When you locate a center you will need to bring several items with you: proof of identification (photo ID), Social Security Cards for you and all family members, birthdates for you and all family members, wage and earning statements from the income tax year, interest statements from the bank, health insurance statements, a copy of last years federal and state tax returns, and proof of a bank account (routing number and account number).
The VITA program has several sites in most major cities across the country, usually at community and neighborhood centers, libraries, schools, shopping malls, and other convenient locations.
The current guidelines for qualification for VITA are for individuals and families who earn less than $53,000.00 a year, disabled people, or individuals with limited English speaking ability.
When you locate a center you will need to bring several items with you: proof of identification (photo ID), Social Security Cards for you and all family members, birthdates for you and all family members, wage and earning statements from the income tax year, interest statements from the bank, health insurance statements, a copy of last years federal and state tax returns, and proof of a bank account (routing number and account number).
The VITA program has several sites in most major cities across the country, usually at community and neighborhood centers, libraries, schools, shopping malls, and other convenient locations.
The current guidelines for qualification for VITA are for individuals and families who earn less than $53,000.00 a year, disabled people, or individuals with limited English speaking ability.
VITA qualification is too high
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