I’m not sure how it happened either
But I finally realized I can’t keep up.
After resisting this trend for years, I’ve finally given in and admitted that I can’t keep up with email any longer.
It’s not you, it’s me … or maybe it’s you, too.
Until I reached this decision, I felt guilty almost every single day. Nice people like you would write me, and I wouldn’t get back to them for days, weeks, or months. I wanted to, but if I started replying to some messages, invariably I’d fall behind on many others.
Then I’d be even further behind on the other things I’ve committed to make: books, podcast episodes, talks, my budding cat furniture business, etc.

So with much angst and hand-wringing, I decided to set up the little autoresponder you saw when you clicked on this link. I’m sorry to say that I’m no longer able to reply to most requests for interviews, book blurbs, endorsements, or meetings.
I don’t offer any consulting, and I try to do 80-90% of my work for free or low-cost through the books, blog, and podcast. That way, more people can access what I create, and I can sleep more than three hours every night.
Please understand: you’re still awesome, and I hope we can connect further sometime! I just can’t keep up. And ultimately I know I’ll do better work if I don’t feel guilty about my inbox every day.
In case of emergency, here’s how to break the glass.
—> If you need help with something related to WDS, please send a note through this form.
—> For anything related to Side Hustle School, use this one.
—> If anything else is terribly urgent, send a note to team AT chrisguillebeau DOT COM, and someone will attempt to summon the bat signal.
Most of all … if you’re writing to send me an update, or to say that you read one of my books—THANK YOU!!! I do try to read all of those messages, and I’m honored to be a small part of your big world.
Yours in the revolution,

Twitter @chrisguillebeau | Instagram @193countries