Start With Something To Say

A while back I was sitting in a room with Jonathan Fields, a fellow author and good friend. At the front of the staging area, a publishing executive was talking about the state of the industry.
Does anyone have any questions?
Someone had a question, and a good one: “If I want to write a book, what’s the first thing I should do?”
The consultant started going down the list. These days it’s all about platform-building, he said. You need to make sure you have a good fan base on Twitter. You also need to have a blog. Then you need to think about your marketing plan. You have to write letters to famous authors and ask for their endorsement, and craft your elevator pitch for TV.
“And,” he said, after recovering for a moment. “When you want to write a book, you should also think about what you have to say.”
Jonathan and I looked at each other with the same thought: Uh, isn’t that pretty much the first thing?
I’m not always the best person on stage either, so I don’t mean to blame the guy in front for having a Rick Perry moment (“What was that third thing?”). Nevertheless, I also think it’s fairly apparent that a lot of people work on all kinds of things before coming to that all-important question: what do you have to say? What’s the point of this exercise, and who will ultimately be helped by it?
Tomorrow we’re launching a project, our first commercial guide in well over a year. The long wait is partly because I’ve been busy with other things, but also because this one is a LONG time in the works.
The world of publishing is mysterious and strange. I’ve spent three years annoying my publishers with ceaseless questions, and I still don’t understand how a lot of things work. Fortunately, I don’t always have to understand, because I rely on my veteran literary agent, David Fugate.
A long time ago, I asked David if he would jot a few things down: lessons learned, the best advice he gives to aspiring authors, an overview of the book proposal process, and so on. I was picturing around 10,000 words, about the length of one of my manifestos.
Then something unexpected happened: David went into a cave and emerged three months later with an entire book manuscript. “Wow,” I said. “This is … really … big.”
David explained that once he got started, he couldn’t stop. He felt there was no way he could share everything that writers need to know in a short document, so he kept writing and writing.
By the time he came out of the writing cave, we had a much better resource that expected. The finished version clocks in at over 45,000 words, not counting sample proposals, interviews with editors from the big NYC publishers, a long list of marketing strategies and tips, and various additional resources.
Note: Tomorrow I’ll give you the full rundown on what’s included. It’s a big product, but the whole thing is also accessible—the point is to show aspiring authors exactly what they need to do to attract the attention of publishers, and to clear up a lot of misconceptions that are widely held about books.
Speaking of misconceptions, sometimes people ask why I’m still writing books. “Doesn’t the internet allow you to skip that whole process?”
Actually, no. I love the internet, but I also love books—still. My second book launches in May, and I’m seriously excited to go out on the road to meet readers. Perhaps I’m old-fashioned, but there’s something about books that I find special and unique.
Thankfully, I’m not the only one. Every day I get emails from people who have found my book in a bookstore or library. Book #1 is now out in more than a dozen countries, and it also gave me the opportunity to write book #2, which will reach an even broader audience thanks to more attentive distribution.
The Unconventional Guide to Publishing: Tomorrow at 9am PST / 12pm EST
The purpose of the Unconventional Guide to Publishing is to provide a shortcut to learning for anyone interested in how publishing really works. We’ll do our best to make it fun, with discount pricing (three days only) and a couple of special launch bonuses to reward early buyers.
Surveys show that 80% of people want to write a book in their lives, but only a tiny percentage actually does so. Our mission with this guide is to get more people from the 80% into the percentage who write and publish.
Whether you care about this resource or not, I’d encourage you to think about the main question: what do you have to say? Figure that out first, and everything else that comes next will be a lot easier.
How about you—what kind of book do you want to write?
Feel free to tell us in the comments.
Image: Karsten
I’m working on my PhD dissertation, which is an 80,000-word book that a handful of people in the world will read. However, I do want to turn it into a book published for a popular audience, about how art is more effective (and more moral) when artists see themselves as sharing their art with their community, rather than seeing themselves as social misfits whose job is to be a thorn in society’s side.
I am currently writing the 2nd edition to my first book… although the title and publisher is changing – same broad publisher but a better imprint.
I coach writers and musicians who seem to start with a hyper focus on techniques, social media, and other topics – rather than the first thing – the content. The writing.. the music.. etc. So they have 5,000 twitter followers and nothing to show them.
Oh.. by the way, thanks for inspiring my daughter. She’s written to you before – heading down to Australia for a few months and she has a Phoenix paper who want to publish her travel journals while she is gone.
Well, there is the short work of fiction – about a ragamuffin rabbit named Bezalel who discovers his gift and decides to run with it despite his dad’s desires for him to pursue banking. Hmm. Doesn’t sound nearly so good right there. I guess I need to work on my elevator pitch.
But really, my desire is to get ideas about independent language learning – outside the world of pricey private schools and defunct national education systems – into as many languages as possible and distributed for free. That is my desire, to help the non-English speaking world.
Want to help?
This is such a counterintuitively valuable piece of advice/insight/obvious-ness. I (along with many of my internet-bretheren, it seems) find it somewhat terrifyingly easy to avoid thinking about or doing The Work when there are so many things AROUND the work that are easy distractions and time-suckers. I’m trying to implement a regular review of the real meat of things to combat the phenomenon, with somewhat varying success. There’s facebook and twitter and gmail to be checked, after all. ; )
Scott Young did a post awhile back that complements this story well – “Step One is Showing Up” (
As always – thanks, Chris.
I was with a published fiction writer once and a friend asked her if everyone can write a book. She said no because most people want to write about themselves and what people want to read is an interesting story. I’ve thought about this a lot because when I was very young, I wanted to write so people would understand me–at last. But now, I think I have a unique experience that other people would find interesting so I want to write a memoir, but only about one experience. It was so great that I want to relive it and writing is one way to do that. I’m looking forward to the book. Chris.
I want to write a book on the healing power of art.
I want to document my own experience with life challenges and illness, as I learn to create work that truly lifts me up from my deepest fears, and helps me heal my body.
I want to write what I learn and teach it to others.
Not a new concept perhaps, but I will make it my own.
Looking forward to the guide!
Stoked about this one, Chris. Loved David’s sessions at WDS.
My book idea is finally coming together and I’m looking forward to spending some time getting down & dirty with the concept. I want to write on the New Economy, or as I’m calling it: the You-Centered Economy. I want to share what I’ve learned as a business owner in the 21st century, what I’ve observed as a sort of entrepreneur anthropologist, and how others are redefining what the economy looks like at the most fundamental levels.
I am currently writing my families story. I want this genealogy to be more about who the people were than who begot who! I’ve been seriously working on this for about 3 years and it is a labor of love. I will probably end up self publishing for my family members. The generations before me were true pioneers. My grandmother was a divorcee. Looks like grandpa spent some time in prison. Mom and Dad born during the depression survived WWII even though many bombardiers didn’t come home. Etc.
I just wrote an ebook which is a guide to the city I live in: Northampton, Massachusetts USA. It includes, the basics of: how to get here, where to stay, where to eat, shop, drink, and have fun.
I wrote this book because I want to express my abilities, talents and desires to craft this type of publication for others who might desire this type of product, yet can not do it for themselves.
I’ve committed this year to researching and writing a book I’ve had the idea for for a long time. I look forward to your new book. Thanks for always being an inspiration.
“Start with something to say”
That’s a world apart from the advice to “say something” which sometimes passes for purpose in a social media, connected environment.
I think starting with something to say can be expanded way beyond the book author context into a general life principle that’s good to follow 90% of the time. As a father, I expect to have a more meaningful relationship with my kids if I proceed with a good idea of what I want to teach them in life. What do I want them to think the most important thing in life is by my example and our discussions over the years?
There are many other examples in professional and personal situations. And there are times where it’s more important to just get started and “say something” to start a conversation than to “start with something to say” like when someone is obviously having an awful day and just needs some positive interaction.
Great post!
Well, this is very exciting news! I’m looking forward to the new book and am already enjoying the roll out. Yes, having something to say is the utmost. What kind of book do I want to write? It’s already written in course form. Now it’s in tweak mode for book form. Love what you do. Love what you write!
I’ve written a book about the six-month trip I took to the lands of my ancestors last year. It is partially about my own story (how I got there and what happened), and partially a guide for others hoping to connect with their ancestors.
I look forward to seeing the guide, Chris. I published a children’s book six years ago, but the world was so different then. I know this guide is going to have valuable advice for me as I bring this new book to fruition!
I want to tell stories that remind people (or introduce people to the idea) how much we are all alike no matter where we were born, which language we speak or how we worship (if at all). I want to be riding public transit in Mumbai, London or Sydney and see people reading my novel. I want to give people the chance, if only for a fleeting moment, to step out of their own life and into the psyche of someone else or into a muggy monsoon downpour in Kerala or a cozy coffeehouse where the espresso machine is hissing and burbling in Victoria, BC (where I currently live). Will my books be important to anyone besides me? Will they change the world? Probably not, but I’m not sure that that really matters that much.
Really exciting stuff you got going on, Chris and David!
The elusive book idea….it rummages around, comes out to play, and then gets put back onto the list for later!
Have two babies ready to see some sun light:
-The Do-Gooders Guide to Mixing Business with Pleasure
-Where to Put Your Time and Money so Starting Up isn’t a Dead End (or some such snappy-ness!)
Am all about teaching Do-Gooders how to create a business that thoroughly mixes business with pleasure while loving up the 4 P’s (people, planet, prosperity, and purpose…had to change up the triple bottom line!)
And, have a particular affinity for creating a kicka** structure and vision for new businesses trying to get their foundations solid. (This one is in progress!)
Rock on everyone! Your ideas are ready for some air time!!!!
Yay! I can’t wait for this product, Chris! Thanks to you and David for making it happen.
Over 30 years of keeping marine aquaria, I’ve collected lots of stories about the critters we treasure. Friends have encouraged me to compile some of these in a book. That and a book / website to help new / growing aquarists to plan their adventure more successfully. This one may end up being more successful as a web site to take advantage of the interactivity of web-paging.
And, like so many, there’s a novel slowly coalescing in my head. We’ll see if that can become a reality once I get over the fear of committing to it. 🙂
Looking forward to your new work, Chris!
At the end of 2011 I started on my first book together with my Personal Trainer. The working title is “Fit to Lead” and it explains from his view (the fitness side) and my view (the corporate manager side) the positive influence working out can have on today’s managers careers.
Very exciting and extremely scaring at the same time.
Anyone can get published – especially if you are willing to pay for it. Having a book published is nice, but write it because you want to, not because you are trying to make big bucks (because odds are the big bucks won’t happen).
Chris – it’s seem that nearly every day I have someone ask me how they can make money with a book, a blog or a podcast. When I ask what the focus of their content will be they say they don’t know yet – they just want to do something that will make money. I’d say this is a tragic case of the “cart before the horse.” I have found that writing comes easiest when I have a message I simply cannot contain – I’m exploding with the desire to share that message with people. Once I get it out there – in a book, blog or podcast, then money has a way of showing up in unexpected ways.
I agree with you – to create a platform before your have a clear passion and focus would be ridiculous. Akin to opening a restaurant and then starting to decide what kind of food to serve.
Best of luck with book 2 Chris! I’m sure you will make the best of it!
I’ve been blogging since 2006 so I’m sure I have enough material for a book combining my two passions:
-making art, which became essential to my survival when I dealt with cancer years ago.
-practice healing arts, which ultimately helps people learn to express themselves more fully.
At the moment I’m working on an illustrated thematic guide to Homeopathic medicine, which will appeal to Homeopaths and patients. And maybe people that want to understand more about how homeopathy works.
The second book is a greens “cookbook” that my friends begged me to write. I’m known for my salads in potluck circles 😉
My only problem is too many projects! How do you get multiple projects done at the same time Chris? I just started reading “Uncertainty,” which has given me some great ideas on how to create more structure.
Happy New year Chris! Excited about your next guide.
“Surface Design: Digital and Analog” — a pipe dream
surface design is prints on fabric or wallpaper or wrapping paper or…
This sounds exciting, can’t wait to see what’s in store. I want to teach and inspire personal responsibility in others and am planning to write my first draft of my first book this year. As for whether I self publish or seek a “real” deal, we’ll see. But most important, I need to get what’s inside of me out into the world. 🙂
I always wanted to have a book of my poetry published. I’ve been posting it on my online journal for years now, but I don’t know how to go about having it published in honest-to-goodness book form. Looking forward to the guide, maybe it will be what I need to finally get my poetry out there!
I can’t wait to read this, especially since it is a goal of mine to publish my memoir this year! I can’t tell you how much of an inspiration you have been to me. I love you philosophical approach to life and the way you seem to pursue every ambition with such fervor. Thanks again!
A BIG congratulations. I can’t wait to see what you’ve created this go a round.
I wrote a book that was published by Hachette 7 years ago, ‘Digging Deep: Unearthing Your Creative Roots Through Gardening.’ My colleagues pushed me to write it because they thought it would give me more credibility in the field. They were right: it did.
But more importantly, I was able to see and hear my own voice in a REAL BOOK. It felt wonderful to have people at book signings telling me the impact the book had on them. Writing the book validated me to myself.
But after that, my desire to write another book was non-existent. I had nothing to say… I accepted and respected that. My author’s voice is just beginning to re-emerge…what an adventure, eh?
Chris, I absolutely agree with you about publishing a real ‘hands on’ book. I’m a big Kindle user but there is absolutely NOTHING like a hard cover book. Since college or even books, some of my books have been great mentors and guides. When I want take one out to re-read a passage or chapter, it’s always there, like an old friend. It is heartwarming and delicious.
I want to write a book about the first iteration of robots that eventually led to Rosie, the maid from the Jetsons and her existence before she joined the family as the help.
After numerous jobs in corporate America, and mistakes made at each one of them/mistake taking the actual job, I’d like to write a book teaching young people just out of college what mistakes to avoid in building a career and what to expect in corporate america. I have at least one lesson from each place I’ve worked. Basically, it would be a book about how not to screw yourself over.
A comment on the comments..
Big fan of both Sherrod’s “Rosie” idea and Brian’s “How to not get Fucked by Corporate America” idea..You can have those titles..
My Book topic could be on my Chicken and Rice theory, though it might do better as an article.
I’ve got two ebooks in the works. On is an SF anthology called “The Dodo Dragon and other Stories”, and the other is non-fiction – “A Breathtaking Window on the Universe: A guide to the Observatory at the Roque de Los Muchachos.” The second one will have lots of anecdotes and photos, because I worked there for eleven years. Either or both of them might wind up as dead-tree books, depending on how the ebooks sell.
I’m writing a book based (loosely) on my dissertation about World War II’s effect on the home front in my home town in upstate New York. A good friend of mine has a third book coming out on the history of the (sadly extinct) passenger pigeon. Another friend had his third book debut a few weeks ago about Abraham Lincoln’s travels around the USA — beautiful text by an historian with the friend’s gorgeous photographs. Keep inspiring us!!!
I’ve written a book, but I definitely don’t have a sufficient platform yet, so editing it and reshaping it have been put on the back burner. It’s a novel. It takes place in the 2030s, and is an alternate future where the asteroid Apophis is actually going to hit the earth, instead of simply passing close by. Because Earth’s resources are so depleted and the planet is just generally a mess, the scientists evacuate to space stations (along with anyone else to can afford passage), and leave everyone else to die.
Thank you Brian. Of all the previous “I-Want-to-write-a-book-so-bad” people who commented, yours is the only one that will make a difference. Real-life, hands-on experience is the only thing that counts, whereas rewriting Wikipedia is useless.
What’s the matter Adam? Too afraid to fail so instead choose to bring down people who aren’t? Grow up.
Great news. An exciting initiative at a time when most books on ‘getting published’ are about as useful as instructions on how to darn socks.
I’ve had fiction and non-fiction books published and teach and mentor aspiring authors, so have wide exposure to the hidden cogs. I believe the reason most people never achieve the dream is a step before having something to say – the underlying motivation to say it.
Writing to be admired, vent, make money or be recognized is common. It’s the equivalent of wanting a relationship so you don’t have to turn up to parties alone – not a deep enough motivation to get through the long hard slog of an intimate relationship and ultimately self-defeating.
There is only one important person in the equation. Not the writer but the reader. Sounds flamin’ obvious but as soon as aspiring authors truly get this, everything changes.
Writing a book involves thousands of hours carving out words – then the hard work really starts! Making the reader the real source of motivation will generate authentic content and fuel the journey.
I think we’d all agree that your work and your success is testament to that, Chris. Look forward to tomorrow’s installment.
A friend told me I had something helpful to say and so we went down that road and wrote a book together. While there is lots of info out there on narcissism, not much assistance on how to deal with those highly self-absorbed and still feel good about yourself. Thus Sweet Relief from the Everyday Narcissist came to be and hopefully has sweet relief to offer.
Just signed a publishing agreement before Christmas. I’m sure David Fugate’s work would have made our learning curve in the publishing industry more bearable. I’ll have to see how our experience compares with his advice.
I’ve actually got a series of booklets ( 10-12 nos: of about 30 pages each) in mind…. on the fun aspects of mathematics ( fun?). This would be titled ” Patterns in mathematics series”
The work is already in progress and I am making the necessary write-up , drawings / cartoons and models (and photographing them ) . I intend to design the book layout and the cover design myself . I hope to publishing them by end of this year ( initially as e-booklets and later on as a print version …if cost permits ) .
Incidentally , I have used your ideas for my Annual review of 2011 and have prepared my plans for 2012 and publishing this series of e-booklets features as my top priority goal.
Thank you for your wonderful blog . I am enjoying every post , though I don’t always leave a comment.
I’ve worked in the hospitality industry since I graduated high school. I’m strangely addicted to it. Each time I try to do something else, I revert to it like a drug addict reverts back to heroine. I’ve noticed there really isn’t much literature about life behind the scenes of working in the hotel business, but there is a whole bunch of literature about hotels, i.e.,,, etc., but nothing about the people who assist you in making your good (and bad) memories… I love to travel, but I’m a single mother and I have chosen to give my son something more stable than darting all over the world, so I’ve decided if I can’t see the world I’ll make sure the world see’s me. That it has and because of it I never wake up to a “groundhog’s day”, which I can truly appreciate.
I have been blogging for 5 months now on the process we go through when healing from a relationship. It’s real and from the heart. It shows what we all go through and the set backs we have. My Councelor has suggested I put this into a book to help others. I have always wanted to write a book that would empower others to move forward with their lives. I will do this. I just need more information to get to the next step. Thank you!
Reading this was a kick in the pants – for the third time (at least) today. I do have something to say. And I’m working on the platform. Now, I just need to sit my pants down and start typing.
My blog is about the restoration of Shalom for the whole world. It’s a BIG idea (understatement) that I hope to turn into a book someday. BUT, I’d like my first book to be a memoir about where I’ve been (besides jail) and where we (the church, America, emergent Christians, hipsters) are going. I turned 30 last year so I feel like I might be old enough to write about my life. Or to say something theologically profound that I’m not going to want to take back (or tear up) in five years.
I can’t wait to dive into your publishing guide. It’s going to be wild.
Chris, I saw on a previous post of yours that Nate Damm walked across America last year. I tried in 2009, but didn’t make it. Walking across America has been on my bucket list for years. Reading about Nate’s journey inspired me to make another attempt this year. I contacted him, and was encouraged even more so. I’ve been training since October last year. I decided to film a documentary about my journey and also to interview many other people who have walked/run/hiked across America as well to share stories, find out why we did it, see what we had in common, see what we learned, etc.
I also plan to write a book about my experiences and meeting with the others who have crossed America. I’m very into what makes people tick, and it would be interesting to get into their head space as well as my own. People are complicated. Books can be far more in depth than a 120 minute film can be.
Anyhow, that’s what I plan on working on this year and next!
Instead of writing a book, I am drawing one! I also think it would be a hoot to publish my blog with its inside look at scratching out a living in a poor rural community as an artist.
Turning the fear and loathing from a brief reporting career in Waco, ack, Texas, into a novel that has the oomph and essence, in equal parts, of Dave Barry, Joseph Wambaugh and Joseph Heller. Or perhaps I’ve set the bar too low…
Great stuff, Chris. And if you ever wanted to become a book publisher, you’ve got a great lead list here in the comments. 😉
I’m not sure if this will become a book or perhaps start as a manifesto, but an idea has been bubbling up for me the last couple of months – that basically the difference between doing nothing (i.e. going along with the flow) and doing something really meaningful in the world is actually pretty small. In my opinion, many of us don’t pursue the things that we believe in or think might be massive game-changers because it seems so daunting. We look at the people who have done huge things and forget that most of them started off by doing something relatively small.
We’ll see where this leads. Thanks for the question. And, you know, for everything else, too. 🙂
I wrote it! It is about how I learned gratitude while living out of my car at a truck stop for 9 months in Franklin, TN. My home was foreclosed, I was jobless and dealing with alcohol addiction and depression. This is about how my life changed when I started thinking about what I did have and not what I didn’t. It is titled, “You Can Sleep In Your Car But You Can’t Drive Your House To Work”.
I’m really excited for this one!
My first book, is a sci-fi tale about how extreme circumstances evoke extreme reactions, and how those reactions blind a society to their own self-destructive path.
Its sequel is about different paths younger generations take, and how many are driven to outperform their father’s expectations.
I grew up enjoying science fiction that encouraged thought aimed at current events and universal ideas.
I probably fall within the 80% who want to write a book but have not written anything (yet).
Nevertheless, I have been quite actively writing in other forms, e.g. blogs, reports, minutes, etc.
My first book, hopefully, will be on motivation & for career / self development.
A while back I had an idea to write a book… but a different kind of book. A crowd sourced book. The first travel book written by a community.
I ended up being only the coordinator, but I’m happy to have along the ride with me, 111 authors. How cool is that?
Our aim was to share our beliefs (travel means freedom) and life experiences.
Will be launching it very very very soon.
PS: I believe that a crowd sourced book (or a community book) might be a good start for a few of those 80% who want to write a book.
I’ve got a couple of topics I’m interested in writing about. Citizenship in a Globalized Era, Highly-Qualified Immigrants, Diasporas (especially something about the American one in Paris which has been around for over 200 years) and finally a book about my 20+ year relationship with the Hexagon. Yes, I know it’s been done but almost everything I’ve ever read has had me hurling the book against the wall in irritation. I call them “Fairy Tales” because they don’t bear any relationship to what I’ve seen and experienced. I’d like to try to do better.
To that purpose my blog has been very useful. I’ve had to discipline myself to write something every single day. Little by little I’m getting a feel for what people are interested in (some subjects are clearly more popular than others – EU Blue Card, for example). Even some subjects that aren’t terribly popular have had people sending me email that clearly demonstrates that I touched something really deep inside them. Makes me day when that happens. 🙂
I’m in the process of writing my first ebook. I have no experience so I’ll be self taught which should be interesting. It’s really more of a manifesto which seems to be a great way to really figure out what you want to say. So you get to kill two birds with one stone! Wish me luck!
Funny how the world works. I’ve always wanted to write a book. Then forgot about it as I worked in large corporate world as an executive. 2 years ago i fell sick with major depression. Today, I have something to say!!!!!
i’m working on my book proposal now…. it’s been a long process, but why not… it’s my therapy, but now i have something to tell the world about, caution Gen Y female executives about, so I’m gonna say it in my book!
Thanks for the booster 🙂
Noch Noch
A co-author and I wrote a book about dog showing few years ago when e-books weren’t a major force; Facebook and Twitter didn’t exist. We self-published, ordering print runs between 5000-10,000, warehoused books in my garage, sold over the internet and through Amazon Marketplace and a few specialty book sites. We fulfilled individual orders twice a week, and have sold the book in 17 countries though most of the books are sold in the US. Pretty labor intensive, to put it mildly.
Now, at the 8th printing, we’re rethinking our model: we should do a second edition, and we’re debating doing it ourselves again (this time leveraging social media), or to shop the book with publishers, given its track record and that there isn’t anything else current in the niche. You book should be quite valuable in making the decision.
Happy New Year, Chris! I just purchased your UGtoP yesterday and can’t wait to dig in! I never dreamed that I’d have a memoir in me until I crash-boom-splatted off my bike in Tuscany this summer. I cracked my helmet, dented my brain (concussion), and fell into the arms of my Italian cycling leader. He’s already been to the U.S. for a visit, and I’m heading off to France in two weeks. (He plays Ski Instructor in the French Alps during the winter.) It’s all very Under the Tuscan Sun, but much, much juicier. 😀
I have always wanted to write, but I was told decades ago that I needed a Doctorate or at least a BA in the Literary Arts before I even started to think about writing. It wasn’t until I took a class in writing to satisfy a program I started to take in another field, that is when I fell in love all over again with writing. My problem is (and I have many) I have to many topics I want to write about and surprise-surprise I was never taught how to write a book! So I guess this is my main problem. That is the first big thing, the second is I do know what to write about, health and nutrition in reference to the trucking community. I just need information on format.
this is amazing advice! Love the way you write. I hope I’ll someday be one of those few who get to publish a book 😉
take care!
I’m looking Forward to writing my first book though I have a lot of manuscripts but I’m put up one now which I consider the most important and it’s in the tone of “do what you love to do, take up your passion” an inspirational book, hope you render any assistance…..thanks
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