Entrepreneur: Someone who is willing to work 24 hours a day for themselves to avoid working 1 hour a day for someone else.
Don’t want to work the same way everyone else does? Me either.
Have you ever felt that you meant for more than your average 9-5 work gig? Do you seek fulfilling work Every day since April 2008, I’ve shared tools and resources with a small army of remarkable people. If you’ve ever felt “there must be more to life than this,” The Art of Non-Conformity is for you.
Here are a few of the most popular posts related to work, entrepreneurship, and freedom:
Resign Your Job Every Year: If you’re not feeling absolutely fulfilled in your current job, make a commitment to resign your job every year until it’s your best situation possible.
279 Days to Overnight Success: Friends and readers, here is my second manifesto, 279 Days to Overnight Success. It tells the story of this web site, but more importantly, it offers 11,000 words of free advice on how to create your own success with your own project.
How to Earn Money While Traveling – Fact and Fiction: Want to make money while on the road? It’s definitely possible, and more and more people are doing it all the time—but you may need to change your thinking to make it happen.
How to Get Paid for What You Love: How can you do something you love and make a good living from it? Much of my Unconventional Guides business is devoted to answering this question in one way or another.
How to Conduct Your Own Annual Review: The idea is to create a road map for the year ahead—not a rigid daily schedule, but an overall outline of what matters to you and what you hope to achieve in the next year
How to Start a Blog or Any Website for $5: Starting a blog doesn’t need to be expensive, in fact it can even be free, but many of us will find that it’s better to invest a small amount of money and get more benefits and features.
If Plan A Fails, Remember That You Have 25 Letters Left: There’s no shame in having a plan B, or even plans C–Z. Use the “if this, then that” method to make a backup plan for every career choice, and then make a backup for the backup. If one strategy doesn’t work, move to the next.
My Morning Routine: Why I Do the Same Things Every Day: I’ve been a longtime fan of MyMorningRoutine.com, which regularly interviews interesting people to learn how they spend their mornings. The founders recently asked to feature me on the site, and of course I was thrilled!
Joy, Money, and Flow: The Three Qualities of Purposeful Work: There are plenty of things you could do with your career, but the people who are most successful have found the perfect combination of joy, money, and flow.