Extreme Gratitude, NYC Edition

Greetings from the Atlanta-Hartsfield airport, home to Delta, Chick-fil-A, and a hidden post office in Terminal E.
I used to fly through ATL all the time, but since I’ve switched airline allegiance, this is the first time I’ve been here in nearly a year. Tonight I’m headed down to MIA and then further down to South America. I’m excited! But first, let’s catch up on the past week.
NYC Meetup
On Tuesday night after my visit to Seth Godin HQ, I headed over to midtown Manhattan to meet the rest of New York City.
I co-hosted this event with Jonathan Fields, fellow problogger, author of Career Renegade, yoga superstar, and all-around fun guy. The day before the meetup, Jonathan and I filmed a short video interview in Central Park that you can watch if you don’t mind all the random distractions – birds, children, and me.
Jonathan is on my short list of highly-trusted colleagues, along with Pam Slim and J.D. Roth, who I had the chance to hang out with on Friday after I came home from the trip.
The meetup was jam-packed with incredible people from all walks of life – HUGE THANKS to everyone I met that night. It was all a little overwhelming (so many people! $5 drink specials!), but in a good way.
At La Guardia airport the next morning I made a quick thank-you video and tried to mention everyone who wrote their name in my notebook. (Click the ‘play’ button below to view it – and thanks as well to everyone who was there but missed the notebook when it was passed around.)
Store Updates
If I had a bookkeeper, he or she would remind me that I’m supposed to be using this weekly update to talk up my products and the gradual growth of my business.
Oh, right. I forgot about that.
It’s hard to build a business while you’re hanging out with cool people and traveling the world, but somehow it must get done. Two very quick updates about that:
*Art and Money guide – The incredible Ali Edwards is now part of the project. Ali writes a Top 500 Technorati blog about art and creativity, and now she’s also in the guide as a new interview feature. (If you already own Art and Money, you’ll be getting an update with Ali’s interview this week. If not, well, here is all the info to get the product and get on the update list.)
*Working for Yourself guide – since the (small) price increase a few weeks ago, I’ve added even more materials to the premium version of the product. Once again, if you already own it, you’ll see these materials showing up in the email update series in the next 10 days or so. If not, here’s where you need to go to get in on it.
More fun things are in development for the business side of AONC, thankfully with partners who are less affected by ADD, Twitter, and world travel than I am.
Monster Trip
I realized I haven’t said much about my trip yet. I’m in transit today (PDX-ATL-MIA) and will be in South America tomorrow. Then, over the next 20 days I’ll be on various continents as I journey from the Americas to the Middle East before going on to Asia and eventually back home. Real-time updates are on Twitter, and more details and logistics will be posted tomorrow.
Every trip has its challenges. The big challenge with this one so far is that I still haven’t received my visa for Saudi Arabia, where I’m scheduled to arrive in about 10 days. I have two passports, so my main one is with me now – but the duplicate one is at the NYC consulate of Saudi Arabia.
It’s too soon to tell, but I’m hoping that they’ll finish their pre-screening of my application and come through a visa early this week. If not, we have a problem, but that’s just how it goes. I could always stay home, right?
Farewell, friends. See you next from Miami, La Paz, Lima, Bogota, etc.
Image of Chris and Jonathan courtesy of Emily