no money, the point of which is to get people to avoid needing money! There are too many free things out there today to require an organization to have to ask for money.
I have had the idea for a long time but reading your manifesto has helped me narrow it down and encourage me to get going. Thanks
Wow. Totally wow.
This morning, I was reading an article about horse racing. I saw the quote, “You have to show that you really want it.” It inspired me; I wrote it out & tucked it in my pocket. Then I came in here and read your Manifesto. To say it inspired me is an understatement!
Brilliantly written! And I agree–I could give the same answers to the questions, but they would be different, because everyone’s unique.
So here’s mine:
#1: What do you really want to get out of life?
~I want to “go home.” For me, that means a combination of things–the nearness of certain people, a location I love, surroundings that inspire me, an environment I feel free in. “Going home” is the way I put it when I talk to myself.
I do want to travel and explore; but if I could only do one thing, “going home” to this place in my vision would be enough for my happiness.
#2: What can you offer the world that no one else can?
~My unique voice–and my belief that everyone can make their own dreams come true. That’s my goal, to inspire others to look inside themselves and realize that they have so much to offer, and they can do more than they think. And to know that nothing is impossible.
If I needed more proof that I must put your words into action, your last line (before acknowledgements) sealed it up for me:
“Be the change,
…That’s MY name! 🙂 Thank you.
Having plenty of difficulty reading the even-numbered pages in Adobe Acrobat 8 – the initial page appears (usually text with circles?) and then the text becomes almost black-on-black. When I get home I’ll check this on my home PC, but is anyone else experiencing this? Unfortunately it’s unreadable on those pages.
I loved your PDF. This has had a big impact on my life.
I hope you do accomplish your goal of going to every country. Other than that, you’re a great writer and very inspirational. Enjoy yourself Mr. Remarkable Guillebeau!
I’d say your story is compelling but would be even better if you included some things you have given back. The other three examples that you gave demonstrate how these people have achieved greatness and given to other people through what they have done.
Very useful read. It is always great to read that something trying to inspire people to go out there and be useful to the world (and stop living a nothing life).
I hope many people take it into action.
[…]Chris Guillebeau has issued his manifesto called A Brief Guide to World Domination. (No one forward this one to Kim Jong-il, cool?) […]
[…] a fantastic little manifesto called “A Brief Guide to World Domination,” available as a free PDF download. At 29 pages, it’s hardly all encompassing, but it is certainly brief. […]
Wow! Your writing and especially this MANIFESTO is helping me to CHANGE MY LIFE! Here are my answers to the two most important questions in the universe:
#1: I want to live a life full of color and art. I want to live a long life with my family and friends. I want to earn plenty of money by selling my art and/or art services so that I can donate significant amounts of money to worthwhile causes. I want to help people succeed and live healthy lives.
#2: I can offer the world my keen eye for color. I can offer my experience with color selection (for living and work spaces) for optimum health and well being. I can offer colorful and sacred artwork.
In the near future I hope to combine my “wants” with “what I can offer the world” to make a new vocation….I feel called to this work! I feel so hopeful. I am truly grateful for your writing Chris! I cannot thank you enough for helping me change my life! MANY MANY THANKS!
Truly delightful, from beginning to end.
My heart and head were racing right all the way through, with much reading aloud (and loudly) to the husband and many side conversations as we sorted through your stories and observations.
As for those two important questions, I answered the first one for Bob Younce’s Dream Meme:
My dream is to enjoy useful, engaging, and lucrative work with the flexibility to live comfortably, give generously, travel regularly, sleep in, hang out, get fit, and cook (and eat) luxuriously until the end of my days.
But for my unique contribution to the world? That’s a most excellent question that’s going to take a bit of work to suss out. I’ll strive to come up with an equally excellent answer.
Buckets of blessings…
Thanks for sharing your wisdom. I have been inspired by your words.
It’s great to see so many thoughtful comments already! I look forward to reading more tomorrow.
@Andrew (much earlier),
Sorry to hear of the technical problem. I’ll have my “tech support” (that means me!) send you a copy via email. If anyone else has that problem, I’ll do the same– just let me know.
Chris, Many congrats on completing and presenting this! It looks marvelous, and I can’t wait to dig in. Inspiring stuff, for sure.
All the best ~Mark
I’ve just read your manifesto again today. Once again, congrats on the launch! Very thought-provoking and well-written.
1)What do you really want to get out of life?
Peace and happiness.
2)What can you offer the world that no one else can?
I did a lot of thinking about this since I first read the preview and to be honest, I’ve been thinking about this all my life. I’m afraid that I don’t know the answer yet – there are a lot of things I can offer, but it’s not something terribly unique.
But I’m not bummed out about it, like you said “the world is waiting for you to figure out what you can contribute” and you know what? I’m enjoying the journey of self discovery and finding my role in the world. That said, I do have a strong feeling that I’m on the cusp of a life-changing moment. 🙂
**There were problems rendering some of the pages when read from a browser (I’m guessing this is a browser PDF plugin bug) but if downloaded and read on a native reader, everything loads fine.
Interesting read, is the link to the Ideal World exercise by Paul working for everyone else?
It’s kind of endearing the way you present these notions as if you’re the first person in the world to have figured them out. Pretty much everything there I kind of nodded along to and said “Yes, true, indeed, absolutely” but there wasn’t anything that had me going “Wow! I’ve never heard THAT before!”
Well except maybe this part:
Contrary to what you may hear from the latest
self-help book, true success does not come
from passive visualization or wishful thinking.
It takes action, planning, and sacrifice.
I’m not sure what the hell self-help books you’ve been reading, but “action, planning and sacrifice” are pretty much the root values of just about any Make Your Dreams Come True book that I’ve come across.
I’m not saying what you wrote was bad, it just isn’t anything new. I hope it will be helpful to those who don’t already know these things. Best of luck in your travels.
FYI…your link to the “Ideal World” exercise is not working. At least for me.
For some reason the “Ideal World” link does not redirect properly. Hopefully that will be fixed today, but for now, just go to×5/ideal-world
First of all CONGRATULATIONS for your writing skill and the inspirational manifesto you shared with us! I´m pretty sure It´ll make a difference… Well, while I´m still working on the answers (thinking a lot actually!!!) and redirecting my life goals I was wondering if you thought about translating the Manifesto into other languages so you can reach more people out there who would be mobilized by your words!
As a Spanish native speaker and in fact translator, I offer my help for this purpose. Just contact me. THANK YOU for the report! Sil.
This is phenomenal, just PHENOMENAL.
I just got through reading your document. It was really inspiring. I have to admit that I didn’t have an answer for question #2, but I’m working on it.
I especially liked your “Ready. Fire. Aim” motto. I think you put a name to some of the philosophies I’ve lived by in the past couple of years. I hope to inspire my friends with the “Ready. Fire. Aim” motto so they will get off their asses and travel with me.
Overall: Thanks for putting the effort in. I will try to do my part to live up to it.
What a difficult questions for me, but I will do my homework… thanks for the first advice, It moved something in my brain this morning.
@Sheila: I don’t think there are really NEW answers to all of life’s questions. We have had the answers all along, but many people have either not been exposed or were not ready to embrace them when they were.
I can tell my children something a thousand times and then they will hear it from someone else’s parent and think it is new.
The more voices singing the same song the better.
@Sheila–Wow! If this is old hat stuff to you, what have you been reading? Please share the books, blogs, etc. that align with what Chris has written.
The other works can’t replace his contribution, of course, but reinforcement from other writers would be useful, especially with their similar, yet differing, perspectives across cultures and time (I assume all the authors aren’t young, white, 21st century American males?). It would be fab to see Chris’ place in a line of related thought.
And what a great comment. The “It’s nothing new” style of criticism isn’t in Chris’ manifesto, but maybe it should be.
It’s been argued since the Old Testament that it’s all been done. It’s the the chorus of Ecclesiastes actually: Chapter 1, verse 9-10 (et. al.)—
“What has been will be again,
what has been done will be done again;
there is nothing new under the sun.
Is there anything of which one can say,
‘Look! This is something new’?
It was here already, long ago;”
it was here before our time.
And yet, thankfully, blessedly, we continue to create what is new to us, what will be (re)discovered by those connected to us, and what will be unique because of our individual perspectives, whether or not it is new.
Remarkable content to stir me up. I will focus on the two questions you asked. I think “I am” answer to both of them.
Chris, on SimpleSparks I found a listkeeper that’s great for keeping track of your 1 year, 5 year, and long term goals. I’ve already added mine and now I can review them online whenever needed. If anybody’s interested, it’s called listalicious. I think it’s serendipity that I found it when I was wondering how I would keep my goals in front of me as I worked, an indicator that the universe is smiling on my efforts to follow your advice.
I really enjoyed reading your manifesto. It has encouraged me and given me added drive to achieve my dreams, that have become goals.
Still thinking about the answers to your two questions.
I look forward to staying updated on your journey. Count me in as a part of your small army.
Nice job.
As an earlier poster indicated – this is a lot of common sense – things we already know. You created some nice relationships between a lot of concepts and that is helping me see some of what I face daily in a different light.
I’m feeling pretty motivated right now. I think I’ll storm the castle right now. Check me out on the news in a few hours.
Thanks and keep up the remarkable life!
I’ve been following your story for a few weeks now and was looking forward to the latest project.
The family is leaving for a ten day road trip Friday and I printed out two copies of your manifesto… one for me and one for my four teenagers to read.
I hope they are able to figure out these life lessons sooner than I have.
@Sheila–Wow! If this is old hat stuff to you, what have you been reading? Please share the books, blogs, etc. that align with what Chris has written.
Off the top of my head (and bookshelf)–
Life 101 and Do It! by Peter McWilliams. Some of the first self-help type books I ever encountered. Available online as slightly twonky HTML pages through his site —
The Best Year of Your Life by Debbie Ford. I have this on my shelf and pick it up every New Year’s Day.
Your Heart’s Desire by Sonia Choquette. This is a little more on the new age woo-woo tip, but there’s quite a bit of sensible advice as well.
100 Ways to Motivate Yourself by Steve Chandler. Pick this up, flip to a page at random, and GO!
The Daring Female’s Guide to Ecstatic Living by Natasha Kogan. I’m sure guys could get something out of it as well, if they find a place to read it where they won’t be seen. 😉
As for blogs, as far as motivation goes, I’m a big fan of Zen Habits (it’s how I came upon this place) at and, in a slightly odder direction, Torley Lives ( which is mostly about Second Life but also about living your life–First or Second–to the fullest.
And, outside of books and blogs, there’s just my life and how I’ve lived it up to this point and the lessons I’ve learned so far.
I didn’t mean my comment about the fact that this manifesto isn’t anything new to necessarily be a criticism. “It’s been done” shouldn’t stop you from trying something you really want to do any more than “it can’t be done” should. If anything, it should encourage you!
Thank you for putting words to the concepts I’ve been mulling over for years. I needed more clarity and your manifesto was just the ticket. Can’t wait to read about your adventures while I’m ramping up my personal mission.
Awesome guide. As a high school student, I look to utilize the information available through the technologies that be to prepare myself for the “real world” before I get there; there being, to start, university. I love your “unconventional insight” and look forward to reading your articles and experimenting on how they may be of value in my life. Hopefully, you will experience my conquest for world dominance soon enough.
A great guide. I especially liked the two questions – they really make you stop and think. On the technical side, the layout and fonts are great too. Awesome job!
Hi Chris,
I read your Manifesto in one go yesterday. It hit close to my heart as I never really manage to fit in and I am slowly coming to terms with the fact that it’s a good thing.
It’s also a perfect moment as I am changing job and city next week. It’s a great timing to think about my ideal world and what I want to include in it.
A small thought: I would have expected your Manifesto to be covered by a Creative Commons license instead of a Copyright. Maybe because that’s what all the remarkable authors I like are doing, maybe because it is questionning the boundaries of intellectual property.
Now off to define my Ideal Day!
I have been reading zenhabits for a while, so I got my email on them that led me to you… I can’t believe how amazing it was. From having humor, great quotes, solid advice, insight and information on current affairs, and a strong message delivered clearly and with style, this PDF is for-the-win! I was wondering if you have any plans to sell it in print form…
I am in the process of starting a business, and I would like to sell it, but if not at least have a copy or two available for people to read. Let me know what you think about that. I could print it and bind it and sell it and send you the money, even, its entirely up to you. It amused me that the quotes made me open a document so I could save them, and I called it inspiration as I saved it… and then at the end I saw that is the title of one of your pages for where you get resources.
The only thing I would consider changing is the formatting… I can’t copy it by paragraph, so when I wanted to copy a quote that wasn’t by itself I had to erase the lines from the paragraphs beside it. If it could be made any shorter, that’d be cool, but honestly I think it would be worth every page to get it printed.
One of the things I bring to the world is organization, and another is encouragement to recycle! I would get it printed on recycled paper, at least.
First of all, thank you for the manifesto. You have, indeed, been a catalyst in my life. I want you to know that I have started a few projects I had always thought were a good idea but was afraid to carry out, since I have been reading your blog.
Second, I would like to make a proposition to everyone else who has read the manifesto. Print out another copy, staple it together and leave it at the train station, at the library, or any place you think of. Make a note on the front page telling others to read it and pass it on. Then wait for it to get back to you.
Good luck to every one, and lets take on Manhattan then the world!!
I’ve anticipated the arrival of your “Brief Guide” with much excitement. At last, it’s here! Congratulations and well done!
A truly remarkable writing and very inspiring. I’ve always been a little different myself, but have hammered my round self into a square peg over and over again to get by and after reading your Manifesto I think it’s time I tried doing things my way. I haven’t answered the questions yet as there is a lot more to me than I can possibly take into account in such a short period of time but mark my words the whole world will know of me soon enough.
Thinker turned Doer
A lovely bit of writing. Hi, my name is Ruth and I will help people in my hometown conserve energy (and therefore money) by improving the energy efficiency of their homes. Small goal, yes, I know, but I have to start somewhere. The larger version of that goal is to help people around the world to improve the efficiency of their homes. I don’t know if I am remarkable enough to think that big, but I’m trying to find out. Three things I will do by the end of August: 1- tell 10 people my plan (hey, a girl’s gotta start somewhere) 2- make a phone call to the store in VT that I want to model my idea on. 3- sit down and figure out how much $ we’ll need to actually do it.
Thank you for the good swift kick in the rear.
Great Work.
It has become one of my recommended reads. I am a fan of reading about the adventures of others as I attempt create my own. Most of the inspirational reads I follow are from people at the end of their careers. It’s refreshing that you and I are of the same generation.
Keep up the good work.
You have an addition to your growing Army!
After two days of reading your report off and on (and consequently following all the links to other sites and articles to read them as well) I am so refreshed and I want to thank you for this.
I signed up for Paul Myers TalkBiz newsletter and really appreciate the connection, it is a tremendous resource. I’m excited about reading what he has to say and then following through with some of my own plans.
Thanks again!
Just finished reading. Incredible work. You’ve put words to a spirit of change that is starting to permeate our society. Thank you so much. I am truly inspired.
I really got fired up reading your manifesto. I am starting (with a business partner) a new business (Linked to my name). I have already had an old mentor criticize my idea and “hoped I wasn’t making a big mistake”. I told him not to worry about me that even if I was, which I am not, I would learn valuable things from it and be better off from the experience.
My two goals
Live life with passion and enjoy the adventure and freedom.
Be self supporting now and during my retirement making enough money so that I can end up living by a particular lake in a cool log cabin and enjoy the hubby nature.
How can I make a difference? I’m still mulling that one over. I am a master teacher, I have a love for spreading the good news of Jesus. I’m thinking about doing some or financing some mission work in China. I am also interested in help couples improve their marriage. Kind of different things, I know, but I’ll keep thinking it through. I may end up doing both.
Your article was very motivating. I will be sharing it with others. :O) Thanks for sharing it with me!
Brillant work. Your writing is simple and effective, and it got this cynical and lazy cog motivated to make a remarkable life for myself and my family. I had a fairly easy time answering the first question, it is something that I have discovered I am truly passionate about. The second question is clearly more difficult, but I found it encouraging to read here that no matter what my “unique” skill is, it will be unique because it is mine.
My dream life: To live in a city/community that is completely free of cars. The more I have thought and read about carfree living the more excited I get about it.
What I can offer: Passion towards an unconventional goal, loving and honest discourse, and the backing of a wonderful family.
Chris, thank you for sharing this with the world. Good luck.
Great manifesto, Chris.
I have yet to become a reader of your blog, but count me in for being the change, and spreading the idea.
p.s. thank you for making it short and simple, taking action requires time!
I’m still thinking about my answers (as I just commented on the video post), but I DID take the time to post the manifesto link on Facebook.
I enjoyed the manifesto. Keep up the good writing. I’ve already been working on my “take over the world” project and it’s oddly similar to your in many ways…I’m simply a few years behind you. (23) I’ll be following your travels as I prepare and save for more of my own.
I just finished reading the manifesto… awesome! I’m working on answering the two most important questions, especially the second one. Number 3 on the list of “11 Ways to be unremarkably Average” : “Go to college because you’re supposed to, not because you want to learn something” stood out in my mind. I got my Bachelor’s degree because I “should” and I enjoyed it none-the-less, but this Fall I’m about to go back to school for a Master’s degree because I really ‘want’ to learn.
I’m a new subscriber to your blog, and I’m loving it so far. Keep it up!
I have read your manifesto once. And I will read it again. I love the way you present your ideas. Sometime when I was reading, I just realize that I’ve already thinking about the same thing. It is very interresting when you read stuff that resonate with your own idea, your own point of view. Its just a sign that I am on the good way and that other people thing like me. Realy I want to thank you. You are Real, I mean you realy live your life the way you want to, you take the time to write a blog to share your personal experiences. Its just amazing for me to see that so many people out there are not walking the path of conformity. Even if I am not totaly agree with all your ideas I support you. Continue your great job, follow your dreams. And good luck for the country left.
Awesome piece. I linked you to my blog.
You’re going to help a lot of people with this, Chris. I applaud and support everything you’re doing. =)
Great site and fantastic guide. I’ve been working on conscious choices and living my dreams for two years now. In my own blog I try to get people to do the same. It’s great to see your manifesto affecting so many people!
Yay to nonconformity!
PS I’ve told all my readers to come here today.
I just found you yesterday. Downloaded your PDF and read it, even watched your new video post up there. (It’s amazing how much you look like my little brother LOL) I loved the PDF – I read it twice. Very thought-provoking. One thing though: the link to Paul Meyers “Ideal World” thing goes to a 404 page. I was really interested in seeing that.
When I saw you covered Randy Pausch, I had to smile. I watched his video lecture a loooooonng time ago, and it was absolutely the most wonderful thing I’d seen in a long time. He actually has a blog he writes in to let people know how he’s doing, and I check in every now and again. (Yes, he’s still alive – and if you all didn’t take the advice and watch the video, I’m telling you to GO WATCH IT. I made my whole family watch it!)
I cannot answer the two questions – yet. My initial gut reaction to both of them was “I don’t know” and “nothing”. But I’ve been mulling it over in my head, and this morning I woke up realizing I did have answers to them, just not cohesive ones. They’re more ideas than actual goals…but I’m working to turn them into ideas.
On a more personal note, I actually felt my own mediocrity on September 11, 2001. I was working in a restaurant at the time, at a not-paying-very-well job. Didn’t have any real ties to anything there, other than the measeley paycheck. I remember what I was doing that morning when I realized the attacks in NYC were *attacks* and not just accidents – I was cutting up tomatoes. I wanted to drop what I was doing and leave, and drive 7 hours to New York to see what I could do to help – but I felt I couldn’t go because I’d lose my job. over the next two days, I was glued to the TV, and all I wanted to do was leave for New York to come and help – it was almost obsessive. But I kept thinking I’d lose my job, and how would I support myself up there? Where would I stay? Who’d need me anyway? They’d probably just send me home. And then I had family and my boyfriend telling me the same thing. So I didn’t go. I’ve regretted it every single day since. I know that if I’d gone – all the other stuff would have somehow worked out. It always does. Ever since then, I’ve been trying to find my path – because realizing you’re a mediocre person really sucks – but nothing’s ever spoken out to me (and slapped me in the face) as well as this site has.
I think this is great, and I’ve definitely got you bookmarked. (I tweeted you yesterday too!) I can already think of several people who would love to read this as well, so I’m off to pass it around. but have a great trip, and I’ll be back for more.
I read the manifesto last night and I can’t wait to read it over again. When I downloaded it, I honestly thought was going to be full of a lot of hoopla. I appreciate that you point out that getting what you want takes work and sacrifice, not just wishful thinking. You have motivated me to take more time to focus on the things I enjoy. I plan to put a review of the manifesto on my blog this weekend. Thank you so much for putting this together.
Don´t know if anyone else already wrote this but the Manifest has reached Europe and will spread here too.
Kind regards, Gwen
That was absolutely, incredibly well written. Clear, inspiring and thought provoking. I was amazed to find many similarities between your teachings and mine.
For instance, the biggest one was the need for passion. If you don’t have passion for something, all the obstacles and setbacks will have an easier time beating you into submission. But with great fire in your belly and a desire to accomplish something, nothing can stop you. That’s how I became the world’s first deaf instrument rated pilot in 2006 and beat the odds of “making it” as a stockbroker during the 1990’s.
The other thing you mentioned that I continue to emphasize is the power of gratitude as well as giving back. Helping others. It’s an energy thing – you can’t manipulate it – you can try – but it backfires very quickly. Giving doesn’t necessarily mean money. It can encompass anything that you give away – your time, your expertise, your love, your compassion,etc.
Awesome, awesome manifesto! You’ve inspired me to come up with a manifesto of my own.
Lastly, I loved the idea of recruiting a small army of 1,000 “true fans” who can help you help others and make a splash in world domination.
Thanks for such an excellent document – wow!
I really enjoyed your Manifesto. I like both your accessible, entertaining writing style and your ideas. The two questions are great. The first has definitely been easier for me to answer than the second. I’ll definitely keep reading.
I’m sure that I am on the elder edge of your readers at 55, but I have been reading productivity blogs (Zen Habits) for awhile and found you through Pick The Brain. Well educated and well into my career I none the less continue to search for insight and inspiration to assist in pushing me to the next level. I’ve recently initiated my own blog and have begun serious dabbling in photography, conservation and ecological issues on top of my 50+ hour per week “day job”. I find your organized approach to non-conformism to be quite intelligent and refreshing. The Manifesto was great reading, and a good addition to my life-long learning process. I plan to use the concepts to hone in on what I really want to do when I (finally) grow up — save the global ecology through photo-art and music. Old hippies never die and the young ones just don’t know that they are pretty much what we were. Keep on truckin’ — by the time you reach my age you’ll have visited every country on the planet, and probably a few that don’t even exist yet (and may not then). Cheers!
I just finished scanning your ebook, and I’m very impressed. The content and presentation are top quality – you’ve done great work. I’m printing it out so I can read and re-read it more carefully – and make lots of notes in the margins.
I especially like the part where you emphasize the importance of finding a way to serve others while pursuing your own goals. Very important.
Keep it up!
Just wanted to say that I appreciate the time and effort for you to do something like this. 🙂
Thanks for writing the ebook. It was like a catalyst for me.
Btw, the slum you mention in Mumbai, India is ‘Dharavi’ and not ‘Dhavari’.
Kind Regards
Hi Chris,
I was introduced to you via LifeDev. I’m absolutely mesmerized by your manifesto. It hit me center-of-heart that I was beginning to accept ‘mediocrity’ as my standard… It’s rare that the path of life is illuminated; your manifesto lit a certain portion of my life’s path and I’m truly grateful. Thanks.
All the best for your journeys and experiences…
Ramana S.
What fun. It was a pleasure to read your manifesto.
As a self-described trouble maker, I will happily join your army.
Gatekeepers are a corrupting breed certainly worth avoiding and annoying.
I do and will live a life of education; for myself, my family, my friends and those around me. I was born to coach and lead and I have a passion for infrastructure whether it be for work, home, education, power or water.
By taking a minuteman approach to problem solving, I expect to help our country and others develop the private infrastructure needed to empower most with health, humanity and happiness.
All the best to you in your pursuits,
– Cope
Re: Ideal world link.
I took the 404 error to be metaphorical, rather than literal.
At this stage, the Ideal World doesn’t exist.
That’s the challenge, folks.
Keep reading!
Awesome little book!
I’ve recommended it to my “Plurk” friends 🙂
Amadou M. Sall
>>I took the 404 error to be metaphorical, rather than literal. <<
Hahahaha! Never thought of it that way. Good point 🙂
@ Everyone,
The 404 error to the Ideal World exercise is now fixed. You can download a new version of the PDF with the correct one, or just use this link:×5/ideal-world
And with that, I’m headed out to Eastern Europe. Have a nice week wherever you are.
This book is great! Thanks for writing it.
Thank you so much, it’s refreshing to see clear examples that I don’t have to accept things as they come.
Thanks for the brief guide to world domination. I enjoyed the read as I am at a turning point in my life, making many changes and being a bit unsure of some of the steps I have yet to take. You helped me to validate the direction that I have chosen. Thanks again!
I read your manifesto…TWICE. I also took the time to “journal” about the two questions you ask. It was disconcerting to finally realize I’d been living my life under an umbrella of fears–fears which society has conditioned us all with and you write about many of those fears in your manifesto. Once I realized that I truly needed to be free of all those social conditionings, I put my plan into action about 6 months ago. Talk about a relief.
I’m in the process of saving for AT LEAST 10 to 12 months of world travel (depends on how far my travel funds take me) and I have a goal of implementing my travels in about 28 months. I’ll be selling all my worldly possessions, including my house, and storing what few precious items I would like to keep. After my travels I hope to study massage therapy and holistic modalities. At 40 years of age and being single, I feel blessed to be able to do whatever I want and not have to feel as if commitments will keep my bound to a job that is deadening my spirit. (And you are so accurate about mentioning “unconventional plans” to the wrong people. Outside of a few faithful friends who agree, I now keep my plans to myself).
I’ve perused several websites about long term travel, pursuing a life of meaning, and de-toxing from Corporate America in general. Coming across your blog has been tremendously encouraging and I can’t wait to “take off” to see the world and find more of myself in the process.
Hi there Chris
Just wanted to say that I loved the manifesto and thought as a long time lurker its probably about time to show my gratitude by saying so!
Along with your ideas for a new manifesto on life I’m trying to get a simple idea into everyday consciousness. Its called DO3things and is based on a simple idea that by doing three things (as big or small as you like) we can all make for a better life.
One thing for you.
One for someone else.
One for the world we share.
If anyone would like to join in please come over to my site and post a comment letting the world know what you’re up to.
All the best and thanks again for the inspiration!
Chris I loved your piece, it reminded me I had a proactive side.
q1) A good argument, a good match, intellectual stimulation. Adventure and traveling are my other necessities
q2) I aim to further knowledge of the brain . The Human Genome project led to more research that may lead to better medicine, better health, and better understanding of ourselves. My project aims to mimic this approach for cognition
Hello Chris!
Geez, I read the manifesto and I must thank you to share your thoughts with us.
Your book is clear and… wow, it was a catarsys.
All my life I’m a nonconformist and you’re right: people knows very well how to destroy independence and bring other back to their mediocrity. I must say that despite their efforts, I’m not give up.
Well, count with me in your army, sir. 🙂
I’m reading other people comments and let me wave you too, folks – it’s really really good see that inspiration.
Hugs from Brazil, Chris.
I enjoyed reading Brief Guide to World Domination and your passion in writing it. I saw a presenation today that was very similar – – and it may help you refine your thoughts more. Good luck!
This was an excellent article, very well written and laid out and compelling. I felt challenged to continue to read it and make a commitment to renew my own “BHAG” (big, hairy, audacious goal), of creating a successful and helpful blog with 1,000,000 subscribers! I started it but have honestly found a million excuses to let it simmer. Thank you for reminding me that I was inspired to blog for the greater good and since time is illusion anyway, there is plenty of it for blogging. Thanks to Phil Gerbyshak for turning me on to your work.
Blog is Purposes is to bring authenticity and spirituality into our workplace lives.
Awesome work. I’ve posted links to your manifesto at
As I stated there, “I can give no higher praise to Chris’s manifesto than to say that I’ve printed copies for my children to read. If they can grasp and believe in the truths revealed in this paper, then they will be well on their way to living the abundant lives they’re meant to have.”
Thanks for all that you’re doing and sharing, and may you have safe travels around your world.
Thank you Chris, for your manifesto. I’m from Singapore, (and glad to know that your experience during the flight in my national carrier contributed to the manifesto ), and particularly identify with these words of yours “I do what I want because I’ve made deliberate choices to structure my life to pursue the things I want to do”.
Just to share that I’ve recently resigned from a government job, to focus my efforts to become trained as a yoga instructor. I want to work for myself, and not anymore for any bureaucratic organisation. I want my life to be meaningful, and not mundane. The fact that I’m living is a great blessing, and I don’t want to waste such a wonderful opportunity to discover myself, discover the truth about life, and help others do the same. I want to gain wisdom and be free of ignorance. At the end of my life, I want to be able to look back, and be satisfied that I have tapped into the power within me, and use it to contribute to a better world. What I can offer to others through teaching yoga is hope, insight, and healing. 😉 Cheers!
Awesome manifesto, and a very nice website overall. I hope you’re enjoying Eastern Europe, in which I happen to be living at the moment. We definitely need more writing of this kind, I just got a new surge of ideas for my always-halfway-finished business/hobby project… so brb, notes time.
Also, thanks for mentioning Kiva just when I was wondering where to keep my savings, currently idling at a barely-over-inflation account. At least someone will get some use out of them, I suppose.
Such an inspirational and good read!
Glad to have come across this…
Your thoughts re-affirm my faith in myself and the fact that “another world is possible”.
I am still experiencing life… and un-learning all the stuff i learnt at school… I am still unsure of how to answer those two questions!
This manifesto is gonna be the catalyst to help me out now!!! And all likeminded friends of mine would help themselves with a serving of this!
Thanks a ton!
Will catch up virtually along your world trip…
Cheers 🙂
Being a little non-conformist here…
If we all are going to die, and everyone we help is going to die, even if we achieve our goals and help the world in a “big” way, what’s the point?
Are those really the two most important questions in the universe?
That’s it? Is there nothing more? Nothing bigger than that?
I really like this report, it reminds me so much of several quotes that I love.
“To find your mission in life is to discover the intersection between your heart’s deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger.” – Frederick Buechner
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and to have one hell of a good time. Sometimes, this makes planning the day difficult.
~ E.B. White
Now I just have to truely figure out my answers to the two questions.
I changed my About statement after reading this remarkable gem of clear light.
I never gave enough thought to really understand what I wanted and how to give back. But I always knew, and this little piece that you wrote loosened that knowledge from my tiny brain. I’m a bit nervous about achieving my goals now, but you’ve inspired just enough confidence to get them done.
You hit a home run here. Whatever it is you do in your life from now on Chris, your Art of Nonconformity is a torchlight in a darkening world.
Thank you. Ciao!
I have just finished reading your report and I am proud to say that I always wanted to be remarkable and I am trying to live my life the way I want to (and in the end of it I can say: “I did it my way”).
P.S. I am learning Spanish, my native language is Croatian (regarding English – here it is) and this is a quotation that is also my motto: “Vive como si fueras a morir mañana. Aprende como si fueras a vivir para siempre” – Live like you are going to die tomorrow. Learn like you are going to live forever” – Mahatma Gandhi.
Ivica P.
At age 25/26, I set out to achieve the dream — finding my way to Rhodesia in December 08, leaving Zimbabwe via West Africa in 1980 (final place – Liberia, a week after Samual Doe’s bloody coup). The dream then: to be a foreign correspondent. I found my way by finding a job as a sub-editor on The Bulawayo Chronicle, bending a few immigration rules and choosing a place and time of historical relevance. The realization, as I joined the foreign press corps in Salisbury/Harare just before Zimbabwe’s indepedence, is that the reality underlying the achievement of many dreams is not always what it seems.
My most important real dream, more simple, but far more valuable than travelling around the world, would be to find love, happiness, and enjoy a great family life. It took another 13 years to get there.
Now in late middle age, I’m glad I failed to follow the conventions, to follow my own path, to think for myself, and to respect others in the process. Those of us with the good fortune to follow our own paths, to think independently and with a global perspective, enjoy a wealth of experiences and achievements that transcend economic success. Ironically, I expect we are generally more successful in the material sense than the great mass either too fearful or unimaginative to find our own way.
Well done and thanks. This both validates and encourages my current path and I cannot wait to print it for my kids as well. My 17 year old and I were just discussing our plans for “world domination” – or at least our little world, so your title alone is worth of mention. 😉
Thanks again.
Chris, thanks for the ebook. I have been fighting the system for 10 years and it’s tough. I have started 3 different businesses and written books. Now I am deep in debt, my family wants me to give up and get a job so we can have a more “normal” life. I’m working on a new writing system that will actually help more people write and publish books. I know I can build a system that will help the world in a meaningful way, but meaningful doesn’t easily add up to dollar signs for venture capitalists. I couldn’t help but wonder if you were able to accomplish so much in your life because you had access to money, or if you pulled it off all on your own. Funding your dreams is hard. It’s also easier to pursue your dreams when you’re young and undivided, so you should add a part in there for people who think they are too old or entrenched.
Also, you should talk about when to give up and when to keep trudging on… I have never learned how to give up and I’ve spent so many years trudging that I’m confident it will pay off… is just one more business on the way to world domination! Thanks again for the insight and encouragement. Today is not the day to quit.
Hi Chris,
WOW I am glad that i have found another person that has similar thoughts about life and the things that you can achieve for your life. Your ebook has added me new perspectives and opened new windows in my mind and encouraged me to follow my inner voice to achieve my goals. After writing this comment i will email your ebook to the closest friends and family, encourage them to read and apply to their life, and hand over the computer to my wife to read it. I have also subscribed to your newsletter, looking forward to receive news about you soon. You rock man.
Thank you,
Kind Regards,
Good work. Well written. It’s something all of us need to hear.
Taking an independent path is a very personal call. One person’s true mission might be raising a family in the suburbs, while another person’s life’s work is third world inner city drug counseling. Each of us needs to keep in mind that no worthy goal is off limits, whether it seems mainstream or radical.
I like the Ready-Fire-Aim Method. Accomplishment is 5% ideas, and 95% execution. Ideas are of no value whatsoever without action, and most often, the original idea is adjusted several times as action is taken and lessons are learned.
One of the greatest self-help fallacies is the idea that goal setting and visualization alone will make something happen. They won’t. It’s a great way to initiate the creative process, but taking action is the only thing that brings change to our lives.
I stopped performing a boring piece of work to take time out to read this and it is one of the best things I’ve ever done. Thank you.
Chris –
Read your Manifesto at an opportune time in my life. Just graduated college and moved to Boston to start a pretty unique job that will take me all over the world for at least the next few years.
After reading through 29 pages, I was inspired to start a blog to chronicle my travels and to add my two cents to the ‘lifestyle design’ community. Gotta start somewhere!
Thank you.
Hello Chris G,
Thanks for the report! I would tell you my answers to the two most important questions, but I think I will just live them out instead. We are all our own army ( the nonconformists ) so I have never been one to join the masses!
Thanks again!
Exceptional! I am a new loyal subscriber from Nigeria. Cheers.
In India, there are two national languages: English and Hindi. However, the only language taught in schools is English and at the same time, almost everyone in India has access to a cell phone or owns one themselves.
All i can say after reading your Manifesto is that i’m now part of a research team at UC Berkeley that’s creating software and e-games that will teach illiterate students English!
I never expected the convergence of pursuing our personal goals and helping others could be possible w/o doing one or the other first.
In answer to your questions-Love your story. Very interesting. Definatley compelling.
Thanks for sharing.
Melbourne, Australia
Very interesting.
However, being a non-conformist is conforming, in a way.
I have taken it a little further.
My answer to both questions would be NOTHING.
In my 50+ years I have NEVER asked myself what I wanted out of life. Consequently I have received nothing. No real estate, car, no wife, no children, no friends – no WORRIES.
The very best way to be.
Ambition and “setting goals” (another thing I’ve avoided, luckily) only lead to an early grave, carrying with you all the disappointments that ambition and goals bring.
You can never achieve your goals so there really is no point in trying.
Life is a disease curable only by death.
See you.
Chris, thanks for an awesome, awesome, AWESOME manifesto!
I’ve printed it out, and will insist upon my 10-year old daughter reading it asap.
You really nailed the most important aspects of living your own life and being the change you want to see in the world. I felt excitement, inspiration and encouragement as I progressed through the manifesto.
In part, it offered validation of the path of non-conformity I consciously chose many years ago (hey, how many heart surgeons do you know who build online businesses to fund their passion?!).
And in part, it offered precious guidance and safety guidelines to guard against getting side-tracked, disillusioned or being tempted to give up.
Thank you from my heart for writing this report and sharing it with the world. I will certainly be spreading the word about it, and recommending it to others I know who are (or are dreaming about) changing the world!
All success
P.S. – I learned about your report from Seth Godin – and it’s as remarkable as one might expect of an endorsement by the original ‘Purple Cow’!
Oh, I love the typography and colours in your pamphlet. The content irked my nihilist sensibilities at times, but it conveyed the idea that there is a huge power in being intense rather then sensible. No use worrying or doubting. First we’ll take Manhattan. Who can stand up to that attitude?
Found you through Seth Godin’s website.
Love the little ebook.
THANK YOU for sharing these thoughts.
I will be linking to this on my blog–too inspiring not to!!
My two answers were the same! Love & music. I think I can refine answer number two a little more (because love and music are not unique to me), but I thought that was interesting that what I want from this life is the same as what I really have to give. It gives credence to your ideas and the idea that the truth & the path really is inside each and every one of us.
Thank you, I needed that.
It’s alway interesting how on those days that you’ve lost focus something shows up to help you pull it back into perspective.
You said a lot in a short 29 pages. Thank you for writing them.
I will be sharing this with friends and my readers.
Hi Chris!
I just read your brief guide to world domination, and all I can say is: Sign me up for your army! Of course I plan on starting my own army, and I have a feeling we’ll have many soldiers in common. (:
I find your writing very inspiring, and I find your actions and your life even more so. Let me know what I can do to support you. Seriously. Let me know.
My answers to your two questions are:
1: I want my life to be fun and fulfilling. Two things that I love a huge ton are helping people and explaining things.
2: Oodles of knowledge and perspective gained through hard-earned experience, and the passion to share it with others in a way that helps them.
My wife and I are going to become the #1 communication experts in the English-speaking world. I found your words very insightful and inspiring (and I’m sure she will too when I share them with her) and I look forward to reading more and perhaps exchanging some ideas!
May the best of everything come to you, Chris!
Chris —
Thanks for writing this book and for your website. Seems like the world is coming to life after being in a funk a long time. I’m glad, and it’s time for me to get moving. Great ideas! Helps me a lot to get my thoughts together.
Hi Chris,
Great read, great life you’re living – keep it up. After skimming the comments, for my first answer I’m inclined to say I’d like to be as great as Dr. Mani (6 comments up.)
Answer 1 – I’m all for honesty, and the answer is that at this time, I really don’t know what I want out of life. And your pdf hasn’t helped with this. Well that’s a lie actually, it has helped. But it doesn’t feel like it has helped right now because it’s just sent me backwards. But, that’s because your pdf has caused me to realise that I must make an about turn and go backwards first in order to go forwards – in the RIGHT direction this time. Oops. Thanks 🙂
Hint – your wake-up call has made me realise that in most of the areas where I have been going wrong, without realising it, I have been submitting to the pressures to conform. And it’s a terrible thing to allow your own motivation to progress and succeed to be unconsciously swung around so that it aims towards conformity and mediocrity.
I’ve probably only become about 15-25% conformist, but to a life-long advocate and prcatitioner of total non conformity (just for the sake of it) like myself, that’s sacrilege.
Answer 2 – If I try and write it here in words, it won’t come across as remarkable in the slightest or particularly unique. But of course, once assembled and delivered ‘in my own unique way’, then it has every chance of being remarkable and memorable – as will anyone elses ‘thing’.
So in the spirit of your inspiring pdf, rather than telling you what I can offer that no one else can, I think it would be far more appropriate if I just got on with it.
From one Chris to another…
Thanks for reminding me what it’s all about 🙂
Hey Chris,
Thanks for the manifesto! I’d love to find out if you’re planning on doing any speaking in the countries you are visiting. Let me know, let’s arrange something.
~Adrian, Singapore.
Thanks for a truly inspiring read, packed with very useful links and real life tools. I now know there’s some paper stored somewhere on my hard drive which I can read over again whenever I am in doubt of what I can and want to achieve. Thank you for teaching me something important today.
I’m one of those who take longer to answer your questions, so I’ll pass this time…
Your Guide is very timely. I’ll be quoting from it in some of my future blog posts, because rather than propose the right answers to people, it elicits greater insights and action to ask the right questions. You are on the right track here!
Keep going!
Many blessings for your journey,
Thanks for the manifesto. I loved it! What a great perspective!
Matt Keller
Joyful conduit of truth, beauty and love, here, applying my advanced nerdery and communications skillz (writing! performing! design!) to the task. (I also call it “helping people find their own unique fabulosity,” which might be a quicker, easier way of stating it.)
From way, way down here in the comments field, I’d like to tell anyone who’ll listen that what separates this delightful ebook from the pack are two things: earnestness (the writer is writing first & foremost b/c he has to, b/c he feels you *must* know this stuff) and design.
Seriously, design.
And Chris? THANK YOU for that!
Just finished the manifesto and it’s great. I’m 72 years old and it reminded me of the comment of George Eliot: “’tis never too late to be what you might have been.” Maybe it’s time I justified my years on earth and the many gifts I’ve been given by others. As AARnold says, “I’ll be back!”
This is the most excited I have been about a piece of writing since I read Jesus’ Son by Denis Johnson.
It’s refreshing. I printed out a copy, had it bound and gave it to a friend of mine’s daughter who has just graduated high school and is going away to college. I wish I had read this before I left to go off to college, but I am glad to get the chance to renew my thinking now as married 47 year old with a brand new baby girl. Thanks, Chris for putting this out there. Greg Taylor
Reading the words you wrote has hit home with me. My husband and I are professional photographers who have been working on a personal project photographing the amazing artists in our area- purely because we don’t think people realize the extraordinary talents in their own back yards. The project has been quite a journey for us. Meeting people, seeing things, and working with folks we never thought would be possible a few years ago. We are doing this project with our own time and money. And it has not been easy.
I am not great with words…. but I need to try and say this – everything you said in your writing- harkened back to why we started this project in the first place! I had not put it into words like you have here, but we had it in our heads – reading this re-enforced that we were on the right track and we should keep going… It came at a time where we are tired and a bit behind, so the inspiration is greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
I look forward to reading more from you…
Sincerely, Donna Dufault and Scott Erb
I’m a traveler, lifelong learner (currently studying Mandarin), and business owner (who succeeded despite the criticism of former coworkers) in the midst of designing a career change–so I appreciate inspirational writing.
Since you asked for feedback, I’ll suggest that the guide would be more persuasive with an example who was older. Not only will many readers be older, but also many people fear not being able to afford to stop working (e.g., retire) when they can no longer work. An older example would reassure readers that it’s possible to live life to the fullest now without lacking life later.
P.S. I’d love to discuss business and travel in some Seattle coffee shop when you return.
I am quitting my job this month to work on my dream of building independent city states on platforms in international waters, so people can experiment with new social, political, and legal systems. So I found this piece very timely, since I am trying to take over (70% of) the world :). Not for myself, but for the world – because we need a long tail of government.
So, yay for unconventional lives and changing the world!
[…]Chris has published his manifesto which is entitled, A Brief Guide to World Domination (and other important goals): How to Live a Remarkable Life in a Conventional World. The report is spreading like wildfire thanks to a virtual army, myself included, who are enthusiastically fanning the smoke signals of change in a digital age.[…]
Your manifesto came to my attention at a pivotal point in my life. I am 48 years old, have always been a homemaker, and buried my dreams for a different life. Recently my husband and I decided we’d like to buy some land, build a “green” house, start an organic farm, and build a guest quarters to provide a sanctuary for those who need refreshment of soul or body. We have mapped out a rough plan of things that need to occur, including improving our own health so that we might have the stamina to accomplish our goals, and eradicating our debt so that we won’t be reliant on the economy to prosper.
Meanwhile, I am researching green architecture, learning about organic gardening, and preparing in other ways while we aggressively reduce our debt load. The dream continues to expand to include other aspects, but that is the gist. As for what it offers others, I think hope, and proof that it can be done in today’s economy, and a safe place to heal, rest or grow for those who seek such a place.
Thanks for posting this, and best wishes as you travel the world, challenging mediocrity, and promoting nonconformity.
I’ve just resigned from my job yesterday before even securing a new one. Everyone around me seems puzzled, the closer ones opened their eyes bigger, as if I have committed a cardinal sin.
Truth is, I did it on purpose. I wanted to be different for a while. People love the idea ticking time-bomb, that’s why they go to cinema. But seldom are there people who like to hold it.
Like you’ve said, “…The only things you’ll need to give up are assumptions, expectations, and the comfort zone that holds you back from greatness.” I might not have got the greatness part yet, but I certainly felt less unremarkably average than before.
Hi Chris, what a great manifesto. In desperate need of intelligence in the form of words and reports I am so loving your report.
Good luck
G’day mate from OZ
Chris- Love the manifesto. Just finished it after about a week. A little here, a little there. Very generous. Good luck with your quest. 🙂
Now this is exactly what I’m talking about!
Hi Chris
I’ve just finished reading your “Brief Guide to World Domination” and it has really helped me piece together why I feel so dead inside even though I have a decent job, spouse + kid and a relatively comfortable life.
I realised that to be remarkable is to be alive and I’ve felt alive before during a time when I was actively pursuing public speaking activities through toastmasters clubs where I managed to connect with a lot of people through coaching them as a project(speech) evaluator.
Still thinking about those two questions but I believe I am on the right track.
Be well and prosper!
Hi Chris,
Your manifesto is amazing. An unexpected series of events led me to it at a time when I had become discouraged. You inspired me to take action and move closer to what I really want and what I can offer, in a remarkable way. I followed your ready, set, aim approach and sent out 3 emails today to move my study forward. This has taken me months to do so I am SO excited. I am still answering the 2 questions but I’m excited about it…not apprehensive. THANK YOU for writing this. It is an amazing piece of work.
Here’s to being remarkable!
This is seriously cool, because whenever I’m working on the most important things to me, and someone asks me what I’m doing, I tell them I’m busy taking over the world. 🙂
I’ve posted a link to this page on my site, which is basically a support site for kids who hate being forced to go to school and being told which hoops to jump through all the time.
Chris, I knew what I needed to do, but have been stumbling along trying to execute it. With your help and inspiring words, I have the plan, am ready to execute it, and you will be hearing about me someday soon too! Peace and safe travels.
I’m an indefatigable, perennial student of leadership & social entrepreneurship. One of your readers – a coworker of mine – pointed out your website and your manifesto. Skeptical at first, I decided to give you a try, telling myself that as soon as I lost interest, I’d toss your manifesto and ignore your website.
You blew my socks off. Well done. I’ll be reading.
Best wishes,
Great writing, Chris, though I do feel like there should have been more of a cohesive “action plan” (I guess in essence it’s up to us, as always :)) A very well-designed and intriguing collection of stories. I’m sure this will do good things for the world!
My two answers:
What do you really want to get from life?
An incredible range of experiences, a tremendous amount of knowledge, the freedom of exploring and mapping aspects of the universe not currently known, traveling as much as possible, and the knowledge that I have changed people’s lives through my work.
What can you offer the world that no one else can?
Perspective, holistic thinking, ideas and theories that will change the world, my own surreal experience of living here, now, and my art, writing and spirit.
Elevator speech:
My name is DM Cook and I explore consciousness and culture in an effort to discover the fundamental truths of our reality. The world with me in charge is far more holistic and conscientious, truly concerned with the effects of its actions and deeply committed to improving itself.
I’m in shock. But I want to let you know that I do know what I want to do. I want to break-in an educational system that will eliminate the triviality of the current educational systems, especially highschool, towards the superficial criteria of marks and degrees, where children, teenagers and young adults suffer through the brutal regurgitation process and slave mentality of the unremarkable average – towards producing things of value, creativity, and to teach them the importance of being remarkable, in finding what they truly want and inspiring them to achieve it despite gatekeepers. Starting with 3 specific countries: Canada, China, U.S. And if I don’t end up doing this exact thing, it will probably have a very similar intent.
This manifesto is great mainly to show that defying the Status Quo rules is not a so-alone activity.
I see fit a world where all the information overload would be smart-wraped into more interesting packages to grant wider access to building knowledge and, so, promoting evolution. I’ve been woring on that for some months now.
You can count on me for your nonconformity army!
Best regards
Great Manifesto. I’m sharing with everyone and anyone who will listen, essentially those who are not complacent with mediocrity.
Truly inspiring and motivational. One day I hope to inspire others. Which leads me to the answers to the two questions you proposed:
“What do you really want to get out of life?”
Other than the basics, have a loving family, financial independence, and a true social responsibility;
I want to inspire those who will listen. I want to be a motivational and driving force which helps individuals realize their potential. I want to make “good” people, great! I want to help people become everything they’ve always wanted.
I want to join your army.
“What can you offer the world that no one else can?”
I can offer my personal experiences, my insight and my perspective of the world.
Be Well and Travel Safe.
This manifesto is exactly the kick in the butt that I’ve been needing to get my butt in gear. I’ve been thinking long on the questions you proposed and here’s what I’ve come up with:
What do I really want to get out of life? Hard question; there is so much I want to DO in life, but does that really equate to what I want to GET out of life? I want to travel, volunteer, garden, read, bake, cook, spend time with family and friends. Maybe relearn to make music, take classes in things I’ve always wanted to learn about. Look into permaculture; woofer; hike the AMT and the PST; take a train across what parts of the world I can; learn to swim better. Spend months living in other places/cities. (Re)learn to write.
I’m not sure what I can offer the world, yet. Definitely kick-ass coffee cake and apple turnovers! This is something I have to work on, think more on. I’ve come up with a list of values that I want to define my life by; and am refining them into a more concrete statement to help me redefine and focus my life.
So, my manifesto is still in progress, but at least it is finally moving forward. Thanks!
I read your manifesto, and existentialism already did it.
Great spirit/goal and all, but I’m sick of business-esque pseudo-philosophy.
I’m currently on the fence about whether or not I’ll be helping out humanity, or climbing into a nuke shelter for fifty years – I’m resting it on the US’s election.
Dumb people will only live a life as small as they’re affected.
Hey Chris
Great Manifesto – I have been truely inspired. Hopefully I will break out of my comfort zone and lead a truly remarkable life!
Thanks for the words and resources as well, and good luck with your travels.
Just wanted to let you know that I read your manifesto and thought there were some really useful ideas in it–esp. “What can you offer the world that no one else has?” Love your blog and love your quest to visit all the countries in the world.
Hello there! I read your manifesto and enjoyed it thoroughly. Like most other people, I found it easier to answer the first, but difficult to answer the second. To be honest, I read your entire manifesto even though I’ve always considered myself a very average Jane, one content with mediocrity or at least resigned to it. Ironically, I’ve always prided myself in that respect, that I harbored no illusions that I was some secret genius in the making, or that I would one day “show them all” how spectacular I truly am. I never thought of myself as special or unique or that I would have anything worthwhile to contribute.
So your manifesto is also essentially a lesson in self-esteem, as I read it. It encouraged and uplifted me to a state where I can believe that yes, even me, even plain, boring, average and nonspecial me, I can potentially change the world somehow, some way. It seems like a very distant possibility from my current vantage point, but the fact that I’m willing to even consider taking that step towards not being mediocre, not being satisfied with a humdrum existence that is only as large as I am, that in itself is a pretty noteworthy first step.
I hope to make progress on that front. So good luck with your endeavors, and good luck to me for starting this journey towards growth and change.
Thanks for reading my comment!
Hello Chris,
My friend sent me your work on a brief guide to world domination. He sent it to me to help motivate me and my goal. For me the first question is most difficult. All I want is to be happy. For me to try to extend what that means…would take a life time in itself, cause what might make me happy now, might not in five years.
As for What can you offer the world that no one else can? I see a revolution. (This is why my friend sent me your manifest). I believe that government in the US is corrupt and there is too much of it. I believe the system needs to change. I’m young, but what I have seen of the government in my live time is not “For the people by the people” but it has become “For the major corporations by the major corporations”, and this is what I want to change. Senator’s and Representatives should have limited terms. The corrupt should be purged out. The Federal government shouldn’t be the ones who decide who can and can not get married. The Federal government should not be involved in decisions on abortion laws. And I’m just tried of voting for the lesser evil. I want a candidate that I’m ecstatic to vote for. I can go on, but I think you see my point.
Why have I not started on this? Maybe it’s my psy degree that thinks I have grandiose ideals (that I’m the one who will save us all), and fear that other will just see me as delusional. If I am not the one, then who is??? And besides my friend who gave me your manifest, who else is with me? Does my generation agree with me? Is my generation ready for a revolution???
I am very glad to have been introduced to you through Paul Myers’ newsletter.
My wish is to surround myself with wise and interesting people such as you both.
I’m on the same path but I didn’t find it until I was 41!
I haven’t yet worked out what my single role is in the world – I’m trying one or two at the moment to see how they feel.
But I do have one huge idea which I’m allowing to grow in my mind at the moment. Whether I or someone else sees it through to fruition I’m not sure, but it’s there.
It’s exciting just declaring it here on your site!
Hi, Chris!
GREAT manifesto. I’m inspired!
Three months ago I decided to leave my cushy software job and studies at Columbia University and take a year to do everything that I wanted to do when I was 12. Climbing mountains, teaching English overseas, living in Russia… you name it!
Well, next week I’m moving to Russia. I’ve started a blog to document my journey there, and hope to grow it into the makings of a small army.
It was amazing to me just how *fast* everything happened once I made the decision to stop dreaming about the things I wanted to do, and start doing them!
That’s the one thing I want to communicate to other readers of the manifesto: you CAN do it! Not tomorrow, not a week from now, but today. Commit. Put all your mental and emotional resources into doing something, and you’ll do it.
As my mentor always says: “Get to the doing of it!”
the Voevoda Bolshoia
A truly useful tool for anyone who dreams of “something bigger.” thank you for writing that, and i hope to read more of your material. Here are quick jots in reference to your two questions:
#1: What do you really want to get out of life?
My life is for the service of others. I cry whenever I heard of people suffering. My soul aches each night; I sleep uneasy. I want to help, I want to cause change. My life in service to them. I don’t know them. But I love them. My heart feels for them. For their problems, injustices, I know them.
#2: What can you offer the world that no
one else can?
This is a really hard question. I am a creative person, willing to try out new things and implement new policies and ideas. I see that corruption of the world; the fact that 5 percent of the people in the world control the other 95 percent. There is a serious imbalance of power and money. I want to offer my views and thoughts, so that others may learn and benefit from them like I do. I offer my will to improve myself, my determination to succeed, and my love of humanity. I have a lot of things that I have to fix in my life, so I take things one day at a time.
I’d like to see myself becoming on of the top technological innovators of this century. Keeping that in mind I’ve made a commitment to putting in 10,000 hours programming over the next 5 years, because I’ve heard from a number of sources that 10,000 is the magic number to reach expert level. Though at the same time, I’ll be making sure I work on interesting and exciting projects that bring me into contact with other forward looking people.
Great PDF.
Thank you.
Regards from Quito – Ecuador
You had a part in this.
Thank you, Chris.
I started on this path many years ago, and let myself get distracted and discouraged. I always had a hard time with the dichotomy between wanting to change the world and enjoying my life but I will now say it doesn’t have to be that way. So thanks, for getting me back on track. I’ll be doing my first annual review this weekend.
A very good read and I’m enjoying your site. I linked to the manifesto in a post this evening. Best of luck, I’ll keep following.
Hi Chris
I read the manifesto and think you have done a wonderful job of making people think more about what they exactly want and inspire them to go after what fulfills them. I am still in the process of figuring out where i am headed but your blog keeps inspiring me not to settle 🙂
I grew tired of mediocrity about 15 months ago. Upon this new year’s day I have taken the time to review my goals from last year, build upon my list, and edit my list.
One of my goals has been to “read more”. To tackle this challenge, I started with all of my current resources: books from my personal collection (on and off line), the library, online reading lists, and the book collections of my personal network.
Your manifesto has been on my “to-read” list. I finally got around to reading your manifesto, and I really enjoyed it. Your writing has inspired me to continue to pursue my own unique goals. My goals did not come out of thin air, they came from diliberate thoughts and dreams that I must act upon in order to respect myself and my dreams. I will take these thoughts and convert them into actionable steps and take those sub-steps each day.
Throughout 2008, I confronted the worst of the critics and gatekeepers, and I’m exciting that at 2009 I have more energy now than ever to keep achieving my goals. I look forward to reading more of your writing, and I wish you a very happy and prosporous 2009. Happy travels!
I have now read the Brief Guide to World Domination twice, and it struck terror in my heart. I am doing my PhD, and I fear that I am only doing it to please the gatekeepers. Or am I becoming a gatekeeper myself? Am I wasting my time? For the moment I am taking comfort in the fact that with my PhD I will be able to meet many gatekeepers on an equal footing.
I just read this, and it echos and reinforces things I’ve been noticing and searching out for myself.
So true. And I say this with about $20 and 1200K in debt, a paycheck “In the mail” and no job.
I just started a blog on my artist’s website, and I guess we’ll see where it goes.
I have no choice but to do what I want because I cannot work another life-draining job, and I need to be surrounded by like minded people.
(also, I’m not gonna lie, I’m totally nervous)
I haven’t worked out the answers to both questions yet, but one thing I will definitely do this year is put out a demo CD of the electronic dance music I write. I’ve been wanting to perform live for like ten years now, but never pursued it aggressively enough.
Thank you for sharing your manifesto. It is incredibly inspiring! I will add a link to my blog so that others may have the pleasure of reading it and be inspired to live out their dreams.
Keep up the great work!
Keep this up. I strive to meet people like you every day, for the inspiration. Every day living in mediocrity, it is so easy to fall into this trap of not using my energy wisely and shrugging off remarkable goals and steps to achieve them. I am a firm believer that anything is possible, yet I need these kinds of encouraging and well-written articles and blogs to keep the realism in the non-conformity. Thank you, and I hope you continue your fascinating journey to completion.
I recently took the leap to China to continue pushing on my language skill and go to work for a publishing house where I actually already have the qualifications and various skills to do a job that is desperately needed.
All my life I’ve been fortunate to meet people who have helped me to do what I could not yet do, to manifest what was just a dream, I’ve met people who helped me turn that wish into a reality. So, it has been annoying disconcerting to actually have the skills, but be greeted by gatekeepers that keep a different score from that which we tally in the west.
Dead ends are useful, they make us take a hard look at our selves, goals, expectations and those annoying and blinds assumptions we have made about the world.
In my case, to light out for the territory ahead, even if I don’t have the cash. I came across the manifesto just as I’d made the decision to leave to Beijing, and head for the tea country of Yunnan (south of the clouds is how that translates). I’m packing the manifesto and a map in Chinese.
I enjoyed your manifesto. I’m in the midst of writing the proposal for my next book and reinventing myself after leaving a 25-year career in newspapers. I look forward to putting your suggestions to use.
I am a 15-year-old student in Connecticut and was already sick of “checking boxes” before I read your manifesto. It was exactly what I needed. After reading, I decided that I would begin editing the novel I abandoned three months ago in favor of more average teenage pursuits. I am stepping away from it for only a moment in order to leave a comment telling you how grateful I am to you for this. I will most definitely keep following your site!
Hi Chris,
I enjoyed reading your manifesto, as I hope to become one of the people that break out from conformism (working on it, not there yet). Your message is really important as most people these days have very little focus in life. I share your belief that the only way to be truly happy is by doing something remarkable that you love, but which also benefits the society as a whole. I will follow your site, keep up the great work!
The problem of mediocracy, is that democracy demands an even playing field, that individuals become the instruments (civil servants) of proxies (congress elected by the people) that legislate their own agenda to be further executed (the white house) in some governmental agency.
If we applied your way of performing, it could well spell out anarchy in America, so how can you reconcile the need to be better with the letter of the law? How does a civil servant become exceptional when every point in your manifesto preaches against the status quo? Don’t get me wrong, in government, like every behemoth that strives to be a cross-section of society, does take an interest in motivational transcendence in order to push people out of their mediocracy, it only falls back on itself by the very nature of democracy (think governance by central committee).
While taking an independent streak is not frowned upon in government, for quite often, serendipity does bring change to the way we serve the people, it still cannot completely break away from the limitations placed upon civil servants.
Change has to take place with the people, with their proxies, and with the chief executive and his appointees, from there, the government of democracy may have some hope for it in becoming a better society.
I just read your manifesto. What a fresh look at goal-setting. What a great motivation to not just change your life, but change the world! I need to digest some of it, read it again, and crack open my journal and see what kind of answers I might have for those two key questions. I am a self proclaimed Covey-ite, and I have my personal mission statement, which I think I shall review and revise, and possibly turn it into my own manifesto for world domination. Thanks so much, Chris!
Might not have the answers to the “two questions” but I know that I’ve got a lot of things ahead of me. It’s hard for me to make some of my decisions though. I’m in a personally rewarding career that does actually have potential to benefit and help others, but it’s still the “safe” option for me. There’s no risk due to the way I was raised and the people I was raised around. Not that risk is a necessary component to doing something that matters but how often is the “safe” choice the one that ends up the most rewarding. I don’t know. I do know I enjoyed your guide and the motivational aspect of it, now just to figure out what my plans are for when my contract is up. Oh yeah, I’m a Supply Officer in the US Navy in case that matters.
Your manifesto is fantastic. It’s the first time I’ve seen it, though I dip into the self-actualization blog scene fairly frequently (I got the link from Illuminated Mind). I will be a graduate student in a health-professional field for the next 6 years, and I will have several more years of training after that. Reading your manifesto has reaffirmed how crucial of a step this is for achieving my goals. More importantly, I am determined to achieve some of my unrelated goals concurrently with my professional education. It is truly amazing how much one can accomplish over a long time, simply by choosing what very little to accomplish each day. Thanks!
Thanks for posting that Chris! Right now, I’m in a co-op job placement after four months of school working towards a chemical engineering degree. I’m not working in my field right now, and seem to have lost track of why I’m in school at all. I’ve been working lately to define my life in terms of what I can give and what I want to accomplish, and you’re site is amazing for this.
#1 What do you really want to get out of life?
I want to get rid of the garbage dump in our oceans that’s twice the size of texas. I want to stop seabirds from dying with pounds of plastic in their bellies because plastics have made it up the food chain. I want to help the world get back from the damage that humans have done. I want to eliminate plastic, and find a biodegradable solution.
I want to be able to reconcile my career and my desire to help people in my life. I feel like I’ve lost myself while in school: I don’t read books for pleasure anymore, I don’t debate, I don’t question. I keep my head down in a very rigourous program. I’m on my path towards a future that I hope will help me help the world, but I’ve forgotten that life is now and that I can change the world right now. I want to simplify my life. I want to travel, and I want to be able to love everyone too.
#2: What can you offer the world that no one else can:
When I set a goal, I meet it. When I’m serious, I don’t say “I want to win this”, or “I want to write the top essay.” I do it. I’m creative and I love to make things. I’m compulsive and will work for nothing until it is done. I will work with the best people in the world and we will get rid of plastic in our lifetime.
Thank you for:
1) Bridging the gaps in my understanding of entrepreneurship (that I have carried since I read the 4HWW a year ago).
2) Inspiring me to set large goals for myself and my ventures.
3) Reviewing these goals and their success.
Just read this. Thanks for your hard work and generosity. I will be joining the ranks of changing the world. Why be average?! Just figuring out my 2 answers right now. Looking forward.
Thank you for sharing this manifesto with the world- I heard about it through a “twit” by Guy Kawasaki and I’m glad I followed it to your site. I am in the process of writing my own manifesto called The Plight of Society’s Children, which will share my own story as well as highlight the pain and poverty that awaits many of the 500,000 youth in foster care at any given time due to the current system. Your manifesto is a great model for me to leverage as I think about how to present these ideas and stories in what hopefully will be a powerful message that will drive change. I am excited to join with you in our mutual goal to take over, or change, the world.
Hey Chris,
Just wanted to say thanks for preparing this guide – really great and inspiring read and I am on the road to achieving what I want. I actually know with every fibre of my being that I can make this happen and it’s scaring the crap out of me.
Anyhow, I know my answer to number 1:
I want to get up every morning and be able to write and record music – sometimes with other great musicians, sometimes on my own – and have that be my life. I want to play gigs and hang out with people afterwards cause people are amazing. I want to meet everyone who thinks just a little bit outside the norms or who questions the life they’ve been handed. I want to promote positivity and respect and love and all the best things about being human.
Number 2 I’m working on. I think it involves teaching other musicians how to use technology to make things happen for themselves instead of banking their talents on a severely unlikely record deal. It’s going to be something I keep coming back to.
Good luck with your travels – I just got back from a year away and it was the most amazing thing I’ve ever done.
Thanks again!
Hi Chris,
Stumbled upon your website this morning following Seth’s link, and I ended up spending my afternoon reading your manifesto, the 270 days to overnight success ebook, and browsing through your blog.
One of the most productive day I had in a long time !
Thanks millions for the inspiration – Hugo was right, “one cannot resist the invasion of ideas”.
if more people thought, spoke and acted like this….wow, what a world we would live in.
i’ve shared this with a few people close to me already.
what you’ve outlined makes perfect sense. we’re all conditioned to live in a herd-like (lemming) mentality. breaking out of that mold is really the key to leaving a mark…and truly feeling good!
our time is short. our time is now. we only get 1 chance.
thanks chris! i’m on a path to being remarkable….pursuing my passion and giving back via my lens. photography has provided the outlet…and ultimately the vehicle…to making it so…frame by frame.
I just finished reading a Brief Guide to World Domination…very nice, thank you for sharing your thoughts and inspiring others. I find several interesting parallels in your writing with other books I’ve read. It’s as though there is converging within the spirit of the world, albeit slowly, towards encouraging individuals to find their true place in the world while also serving the greater good.
Two areas that draw me in the most right now are “authenticity” and the other is “Soulcraft” as outlined in Bill Plotkin’s book “Nature and the Human Soul”. They run in line with your thoughts with one key addition…the environment. In doing something that feeds our soul and benefits the greater good we must also weave in care of the environment. All of our great actions occur within the overarching stucture of our ecological world. Failure to consider the ecological consequences of our actions (regardless of how good or how soul satisfying they are) will ultimately end our “World Domination”.
Thanks for sharing your insight…it has helped to reinforce my current path to “World Domination” and provided good pointers to stay on my path. I’m wishing you the best as you proceed along your path!
In spirit,
After reading this i feel very motivated. The fire has officially been lit under my ass.
One of my favorite quotes is “When the student is ready the teacher appears.” Thank you for reminding me that if you’re not careful, the haters are likely to pull you into their quicksand, because you are doing what they are not.
Thanks for the inspiration! It was needed desperately today — while I was sitting in my cubicle thinking “there’s got to be more than this!” I just wish my answers to the 2 questions were a little more clear. I’ll keep working on it…
Well, thanks to Seth Godin, today has been Chris Guillebeau day for me – since first thing this morning when I found out about your 279 Days post to now the World Domination Guide (I had to laugh, I am constantly toying with my readers that I am after World Domination) – I am a little more clear of the direction I need to go. I thank you for offering these two PDF’s for free – I will be paying it forward that is for sure.
It’s late, and I am tired, but your two questions in the World Domination Guide is on my mind – I will come back when I have a more clear answer.
I do have to say that I posed your two questions found in your 279 post to my blog readers today, and as of just a few minutes ago, my inbox is full of them telling me exactly what they want from me. How simple it was just to ask them what they want, and how willing they were to give me the answers.
I will be visiting here often to glean more from you. Have fun in Haiti!
Your manifesto was very timely for me. Specifically the section on ‘gatekeepers’ really hit home. I certainly don’t have the “qualifications” that the gatekeepers demand one must have to share the message I’m sharing, but your encouragement that they’re not in charge anymore was motivating and inspiring.
With much appreciation,
Your world domination manifesto was awesome and has added fuel to my passion. I am a first year college student and I am writing my first blog. I really want it to be a success. It’s not completely ready yet (logo’s still in production, but almost done) but I have a few posts there. There are still a few obstacles in the way, but I am certain I will overcome them just as you overcame yours. I would like the blog to eventually become a source of passive income during my time in college. I hope to network with you and others like you (Leo Babauta, Steve Pavlina, etc.)
Thanks a lot for your help.
Thank you for this, and for making it free. It really makes you think and re-evaluate life. God bless.
Hey Chris,
I found your site through Seth Godin’s blog and I just finished reading World Domination and 279 Days. I’m glad there are other people in the world who think like I do. I’m going to read through your archives now and try to use all of your advice when my buddy and I launch our website.
A great report, what more can I say. As a hard-working management consultant, and just about starting my own business, it’s been really inspiring reading your story. I completely agree with you. I’m just 26 years old, living in Sweden (a nice country but full of gatekeepers) and will start my own consulting/HR business. Most people are in shock- can you really do that??- but as you are writing, you can do anything if you are passionate enough, believe in your competence and are willing to put in those extra hours. Thanks again for the report, now back to work to realize my dream! Regards, Christian
Fantastic stuff, thank you. How lucky are we to not have been born years earlier when all of this global connection/idea exchange was so much more difficult?
I started a business in December 2008 and I’m in the process of diligently building it, knowing that any substantial financial rewards are at least a year out. What a tremendous learning experience though!
The thing that’s given me the discipline to follow through is my experience getting out of debt… long and seemingly thankless, but with a priceless finish.
I read World Domination and 279 Days this weekend after Seth sent me here, and I’ve taken great solace in your work.
Thank you again for helping me keep my head on straight, and best of luck in the next country!
I have just read your manifesto – it is well written and provoking enough so that you actually start thinking about it. You are also very straight forward in placing the important questions – I can’t really evade it…
SO, assuming that I can figure out the answer for question 1, I really feel that I cannot answer correctly your number 2 question as I feel that I have nothing to offer that other people don’t have. I mean, I can just say that I am a world expert in training people in creating better presentations, but, at the end of the day, there are at least few other that can really claim that, right? In other words, how to find this “something unique”?
Thanks for your illuminating manifestos and for your insights
I really like the two questions being combined. I have a feeling that not trying to answer both together has been causing me to stall.
I will be looking more in depth at your site and your thoughts and rereading the manifesto of course.
Great thoughts
Thank you for this–just found it a few days ago. It is extremely helpful, and has convinced me to drop the Adsense. Wasn’t worth it.
Great article. I only just discovered your site following a link from Seth Godin and love the information about non-conformity, which really strikes a chord with me. In fact it has inspired me to comment in this article – which is the first time I have ever commented on a post online!
It’s made me think about what I want to do with my life as I’m currently in a job I don’t enjoy and am thinking about what to do next. My biggest fear, however, is not being able to support my wonderful wife and three children in the life they have got used to leading. I’d love to try teaching but it would cut my salary by two thirds so is not hugely palatable. Do you have any advice?
I just want to thank you for writing this… the world needs more people like you in it.
I only hope that some day my blog can provide as much value to the lives of others as yours does.
Thank you from the heart.
Courtney James
The Obvious Writer
Please come to Latvia, if you have not done that yet 🙂
While being the co-owner of a really nice, true and honest brand that has the goal of overtaking the world :), on the personal level everything that i really aspire to is having the best family and marriage in the world.. is that a high jump to take?
Your manifesto hits home, inspires and is beautifully written. Well done. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Thank you for writing such inspiring work. It’s so rare to find a voice as strong and confident as yours actually spreading that confidence to others. Keep up the good work; you’ve gained yet another member of your ‘small army,’ and I’m working hard to apply your principles.
I was blown away by your manifesto. It is true that ‘when the student is ready the teacher will appear’. What you wrote is exactly what I needed to hear. I have huge dreams and ideas about things i want to achieve in the world, and I know I have unique abilities and an undying passion that will allow me to do this. The reason I have not yet acted upon these ideas is that i have come up against some many fears, doubts and excuses in my head, and more than anything I spend too much time worrying about what people will think.
What you wrote is so powerful and extremely inspiring and it is this type of information that will change the world
Thank you for spreading such an amazing message and inspiring me to FINALLY start taking action on my dreams.
Love and light to you,
Constance 🙂
Great job! its very inspiring!
I love your work!
First: Fantastic first mini ebook/report. Enjoying it so much that I’m taking the time to follow all the links and side track to let myself really absorb your message. Why rush if I’m having fun?
Second: You struck some chords with me and likely a fairly large group. My blog resonates with similar ideas covering life path seeking and the changing of media. I’m excited about the development of a crowd sourced “self” organized internet of information, personalized to our selections. I’m even more enthusiastic about each of us finding the right work, the one where our inner yearnings find an outlet and gives the universe our best.
Third: From your love of travel, I look forward to many reviews of not so touristy travel. Me and my lovely companion Michelle will probably opt for more amenities but we love exploring. I’m crazy about walking/hiking and scenic beauty, she’s equally excited about ancient ruins and foreign culture.
Thank you so much. I’ve read a so many self-help and motivational books and I always go into them with a great deal of skepticism. You are the real deal. Thank you for saying the things that so many of us non-conformists are thinking and feeling, and for encouraging us to be truth-tellers.
As someone who did quit my day job and moved to Asia to teach and travel, I’ve never been happier. But as my time wraps up here, and I consider what’s next, I’ve struggled with what people’s expectations of me are. You’ve reminded me to continue living my life exactly how I want to, and find a way to contribute to this great world.
Wonderful stuff – this is inspiring and I am challenged, again, to do things I have challenged myself before about–mostly from reading the E-Myth & Four Hour Workweek–but I had fallen asleep, my plans sitting in a nice leather planner, gathering dust in a box called Goals that also has a little scrapbook of “stuff I want” and “someday islands–my bucket list for experiences and that for stuff I want to accomplish or do on an ongoing basis”. I don’t mean to be a downer, but I am trying to give myself a pep talk to get back in the ring, to step outside the mediocre–even though, and indeed precisely because, it is a very comfortable, upper middle class kind of mediocre…
It is time to find the “one thing” as Billy Crystal said in City Slickers, and go find it and set about getting it, whatever the cost.
One of my favorite quotes is appropriate (apologies if you already have it somewhere):
“All courses of action are risky, so prudence is not in avoiding danger (it’s impossible), but calculating risk and acting decisively. Make mistakes of ambition and not mistakes of sloth. Develop the strength to do bold things, not the strength to suffer.” – Niccolo Machiavelli
That said, I will go, answer the hard questions, create my lists AND get started!
Thanks Chris!
I found your manifesto just a few days after resigning from my job to spend some time working directly on an open-source project, and reading it just confirmed that I made the right decision. Thank you.
Hey Chris,
Just read the article and thoroughly enjoyed it. The principles that you brought forth though not new to me as it is quite biblical in nature but has given a new twist of some sort … a new perspective shall we say.
Also a very timely msg whereby you’ve broken the mold. Yes we can pursue our passions AND help other people as well. Society today is getting more and more self-centered; it needs a wake-up call 😉
All the best to you. God bless
Wow! I read this at the right time. I have finally started to discover what it is I am actually good at and passionate about. And that I don’t have to wait for life to hit me in the face. Your manifesto has given me the courage to continue figuring out how to take the reigns of my own life!
Thanks for the inspiring manifesto! Each time I read it I get more out of it!
I just wanted to say thank you for your Manifesto. I read a lot of motivation crap, but yours has been so close to how I feel about things.
It was only a few months ago that I decided I wanted my life to be more world changing, instead of simply extravagant.
My name is Nathan, and I am going to solve world hunger.
Thank you so much for your Manifesto. I liked it a lot. It really fits in with a lot of things I have been thinking about lately. I believe what you wrote is going to end up being very helpful to me. I felt like I could hear your enthusiasm and energy. I got excited about your ideas.
FYI I found you through Jonathan Blundell on his blog “Stranger In A Strange Land”
The answer to the first question is: I want to be a writer and speaker – not necessarily write a book (although I am not against that idea) but I would like to write fulltime – stories, articles, blogging, poetry – I like to write (and read) – and I love public speaking with a little theatrical flair to it.
The answer to the second question is harder for me to formulate at this moment but it has to do with helping people learn to think outside of their preconceived ideas – to learn to think critically and ask good questions – in the process of doing that I think I can help tear down some ideas in the world that I believe promote certain injustices. Some things that are near to my heart that I believe need changing are the church, ideas about SSM and women’s roles.
As someone who has recently quit her job to plunge into the world of writing, I found both your e-books incredibly inspiring and motivating. Thank you.
I stumbled upon your “Guide to World Domination” in the exact point in time where I need it most. I am on the verge of making major decisions about where my life will take me in the near and far future, and this provided exactly the stimulus I needed.
So, thanks for the inspiration – and before I forget, here’s my answer to the two questions:
1. What do you really want to get out of life ?
In a word: freedom. The freedom to make my own choices, and life my life the way I see fit. The practical translation of that is to become financially independent, live where I choose, and be able direct my time and energy to make a meaningful contribution to the world whilst having fun.
My three main values are: freedom, entrepreneurial creativity and seamless integration between work and life.
2. What can you offer the world that no one else can ?
Through my past experiences and personal attributes, several things come to mind. Whether others cannot offer the same, I cannot say. A few things that come to mind are sharp and original thinking, a willingness and ability to support and coach others and a desire to create win-win situations for all.
Hi Chris,
Thanks for that manifesto. It was quite inspiring.
I still yet have to fully answer those 2 most important questions, but I will.
Odd things happen to those who do not wait to experience life. Food tastes better, friends seem friendlier, life seems fuller. A friend at work pointed your site out and was the same friend who introduced me to Seth’s books by handing a copy of Tribes to me at my desk. I put off reading it because I had little time to invest, I am glad I found the time. Likewise, I am glad to have found your site from the same friend. I served in the USAF for many years and miss traveling to new and interesting places. Your site has given me new hope of getting back into that mode from one that is very mundane at present. So I want to say thank you for bringing this new fresh breeze into what was looking more and more like a stagnant and unfulfilling experience. Creating a new awareness and appreciation for life should be the goal of every person, to make change for the betterment of all in some small way the personal manifesto and taking positive steps for improvement of oneself are the cornerstone of a solidly sensible foundation for life IMO.
Warmest regards,
Max Sinclair
Thank you for vindicating a feeling I have been having for a long time. I feel empowered that people really can live doing what they want, while in the service of others. Especially at a time in my life when I feel so much pressure to conform as everyone around me is settling down and resigning to a safe life. This manifesto of yours gave me the needed boost, evidenced by me getting up at 6am today to work on my passion, and finish reading your writing.
But now I have to go to work. I do not expect I will have to say that for much longer.
p.s. I couldn’t help but notice that many have the same answer to question 1 that I do…..Freedom.
In 2005 I completed my second marathon (Tupelo, MS) in a time that qualified me for the Boston Marathon. My friend, whom you refer to, Sam Thompson was at the finish line to high five me, because he knew I just qualified. Unfortunately they gave me a half marathon number and everyone thought I was the last half Marathoner coming in at 3 hours and 20 minutes. Sam knew. I traveled to that race with Sam and friends from Jackson and because Katrina had hit the week before, we were not sure we would find gas along the way to keep the car running to Tupelo, MS.
In 2006 I ran the Boston Marathon and my wife told me that same evening she was in love with someone else. Twenty years of marriage ended in the next year and I am raising my daughters. Yes, I’m a government worker, in a cubical world. BUT, I have a book I have been working on over the last two years, much of which was born from the events I was going through. I started running in 2004, and must have been practicing to some extent, some unconventional means to get to where I am. I mainly started running because I wanted an outlet for the overwhelming responsibility of taking care of my dying father, who spent his last two years in a nursing home 1/2 mile from my house with Alzheimers. He never recognized me but twice in those two long years. But I spent a lot of time with my Dad until he died. Ran my first 5k three weeks later.
Life is better now, but yet, I refuse to enjoy the mundanity of it. My book, doing it my way, will be entitled “Tablescraps”. It’s been in the works for two years, and it’s a collection of poems I wrote about all those things I experienced and expressions of how I see who I am. Friends all know I write a lot, but the book, whether people like it or not, is a personal “World Domination” for me. I think a lot of people if they read it would see, we all struggle through the same issues in life and in the end, life is as good as we want it to be, regardless of the struggles. I was glued from page one of your report. Unbelievable timing for me when I read it. Today is the last day I can sign up for the New York City Marathon, with my qualifying time that guarantees my entry. I was calling a lot of things I want to do in life the last year, my Bucket list for obvious reasons. I find you really have to get out of your comfort zone if you are going to do the things in life that will indeed be most rewarding. Thanks for the inspiration.
Chris, thank you SO much for sharing your manifesto with us. You brought a new kind of awareness that I definitely needed, and I’m sure many others would agree.
1) What I want to get out of life is a tremendous sense of satisfaction, like that feeling you get right after you finish a long run or a good cup of coffee. I want to live a life where I receive warm welcomes wherever I go. And I want to leave the world knowing I’ve made a significant difference in people’s lives.
2) I’m not completely finished with answering this one, but each step of the way brings more clarity
I’m going off to college soon and I couldn’t have found this article at a better time. Thanks again and good luck with your travels! I’ll be spreading the word 🙂
Dale Bullington
I love your work. Whenever I feel a bout of negative thinking creeping up, I come back to your site and read specific passages again. Thank you for your insight.
For many years I didn’t know what to do when I encountered “gatekeepers”. In college I had a friend that constantly criticized my lack of focus. We were in college for very different reasons: hers was practical (to earn a degree and become a teacher), mine was not (to learn as much as possible in four years, including being exposed to concepts and issues I’d never heard of before). She would become agitated just thinking about me and my perceived lack of goals, and liked to tell me about her frustration. I never knew how to respond, except to tell here that her life was hers, and my life was mine. Later, I’d encounter many such people, including bosses and teachers that would write me up for insubordination, a dad that always wondered when I’d put my intelligence to good use and become a doctor, and acquaintances who told me I would never get anywhere without doing things the way they did them. For a while my initial reaction was to run away from the issue. I hate conflict. Even today, I still struggle with how to justify my feelings without making someone else feel defensive about their own. It’s an ongoing learning experience, that’s for sure. But now when I encounter gatekeepers I try to keep in mind that I am my own keymaster! 😀
As for my answers to your questions:
(1) In my life I want to continue learning, to reignite my love of travel (5+ years of being in one spot is too long for this former military kid), to conquer to some degree my innate shyness (aka, get out there and talk to strangers), to cultivate my tiny business and quit my day job, and to discipline myself to write. I also want to live in the same city as my two sisters, and to eventually have a small piece of land with a permaculture gardening system and a small flock of sheep, since I’m a big handspinner and weaver.
(2) What specific things can I offer the world? Sensitivity, a gift for learning and mastering new things, skillful writing when I discipline myself, an understanding of the relationships between languages, and an ability to make most people happy. For a long time, I considered the last trait to be a liability, but put to proper use it can actually do good in the world.
Thanks again for your writings! I’m sure I’ll be back often.
Chris, I stumbled on to your site, read the manifesto, and all I can say is “right on!”
I am planning on meeting you and buying you a coffee some day. Enjoy your travels and be safe!
That was so amazing and inspiring that I totally owe you a comment. These are just stream-of-consciousness answers that came straight from my heart. I didn’t want to censor myself, and I know I need to narrow them down into specifics.
I want to experience. I want to see and be surrounded by beautiful and inspiring things, people, and ideas and to convert these experiences and inspirations into further beautiful things for the senses and mind. I want to continue to find truth in the strangest of places. I want to embrace the duality of life and find peace and balance within the extremes. I want to feel alive and present and expressing my truest self at every moment. I want to take photographs, make music, write words, cook delicious healthy food, and have amazing conversations; through these things to inspire others to embrace love, spontenaity, art, truth, themselves, and to not be afraid. I want creativity to ooze out of everything I do, wear, make, and own. I will be the future of electronic music. I want encounters and friendships with amazing souls. I want to be an amazing soul. I want to make art that reflects this crazy, magical, perplexing, random world we live in where you can find truth and beauty and inspiration in the most unexpected and seemingly depressing of places. I want to help others by striking their core and calling them to action.
#2: Intelligence combined with a passion for life. Ideas galore; smarts with a sense of aesthetics simultanously. Combining things in an unpredictable way. The world of imagination with the tangibility of this world. DIVINE MADNESS.
Hey Chris, great paper and love the site. Very inspiring particularly while I’m at that early (and terrifying) project stage of “oh, man…I think this is going to work…!”
Thanks and I’ll keep you posted.
Thanks for this. Started reading your stuff recently and I’m pretty fired up by it. To your two questions:
1) I want choice and the freedom to spend my time with the people I love and working on the causes I believe in. This means having successfully automated businesses that provide me with the cash to support my family as I desire and to do what I want, including the time freedom to do what I want and go where I want, when I want to. It also means the time freedom and financial freedom to work on my businesses and on the important non-profit causes that I believe in and want to change the world.
Or, more fleshed out; What’s my ideal day and life look like?
* I have a home by the beach, where I wake up and enjoy my morning routine of showering, praying, abundance meditation, eating a healthy breakfast, a brief walk, and then some inspiring reading and writing before starting my day.
* Then I work from my home office (which has a nice breeze and lots of natural light coming in) reviewing results and making tweaks to the highly profitable businesses I own, and take calls and talk with people around the entrepreneurial approach I am taking to solving an important problem in the world. I work from home office, but there is a central office (that is lean and comfortable, but not wasteful or extravagant) where key people work for me and is our hub. It’s not far (no more than 20 minutes) from my home, so I can be there if I want to meet someone or need it. Our coworkers work virtually and we use a ROWE — we’re offering people a chance to do important work that they enjoy, in a flexible and fun environment that supports and actively aids them in becoming their own best person and empowering their life.
* At any time that I want, I can do the activities I want with my friends and/or family, including (but not limited to) my short list of hanging out with them, building businesses, traveling, playing/watching sports, playing/listening to music, and actively thinking by reading, writing, teaching, and speaking, or having stimulating conversations. This is being at choice. Having the freedom of time and money to pursue my highest ends for the good of the world. I love the business work we do, but I am also passionate about bringing people together to solve the world’s problems — a democratized idea of empowerment, empowering people on a local level to make positive changes in the world. Democratized empowerment.
2) What can you offer the world that no one else can?: I can offer it my mission to unleash human potential and uplift the human spirit. That sounds vague, but it’s an overall mission — I can offer it my entrepreneurial skills and ability to bring people together to creatively solve the world’s problems through systems-driven, people-focused businesses and organizations that empower my coworkers and through them, aid abundance in the world.
# What sets you apart? Where will your tipping point be? What will the world look like with you in charge? You can also call this your elevator pitch. If you had two minutes with anyone in the world who has the power to influence the rest of your life, what would you say to them? “Hi, my name is Andrew and I’m going to empower 50,000 people to be joyful.”
o “Social entrepreneur Andrew S. created several highly profitable businesses, one of the world’s most innovative nonprofits, and now splits his time between those organizations, helping others to unleash their own true potential, and spending time with the people and activities he loves.”
Hi Chris,
Great piece of writing! I’m dealing with similar issues as you did earlier in your life: I’m about to finish my PhD and don’t really want to follow the protocol and find a career in academia. I’m trying to figure out what I do want to so, and how I can help others. And, as you know, this isn’t easy to do….
Thanks for the insights!
Thanks for the read Chris. We’re all lucky that you’re such a gifted writer. My response after reading the BGtWD?
it also stirs a passion. This isn’t just a wake-up call. It’s an obligation.
Hey Chris – Good Stuff!! I have been reading like a crazy man since I chose my awkening. It is artist like yourself that truly motivate and bring out the good in others. Please keep up the great work & enjoy the world on the way. THANKS!!
We are with you on this one Chris!!
Well done – very inspiring read and true encouragement for all who want to follow their true path.
Keep up the great work.
Hahahahah, reading your manifesto was like taking in the air that I almost let out before it was time. Meaning, I’ve had the passion for my dreams and have acted on making them or my specific goal a reality, yet at the end of this Spring semester at the University of New Mexico Dance department I almost let the passion go and settle into “normalty”. The universe knows what’s up, I stumbled upon your blog -completement par hasard- completely by chance, or how “chance” would have it. I’ve always known what I need to do in order for my goals to manifest, mille merci mon ami!
It’s definitely not an easy road to travel but it is so worth it! Your words are but a small bit of fuel; yet, the fuel I needed to ingest at just the right moment, and mindset. I send you positive energy in your future endeavors in conquering la terre! I’ll keep up with your blogs, as I feel I’ll digest this site quickly, continually returning for more inspirational messages from another non-conformist! Ciao~Sergio
Chris, just read your Manifesto after already being familiar with your blog for a few weeks… and it blew me away!
I found your blog at a crucial point in my life where I’m re-connecting with my own “world domination” project after a couple of years of having lost my direction a bit.
I look forward to see you take over the entire planet. Consider me a loyal member of your small army!
Thanks fellow Chris.
I’ve definitely made note and taken aboard many of the ideas that you have presented.
I think your 1000 committed believers is an interesting theory. For anything independent (and non-conformant of course!) (music, writing, photography, art) it seems this is the key, I’d never thought about it before and I thank you for including it in your report.
Thanks again Chris and I hope to cross your path someday.
I gotta tell you; you have something unique here.
I have read and tracked most all the gurus.
That’s an exaggeration, but most of the infopreneuring gurus on the planet, I have found, all have the same dribble.
You are different, I sense.
Your tone is not pretentious. Neither does it make excuses.
I love your attitude, and am now a part of your army.
I have begun (and failed! Failed well, I might add!) multiple web design, consulting, public speaking businesses. There was a missing element in each of these, and I am beginning to suspect that it is the same element in all of them. The element, though I am not conscious of it just yet, can be heard throughout your material. I do not know its name, nor do I know exactly what it is, I believe that your work synergizes with me.
Thanks a ton. Keep Rocking and Non-conforming! If I can serve you in any way, let me know.
Grant R. Nieddu
Thanks – that was helpful. Particularly the do-it-now part. So I did-it-now and posted a comment, and I practically never do that.
Thank you Chris, reading your manifesto is just the right motivation and inspiration I need to continue with my change in career paths.
All the best.
Wow! Thank you.
First and foremost enlist me, never mind, I just enlisted myself.
I have always been a non conformist, even when I worked a “real job”. That’s why I never lasted very long on any of them.
Ok so what am I doing or want to do?
My ultimate goal is to climb the Mt Everest on my 75th Birthday to become the oldest person to ever do it. (I am 55 now) and I set this goal about five years ago. What I really want to do is have a Wanderer Lifestyle. I am a Gypsy at heart and I am going to blog as I travel around the globe. I prefer to travel via land transportation, buses and trains.
I am just beginning to learn about blogging and setting up a few. I’ll keep you posted as I develop them and have some content.
What can I offer the world that no one else can? My Unique perspective on life and the world we live in. I enjoy writing, I am teacher at heart and soul, and a damn good photographer. I express the feelings I experience when I look at a scene or capture the feelings of my subject in my photographs.
My self proclaimed nickname is Mister Weirdo.
I am currently reading your 279 days report on becoming an overnight success.
Thanks for the work you do. you’ll be profiling me soon enough, I promise.
Thank you Chris, for this manifesto and for this whole site. I came across with your site searching the Web for some lifehacking and travel advices and I think I will visit your site frequently. It’s nice to know that there are many people like me, because almost all my friends are ‘unremarkably average’.
I just need to “don’t let my dreams be dreams”, as I dream a lot and plan, but not do it. So it’s time to make it real!
Greetings from Poland,
Hi Chris,
Very interesting article – especially the bit about the gatekeepers. Sums up the problems I have been having in my interest outside of the 9-5 which is industrial heritage.
Anyway, two things came out of reading your article for me:
1. My website will be expanded to become the premier website on the subject of industrial heritage in Ireland (think I am already beating the Industrial Heritage Association of Ireland in Google ranking but why quit when you are ahead).
2. I signed up to KIVA and have lent money to a bakery in Paraguay.
you’re the ultimate generation xer, Chris. and, i mean that in the best possible sense. great guide. i enjoyed reading it very much.
I was thinking a few weeks back that I wanted to rule the world. Not in the sense of I am your king bow down to me but in the essence of what you wrote. Well, what you wrote put it more into perspective. You have to be life and be the one that go against all that everyone tells you is normal. Yet you realise you are not doing it for just you but for everyone and everything.
My dad gave me this manifesto, after I pretty much failed my last year of high school. Everyone was pushing me to get my highers (I’m Scottish), go to University, get a job. I always said “Would you stop pushing me into a life I don’t want!”, and after reading this, I’ve finally figured out what it is that I want to do with my life (which is make my own computer game, by the way. Not quite invading a small country, but I’m happy with it).
Thanks for the help and inspiration.
Hi Chris,
I enjoyed your manifesto very much. I appreciate your concise, meaningful, illustrative style. I also appreciate your attention to detail (important details only) and the time you take to think things through and make everything visually appealing and simple.
I am in the midst of re-inventing myself (and have been for several months) and am constantly reading books, blogs, etc. The fact that I actually stopped to read your entire manifesto (and write a post, which I rarely do) says a lot I think (a lot of articles catch my attention, but very few hold it).
Anyway, keep it up, thanks for the insight and encouragement. Another mm towards remembering my true self…
Hi Chris,
I think you’re living my dream… give it back!!! LOL
I’ve read both your manifesto and your 279 days ebooks and you give me hope that I’ve been right all along with not settling for an average life.
I’m a long way from world domination but at least I know there are plenty of people who’ve followed the so called ‘path less followed’ and made it.
Thank you.
This manifesto rings with magnificent truth. I’ve thought extensively about the issues presented in the manifesto before I read it, particularly about doing what others expect of you, and I can say from my own experience that it is truly one of the most substantial limiting factors we encounter in our lives. It is truly a shame when people simply stumble along the expected, conventional path, making passive decisions without thinking about what it is that they truly want out of life. Too many human beings look back on the last 40 years that they devoted to climbing the corporate ladder and wonder where all the time went. The world offers so much opportunity for personal growth and exploration. It’s a shame to waste that opportunity sitting in a cubicle, only going so far as to day-dream of all the tremendous and meaningful things one could be pursuing instead. That is time you are never getting back. I agree, “Don’t let your dreams be dreams.”
“Greetings and Hallucinations”as my nine to five colleague,reminds me every other day. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to share my thoughts. Assuming by what I’ve seen at this project website and from what I’ve read so far, you probably agree that nine to five can get to a person after a period of years. As you can tell, it does.
Not only has the predicatable affected the way I speak, at times, it also affects the way I write, how I feel when I wake up, and what I feel like doing after five. Having been conformed to a nine to five specialized area of work (because I think I have to) I am also five feet nine inches full up of reading How-to articles about writing, How-to change your life and I am tired of reading about How-to change what may already be working.
Somehow, through my email,twitter and after being followed, I landed here and have downloaded your PDF – A BRIEF GUIDE TO WORLD DOMINATION. At this point of my juncture, I am going to define its meaning as circumstance but possibly worth a fortune. In addition to this measure, I spent several hours reviewing your articles. After conscienciously accepting that its meant to be, I have now, somehow been stricken with a loathing desire to hang here and read it all.
I would like to say how happy I am that you have purposed the manifesto knowledge to me. I too, believe that each and every one of us has something to offer others. I also believe it is defining that purpose that makes a person who they are.
After reading a few of your articles and watching the video, I find that the aspect of your approach to life, work and travel seem a cut above of what others are doing to model change. It was like wow, a most creative approach!
Although I have my own beliefs of conforming to strategies of life, work and travel (which were most likely caused by routine) it is the other strategy that drove me to listen to your experiences. Your writing is so carefully and artfully created.
After only the first visit to your website and after an hour of hanging out here, I realized that there is something here holding my interest. By the time 5pm rolled around, I wanted to read five more pages at this website.
Already, several articles here have left me optimistic and with the idea that there is something with this project that is to be gained. As I read more, I look forward to what that something may be and with how I might apply it to strategies in my life.
Due to hallucinations and status of nine to five barriers that keep me straddled to a phone and countless other duties that require my attention, I will have to read the twenty-nine-page PDF within the next week. I am anxious to see if the manifesto will assist me with roaring through the lives of others, while trying to keep up with the pace of usual strategies; which are usually targeted and written in order to keep up. In other words, I hope to gather the art of creativity that could change my own approach to life, work and travel.
In closing, I will be rereading your articles, reading the manifesto and studying what it was at this website that had me so subdued for hours. Not only that, I will be trying to figure out why it seemed like a light cool blanket was laid open under a 100-year old shade tree, where I was free of anxiety and my tireless efforts of the office chair were no longer cramping my style – when I parked here.
Thank you for posting my comment. I too jumped out of bed after going to bed, to scribble these words.
Until next time – Bon Voyage!
Chris! Thank you so much!
I finished up work at my office job just over a week ago and tonight I decided I needed to finish reading the 279 day to overnight success report.
That led me to the World Domination manifesto, and the Ideal World workbook that you linked to. It’s 3am now, but I wanted to read it all, and do the exercises.
Everything you write is so amazing, it’s so nice to see someone in “authority” backing me up by saying it’s ok to quit the job you hate, and actually do what makes you happy.
As a young female I’ve gotten so sick of people telling me not to buck the system, and to just do what I’m told because it’ll make everyone’s life easier. Thankfully there’s beginning to be more and more people like you encouraging people to do the opposite.
I need to remember to look at this manifesto everytime I’m feeling overwhelmed, and uncertain of my abilities.
Well done, General! I’m glad to know that we’re fighting on the same side. Strength and courage to you.
1. What I want out of life: the richest experience of it as possible, without all the little unnecessary worries.
2. What I can offer: the ability to see opportunities and solutions where other people see challenges and problems; and to help people learn and/or gain access to the resources to enact positive change.
…and now, to craft a strategy to enrich my life while enriching the lives of others!
I just finished reading your “manifesto” and it was great. I would love to meet you one day. I tell people all the time. “Don’t believe them (i.e. the rule makers), do what you want to do.”
I am in the process of reading GTD and have started using Evernote to track my own road to world domination and am feeling more affirmed of my desires after reading your book (not that I needed affirmation lol). Anyway, I wish you much success in all your ventures and will be following your journey.
I loved your manifesto, it was inspiring. I read it while actually studying blogs for my own project. Great site and as soon as im done ill ask your opinion about it. Thanks again. Tudor
This was a nice push for me, and I too am just a few years behind you (21). In a few months, I’ll begin teaching and learning from that in order to change the university-level educational system in America. Too much of today’s education is focused on filling a mold, not on finding your unique passion and individual path. It’s creating a culture of materialism instead of purpose. I’d like to inspire people to stop worrying about what looks good and feels good and aligned.
I think that realizing that being an rich investment banker or a marketing account manager is not the pinnacle of life has become a responsibility to me… to help other people realize this. To help other people find real happiness.
Chris – Enjoyed the manifesto and wrote a synopsis on my blog to share with my readers.
Thanks Chris for this fabulous writing! I am in the middle of transitioning from conventional to unconventional living- ONe foot in the old camp and one in the NEW! I was needing encouragment to keep moving forward until both feet are firmly sunken into the unconventional world ( the one that I am thrilled and eacited to be a part of)- its scary stuff and you don’t always get a lot of props (as you say- only from your real friends!) I made some encouraging notes to myself aong the read- thanks Sarah
Reading your manifesto just upped my japanese study a few notches.
Thank you and good luck =)
Awesome contribution! I absolutely loved your manifesto.
You’ve earned a new supporter. In the meantime, I’m off
to start my world domination campaign.
I wonder how many people will read the manifesto and believe they agree, but still never move their feet.
I began college at 14 because the high school I should have gone to was a bureaucratic hole where hoops were more important than thinking. I’ve lived on four continents, all on my own dime, since I was sixteen, and am now beginning my own investment account at 21 while getting my graduate degree in a year. I’m writing a book and outlining a revolutionary second language learning system I plan to someday give away for free.
I still spend most of my days being absolutely useless. I am exceptional, but not awesome. I spend a lot of days wishing I had more meaning in my life, knowing that I could kick myself up and out and make it happen.
I still have to remind myself that domination waits for no one. I appreciate the nudge.
Thank you for this.
Just finished reading the manifesto and will definitely recommend it to my friends of friends. The line 1000 true fans got me and I felt encouraged that I am walking the right path when you spoke about making deliberate decisions to structure your life in the way that allows you to do what you want, because that is exactly how I’ve always been conducting myself…it’s an innate quality, so I’m happy to be connected to you that way.
Here are my answers to the two questions:
What do I want to get out of life?
I want to experience unconditional love, forgiveness and compassion for every single human being with whom I have the privilege to interact with and to know that every exchange I have made has had a positive and memorable effect.
What do I offer? I offer my distinctive voice, my acute observations on people and life through the written word. I also offer this humility that invites others to let go and know what self-love feels like.
Taken the first major step Chris to taking over The Internet.
I am on my way.
P.S. 1970 – 1980 ~ Up The Nile Overland (3 months), Dalai Lama in India (3 years) Thai Monk (1 year), English teacher Tokyo (4 years)
Tip: Always carry a bulb of Garlic to rub on insect bites ~ great antiseptic
Simply awesome! And yes I’m going to share it with friends.
Just finished the manifesto. I felt as if the thoughts and concepts were coming directly OUT of my head… Except the grammar was better and there was far more structure than my usual ramblings. We are definitely on the exact same wavelength. I am volunteering to be in the Elite Special Forces of your “small army.”
One suggestion for future manifestos. Page numbers would be awesome when printing.
Also I got a LOT out of your perfect day exercise. That was not something I had done before and it was a very useful exercise.
The two questions and answers:
1. What do you really want to get out of life?
Having rich experiences with my children
Travel and experience other parts of the world
Learn and master new things
Have an adventurous life
Be a catalyst for positive change in the world that makes it down to individual’s real lives
2. What can you offer the world that no one else can?
I am very introspective and self aware
I am outstanding at understanding complex systems and visualizing them
I have a good deal of corporate fortune 10 experience
I have a solid grasp on personal finance and live well within my means
I have the ability to discover and reduce red-tape and waste in a system or process
I have a passion for self improvement and growth
I have a passion for the outdoors
I have a passion for personal fitness
Totally loved this document, it’s really outstanding and beautiful, being different with a purpose means being revolutionary, and it’s the less traveled path, for many reasons one of them is being alone. This site totally rocks!
I have read your manifesto, marked it up with my own notes & even shared it with a few friends…fantastic! I have been in business for myself for 3 years and have been contemplating how to take things to the next level and beyond. Your manifesto is rally cry to renew my more ambitious dreams.
Thank you, thank you!
As someone who has just discovered your site, I want to thank you for the inspiration you give to people including myself. I’ve been reading as much of you work as I can get my hands on the last few days. Fantastic job!
Just finished the Manifesto. I have one word…THANKS!!!!
I must say this piece of literature has changed my life and given me new perspective. I have spent countless days/years trying to come up with an idea that would propel into financial bliss where money is of no object. Needless to say, I haven’t thought of one, yet. However, after reading the manifesto and answering the “second question” I have come up with about 15 ideas in the last hour that will not only help me, but add something positive to the world. And guess what…this time I’m really going to follow through! I’ll still be happy with making money, but that is no longer the primary objective.
Off to change the world one step at a time!
Guh. That’s all I have. That was a fantastic read.
What do you really want to get out of life?
To get out of Australia. It was the first thing that popped into my head.
I want to write and leave something behind that can help at least one person get out of where ever they are as well.
To explore the world – visit every country in the world has certainly been in the back of my mind for awhile. Time to bring it out again.
What can you offer the world that no one else can?
My time and geunine effort. Too many times everything is done half way.
Thanks again for this brillant resource it has certainly helped and I will see you around the world some time.
1. What I want: A life worth talking about
2. What I have to offer: Synthesizing large amounts of information, teaching people to teach themselves.
A great read, thanks for offering it for free 🙂
I definitely agree with your statement of doing what you want and helping others, but I think for the most part, you must do what you want, helping yourself, before you can help others. I think that’s because people, naturally and instinctively, want to satisfy whatever their answer is to your first question of “what do you want in life”. Only after their quest in satisfying it and the personal epiphanies that come with that, can people realize, and be ready for, what they can give back to the world, and then embark on that quest.
What do I really want to get out of life? To love and be loved in return, platonically and romantically. To be incredibly wealthy.
What can I offer the world that no one else can? My passion for global healthcare reform via healthcare leadership.
Thank you for your inspiring words.
Last night after reading just the introduction, I was so excited to have something to read that would put me back in action. I have a drive that wavers under the pressures of everyday life, and this manifesto is exactly what it needed to re-energize. I’ve always loved being there for people, but I’m sensitive and easily thwarted when something doesn’t go exactly right.
But, you provided excellent examples against this kind of behavior and your words have provided much insight and…FORWARD. Keep moving.
Thank you.
I am still so doing this Chris. Maybe the most important thing I have ever done in my 60 years…….
Thank you so much for this beautiful piece of inspiration!
I’m spending a lot of time and energy lately on finding out about my life’s purpose and just by doing that I can already feel my life shifting towards my dreams. Your manifesto again showed me that I’m on the right path, and that there are many courageous fellow travelers…
I discovered your website just now, but I’ll certainly pop in more often.
All the best! And again THANKS!
My son just graduated from college, and I just lost my wife, so we are both poised on the cusp of decision, each after a lifetime of meeting external expectations. The future is an unwritten book. What shall we make of it? To me, your writing is an inspiration to action, and I hope it will be for my son as well.
I’m a critic. I’d like to be more than that. But it is far harder to take the risks you are talking about if you have responsibilities to others who depend on you. When I was putting my kids through college or supporting my wife through her illness, it would have been inconceivable for me to abandon my 9-to-5 engineering job to pursue a dream to become a writer, and there wasn’t a lot of bandwidth left over at the end of the day to do it part-time. I would be risking more lives than my own. Even now, I face the fear that I am not exceptional enough to succeed in an unconventional life. All of my experience has been with the conventional life, and everything I am good at lies there. I’m trying to decide if I want to leave that behind. A lifetime of education and focused technical experience makes me significantly more capable in many areas than most people; would it make more sense to continue to build on that excellence? How do I get out of decision paralysis?
I enjoyed the guide, Chris.
In some ways it was a nice reminder that I am working to achieve my goals (it’s easy to forget when you’re in the middle of something … and even easier to discount what has already been achieved).
In other ways it was a much-needed kick in the ass to work even harder on my goals, and to enjoy the fact that I get to do what I do.
I recently made the decision to go back to school to get a masters degree. The school to which I’m applying is unaccredited (though approved to grant masters degrees by the state), and very small, but offers a program that seems like it was specifically tailored to my interests (not to mention the fact that the faculty & student body is comprised of talented, experienced, and inspiring individuals).
I debated long and hard, considering the perils of an unaccredited degree. What use would the degree be? How will I pay off the debt? Am I closing the door on future opportunities? Do I really want to move again? I received both enthusiasm and criticism from friends, family, and colleagues, which only made the decision harder.
In the end, I decided that the work, experience, and community offered by this program is more important to me (and would do more for my long-term goals) than accreditation or academia. I began the application process yesterday.
Today, my brother brought this Guide to my attention and it was very affirming.
So thanks for writing it! I’m sure it has been, and will continue to be, useful to many others.
Hi Chris,
Just a note to tell you that I read your guide to world domination, and think you and your ideas are brilliant and lovely. I need to read it at least 10 more times. It actually inspired me to gather together a few of my own thoughts, ideas, beliefs, so thanks for that.
And it reminded me of my personal version of world domination ~ since my best friend and I joined forces in the fourth grade, we’ve said to each other, at least once every few years, usually after unveiling some genius (at least to us) idea: “…and that is why we should be running the universe.” Needless to say the spirit of your message resonated with me deeply, and I just wanted to thank you and say please keep sharing your nonconforming self with the world.
Just finished the manifesto. Great job man. This material needs to be reviewed on a consistent basis. A lot of gems. Thank you.
Hey Chris. I just finished your manifesto and wanted to say thanks for writing it and for making it so available (and free!).
Finding and reading your site has re-awakened the traveler/dreamer in me that I was beginning to lose track of. As a direct result of you and your writing, I quit my job here in Portland and am now moving back to Korea to teach English and pay off my debts once and for all. After that, I’m headed to India, the place I’ve wanted to visit for the past seven years. Afterward, who knows? I’m thinking Thailand, Africa or Latin America, in no particular order. Strangely, I’ve traveled a bit, but never to those places, which are the places I’ve wanted to go since I first wanted to travel.
As for MY two questions, I’m not quite sure yet what the answers are, but I know I’m a lost closer to figuring them out because of your site. Thanks man.
Excellent work, Chris. I actually read your entire manifesto almost in one go, which is unusual for me. I’m not easily impressed but as an earlier commenter noted, it’s the elusive obvious that you’ve hit spot on. I’m still working on answering “the questions” but I know I will be trying a little harder to get them answered sooner, after having read the manifesto.
It’s scary but it’s not as scary as the thought of dying slowly in my current job. Thank you for sharing, for inspiring, will write when I have made my world domination plan!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and experiences on these topics, I have found them very inspiring and insightful. I too want to travel more and learn languages, so hopefully I will figure out a way to do that by answering your two questions.
Hi Chris,
Stumbled in to your site after a recommend from a friend’s blog. Just finished reading the pdf on world domination, great stuff, all principles I have lived my life by since highschool. As Jim Morrison once said … “this is the strangest life I have ver known”.
Keep up the good work …
(New Zealand)
Chris –
I thoroughly enjoyed the manifesto. Very empowering, yet logical. You have inspired me to write one for my own venture and to continue on the path of taking over (or changing) the world despite the safe paths of convention.
Many thanks –
(DC area)
Chris, just read this for the 2nd time. I really appreciate your perspective and more importantly your actions! Thanks for communicating and inspiring with such clarity. I want to live simply and honestly before God and man and I want to bring encouragement, inspiration, and hope to people through the messages of my music.
Well thank you for writing about this. I have been thinking basically about exactly what you talk about; work, life, travel, helping others. And how to put it all together. I literally stumbled on to the website but it is perfect for what I am thinking about right now so I guess there was a little fate involved there. I think it will probably help me and has inspired me that much more. Thanks again.
Your two questions are a real eye-opener to me. I’ve been working really hard toward my own version of world domination, but without answers to those questions. Consequently, it seems I’ve been working all this time without a real goal in mind. I’ve got one now! Crazy how a sense of direction has the ability to make everything so much clearer.
Thanks man!
Hi Chris, I just finished reading your “world domination” manifesto, it was really good! Stuff I’ve thinking about for a long time and that I’m trying to live by. I’ll definitely follow some of your advice, especially the “ideal world” planning and mind maps. It’s good to know that there’s people who share these thoughts out there 😀
Ciao, Giulia (from Italy)
Hi Chris,
It’s great to know there are others out there who also believe education/gatekeepers/location etc are no barriers to success, even though it appears most people really do think in a linear way (eg degree plus working up the ladder = top ‘job’ etc).
like Leo who left a comment, i want to bring encouragement and inspiration to others, to ‘make people’s souls sing’ – when people feel good and empowered, magic happens. so i’m off to plan my world domination LOL
thanks for the report, and warm wishes for your travels
Sab xx
A truly thought provoking piece that I found of particular interest as my wife and I are about to start our family. There will definitely be a great deal of self evaluation over the coming months as I develop answers to the 2 most important questions and figure out how to best encourage my child to follow his/her dreams. Thanks for sharing, your site is a much needed shot in the arm.
Where do I sign up? Loved it and I’m gonna spread it all over Brooklyn NY.
Hi Chris, i didn´t knew this manifesto until now, i got to tell you that it´s pretty “unconventional”.
For the last 10 years or so, i have been asking to myself: What do i want to do with my life? Because I feel that I´m doing it all wrong, I feel like I’m living in the wrong world.
So I´m pretty dumb, I still don´t have the answer to my question, neither to your couple of questions (my question and yours are the same anyway). If and when I get it figured out I´ll let you know.
Thanks for this manifesto and the 279 Days to Overnight Success. I started a blog (in Portuguese, I´m in Portugal) in January and I´m struggling to get audience, it´s not leading me anywhere.
Anyway going to read some Zen Habits stuff now, maybe between you and Leo I can get the inspiration to keep going with the blog.
Thanks and bon voyage.
I have been following you for a few weeks and I have to tell you, I like your message. What is interesting is that it is simple and to the point. I am also inspired by your work as I chart out my own journey to my dreams. For this, I am grateful that I came across your site and took a chance on reading through your provided content. I have already had a few ideas for my own quest to change the world as I have read your manifesto. Thanks for taking on the challenges you have expressed and taking the stand to prove it can be done.
One thing I have learned in my own journey is to never give up.
I just finished your manifesto. I enjoyed it very much. I am a person who went to college knowing what I wanted to do, but I found that my interests changed after getting my AAS. That brought me to a Liberal Arts College for the next 3 years. Now, I am currently working as an ESL teacher overseas (Korea).
The fight against traditional assumptions and normalcy is one I am more than willing to join. Over time, I have fought a battle through my own doubts and self-restrictions. For example, I often take on jobs/tasks due to the fact that I am uncomfortable with them in order to break my fears. My college experiences brought a much needed slap of openmindedness to my perspective.
I like to dabble in what I call organized chaos. When presented with an idea, my mind links it to other concepts in ways that produce the creative result. I want to bring visions and dreams to reality (such as through film and game production).
I enjoyed reading your manifesto. Like one of your other posters, I am in the military and related to your comments about gatekeepers and the like. I firmly believe though that the desire for greatness is inherent in the human spirit. According to my faith, I believe it was placed there with purpose. Gatekeepers need to be reminded of this attribute of their character and can learn from what seems to be “bucking the norm”.
I thank you for your thoughts Chris and will continue to read.
Just read your manifesto and thoroughly enjoyed it! It was cited in Barbara Winter’s newsletter (“Making a living without a job”) this month. I’ve been living my dream for the past couple of years but it’s always good to get a reminder of why and some refreshing questions.
I LOVED it! It was good enough to keep me awake, and it just gives me something to shoot for. Thank you. 🙂
Excellent, Chris! Your manifesto sets out many of the issues and choices which affect our life choices and actions.
Specifically, the answers to your two principal questions are clearly important for many us. For me, as for others it seems, you are correct in your prediction that describing what we have to give is more difficult than describing what we would like to receive. So, doesn’t that tell us something about why we are not receiving it?!
It was also interesting to read that you are a fellow practitioner of David Allen’s GTD approach.
Thank you. Keep up the good work.
Greatly written. It was good finding someone saying the things I believe myself. Realizing that I am not alone… Suddenly I understand that I am not “crazy” which I sometime can feel. Thank you for putting words to my thoughts.
What can I say? Your two manifestos have rocked my world, been the light in dark places, a balm for my soul, etc. Two weeks before a friend emailed me an article about blogging with a link to 279 Days, I had half prayed, half wished for a guidebook to be a successful blogger…quickly. I knew it was possible to make money blogging and I knew I wanted to figure it out–and there was your manifesto. Never had a prayer answered quite so literally before.
Talk about cognitive dissonance between what you were saying about the very real potential of me creating one of the deepest desires of my heart and my beliefs about worth/success/ability etc. Killing the bullshit one day at a time and making progress every day.
Thank you so much,
Thank you for writing this, and for making it easily accessible! I came across it by reading an article on the website of the Traveler’s Notebook that linked me to an article by Gwen Bell, “How to Create Your Own Personal Manifesto”.
This and the “Ideal World” document you mentioned are helping me decide what I want to ultimately Do. Thanks.
I really feel inspired by your manifesto. As a student from the Caribbean studying in Asia, I feel as if I have the perfect opportunity to change something and have that sense of meaning that I so crave. Reading this and seeing the things around me in a different way I have taken an oath not just to be average – which i have, unfortunately been guilty of for the past 18 years. Those two questions in the manifesto got me actually thinking about where i want to be doing in my life and I’m glad that I stumbled upon this site’s link (on Becky Blanton’s site).
Thanks much and I’m committed to reading you manifesto over and over again because it really has truths in it that can be applied to everyone’s life.
Wow Chris, I’ve had read your work and I think that the last sentence of your Manifesto enclosed a tremendous and powerful truth: “Be the change”. This is a very potential aid and guide in order to encourage and invite people to “be the change”, and also to take that critical and defining step of “taking action”. I really feel very blessed and pleased with your work. Thanks for make my life path clearer, and just as you say: “Keep rocking the Universe”.
Thank you for your manifesto. It really struck a chord with me.
I’ve very recently started a blog I call Not One of the Herd. Like you, I don’t want to live my life following the herd — doing what everyone else does. But I guess the difference between us is that find being simple, in fact, remarkable–and a happy, simple life is truly my goal.
I’ve also enjoyed reading your 279 Days to Overnight Success. I literally signed up for Google AdSense just days ago, but reading your guide has made me realize that I want to take them off. I don’t support the products I see. You helped me realize that it’s important stay true to my readers and only display products I support. And that if I never make money, that’s ok. I plan to incorporate many of the other tips from your guide in the near future.
My blog, and my journey toward an unconventional life, has just begun, and I am very thankful for people like you who are helping me accomplish it.
Totally true Chris. Life is very short to vast it with senseless work somewhere in the closed air conditioned office or doing something you don’t like. And we never know when there could be no tomorrow.
This is the quote that keeps me on right track:
Dream as if you will forever, Live as if you will die today. – James Dean.
Thanks for visiting the country I am from – Slovakia. You surely don’t see that many Americans over there. Many people still think, that it is still unsafe to travel there. But this is simply not true. Go everybody, visit this beautiful country that will always have a big space in my heart.
I had to stop and say what a great reading. I was actually able to get through it and all while viewing and reading the various links attached. Thank you for inspiring anybody who stumbles upon your website. Each article is uplifting and inspirational. You challenge people to take the “blue” pill. Or was it the “red” pill? (Can you tell, not a huge Matrix fan, but enjoyed it.)
I look forward to keeping up with your writing. And a wish you a remarkable journey on your “Travel the World” quest.
Chris, thanks for your generosity and your inspiration! The truth has a way of prevailing and your honesty is much appreciated.
I’m starting to realize that life is not a path with an end that I can reach if I can somehow figure out how to follow it perfectly. There is no proper path, I will make the path right by choosing it. Sometimes you have to fire before you aim!
I’m really glad I was able to read your manifesto, especially the part about having to consider what you can do for the rest of the world as well as yourself if you want to achieve great things. I have always felt that way, and now I feel more confident about taking it to heart.
Finally, someone who makes goal setting cool! For five years I have been a closeted goal setter. In secret I have scribbled the goals, projected outcomes, & objective of my personal action plan. I kept my ambition incognito, feeling twinges of embarrassment every time I set my plan to paper, for fear I’d be discovered. I had to wade through hundreds and hundreds of pages & pages—professional development curriculums, business journals and psych studies—choke full of jargon and corporate-ese.
I can honestly say that the only thing that has kept me going through that awkwardness is the fact that goals work! I just wish this had been written years ago.
Having recently become a devotee of Gretchen Rubin’s Happiness Project, I followed a link to your site and am now looking at my life in a completely different way. In the last 12 months, I’ve turned quite a significant portion of my life around and I’m going to continue to do so. It seems somewhere along the way, I stopped thinking about what I really wanted from life, I got sidetracked by critics & naysayers and I began to live my life the way others expected me to…. and then your words leapt off the screen and I almost went and got them tattooed on my wrist! ” You don’t have to live your life the way others expect you to.”
Thank you for opening my eyes to a world of possibilities.
From one who has described herself as the Quiet Revolutionary, many thanks! Your manifesto was inspiring, amusing, provocative and well-written, in all the right quantities. Best wishes on your travels in 2010, and I look forward to exploring your ideas more fully over the next few months. Your site is a truly remarkable resource. Oh, and my own theme for the year: Pilgrimage. ‘Dogs may bark, but the caravan moves on.’
From one who has described herself as the Quiet Revolutionary, many thanks! Your manifesto was inspiring, amusing, provocative and well-written, in all the right quantities. Best wishes on your travels in 2010, and I look forward to exploring your ideas more fully over the next few months. Your website is a remarkable resource. Oh, and my own theme for the forthcoming year: Pilgrimage. ‘Dogs may bark, but the caravan moves on.’
Chris, not only did I love it, I am going to retweet it and post about it in my blog!
What do I want?… Time freedom, a full-time writing income (I don’t answer the phone, either, Chris), to be able to live wherever I want and spend lots of time connecting with friends and my family of choice.
What do I offer?… A way to identify your life purpose and heal whatever has been keeping you from fulfilling it.
Thanks for this manifesto and all your encouragement! ~~Jeanine
Chris, thank you so much for your manifesto, man, I am totally inspired and grateful for your words. I am totally committed to living my fullest life, and what you’re doing is a huge inspiration. I found out about your site through my friend Nathan Agin who has described you as his “hero,” and you might just have become mine too! 🙂 Much love and safe travels!
Chris-this one of the 1st web comments I’ve ever left (the incentive is usually not there). Thank you for the manifesto-I found it reinvigorating and inspiring at a work/career-point where I’m really needing it. I’m in a creative field-urban planning-and the unimaginative folks who populate the real estate development and political world have a way of slowly chipping away at the passion/idealism I felt in my late 20s in grad school. Already at 35, the overarching message and reminder of your manifesto is much needed-many thanks and all the best in your travels!
I visited your site because someone emailed it to me as an example of great design on a wordpress platform. I decided to peruse your offerings this morning, reasoning that someone who has taken such diligent time choosing design must highly value their ideas/message.
I like the message. The ambitious title made me skeptical, but after reading, I appreciate the simplicity and feasibility of the message wrapped in absolute gravity. Well done. I will be thinking about it, trying to live by it, suggesting it…
Best of luck to you
Chris, I just finished reading World Domination and I really want to thank you for writing it. This is another fabulous dose of the reality that I can make mine. It’s short and powerful and I’ll be recommending it to others.
My friend shared the link to the guide with me today. I’m not sure if it’ll change my life (or help me change my life), but it’s certainly inspired me to get back to plan. I’m living with clinical depression, and my answer to question #1 was just to be happy, which is pretty vague, but my plan, which I’ve been avoiding lately, involves some serious gatekeeper-dodging. Thank you for the inspiration
LOVE the manifesto, and design is top notch. So refreshing. Will definitely be sharing this e-book.
Looking forward to more wonderfulness in the $100 Business Forum!
It said to post if the article meant something, and hell yeah it made me want to kick some butt. I’m choosing my own adventure, and for now that looks like putting 100% of my passion into International Studies and running for my school. Those will take me to bigger things and I’ve got big plans for continuing my adventure.
Hi Chris
Thanks so much for the awesome read. I have been reading your ‘manifesto’ over the last few days and it has been great food for thought. A lot of what you wrote really resonated with me and I am going to remind myself of it as often as possible so I can take some of my own steps. Looking forward to reading more of your blog as well!
I recently discovered your blog and manifesto through a post on, a site to facilitate the a fairly non-conformist method of visiting new and exciting places. It was a good read, I definitely identified with everything you wrote and I plan to share this with my own small group of committed individuals who are changing the world by promoting community engagement in creating a sustainable and local food system. It has taken me nearly 6 years in grad school to slowly figure out what it is I am passionate about and start to live my life accordingly, but it has been time well spent. Once I mull over your manifesto some more I plan to write a blog post of my own on my website which I have been sadly neglecting for some time.
I look forward to reading more of your writings and regular blog updates!
I just finished the manifesto and I thought I’d do as you asked…comment! I wish my parents had taken me to a book store when I was younger. I love, love, love books and reading and learning. I want to be a vast pool of knowledge, I enjoy it so much. I hope I can spread my knowledge throughout the world and make it a bit better for all of us.
Thank you for putting the time in to make the manifesto and 279 days to success. I was greatly moved by both and would love to link them to my blog once the new design is up and running.
Also thank your for being such an inspiration for anyone interested in following their dreams.
I just read the manifesto, which is excellent timing in my life. Having been ever-inpatient with the status quo, and drowning now as a desk jockey, my hurdles in life have been fear and expectations. Thanks for the “encouragement.”
What do I want out of life? To increase tolerance and appreciation of diversity in our global world.
What do I have to offer? Unwavering child-like optimism.
Now on to a plan…
Read about your site in Psychology Today, and it is quickly becoming an addiction for me!
My husband and I both grew up in little boxes in the suburbs and have spent most of our adult lives being told to get a mortgage, have kids, get a “good job” with a 401K etc. etc….all the things that “normal” people do to prepare for their “future” while drudging through the present.
We’ve recently moved away from our families in Florida to Atlanta–after reading about all the things you’ve done it’s both inspiring and quite funny to think of how critical everyone in Florida was of this small move! (You can’t move without a job! Georgia’s so far! lol).
Being away from the “noise” we’re finally starting to see the real possibilities that are out there. I’d like to start a business with my husband, live in many different cities and travel the world. Thank you for your site and the inspiration it’s providing me–can’t wait to read more!
It is interesting that in my twenty-five years of searching searching searching for meaning in my life and after reading dozens of self-help books ad nauseum that I come upon your site and this “Brief Guide” that articulates some of my feelings in a way that focuses my energies to a cutting laser-like strength. I refuse to conform and I appreciate your Guide. It is a dangerous and wonderful magnifying glass.
I’m gonna conquer the world! A social movement of being respectful and grateful to the environment, democratizing of the corporations, social security and a new world economy by micro businesses and individuals!
BTW, can the PDF report be formatted more ebook-friendly?
Keep up the fantastic work!
I think this was one of the most inspiring texts I have ever read. This year will be the year of change for me. Thank you very much and good luck with all of your travels!
I am going to start with the three goals, do them, then write three more to do method so I do not get overwhelmed with this. Thanks so much!
Goal 1. First, we take Manhattan….
I’ve been grappling with the desire to live a life less ordinary. I’m a college student in the arts and I’m tired of having no answer to: “What are you going to do with that?” I’ve had no answer because I don’t want to do anything ordinary with it, and I’m afraid to explain that to people.
I now know I’m not the only person who tells their friends that they want to start world movements. I’m not the only person who dives into something untried, and without the right qualification, simply because I’m passionate about it.
I’ve wanted to commit any possible future monetary gains made through the outsourced children’s picture book I’m creating to a charity that will help children in need. I didn’t want to tell others because I didn’t want people to think I was doing this simply to get attention or approval. Yet I felt I had to give in order to throw all my passion into it without guilt.
Thanks for the reminder that the things worth living for are the things done for others.
It is nice to know that I am not the only person who feels like I should be able to do exactly everything I want to do with my life. Life is so short. I want to enjoy every minute of it.
My social movement is: deconstructing society’s confines and constructs as it applies to race and stereotypes. I want to start the dialogue today that will carry us to a better tomorrow.
Three cheers for world domination!
I’m so glad I stumbled upon a site that led me to your site. It has been my goal since I made my second trip to Peru at the age of 16 to visit every country in the world and somehow significantly change the living conditions in all of them. I still have no idea how I’m going to do all that but your site has inspired me in so many ways. You’re definitely my new hero and eventually I will have read everything on your site. As of right now I’m still wondering if I should wait for my bachelors degree or if I should jsut take off. I’ll probably wait for that degree but I’ll still do a lot of traveling in the mean time. Thank you so much for doing what you’re doing and making this site, you have given me so much inspiration.
It had been a while since I last nodded so much. My motivation not to conform was coming down from a recent peak when I began having doubts about feasibility, and this brought it back up and beyond.
I think the following is a great compliment to what you have done here, Chris: you will hear from me soon 🙂
Thank you!
Its funny how things come into your life at the exact right time and when you need them the most. I have been reading your blogs for almost as long as you have had your site and never had had the pleasure of reading your guide to world domination. Now, at a turning point in my life when I am questioning what is next I find it. Thank you for this and for all you are doing to be remarkable. You have found your path and have helped me to start rethinking mine.
Great read; inspiring and very action-oriented, which I love. The best part about your message though is that it takes hard work. Keep up the great work, and good luck on your worldly adventures.
Thank you for creating and sharing this with the world – truly inspiring, and definitely something I will refer back to!
…then we take berlin.
🙂 Thanks for sharing the love. regular blog reader, just read this book. Headed out like brandon burchard says – to give my best stuff away, and generate massive value.
After working almost 10 years in the music industry, i packed up from a great job to go to London with my sister, which was a life-long dream of mine. After 9 months in London we returned home to the country town where my family lives. I felt lost after the ‘holiday period’ wore thin, and i was unable to recover the high i had felt from travelling overseas for the first time. I ended up landing a placid admin job and started to enjoy the basics of country living. I found balance, but not long after i felt caged in.
A job came my way from the city once again in music, and after a long process, i got it. Excited with the idea of a great career jump and payrise i left my old job on the monday, and started the new job on the thursday of the same week. 8 days later i quit. I couldn’t sleep, my kidneys started aching, and something was going horrbily wrong. I have just finished reading your guide, and it is apparent i am a truth teller and i am never to work for a company again. Thankyou
Hi Chris!! I just discovered your blog through a recommendation from a friend. I started reading with this manifesto and just couldn’t stop. Keep up the great work! Thanks for sharing all of your insights, travels, and outlook on life!
Truly inspiring.
Thank you very, very much.
Thanks Chris, great food for thought, and you have inspired me to really search for the answers ‘for me’ to your top two questions… I guess for some finding their answers is half the battle won!! 🙂
Chris, this has probably been the most relevant piece of information that I have ever read in my life. Taking into acccount that I have read many, many books and other information products in my life, this is quite “shocking” to me, but I am truly happy that I found your site and got the chance to read your thoughts and ideas.
I live in Latvia, and if you will be visiting this small European country, get in contact with me, it would be a pleasure for me to meet you and show you what it has to offer.
I will be following your blog, and will be looking forward to your first book, because if it as good as this report, or better, than I definitely am interested in reading it!
Thank you!
I finally finished reading it… I think I started over a year ago but got stumped by those 2 questions.
Great stuff. Definitely highlighted a few areas where I’m doing things conventionally and really don’t have to. and that I have no idea what my goals actually are – so I’m still fumbling a bit and following what feels right.
Time to come up with a real plan and then do it..
What do I want?
To matter.
Specifically, I want to inspire others to live heroic lives by writing excellent books, and by living a heroic life. I’ve recently altered my blog to more overtly live a life of Daily Awesomeness.
What can I give to the world that no-one else can?
My writing.
You asked for comments on your manifesto inside the document and here I am, after pondering about the content you offered.
I can only agree that you are by far not the first person to point out several truths about the fact that we are no less than the conscious creators of our own reality, if we dare to take responsibility as such. This decision is equally as liberating as it is burdensome, I came to experience at several incidents throughout my still short lifespan.
Still, there is nothing wrong with pointing out truths to people around the world. Everyone who encounters an epiphany upon reading your manifesto will find his or her life changed radically by the virtue of your writing. For every person you truly reach out to I congratulate you – they one by one fulfill your chosen goal for life, Chris
Followed a link from Get Rich Slowly, and I just read your manifesto. I think we’ve got the nonconformity part down — we’re a young family of four living in a fifth wheel trailer. We covered a 7000 mile loop across the west and midwest in the last 9 months, and are currently repacking and resupplying to hit the southeast and east coast next.
What I’ve been missing recently is the sense of a long-term purpose, so I appreciate your manifesto for setting out a structure for determining my goals, and I hope your blog will provide some more motivation for me to do that, and make some progress towards my longer-term goals.
This was exactly what I needed to hear! It’s the kick in the pants I needed to get going on what I really want to do with my life: create art, and share it with the world. I’ve always known it was possible, but I was afraid to take that leap and just start. I’m not anymore. Thank you!
I’ve known for years what I really want, and I’ve offered several things over the years (I’m a novelist & nonfiction book author), but I never had what I offered & what I wanted matched up. The stories you told about Randy Pausch and Leo Babauta really hit the mark for me. I’ve often stopped myself with the thought that someone else is doing something similar, but your stories prove that doesn’t matter. So what do I really want? To live on ocean-view acreage AND travel the country in an RV with my dogs & husband & write things that connect people with their joy . What can I really offer? I have a passion for dogs that is bigger than the universe & I have an ability to write in a way that simplifies difficult concepts and makes them more accessible. I’d like to combine these two things to show how dogs can light up the world. I’ve started with my blog but have no idea YET how to make that a paying enterprise. You’ve inspired me, though, to keep moving forward. THANKS, Chris!
After reading this manifesto I must say Colombia here I come! That’s how I feel seriously this was very powerful gotta say though I am still working on my first question, but I am in with both feet Chris I am not your normal person I am 100% non-conformist and I have always wanted to do something big that changes the world for the positive. I will achieve my goals and help others achieves theirs too. Thanks for sharing all the tools and resources with us.
I love this manifesto. I was really, really shy as a child, but now (well, still a legally a child – I’m 15) I’ve become nearly the opposite. It’s amazing how little there really is in your way.
My parents and friends think I’m crazy – within one year, I went from mildly depressed, getting Bs in the Advance program at my public middle school and being a runner for the school musical for 4 days to getting straight As in one of the best private high schools in the state, taking two languages (Spanish and Chinese), and stage managing two entire shows, one of them the musical.
As soon as I went for it, all the obstacles just fell away. It’s not easy, but easy isn’t the point. And I am so much happier, it’s amazing. This manifesto is basically what I’ve come to realize through my own personal growth journey. It’s amazing to think of how completely closed to the ideas you presented in it just months ago. I’m now working on figuring out how to reconcile my goals with other people.
I think this manifesto is extremely interesting, and I think you are exactly right when you said that it is not for everyone, but for a specific few. You are VERY genuine, and that is reflected in your honest, straight-forward writing. The posts that I have read reflect that others feel this way as well. I would hope that our paths cross sometime in the future, as I respect your writing tremendously. Good luck in your travels, and I will look forward to additional posts! Cheers.
Thank you for your manifesto. I have now read it a couple of times and each time find something new. I am approaching a decision time/crossroads in my life and career and your manifesto spoke volumes to me especially your comments regarding critics and ‘the normalization of mediocrity’ which really hit home.
I found your site by accident when researching the possibility of doing a round the world trip. The info you provided was great by the way.
So many concerns and reasons why not to.
I am just finishing high school and highly expected to attend college, and receive questioning looks when proposing other plans, suggesting laziness and frivolity on my part.
Your manifesto and website brought out a truth I was suppressing. I shiver with sheer excitement at the sole though of traveling for a year.
I do not have a particular vision at all of what exactly I want to achieve, and even less an answer to your question #2, but I’m going off the deep end (in a good sense) and thanks partly to you, hopefully won’t be slowing down.
Lastly and most of all I expect myself to explore the widest possibilities of giving to others.
Thank you!
Hey Chris, I have just finished reading your manifesto and it encouraged me to stay in the path I decided to follow since February. I abandoned my dayjob at the office and dedicated all my daily hours to making music, or making music related things. I noted I don’t need the money I thought I needed to make a decent living, and I’m okay with that, as long as I can keep doing what I love to do.
Thank you a lot for your help. You’ve got a new friend down here in Argentina.
I enjoyed reading this and will be re-reading it again I’m sure. It really got me thinking. I feel like I’m half way along the path you describe and just need a little push to keep me going.
This is A-MA-ZING. I spent hours going through, reading all the links, scribbling down notes, flushing out ideas. I’ve created my compelling story, figured out my goals and have my first real, true social-entrepreneurship project on paper. For me, the link on 1000 True Fans jumps out as being particularly helpful because it really put in perspective how do-able this is. Just fabulous. THANK YOU! Now my farm-kid work ethic has something meaningful to put it’s time and energy into. Again, fabulous! And if for whatever reason you happen to find yourself in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, I’ll be sure to buy you a brat and beer. Keep being remarkable!
Your manifesto was a great read, and it’s helping me to stay the course in what is a bit of financial rocky patch after I quit my day job and moved from Australia to London to take the first step in chasing down my dreams. I was really amazed by the specificity of what came out when I answered the two questions you pose; ditto on the ‘elevator pitch’ question. I don’t think there’s room enough to post the answers here though as I’m getting strange jumpy things happening when I try to edit them! Perhaps in a separate comment…
So, my two answers:
#1: What do you really want to get out of life?
Artistic fulfilment, and the chance to create a public profile that I can use to influence people’s thoughts and actions, and the chance to use my artistic talents and public profile to improve two specific things in the Middle East: gender inequality and the political climate. I want to attain a position of power and influence that will allow me to do these things by carefully managing my artistic profile, and by combining my intellectual abilities and flair for languages and connecting across cultures with my artistic skills in dance, music & singing, as well as writing about all of the above.
#2: What can you offer the world that no one else can?
An intelligent and balanced voice who is able to create Middle Eastern dance work of great beauty and speak intelligently on sensitive political and cultural issues. I am a bridge between the Muslim and Western worlds.
Your manifesto was inspiring. Thank you. I think I will now set out to take over the world, in my own fashion. I’ve read your articles in Writer’s Digest and have enjoyed them immensely. Now the blog I have been thinking about starting is no longer a dream, but a working plan. I have my three things to go do now.
I still lack concrete goals, but I feel I’m off to a good start. It is rare my mind is allowed to think in such liberating, simple terms. I need more of this. Thank you!
Desires: To experience the world in as many different ways as possible, to be creative and productive, and to get out there. I want to look back and feel that my life was meaningful, for two reasons: That I took advantage of my creative and intellectual potential, and that I made an impact on the lives of others – and that I had a good time doing it.
Gifts: A sense of forever-youthful enthusiasm for the beauty, strangeness and adventure of existence. A style of writing that is wildly creative yet technically smooth and engaging. A childish, relentless enthusiasm for creation – and everything the process entails – that is slightly beyond my control.
Can’t wait for tomorrow.
So I just spent an insane amount of time reading from your site, downloads and manifesto… insane only because I thought I already had a plan for my time… now I have two questions to answer. When I started I thought I knew. Now I need to sleep on it. The answers are coming…
Hi Chris, what an inspirational and challenging article; FANTASTIC! I stumbled across it as I am temping in a call centre here in Auckland, New Zealand…. which is one of the steps in getting to my goal after leaving an incredibly suffocating job in the Police as a constable, soon my partner and I will be off overseas for 6 months and then I’ll be returning to study and follow my passion. So refereshing to stumble across your website which has such congruency with what I believe in, keep up the good work and carry on living the dream! Brad
FANTASTIC! I have been working on the real me for a while now. I realized the real me was definitely NOT sitting in an office all day making other people rich. My plan is on track to leave this office for good within 6 months, as a freelance commercial writer with a very focused specialization. The reasons, I want, no need geographic freedom. I have forwarded on your manifesto to many and posted the link on Facebook, it is a must read. Thank you for what you are doing.
Well, written, focused, and authentic–a great little guide and a good reminder on following our calling and having fun and doing good in the process. I think its never too late to start on this path. Thanks for putting this out there! I’ll definitely be sharing it with a few others.
You are an inspiring man Chris,
If you come to Australia, you are welcome to come and stay with my girlfriend and I – Unless of course we’re off living our dreams in a non-conforming way by that time. At any rate, having the opportunity to meet you and converse in person would be wonderful. You write with such purpose and clarity that your message shines through in every sentence as if you were in the room actually speaking. Whenever it seems there is little hope in our oft-maligned society I shall return here to read, as these honest words reignite my deepest ambitions and hopes for the future of our world.
Thankyou for your courage
Your guide was truly eye opening and enlightening. I’m always on the quest for truth and unconventional ideas and knowledge through all the noise of modern society. Like many others, I’ll keep this close to me as I “storm toward the castle” I appreciate this a lot. Your words are inspiring and motivate me to take my challenge authority and the status quo more than I did previously. Thank you.
1. What do you really want to get out of life?
I want a life filled with happiness and passion, success and greatness. I want to be a remarkable change agent in the world and be remembered for the same.
2. What can you offer the world that no one else can?
I can offer the world my unrelenting patience in solving real world hands-on problems, along with my thirst for knowledge and truth, as well as my hunger for a better world.
Great writing, Chris. I really enjoyed the guide and will incorporate into my plan to change things up in my path through my “elite higher education” institution.
Thank You Chris, You inspired me to be remarkable at a critical stage of development. I decided to give up the “need” to “get a job”, and decided that my passion was helping people achieve their best body and mind ever. So came – And I built it. And I wrote an ebook of about 65 pages. But I got stuck on marketing it because of my limited skills in graphic design. Then i saw your website, your manifesto, and I immediately fell in love with the overall mission of what you do, and how you express it. Much appreciation for your encouragement and support! I’m back on track, and apply the optimistic principles that you so obviously display! Cheers
Loving your work Chris. I’m up to 53 countries and counting (though that includes West Germany and East Germany, neither of which exist today).
1. I want my life to be meanigful to me and, even more, to others.
2. I can bring great art to the world. I am the only person who can draw and paint exactly the way I do. I can use this for good, for charity, for education and for my own fulfillment.
You so rock! Steve Pavlina was the first blog I found that finally felt like I found a kindred spirit, and now YOU, and you really are great. I am bouncing around your site and ebooks so much I can’t keep up with it and I am desperate to find your “Blog Action Plan” you mention in ‘279 Days’ – is it the mind-maps or am I missing something? Thanks for taking time out of your busy day to reply, no hurry, no worries.
Quick share: my first favorite book as a child (3rd grade) was a little children’s book called, guess what… “Non-Con-Form-Ist” and I spent days sounding out that big word and reading the cartoons and captions on the inside over and over. Maybe that’s why I’ve always been so independent minded, non-judgmental and strong-willed. Finally, 40 years later another non-con-form-ist!
I just wrote my VERY FIRST BOOK – I’ll join your army while I learn to create mine, I’m so excited.
As a senior in college this was very useful to my development as a whole. I can not tell you how many times I have told my self that I would not conform to what society believes I should do. I went to school to for finance and have been offered many position, but my true passion is music where I am a jazz saxophonist. Many people tell me it would be foolish to give up a Wall Street position for music but I feel that through my music I inspire people and believe that is my purpose in life.
I’m so glad I got on your Twitter radar and came upon your Manifesto. As an international who’s also lived in a few countires (but not near as many as you!!) it was great to read words from that point of view – too rare in the US – so thank you – for being an inspiration and for being the change! World Domination – full steam ahead!
I want a free life that I live on my own discretion.
I want to impart the knowledge of freedom to choose.
I relate so much to what you are writing about.
I’ve had my own company for 2 and a half years, and even if it does not “succeed” financially or whatever other thing might happen, I’ve experienced some of the greatest things in my life by doing it.
I m just 23 and I’ve interviewed people 10 years older than me applying for a job…I have people about my age working with me -I NEVER think they’re working for me- that are really intelligent and are willing to believe in us even if we can’t pay them every month…I mean that has to mean something….we’ve come to realize as well that since people conform with mediocrity, all it takes is doing a quality job… !!
But I have to tell you, in my country there are a LOT of gatekeepers, call it government, religion, marked conservatism, and specially CORRUPTION at government level.
Anyhow, just my 3 cents to your small army
cheers from Bogotá, Colombia…and to all of you out there…come visit!! everyone leaves astonished!
I want to show the world what is in the oceans, that way they know what they will start protecting.
I am helping to build aquariums, large and small, to provide a window into the oceans of the world.
It also gives me a chance to see the world and to find out what all the talk is about.
Awesome read; I’m just getting back into life hacking and this was the kickstart I needed.
As for my answers, I want to understand the neurobiological basis of happiness and use it to help other people, and what I bring to the table is my bizarrely disjointed mind and unusual personal history. Plus I’m a grinder.
I look forward to taking up the challenge of being a non-conformist – watch this space, gate keepers!
Hey Chris, I just finished reading your Manifisto. It was truly an inspiration and has to be one of the most valuable, thought-provoking pieces I’ve come across in a long time.
At 22 years old I’ve hit a point where I’m at a crossroads and the path I choose will be the result of truly pursuing and understanding my answers to your 2 most important questions of the Universe.
Thanks for putting something out into the universe that is truly remarkable.
I feel totally inspired and motivated. So much of what you said in the Manifesto fits with ideals I’ve held close to my heart, but haven’t necessarily put ACTION behind. As often happens in life, I found your Web site right at a time when I needed a little push. Thank you.
Great read. I really enjoyed it and it is definitely motivating me to take further steps in designing the life I want. I am brand new to the entire lifestyle design, life hacking, etc. stuff so ebooks like yours are extremely helpful and appreciated!
I am going to send my brother a link. He is about to come join me at college in L.A. and I think your advice and motivation will help him take on his first year, the way he wants to!
Throughout the manifesto I kept thinking…’use your powers for good’…’use your powers for good’… This is something I try to live my life by, but I am constantly thwarted by gatekeepers and critics- and I have let them get to me. I know I have the strength in me to achieve my goals, and I am grateful to have this message to remind me of that. This message came to me at just the right moment in my life. I want to change the world. I want to make an impact, but I have kept my goals small and non-confrontational because I was afraid. This is so encouraging. I am proud to be part of this army.
Huzzah Chris! I am off to finish answering those two questions, and coming up with the first three things I can do now to get closer to my goal.
I just wanted to say that you speak whats on my mind. I had discussions with the one friend of mine who ‘got it’ and we thought we were alone. We saw walmart and thought that maybe we were the only ones in the world that worried that everyone was going for average.
I love your site and it says everything I feel, but much more eloquently. =D Thanks for a great read and even though it isn’t just for me, your support. Knowing there are lots of us makes it easier.
Great Work Chris,
This really helps to think in other ways. Am definetly gonna read your books and will travel at least 100 countries in lifetime.
Thanks Chris. It was a great read, very inspiring. Well, a year back, I started learning Video and Animation techniques as a hobby and now would like it to take it to a different level, going for it full time.
I am in the transition process and setting up my goals and now when i came across this resource, I am fired up!!!
Regarding two questions – for first, I would love to have a joy full life surrounded by friends and family, everyone happy, helping each others. And during all these joys and celebrations I would like to make meaningful movies, short movies, documentaries with a authentic message for everyone, to help everyone to realize their dream and show the possibilities. I think If i can do that I will be the happiest person on the planet. Journey is ON!
Knowing there are other people out there with the same thoughts, ideas and passion as me is an incredible inspiration. Stumbling upon this came at the perfect time in my life, and has furthered my inspiration to make a difference in the world. THANK YOU.
Since I took the time to print the whole report and took out a pen to write out my answers, I am going to post them here to share with all who care to read it. First Answer: I want to be happy, satisfied and fulfilled with my role (or career) in the world. Second Answer: I offer to the world my ability to connect with others on a personal and emotional level, and to inspire them with my artistic/creative expression.
Thank you for writing all 29 pages. I came across your site from a blog post on Tim Ferris’ site.
I look forward to reading more of your ideas and adventures.
Thank you for helping me get back on track. Your “manifesto” has definitely brought my real passion back into the spotlight.
I had previously been a non-conformist, always trying something different and “coloring outside of the lines”. I went to college and conformity was easy and something to glean to and I took the road frequently travelled. I even ran an organization that touted conformity and looked to turn non-conformists into conformists. After taking some time to really think about what I am doing in this world I need to go back to my roots as a non-conformist and color any way I feel, perhaps not even in the book.
I can’t help but thank you again for this delightful kick in the butt and nuggets of wisdom. I will promise you I will take them as far as I can.
They say you find the wisdom when you need it and are ready. Running across your report was definitely timely. I have muddled through half a lifetime and am still on a journey to own my talents and find my passion. I can tell when I start talking heatedly that I have found an issue that means something to me. However I feel that way about education, access to affordable housing, sustainability, and a host of other issues. I’m looking for the systemic thread that ties together the things I care about. Anyway, thanks for the manifesto. I’ll be following your journey.
I’m just joining the movement – it’s been a long time coming and I count dozens of “self-help” and “insightful” books under the belt. However, it’s the commitment to action that’s been missing in general – although there have been a few false starts along the way – and I think the renewed optimism I have taken from your manifesto (as well as figuring out the 2 essential questions) will enable me to move from my current situation to where I want to be. Many thanks, and I look forward to reading new insights as you post them here on the site. Thanks again.
Loved the manifesto-so true!! As my wise old travelling friend, Bryn told me about living the dream: “What’s stopping you?” Tis better to live a true life. Wishing you all the best in your travels.
WOW!!! Fantastic blog. I am 50 years young, always a non-conformist, BUT as I peruse your many great articles (at midnight – no less), I have to say, THANK YOU!
I will come back here again and again. I believe what you do is just what our world needs now. I am so excited about the possiblities for my life and your readership too! Can’t you just feel the time has come? In any case, I do. Continued success my friend. I’m hooked! Peace, always!
Hi! I just stumbled upon your brief guide to world domination, and I was really impressed. It struck a chord with me because I’ve been going through a multi-year epiphany involving what I want out of life and what I can do to affect change – I even started a “cult of fun” (ha! but really, I love my friends and their willingness to indulge the silliness that makes me happy) called Best Life Ever that turned my life upside down. It all started with the question, “When are you happiest?” I’m thinking it’s about time to write my manifesto, which is actually how I came upon this site.
I’ll be sure to comment again when I have it written, but thought I would say hi since I’m here. I hope your life has continued to be awesome – cheers.
Just read your manifesto. What a great challenge! I’m totally at sea as to what only I can contribute to the world, but I’ll work on figuring it out. Or better yet, like you said, just do something.
Thanks for the inspiration/kick in the butt!
I first read 279 days to overnight success and quickly then found the link for this manifesto. I’ve read both tonight and plan to read them again tomorrow and the next day and the next until all of my notes make a little more sense.
I’m relieved to see that many people are struggling with the “what can I offer” question as well because this has been a tough thing for me to think about since I was in high school. What do I have to offer? I’ve spent most of my life not letting myself think I was good at anything because I figured that was vanity and now I’m trying to find something I can offer?! Difficult.
I quit my job recently, “my perfectly good money making job which will be hard to replace in this economy” as some might say. I knew I had to do this to start moving forward to the life I wanted. Your blog is keeping my hope alive.
Hi Chris, This manifesto couldn’t have come at a better time. I’ve been on a crusade against mediocrity for years, and just haven’t quite found my path. I’m getting there, though. I’ve narrowed down what part of the world I want to dominate, now to gather my army. The population that needs my help is huge, literally.
Thanks for your inspiration, and your methodology. We could all use a little more Quality, and less status quo, in our lives.
I found Life Lessons from Singapore Airlines flight to Tokyo at the end of the manifesto quite motivating.
My general hints on the subject of “World Domination”:
– do not waste your energy on complaining and mental stress, work on solutions instead
– have a well-adjusted critical attitude toward everything and everyone, be open to unconventional ideas
– show yourself you are alive and cross your boundaries
Good luck, have fun!
As a high school senior, what I’m going to do with my life is a huge topic of conversation in my life. I have no clue what I want to do- but I know for a fact that I want to do two things: 1. Be happy, and 2, change the world. I found your manifesto on one of my favorite blogs, and it outlined a plan of action for me that I haven’t been able to find anywhere else. I’m so excited to begin my life of non conformity! And I’m really excited that I have a resource to refer back to. Thank you SO much.
Thank you, this really meant something to me at a time of great stress and self-doubt.
I just happened to read your manifesto because i saw it posted on someone’s blog.
I love what you said. I think that a lot of people have thought this way but been afraid to say it or act on it. I know I have. I want to help change the world. Thank you for the inspiration and the clarity and truth in your writing.
A very useful and insightful guide ! Makes me really think about prioritising in life.
This is everything I’ve been thinking and feeling. Last year, I discovered I didn’t want the typical, average life everyone else does, but I didn’t know how to make it happen. In the past month, though, I have made huge progress. I started my blog, I’m writing a book, and I’m determined to succeed. I wish you luck and look forward to meeting you in Portland, OR.
Thank you very much for your time and for sharing your knowledge.
Surely you are contributing to other people (ie. me) and I know that in this goal your are being sucessfuly.
Keep breathing!
Hello, Chris. I just read “a brief guide to world domination” and “279 days to overnight success.” Both were fantastic! Your work has inspired me to start taking the steps I have been putting off for way too long. I’m not exactly clear on where the road will ultimately lead me at this point, but to tell you the truth, that excites me. The journey begins now with one small step at a time, and I hope to be running soon. I look forward to reading more of your work. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Thanks Chris for this gift to us. I have walked around life blindly for way to long. In part because I’m not really sure what path I want to take. I can’t answer the questions yet, but I will. I do know I am going to do all I can to teach my children these and other “not Normal” ideas and maybe that’s my true path.
I quit my corporate IT job last week in favor of starting my own business. My mom sent me to your website and I am grateful to have a clean and fresh starting point from which to take over the world. Thank you for your ideas and look forward to many more. Good luck on your journey!
After reading your essay, i pretty much consider it worth being spread over the world! I’m glad to be not alone with my thoughts about life at all. Thank you!
I’m hesitant to put down my thoughts about the 2 most important questions in life because I suspect that, as time goes on, and as I grow and change, the answers will also change.
What I really want out of life right now is financial freedom, to be able to live comfortably and support the causes I would like to support and help the people I know are going to make a success of their lives if they had the right opportunities.
What I have to offer is my own special brand of enthusiasm, creative thinking and empathy for our world and its creatures.
Excellent read! The manifesto does a good job convincing the reader that living an unconventional but rewarding life is possible through the different examples given along with your own personal story.
I just learned about you yesterday, and read the manifesto today in preparation for seeing, listening to and meeting you tonight in Omaha.
I made the decision as a child that I would be remarkable, and have spent many years squelching that decision….to meet my parents’ expectations? That derailed. To be respectable and taken seriously? Check. To fulfill myself? Only partially– I am one of those with the 40 hour workweek and only ten hours of actual productivity. I spend far more time outside of work fulfilling myself, and I’m ready to start the transition into making that fulfillment the work that I do.
I’m ready, Chris! Thank you for helping me start to find the way!
Did you ever read a Choose Your Own Adventure book? Life is like that. It’s waiting for you to decide whether you’ll be average or remarkable.
Thanks for the whole article, which I read, but especially for that quote. It’s perfect timing.
YAY! Awesome, can’t wait to be remarkable, or to correct, MORE remarkable than I already am! 🙂
What do I want out of life: Peace – for myself, for others, for the world!
What do I offer: Help waking up – a free download excerpt from my book – Walk on Water: How to Make Change Easier.
I have spent my entire life being different and attaining my dreams, while being called ‘crazy’ frequently. It inspires me to hear that there are others like me. When fighting a war, an army of one won’t suffice.
Thank you.
I think I first read this manifesto at the end of 2008. It had a major affect on my life. Since then I’ve traveled to India and many European countries, worked as an artist using social media (your Art & Money Guide helped with this) exhibiting and selling work internationally (nothing major- but satisfying for me), started and successfully ran my own wedding photography business while living between Brisbane and Berlin without even having a wedding website, worked as a freelance writer, taught myself to speak basic German, am the fittest I’ve been in a long time and had some truly amazing and unforgettable life experiences. It has been a very unconventional two years.
Now I’ve got new goals, I’m upping the game. I read the manifesto again today. Perfect way to begin the preparations for a new phase.
Thank you.
Hi, my name is Allison Wyper, and I’m going to empower the revolutionary artists of the world!
I have great powers of communication, a shrewd ability to make sense of disorder, and strength of character to point out inane contradiction. I have an artist’s soul, a businesswoman’s mind, and an activist’s voice.
I want to find love, happiness, deep, soul-stirring pleasure, and profound connection with people and the planet. I want to be part of the solution, so that the world is a better place when I leave it. I want to inspire and provoke others to be active participants for positive change, and help them get started if need be. I’ve recently started teaching (as a grad student) and am finding my life’s work in three parts, as a teacher, artist, and arts administrator. More to come!
I just finished reading this manifesto sitting at the desk that is only mine to sit at for a couple more weeks. In an uncharacteristically bold move last week I quit an internship that has proven to be everything I don’t want in life.
I realized I was fed up with having an internship as a place holder, something to tell my old professors and old college friends I was doing so I wouldn’t look like a failure.
The problem: I felt like a failure. The reason: I was a failure. I was failing to do what I really want to do. I was failing to enjoy my life.
NOW my life can be anything I want it to be. Those close to me (including my parents, go figure) fully support my decision to “go rogue” and make my own way.
I stumbled upon this website and manifesto yesterday and, along with validating my choices which I always appreciate, it has inspired me to go for it, to be remarkable.
Thank you.
Thank you very much for asking, “What do you really want to get out of life?”! I needed that question, and I’ve typed up an answer in a document that just keeps growing the more I think about it. Your guide has heaped more kindling onto my already-burning passion for life and the pursuit of uncommon-but-worthwhile goals. I’m so excited about what I’m going to do today (and in the near future) for my life and ultimately the world that I can hardly stand to keep typing this!
Keep on keepin’ on!
Just read this manifesto and thought it was fantastic. It has definitely given me a lot to think about and I’m making a lot of changes in my life starting now.
Thanks a lot for writing this.
In a word.
I loved it. The manifesto was everything it promised and more. I literally laughed out loud in my apartment when I read your comment about the 11-hour flight and cramped seats.
I’ve been thinking greatly on how to be remarkable lately. At age 24, I have a Master’s Degree that I have never used professionally. Since I started my website 2 years ago, I was able to decide whether working was an option.
Now for step 2. Change the world.
If I can see my vision of helping other people get to where I’m at (time + money = freedom), then I can have more disposable income to fulfill more dreamlines ala Tim Ferriss. I’m working on my first E-book to help people do just that. I’m taking notes and I love what you’re doing. Keep spreading the good word.
Truly inspiring.
Thank you for putting into words and for providing brilliant advice on a dichotomy that can actually be considered one: changing the world and achieving my goals at the same time.
Look for my book in a year or so. It’s currently a dream but by then it will be a reality.
I really enjoyed reading that manifesto, and it gave me a lot of motivation to get cracking on what i want to do with my life.
I want to live in europe for an extended period of time, help people, be happy, spend my life with someone I love and who is happy being with me.
I want to see more of the world.
Make others smile. Be happy with my surroundings. Find interest in what I do. Enjoy my job. Be different. Not settle.
That is what I wrote for question number one.
I’m even though i’m not even halfway through my college career, i’m going to try and make a video game and publish it for everyone to play.
I just read your world domination guide in preparation for two major projects I’m in the beginning stages of starting.
Thank you for the inspiration and I look forward to meeting you someday when my plans/projects are a bit further along!
1). I would like to feel like I’ve motivated others to become Gutsy and take risks in life.
2). Your second question made me laugh, as I remember coming over from Europe and being asked by US immigration, “What unique skills do you have to offer that no American has?”
I can offer myself and my gutsy, global outlook on life. I am unique in the following manner. After living in Nigeria, France, Scotland, Denmark, Belgium, Belize, USA, and having raised three sons, one of them defiant and the others needing to get away from the “entitlement attitude” of young people in the U.S., my husband and I yanked them away from a comfortable life in the US and moved to a third world country. This was the best thing we could possibly do, and I want to help others realize that solutions are sometimes found in unexpected ways.
Here I was trying to find solace after deciding to drop a Biology class that I’ve fallen far behind in due to a bout of the “god please kill me” version of the flu and a family emergency.
Though I’ve spent huge amounts of time sloughing off limited thinking learned through osmosis, surrounded by people that think I’m nuts, I sometimes find myself realizing I’ve bought in. It’s amazing how deeply ingrained that kind of thinking is in this culture. Most days I feel like I’m living in a cartoon.
Where did I get the idea that having to retake a single class made me a miserable failure? What a load of BS. Perhaps now I can spend some time creating art rather than making myself sick with stress. Thanks for the reminder, talk about serendipity. 😉 I found your site through the Psych Today article. Thanks for that.
I’m still honing in on how to combine several passions. What I do know is I want a life of freedom, travel, art, progression, maybe a private island.
Mad love and best wishes.
Question #1: What do I really want out of life?
I want to have a dream church job (ministry/administration) and get paid for what I love to do.
I want to get past my personal struggles and shortcomings so I can have a nice home and have my act together.
I want to have enough household income to fully fund my budget categories and not need to use credit cards.
I want to work with church leadership and develop them into better leaders and shepherds.
I want others to know God and deepen their own spiritual lives and spiritual commitment.
Question #2: What can you offer the world that no one else can?
A strong calling to be a church leader, official position or not.
A powerful combination of the spiritual gifts of Administration, Helps and Prophecy.
A passion for ministry.
A brilliant mind, resourceful eye and intuitive, flexible ability to assist and to lead.
This exercise was especially helpful to clearly articulate what I have to offer. Nobody ever asks THAT question! 🙂
Hi! Chris, my name is Maurice Johnson. I’m an African-American pastor in New York City. I loved your manifesto on “World Domination.” It’s along the lines of how I think, preach and have begun to live my life. Your manifesto reminds of what I call the “Genesis Mandate” found in Genesis 1:28: “…Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion…”
I discovered you through Tim Ferriss’ website. Your forward thinking and unconventional life motivates me and so many others. God bless you!
P.S. I just purchased your book “The Art of Non-Conformity.” I’m looking forward to reading it.
Hi Chris,
I’m glad I came across your manifesto. The title of your blog, the Art of Non-Conformity really struck me because it is a big theme in my life.I happen to have been brought up in a Japanese and European upbringing. In Japan, conformity is considered an virtue as well as an essential social skill in getting along with others. If you do not, or cannot conform to “norms” and “standards”, you are seen as clumsy, troublemaking, not trustworthy, or just plain stupid. You can imagine how I was received when I walked in with all my “why?” questions and a different way of looking at things.
I think now though more than ever, we really need a change in attitude in Japan. With an aging society with slow economy growth, we need to be open to new ideas, embrace diversity and get basics like valuing productivity iand innovation instead of only emphasizing “long hours at the office” and making/following rules. It’s time to stop “trying harder” and start making life better.
I’ve been suffering lately from some decisions in my life. I’ve been rather scared to take the plunge into my dreams, because honestly, it’s safer to keep them as such and just day-dream as I fulfill my 40 hour-a-week contract. Don’t get me wrong, as far as jobs go, I love it. It gives me a chance to help the world a little bit… but it isn’t enough for me.
I’ve already laid out three goals to work on, as you said… and I’ve got a lot of enthusiasm for it. You’re an inspiration. Thank you.
Great writing. Really hit home what you said. Felt like you were talking to me. I hope i have the drive to move from where I am now to doing what I want when I want.
If there is such thing as ‘fate’, it’s not what I end up making of my life, it’s what crosses me path as I continue. I don’t even recall how I found the link to this, or what made me decide to read the entire report. I’m the same guy who won’t watch a youtube video longer than 29 seconds.
Fate aside, thank you for composing and making this report available. It has truly changed my life. I’m a construction engineering student who is seeking more than a desk job creating general estimates 9-5. First I felt I wanted to create a construction company. Then I felt I wanted to offer a product that really has an impact on society. Then I realized: I can implement an entire lifestyle for homeowners revolving around the concept of sustainability; beginning with construction. I can offer off-grid custom homes for all budgets, and teach homeowners how to REDUCE REUSE and RECYCLE not only during the construction phase, but for the rest of their day-to-day lives.
Nice. Well thought out–I may even borrow a few of your ideas to augment my worldview in the area of self-development.
When you speak about the 40 hour work week with an average of 10 hours of work being done a week, I can relate. I read your menifesto while at work. I think that says a lot about where I am right now.
Who am I and what do I have to offer? Those are hard questions. And I printed off Paul Myer’s Achieve Your Goals to help me figure that out. What do I have to offer? My instinct was to say nothing, but I know that’s not true. If I didn’t have anything to offer then I would dead. I am very much alive.
Is there a such thing as fear of success? I don’t know that answer. But with great power does come great responsibility, and I think for a while now I haven’t been wanting to accept the power so that I could avoid the responsibility.
I think it’s time to transform.
Thank you! Damian.
Amazing how the seeding the thoughts into the world bears fruit so quickly and effectively. A remarkable colleague and former student of mine, has been feeding me inspirational works, at a time when I am ripe for challenge and change. I have transformed myself numerous times in numerous ways, but this time its going to be even bigger, and more lasting and your words have inspired me. Thank you so much.
My answers:
1) I will be a commercial photographer and retoucher. I will own a creative production studio with it’s own space and facilities in photography, film and post-production. I want to live and work in this studio.
2) The studio will give back to the community. It will regularly offer internships for students and assist not-for-profit organisations pro bono, including the humanitarian organisation called PhotoVoice. Personally, I will go on short-term volunteering trips at the end of every year starting from 2011.
I already had the same ideas about non-conformity years before discovering your movement and have already answered these two questions at a young age. They have no doubt ruled every decision I have made in life. Thank you for sharing your personal experiences with “critics” as I have certainly had my own share of them and don’t feel so alone now. These days, I just accept that I really am different from everyone else – and proud of it!
Thanks so much!
I’m an artist in my high school senior year, and I can’t help but believe there is so much more out there for me than high school. And this gives me hope. Because I don’t want structure. I want to learn all I can, do all I have ever wanted to do, travel everywhere I have ever wanted to travel, and create all I have ever wanted to create.
I KNOW I can do this. You have told me that other people DO things like this too. I’m glad I’m not alone.
Thank you.
I have just downloaded and read the manifesto (sorry, I wasn’t able to print it). You have just inspired me to write my own manifesto.
Thank you.
Hey Chris! I finished your manifesto in just one day! I actually read it last year but at that time I was a bit messed up and confused about myself. But I come back again to read it because I decided aw, what the heck, I want to do something great with my life! Then I remembered the manifesto. So I decided to go and read it again with full attention.
I love it! It’s a manifesto for the individuals out there who want to live a remarkable life and be happy about it. It’s really meaningful and I wanted to say it’s awesome!
My answers:
1. I want to have the freedom to live my life and do my own lifestyle design
2. I offer my creativity to do things in unconventional ways and offer my humble support to people who want to pursue the things they want in life even in the hard times.
Hi! First than all, congratulations for a great job and thank you very much for the Manifiesto! You just got one more soldier in the army and a new front.
My two question:
1. What do you really want to get out of life?
a) I want to live life like an amazing trip where at the end, there are no (or only few) things to regret (especially of those from things I didn’t do)
b) Experience loving and being loved, and share the journey with friends and family that appreciate me as much as I appreciate them.
2. What can you offer the world that no one else can?
My most sincere effort to impact positively the people around me with my very personal, diverse and authentic way of facing life with intensity (sometimes fun/serious, sometimes active/listener, empathetical).
Hi Chris. I first read this about a year ago and now I just re-read it again after having followed your site for a while, gone to your book signing, read your book, and started my own blog with my own mission. But I realized I never commented to say thanks for the inspiration and the message that anyone is capable of achieving their dreams and making a difference out there.
I’ve always felt that I was destined to do something great with my life but then I got caught up in “real life” and well you’ve heard the story a million times….
Thanks to you, Leo, Baker and countless other bloggers/world-changers, I’ve decided it’s my time to get out there and do something. I’m in the beginning stages, but i have a goal in mind and I know I’ll get there with some hard work.
What a great manifesto. It definitely has encouraged me to not settle and achieve great things.
Your Manifesto is the best inspiration to give a chance to make real what , actually , is only a dream ! The human world is sleeping and i can see that everybody here is waiting fort something, or somebody ,who come and ask to see the best in each of us !
Now, i am really full of hope , because i feel that somethig is moving !!
Thank you for that !!
My answers are :
1) I want to be a more better painter that i am ….
2) And, give my paintings to make people feel that everything is alive and full of mystery !
Because i think that the world can not be better without that feeling !
Be alive is extraordinary , and we all have to do something to give with our lives !!
( i am sorry for my bad english … )
Read the manifesto, and found it very inspirational. Finding a way to be truly remarkable is not easy – as it shouldn’t be. Writings like yours are most beneficial for me in two ways: They push me to just start doing it instead of endless planning and procrastination, and they steer me towards thinking about the greater good.
Thanks, and keep up the work!
– J
I enjoyed reading the ebook. I found it thought provoking and and encouraging. Thanks for taking you’re time to create it and then share it.
Time to create my own movement, and the funny thing about that now is that I used to be scared of failing, now I’m scared because I know just how powerful it can become if I give it all I got…
Thanks again 🙂
Wow. Thanks for your inspirational manifesto! The first article I read on your site was “Why People Hate Marketers” …I was drawn to it… well, because I am a marketer. Last year, I was put into a situation where I really had to question my own morality as a person and a marketer. (The situation was uncannily like the email you received..) Anyways, I ended up choosing to quit my job. Ever since I made this decision to make a stand, I guess I’ve developed a taste for it… and feel like I need to do something else…that I wouldn’t really be happy until I could do something that I truly believe in.. As I see my colleagues continue to climb the corporate ladder – the thought makes me feel ill. I no longer want to compromise. But I think fear still sets with me and I’m torn between stability, convention and true greatness. This has certainly helped pushed me towards greatness just a bit more. Thanks!!
Thanks for creating the truth and making it available to the masses. I’ve been shining the light since circa 1974 and regurgitating any darkness that dare to cast shadows upon living anything other than with a whole heart wide open. I resonated with your questions, though I gotta admit rebelled against even those, for i’ve come to learn that living the questions are more important than the questions themselves and if my heart is going to be a guide star to any question let it be, “How can my life serve as a blessing to this world?”
Thanks for writing the manifesto, Chris; I read it front-to-back in one go, nodding and occasionally raising an eyebrow due to spasms of acute Aha-itis.
My answers:
1. What do I want out of life? To express my creativity with elegance and humour. Specifically, I intend to attain an expert level in two areas: Writing and classical clarinet.
2. What can I offer the world that no one else can? Wild and funny imaginings blended with truths that have helped me survive and thrive. I want to encourage people to live life wide awake and on their own terms, no matter where (or when) they’re starting.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a planet to conquer…
The 2 questions assisted by the ‘ideal world’ exercise are spot on. If you’re not living each day with those 2 ideas in mind, chances are you’ll never reach your ideal destination in life. Do what is necessry to remind yourself of the 2 questions and little by little you’ll see improvements. It’s been working for me and I can see world domination my in future.
Thanks Chris!
Thanks for the Manifesto. You have an excellent writing style and offer inspiration for those of us who are thinking about (or have already) stepped out of the box. Keep swimming!
What can I say? Awesome.
Though I expected something completely different from the title (yes, something about the New World Order) the download was very uplifting and inspirational. Indeed, far more so than anything about the NWO could be.
Thanks, I will be sharing this with my family and friends.
I think this might be comment #488. I haven’t read the other 487, but I imagine they are mostly filled with gratitude and optimism. I feel deeply grateful and inspired by you.
I’m reading your manifesto for world domination as I count down to changing my life in June. Leaving the full-time frustrating job, the city and the confines of my conventional life and heading for the country, self-employment, more creativity and, I hope, a life of abundance.
My mother, who died when I was 18, used to say, “This is it – this isn’t the dress rehearsal.” Eighteen years later, I think I’m finally understanding that. As I read your manifesto, I kept thinking, “This is about everything!”. A lot of things are coming together as I prepare for this massive change. I’m so glad I stumbled on your site.
Best of luck achieving your goals. Somehow I think you’ll do it.
Another like-minded person!… and I always thought I was just the ‘rebel’ 8) I absolutely agree with your views on non-conformity, living the authentic life which echos who you are on the inside. For me, a lot of it is found in simplicity. I’ve learned to find tremendous joy in seemingly insignificant things (like the ladybirds in my vegetable garden!) To get there, I had to learn to turn down the volume of life so to speak, to want less, to appreciate more. At the risk of sounding ‘goody-goody’ what I want from life at this stage is even deeper and more meaningful relationships with God and with my family – that’s what really satisfy me. And I love travelling (some of the scariest and most rewarding experiences of my life, but I learned that somehow it always works out in the end!) Wish I could accompany you to all the faraway places – think you’re doing a great job conquering the world!
Great read, thanks, shared with a large number of people. Came back to work in the US last year after 5.5 in the former Soviet Union doing humanitarian aid – I thought coming back home for a while would be a nice break. It has been, but I do find myself getting stuck into the ho-hum less-than-fully-productive 9 to 5 thing, your manifesto reminded me that this was just supposed to be a pit stop in the California sunshine on the way to bigger things.
It is good to see a kindred like yourself fulfilling his life work. Your words: “In the short run, few people will notice, but in the long run, everyone will,” are memorable.
Great stuff, I posted it to my blog and every other place I could put it. I have been studying this concept for quite a few years by trying to group the people I respect the most and define why I like them. Copy what works! This is one of the best jobs I have come across explaining the lifestyle and the reasons.
Pura Vida!
I just discovered your site from an email that I received early this morning.
Great looking site and great presentation
I’m gonna tackle the “manifesto” for lunch.
Again, greart work!
Thanks very much for your manifesto. Still trying to figure what great thing I can do and how I can do it at the ripe age of 48. You’ve helped me to stay motivated to keep trying.
You don’t know me but one day I will literally rule the world.
Thank you for your help, you’re doing just about everything I want to do ^^
Thank you. Thank you for helping me to feel as though I’m not the only one alone in this thing called life. Your article is rich food for thought. I will be forwarding the article to my Psy.D. cohort as we are all change agents – studying change, helping other people and organizations to change and doing quite a bit of changing ourselves. I look forward to reading more of your thoughts and following your travels. I wish you the best.
Hi my name is Holly Caughron, and I’m going to revolutionize the way humans interact with the environment and the products they choose to purchase. It’s nice to have a safe space to say that…now to go out into the big bad dangerous world and say that. My business does and will affect the way people make decisions about helping the environment through how they vote, entertain themselves, clean their house, and more. It will leave a legacy of wild spaces, cleaner air, and healthier people via the businesses we support with stellar marketing.
Green Rising Marketing empowers environmentally purposed organizations to save the planet and enrich the lives of its humans through unspeakably brilliant messaging and outreach efforts. If you want to stand out, you’ve come to the right place.
How’s that? Thanks for the inspiration!!
Currently my main goal is very broad but in the end I’d love to do something with my art, spoken word poetry, and good ideas(as I like to call them).
I’ve very much gotten things in motion and am making a difference that I deem noticeable but I recognize I have a long way to go. This article has infused me with some insane inspiration so after some brainstorming, some reading of comments others have left you, and some more reading of your stuff I think I’ll be much more prepared to tackle my dreams!
You have no idea how much your World Domination pdf has helped me … and I’m only on page 7! I’m at a fork in the road and this was exactly what I needed to help inspire me! It gets scary and takes a lot of courage to pave your own path. Thanks for reminding me of what is important. xx.
Thank you very much for the manifesto.
I am thinking and working at the same time to figure the two questions.
Thanks a lot.
Found your manifesto through Zen habits and feel like it slots in perfectly to the way my thinking is currently heading. Not sure where it’s all going at the moment but that’s part of the fun. Going to show it to my husband and work out our 2 answers together. Thank you for sharing your inspiration.
I just recently received a link to your manifesto and I enjoyed reading it. You have confirmed a lot of things for me that I ultimately thought and to know that I am not the only one to think those things is refreshing.
I am in the process of creating the life and world that I want. This brief and the tools you have provided have given me the courage and commitment to step out on faith and JUST DO IT! I don’t need to wait on anyone! Or ask permission to live my dream and achieve my goals!
Thanks for sharing your “world domination” tips with all of us. Together, we are creating an army of independent thinkers and world changers who are changing the world for the better, not for the bitter!
Awesome! It has been wonderful to read your material -you write in such an affirming, empowering way!
The take away for me -”Do what you love, and make the world a better place while you’re at it”- is one that I want to actualize in my life and to encourage in others. In my experience, though, concern for the well-being of others, as whole persons and not simply as homo-economicus, is often portrayed as ‘mushy’ and sentimental, just as working to support it is dismissed as an unreasonable or unworthy goal (to reference your most recent post). The confident, convincing way in which you write about contributing to the world helps give me the confidance to move forward with my vision.
Thanks a million, Chris! Ever since I bought your book in January and saw you speak in Montreal, you have re-ignited a feeling of possibility for me -to live large and authentically, with meaning and purpose, and while having a blast, too! 🙂
I’m from Brazil (already wondering if you ever visited Rio) and stumbling upon your website and this manifesto was another “sign” that I should start my own quest and find my purpose in this life. I also believe that everyone has something to contribute to this world with and I have been searching for mine for a long time now. I hope to find it soon and thank you so much for the enlightening my path. Hope to see you soon somewhere, someday.
Chris, I have been a long time lover of wisdom literature. I love reading the world’s Sacred texts which contain many awesome insights that deal with being remarkable and benefiting others. These books were written by people who suffered at the hands of gatekeepers for spreading their ideas of a better world. I’m a government employee and have been day dreaminng about becoming a writer and publishing my books. I have outlines and notes and many book title ideas. I want to not only live the life that I have imagined but to also benefit the world with my uniqueness by quitting my stressful, boring, tedious job. I really want to develop my skills as a writer and share my take on being unconventional like you are doing. I especially appreciate the section of your manifesto on the obstacles encountered. I became acquainted with you 2 hours ago and you already impacted my life.
Thank you
I quite liked the manifesto, it’s refreshing to hear a successfull advocator from the unconventional side, seeing as how most people are lazy and content with the mundane safeness that society offers. I will most assuredly read anything else you have to offer. The current answers to the two most important questions are as of now; to take in all the world has to offer me, and to deliver it back in a way only I can.
Love, LOVE your manifesto. I’m offering a link to it on my blog. Don’t get too excited about extra page hits for you yet – I’m a newbie blogger. Your manifesto and 279 Days are helping me on my journey as a blogger and toward becoming what I was meant to be.
damn… i’m struck. i’ll be lying awake for days… weeks… months… to answer the two questions.
thank you, chris.
#1: What do you really want to get out of life?
I want to live life to the fullest, experiencing everything I can til the end of my time here. I want to sell millions of records, tour the world, write lots of music, have my tunes in TV & film, play on Jay Leno, blow peoples minds with performance art, etc.
#2: What can you offer the world that no one else can?
A unique sound of music and vision, clear kind ideas of how humans and animals should be treated, courage to speak out and make real change in this world.
Your manifesto has helped me to realize what my goal truly is, and brainstorm ways to make it happen. My goal: To live a romantic lifestyle and guide others to also live a more romantic lifestyle. Becoming a novelist is also part of this goal.
Over the next three months, I will be planning and writing future content for a new website, and research ways to make my new website a success. Thank you for your guidance. I have also downloaded and read 279 days to Overnight Success. I found the information will be very helpful to achieve my goals of success.
Gonna keep this short and sweet but I really loved reading this report. I recently decided to start living life the way I want to live it and this manifesto is a great reminder to continue to do just that!
Chris – I found your report yesterday and you really got me going. Well, I was blogging already, but your example will support my continuing to write. I am 69, an internet casino gambling addicted grandmother who is struggling to quit gambling and discourage others from ever starting.
I blog about my experiences (losses, money and relations, un unknown life) openly and as truthfully as I manage; your manifesto gives me courage to work even more passionately on writing about this (and research more about addiction) and my life as it evolves the way I want it to. Thank you!
This. This 29 page document meant a lot to me. I love your questions!
#1: To create, collaborate, and change the world with the power of my words and ideas.
#2: A perspective of life on a rock in the Pacific ocean, a voice for change in people’s attitudes towards life, death, and everything in between.
Chris aye bud, this is my first time here, and I just read your PDF. I was totally hooked! and this was really invigorating for me, I highly enjoyed and it was full of powerful emotional positiveness.I made me realize to accomplish my dream/goal not matter what obstacles are in the way; but it will only last for so long. My true satisfaction is to make significant impact on the world somehow that will last forever. That will transpire to my all manifestos to world domination. Your an inspiration to me, if you can do it I can to. I look forward to reading the rest of what you’ve written.
Warm regards,
I have to say that this is a great inspiration. A great layout of ideas, and certainly the encouragement that some people need (hopefully me too).
#1 – Other than average things like friendship and understanding, I want to create intelligent machines.
#2 – Other than the whole of myself (guaranteed unique, like everyone), I’m still trying to figure this one out.
Thank you for the manifesto. I received a link to it on a very bad day, and it’s helping me turn things around.
One of my goals is to find humor out of life. Reading your 11 ways to be Unremarkable Average List is a great start. thank you
I just stumbled across your website through Stumble Upon and read your manifesto. It so clearly conveys what I have been striving for in life and has given me a renewed sense of direction and motivation to continue on after many roadblocks and critics.
This was quite fun to read and also very inspiring! You seem like a very passionate person…
1- to have unimaginable experiences, to find love, to be overwhelmed by how amazing all of it is.
2- my specific experience in art, my unique viewpoint and my will to listen.
I’ve been what I call a “seeker” for a few years now, taking in as much information and inspiration as one brain and one heart can hold. I realized for myself a few years ago what it would mean for me to having an amazing life that I love. As a result of that insight I quit my oh so well paid day job and went back to school to get a second undergraduate degree, a BFA in Painting, and I will be getting my Masters degree direclty after.
I would like to thank you for publishing this kind of information and inspiration as I can clearly see you are “being” the change you wish to see in the world. In short, thank you for being you.
It’s funny how your website popped up just as I was pondering how I could free my mind from the “should” of society. I read your manifesto and it was great to see the large emphasis giving back. I do this with every goal I set out to do, and people think me nuts.
Thank you!
I’ve been reading your blog (after purchasing and reading “The Art of Non-Conformity). I feel inspired in ways I never have…but, I can’t lie. I am afraid. Afraid to try new things; afraid I am simply too mediocre to succeed.
But, I am also afraid spending the rest of my life with the same emptiness I’ve had for the last 30 years.
I want to begin a small local newspaper (at first, in blog form) to support small, local businesses. Having options for services and goods that never include a single chain store/service seems like the only way to fight corporate, well, everything.
I also see where I am extraordinary–I’m commended all the time for my interpersonal skills (I call it kindness, empathy, and humility). But, I have often felt these qualities make me weak in the eyes of others.
Thank you for showing me that I can be who I am and still make a difference. I hope I have the strength to keep going…I’ve made a good start today.
Chris, your manifesto for world domination should be required reading for every senior in high school. Hey kids, you don’t have to mortgage your future by going to an overpriced college and getting a worthless education. You don’t have to spend the next decade in debt. You can just go and do something great, right now!
I wish I had started thinking this way 20 years ago, but hey, better late than never.
Just finished. I found this site at the write time! It truly is a testament to how effective simply asking for help on choosing the right path is. Chris, you have written exactly what I needed to hear. Thanks a lot!
This is a great article Chris. I just need to figure out how I can serve people. I’m on my way to world domination too! I follow your style!
The power of your words is pretty clear when 3 years after you post something you’re still getting amazing feedback.
I came back to re-read the manifesto and am so happy I did. I recently moved to the Pacific Northwest and it may sound silly, but I get your inspired writing even more now…I’m not sure why!
Thanks Chris. 🙂
Thank you. I just finished your Manifesto and on the last page you asked us to come leave a comment if we liked it. Well, I wasn’t going to (not sure why not, I guess I assume that you have so many, what good would my comment do) but then I figured I owed you at least that. You spent a lot of time and effort and clearly show a passion for helping others be better people. At a minimum you deserve a “Thank You” from everyone who reads it, and gets it.
I just got married 2 weeks ago and my wife and I both used the word “remarkable” in our personal vows when we discussed the life we planned to live with one another. Now we have to define for ourselves what that means. Though we have been considering the concept for many years, your writings provided some additional clarity that will certainly be of great use to us.
I have become a subscriber and am looking forward to catching up on all of your previous posts while mapping out our future.
Keep up the good work Chirs, many people who are fed up with the status quo still haven’t found you yet!
And again, Thanks.
This was exactly what I needed right now – people can get me doubting about my visions sometimes. To see that there are people out there that believe, as I do that they can change the world, gives me confirmation. I have not clearly figured out how I am going to do it but I have known it since I was a kid. I never believe in the conventional life and I keep thinking about all the things I want to be changed in this world. I guess I have to find a starting point somewhere….So glad I came across your page. I am German and I rarely find inspirational pages like yours in my native language- I am wondering why….
A good friend of mine sent me the Guide about a year and a half ago. Now partway through grad school I’ve finally gotten to reading it one day while doing laundry and in-between reading scientific papers. Wow. Thank you.
It must be the synchronicity that I’m reading this now while in a period of determining my future, and it codifies much of my own realizations and goes further in encouraging me to act.
If I achieve greatness or micro-celebrity status, I’ll let you know.
Dear Chris, after too many years of mastering the art of conformity I decided that enough is enough. Having recently completed my first marathon (9/17 Air Force Marathon), learning Spanish (Rosetta Stone Course) and working on my first book (title yet to be determined) while continually focusing on ways to leave the past behind, I stumbled across an article entitled “Mastering the New Freelance Economy” by Kimberly Palmer, which included a comment by you. So naturally I clicked on your name, went to your website and downloaded your guide to world domination. WOW! What an eye-opener. While at a self-help seminar 20 years ago I participated in a personal mission statement exercise and came up with, “To be a leader among my peers and to do whatever it takes to enable people to improve the quality of their lives”. Trouble is I spent the last 20 years trying to only improve mine and the employers I worked for. Mine stayed the same and my employer’s benefitted tremendously. Your article has focused me on setting goals (a timetable to get out of the race, the rats won!) and I now know where to spend most of my creative hours each day. I’ll keep you posted on my progress. Thanks for the help….g
Thanks, Chris, you have made a fine doc.
You are advancing a fine tradition along with Bucky Fuller, Aleister Crowley, Dr. Phil, and innumerable others who ask themselves and us: What is my will? How can I help?
After the death of my wife of 18 years and being laid-off two months later in 2008, I had the time to remember what I love to do. I am building a publishing biz (working on the 4th Book), getting a PhD in History and helping to run a spiritual school I founded with the express goal of empowering folk to walk one form of this path.
Keep it up!
sam webster
I must say, I was never really one to post on these kinds of things, but I figured why not start somewhere? And this is quite the place to start.
I’m a junior in college and I’m trying to figure out what I want to do with my life…I’m torn between trombone performance at the music school and a conventional path through the business school, and I can’t seem to feel satisfied with one or the other. But combining the two presents its own challenges.
I feel like this guide offers me an entirely new paradigm to look at what it means to go to college and learn…it feels like college should be more of a breeding ground for ideas and opportunities, not just another four years of classes.
This article has inspired me to think harder and deeper about what I want out of life and what I can contribute that nobody else can. I have a lot of thoughts rushing around about a lot of things, and I plan on reading the manifesto again, as well as your blog, and Leo Babauta’s blog.
The things you talk about really resonate with me…I’ve learned a lot about myself just from reading the manifesto and writing this post…thank you
I read your guide to world domination. I like the fact you try to inspire people to set goals for themselves which is great. I think goal setting should be done by everybody. Giving back to people that need help is also noble. I think both are important to the individual, but I do have a few questions.
If everybody followed your example, quit their jobs to fulfill their goals who would do all the pleb work? Some would do the work until they were ready to pursue their goals, and then quit. Would that mean you would have to hire the people that truly want a pleb existence?
This is a standard question for goal setters.
#1: What do you really want to get out of life?
This question is more of a philosophical question.
#2: What can you offer the world that no one else can?
My time
I don’t think most people will go to the extreme that you have, but I do believe it will inspire people to not be sheep. That is a good thing. I would think most people would want to improve themselves by learning something new each day and open their minds to critical thinking in all phases of their life. After all, we are the only sentient being on the planet.
#1: What do you really want to get out of life?
#2: What can you offer the world that no one else can?
my free time
I just got this now, but it’s starting out well. This is going to be my alt+tab buddy for the rest of the week. well, today and tomorrow. thank you for making me look busy at work!
Great Manifesto, short and sweet. Keep on living your dream. I have some work to do, thanks for the inspiration.
I will keep this short and sweet. After being in a “holding pattern” for close to a year, your manifesto gave me the directions to the runway so I could finally disembark from Mediocrity Air.
Thank you very much.
I am in a process of creating ‘2012 Circle with Intention’ and will use your inspiration to help my community. Thank you for making me laugh reading your insights about gatekeepers’ way…..therefore, I keep my record interesting for their eyes…so, I can sneak in and do job that matter for my soul and global awareness. Bo Voyage, to Latvia and Mongolia.
I liked the ebook. I have a bucket list of about 30 pages. One of my goals is to find the world’s most beautiful beach. Who knows where it is? Not me, but half the fun is the search. I’m headed to Tokyo for the first time in January, I wish I would have learned of your traveling system sooner.
Best of luck with visiting the countries and hit me up if you are in Tokyo from Jan to May.
This was exactly what I needed at this time. Extremely empowering–please keep inspiring and keeping the fighting going–don’t ever stop.
Hi Chris, I just read your manifesto (which I found thanks to Emilie via Puttylike). I’m uncertain about my own answers to the ultimate questions but am inspired by your writing. I look forward to following your blog in the future. Thanks for keeping it real.
The worlds about to change.
It’s not often I read an article that affects me the way yours did Chris. I’d like to thank you. Good luck with your own personal goals. I know I’ve got a new found motivation to discover, and complete my own.
– Cheers
Chris, I’ve always felt the way you do about how to live one’s life, I just always had a hard time of putting it into words, and you do so eloquently.
I hope you continue to open a new world up to people who are so frustrated with the status quo, but don’t quite know how to get out of something they didn’t even know they were in.
Bravo- Jason
Just read this entire report from start to finish. How INSPIRING. I think something just changed inside me. Expect big things ahead. Thank you for your words. I’m happy to be joining your small army!
Wow this is good! And I am impressed that its all free to download 🙂
I just finished reading your manifesto and want to respond by saying good job!
Your words are very inspiring, but that doesn’t surprise me, you present your ideas very well. I’ve been reading your downloads and posts for a while now and have always enjoyed your writings.
I don’t always agree with everything you say (I was one of those gate-keepers you speak of), but the world wide web has provided opportunities for writers and readers to share stories and they all have value to someone… variety is good. Isn’t there a saying that competition breads innovation?
Thank you for speaking up. Don’t stop.
Just read your manifesto and it’s great stuff. It has served as a great inspiration for me this morning.
As for the first question I think what I want to get out of life is the chance to do something different and leave my mark on the world. Like it written in your article, we don’t have to experience the world in the way we’ve been told. The second question is more difficult to answer and I’ll need more time to think of a specific answer.
Thanks again for your inspiring article hopefully more people will get the chance to read this, I wish you all the best on your endeavor!
I just read this and 279 Days to Overnight Success in one sitting. Wow, my brain is humming. I am hooked on how you empower the individual. Thank you for all the think points you provided – very helpful now that I am embarking on a new business.
Thanks. I like what you said about not having to jump through hoops expected by others. Just get on with realizing your dream. (And I would add: having faith in God is even more important.) Also, as you suggested, I’m recording here my personal answers to the two “most important questions” you highlighted. (1) What I want in life: have a happy family, write my book, and live in a healthy community. (2) What I can give the world: write my book.
Read the whole thing in one sitting- wow.
So glad you exist man. I for one am SURROUNDED by gatekeepers and critics… and I keep unknowingly falling in line with them and taking in everything they say! Reading this was like waking up and suddenly remembering why I am here.
I was really angry and frustrated today and I didn’t know why, until I read this. Thanks for saving me from drowning in the sea of averageness x
Portuguese girl happy and surprised to a referrence about portuguese at the manifesto. Just to say that I’m trying to gain the courage needed to leave the average life behind, for so many years I have done what other people expected from me only to end up at a boring and routine living. Your words were inspiring but in the end all needs to start at the most difficult place: inside of us. That’s the part I’ve been dealing with and I’m starting to feel great benefits. Someday I’m sure I will rule the world! Thank you for writting!
Your article is poignant 5 years later because it’s so very individualized to the readers-the ball is in our courts.
1. I want to live fully immersed in life across the planet and help women reach their potentials as leaders and dominant figures.
2. Artistic and unique passion and compassion. Bold convictions, real support and personality to change the world’s view on women’s capacity.
Thank you, Chris!
Thanks for the manifesto. I’m working on change, it’s slowly turning over in my mind, I’m almost there.
Chris, just re-read the manifesto for the first time in a couple years, and had just the same galvanizing effect as it did the first time! Great, great, fantastic work, and keep it up. Some love for you from Boulder, Colorado! (come give a talk at my school, CU!)
a warm greeting from the tip of Africa, Chris! just wanted to say THANK YOU for an inspiring read – am in the process of creating a highly unconventional way of doing business and fostering creative community collaboration and your manifesto was just what I needed on this rainy Saturday evening. I’ll send you a longer letter with more details… but in the meantime, best of luck with your travels and writing! with gratitude and love, Sx
I’m already on my path to world domination and i am so excited to be doing what i am and living the life i live. It was great to read this and see a lot of my thoughts/attitudes here but also reading this has helped me refocus and confirmed a lot of my thoughts about the world today!
Thanks for this!
Popcorn for breakfast.
I have permission to choose for myself.
Way cool.
This couldn’t have come at a more appropriate time. I’m at a crossroads where I really don’t want to work at a job where I have to follow rules. I’ve never followed the rules before. I just graduated with an Advertising degree from an awesome art school here in San Francisco. One of the most powerful yet simple lessons I learned from my education was: to create.
I want to create my own future and your manifesto about not living your life like others think I should really resonated with me. I’ve luckily been thinking about the questions you posed for many years. I am at a place where I have the answers, just now….how the heck do I make a living out of it? I sent you a direct email asking about which book/program do I start with? I want more than anything to receive tools/guidance something that I can do that will enable me to pay the bills and grant me the freedom to live my life as I envision it in my heart.
I hope someday I can help others inspire themselves to go out and do, be, have, and live what’s in their heart.
Thanks for sharing your work! I look forward to using some of your tools.
Hell, yeah!! Been reading the blog for a while, but only now I read the manifesto. And it all falls into place. For now I’m using the John Grisham-method (rise early to get work done) + day job to get my own business started. And it is about initiating new fathers to be the best father they can be. It’ll start this year in The Netherlands, but I’m planning to make it much bigger than my own little country.
Take care!
Hi Chris, Greetings from Singapore. Thanks for sharing your Manifesto. It definitely helps us in the thinking and reflecting process. Traveling 193 countries before 35 is really remarkable, as my personal target is 100 countries in my lifetime.
It’s odd, this feeling of relief that came over me after reading your manifesto. I have been in graduate school most of my life, only to be remarkably bored afterwards. I briefly jumped out of the rat race after leaving residency to teach middle school (all I can remember is laughing — and that kid on the roof of my trailer classroom who nearly stopped my heart before he made it down safely and then I was laughing again). But I succumbed to the pressures of my family and my friends after two years and went to law school. After telling them about another great day in the classroom, there would always be an expectant, pregnant pause on the other end of the line, during which neither one of us said what the other wanted to hear. Until I finally chickened out and went to law school (talk about boring). After 2 years in big law, I can actually feel my life, my meaning, my purpose — whatever intangible thing we name Self – receding from me. I keep waiting for something to break this inertia, but I know it has to come from myself. I appreciate all your advice and honest words of encouragement. Thanks for the site — it always helps to hear the truth.
Awesome Manifesto Chris! So inspiring! I will follow your advice: “You don’t have to live your life the way other people expect you to”. Thanks.
Chris, I’ve just read your Manifesto and AONC book: great reading, thank you for them.
Question #1: To live the life fully committed to helping the poorest, the starving, the sick, the oppressed.
Question #2: My intelligence, all my time, my passion and total commitment to the cause.
I hope to meet you one day in real life!
Thank you for saving me from creating another mediocre website! I am at a crossroads with what I want to do with my online business, but I know now that I shouldn’t settle for anything less than amazing! (or as near to amazing as I can get!).
Despite 5+ years of building websites I don’t feel in the least bit proud of what I’ve achieved. After reading your inspirational manifesto, that’s all going to change.
Can’t thank you enough..
I just read your guide, after toting it around in a backpack for months. While a lot of it was great, I felt grateful that certain parts of it are things I’ve been steeped in for years.
A few ideas for the V 2.0 you should (and probably are?) working on:
1. Community matters. Surround yourself with supportive life adventurers. Help them in their journey. Let them help you. You touch on this with comments on good friends (who encourage your ideas) and with talks about weak links, but I think think community is too important to be missed. The only reason I feel free to live the life I do is because I gave myself permission, but my friends doing the same helped me realize I could.
2. You can be extraordinary in an ‘ordinary life’. You don’t need to jetset to make a difference. Creating organizations in your community can make an impact. Not everyone needs to be developing an NGO. There are alive, creative open people who do clerical support, and those NGOs can’t function without them. Your gift to the world doesn’t need to appear exciting to anyone else but you.
3. Invest in your emotional health. The best indicator of activist who last is empathy.
Thanks, and all the best.
About a week ago I first came across the Art of Non-Conformity. I find myself buoyed and energized in a way that I haven’t been in years. To have found a spokesperson and community of people who find themselves at a similar point on a similar arc through life is exciting and invigorating. I’ve been working to create just this type of change in my life for a couple of years, so to find this page and this collection of people just now has affected my attitude and my resolve in an incredibly positive way.
I downloaded World Domination and 279 Days… today and read both. I’m about to launch the thing I Really Want To Do, and I’m taking stock of what it’s really going to require. Still so worth it. Thank you for the affirmation that it’s possible.
after reading your manifesto i feel that its time to change my life,time to get my goals!thanks to you now o know how to do it 🙂
gracias from Spain!
You know, I’ve been aimlessly moving in circles around my goals in this life. Time to storm the Caribbean 🙂
Thanks for converting my dreams to goals.
As a fellow world traveler, I found this article very inspiring. I want to come up with some life goals right now! At the moment I don’t have a pressing dream (I just moved to Brazil from the U.S., so that’s one accomplished!). I totally agree with your philosophy and I hope that more people will be able to read this! Thanks.
Just read the manifesto and while I’ll be taking some time to let it marinate, my initial answers to the questions are:
Question #1: True Happiness and a life filled with Flow Experiences
Question #2: A unique perspective on the world
You’ve articulated the very thing that made me quit my job over 2 years ago in order to go to Costa Rica for 2 months to make hot sauce. People said I was crazy, and when I returned home and started a part-time job making a fraction of what I was earning before, I started to believe them. For the past 2 years, I haven’t been able to figure out what’s wrong. I have a loving and supportive husband and a million free lunches backing me up. Thank you — sincerely — for giving me not only the motivation but the TOOLS necessary to achieve my goals.
Now I just need to figure out what those are. 😉
Yesterday I made a point to read the manifesto, taking much of it to heart. Last night I noodled around Netflix and ended up watching “Bill Cunningham New York,” a documentary that touched my heart.
I had no idea who Cunningham was – is – but discovered a man in his 80s who every day does what he loves to do and has done so for many years. By most any standard he is wildly eccentric, talented, happy, and successful. Did Cunningham plan any of it? I doubt it – which doesn’t mean the rest of us don’t have to – but it seems he definitely has standards – ethics – he lives by.
If you don’t know Cunningham (I am often the last person to discover what everyone else already has) or just want to witness non-conformity in action, I encourage you to watch “Bill Cunningham New York.”
And thanks, Chris, for an action plan.
Already a big fan of AONC!
Your book $100startup is just kick ass!
It made me think deeply, and now I am ready to plan and execute my 3 business ideas !
Thanks Chris!
I recently quit my job to start my own business and felt the need to read this again. It seems to put my mind at ease and reminds me that I made the right choice and to keep going. I’m not looking for much in life personally (my list of desired material goods are shockingly limited) I just want to do something that could really bring a positive change to the world. Ive always believed that following your passion and dreams are important so I’m looking to create a platform to make it easier for people to do exactly that, with the aim to bring this “unconventional” lifestyle to the mainstream consciousness, hopefully reducing the resistance from the ‘gatekeepers’, ‘critics’ and ‘normalisation of mediocrity’
Sounds like the rambling of a young idealist but there you do lol
Keep bringing out good content and I’ll get to reading you latest book
Thank you for your contributions Chris! I believe your ideas have sent numerous ripples of positive change in our world. You have indeed left your mark! Great work.
I’ve been reading your site and emails for a little while now, and just got around to reading your manifesto today. In a word – inspiring. I’ve always felt that I don’t fit into the ‘little box’ of working a 9-5 job, living in a house in the suburbs w/ a white picket fence, etc. I launched my own website recently as the first step in my mission of helping women find love for their bodies, make peace with food and feel confident + beautiful in their own skin.
What do I want in my life? To be an inspiration to women + help others overcome their body image issues and find authentic body love and self confidence. I want to travel extensively (maybe not every country) and be able to earn a living from anywhere in the world. I want to write at least one book.
What can I offer others that no one else can? My unique perspective and guidance, from experience, on how to overcome disordered eating, body image issues, and self-confidence. My yoga classes and coaching sessions as well as online courses, workshops and books. I want to also start an organization that works to empower young women because it is usually at a young age where our doubts about our bodies and selves start to sink in.
Many thanks. Read it. Loved it. Pacing around thinking…the calm before the storm. I will keep you posted. 😀
Just read your brief guide to world domination. I’m a drummer, and I just started a new business with the guitarist in my band, so your work was/is really inspiring!
My answer to your question were:
#1 To have a good time. Great experiences, great memories, priceless moments, to acquire new talents and skills, and a life that I can be proud of when my final day arrives.
#2 Me! My personal combination of talents and my excitement can only come from me 🙂
Hell, yeah!!It’ll start this year in The Netherlands, but I’m planning to make it much bigger than my own little country. Greetings from Singapore. Thanks for sharing your Manifesto.
#1 To travel the world and really connect with people. Learn several new languages, starting with French. Gain a deeper understanding of the world through travel and use my own self-education to help create empathy and understanding world wide.
#2 I don’t really have a clue yet but I do know that I have a lot of compassion for people and a willingness to help those who can’t help themselves. Maybe I will create a world movement for unity. Who knows?
Brother In Arms!
I love your passion, dedication, and clarity! I just finished the Manifesto and loved it! I saw you recently in La Jolla, awesome book, even awesomer presentation! Your ideas rock! Consider this my declaration of allegiance. Like you, I am wholly dedicated to living my True Life, and support a greater mass living theirs. I will be regularly following your blog, and other projects for inspiration and quality/ usable information. And, I have decided today to write my own Manifesto for my project, which when completed I will send your way.
To rockin ideas made manifest,
Hello there!
First of all, I want to thank you for the Manifesto. I found it both entertaining and educating, and I believe I really did learn a lot from it. Actually applying the great advice you offer might be a bit tougher, but why should I let that stop me?
The Guide and your whole blog is really inspiring. Once again, thanks for sharing your ideas with the world. They are most definitely worth hearing.
Hi Chris,
I’ve read your manifesto yesterday and found it very inspiring (also nicely worded and designed!), so this brief note is just to thank you for sharing such an inspirational read, and your project of visiting every country in the world sounds awesome!
All the best,
Buenos Aires, Argentina
I read through the manifesto and found it inspiring!
I myself am a student of theoretical physics and want to do some remarkable thing to enter in history. Maybe it’s a foolish goal, but I think that helping humanity unveil the secrets of the universe it’s a way to payback everyone that gave me an opportunity do understand those secrets a little better.
Your personal history is really nice. I admire your courage. The manifesto is very well written. I specially agree with the part of people agreeing with mediocrity. I find this very disturbing, it’s like a mantra to people here in Brazil. It’s annoying.
I hope you have success in your journey.
Gabriel Cozzella
Chris, thank you for this fantastic manifesto. Like you, I’ve lived my life with earnest effort to not conform. It’s put me in a few hard places, but I’ve discovered myself, matched with a purpose to help others and welcome the world toward positive change. My plans are developing and soon I’ll be implementing efforts that happen to be not too far off from your own.
Nonconformity can come with a heavy burden in a conformed world, but pushing through to figure things out is only the beginning. Soon I’ll be doing and only hope I can continue doing what compels me with hopes to help and compel others.
Thanks for doing what you do.
I read your manifesto and all I can say is keep up the good work. People like you impress me.
Go the non-conformists! Know the rules, so you can break them.
Like the manifesto very much. Cleverly written, concise. Good luck on your journey.
This piece appeared on my radar in good ol’ timely fashion, as I’m poking at the ‘conventional life’ and feeling uneasy at the thought of being penned in so completely. Thank you for the inspiration and thoughtful suggestions on how to move ahead. I’m going to need to sit on Q2 for a bit as I am not sure what unique ‘thing’ I could offer with the broad range of talents/interests I currently have. We’ll see I guess!
I read your manifesto and I worked on my own goals in life according to the two questions. This guide really helped me, along with the resources listed, to define my goals and how I want my life to be. Thanks Chris!
I am grateful that I read this. There are several things that have worried me for a while that this has helped me let go of. I am a student working towards a degree in computer engineering without having done any engineering before. I am the person that is good at just about everything, but not excellent at anything, and thus there are many obstacles to and holes in my knowledge. It’s frustrating, and I often want to give up. But I won’t allow myself to.
What do I want out of this life? Easy: I want experience. I want to be able, at the end of my life, to know that I had truly lived. To know that I was truly myself at every turn, and that I left behind something good.
What can I offer that no one else can? I cannot say that I know the answer to this question yet. Perhaps it is my unending appreciation for the little things in life, or my never ending thirst for new things to learn. Perhaps it is simply my ability to be myself no matter where I am.
Regardless, thank you for this piece.
Jade Elizabeth
This has inspired me to make my dream job an unconventional one that I enjoy. I’m just having trouble finding something that I enjoy that will also help others. I enjoy reading and being in fandoms (I’m an 18 year old girl). I’m also struggling with the fact that I don’t have any skills since I am right out of high school.
Chris, Ive been reading your manifesto since it first came out. I stopped by here and stunned that there’s still a new comment! what a post! You have come a long way since then, and already have 2 physical books in your pocket! By the way, I think you or someone above me have/has answered the question of ‘things you can offer that no one else cant’.
For so long I wondered upon that question, and when I think I’ve found the answer, It really help me with my life. The keyword is niche. You have to find your niche so that although other people can offer the same thing you can, there will be just a few, thus less competition.
For example, If Im a guitarist, I can offer you finger massage technique so you can do arpeggio easily. I bet at least, no one in my area can do that!
Dont know If I answered correctly, if yes, send me a free copy of your book! if no, send me a free copy of your book. lol.
These manifesto’s are so important right now. I believe most people are starting to understand the “slavery” in which they are born into. To see the farm is to leave it….
Interesting read. It is already 5 years old, but still validity. Keep up the good work.
I could not have stumbled upon your website at a more opportune moment; I’m going to be graduating from college in three weeks with degrees in Political Science and International Studies and absolutely no clue what I want to do with the rest of my life. But that’s not entirely true, is it? I know exactly what I want to do–I want to do something extraordinary. I want to avoid Corporate America like the frickin’ plague. And I want to eat, dance, drink, and pray in as many places as I can get in hopes of bring context and culture of the academic study of politics and other institutionalized structures–which is a sorely needed endeavor. Your post, your blog, your life has really inspired me to pursue those goal. I say that not because I think that your story is the most amazing thing that I’ve ever heard (sorry–it’s really hard to beat the 50 marathons in 50 days bit) but because it gives me the confidence that I’m not the only one that aspires to goals like this. I’ve been resisting the pull of traveling the world in favor of the more traditional route, but not anymore.
Thank you for that. You really just don’t know how much this is going to change my life.
Hey Chris,
I just completed reading the PDF and I must say that it is indeed an inspiring manifesto. Nice work, man. The two questions, that you’ve mentioned, are really worth thinking about. Like the term ‘unremarkably average’. We all encounter such people all the time and it is just frustrating to see how many people fall in this category. I hope these people get to know the other side and read your book in this lifetime. But, that’s just wishful thinking, I guess. Else, we’ll find crusaders everywhere!
Also, your blog posts are amazing and inspiring. Really worth reading them. Love the title ‘The Art of Non-Conformity’. Keep up the great work, man 🙂
Just finished your article. We emailed briefly yesterday. As I told you in that note, I stumbled upon you and your website out of curiosity. I heard about World Domination Summit and my first thought was, “what kind of fanatical group is this?”. Did a Google search, pulled up the site, and read what it was about. It was a total surprise, but a pleasant one. To organize an event that encourages people to think for themselves and not let others tell them how to live! How refreshing I thought. I have always been the black sheep in my family. Coming from an Asian culture, it’s extremely hard to do “your own thang” and garner any respect. I certainly earned my share of criticism from my other family members, who felt I was a disgrace to the family name. In any event, I realized when I turned 30, I wasn’t happy doing things as expected. I wanted to take action, make my voice heard, and make myself happy at the same time. I’ve lived pretty much as you’ve described in this article since. I’m finally at peace with myself. I haven’t reached my goals yet, much more to do, but that’s the fun part! Thanks for re-inspiring me and keep on doing what you’re doing.
Hello guys,
I really like the pdf : ) Youhave done a great job there!! Congrats.
I have a question though: “What happens if you have a kid or 2 and you want to travel the world? Can you still do it?”
Greetings from Greece
Truly inspiring. I related to nearly everything you wrote. Five months ago I set out to pursue my dream of living on every continent before I turn 30. I am also working towards finding my purpose (the point where my unique gifts and soulprint intersect with something the world needs). I feel like I am just about there and your writing has really inspired me to keep on striving toward my goal. Thank you.
It’s amazing to see that 5 years later, this manifesto is still changing people’s life! (Inlcuding mine). It appears that the moment you set yourself to start changing your job and your goals, wonderful people with wonderful speeches come along. I’m more and more inspired to start doing things that I love.
I’m a NON-CONFORMIST and I’m spreading the word.
Thank you Chris!
Thanks so much for publishing this, and for making it available free of charge! Your work is phenomenal. Please keep it up! 🙂
Many, many thanks,
L. K. Nance
Thank you for publishing a version in French! I’ve read the book and loved it and was trying to find a french version of it to share with friends and so stumbled upon the online manifesto, which will have to do until a french translation is done of the book.
Merci beaucoup!
Its an amazing document. I congratulate you for being so courageous and tell the naked truth to hte world. It is so difficult to make “the change”, most if you have been born (like me) in a family and society where you have already been chosen a path of life. Anyway, lucky for those who open their eyes and are commited with themselves and take action! Congrats!
I really enjoyed the piece. I loved my time living abroad. Moving back to the U.S. after 8 years brought a lot of anxiety and depression about my career path or lack thereof and pieces like this always reinforce what I’ve felt like I’ve always known. It’s a challenge living a life that’s more exploratory than predetermined.
I think the question ‘What do you really want to get out of life?’ is a great one. It forces you to look outward, to explore, to take an interest in places, people, and activities and to be engaged with the world around you. At least for me, when people ask ‘What’s your passion?’ it seems conflated with ‘What do you want to do?’ and leaves me feeling like I need to answer with a job title. Your blog is a nice reminder that we don’t have to rack our brains turning inwards and looking for a name tag and a job description.
Amazing and inspirational. Thank you for writing this! Anyone who wants to reach for the stars needs to read this.
My two responses are:
1. To change the world for the better, see and learn as a much as possible, and make as many good friends as I can.
2. I can offer stories, through various media (writing, short films, all sorts of others), but it all boils down to stories.
Chris, thank you so much for the manifesto! I’ve been struggling with life decisions for a long time and your writings really inspired me to focus and exercise my discipline. I love starting new things but have a hard time finishing them. Your tips and tools will surely help me get things done.
Thank you so much!
Hi Chris,
thank you very much for your work and for writing the report. My intuitive answers for the questions were:
1. I want to love.
2. Love
Now, I was puzzled by these.. I mean, how does one go about loving the way no-one else does? I guess we all inherently offer something unique to others. My battery is dying now and I’m on the road, I’ll get back to you once I’m fully loaded again :).
Thanks again,
with best intentions,
Hey Chris. Your manifesto is a great life-changing compilation that is out there and I’m glad that it came to me in someway or another. It is kinda hard to have answers from the top of your head for both inspiring questions, but I will work on that to have it shaped properly.
Being like you in some aspects is interesting somehow – have travelled to 24 countries just to figure out how people are living overseas, not just for the tourist part as most people do. A friend of mine came to me: “What a hell you made a trip to Iceland?”. My answer was: “That is an awesome country and have incredible people living there, we have a lot to learn from Icelanders – considering “Green Initiatives” and much more.” On my flight back home I’ve been reflecting on everything that I’ve gathered and learned from them – trying to apply all that in my home-country (Brazil) and so many other places in the world. I think this is just a raw example, but would be a start to me anyway.
Hope you still succeed in your journey! Thanks for a true action plan for ruling the world and standing out the mediocrity zone!
I’ve been reading your text on a broken train. And I wanted to tell you that even if the train swayed and vibrated (the stabilitators are the broken part) you have kept my interest. I have also decided to tell you my ansver to the two questions, even though I find it slightly terrifying because if I write this I also have to commit to change my life.
Your text found me as I was contemplating quitting my job and go freelance. I still haven’t decided but I know that I have to change something. So here goes.
1. What I really want for life is to be happy. I will be happy by loving a lot (my partner, my friends, my family and the world in general. It will also make me happy to work with something I love, something I’m good at and something that I believe will make the world a better place. Wich brings me to:
2. What I can bring is telling the world about marvelous science, in an interesting and passionatte way. And describle the fantastic complexity of tha world in a way that makes people feel awe.
Wish me luck!
Great guide Chris! Like your $100 Start Up book, it’s bold and ambitious, yet practical and achievable.
To answer your questions – the 2 most important questions in the universe.
1. Travel overseas every year for the rest of my life – even with kids and even in each of their first years (because travel is an amazing way to learn new perspectives). Many of those trips will include hands on volunteering or other sustainable community contribution.
2. Connect Australian business leaders and parents with the worlds best volunteer travel adventures – experiences that engage and empower their teams/families, and positively change lives.
Chris, you’re writing speaks to me in so many ways. As a dad of two very young children, I feel my options for world domination are somewhat limited at the moment. However, I constantly stress over needing to do something without knowing what it is. My job doesn’t provide fulfillment and every day feels like a rat race that I’m losing. Running out of time is a constant feeling in my daily life.
1. Freedom. I was able to travel through parts of Europe of and Southeast Asia from 2007-2008 and absolutely loved it. Might be one of the only times in my life I truly felt alive. I want a lifestyle that allows me to travel and be free without sacrificing my family’s quality of life or care to do it.
2. Still working on this… However, I do have a wish to support diabetics in disadvantaged communities. My wife is from Vietnam. Her mother is diabetic and is unable to afford the medicine. We send money so that she can get treatment. Her grandmother on her father’s side is also diabetic and has recently been amputated. So this seems a worthy cause at the moment, but I need to research the angles and points of entry into such an endeavor
Thank you for the article. It truly inspires me as I begin speaking out for myself and choosing my own pathway to success!
Such an awesome and (at this point) classic pdf!
Chris, I’m so amazed at your Manifesto! But I still don’t have a clear idea of how I will start world domination. I think it will probably be though education, which I believe is the most important tool to changing the world.
I’m Brazilian, and education here is a serious problem. People have access to it, but it is mostly low quality and enslaving education (it only teaches people what the gatekeepers want them to think or believe).
So I really wanna do something to change that. It will not be an easy journey, but I need to start.
Anyway, thank you for inspiring me!
Lots of good energies for you!
Synchronicity. I have been thinking about the meaning of this word ever since I received one of Danielle LaPorte’s daily truthbombs, ‘Synchronicity is the Universe saying yes’. I’m Dutch, English is not my native tongue. Eventhough I’m pretty good at reading, talking and writing in English, for some reason I could just not figure what it meant. Better said, I did not understand what she meant with it, since it’s easy to Google a word and find out its ‘dictionairy’ meaning. After reading both your manifesto’s, it finally hit me. Ever since I decided that I no longer want to live this life of mediocrity and conformity I’m currently living, I have been stumbling upon people, blogs, sites, books, articles, you name it, that are guiding me towards my own path. You’re the latest person to inspire me, because you have put in print what I have been feeling for so long now. So thank you, Chris Guillebeau, for speaking your truth and showing me that my dreams are possible.
Hey Chris,
I’ve just watched your interview on from 2010 and then headed straight to your blog. What a GREAT article. There are a few ideas that remembered me of “The Boron Letters” from Gary Halbert.
Anyway it was very inspirational to read and I immediately answered the two questions and made a first small list how to achieve those goals.
Thanks again and keep up the good work Chris.
Hey Chris,
I just finished reading the manifesto (like 5 minutes ago) and I have to say I really enjoyed it! I am from Brasil (with “S” not “Z” haha) and since you wrote that you like feedback from readers that is what I’m doing.
From now on I’m officialy part of your small army and will do my best to dominate the world on my own!
It was very rewarding to know that there are other like me, who don’t just accept things the whey they are just because someone said so.
I hope you continue your “work” for many years to come and inspire other the way you have inspired me
Hi Chris,
Just like Conrado above me, I saw your request for some feedback at the end of the Manifesto, and all I can say is Bravo. I don’t mean to brag but my mind has been processing some of the thoughts that you bring out such as not having to jump through hoops and the fact that Gatekeepers are every where and how everything we are taught as kids is wrong and doesnt really help much with the direction the world takes. With your Manifesto I dont have to think so hard now, atleast you went all the way for me. Anyway I am from Kenya, and also trying to find my way of doing something big but also sustainable for my country and have a life while doing it. This has led me onto the idea that maybe the two goals dont’ have to be opposing. So i was right in the middle of my process when I stumbled on to your site. Hope to meet you someday when, my life has become remarkable in its own light. Thanks for the message and I hope many people get to read and atleast try this life. This would make for an awesome interesting future society with fewer injustices if everyone lived their life this way.
Chris, this manifesto has been on my laptop since around 2010 and though I am confident I read it at the time, I have just revisited it 4 years later as I prepare to release my own map of the world via my manifesto. Thanks for putting this insightful manifesto together. Look forward to meeting you in person one day. Best, DG
Congratulations on finishing your quest Chris. As most of the others I’m posting in reaction to your manifesto which is so beautifully put together. I wanted to share my immediate reactions to the Two Most Important Questions: 1) I wish to gain experience 2) I can offer perspective. My first goal is to travel to Europe for a time and walk the Camino de Santiago starting in Paris as well as walk through Cinque Terra and a few other pilgrimages. I want to write and film my journey creating segments on different things I come across. I’ve also always wanted to study at a buddhist monastery for a time. Your writings have continued to impress and empower my ambition to achieve my goals in the next three years. Thank you for continuing to be an inspiration to so many.
Peace, Sam
Chris – Thank you so much for writing the Manifesto and the AONC book. They hit me like a freight train. A really good freight train. Since finishing college in 2012, and until very recently, I’ve suffered from paralyzing anxiety about the work I was doing (or NOT doing 30/40 hrs per week at a desk!). You allowed me to realize I was stuck in the cage of other people’s expectations. Once I let that idea in and (literally) walked out, the relief was immediate: no more anxiety attacks. Today I’m applying to go work at a school in Denmark and I feel great. It used to be a dream, but now it’s a goal. And that makes all the difference. Thanks!!
I just found you, and boy am I grateful!
Congrats on accomplishing your world travel goal. Travel and the pursuit of freedom is also my mantra. I look forward to reading your recent book and devouring the content on your website. People like you keep my fire blazing. Thank you. 🙂
I don’t aspire for world domination – I just want to be happy! But I guess that is exactly what this guide is about.
Thanks for this increadibly inspiring movement!
Your manifesto really resonated with me. It came to me at the perfect time as I’m currently on a three month break trying to figure out what I want from life. The two questions really helped me a lot with this, especially the second one. You’re totally right, we can best help other people by doing what we love.I felt inspired and thrilled from the very first sentence and your words made me realise that I’m not alone, that there are others who also believe that we don’t have to play by the rules that society imposes on us to get what we want from life!This knowledge is so freeing and exciting and amazing and I’m glad to be part of this.Also, your advice to print it out makes so much sense and I’m glad I did it because I tend to skim through blog posts or online articles most of the time…however, I think I will try to avoid that with your blog because it sounds like you have a vision that is worth giving my undivided attention to. Okay, I’m off planning to take over the world now 😉 (or maybe I’ll start with writing that book that you were talking about first…it really felt as if you were addressing me personally there!). Thank you for this, you are amazing!
Jonathan Fields recommended you to me through his RevU course – in my effort to non-conform to the usual systems and creating something unique to me, I fell into isolation from people like you. Forever grateful to Jonathan for this connection – and to you for giving us all such great support and tools! All the best in all you do!
Read it. Was a test of perseverance for me. I do not remember when I read 30 pages at a stretch last time.
Helped me a lot. I am very lazy, though with a more than average IQ and creativity. I feel I can help myself now and be less distracted. Thanks a lot.
Thank you for these inspiring words.
I am on my path to dominate my world.
Thank you. Chris Comis Mtl Canada
Dear Chris, I especially stuck with the “Just do it, now!” approach of your Manifesto. I tend to live in my head a lot, trying to figure out what the BEST first step might be. You encouraged me to just take action: Three goals are set -I am out to dominate my world today! Thanks, a great day to you! Elliot (Germany)
Just read your manifesto. Thank you for the inspiration. I look forward to making my own impact on the world!
I loved reading this manuscript! I’m glad I read past the mediocre warning in the beginning ;). For me, the most inspirational thing is seeing people who are living this kind of life talking about their experiences! They know how they got where they are and now want to share it with everyone else! Only thing I’m confused about is why so few people take their advice? Why is this community so (relatively) small?
Thank you Chris,
I want to change the terrible situation of Housekeepers/Housemen in the hotel industry. When you go to a hotel you expect a clean room – the most important thing. Do you know that the housekeeper is paid about minimum wage to make this “Clean Room” for you? Housekeepers get $8 – $9 an hour, have to clean over 15+ rooms a day. It is very hard labor and tips are not big or even forgotten in many hotels. I want all housekeepers to take a national STRIKE DAY to protest the unlivable wage, the short 35hr weeks, the lack of lunch rooms, the old house carts we are told to push around, the use of old stained towels we are told to put back into rooms and the voices that are never heard because you Never get to meet your hotel owner.
Thank you.
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Chris, I am on the cusp of big changes and in my rush to do that I’ve set up meetings with people I believe have the potential to help me. One of those people is Josh Dorfman, The Lazy Environmentalist. I ended up weasleing out of the meeting because I didn’t feel that I was ready and I have more work to do before Josh can help me. Your manifesto is helping me do that work more quickly so I can make my leap!
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Hey Chris,
I just finished reading your guide. Most of what you say complies with my momentary situation.
All my friends started going to college and I’m convinced most of them haven’t really figured out the reason for it. They just do it because others do it.
I hope I can use the inspiration you gave me to work on my very own perception of life and come up with remarkable things that will then inspire others to do the same.
Keep up the good work, I will keep reading your articles for sure!
All the best
Appreciate you sharing, great blog article.Thanks Again. Want more.
I loved reading your brief guide, Chris. I’m part way into my journey of building my own solo pursuit, and your guide gave me the perspective to see where I am now, and where it is that I’m going. It encouraged me because nonconventional people can’t always put into words what it is that they have in their mind’s eye. If they can, they can’t share it with everyone if they want to maintain good relationships, and protect their vision from well-meaning dream killers. It’s really a breath of fresh air to read the advice of someone who speaks my language. Thank you for the inspiration and for the chance to examine where I am on my journey, and to find out what I need to adjust moving forward.
Shared in my blog post: “The Art of NON Conformity – one of the most inspirational blogs OUT there. Get up, Unstuck your Life.” Thx for doing what you’re doing. Best wishes! Have an amazing Life x
Thank you for publishing your manifesto. I wish I read it back in 2008!
As someone who has lived outside the conventional system of things all of my life, it is nice to read a concise manifesto like this to inspire and teach me some new things. Thank you.
Here are my answers to questions #1 and #2
#1 I want to experience many things, I want to continue to learn, I want to have fun. I want to help others, I want to be liberated, using this human incarnation to it’s fullest potential. I want to love those around me and care for them. I want to learn a skill that I can do well, and help other people with it. I want to experience magic. I want to play music every day. I want to learn to love truly myself. I want to live in nature sometimes, and sit by a fire often. I want to feel useful, wanted and functional. I want to write books, learn to write better, play music, and learn to play music better until I pass on to the next world. I want to travel in the last half of my life as much or more than I did in the first.
#2 My perspective: In writing, talking, art and performance. My voice, which is unique in all the world. My looks, only I have them! My experiences, only I have had them. I can offer the world all the love in my unique heart.
With much love,
Very efficiently written article. It will be valuable to everyone who usess it, including yours truly :). Keep up the good work – i will definitely read more posts.
Truly inspiring, thank you. Keep on being remarkable!
Hey Chris,
A new friend and colleague just sent me over a copy of ABGTWD and I sat down at my desk and read it straight away. I have only been introduced to your writings quite recently (my apologies for taking so long) but I needed to meet the “right” person for the connection to be made.
I enjoyed ABGTWD and found myself making plenty of notes as I went. I was always going to read the whole document, so your “dare” didn’t scare me one bit. I already have 2 of your books sitting on the shelf ready to read and am even more enthusiastic now about getting started on them.
I will enjoy following you from here on in Chris.
Luke PD.
Thank you for writing this. I found this in my search for world domination strategies, and this was exactly the inspiration I needed.
Spot on with this write-up, I absolutely
feel this amazing site needs much more attention. I’ll probably
be back again to read more, thanks for the info!
Hey Chris, thank you for this. This is the first time that I visit your blog and I already love it. I just read your world domination manifesto and it is gold. I have my own purpose in life and I started to work on it since last year. But your book helped me a lot now, one of the thing that I like was about how tru friends support even your craziest ideas, it’s true 😀 . The day that I dominate my life I’ll send to you a letter. Definitively I’m gonna share this.
Thank you.
PD: I’m from Perú, I would like to meet you in person during your visit here.
Salut , je ne crois ce est un excellent site web .
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I just found this site, and pleased I did. Chris your journeys are amazing and ones that we can all aspire to. Hope to catch you at the World Domination Summit next year, as I’ve missed the bus already for this year. Maybe we Dominate down here in Oz, if this thing ever gets on the road.
Thanks for this. I stumbled on this from reading an internet post by The Professional Hobo. I’ve been playing with the idea of cycling around Iceland recently, thinking that it would be the most I could do with my minimum-wage cashier job, thinking that I’m tied down here by multiple things.
Now I’ve resolved to cycle around the world, starting next year, spending as much time as I feel like spending. No compromising with people telling me I can’t. I’ll make the changes I need to achieve it and leave nothing hanging out to dry, and I’ll do it.
Thank you Chris, for a great read. I found the section on the two most important questions in the universe particularly helpful. I have just recently made a radical change to my life goals, and the two questions helped me zone in on what my new focus is and, more importantly, what this new path has to offer the world.
It was destiny that I randomly chanced upon this report last Friday! I have been on my own path to world domination and it was just the moment when I needed to know that there are many square pegs who refuse to be fitted into round holes.
Hope I can share more concrete details of my journey soon and progress soon as I have the website up an running!
Thank you Chris!!
nuhun infona mangfaat pisan, padahal da teu ngarti,.. kumaha nya ngomentarna ge asa kumaha lah asal aya komntr ha
Congratulations Chris! You’ve exceled life hacking!
Your insights are cristal clear, and the questions go deep!
Personally i believe that everything comes in its right time as a gift from the universe
well, reading your manifesto was certainly one of those gifts.
perfect timing.
Send you my gratitude and i wish your job keeps spreading all over the 4 winds!
greetings all the way from Brazil.
This manifesto is really fantastic, Chris. I attended my first WDS this year and was really delighted to find a community of support and other highly driven and committed individuals. It helped me get clear on a lot of really important things, injected new vigor into my own pursuits, and made me aware of a lot of amazing people and resources for support / direction / inspiration on my adventures. I’ve shared this manifesto with several of my close peeps who are all committed or committing themselves to changing the world. Thanks for all that you’ve put out there and for being so sincere in kicking ass and creating community—I’m really looking forward to attending WDS again next year.
I’m working with Stillmotion here in town to build out a lot of incredible stories / platforms and resources for people all over the world to share and be inspired by. I know that you have some connections with them. Amazing how many incredible people are based here in Portland. 🙂
Hi Chris!
I just finished reading your World domination guide and it was inspiring! I recently started a personal lifestyle design blog with the intention of making it my main source of income. I’m really invested in this dream job of mine, but sometimes I get anxious over the process. Almost as if I become my own gatekeeper, at times like that your guide is the perfect motivator. So thank you for this and I wish you all the best!
xxx Daphny
Hi Chris, I found your manifesto through a blog by a Japanese lady called Etsuko, who kindly translated it into Japanese. I wonder why I didn’t know you until now, but also feel that now was the best timing for me maybe. I will start my own rebellion today. Thank you for your great encouragement:)
Thank you for this amazing and inspiring work. It is firmly grounded with some of the most adaptive and innovative ideas that are taking place in the world today.
I have been studying the Shift for years and you present the attitude that is the basis of the new way of thinking – life is about the experience. I love how you blend the goal-making to the experiential elements and then also add in a bit of x-factor, as well as staying integral to your own voice and mission.
This has definitely helped to change my view of a very important point: that I am not here to grow a business to help lots of people, but rather I am here to make a positive impact on the world and business is the way its going to happen. This leaves me with a broad creative scope, so I can narrow my focus and create my new world domination agenda.
Thank you for your vision and creativity. Its refreshing to see a part of humanity that is bringing things to the next level, and helping others to do the same.
The only thing that I did not agree with, is that things are going to stay the same… some parts of your book suggested that “this is the world we live in” type of thing. Yes, this is partly true, but there is change every day and many people are thinking differently. Scientifically irrevocably so. You can’t unknown what you know.
So yes, to present it more like: Things are like this now, and you helping changes things a little bit, and eventually we are going to see… this new world happen.
It would be great to hear what you have to say about trends you see in our way of thinking, whats new, new styles of thinking, especially because you may be widely influenced by such a broad range of cultures. What is your opinion on “the Shift”?
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Please note, I left the wrong url, the real one is Could you please change this for me? Thank you! I am not sure if this comment went through?
Nice and interesting article. I really enjoyed reading it! 🙂
Hi Chris,
Really, truly is an amazing read. Thanks for sharing that for free. I currently am on a path of discovering myself and what it is that I want out of life. I want to be able to come and go as I please. I want freedom to do what I want. I want to be my own boss, have location independence and be able to travel and make money whilst traveling. I also want to give back, ultimately I want to start my own charity – that ties in with your second question.
I launched a blog which focuses on travel personal development, self identity and philanthropy. I many ways it has similar ideas and values to yours. Its about transforming ones thinking, oneself and the world. Feels like I am on a bit of a plateau at the moment and I’m not 100% sure how to get beyond it. Blog has only been launched for 3 month now.
I decided to visit your site to get a bit of inspiration. I guess perhaps there’s a lack of vision on my part – I am just struggling with this. If you had to give any advice to me, what would it be?
Keep up the good work.
Hi Chris!
You are truly an inspiration. Keep killin’ it!
It’s very simple to find out any topic on web
as compared to textbooks, as I found this post at this site.
Just got finished reading your manifesto and was trying to figure out how I stumbled upon your site. Then I ultimately let go and realized that the site stumbled upon ME! I am so grateful for having the time this early morning to read this piece. I think that you have a wonderful matter-of-fact way about your writing and I thoroughly enjoyed every page! I began a blog a year ago about debt-free living and obtaining financial independence and quickly realized that life is about so much more than this. Ultimately, I have decided to write a book and revamp my blog into a full-blown website because I know that a writer is who I truly am. Thank you for helping me know that.
Chris, Rock ON. Thank you for your clarity and passion.
Last week I had an interesting encounter with a childhood friend – my BEST childhood friend, who sat across from me and said, “You know, I love what you are saying, but you just need to say it with a little less passion – it’s hard for me to receive it when you put SO much energy behind it..”
After I had perhaps the most passionate explosion on record, for the first time I was able to really really really let go of caring whether or not my passion was too much for her.
I didn’t go to making her wrong…what happened was that I finally for REAL quit making myself wrong, either. I finally got to the place of just letting her experience be hers and mine be mine.
What a freaking relief.
When I read your manifesto today, somehow that combined with the explosion where I had freed myself up – and now I can say what I REALLY want.
Here it is: I want to come from complete willingness. Not a willingness that I have to push myself through, after I talk myself out of being scared – I want a willingness that is so deep and so primal that the fear, and the old knee-jerk self-protection – is gone.
Not hidden or buried, I want it GONE.
I want to move into a space where my willingness, my YES, is my primal response.
And I want to achieve that through loving myself (and as a consequence, other people, and life) so damn much that it would not occur to me that I could possibly be anything less than completely supported by life. I want a complete absence of caring about what it looks like from the outside.
That is what I want, and that is what I want to give the world. And I KNOW it is possible. I have done enough work these past several years – in all my life, really – to move myself out of fear and into appreciation that I know it is possible to go all the way.
It comes down to the cultural bias you address – the imposed belief that you should live your life the way other people expect you to.
As a 60 year old woman, even as a confirmed non-conformist, the conditioning to care about what other people think and my deep drive to organize my life around what other people expect – even as I resent that drive – runs incredibly deep. The sheer terror that can take over, when I go against that conditioning is literally breathtaking.
My mission for myself, and for the world as I sharing what I am learning, is to vaporize that conditioning completely, and instead come 100% from my love and excitement for life.
It feels amazing to say this…and it feels like what you said about your goal, and all your countries; I don’t know that I will get there….who ever knows? That’s OK. I know what I want and what I’m living for – and somehow reading your manifesto made it easier for me to put into words for myself what it is.
I had not been able to do that until just now.
Thank you.
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I very much enjoyed your manifesto! Thank you for making me stop and think.
Wishing all the best!
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Hi Chris,
I found out about your manifesto from reading Your First 1000 Copies by Tim Grahl. Just wanted to express my appreciation for you writing it and admiration for what you’re doing. As a result, I’m in the process of writing my own!
I’ve just finished drafting my 2nd book neither of which have been published yet but will be starting in the summer of 2017. Have a third one buzzing in my brain waiting to be started. Now in the process of setting up my publishing/marketing plan. Titles: Holy Shitters and Shit Down and Crap Up. Mission: Make the issue of climate change go viral.
I’m 64 and have led the kind of life you describe. Briefly, played music in a number of rock’n roll bands, learned how to fly an airplane, taken two around the world trips, lived in 3 different countries for a total time of 15 years and will do so again, fought in a war and protested against it, worked in insurance, real estate, hospital administration and as a teacher. I’ll soon be a published author. No children by choice. Most importantly I’ve been happily married for coming up on 40 years to my best friend. Life has been one hell of a good ride for me.
What do I still really want to get out of life? To crate a movement that causes the issue of climate change to go viral and effectively be addressed. As Naomi Kline says in her latest book “This (issue) Changes Everything”.
What can I offer the world that no one else can? A new environmental religion. It is not like religions of the past. It does not require faith. It does not purport to put man above the animal world. It does not require the supernatural. It does not promise life everlasting. It does not require one to look up but requires one to look down.
This is the religion of the Church of the Holy Shitters. Our religion is not a passing fad or a form of cynicism or satire. Our whole belief system is of a consistent pattern that promises an advanced lower reasoning, more human community and a new and liberated individual. Its ultimate creation will be a new and enduring relationship of each of us to ourselves, to other living creatures and to nature. Our religion makes sense as a holistic and consistent philosophy. It is both necessary and desirable.
The practices and beliefs of our religion must be seen against a background of what has gone before. It must be seen in light of the betrayal and disconnect of other religions in dealing with modern life. It must be seen in light of the Corporate State and the way in which the State dominates, exploits, and ultimately destroys both nature and humans. Its sanity and rationality must be measured against the insanity of existing “reason”. Its beliefs must be seen from the perspective that humans have lost control of the machinery of their society, and only new values, a new way of thinking and a new culture can restore control.
Our religion is a movement to bring our thinking, our society, and our lives in harmony with the revolution of technology and science that has already taken place. It demands of us a new mind—a lower transcendent reason – able to plug our species into its rightful place in nature. It demands that each of us assume a new responsibility for nature and all its living creatures. It promises a life that is more liberated, healthier and more beautiful than anything mankind has known if we only have the courage and the meekness to seize that life.
I hope you join me. I hope anyone that reads this does. Your way of life, regardless of what that life consists of, depends on it and we only have a few years left to change course.
But regardless whether I achieve this last benchmark , when I leave this Earth, I’ll be content and satisfied with the path I’ve traveled. I highly recommend living a remarkable life in a conventional world. You owe it to yourself.
Thank you Chirs for spreading the word. Now I’m going back to writing my own manifesto. Carry on!
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Dear Chris,
I recently came across your manifesto and read it this Sunday morning. It changed my life – it changed my whole perspective on everything. I am in my early twenties right now and I did spent the first 6 months of this year with discovering what I really want to do with my life, or, regarding to the first question: What I really want to get out of life. I already knew long ago what I have to offer, but I never knew how to use my skills. Your manifesto just helped me in every possible way so thank you so much. I subscribed to your mailing list immediately and I can not wait to take over the world. NOW. Thank you so much, I really appreciate your work and your dedication.
Hi Chris,
I just finished reading your manifesto, a print copy. Now, looking forward to check out the links.
It is great, concise writing. What really touched a chord with me is that a lot of it reaffirms to what i have been doing … In critics words “risks i have been taking”. 🙂 and the other lot will surely help me in getting what i (and and some close ones) want.
After college within a month i left my corporate job and jumped to development sector. Its been about 6 years now.
Here is my answer #1 (as i exactly wrote) – I want to change something that majorly effects a lot of people – get them to thinking about a New Economic Order – move masses
#2 Myself & My ideas
Do let me know what you think. A reply will be highly appreciated.
All the best wishes.
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Hi Chris!
I found your manifesto through Tim Grahl’s Instant Bestseller class, I must say, I was blown away! You have a fun and engaging writing style and some amazing things to say. I was taking notes from the very beginning.
What do I want out to life? To have adventures and share them through my novels. I love to write and I want to do it all day every day. I want to share what I’ve written with people around the world, and somehow make their lives a little brighter. And I would like to make a living with my writing, enough that I can keep exploring.
What can I offer to the world? Well, this one’s a little harder. I have a unique voice and a unique perspective, which I lend to my writing. I love collecting and disseminating information on writing and publishing successfully. I’m crafty and I’ve made shoes for children in Africa and blankets for kids separated from their families in my own hometown. How does that translate into a broader goal? I don’t know yet, but I’ve got at least one idea: A read-a-thon, in which people from all over can join, read good books, and raise money to build a well through World Vision–readers could get sponsors for the number of hours, pages, or books they could read.
I want to keep thinking and figure out how to expand that into my larger goal instead of just a one-time event, but at least it’s a place to start.
I’m like you and don’t have a “real job.” I write for the love of it and edit for a living. I’ve taken that first step and yet, so often I’m afraid to take the next step. Afraid of the rejection and disappointments. Occasionally I let the fears win, but I’m getting better and better about fighting them back.
In February, I’m publishing my first novel, called Sketchy Tacos–it’s a YA novel set in Mexico and it’s going to be a load of fun! A week and a half ago, I bit the bullet and started up my first newsletter at my website, I’ve been afraid for too long about starting it up–afraid that people won’t care about what I have to say, but no more. Like you said, if I’m adding value, enough people will find me.
And next week, the value I’m adding is you! I loved your PDF and can’t wait to check out your other resources, so I’m sending them on to my subscribers… all 10 of them. But hey, it’s a start.
Thank you for being a bright spot of encouragement in a week that’s started to get me a little down. I’ve subscribed to your newsletter and can’t wait to see what else you have in store.
Thanks for this manifesto. It’s just inspired me to write my own and publish it over on my blog. I’m excited for this new project to begin, and as Tim Leary said, I must “find the others”.
Thanks again Chris,
Thank you, Chris.
We need more people like you.
I Read this manifesto. it is very inspiring. I am new follower and I am motivated to pursue my goals.
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HI,! Chris, Many congratulation on completing and presenting this! It looks wonderful , and exhibition stand I can’t wait to dig in.
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Most of the inspirational reads I follow are from people at the end of their careers. It’s refreshing that you and I are of the same generation.
Hey Chris, it’s 2017 and this post is still calling for action.
Here are my two answers:
1. I want to create a world where the welfare and happiness of people is a priority.
2. I can offer my business/economic skills, money, power, and sense of reason to show and convince people that investing in the welfare of people is not the right thing to do, but rather, the smart thing to do.
Thanks for being a great role model, I’m a fan for life.
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Thank you!
thank you for the manifesto.
It’s a simple and yet very powerful message. What hit me the most was: “You don’t have to live your life the way other people expect you to.” It seems so obvious and yet when I thought back I realized my life has been a big struggle between what I want and what people expect of me. Even when I was doing what I wanted I thought about what others expect from me.
For instance when choosing my degree, I chose what I wanted but I knew my parents expected me to finish it and get good grades, so when I thought about switching, I ultimately didn’t, because I didn’t want to cause more stress to my parents.
After finishing my degree, I thought about what I wanted to do, but I knew people expected me to earn money, so I ended up in some very unexciting jobs.
So many of my decisions have been limited by the expectations from other people and your manifesto helped me realize that, so thank you for that. I hope I will figure out what I really want and what I can contribute to the world. Right now I have to work on accepting my past and improving my self-esteem. I hope one day I will achieve something.
Thanks again,
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Hi I’m Xeo and I’m gonna take over the world! What do I want to get out of life? Creating my own (and helping other people create their own) livelihoods and support networks. What do I offer the world? Relentless desire to learn and grow (my comfort zone is a place to visit occasionally, not to live in).
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Plastic is a person of the key components for some manufacturers.
The items of plastic production have been broadly employed for most of the prospects.
The plastic solutions which are typically made use of consist of the auto bumpers,
cellular telephone, incubators for the infant,
and some other wares for either the home or the market.
Each and every of those merchandise may well have to have distinct solutions.
Plastic is broadly employed by some diverse company since it can be molded simply.
There are some common approaches of plastic molding. Here are three strategies of plastic molding which are generally utilized.
Blow Molding
This process of plastic molding starts off by melting the liquid plastic in the chamber of the machine
and then sending the liquefied plastic to a mould for developing the sought after shape.
Blow molding specializes on creating the hallow merchandise these kinds of as bottles, motorbike gasoline tanks, hoses, bumpers, and
some other hollow solutions. In addition, the closing solution is
seamless. The key process of this technique is that the
air is blown and locked so that it makes hollow. When the
liquefied plastic is poured on the mould, the plastic
will harden so that you can develop the shape you want.
Then, you can pull out the mould through a mould cavity.
Injection Molding
This kind of technique makes use of thermoplastics. Among the the other procedures,
this is made use of extra usually by the company.
The solutions involve the capturing incredibly hot liquid thermoplastic at the
significant speed to a ceramic mould. Then, the mildew is mounted tightly even though the plastic will adhere to the condition of the mould.
The plastic will be cooled down by the little vents on just about every side.
When it is great, it will be removed and then painted.
However, this method leaves smaller seam so that the closing merchandise will be finished for superior end result.
The items which are designed by this process involve the toys, MP3 participant scenarios, motor vehicle dashboard casing, and some others.
This approach is focusing for making bigger
merchandise which are generally made use of for the
use of industrial and dwelling furnishing.
This approach is fairly very simple. You only have to have to warmth the plastic till
it is malleable so that it can be manipulated to making
the wished-for form. Then, the small equipment will increase any element to the goods these types of as overall body polishing, decorating, and also tracing stamping.
The widespread products and solutions of this process include things like aircraft wind
screens, truck beds, industrial pallets, and some other
larger sized products.
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1) What do I want to get out of life? Everything it wants to offer me. And that’s a lot.
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Great article! I have over 20 years of experience in flexible packaging and flexographic printing. One of my primary responsibilities was building dielines from scratch. When working on a beverage package, our customers would send me the bottle drawing in vector format (from the bottle manufacturer) and I would use that to layout the 6 pack, 12 pack, 24 pack, etc. in illustrator. In the end, I would print a full size proof and wrap around the empty bottles to ensure proper fit. We would also have pushed proofs made on the actual clear film, wrap it around the bottle and shrink it with a heat gun to produce a mock up of the package.
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All throughout his life, Matthias Baldwin spoke out for the abolition of slavery in the United States. His beliefs were driven by his faith as a devoted Christian. His statements in opposition to slavery were used against him by his competitors in business when they tried to get business with railroads based in the South.
In 1837, Baldwin was a member of the Pennsylvania State Constitutional Convention. He voted against the exclusion of black property owners from the right of franchise. If only the vandals had known a thing or two about history. Instead of defacing his statue, they should be following his principled example.
Sadly, ignorance is not limited to rioters. Years ago, I was asked by a reporter what we were going to do about taking down Civil War monuments in Wisconsin. “Which ones,” I responded, “Lincoln or Grant?” Apparently it didn’t dawn on this reporter that our ancestors fought on the side of the Union and helped win the Civil War.
My state is filled with statues honoring President Abraham Lincoln and General and later President Ulysses S. Grant. Both men were fellow Midwesterners.
Ignorance is dangerous.
In Boston, vandals damaged the Robert Gould Shaw and the 54th Regiment Memorial with phrases including “No Justice, No Peace” and “Police are Pigs.” Ironically, the memorial features the likenesses of one of the first African-American volunteer infantry units that fought after Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation.
In my state of Wisconsin, a group of people opposed to slavery came together in a school house on March 20, 1854. They suggested the name Republican for the new anti-slavery party. The first nominating convention was held later that summer in Michigan. Republicans opposed the expansion of slavery into the western territories.
Lincoln was the first nominee of the newly formed party. His Emancipation Proclamation freed the slaves.
The 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution — which banned slavery in the United States — was passed under Republican congressional leadership. With unanimous Republican support and against intense Democratic opposition, Congress passes the 14th Amendment, which gives former slaves citizenship and equal protection rights.
Ignorance is dangerous.
The media are a part of that ignorance. Several media outlets have referred to former Alabama Gov. George Wallace, who infamously stood in the schoolhouse door to try and block black students from entering schools with white students, as a Republican. He was a Democrat.
So was former Senate Majority Leader Robert Byrd from West Virginia. He was also a former Ku Klux Klan Exalted Cyclops. And he was the president pro tempore in 2010, when Democrats controlled the Senate.
And remember when former Vice President Joe Biden reminisced last year about civility in the Senate? The members he mentioned were both segregationists from the South. At the time, an NBC anchor said they were Republicans — but they were actually Democrats.
Ignorance is dangerous.
Speaking of Mr. Biden, he has some explaining to do. Recently released letters show Mr. Biden asking for the support of Sen. James Eastland, a Mississippi Democrat, for his bill that opposed busing to desegregate schools. Eastland was a leading symbol of Southern resistance to desegregation and he frequently spoke of blacks as “an inferior race.”
Mr. Biden, then a first-term senator, wrote to Eastland who was then the Judiciary Committee chairman, “Dear Mr. Chairman, I want you to know that I very much appreciate your help during this week’s committee meeting in attempting to bring my anti-busing legislation to a vote.” Mr. Biden also thanked Eastland for his “efforts in support of my bill to limit court ordered busing.”
During his first term, Mr. Biden also said about his opposition to court-ordered busing, “Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode at some point. We have got to make some move on this.” A New York Times report said that Mr. Biden “objected to the education department mandating desegregation absent a court order, and warned of white flight to the suburbs and even racial unrest.”
Democrats were the party of slavery, Jim Crow, the Ku Klux Klan, and anti-desegregation. Republicans were the party of Lincoln, Reconstruction, anti-lynching laws, and the civil rights acts. And vandals should actually learn about many of the leaders for equality and freedom that we honor in our memorials across America.
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Bensouda said while her office recognised that the vast majority of criminality within the Nigeria situation was attributable to non-state actors, the ICC also found a reasonable basis to believe that members of the Nigerian Security Forces had committed war crimes and crimes against humanity.
The ICC Prosecutor said she had repeatedly stressed her aspiration for the Nigerian judiciary to address the alleged crimes against humanity, in line with her conviction that the goals of the Rome Statute were best served when states execute their own primary responsibility to ensure accountability.
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The 49 Results is the first draw of the day where you can attest your luck to become rich overnight. The Lunchtime 49s are announced daily in the UK and is one of the biggest games in the UK. The 49s Results Lunchtime Today draw occurs once every day. We update the latest 49s Lunchtime Result at the same exact time the original result is announced. The 49s Results are announced at approximately 13:05 PM United Kingdom standard time.
The 49s Lunchtime Results are announced everyday and they will be uploaded on numerous platforms but if you want to check the result of Lunchtime at the exact same time as they were published in the United Kingdom then you will get each and every information related to the Lunchtime Result on this website. The time of the draw varies from time to time. The Lunchtime draw is constant and it will take place at the same exact time and the Teatime draw time varies from time to time.
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In addition to asserting his dominance inside the squared circle, Reigns has also been involved in a handful of film projects over the years, most notably Hobbs & Shaw in 2019 and The Wrong Missy in 2020. He didn’t have huge roles in either movie but showed real potential on the silver screen nonetheless.
More and more WWE Superstars have broken into acting and achieved a level of success. John Cena is practically full-time in Hollywood, Batista is solely an actor at this point, and The Rock is one of the highest-paid people in the business.
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سئو باعث ایجاد ترافیک هدفمند و مرتبط برای سایت شما می شود که در نهایت این ترافیک باعث افزایش فروش و خدمات می شود.
Disney+ Hotstar + rolled out in September of last year with the core Disney+ lineup accompanied by some 250 local films. The platform has an exclusive partnership with leading telco Telkomsel. The service is priced at between US$0.80 to US$1.40 for Telkomsel users or $1.10 to $2.60 for direct subscribers. More than 20 percent of minutes consumed on the platform in December were for locally sourced content, with originals such as The Mandalorian also faring well.
Viu, meanwhile, has been bolstered by premium, first-window Korean content as well as local acquisitions and originals. The monthly subscription is US$2, although discounted and sachet rates are widely available. It has mobile deals with Telkomsel, Tri and XL Axiata.
Vidio delivers premium sports, Asian dramas and variety shows, pay-TV channels, kids’ fare and originals, with prices ranging from $1.30 to $2. Carrier billing and discounted rates are available through Indosat and Tri.
Netflix has a mobile plan priced at $3.60 per month, with its other tiers ranging from $8.10 to $12.50.
Another key local player is Mola TV, which delivers premium sports, Hollywood movies and series—bundling HBO GO—kids’ and lifestyle content, for $4.40 a month.
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