
Welcome, Awesome Person!



Hey there.

Let’s cut to the chase: every day, all of us have no shortage of inputs competing for our attention.

Yet you came to our website, entered your email, and signed up to hear more.

We’re honored. It’s now our duty to compete against the other messages in your inbox and to earn our keep. We’ll do this by delivering information that is interesting and helpful to your life.

What It’s All About

I’m Chris Guillebeau (Gil-a-beau), publisher of the blog and host of the community. If you’re curious, you can read more about me here.

More important, AONC is a community of more than 70,000 awesome people from all over the world. Our core message is: You don’t have to live your life the way other people expect you to. You can do good things for yourself and for others at the same time.

The community is diverse, consisting of people from all ages and backgrounds, and coming from more than 150 countries.

My latest book, The $100 Startup, was a New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller. It’s now out in all local bookstores and was followed by a 40-city tour in North America and beyond.

And here are a few other projects we produce:

Wherever you’re from and whatever is happening in your life, we’re glad to have you. Thanks for being around!

Keep rocking the universe,



P.S. Hanging out elsewhere? Say hi from anywhere, anytime ->

Twitter: @chrisguillebeau
Facebook: /theartofnonconformity
G+: +ChrisGuillebeau
Instagram: 193countries