Art and Money

Lately I’ve had a lot of reasons to think about the relationship between Art and Money. There’s much to say about that subject, and we’ll cover it from different angles over the next few months. To kick off the series, here’s a quick story from the archives of unhappy people on the internet.
Andrea Scher writes over at Superhero Designs, where she also sells homemade jewelry and does commercial photography. For five years and counting, she’s provided regular inspiration for a hyperactive community of women, fellow artists, and self-proclaimed superheroes.
So anyway, last week Andrea announced that she would be doing a site redesign, and the new site will include a few spaces for sponsors in the right column. This is the normal protocol for full-time bloggers – build a community, write for free, and have some advertisers on the right-side that help pay the bills. That’s not my plan here, but I have no problem with people who do it that way.
No big deal, right? Well… in the comments section of an otherwise tame blog, a few people felt like the world had ended. Here’s what some of them had to say:
- “it is not right to put an ad on your beauty. it is not healthy for everything to be for sale. this is a cultural sickness.” -kelly
- “I really never thought I would see ads on your Superhero Journal. I won’t read it anymore because I am tired and sickened by the selling of America. You can paint it and dress it in pearls but that’s what this is. ADS. Ads. ads. I feel so sad.” –penelope
- “i am opposed to advertising impacting every aspect of our existence and I wish more of us would keep boundaries around our creative space and say ‘this is not for sale!’” -katie
Someone even compared Andrea to a cocaine dealer and email spammer – yes, seriously. It reminded me of this article in my favorite non-newspaper, The Onion.
Really, putting an ad on a blog is as bad as selling cocaine? It seems that the hyperbole of the internet takes over in full force with some blog commentors, who strangely enough don’t usually provide links to their own blogs.
Of course, most people aren’t that silly. There were dozens of positive comments posted on Andrea’s blog supporting her decision, with 95% of the people expressing their appreciation for all of the free inspiration she continually brings to her community. In the end I have no doubt that she will benefit more from the exchange than if no one had complained at all.
But most of us tend to focus on – and worry about – the complainers who want to hold everyone down to the level of average.
I talked to someone from San Diego the other day and mentioned the singer-songwriter Jason Mraz, who lives there. “I really like his music,” I said.
“Yeah,” he said. “Although now that he is all famous and everything, he no longer plays coffee shops, so I don’t like him as much.”
You hear this kind of attitude a lot about musicians. Now that he can afford to have a house and buy health insurance for his family, Dave Matthews sucks. Coldplay was cool before they started selling out arenas, but now they are the band everyone loves to hate.
(The funny thing is that Coldplay’s new album has been #1 for weeks in most countries that track record sales… so if everyone hates them, who is buying the album? Hmmm.)
When you are a starving artist that lives by donations, that’s cool too. But when you become successful enough that more people want to appreciate your art, all of a sudden you become the target of jealousy and resentment from less successful people.
Unfortunately, it’s not only the critics who feel this way—some artists have a similar complex of their own that holds them back.
I usually end up meeting artists whenever I travel, and I’ve noticed that some (certainly not all, but a significant minority) seem to have a fear of letting money come anywhere near their art. They think that selling something, anything, is the same as “selling out.” They worry that people will criticize them if they decide to go commercial – and as we can see from Andrea’s recent experience, they’re probably right.
Paradoxically, by not taking the next step in their art, they are severely limiting themselves. Bill Cosby said once, “I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.”
Being 100% non-commercial is safe and easy – no one can complain, because you work for free. To take it up a level, you have to enter the marketplace.
My Upcoming Cocaine Dealership
Talking about Art and Money is not a hypothetical discussion for me. I won’t be putting ads on the site because that’s not really my style, but as I have said from the beginning, I have no objection to people earning money from their art form.
With that in mind, I’m creating a series of Unconventional Guides that will be offered for sale here on the site. The guides will feature 100% practical information focused on specific topics related to Life, Work, and Travel. In the guides I’ll explain exactly how I travel around the world, pay relatively little for airfare, earn money without a job, and so on.
More importantly, I’ll explain how you can do the same, or even better—how you can use the strategies to do whatever it is that you are interested in.
The first report is called the Unconventional Guide to Discount Airfare and will launch on Wednesday morning. I’m pretty excited about it. In 31 pages of specific strategies and tactics, I’ll tell you exactly how you can become your own travel guru and pay a lot less for plane tickets than virtually everyone else out there.
Of course, the guide will be professionally designed, include free updates for life, a complete satisfaction guarantee, coffee refills at Starbucks, etc.*
(*The coffee refills may not happen. But everything else will.)
I already know that some people will love this. I get emails every day asking for this kind of information, and I spent a lot of hours writing the Discount Airfare guide. I’ll be surveying the readers who purchase it to determine which guide I should write next, and to keep it as accessible as possible, I’ll price the guide a lot lower than market value.
Other people won’t love it or just won’t need the information, and that’s fine too – that’s why it’s a paid product, so that those who can benefit from it will buy it, and those for whom it is not relevant for can sit it out. No problem. Assuming this guide is well-received, I’ll be making more of them, and maybe something else will be a better fit for you. Or maybe not, and that’s also OK, because my writing on the site will always be free.
But if someone thinks I’m as bad as a cocaine dealer for selling products that improve people’s lives, well, they’ll just have to think that, because I could probably not convince them otherwise.
For everyone else, I hope you like it. I’ll see you on Wednesday with more details about the guide, and an order link for those who are interested.
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Image by guano
Interested in the job guide:)))
Waiting for it!
Cheers man!
I majored in an artistic field at a college in a very artistically minded city and I minored in marketing (because I wanted to become profitable)! In one of my classes, the professor shared a fantastically creative idea that had been done by a corporation. In conclusion she stated, “this would have been awesome had an artist done it.”
I’ve never been one to keep my opinions to myself and so I spoke up, “are you saying that the people who created this are not artist?”
What ensued was a conversation to define what an “artist” was. As what happens in most academic debates, we agreed to disagree.
I strongly feel that artists should be rewarded for their art and I look forward to your “Unconventional Guides.” What I fear is, it will become like cocaine, and I will be addicted, requiring a constant supply. I hope you are up for it! :).
Rock on.
I call it “Van Gogh Syndrome”–the curious fear of money that artists tend to have.
Everybody knows that Vincent Van Gogh died in poverty. What most people DON’T know is that there was at least one incident where someone offered to buy a painting from him, but Van Gogh couldn’t bear to sell it . . . so he gave it to the person instead.
Such a great post Chris, and so true!
I see it every day and it drives me nuts.
I agree with the Bill Cosby advice. If you focus on the (drinking up all your info eagerly for free) naysayers, you will never have the energy and resources to keep contributing great things to the world.
Commerce is not evil, it is all about how we use it.
Keep up the good work — and good for you for creating products!
I think we’ve got a couple of things going in relation to artists making money. One is that, when you like an artist who isn’t famous it’s more “cool” than when they are. Liking them before makes you a trendspotter. Liking them after makes you one of the crowd. Then there’s fear of change, which is probably accounts for some of the comments on Andrea Scher’s site. The rest is some bizarre, film influenced, anti-capitalist notion of “being free” and “art being for everyone.” As an artist and someone who has worked with artists, I’m glad to say the “art is above money” crowd is very small. My guess is that most of them are trust fund babies or have rich/doting spouses. Those without funds are likely to starve to death and make the category even smaller.
In a country without a patronage system and largely without government support, most serious artists must have a way to make money, preferably from their art, but not always. Congratulations to both you and Ms. Scher for finding models to do so. I’m envious.
Funny thing about the latest Coldplay album, too…I personally think it’s their best album so far. After the first couple of listens, I told friends that this was their “Joshua Tree” album. Of course, “Joshua Tree” is probably where U2 sold out… 😉
Anyway, I’m looking forward to the airfare guide, and I’ll definitely buy it. The wife and I are starting to make plans for a Europe trip next summer, and expert tips are always a good thing.
And I definitely think artists have a right to get payed!
It makes sense to me that an increasingly popular blogger might want to put up ads. However, in Andrea Scher’s case, it doesn’t seem like she’s planning on putting up ads that will encourage people to walk away from their mortgages, spend money on pyramid schemes, or other morally and criminally questionable intentions. To me, having never read her blog, it seems that she wants to build her community – as you said – by having other artists and craftspeople advertise so that they may gain recognition. At the same time, this helps Andrea out to gain some revenue as well.
Also, what makes a blogger different from a regular book author (other than in the obvious sense)? Authors get royalties from the books they sell. Bloggers can make money from the number of hits on their site (in a loose way of describing it). If people want to read her blog or purchase her artwork as a way of supporting her, why can’t she also pursue her own methods of support by also advertising, building a community, and creating a larger network of artists?
Short version: People are making a big deal out of something that largely does not pertain to them. If they’re so into talking about the freedom of art – and ultimately the freedom of expression – then why are they limiting this woman’s own freedom of expression.
Also, I cannot wait for your new report! I’m surprised you didn’t mention it sooner (I know you mentioned it in passing some posts ago, but I meant with more of a pre-release tone). I think it’ll be a perfect way to answer everyone’s demanding questions about your travel experiences.
All these people have to do is ignore the ads and keep enjoying that blog!, just because there are ads on the site, does not mean you have to click on them, and I would have thought that if you enjoyed someones blog, you would want to see them earn something from what you are enjoying reading so much, but I guess thats how only a few of us feel?.
As for your books Chris, I cant wait to get hold of them, if they are anywhere near as good as your writing on this blog, you will do very well, and you deserve too!.
“One is that, when you like an artist who isn’t famous it’s more “cool” than when they are. Liking them before makes you a trendspotter. Liking them after makes you one of the crowd. ”
Oooh, I hate hate hate HATE that mindset! It’s so limiting. Why should it matter WHEN you found out about something, as long as you ENJOY it? Yes, I was one of the fifty gazillion people who had never heard anything by Nick Drake until Volkswagen used “Pink Moon” in an arty little TV commercial. But you know what? Because of that commercial, I thought “hey, I like this, I want to hear more of it” and thus was I introduced to the glories of Nick Drake and have had many ecstatic moments to his music ever since. (I’m actually not exaggerating.)
Sorry. That just got me all ranty. Carry on.
I’m excited about the guides! Sign me up for them all right now. 😉
I’m almost convinced the people who complain about ads are the ones who can’t help themselves from clicking on them and buying whatever it’s selling. Everyone else on the Internet has learned to completely ignore them, right down to the point that they no longer process seeing them. I have no problem with ads on a site so long as they do not interfere with the content or try to exploit holes in my browser.
I heard a quote on TV the other day which stuck in my mind, and relates to exaggerated criticisms:
“You can’t reason a person out of a position they didn’t arrive at by reason” – (original source unknown)
It might be a waste of time using logic and reason to argue against criticisms that are rooted in ignorance, prejudice, and blind assumptions. Someone who says putting a few ads on a blog is as bad as selling cocaine obviously hasn’t based that claim on logic or rational thought, and is not likely to be swayed by mere trivialities such as truth, logic or common sense.
For years I’ve been collecting the lint from my navel, achieving the world’s largest collection – and profiting from it. The most common criticism I get is “you’ve obviously got too much time on your hands” – despite me emphasising that this habit only consumes ten seconds per day (not much compared to the 3 hours 7 mins the average Australian spends sitting in front of the TV). No matter how much I point out how little time it consumes, I keep getting critics jumping to the same illogical (and untrue) assumption. I’ve given up responding to them.
Nowadays the seriousness with which I take a criticism is in proportion to the reasoning that has gone into constructing it. This means that most criticisms can be safely ignored!
Anyway, thanks Chris for all your writings. I’m one of many, I suspect, who have been silently appreciating it but without commenting.
I’m also one of those who believes that someone who creates something that others enjoy deserves to be rewarded for it – obviously I’m not a real artist 🙂 . I look forward to buying cocaine from you, oops I mean e-books.
I’ve been reading your blog now for just a couple weeks and am glad I found it. Best of luck in your travels, your life and your upcoming guide series.
Lot’s of great comments – I’m glad to see they all fall in the positive camp. Personally, I think there is a small segment of the population that are just basically negative. Whether it’s an artist “selling out”, our government “in consipiracy”, or Starbucks “getting too big”, there is always an excuse to gripe and point out what they think is wrong with everything. I’ve come across a number of those people and that is simply just the way they are. The best thing to do is minimize your interaction with them so it doesn’t rub off.
I also think it’s funny how some people have this tendency to put limits on people’s dreams. We all talk about the “American Dream”, just don’t be TOO successful. Bill Gates – software darling growing a business out of his garage = success story. Bill Gates making billions = corporate greed. Be successful, just not too successful.
Hey – sorry for the rant, I guess this struck a nerve. Negativity just drives me crazy.
I’m a musician, so I can understand where the sell-out sentiment comes from.
You see, when a musician is not well-known, it’s easy to believe that they’re making music purely for artistic reasons. We all want the art we love to be created for artistic and noble reasons.
But when an artist becomes famous, all the sudden it’s hard to ignore that what they’re doing is making money. We start to doubt the “purity” of their motive. Maybe they’re doing it because it makes money.
I myself can appreciate the sentiments. The songs I love are my personal, emotional investments. But yet, the matter is not so black and white, as always. Will an artist keeps making music (with all the money and resources required to make it as well as it can) if there were no demand for his music?
I make music because I want to, and I’m making it to the audience of one — me. But I’m also darn proud of having a product to sell. I don’t think about anything except making music I’m happy with, when I’m making it. But once it’s done, I put my business hat on — which is also a very, very creative endeavor — and figure out how to tell the world I have something I consider valuable.
So that’s how I merge my art and commerce. To each his own, but in my mind, to grow mature means to recognize the vast shade of gray.
You certainly can’t please everybody. I realize that everyone is trying their best at any given moment and that’s enough. Great post!
Chris, this is such an innovative approach to authorship – free Guide to World Domination (which was amazing and spread like wildfire I’m sure), then follow up with inexpensive, yet valuable other guides that target your core audience.
Have you seen this approach elsewhere or is it something you’ve developed yourself? I was just brainstorming this morning about what authorship is going to be like in 10 years with the advent of blogs, “guides”, free ebooks, etc. It seems like the whole landscape will shift and those adapting with it/innovating will reap the greatest rewards (except for the exceptional/lucky few writers who get their books on a best seller list).
I wish you all the best and will examine the value of each guide before I buy.
Steve Pavlina wrote about this on his blog a while back.
From “Blogging for Money”
“When you commit to blogging for income instead of merely blogging as a hobby, you’ll surely have to deal with cynics who whine and complain that you’ve somehow joined the dark side, as if you’ve done them serious personal harm by deciding to get paid for your work instead of bending over backwards to serve their needs for free. Understand that cynics aren’t offering you a fair exchange – they’re asking you to commit to an abusive relationship.
Cynics hold the nonsensical belief that they’re entitled to something for nothing. They want you to serve them, while they offer you nothing in return.
One of the downsides of blogging is that its very nature tends to reinforce the belief that it’s OK to get something for nothing, that it’s fair and reasonable to soak up value that people work hard to create without providing fair value in return. It puts people in a state of receiving without giving. I’d need a whole other article to explore this situation in enough depth to do it justice, but in the context of blogging for income, cynicism is an infection you need to watch out for.”
@Sarashay, great rant!
I love all the comments here and couldn’t resist adding one more – maybe one reason why a small segment of the community can’t help from being (unconstructively) critical is because they’re jealous that someone else is actually taking steps to bring their vision to reality. Criticizing others distracts one from doing what should be done – one’s own work.
@Hayden Tompkins – I like your remarks about cynics and the dark side. Makes me want to put on my tee shirt: “Come over to the dark side – we have cookies.”
Best luck with the guides–I’m looking forward to Life and Work topics. I’m also looking forward to making money as a writer.
Love the tee shirt.
I have a friend that I worked with years ago when we were both out of college. We used to hang out a lot. We both ended up leaving the company to pursue other interests. We kept in touch, then feel out of touch, then got back in touch a couple years ago.
My friend has eventually ended up as a “C” level executive for a division of GM (he is no longer in the position), and travelled quite a bit. We used to get together for breakfast every once in a while on a Saturday morning when he was in town.
One morning, he was looking very guant. Normally a tall, muscular-looking man, I could see the veins in his neck. I asked him what this issue was and he just looked at me and said “Oh, you didn’t know?” Umm, didn’t know what?
Turns out my friend was manic-depressive all these years. I never knew and it never came up. He was on the tail end of an episode that had him losing around 30 pounds. We talked a bit and it was fascinating to find out such a big thing about a friend of mine that I never knew.
ANYWAY – in the middle of him telling me he was manic-depressive, I happened to look down at his tee shirt. It was jet black, with a scratchy, gothic kind-of font that read:
“I hear voices and they don’t like you”
Actually burst out laughing in Bob Evans. What a hoot given what we were talking about. Just thought you might like that.
Money and art are inextricably entwined.
Where an artist does not want the taint of money, is in the studio. During process. There’s a boundary to be drawn while creating.
But how dare anyone question my right to be rewarded, to expect a fair exchange.
Shame on them, the idiots , how do they get their food? Body and soul people, we have to keep that together too. Ugh. Cretins.
I like your tee shirt too. 🙂
I have a dear friend who is an Artist. She made over 20 very large paintings and multimedia work over 20 years ago, then started a relationship with alcohol and never worked again. At 75, she sells the paintings now for $8,000 and up, and barely makes enough to cover her living expenses.
I have been a technical marketing representative for software companies for the last 25 years, so I come from an environment where the art is made with the understanding that it will be subjected to commercial forces, and the most popular titles will survive, while others will not remain in the marketplace.
She flatly denied that the work our programmers and graphical artists was doing was “art” because it wasn’t “pure.” She had become so enamored with her starving artist identity that she insisted that the term “Art” was reserved only for those individual pieces that transcended all human condition. She insisted that Thomas Kincaid, whose work is loved by millions of people, was not an artist because his work was popular, and because he made many copies, diluting its impact as an art form.
By her definition, even Van Gogh’s “pure” art has been massively diluted by being made into posters, post cards, greeting cards, t-shirts, etc. Somehow, popularity sullies the work in her eyes.
I don’t think she was very popular in high school.
However, I think the opposite is true: once art is disseminated widely and becomes part of a society’s identity, its impact has been massively magnified, and the artist has been able to touch and move many people. You can change the world with your point of view if your art has a broader reach than the hundreds who may pass by it hanging on a museum wall in an ancient European city.
I think wealth has been sullied by the church, who associated money as the root of all evil, and demanded that people fork it over to the church to keep their souls clean.
However, I don’t think paying rent on time and fulfilling one’s debt obligations is dirty, and I don’t think saving for one’s retirement is dirty. And I don’t think money is dirty unless it is used to fuel the evil deeds of an evil person, or to feed the addictions of tortured souls. Then, it’s not the money itself that is dirty. Just as the chain saw can be used to clear the yard of dangerous dead trees that could fall on one’s home, in the wrong hands such a powerful tool can be an instrument of massacre. Blame the hands, not the tool.
I write because I love writing, but I’m also in it for the money (there’s money in fiction?). My blog for the past two years has been a hobby and this year I’m monetizing it, not with ads, but with what you’re doing Chris – selling my own writing.
For me, as long as the blogger stays true to themselves and works with integrity, then I think advertising or whatever other sort of monetization scheme is great – after all, why not make money from all the work we put into our blogs?
People have a right to be paid for their time, trouble and knowledge. For a long time I felt that artists and other creative people should share their creativity for free, but that idea is wrong. People need to be compensated for the time and effort they have expended in learning and mastering their craft. Too many people, especially those less talented, less successful and less ambitious, believe that they should be given something for nothing. Unfortunately they are also the most vocal when it comes to complaining and demanding.
If you’re good people will pay you for the privilege of experiencing your art and your talent. Being able to support yourself, even at a higher living standard than others believe you “should” have, is your right and duty. Your quote by Bill Cosby was right on, you can’t please everyone, nor should you try. Stay true to yourself and demand to be paid for what you are worth.
“Thou shall not stop liking a band just because they have become popular”.
I’m a little bit conflicted about this. I’m a believer in capitalism and all of the good things that it brings. I have no problem with artists making money. That being said, I wish somehow we weren’t so inundated with advertising. Right now I’m thinking about all the sports stadiums and events that are named after whatever corporation puts up the most money. “Soldier Field” or “The Rose Bowl” sounds so much better than “3Com Park” or “The Tostitos Fiesta Bowl”. Rides at Disneyland have corporate sponsorship for Christ’s sake! Is that really necesary? If I pay $80+ to get into an amusement park, why do I have to read a billboard for FedEx while I’m standing in line for 2 hours to watch Space Mountain? They’re putting adds on the little divider stick thingies at the check out stand at the grocery store. I wonder how much of this advertising really gets through? I think pretty much all of it is getting tuned out.
Anyway… about artists getting paid. I’m sure somebody already brought it up, but I think the real question is whether or not the artists integrity is compromised by trying to cater to a larger audience for the purpose of making more money. Like I said before – I’m all for capitalism, but if you don’t want anybody to question your integrity I guess you have to do it for free. Art supplies cost money and artists have to eat. Catch 22.
Best thing to do as an artist is to “sell out” immediately, so nobody could can accuse you of changing your style to get paid 🙂 $$$$$$
The relationship between art and money is a pretty complex beast. One thought is that art has intrinsic value and is itself an end, not just a means to an end. Art (specifically music) to me is more than something to be manufactured, marketed, and consumed. I guess it’s a question of perspective. What is the purpose of your art? I am creative because creativity is a part of who I am. It’s more important to me to be creative, and to affect people’s lives, and to contribute to the community than to get rich and famous and to score groupies. Still, there is money involved and we can’t ignore that. I try to see it as the community supporting my art. Still, getting paid for gigs and recordings is one thing, but customizing your music for maximum sales potential is something else entirely. Part of what makes art interesting is authenticity. When you bring commerce into it, people start to question your motives. “Is this art really a reflection of the artist, or are they just trying to sell me something?” Art made for commercial purposes is very seldom interesting. On the inverse, art made from desperation is usually the most inspiring. Maybe it’s true – “when they were nobodies they were awesome, but now they suck.” The artist got rich and lazy and just started making uninspired art, formulated to sell. There is also the question of control. Once a musician signs a record deal with a major label, their rights go out the window. Their creative decisions are now dictated by a faceless international corporation. This happens all the time, even at an independent level. Many bands and musicians have voluntarily chosen to avoid record labels for this very reason. The bottom line is, you need to determine what success means to you. It’s possible to make the art you want the way you want and to even make a living at it, without selling your soul, with your integrity in tact, and with honest motives.
A little late on the bandwagon, but I do want to clarify the popupar misconception that “wealth has been sullied by the church, who associated money as the root of all evil”. (Anne M)
It is “…THE LOVE OF money” that is considered a “root of all kinds of evil”. (2 Tim 6:10). And further goes on to say : “Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.” (NIV) Greed, in other words, has in certain instances caused people pain , (according to the writer Paul)
I do agree with that.
And I agree that artists should be able to earn a guilt-free living from their art.
(Maybe this Bible passage has been twisted by the church itself, so Anne may be right, but its good to know how it stands in the source!)
new to your blog, referred from Seth Godin’s blog. Love it! thanks Chris!
Very late to this party, but if you haven’t read Margaret Atwood’s “Negotiating with the Dead” I think you’d like it. It’s her book on writing, and it has a section on the odd relationship between art and commerce:
“I can still hear the sneer in the tone of the Parisian intellectual who asked me, ‘Is it true you write the bestsellers?’ ‘Not on purpose,’ I replied somewhat coyly. Also somewhat defensively, for I knew tehse equations as well as he did, and was thoroughly acquainted with both kinds of snobbery: that which ascribes value to a book because it makes lots of money, and that which ascribes value to a book because it doesn’t.”
Coffee refills at Starbucks actually CAN be free :). Just buy a gift card for yourself and register it, then reload it when need be. You get free syrups and soy milk too! (YAY)
Just thought i’d put that out there, since this seems like a community of fellow free loving people.
Awesome blog, thank you so much for sharing your thoughts Chris!
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Hi there, all is going perfectly here and ofcourse every one is sharing facts, that’s in fact fine, keep up writing.
Incredible article! Thank you for sharing with us!
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